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Himari archive
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public execution of all gachaniggers
>public execution of all gachaniggers
public execution of all gachaniggers
>public execution of all gachaniggers
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Goz status?
Getting plat despite doing extreme, Im trying insane but my DPS does no damage.
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Neru Marriage
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comfy gold
wtf lmao
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>want to know more to enjoy the gamers porn in full
>don't want to fall for a daily grind mines yet again
Is jewtube experience just as good?
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Gold is all you really need
I could never fap to characters that I know too well. Don't recommend getting into it
You could just play vol 2 and quit
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>rank 4600
Download the game, play the story, complete vol 2(gamers) and uninstall the game
You can play the story without engaging with the rest of the game. There is a wall in Vol 3 that you need to use your own units, but if you just want to read Vol 2 then don't worry about it
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EU plat
So what, the gamer club just doesn't appear in the story afterward? Even events?
lazy 3EX, as always
They appear in vol F and they have the best event minigame
Gamer club are the protagonists in only 1 event, but they also appear for a short time in other events
Sewer lover.
how do I stop getting erect when I see my students, asking for a friend
Why would you want to stop?
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You already congratulated the JTF president right sensei?
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No, I don't have her and refuse to redeem.
canonically the ugliest student
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You won't do shit, pussy. All you can do is cry on the internet like a bitch.
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that's the right attitude! do not redeem! once you get her, you'll immediately boost her up in stars
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BLACKED archive.
>Mika dies instantly with t.Yuuka shields
I'm not malding this. Gold looks better anyway.
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I love her so much it's unreal
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So if we're 6 months behind JP, then when is the next actual story drop? And is It 5-2 or the new Vol.1 story?
Mika can take some hits being the gorilla she is, not to mention her monkey-like evesion. Now Ui is the one who explodes after the enemies so much as look in her direction, even with full shields
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where is her fucking banner
never ever
blue archive feet
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We need to cut off all BA girl's feet so anons will stop sexualizing them.
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I would not dare forget.
How do I get into actual guns?
she is hotter with the wheel chair
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Buy a cheap shotgun then save your way up
and autistic youtube videos
*pushes over*
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>i started because of aru
>i stayed becaused of ojisan
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>live in Finland
>a good civ RK goes for as much as 3500€
As things are going I’ll never have enough spare cash to buy one.
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"Instantly" is a bit of an exaggeration, yeah. It would help to UE t.Yuuka but I'm cheap and using with permits. I'm missing too many meta units(like Ui) anyway.
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Talkative reminder
Blue Archive is pretty light on its dailies, unlike Mihoyo gachas it respects that you might be a miserable japanese salaryman either playing this one hour before sleep or in a 30 minute commute to your 16 hour job.
That said, ask someone to list the chapters and events they appear in and watch their EX skill animations too I guess. You'll be missing cafe relationship upgrades but those lines are on the wiki, translated.
By doing this you will always miss on the "touch", but if you don't want to play it then no need to force yourself.
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Step 1: Be American
Step 2: Have a decent amount of disposable income if you want anything nice
Step 3: Figure out what you want. There are endless variations of AR-15s and they're the easiest to barbie up because of the gojillion aftermarket parts. Or you could start with a handgun because the price point is lower for both the gun itself and ammo and they're easier to store and clearn. Or just pick one you like from a video game. Some may disagree on that being a valid reason but I don't. Read the general OPs on /k/, they are usually good advice. Don't browse the board for fun, though, it turned to /pol/ after the war started..
Step 4: Learn safety. This is the most important step. Look up fucking YouTube videos on safety and treat them like gospel. Most range owners treat safety VERY seriously and not following the rules gets you booted and shamed. They are deadly weapons, not toys. It's ok to have fun with them but not in a way that endangers others.
Step 5: Learn your manual of arms. How to disassemble and reassemble it, how the safety works, how to clean it, how to replace parts if they break.
Step 6: Find a range. This may be easy or hard depending on where you live. Some are dogshit, some are chill. As a rule of thumb, outdoors > indoors. Always check the website before showing up. If it's members-only and they have an absurd selection and application process then try to save it as an absolute last resort because it's likely a boomer circlejerk and may not be welcoming to new shooters.
Step 7: Rooty tooty point and shooty
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>aru as well
>but nonomi murdered me, made me cry and is now my favorite
People usually say that the bunny girls are the one who brought and brings players in, but I'm wondering if that title doesn't belong to someone else.
just watch the anime
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abydos supremacy!
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Kivotos No.1 woman who looks best when pregnant
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I love Yoshimi's SCAR.
Don't forget that the first rule of gun safety is to have fun
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>yurucamp tomorrow already
G*d, let me luckshit C.Hare with only a few rolls.
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Should I use the single roll tickets before the 10 roll ones or does it not matter? I know you don't get the guaranteed 2 star with the 1 roll ones, right?
Oh my science
only use 10 rolls ticket that is about to expire
Same, I only have 13k so I hope I can get H*re in a few rolls
When I get my new job and start raking in the money I'm going to start saving for a SCAR 17, maybe Trijicon AKOG but jesus fuck both of those things are expensive.
I definitely won't be painting it in Yosh's colors but I've considered doing that to a $100 air gun, the real hard part would be getting a Trinity decal in the right size
that doesnt answer the question
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>only 13k
>will still try to get C.Hare, without a spark
>will have no significant funds for bluefes
doesn't matter really. I rarely use them because it takes too much time but you should use them if you have 10, 20, 30 and so on. You don't want to spend pyros for single rolls
senseis? Is it happening?
Last two times I wasn't able to go beyond extreme
I have a lot of emergency funds, if I need to reach a spark, but I'd rather not use them
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So how do I get into this game exactly? I've had it installed forever now, but have never actually booted it up.

I mostly just wack off to the characters and collect cute images of them anyways
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Booting it up and playing the tutorial would be a good start.
While you get a guaranteed 2 star, there is a potential that it can be a waste since there is a chance that you could get the banner student at roll 1-9. Don't bother with single rolls if you are planning to spark
You need to see Jhon Nexon in person and get his blessings, otherwise the game won't start.
It's mostly a min-max simulator with a timer and limited resources
you get some cute girls, play an autobattler to get more resources, level up and equip them, get more girls, get more resources and do all the events and missions you can, while trying to understand the simple mechanics that make up the autobattler portion of the game.

and there is also some decent visual novel story that holds the whole thing together
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challenge 6 status?
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I have no pyros and I must roll
himari yep!
Is that what she wears when she goes septic tank diving?
i don't get this meme also please stop slandering my beautiful elf student humble genius hacker
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Bwo, she can't even go one conversation without mentioning sewers or septic tanks.
I love those two retards so much.
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I'm going to watch Camp Hare come and go and wave goodbye to her, all so that I can get the meta dress units that I don't even like.
The goddess of RNG will reward me handsomely.
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I'm a newfag but my clubs assistants carried me to gold.
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What level are you? I'm 61 and still only clearing Hardcores/getting silvers even with assistants.
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Himari is a massive fucking pervert no matter how much she tries to deny it
Well I just logged on after making that post and looks like I fell from rank 20k to 28k since 1 am last night so I ended up in silver like you. I'm 46 and did hardcore as well.
The things I'd fucking do to this beautiful sickly genius hacker girl and her pale and frail little body.
Video games.
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It's Goz so it's an easy plat. I almost gave up doing red Insane since Mutsuki was just worthless for some reason then decided to give the DORK try and got it done in 10 minutes.

Total dork supremacy.
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RIP. Silver looks better anyway, Anon-dono!
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Yeah, Aru was totally in charge
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She sure was. Probably could have gotten it done quicker if she was UE50 instead of just 40. Alas she's suffering from my laziness and god awful luck on the hard node.
Camp maki when?
this writing is awful
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Cute space buns
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Yeah, as long as I get my 10 pull ticket I'm happy.
What car is that?
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That's Sorasaki Hina, also known as Hiniature
Hinacchi if you will
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Cleared with 3 stars.
Asuna... Aaah...
Damn brat...
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>pineapple lettuce burger
feral beast
Finally, victory is mine
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Seia sucks
Fuck Ako especially.
>/a/ once again proves it collectively has shit taste
this board is full of nigger weebs. sad
You can use 3D printers for chocolate?
Actually, yes.
I think Neru SUCKS
Fubuki just fubuked me
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There are cameras all around and inside the police department, we just have to check the tapes...
W... what? The records were lost? Exactly the two hours of the incident? How can this be?
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Nowhere is safe
Why wouldn't you
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...at being the worst!
Which means she's the best!
I thought it was only meant for plastic things.
Nagusa is a retarded dyke.
Neru motherhood!
/a/ really loves the mlem fox for some reason...
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You are not safe here either.
Does anyone have a better loop of this gif?
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Now this is my kind of police brutality.
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And you can keep this too as a freebie
Easy gold
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I got my first plat
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I played this garbage for like a month but I still cum to Kanna.
>dogshit off model art
Good riddance desu.
come back for s kanna

I love Aru so much.
Sauce now!
Don't bother it's futa
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Easy torment
Easy plat
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The Jews forcing Nexon to release swimsuit versions of my three favorite Blue Archive characters the exact moment I decide to quit whacking off
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Oh... this webm doesn't have the L2D. nvm
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is there a translation for each exskills voice lines somewhere ? The game does not provides translation unlike arknights and I'm really curious about what some of them says
You dumb niggers, it's just a fraction of the L2D on loop.
No it's not lol
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Comfy gold
I just installed you kusoge and holy shit, the music fucking SUCKS.
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Why is Kirino only allowed to be useless?
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That's kind of her gimmick
I think we can all agree Himari is a stupid cripple whose better off chasing cryptids in the wilderness than trying to do something important, like designing cool robots
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I don't expect her to be meta or anything, but a cover EX? Come on, IT WAS HER TURN!
>pedo archive
>pedo archive
>pedo archivo
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1 month until everyone gets Ibuki
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is this accurated?
Crab costumes when?
No, Mika wears diapers
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Her character description is "cop cadet that can't hit anything with her gun", she's designed to be a girlfailure and comic relief character. Making the police look incompetent has been a staple of fiction writing for a long time now.
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I can't wait. I have my gifts/ligmas/blurays/tech notes ready
evihvra odep<
is she any good? Im not into lolis but if shes free and a decent unit
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Fubuki isn't incompetent, she just doesn't care
She's a striker version of Kotama, ok for a 4th team after you use up Himari/CHare/SHoshino
Arguably worse.
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If you have Iroha, Ibuki gives her a super buff
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That's what I tell my parents.
woah is it like Momoi and Midori shit?
the anime flopped lol
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Not really, she's totally aware her department is under-funded and un-equiped to deal with the kind of opponents they're faced with, apathy is the most sensible position to take
All animes are flops now
the anime floppa...
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holy fuck
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Pretty much, Ibuki will be free to everyone but also a one star, so she'll be pretty weak unless you invest in her
...and that's a good thing!
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It only makes her stronger
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Ok now I kinda wanna roll for Iroha. But I also want Makoto. And I need to dump my excess pyros on bluefes so I can puck up all the fucking regular 3*s I don't have. Aaaaaaa why do they put so much I want into two fucking weeks.
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i don't know what was the plan with this team but all the effects looked pretty
How the FUCK did this game get so popular. I can understand Genshit riding off Zelda or Fate (loldeadgaem) Limbus company riding off games with dedicated autist series, but it seems like this shit that has DAILY FUCKING THREADS came out of fucking nowhere. And worse, it's run by the fucking gook equivalent of EA.
No idea bro
Bro, your Iori?
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deep intricate gameplay that required and understanding of the game and tactics.
Soulless s shiroko user
Really, really, really, REALLY passionate devs. The game was about to flop during release, but they turned it into a huge success just by doing the right things and putting tons of love into their craft.
Having started last March I can say that the story being halfway decent and the girls being cute got me to stick with it even though I was initially turned off by the autoplay (it becomes less of an issue later when you challenge yourself to clear harder content and can't just run auto on everything).
>is a gacha game
>all (ALL) of the characters that matter are female
>characters are varied and unique enough that anyone would be able to find their "one"
>nameless faceless MC for easy self insertion
>devs and fandom engage in a positive feedback loop
i swore i'd never touch a gacha game but kazusa is irresistible and i'm not sorry
>they turned it into a huge success just by doing the right things
*saves tour gachashit*
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Kazusa stinks!
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Literally Touhou but good
Who is the girl on the right?
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Reisa sticksin her feet!
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Iori? yeah my purple wife makes short work of that jobber
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tick tock BAkeks
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Unique characters that are simple to draw, bright personalities, colorful universe, listens to its players, lots of effort into music and animation.

People were tired of gritty, depressive gachas like GFL.
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Top tier girls and music, nice visuals, f2p friendly and it doesn't take away too much of your time to be done with your dailies.
I feel like it's too late for this to come to the West.
Too bad BA is going full edge lately.
those aren't horses. They are yakuzas in disguise running to cut your balls off
Im obsessed with pantsus
I've been rerolling for half an hour... Why can't I get any of the gamers...
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I'd have cared few years ago, now it doesn't matter to me at all
Isn't that the gacha where one of the best items in the game is locked behind an old event?
This Himari is deceased.
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Fucking Lol. First ever plat despite 2 EX clears that weren't even particularly good because I had already given up.
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Kokos kokos
Holy shit Kirino's stacked
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Always has been
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Dorks aren't sexy
>eternally behind JP
>West doesn't give nearly as much of a shit about horse races
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This dork specifically is very sexy and seductive.
>3 years behind
That's even worse than FGO
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Didn't bother with insane on red since it looked like it was going to be complete aids, but somehow still edged out my first plat rank. I'm a little mad when I tried way harder trying to do other GA's like S&K on all insane difficulties and still only got gold for it
it can't be worse than the love live gacha
They were lucky with a few girls catching the eye of artists and things snowballing from there. That is all.
Most of the designs aren't that good, more so when compared to other gacha out there.
The story at its best point is alright and the rest is either mediocre or bad. It doesn't have voice acting, for fucks sake.
The gameplay sucks.
I still laugh thinking about that one
I think the best tips for a new players are:
1. do the missions, features and cafe upgrades are unlocked there
2. don't be afraid to sweep, especially early game where the game will throw you a lot of energy
3. don't go too hard on tier 3 crafting, maybe do it until you have enough furniture to cap out comfort
4. this game is casual, it's not meant to be tryharded, play a little a day
Can't be any worse than
ANY Mihoyo game
Fire Emblem Heroes
Mahjong Soul (the gacha, game's alright)
I malded so hard just to clear insane yellow and still got kicked out of plat during the last hours
It's a grand assault so it doesn't matter that much but I'm still angry
Doesn't it take like a year to unlock a character as an F2P player in Mahjong Soul? I remember some people making fun of it when that collab dropped.
Vol 3 and the final chapter are great what the fuck are you talking about
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I'd rather play the uma-lite idol game that's all the rage with the japanese recently
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>Implying that anon even made it that far
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sexy and seductive indeed
idolm@aster is delcining
How does anyone mald on insane yellow when you can just Mika your way to victory? It was the easiest armor type by far.
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How does sensei resist the urge to breed?
>you have to like this thing or else!
Azusa's, Mika's and Saori's character arcs are good, but everything in between is whatever. Volume F explaining shit that doesn't matter sucks and kills the story's pacing and it certainly isn't as good as people say.
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Who says he does?
Why do BAstards come to /v/? Your general is on /vg/.
Like he has a choice
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Better invest into your students a little more sensei. I was getting tilted by challenge 6, but just upgrading Koharu's heals gave me some instantly improved results
>It doesn't have voice acting, for fucks sake.
It occurred to me the other night that the people who bitch about this are probably the types who can't create voices in their head. Kind of like that whole conversation around uncreative/unintelligent types being unable to perfectly picture and rotate an apple in their mind's eye, I think the concept is similar for voices. I can see the characters and create a voice for them based off of the few lines I know but apparently some people can't do that and it makes them mad.
Sucks that this body type isn't real. When women get muscular their tits just kind of shrink and morph into pecs.
The one thing I don't like about it is creating a character's voice in my head when I have nothing to work off of because I don't have the girl yet, and then when I finally hear her voice it's way different than what I was imagining. I think even just a very short voiced segment the first time a character appears or something would be nice.
Still a dork however
Just because a game has enduring popularity doesn't mean it has to be banished to a different board. I know 90% of /v/ just wants to talk about culture war, furshit, and the hottest AAA slop, but there is no rule saying you can't talk about a game too often. If there was, the mods would have actually cracked down on shit like the Yasuke spam and the current flood of Elden Ring threads.
No summer Ui or NY fuuka
Had to use regular Ui and she kept dying like a retard
Aru would wear sexy underwear with that dress and then get embarrassed when Sensei (me) flips up the lower half to see.
I think that Aru is secretly a genius
Okay Haruka.
Yeah, I know, normal Ui drives me up the fucking wall with how paper thin she is, that was my biggest problem in blue. Mika shits out such retard damage though that it's easy to push Goz into second phase very early, so you only need to get yourself set up at the start of the round. And pray Mika randomly avoids some tank busters.
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Bro I did TORMENT without either of those
They're literally giving out free Hina soon. Don't be a retard and wait, otherwise you've basically wasted 90 elephs
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What's up with artists drawing undersized condoms
They aren't that small
You can get 5 pulls per month and you need 150 pulls to spark. There's absolutely no collab re-runs of any kind and they also have paid unique skins that also never get re-run.
Well I don't have my own Mika either.
they are asian
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Cute dork...
>You can get 5 pulls per month and you need 150 pulls to spark
holy fuck that's abysmal
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retarded secondaries, get out of my board
Come on anon, 5 pulls per month, that means i can get a spark...
Once every 30 months.
Heh baited
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>How the FUCK did this game get so popular.
But hey, at least they'll give you one or two pulls to celebrate new event releases. And those 5 pulls require you to use coins you use after winning games. Everyone has a high winrate at mahjong.
And I thought Genshin was jewish with their giveaways
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Nagisa daisuki
Which part of Chapter 3 did Hifumi say that she and Nagisa aren't friends?
They absolutely have a lot of lolicons working on the game with how well-designed the loli students are and the high quality fan service they provide
To be fair, it's mahjong I like to think the devs saying in roundabout terms to not treat it as a typical gacha any more than one would with chess or something. All the characters, skins, etc are suppose to be extra fluffs, so you shouldn't even care that much about them to begin with.
>footdev was the director all along
That explains a lot actually
this person is responsible for
dare i say.... based?
soul game with 100% of cute girls only for (you)

theres nothing like this in east or west
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Imo the the girls, the story, and the music. Cute girls and porn draw you in, and the story and the music get you to stay.
Both fights that use this song are crazy kino
She's a FoS unit, maybe ShiroKuro idk
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>4 hour maintenance
I don't want to wait, I want to roll NOW!
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>Camp Hare
>then Dress Ako
>then Dress Hina
Go on without be bwos...
>69k pyros
>need both shosh and dhina
Should I roll or save for DAko? I know CHare is better but DAko costs half a spark.
I want a 48hr maintenance
Get CHare and see how many pyros you have left after that. You might get lucky, or unlucky.
Add more skirts Kokona.
Don't worry, FF XIV's got you covered there
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should i place a number on each panel to indicate the reading order?
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No because there's too many words, I ain't reading all that.
Swimsuit Kanna is nice, but when are we getting
>Bunny Kanna
>Sports Kanna
>New Years Kanna
>Maid Kanna
>Hot Spring Kanna
>Christmas Kanna
>Camping Kanna
>Dress Kanna
>Band Kanna
>Cheer Kanna
>Casual Kanna
>Riding Kanna
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The surge in Kanna art has been a blessing.
Either that or stick to right to left like a dirty weeaboo.
>gook EA

BA is their baby. All their other games are fodders to pay to keep BA running
I need more pyros
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When is bunny Neru coming again?
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Guys! Turn on the news, maitenance got extended 18 hours!
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That's a whole year for you.
For me? I'm gonna make her come tonight.
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Fuck the police
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So true sister!
I'll still have some time after maintenance to roll, right?
Did the dress alts come out in Global yet?
>after maintenance
You know what maintenance is for, right?
About 1 more month from now
...For giving me free pyro?
New event starts. Also bunnys are leaving for new event banners
Another maintenance
I like it when maintenance is extended because it's usually the case that I sleep straight through it.
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I'm never posting in this thread again
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Poor Sensei. Maybe next time he will keep a closer eye on the dates.
I'm gonna miss Artic Himari
She looked really cute in this
I don't like this soi facing rabbit
But I just started playing the game a few hours ago...
You could skip the story for free pyros and go back to read it later for a few desperate rolls.
It really is a huge missed opportunity that BA just doesn't do character skins ever, it's abnormal for a gacha. They make the assets for them once in a while, but just never make them available for us. Have they ever commented on why they don't do skins?
Not sure
I assume it's more work than a sprite-based gacha like Nikke or AL where skins are the name of the game
Don't bully Mitcher
I don't really like dog/wolf girls, but Kanna... Kanna makes me feel things I wouldn't normally feel for dog/wolf girls.
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ok furry
you drew this?
>then when is the next actual story drop?
Around August then it'll be dripfed up until fucking January because the anime was a fucking mistake
>And is It 5-2 or the new Vol.1 story?
The latter
Well Nikke has its own chibi models too, and character skins are reflected on those models. I wouldn't mind tossing the devs something like $5 for a cute parka Himari once in a while if they made them.
Yeah but there's way less going on with the Nikke models than there is with the BA ones
Dangling, EX, furniture interaction and others I've forgotten
no, this guy did
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Neru Love.
that's me. thanks for doxing me dumbass
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i drew this
1 2
3 4
>Neru Love.
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Flotation devices.
cute wolf
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Probably could have Gina plat but I really don't wanna shorten my life by 10 years

It doesn't really matter in grand assault anyway, the ticket is the same for all ranks.
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Her own words.
Is this in her momos? I don't have regular Neru
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The expression of being looked at intently.
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Yeah, the last one
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>create an account for the privilege of being able to view the horny
How about no
Uh oh, stinky
Blur Archivebros... It's over
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>she doesn't know
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Believe it or not, there is a bunch of ninjas in this pic.
new fit
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I sleep
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How do you avoid getting hard in this situation?
How fucking tight does your swimsuit have to be to suck into your belly button?
where is her vagina
It's body paint.
Shouldn't you be able to see her nips in that case?
*except for BAchads
I only see a sad panda
click on the safe image then press or swipe right
it's literally that easy
>it's true
... MY ASS
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I lied
I'm not falling for this shit
Until people post their C Hares I will not open BA
Also is this patch coming with an event rerun or what?
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ok, here it is
they're all misaligned i'm going to KILL myself
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Himari is not an actual cripple no?
She just lazily moves around that chair
Because she is the
>Beautiful delicate flower genius hacker whatnot
>Pretends to be disabled for attention
Horrible but also believable.
just put them all in the middle
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I believe it
just in case - you're not trying to get them in your starter rolls, are you? those only feature characters who were present at release and all gamers were added later. so you'll have to try your luck on the current banners after finishing your starter rolls to have a chance at getting them
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>It's true
>i started because of toki
>i stayed because of GDD
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this girl got absolutely no attention, im just realizing she exists
Dumb Zenigger. Die.
>only 70 pulls
>He skipped Camp Hare
>got her at 180 pulls
>figured might aswell go for the spark
my blue fes pyros...
I had to use all 200 pulls. I'll never financially recover
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I sparked
but I also got 3 other new students including Kikyou so I'm not super mad.
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>update for Blue Archive
>saw a bunch of fanart about big booba lady in swimsuit and blue hair gremlin in swimsuit too
>oh cool I like their designs, i'll update and roll for them
>finish update
>all the banners are completely unrelated stupid fucking coats and shit
I fucking hate Global so much
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why don't you download JP version then stupid asshole
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Nothing's stopping you from switching over to JP bwo. You do know how to read moon runes, right?
>think I luckshit my way at 50 rolls when I see a purple
>it's Kotama
>no purples to be seen anywhere until the 160 mark and only then I got the purple flash after the blue
Fuck you Arona you stupid piece of shit retard motherfucker. I buy pakeji today and THIS is the thanks I get for it you mother fucker faggot? you want me to uninstall you? You want me to fucking kill you and replace you for Plana instead? Because that's what it seems like to me you dumb piece of shit.
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>Eimi dupe
>S. Wakamo dupe
>Hinata dupe
>finally fucking Camp Hare
>140 rolls later
Is Camp Hare even worth getting the Mystic unlock? 140 rolls feels like a waste to just become crafting pebbles, but she seems like the same type as Ui where more stars doesn't matter that much.
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Fifth anthology volume is fucking great
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>event gives daily pyros
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False advertising.
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I didn't want her anyways
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Wacky Races - Blue Archive Edition
The reward? Quality time with Sensei
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>17 pulls for camp hare
>38k jims
>dress ako and hina coming up
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Hasumi is fucking dead
I see Rio has been busy.
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We BEAT THE PISS out of Wakamo here.
But if you do that she starts crying
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>"free" limited 10-roll ticket from Grand Assault is arriving in mere... 7 hours
...And now here they are!

The most daredevil group of daffy drivers to ever whirl their wheels in the Wacky Races

Competing for the title of world's wackiest racer

The cars are approaching the starting line

First, is the Turbo Terrific driven by Hina Prefect

Next is RRAT Ruffcut and Nezusuke in the Buzzwagon

Maneuvering for position is the Iroha Surplus Special

Right behind are the Ant Hill Mob-chans in their Bullet Proof Bomb

Then there's ingenious inventor Hibiki in her Convert-A-Car

Oh! Here's the lovely Yozakura Kirara, the glamour gal of the gas pedal

Next we have the Boulderbox-mobile with the Saiba sisters, Pink Midori and Green Momoi

Lurching along is the Creepy Coupe with the Gruesome Tsurusome, and right on their tail is the Red Momiji

And there's the Trinity Chug-A-Bug Crusaidie with Hifumi & Peroro-sama

Sneaking along last is that Mean Machine with those double dealing do-badders Dork Arustardly and her sidekick, MUTSley. And even now they're up to some dirty trick

And they're off... to a standing start. And why not, they've been chained to a post, by Dork Arustardly, who shifts into the wrong gear

And away they go... on the way-out Wacky Races!!
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...of joy, after kissing her!
>cHare in the 20th multi
you can't make this shit up. at least i now have cKotama as well i guess... still feels like absolute shit, third spark in a row, can't catch a fucking break
Lack of voice acting in gacha games is not a virtue.
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it panders in the best way possible
it has robots, ninjas, maids, robot ninja maids
Also I like total assault.
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I want to bully her.
Please do not the Himari
All right, who's going to be Dick Dastardly?
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Tsubaki tanked that!
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Chihiro only shows up to be an absolute pain in the ass to everyone around.
I say it's a good thing she never has any screentime.
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we made it bros...
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Unironically, this is the only softcore legal pedogame where you can spend irl money to bond with underage high schooners.
Devs know what's up
One of their main Illustrators goes by the name "CHILD", BA devs are based.
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It's the same person.
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I love having two Hifumi's in the field.
other gachas have lolis too but ba is the only one that embraced them, also the fact that lolis as love interests in heterosexual otaku media are a big no no after the whole kodomo no jikan controversy helps a little since there is literally zero competition right now
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Ah, yes, the infamous lolicon game, Blue Archive.
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Sapphic reminder
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Watch Forgotten weapons on Youtube
Find a handcannon(any guns after it sucks dont bother) and shoot someone with it
Looks better with the afro
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>c.Hare in 80 rolls
Breddy gud
Fucking hate this event stage reeeeeeeeeeeee I missed my 1 try below 90 secs challenge.
Same. I was running the game on auto and it failed the challenge by 1 second.
Tomoegods win again.
>160 rolls for both camp veritas
should i complete the spark for hare dupe? how practical is hare? i heard she isnt actually that used outside of torment
hot new meme
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Oh i WILL the Himari
>buff duration extension on UE40
It's the same situation as Himari. People will say support is fine at 3*, but then you'll need the buff duration for optimal DPS rotation.
Where is maki?
in a year
Nobody cares about Maki
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Arisu Archive
I want to beat Himari
Himari is a dumb cripple
gtfo Rio
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This is an elf board.
We love elves here.
But I hate Rio and Love Himari. That’s why I want to beat her.
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i'd love to roll, but not with ako and hina coming soon. And then kayoko, and kirara...
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Hare Sneed
>Volume F explaining shit that doesn't matter sucks and kills the story's pacing
What parts do you think didn't matter?
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Wow, I didn't know that Kirino was actually hot.
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What was that for? She only looked at the book for 2 seconds
>literally no pyros after hare
Am I gonna make it?
>spend all my ap before playing the event
why am i so stupid?
>chihiro doesnt want her kids playing games all day
cute mom
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For FES? Absolutely no.
You get 12k per month on average.
I hope you adult card is prepared.
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Would Arona actually say this?
Adult card just so Arona can be a cunt anyways.
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Oh there are subs.
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Just don't be a lucklet, Sensei.
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You're lucky I don't feel like paying for a new tablet right now.
so the plan is to make 3 curry per day and then a million curry on the final day, right?
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>the girl is for (you)
explain this
>12k per month
fucking how? should i just not buy extra energy?
Those flowers are not tulips
Dailies, raids, pvp, events.
Check the pyroplanner on /bag/
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>should i just not buy extra energy?
what level are you?
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oh no no, this anon bricked himself
If you REALLY need it 90 pyros for 360 energy can be useful but generally, nah, you should be fine without it.
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Luckchad archive
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