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I remember hearing it was better than all the Igavanias that came after SotN
It's okay. It took a WHILE for it to be updated enough to really be smooth, comfortably played, without a ton of crashes, and many of the versions still do (because they stopped updating them).
If you're on PC though, it's fine. pretty bog standard, purist metroidvania. 8/10 for me, 7/10 from most of my friends, it's totally playable, there are fun moments, but the magic of sotn is the density of all the content, almost EVERY room has some secret, some explicit purpose, or something else making it worth being in. Bloodstained has a lot more 'worthless' rooms.
It's good but it's not on the same level of CotM, Soma's games or PoR. If it was an actual Castlevania it would be considered about average for the series hampered by a very rushed last half.
It's solid game. It plays just like castlevania. If you like castlevania, you should consider bloodstained the continuation.
It feel like the game was trying hard to be NOT CASTLEVAIA in monster types. hopefully the sequel relaxes on that and he get more iconic creatures of the night.
The problem with that is Castlevania pretty much grabbed the great majority of well known mythical creatures for it's enemy selections so Bloodstained had to either redesign them as to not be blatant rip-offs of Konami's versions or just make up new shit that aren't as interesting looking. Those black goo monsters that behaved almost exactly like zombie and skeleton mooks were a good example of boring enemy designs.
I started playing it again and it's crazy how addictive it is. Got the fairy minion again and spent 20ish minutes getting 8 more shards. She's not that useful offensively because her spell is slow as fuck, but she gives me healing pots and points out destructible walls.
Why announcing a sequel when they dont show a damn thing except a logo? Was it fake news
Because they want to drum up hype and will use that hype to pitch to publishers or investment firms to get money to develop it.
Kickstarter was clearly not enough money for them, they had to do like 3 or 4 extra funding rounds because they barely had any money.
Because they want fans to know that they're making a game?
Thankfully IGA regrets using kickstarer so next game won't have backer shit like the portraits and hopefully it won't take 5 years to finish the game
Remember, Bloodstained had a misterious foreign baker that give a hefty amount of money to finish the game, otherwise would have been cancelled, and even so they needed more money, hence they use part of tge money to finance the 2D spinoff games to get a bit more cash.
I can't even get it to start on PC.
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Yeah, this time, will be the next PicRel.
There's still plenty of more obscure kinds of monsters they could have pulled from, like Eloko, Cherufe, Hundun, Aigamuchab, etc.
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I love this enemy, and that its shard gives you a spell that makes everything easy mode for a good while.
ProcedGen was a mistake
That's exactly what I said, every kickstarter game besides maybe shovel knight and hollow knight have had significant and major issues after kickstarter, expecting that it would be enough money.
Since 2018 or so every kickstarter game has pretty plainly stated that kickstarter is used as an initial funding round for proof of interest so they can reach out to publishers.
It's decent. The extra character game modes are entertaining.
Play her DLC.
Already did and got all three endings. Was really fun and they really refined Simon's quest.
I love my wife Bloodless!
I'm just glad it didn't end up as another MN9. Or as the first MN9, it's been a while since.
It's as good as the IGAvanias. Definitely better than Cot .
Better than Cotm
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Is Dominique's DLC worth the price of admission?
I don't know what kind of troll would say that. But it's definitely not a bad game either.
For a castletroid it's entertaining enough. It's main flaws are just being easy(unless you're going for challenges like beating all bosses without being touched), and not having enough weapon/shard variety that're actually useful. Too much of both categories are only linear upgrades or absolute copypaste junk.
The bonus characters are fun though(other than zangetsu who's clumsy as hell and somehow looks even more out of place than every other model,) and there are a bunch of extra modes now to give you some added variety.
In the end though, the normal game just lacks a certain amount of charm and replayability that the iga CVs had. Kickstarter, so it's probably wrong to expect equality, but without randomizer and the other extras, most people would probably be shelving it for long periods after their first couple playthroughs.
Good soundtrack
2-4 hours game, its mostly good for nostalgia feels and rage about the shitty controls of castlevania 2.
depends on you if ithe 10 buck are worht it
For me it was. Took me five hours to 100% it and had a great time the entire time.
Yeah, it's Igavania: Greatest Hits edition. Anyone that tells you that it's worse than SotN or even Dawn of Sorrow are definitely not worth listening to.
It's worse than both Sorrow games but uses their systems completely, so it just plays like the worst of a trilogy.
how are the retro style Bloodstained games?
It's pretty good.
I don't play these games very often but had a surprising amount of fun with it.
Artstyle was hit or miss though.
it's on sale on PSN so I'm going to get it & play soon. Finishing Castlevania SotN first.
They're better than the main game. Curse 1 is way too easy, but Curse 2 goes the other extreme and gives you a proper classicvania difficulty once you lose a certain character.
what are the /v/-approved Metroidvanias? please no Hollow Knight. I tried it and found it too joyless and minimalistic.
SMT Synchronicity
La Mulana 1 and 2
why are they not in continuity? whose idea was it to make non-canon spin-offs to a franchise that had literally 1 game, you'd think they'd want to explore on the lore, i'ts not like an 8 bit style 2D game could create too many conflicts, couldn't Iga just tell them what a canon story could be?
>why are they not in continuity? whose idea was it to make non-canon spin-offs to a franchise that had literally 1 game
who cares? so long it's fun and cool it doesn't matter.
It ranged from great to exceptional, providing you're on PC. I am a bit annoyed the devs basically gave up on Linux native like 2 years after it was a KS base feature, but thankfully Valve with Proton pulled their ass from the fire. Aside from that though, the devs did very well. I am a bit annoyed of a couple of things but is mostly minor
>3rd playable character is a guest character from that Child of Light game. Not okay, crossover stuff shouldn't count and should be extras, like all the crossover zones in the game were.
>Wanted more story and other stuff for Zangetsu. It wasn't quite a Richter Mode, but it wasn't what I hoped it to be either as in depth.
>No playable Gebel expansion, especially because he's obviously the Alucard of the franchise, even demonstrated in Curseof the Moon games.

MAJOR respect for Iga who refused to charge for any of the shit in the kickstarter stretch goals given most after all the time would have rolled over and prease-understandaru selling each new thing for $10-15 each, but he kept with it even when it negatively affected ArtPlay because he was keeping his word. He did manage to deliver on everything, plus add a couple of true paid DLC after he delivered the rest (I would have been fine with paid stuff in addition in the middle, so long as all the free stuff was included).

>Iga's Back Pack
At launch, this was the Deluxe edition DLC which had a secret boss fight and weapon.
>3 costume packs - note that you can buy them at a discount on Steam if you go to one of their page and its a bundle, NOT listed on the base page
One costume is Japanese traditional, another is Succubus, final one is Magical Girl outfits for the main protag. Free bonus Shantae one too - weapons, aesthetic equipment, spells and more.
>Dominique's Quest Classic II
Simon's Quest style campaign for Dominique, done in the style of Classic Mode but CV2 instead of CV1.

SO much other stuff included in the base game too by the way.
Bloodless mode best mode
>MAJOR respect for Iga who refused to charge for any of the shit in the kickstarter stretch goals
I agree with mostly everything besides this, he changed the roguelike mode to a randomizer which is a big deal for me.
It's a good castlevania clone and that's all that matters to me
Just how is the replayability
i really liked it and can't wait for the sequel.
>better than all the Igavanias that came after SotN
whoa now, let's not get crazy here.
Shitstained is one of the worst "metroidvanias" I've had the displeasure of playing. The combat is complete ass. Melee combat is garbage and feels like garbage while spells are horribly balanced with a few wiping the entire screen while others can barely even do damage. Later abilities completely negate the platforming part of exploration so the level design completely breaks down
Also it looks terrible. The CG in place of sprites look is just shit. Don't normally care much about graphics either way, and if the game was actually good I wouldn't even mention it, but it's still ass.
check my miriam
It's passable. It looks terrible and most of it isn't all that memorable.
It's just another Castlevania. If you are a diehard franchise lover, it's fine, but it completely ignored the decade+ of progress the genre had made since OoE, serving as a prime example of why Castlevania is dead and should remain so.
It's enjoyable and has it's moments, but it doesn't strive to really do much of anything new. You'll have fun with it if you like vanias, but don't expect a mind-blowing experience.
The 8 bit side scroller spinoffs were better IMO but I still enjoyed it despite easily winning by making a super gun.
Don't kill the friendly Rulsha...
i'll stop when they drop their goodies
While I agree they're great games(prefer 1 over 2), though they're a little hard to just up and recommend.
The randomizer was functional, but yeah it's a little dumb sometimes.

Oh do please tell the class of this progress.
turning igavanias into precision platformers, 2d soulslikes, roguelikes or straight up metroid clones isn't what I'd call "progress"
It's pretty great. It's basically if another studio wanted to make their own SoTN game. It is nearly the same game
That fairy is like the perfect onahole, isn't she?
Nothing wrong with using a guide occasionally.
Hmmm just like SotN then?
More that they're different enough from most other metroidvanias. It's more Animal Well than Super Metroid.
Has anyone manage to 100% Dominique's Curse? I'm stuck at 99%.
Please never compare something as boring as animal well to La-Mulana ever again
More in the sense that it's basically all about the puzzles. La Mulana definitely has combat, but the puzzles are generally the focus.
There was a graphical upgrade
i was always confused when people said this game was hideous, had no idea it used to look like that
It was a solid entry. My only objection is that getting the shards up to level 9 could feel a little grindy, because god DAMN some enemies were stingy with their drops. I killed an enemy that drops Flying Beef a staggering 138 times before they dropped it. Was it necessary to beat the game? No, but goddammit I wanted that 50+ HP and +8 strength boost.
lol yeah shard grinding was a little too much
You're so hard up for food ingredients in this game. When I decided to finally do all the food quests for the grandma, I ended up wtih a huge shopping list of things to kill over and over.
First mod I downloaded was swapping out the backer portraits. Only the dead cat room is acceptable.
They need to tone down the grinding just a little bit.
You heard wrong. This piece of shit isn't even worth being in the same sentence as castlevania. And metroid clears castlevania every time.
i liked the autistic shard grind in this game and dawn of sorrows
lol I love the seethe this game causes
unfinished kickstarter jank
I liked it. Its just castlevania.
iirc there's a shard that either increases item drops or just your Luck, plus there's a couple other Luck sources in the game like the book and desserts. Takes a while to get that stat up though.
Oh I know, I 100% RotN twice. It's not impossible just takes a while.
At least it wasn't Portrait of Ruin's Dodo and birthday's cake tier.
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Well we agreed then. Huh
I got it during the sale a couple of days ago.
Hvae played 6+ hours.
Apart from one fatal error which caused me to lose 20 minutes of unsaved gametime, it has been surprisingly good.
It looks like puke compared to the old Castlevanias, but it plays pretty well.
The wtiting and voice acting is pure aids and everyone involved in that part of the production should be whipped through the streets.
The bosses are a bit shit.
The item and soul grind is fun and rewarding.
It's a kickstarter scam like yooka laylee and mighty no.9 that fail to make a game half as good as the ones they're trying to copy
/v/ will pretend to like it just because they like the anime girls
Yeah pretty much
Anime girls (and 3D shit graphics) are the only parts of the game I DON'T like. Castlevania has a much cooler atmosphere.
i didn't have any problem with the voicework, i liked the voice actress who did miriam (and also FF7:remake jessie)
i got tired of hearing this line over and over and over though.
There is no way you heard that.

Also OoE was the best handheld game, get fucked Somafags
Cave Story
Wario Land 4 (yes yes, I know it's a stretch)
Monster Tale (too short and easy, but ok)
Nine sols for combat and la mulana 1 and 2 for puzzlin.
Good game, but it's unfinished, they created new areas, but didn't really finish it, which I found strange. If you are not aware, though, you won't notice it.
I only played through it once when it first launched, but they've added much more content since then. I enjoyed what I played.
The whole alchemy thing was very uninteresting set dressing and Gebel is just lame, especially compared to Castlevania (which it inevitably is compared to). I hope their next game has a more straightforward story.
Nigga took me 10+ hours to get trough the whole main game
First of all, it was a leak.The 505 Games PR guy named "Question" had to double down and confirm the leak themselves because it spread too far for damage control, as the leaks also came out with proof. But it was NEVER intended to be revealed too soon. It was not even near the end of planning stages back then.
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Why we are only getting a Shantae costume but no Shantae herself?
I liked it enough for one playthrough but after grinding out two of the best weapons and farming souls to make my shit stronger I really dislike how this game carried over the dawn of souls crafting. It's less involved sure but I'd rather just find stuff by exploring instead of needing to collect 10 dildos to upgrade my weapons.
Oh, so it was an oopsie!?

So fair guess, wont be until another 4 years, yeah ill be a non gamer by then
Hopefully next game...
>I remember hearing it was better than all the Igavanias that came after SotN

id argue is better than SOTN itself, tough not in the graphics department
Any questions, faggot?
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id say most Castlevanias after SOTN, except for Circle of the Moon (slow and little customization) and Order of Ecclesia (atrocious maps)

also on PC (since thats where i play most of these):

>Rogue Legacy 2
>Valdis Story
>Guacamelee 1 & 2
>Blasphemous 1 & 2

the Metroid games on switch are apparently great too
It's just another Castlevania
Well that exactly what it was supposed to be since Castlevania is currently trapped in pachinko machines for the foreseeable future.
Now change the blood color to white
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I have it's my cum
i don't like that rando is just find a way to fly and then you win
>Soma's games
It is at least better than Dawn Sorrow but Dawn Sorrow fucking sucked. I was worried when they announced crafting into the game.
i could never shit on dawn of sorrow, the final boss' design was just too cool
>the ring of the halo goes through their eyesockets
fuckin' metal
First Curse got made alongside Bloodstained, I thought? I guess they only got the cliffs notes of Bloodstained's plot, so they made up their own thing. At that point, the damage was done so they made a Zengetsu based universe.
Seconding La Mulana. Be prepared to write notes down tho if you don't want to use a guide, like actual physical notes. It's that kind of game.
Yeah DoS felt really bland to me and I really did not like the bosses I also had the boss problem with aria except for Julius and legion
I'm glad it ended up that way so we got a pure Monique universe.
So how was classic II? Was it good?
Just reuse the last boss again
Not helping really. I'll admit it's hard to tell for sure from a bunch of short clips and I am definitely biased against it, but I don't want MORE "realism". I'd think it looks better if it were actual "retro" sprites. The CG on that sort of scrolling background just looks wrong.
That was my only complaint with the dlc. They could at least changed it up but whatever the rest of the game was at least enjoyable.
Ghost 1.0
I'll never understand people complaining about Order of Ecclesia maps.
If you consider them isolated, yeah, they're bad, but add them up, consider that they're linked to a hub (the Town) and they're somewhat more bearable, People wouldn't complain as much if they were aggregated into one single map, because the areas that are "linear" would be long corridors, which appear in older games themselves.
Also, the Castle itself is fucking huge, and there's always something to be found.
And fuck me, I know it's nothing to do with the point in question, but the music, enemies and boss battles are GREAT.
My only complaint about the map in OoE is that they are a lot of copy pasted areas
Point taken and agreed.
There's the easy map, and the hard map for each kind of design.
Same as Portrait of Ruin, tho.
In 5 years....................the sequel was just recently greenlighted butwasnt supposed to be announced this year
Genuinely one of the best Igavania games to come out since Aria. I never understood why /v/ always tried to make this game out to be the next Mighty No.9 or Yooka Layley for some reason.

Order of Ecclesia's segmented map design doesn't really work that well. People always say that they tried to find some kind of middle ground behind Igavania (RPG elements) and Classicvania (linear action platforming) but I don't think it works out too well in practice. Everything pre-Castle is basically just endless hallways with monster gauntlets, and it does a bad job of holding the up the illusion that you're actually exploring a location. PoR does this better even though it has segmented "painting" locations, but I have similar complaints with that game. Ironically enough, OoE has a stronger Castle, but worse segmented levels, and PoR has a weaker Castle but better segmented levels.
>I never understood why /v/ always tried to make this game out to be the next Mighty No.9 or Yooka Layley for some reason
Contrarians, hollowfags, shitposters, and tortanicfags you know the usual.
???? most people are saying the game is good or great.
As much as I would like to blame the usual line-up of shitposters, I do think that Bloodstained's graphics initially made a bad first impression for most people, since it does look like a 3D dlsite hentai game. But the actual gameplay is just so solid and feels like the natural accumulation of all of the good mechanics that were introduced in games like Dawn of Sorrow and Order of Ecclesia.

Maybe in this thread, but I've browsed enough Bloodstained threads over the years to know that this game has a lot of doomposters.
Thankfully this thread has been peaceful
Hm? I thought the roguelike element were worked into some of the other modes, but yeah the randomizer was added. Though I am glad they didn't charge for any of it, according to Iga's desire to deliver what was promised. Some changes came along the way (including the lack of a pure roguelike mode, and no native Linux, the latter of which was a standard platform not a stretch goal; it annoys me greatly and would have been a major issue if not for Proton giving a parity or better experience. I'd really prefer native in Bloodstained 2 but if nothing else they can work with making it Deck Verified from the start), but they made it through.

Also there was a recent Anniversary video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sC-w05OHzak - that basically suggested that we almost got playable Gebel, but they couldnt' find a way to "differentiate" him from Miriam, so we ended up with the crossover Child of Light protag; that's kind of disappointing. You'd think that with Curse of the Moon 1 and 2 they find ways to make him differ, but granted that's a lot more shallow. Still, him having Miriam's shard absorption and magic abilities expressed in different ways + Alucard style combat and spell commands would be neat. We could have even had Johnathan playable similar to the CotM Alchemist, or even the sniper guy who's name I forget. As I said before, crossover characters and whatnot shouldn't 'count' towards that sort of thing - they're great bonuses and RotN does very well with them overall (including the Child of Light, and Kingdom: Two Crowns areas; there may be at least one more, which add to the castle but are independent of getting 100% completion). I really hope he's playable in RotN2 and that he and all playable chars get in depth campaign/story.

Sauce img? We ARE apparently getting a new Shantae game, so maybe she'll be in Bloodstained 2 https://store.steampowered.com/app/3055950/Shantae_Advance_Risky_Revolution/
Yeah this. It's not like Konami owns the copyright to the fucking wolfman or other unlicensed movie monster designs
good game but the artstyle is shit
>or even the sniper guy who's name I forget
A good suggestion. Pretty much everything the dev makes is solid.
>Ghost 1.0
Sci-fi metroidvania, quite fun and a few unique mechanics including that your can body swap.
RPG-leaning fantasy/horror metroidvania leaning closer to La Mulana side in some ways. Dude goes to take a piss during a AD&D game with his bros and the power goes out, he exits the bathroom to find he's in a strange castle and shit gets stranger from there.
If you ever wanted a 2D classic Metal Gear-alike, this is your chance! Well done stealth action, humor and some references to the genre and characters with a solid game beneath.

Especially for something made by like 1 dude, the amount of time and effort he puts into it is significant. The fact he was able to try several genres and variations and have them all come out is noteworthy.
Not quite, the game is good and fun, even if ugly and with progression issues, play it but is not better than SotN, AoS, PoR and OoE.
Reminds me of that one ice level in X68000
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The boss designs in CotM2 were really cool, Sariel, Mephisto and the dragon are all great. I hope whatever they do next has more designs on that level.
Any design with the moon as theme is automatically cool.
I really hated it. It was boring because it relied too much on the RPG elements, the difficulty was non existent, it had too many pointless rooms and the backtracking sucks. I don't like metroidvanias in general so don't take my word if you like the genre. I personally think that the genre peaked at Sotn and reached saturation point at AoS. many would argue that this game is better than sotn but it really isn't because sotn was carried by its artstyle, music, atmosphere and smoother gameplay even but this game sucks at all of these in addition to the carrying over the flaws of sotn.

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