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>are you telling me to start working on my game after 10+ years of doing nothing?
>stop threatening me or I will sell the game to another company.
will Lemmy end up killing himself when the money stops pouring in?
it's starting to look ugly, even the reddit jannies are starting to cry
I am unironically not going to read any of that.
Ok chatgpt mind giving me qrd
wah wah me no want do job stop bully x20
>or I will sell the game to another company.
Please, go ahead.
>The author expresses frustration at the dismissal of their complaints about online harassment. They refute the notion that they're oversensitive to mere criticism, highlighting severe instances like doxxing, sending disturbing videos, and personal attacks extending to family and employers. They mock the suggestion to toughen up, pointing out the real impact of such harassment. Despite appreciating positive aspects of their community, they argue for the validity of addressing negative experiences without invalidating the positive. They criticize the simplistic view that fails to acknowledge the complexity of their situation.
can they provide any evidence at all of disturbing videos and death threats
>"le death threats"
>"le dox"
Report them to the police and move on.
wow, he could've implemented NPCs in the time it took him to write this wall of text
That's right early access-faggot, this is the price you pay for getting your money before producing the product. Listen to your shit-eating fans. You agreed to this.
Can "dev has stated that they have no intention of finishing development" be used as a reason to get a refund on steam?
Would be a far more legitimate reason for refunds than most.
they'll probably refund you if you link their walls of text
Can someone post the previous one?
>stop threatening me or I will sell the game to another company.
If they were the kind of person who'd do what they said they'd do there would be no drama, just updates.
No, they are all gone together with all the new patches. They had a breakin and someone took the laptop they saved everything on.
Nigga tf is a police gonna do? Send you a bodyguard?
THey will hire 4chan to backtrace the IP's that posted these evil threats
never heard of this
oh youre just some brown teen. got it
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>stop threatening me or I will sell the game to another company.
serves him right for replacing glorious 2d artstyle with this lazy 3d one
game qas alright 10 years ago when the demo came out
Aint nobody reading all that shit. Fuck off with your discord drama.
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>he's too young to remember
oh you dun goofed
lurk 10 more years before posting again retard
ignore it which is exactly what the devs should do
Fine but none of us have any way of preventing the .01% of people who do this from doing it. You can express frustration, but if most of your fans aren't the problem then yo7 shouldn't lash out at them.
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>oh no, the heckin' death threaterinos and doxxxxxxxxxxxxing and break-ins and broken laptops with the source code on it
I wish this faggot would sell it to another company, at least they'd be able to fucking finish it.
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I'm shocked that he thinks people are spamming gore videos for any particular reason. Anywhere that people can post videos they are confident people will watch, they will spam disgusting videos. People will also continue to try to scam you as long as you have any amount of money, the game has nothing to do with it.
If it's a REAL threat (i will kill you on the parking lot of the Denny's you visit on fridays), they will arrest the person. Even sites like 4chan will forward all information if it's a real threat. If it's a meme threat (I wish you'd just die), they will ignore it because everyone is supposed to ignore those.
Can I get a tldr if this
So this is what it's like to watch a devteam commit financial suicide I guess
Development will stop until fandom morale improves. That's how I read it, at least.
Just say there was a flooding it works every time.
>bad game has a bad dev
This is my surprised face
Zomboid was a 100% confirmed early access scam in 2015, and motherfuckers still fall for the "update in just two more weeks, trust the plan!!!"
As a rando who found the game through steam, I had no reason to believe it was a scam.
That's fucking retarded.
At best he'll say
>I'm going to kill you bitch
And then do it.
The police would only be useful if the killer is a complete moron who confesses his plan to the guy like dumb cartoon villain.
>implying he's too young to remember
He probably wasn't even born yet.
The fact it's been in early access for 10+ years didn't clue you in? The lore for you newbies

>repeat for a year, with exactly 0 fucking updates released
>people get angry and demand a refund
>ooops sorry guys, our studio got broken into and they stole the laptop with the source code in it
>people call bullshit on the source code being held in one fucking laptop with no backup
>actually we had a backup in the basement but it flooded and ruined the backups. sorry, no refunds :)
>pops back up after a year and starts the scam again
kek read the other comments in the thread that arent his big wall of text. He argues like a braindead /v/tard
His claim is
>Or you find out they called an old employer of you, or a family member [...] that obviously the only right way to go forward is to end your life
This is within the spectrum of what police consider "real" threats that are illegal and can result in jail time. Because it shows the person has information to carry out the threat. Of course, the dev is a liar and there is no police report.
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This guy is absolutely deranged.
Why do they type like such gay passive aggressive bitches? What happened to men kek
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These devs are so dumb I wish someone would give them free tickets for euthanasia. It's not like the development cycle of the game would suffer anyways
full blown schizo
What an insufferable faggot. No wonder the game took 20 years to be half decent
Indie Stone sure is a useless and faggy company.
Because outright aggression means “you need therapy” while passive aggression is “a healthy outlet”. It’s absolutely part of the feminization of men.
Its what happens when you type when youre truly angry. Hes autistic and hes mad that "no one gets his point" even though what hes typed out is generalising the entire fanbase and as a game dev what he says effects everyone, and not just the people looking to get a rise from him.
Hes completely narrowed his mindset. Being told that he needs to step back a bit and stop engaging angered him because he is seeing it as a personal attack and joke at his expense even though its being said by someone who clearly means well and is giving good advice.

They should just sell the game honestly if hes going to threaten to do so whenever he perceives something as an attack on his ego
Are they not canadian?
Did that theft thing happen like a decade ago? Or have they pulled it again?
they're bongs
~Chris Chan
Why don't these retards just stay off twitter?
CDDA btw
God I hate when people make multiple paragraphs of butthurt sarcasm
Consequences anon, they haven't been the same. I hope you feel bad, and one day know why.
The author is frustrated that their complaints about online harassment are dismissed. They refute claims of oversensitivity to criticism, highlighting serious instances of doxxing, disturbing videos, and personal attacks affecting their life. They criticize advice to toughen up, emphasize the harm of harassment, and argue for addressing negative experiences alongside positive ones without oversimplifying their situation.
>Of course, the dev is a liar and there is no police report.
Why do you make that assumption? Far worse happens to people in the public sphere on a regular basis
Can I get a tl;dr of this?
The author is frustrated by dismissals of their online harassment complaints, citing serious incidents and criticizing oversimplified advice to toughen up.
At this point I want to see how much more chatgpt can simplify this:

The author is frustrated with dismissals of their online harassment complaints.

Frustrated with dismissals.

Dismissal frustration.

He has actually lost it. This is the sort of thing you can't bounce back from psychologically.
That's a pretty funny meme. I can see why his autistic ass would be crying over it.
>Why don't these retards just stay off twitter?
They're addicted to it.
Holy shit they might actually just nuke the game. Holy shit I hope the crazy troon baboons do it.
just sell it at this point
a soulless gigacorp will either make it better, or ruin it so bad it will encourage other indies to make competitors
zomboid could be better developed in the hands of anyone other than whoever currently holds it
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This is what made the dev post all that shit in the OP, btw
The weirdest EA situation I've seen in my life has got to be Secrwts of Grindea which spent 13 years in dev and 9 years in EA and then just released this year and was actually good and complete. No idea how any of that happened.
That is funny.
imagine getting assblasted by a facebook-tier meme with a fucking watermark
This sounds like a bonafide /v/ reply.
>will Lemmy end up killing himself when the money stops pouring in?
so it's me reading my Google inbox, got it. finish your fucking game and stop crying on reddit/twitter.
>or I will sell the game to another company.
please do
police do this all the time if you're not in a basketball neighborhood
i think death threat are entirely justified. early access dont mean u get to fuck around eternally. u are supposed to release a product.
u cant make excuses over shit company management of not even have a cloud save.
you cant endlessly add pointless junk in hopes of modders to fix the core game.
how the fuck do u have 8 years of adding sub menues of a dirty rag instead of making multiplayer work.
bought and then refunded it within 20 minutes.
The theft happened and we now know that they lost zero code. They simply didn't want to work.
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My condolences that you didn't like it. It was great fun for me, and it's definitely quite high effort, but sometimes you just don't like a game and that's that.
Thank you. I hope steam's pajeet is in a reading mood when I submit this after getting off of work.
>Guis I had to quit reddit AND discord :((((
God what a faggot.
its so funny to see normies latch onto the game and see for themselves what a long ass time these fucks take with their updates. even they realize
>wait a second, why is it taking 3 years for fucking farming and some retarded minecraft crafting system?
Mainstream audiences in particular, have no patience for this shit. They are used to stuff like mobile games, which get updates every month.
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b42 never
NPCs never
Lemmy will never finish his game and if you remind him he will stop working on it for a week for a "mental health break"
Enjoy waiting forever
Don't worry, he was back on Reddit within a few minutes.
Really? I played the demo and liked it but holy shit 22 years?
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Do you have the tech tree images?
no but if someone can get that, thatd be great, i think its in one of the 2021 blog posts.
>like doxxing
What in the fuck is doxxing supposed to do when people on the internet can already find out where you work.

>sending distrubing videos
Just delete and not open them, lmao.

>Personal attacks extending to family and friends.
Just document them for the police in case one turns out to be real.

>Toughen up.
Literally, toughen up.
>Tell you to hire a PR team to do damage control and for him to shut up.
Is he literally retarded?
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It's even worse than what I could remember.
He should sell out, they'd atleast finish the game
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can the zomboid devs just shut the fuck up and work on their damn game already? it's really no wonder why it's taking so long when these guys will take the time to write essays on reddit to bitch and whine and moan about their problems. those are not your players' problems and it's very homosexual to go off on them about it. it speaks to a weakness of character
might as well do what Hollow Knight devs do and just don't talk to anyone and get to work but something tells me that these guys are incapable of logging off for an extended period of time
This game's development is a fucking mess holy shit.
hes based, retards dont get it
I bet he's lurking here.
cancer man jim did a stream on jessi slaughter like 2 weeks ago he's not arcane oldfag lore anymore
Why can't he do this piece by piece
Wait he's actually obsessed with Rimworld.
He's just forcing his employees to work on this because Rimworld also has tribal stuff.
CDDA won
its sad that we are getting shitty sticks and stones for this 7 year update cycle instead of improving the melee and gun combat. they cry on and on about
>but we need crafting for NPCs to use later! its future proofing!
well what about the damn combat? its going to be so shit when NPCs are put into the game and we cant block or dodge or fist fight or have more movesets with various weapons or be able to shoot reliably from the second floor or take cover or stand side by side with friends without accidently shooting them because the shooting is all retarded. if they spend this update reworking combat, id still be pissed they would take 7 years but at least we would get something useful for 90% of the players. instead they are adding shitty crafting which most players wont even touch because people will be bored 1 month in because nothing outside the crafting is changing the core gameplay loop.
I don't get it. I genuinely don't. Who plays project zomboid and goes into the woods to live as a caveman. Literally nobody asked for this shit. Why not fix your fucking vehicles first???
this shit is what they're dragging their feet on?
I could slam out the code for this shit in a few hours tops, the only part that might take a bit longer is making it look nice
but it sure wouldn't take even close to this fucking long
Are these intended to be multiplayer only things?
Is a single player expected to blacksmith their own crossbow parts?
>tell the police you're jewish and being targeted with doxxed info
>they raid some sharty/Xfags home for the death threats
>literally that ez
Worked for /pol/ can work anywhere!
Rimworld barely has any tribal stuff at all, the neolithic stuff is actually one of its weakpoints.
Remember when this retard said someone broke into his house and stole the original project zomboid source code? kek I'm shocked at this wall of text.
Me too lol. But I think the dude should cut his loses, make a new game with new tech to expedite the process of development. All the promised features of the first iteration of the game.
Thank you for your service
When I bought this game 12 years ago, I didn't buy it in the hopes any of this would be added. I do not give a fuck about any of this. I wanted a zombie game with basic survival mechanics it already had, and some extra features like vehicles, NPCs, and a story. They still have yet to add 2/3 of these while they have redesigned the game at least 2 times at this point. What the fuck are they even doing?
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running go fund me plush events and claiming they all have cancer for sympathy upvotes
100% chance they abandon the game after the next update and poison the modding well just like starbound did
>it's another episode of indie dev going crazy after not having to wagecuck and getting too high on own farts
Pride is hell of a sin
Imagine being able to shut down any game development you want by sending someone a nasty ass video. Fuck voting with your wallet I have a better idea. I run the video game industry now.
He's an absolute retard but at least he's based.
>Send you a bodyguard?
Depends on who you are they might give you the red carpet treatment. The world is full of neat things like that.
>the game they on average spent 8 bucks on isn't progressing fast enough.
whos fault is that?
charge a low price get a shitty entitled community

tale as old as time
Relax Jamal-kun
Happy for you or sorry that happened.
This has to be an internal oldfag joke that I'm too zoomer to understand. Yes, death threats are dumb and most of the time can be ignored but depending on the amount you receive and who you're getting it from it's very understandable to be concerned.
The police definitely aren't going to do anything about it unless you're an important person which isn't the case for most people.

If you're a celebrity maybe.
lemmy literally complained in his last big spergout about people praising them when they do release anything

and now he's saying he's only complaining about specific, REALLY BAD whiners?
shieet, 42 aint coming out to 2042 is it?
>Wait he's actually obsessed with Rimworld
This I don't get either. And whenever he compares the two games he thinks he is doing himself a favor? Nigger Rimworld at least is fully finished. Has been ages ago.
yeah this particular breakdown is the kind you tend to only see in people who are 100% guilty of all the shit that they're being accused of.

This guy's online presence this past week has been an extended ace attorney freakout
Seriously who asked for this. Was it one of you niggers? As a fucking joke??
Early access games are scams. Indie devs are worse than AAA
I'd want a few military vehicles
New maps
Expanded old maps
New weapons
New cars
Mad Max armor on cars
Bigger hordes
More zombie types like a screecher
like 3 streamers
that's the audience that early access indies chase after
lmfao and all the replies here calling this schizo like he ain't right.

holy fuck now I get it, everybody in here shitting on this guy are poojet devs at some soulless slopshovel studio seething that he's right.
that's a huge factor here.
instead of adding NPCs to make single player a little less shit, they're making MORE stuff that you're never EVER going to realistically enjoy to the fullest on your own
No. And fuck the modders that give you all of that shit for free to you, making me look bad.
>zomboid could be better developed in the hands of anyone other than whoever currently holds it
No it couldn't.
If it could you'd see a singular zomboidlike but you don't, because it actually takes 10+ years of love for a team that size to be able to make something untainted by corporate teabagging with as much indepth systems and content that zomboid does.
This is why I pirate most of the games.
The only thing Zomboid has over Cataclysm, is multiplayer.
Calling project zomboid "early" access is a joke. Lemmy is going to have to pass his game down to his kids to work on since he obviously won't be done with it in his own lifetime.




>indepth systems
>infections dont kill you
>cold cant kill you
>no car door open animation after 8 years
You can literally get all that in existing mod packs
Except more zombies lol the game auto delete them for you because its coded by retards, you'd need to manually edit the files to fix that...oh and you better have a non poor fag CPU
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Then who is?
Zombie events
Combat overhaul
These three need to be their priorities, everything else can be done later down the line.
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hypothermia cannot kill you
full body burns cannot kill you
skull fractures with no method of treatment cannot kill you
in depth bro lol
>More zombie types like a screecher
Please for the love of all that is holy, fuck no
zombie "types" are pure cancer
>Yes, death threats
highly skeptical about them
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no seriously, the faggots here demanding it be rushed out and completed should just fuck off to whatever AAA zombslop shitware is being dumped out en masse yearly.

You are not entitled for the developer to finish his work. Just like you aren't entitled for GRRM to finish Game of Thrones before he dies.

This must be what pisses you corpo cocksuckers off the most, that you can't FORCE him to put it out, like your precious quarterly profit chasing suits you worship could.

>>stop threatening me or I will sell the game to another company.
Quite honestly thats based

Total autist death, I've made some before and the worst part is when some sperg makes it their special interest then will effectively stalk you and get pissy because you don't treat them like the sun comes out their arse, haven't quite had the gore shit like he did but fuck the fans.

I want b.42 but yea I don't blame him in the slightest if he fucks off. It's not like he is getting any more money from it
Oh it's you again, Lemmy.
Fuck back off to back4blood
zomboid isnt for you
Lads are British, police don't do shit unless he's a pundi or a black boy
I don't play that garbage.
>zomboid isnt for you
Why? Because I want NPCs, mid and endgames and better combat?
Least unhinged project zomboid fan.
>I don't play that garbage.
Oh it's garbage now? Huh? HUH? HUH? Well that's what zomblsop AAA studios are pushing out.
>Why? Because I want NPCs, mid and endgames and better combat?
Then play mods and patiently wait for the developer of one of the only games past 2010 to have vision and direction on what to do, to finish up the rest of it.

Just because a hollywood like parasitic tech dudebro industry attached itself to the gaming scene/industry since the earliest days foaming at the mouthl ike venture capitalists, doesn't mean every developer has to operate like that.

Zomboid, will be a masterpiece lacking any corporate soulless sellout garbage. It already is one as it currently is.

You aren't entitled to more, and faster.
>Oh it's garbage now? Huh? HUH? HUH?
You seem unhinged.
are you the bong that develops it?
Doxxing was novel in the early to mid 2010s. Now it's just business as usual. Unless you're some kind of political nonconformist (i.e. a heckin nazi) then it's not going to do anything to you. Same thing for death threats. Some redditor claiming that he's going to bash your head in is not, in fact, going to do that.
Who pissed in your cheerios?
>buy project zomboid

Anon where do you live? Do they really have sales so often you're counting 8 dollars as the average pricetag?
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>wow I SUREE WANT the developer to sell Zomboid because he wont HECKIN update my favorite zombie game like the entitled consumer I am

I fucking hope he sells it to Microsoft so they can gut it and paste on their monetization system environment like they did to Minecraft, and now Bethesda games are following suit with the exact same set up.

No shit, it's the developer from OP's picture.
think they were dumb enough to give it away for almost nothing in humble bundles early on
Yea, the teenage retards here can't process what's going on, dude isn't a schizo he is just fucked right off and people are replying to him like "lol you got doxxed and sent traumatic (basically screamer) videos so you can't even do bug reports in peace, just walk it off bro, just give us the update bro".

He must be beyond frustrated and the community are effectively gaslighting him about how he should feel about his situation mainly because they're autistic if not selfish.

It's the same shit when the Factorio dev get lectured by some lefty twat about referrring to a well known coding guru who happened to have some relatively unknown political views, he basically told them to blow it out their arse because they were like "well you should apologise for mentioning him" (like reddit faggots do), then the community acted like he was in the wrong, got banned from his own subreddit, and got labelled transphobic because some tranny claimed he was (it was literally a self-insert make-it-about-me thing like they normally do, think X-says-trans-rights).

Fuck Reddit and the autistic faggots
You won't sell shit because whoever buys it will actually finish the game and you'll be laughed at into obscurity.
You won't sell shit.
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Please sell it, Lemmy.
right,, like microsoft finished minecraft...
>He's not schizo
t. Schizo
>Author condemns dismissal of severe online harassment; argues against "toughen up" advice; acknowledges positive community aspects.
ask chat gpt to make it shorter
Fuck off Zoomie, come back when you've grown some hair on your balls and been in a fight you've only seen red in
the dev is reading 4chan threads about him and is replying on reddit about them? you can't possibly be this retarded right? if so, I understand now why it's taking 10+ years for this game. I kneel.
reading trough the posts here i can tell theres a pajeet op
this guy is 100% being harassed
he is handling it wrong tho
how is any of what he said schizo?
Finish your game schizotard.
You want to play CDDA then
>Schizophrenia is a serious mental health condition that affects how people think, feel and behave. It may result in a mix of hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized thinking and behavior.
The OP contains all three.
your average zoomer is in their 20s the oldest are near 30
100% a /v/ reply, just missing a buzzword like 'slop'
> shamelessly copy the idea for CDDA and slap some 3d models in.
> CDDA continues development, leaves your side project in the dust.
Damn the time flies, must be brainrotted genA then
he gets sent gore videos and people are calling his relatives
how does that make him a schizo?
If this the same bitch who cried because he got his laptop stolen and was retarded enough not to think backups were a necessity?
not reading any of that, but i support him 100%. he made a great game and the people complaining haven't done shit
You'd kill yourself if you had to spend 1 day working customer service kek
>pouring in?
Funny to think you guys think he's rolling in dough
Leave him alone and maybe the game will get updated. This is just pointless nonsense.
I've been working customer service for 16 years.
are you pretending to be retarded?
thats very basic shit
people literally call cops to try and kill streamers live on air
gore pics are not in the "unbelievable" genre when it comes to autists trying to fuck with people
>Somebody sent me goatse, i can't work anymore! HELP HELP HELP!
knew it
pajeet op
Lemmy has contracted something worse than a zombie infection: Yapping.
so now hes not hallucinating it?
youre just saying random shit
that man has to debase himself to the point of being contrarian on 4chan in order to feel human emotion and experience some sort of social connection.

It's best not to interact with them when you see them in the wild.
how do you manage to be this unnecessarily convoluted
Of course he's hallucinating it. The point being that if it was real, it would still be ridiculous.
its based
are you a literal pajeet or a woman?
how is any of that convoluted?
By not having a dev plan. The issue with this game's development (from an outside perspective) is that there is no hypothetical feature complete version of the game to work towards. So, they keep messing around with features that already exist and implementing random stuff without advancing the state towards the feature complete version of the game.
>how is any of that convoluted?
Have you tried opening the crafting menu in Zomboid?
Did they got their laptop stolen again? what's with all that text?
hey dumbass, build 42 would have been completed 5-6 years ago at any * real * development studio, you're just a lazy nigger
>pick up a gun off the ground
>entire 6+ year update invalidated
The game isn't entitled to release tomorrow, and their timeframe on release is exactly whenever they feel satisified or complete in the project.

There are multiple buildings on this planet that have taken over 100 years to complete building. You want some soulless skyscraper ssteel beams rebar and glass windows, sure that can get down on a much quicker scale.

PZ is going to be a timeless masterpiece in the gaming industry when it's done
If you tried to make PZ you wouldn't even be 1/8th as close to where it currently is with the same resources.
Don't open your mouth to talk shit if you don't know what you're talking about.
The only dev team slower than the Zomboid niggers are the Kenshi niggers. It's literally impossible that either team is actually working on their game 90% of the time, NOTHING takes THAT long.
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>build 42 would have been completed 5-6 years ago at any * real * development studio
and build 42 would've been
The Coffin of Andy and Leylei dev hired a PR firm and went total media blackout mode so they could focus entirely on their incest coomfic game, and fans have mostly been positive towards each update.
>get off of reddit
>do work on the game
it really is that simple
Why do shizos always go after small indi devs? Why isnt it geoff or spencer the literal cancer incarnation.
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>NOTHING takes THAT long.
>Groundbreaking 19 March 1882; 142 years ago
>Completed 2026 (planned)
>stop threatening me or I will sell the game to another company.
Is that supposed to be a threat?
Oh no. It will get sold to a company that will actually work on it, or do nothing with it so the status quo doesn't chabge
If it ends being fully finished and not early access slop, I'll be fine with 5+ years of development
>using a gigantic extravagant cathedral as an example in a thread about video games
Pure insanity
They cannot live without the attention. I didn't understand it until I talked to one of these people myself. If they don't get enough attention they feel suicidal so they're forced to remain addicted to twitter. It's fucking insane. For all the whining about harassment and having to read emails and DMs, just remember that in his own mind the alternative is killing himself out of severe depression and isolation. He HAS to keep reading the twitter slop, you don't understand, he NEEDS to scroll for at least 4 hours a day or his entire life falls apart from lack of meaning. These people would prefer to be doxxed/harassed/spammed than to just put the phone down and do something else.
videogames are art.
This is an individual, independent passion project.
There are people who invested in that church, who lived and died without ever seeing the completed project once.

Your 15 dollar early access purchase of project zomboid, where you willingly chose to buy into early access, does not even come close to that.
You aren't entitled to anything, you were supporting an early works project, with no real ownership stake.
Now you're seething about the equivalent of an entre at a decent sit in family place, where I'm almost certain you've already gotten more than the money back in equivalent enjoyment.

You're a pedantic faggot, seething about one mans passion project.
Go consume more slop meant to turn numbers first and foremost while you bitch. Seems to be what you want out of a game.
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i am so tired bro's
>just said all that
>called me a pedantic fag
I wasn't even the guy you were talking to. That was my first reply to you
Dread Dawn and Zed Zone are zomboidlikes and they're being developed in a fraction of the time. Kenshi released 6 years ago and we'll get the sequel well before Zomboid gets NPCs
There is no way this isn't the dev. It's the exact same hysterics from the OP. Either, the dev or "chat gpt reply to this post in the style of this text"
and watch them never even touch the surface level of indepth systems/content that zomboid does.
What's the best company TIS could sell itself or the game to?
>You are not entitled for the developer to finish his work
sure, but then the dev shouldn't be surprised if people pull out their support.
mine is 2013, but i had it a year earlier in 2012 for desura. only managed 200 hours.
It'd be better to just open source the game so modders can fix it. Clearly the devs can't continue with development so better to let everyone contribute.
Dev isn't begging for money, :^) he just doesnt want whiny manchildren sending him blown up ukrainian and russian soldiers while demanding build 42
this is shit
work harder chatty pp
He should only ever sell out of spite, and then it should be to microsoft so anybody who ever bitched will get to watch the game be ruined in real time by the XGS monetization method which is applied across all their major live service games.
He'd get murdered for that
Can I get a tldr of this
dunno, Notch is still alive
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>you aren't entitl-ACK
I am
>You can't forc- ACK
I am. And I will.
Yeah really. He talks about his "game" but it isn't even a game yet until it hits 1.0 in my book.
So code, codie...get in your cage and code
My favorite project zomboid dev spergout still has to be that time they got their community to fund a fellow devs lifesaving surgery just for it to turn out to be for a sex change operation instead.
and never made another video game ever again.
zomboid in its current state is more of a game than most games are ever actually games.
Certainly more of a game than any sonyflop movie shit.
would he even have the money, has he already bought a new house with it?
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The developers just need to stop taking the internet so seriously. Imagine crying about selling your million dollar game because a couple people sent you gore on discord.
I NEED to pet this kitty

Also Zomboid is janky garbage
Get back in the cage, codie.
no fucking way when did that happen?
He's just doing this so he can go back to not doing anything, people have been uppity calling out his laziness and that the game gets updated less than Tower of Trample.
In depth systems don't fucking matter if the core gameplay loop isn't fun.
Archived for prosperity.
>if the core gameplay loop isn't fun.
Good thing it's bloody fucking fun innit
Fuck even the tl;dr is tl;dr
i can guarantee they were looking for an excuse to delay things even further, and this is it
>noooo, my entitled fans
if your game is in early access for over a decade then what the fuck are you even doing.
lemmy...it's over...
i don't know how to defend you anymore..please work on the game..
>if your game is in early access for over a decade then what the fuck are you even doing.
Working on a passion project?
Gamers are the worlds most whipped and largest consooomies so it's insane you've got to deal with these questions unironically.
>In depth systems
zomboid doesnt even have that medical system shallow
sneaking broken
vehicles shallow
weather shallow
food and moodles shallow
Holy shit
Its John /v/!
I bet hes here right now

No seriously, this is a /v/ tier reply
The true TLDR of all this drama is this one:
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Wanna hear a fun story about this shit
>Zomboid releases plan about moving to industrial shit and considering hiring
>Be me
>Literal chemical engineer
>Literal innawoods fag
>Literal access to massive amount of cold war era "Can we purify gas in a whiskey distillery"
>Literally paid to consult by redneck breweries and shit
>Hear nothing back, shrug
>Check in two IRL patents later
>Rock knapping
rimworld barely pays lip service to tribal shit, it's just a research handicap in exchange for two extra starting pawns. lorewise there's no reason why anyone would revert to fucking blacksmithing and hide tanning in zomboid when the world is exactly the same as it was before the zombie incident except there's less people and more zombies. but reddit and, to be fair, gamers in general have a hard-on for medieval tier technology and crafting and so it gets shoehorned into fucking everything to a rousing chorus of upvotes.
>Working on a passion project?
the fuck kind of a passion project is it if it's been over 10 years now, are you one guy working at this in your garage during your spare time? fuck outta here, you absolute deserve all the criticism you get for this incompetence
>people said mean things to me, btw buy my game, no we don't actually need to release it
grow the fuck up and get off social media, if you spent half this energy actually working on the damn thing, you wouldn't be in this position to begin with. and don't reply trying to defend this, i won't be reading. dumbass.
Refunds come from steam's money, not the dev's. However, if enough refunds happen close to each other, Steam will put pressure on them to stop fucking up.
> make mildly successful zombie game
> do it so poorly that people are unhappy
Muh shoulders. It feels like my entire life is a struggle. Noone has known more sorrow than I. Zomboid is more important to society than medicine. Doctors who perform 16 hour surgeries to save lives? Nought but slouches compared to me.
It's started as 4, it's now 16, they aren't beholden to some boardroom quarterly profit margin forcing the game out, it's their passion, they'll keep updating at their pace.


when you purchased the liscenes to play it, you didn't purchase voting stock, you didn't purchase a ticket to the devs ear at some yearly summit where they discuss the progress. You bought an early access game. You've already gotten your moneys worth out of it.

The rest is as simple as you're a whiny bitchy entitled faggot.
You don't get it anon, it's a passion project, which in typical passion projects require years between minor updates.
Their passion is drinking room temperature beer at the local and bitching about how hard it is to sit on millions of dollars for half assing a videogame in a shit language.
You don't get it anon, you aren't entitled to shit.
EARLY ACCESS UPDATES ARE SUPPOSED TO MOVE THE GAME OUT OF EARLY ACCESS. Crappy "passion project" updates which do nothing can happen AFTER the game is oit of early access.
Crunch has never made a game better, and you're an impatient, entitled faggot who deserves to be shot for turning the gaming industry to what it is.
>it's a passion project that's why he doesn't work on it every day and just lounges around depressed and writes reddit novels about it
>He's just so passionate about making the game that he doesn't make the game!
>You wouldnt get it!
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>It's their passion
>They've spent the last 4 years making knapping a thing

Sorta looks like a side project from here.
It's out of early access when he says it's out of early access. They could've released it 5 years ago, never updated it again, and it'd have been in his full right to do such giving you NOTHING.

If you wanted a released game, maybe you should of bought it when it releases.
Crunch is a term for punishers telling ppl when the game is coming out. Back in the day entire game dev cycles were crunch and it was voluntary.
Id software etc
>noo its not my retarded avatarfagging purifying gas into a whiskey distillery and is adding actual shit actual people will actually do in a zombie apocalypse to survive

no wonder your ass never got hired
As opposed to "ironically" not reading it, you fucking retard?
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>another thread where anons pretend they know anything about game development
Don't you guys ever get tired of the mindless hating and spewing nonsense out of your asses?
I am though. I was made a promise in trust, and until obtained I will kneel upon your and the indie stones neck. Inshallah.

are you aware of how mentally retarded you sound?
Don't you ever get tired of NOT working on your game?
>I was made a promise in trust,
No you weren't
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>Oh no, a 16 man dev team didn't hire a me, I'll have to work at a defense company or major pharmaceutical brand instead
Seems to be a lot of uses of the word promise in there.
Oh no no no noooo
Code. codie.
Zomboid is pure tedium, it actively encourages not engaging with the main set piece after the initial scramble of gathering supplies/skills to fuck off in the woods. Dying light is Zomboid done right, there's an actual story to progress and sidequests to do when you're not scavenging for materials or leveling up. Zomboid isn't a game, it's an autism test.
>posted in 2014
>no actual release date mentioned in sight
????? what are you doing unironically as a schizo linking that post. It takes zero seconds for someone to open it up, CTRL+F 2014 and see there is no promised release date out the ass you're talking from.
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That's between the me, the devs, and the cats being turned into pepperoni in my basement lad
No anon. The post itself is from 2014. And promises NPCs.
hey schizo believe it or not but indie games dont have to be owned by giant corporations to have functional development cycles
Quests and story is irrelevant to videogames as a medium. While you might prefer those elements to have a heavy hand in it's design, others think it takes away from the main focus of what a game should be.
>No anon. The post itself is from 2014. And promises NPCs.
and NPCs are still going to be added in the game, but they shifted focus on improving and overhauling other systems to better facilitate them.

There again was never a promised release date for that. You can't point at the game and say it hasn't advanced since 2014. Otherwise you're just being disingenuous.
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What about events other than a single, 7 day in helicopter you can deal with by just closing the window. Do those take away from the main focus too?
Nobody said anything about that. I think he other anon said he will kneel on the devs proverbial neck until delivered the promise. How is blacksmithing or grass graphics helping facilitate NPCs? The 2014 post lines out what is to be done and extra things added after that.
I bought this game December 26, 2021 and other games I bought years ago that are still early access - Phasmophobia October 21, 2020 - Stoneshard February 9, 2020. phasmo felt like a finished game day 1 and all the updates only made it more complicated and then ultimately ruined it, how is that shit not out by now. fucking temtem is fully released, fucking TEMTEM
Please wait for upcoming builds.
Actually, retard, customers ARE entitled to service on a continuous license. Ignoring the fact that video games AREN’T a license (even though baitposting retards like yourself will continue to insist they are), customers are ALWAYS stakeholders in a firm. Even if they cannot vote in a shareholder meeting, even if they are not on the board, they still have a stake in a firm’s success or failure; thus, the firm should always consider their satisfaction or displeasure when making decisions.
Leaving the firm’s only product stagnant for ten years is absolutely justification for the customers to leave terrible reviews and offer unfavorable word-of-mouth advertising.
tl;dr you’re wrong nigger neck yourself
>others think it takes away from the main focus of what a game should be.
And what is Zomboid supposed to be? You can't even automate crafting without heavy reliance on mods. It's pure time wasting
YOU DON'T FUCK WITH SYSTEMS BEFORE HAVING A FEATURE COMPLETE GAME. That is, like, gamedev 101. This is because all features affect each other and it leads to, something we have a lot of, delays as you have to rework everything every time you implement a feature.
>bought Zomboid and thought it'd be released anytime soon afterwards
why do people just buy things without researching them? this must be where most of the outrage is coming from, whenthe last major build released and a bunch of huge twitch streams and youtubers all played it for a few weeks.

I guess all the lill zoomzoom timmie tims all bought it around then, and are now bitching it isn't out of Early Access without researching anything about the dev team.

I have no sympathy for you.
>Kingdom Come: Deliverance worked on a much larger game for a year, started a kickstarter, released a beta and released the full game in under 4 years
>Zomboid is gonna be pushing 20 before the developers add a deer to the game you can shoot for food
Ironically enough Warhorse devs are friendly with star citizen devs but still avoided being lazy niggers
>Author... argues.
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>Please wait
Well at least that's something we've all gotten good at
He's not wrong, people are unhinged and belong in mental hospitals. It is my greatest dream to lock up all of you on medication.
>That is, like, gamedev 101
There is no gamdev 101, gamedev 101 is written and made by retards looking to release polished turds working for random X soulcrushing AAA studio in order to push out something shiny enough that enough retards will buy it out of FOMO and the hedgefund capitalists on the boardroom all laugh while their pockets are lined with shekels.

Zomboid is a small team working on a large project, it's going to take time but no better studio is going to put out anything that can even compete with it. Because they'd make more pushing out watered down polished shiny turds.
>Just delete and not open them, lmao.
They were supposedly being submitted as bug reports with fake thumbnails.
Fucking ignorant faggot.
That'd be you
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Wow! There's a lot of negativity at the moment. Sorry about that. It's my job as CM to do better.

We're working hard on build 42 at the moment, but I've set out a few hours to talk to the community and answer their questions. Far right btw. Ask away, and I'll answer anything I can.
i accept your concession, small indie dev
What utter faggotry
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>community managing 4chan
chatgtp- bluds a bitch
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>HURR DURR i've never worked on a game in my entire life but the zomboid devs should just finish their game LOL
This board is full of fucking RETARDS
Just so you know, /v/ is one of our most dedicated and beloved communities. One of our devs even spends way too long on here. Not pointing fingers!
CBN won btw
>all that sarcasm and passive agression
Isn't this guy like 40?
>i've never worked on a game in my entire life
nor for my entire life, unlike zomboid devs
Sounds a bit quiet in there, codie.
I don't hear your keyboard clacking.
Get coding, codie.
I don't give a shit, I don't even play the games. it was enjoyable at first. wtf are you even supposed to research, game looks fun and people buy. do not act like you haven't wasted money, you ever regret getting food from a place, yeah no shit
at what point can people start taking legal action? at this point someone should set up a petition for refunds. someone should make that. you can easily do it on change.org
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EA counts as in-dev too, lad.
But I don't regret shit dumbass.
One multiweek zomboid session with the bros made the game pay for itself, that's how cheap PZ is and how much fun content there was.

Of course had a bit of fun also cause I grew up in the Louisville metro area at one point in my life, but even without that easily worth.
Easier just to send them cat videos until they either build 42 or 42%.
If only. It's been almost two years since they've done anything at all, even so much as a hotfix the last of which were in December '22.
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lmao the absolute state
lemmy might anhero when he releases this and absolutely no one cares or interacts with this system
>blatant samefaggot
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insane how many posts I've made in this thread, and you couldn't even string 2 of mine together in the post about samefags.
get a better samefag detector
is there plate armor in this game?
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Why are both CDDA and Zomboid like this? why can't they just make a fun game?
no. you can sew patches into regular clothes for like a max+ 15% reduction to bite or scratch chance at the cost of moving slow as fuck and getting super overheated
its pretty shit
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plate armor in a zombie apoc would be retarded as fuck
The game isn't meant for casuals like you, back 4 blood seems more made for your speed champ
but it would be fucking cool
depends on the kind of zombies but yes
if you had it, you wouldn't have to worry about bites at all unless they can wrench your helmet off or you get stampeded and suffocate
but a leather jacket and blue jeans with gloves and good boots would be more than enough for regular romero style zombies
Most popular mods say otherwise. People want modern guns and cool cars. They don't want this tribal super complicated crafting tree bullshit. YOU are not the zomboid audience.
> People want modern guns
>in 1992
yeah nah kys immediately zoomzoom and fuck the fuck off
>being mad that updates take multiple years to come out and wanting it to be a bit faster is asking them to "rush".
Modders who are a single person put out more content and systems than the company with millions of dollars do. One man is single handily carrying their entire vehicle system for example.
>Modders content
worst arugment on the planet
Then why are the modern weapon packs the most popular?

here's a (you) as you deserve nothing more since you can't formulate an argument.
go play cdda if you want a real game with maxxed out autism
keep pz casual and add in FUN stuff not fucking pottery. I bet they'll be stealing cdda's pockets and chewing mechanics next and none of the cool shit like special zombies
>Then why are the modern weapon packs the most popular?
Because gun and car fags are massive paypigs, and support the modding scene for those things.
Why else do you think GTA V printed billions. Doesn't make it good game design.
Wouldn't know, ironically didn't read your post.
doxing has one x you retard
I paid for it what, 10 years ago? it is my game.
>original creator's vision
yeah dogshit unfinished game that I can fortunately salvage somewhat with 100 or so mods that deviate greatly from the "creators" vision
if it weren't for people being negative to devs nothing would get done so w/e
>the target audience for Project Zomboid in zoomer e-celeb cocksucker fanbase time is multifags that want to play the sims and sex erp with their tranny friends
>the game is already perfect for them
No, you bought a license, to play the vision of the creators game, and you don't even own that copy.
telling someone you hope they die isn't a death threat retard
>All this shit to make building supplies
>in a world full of countless abandoned buildings and home depot stores
You're the same people who post megaton and go "Where do they get food"
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>200 years of potential looting in a single store versus a week's worth of scavenging across an entire county
Even 7 Days to Die is coming out of early access and has a post-release roadmap that looks like something even they can follow

Project Zomboid has no excuse
Zomboid doesnt need excuses, because you aren't owed anything.
I know nothing about Zomboid, but I have read up on Yandere Sim and Star Citizen.

can one of you compare Zomboid to one (or both) of those games?
This is really really embarrassing this is legit yandre dev tier. Like for real what the fuck man.
is there a name for this specific flavor of autism?
This avatar was a mistake, Chibi gave up all ability to emote in exchange for a single punchline face.
>Hey, I'm working on this game. If you give me 20 bucks, I'll let you play the version of it now and release updates regularly
>That sounds good
>Also I'm reneging on the deal, I'm only going to update once a year at maximum and they'll be small updates that modders can easily exceed by themselves in their free time
>Oh, that's pretty shitty of you
A little of column A and B
>relentless feature creep occurring simultaneously with a failure to incorporate core game features
>drama-queen dev
>endless development cycle with no end in sight
This guy gives me OneHourOneLife vibes.
There was regular updates, and the game is still being updated.
doesnt work like that, and feel free to ask for a refund. It's early access, you still can.
Kek, what a fucking retard.
Kenshi 2 moved to UE5 its unironically over
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You're fucking lying
>Why do people think the dev should add more guns to a game set in rural America?
>Indie games can't be made within 10 years and be good without microtransactions and in-game cash shops!!!
Going Medieval
even 7 Days to Die, lmao

If I want to be REALLY unfair, I can also mention:
Kingdom Come Deliverance
Baldur's Gate 3

>b-but they all had bigger teams!
Yes, and you have made enough sales to hire people to make a bigger team
If you are in charge of the team, having a big team does not mean you are now forced to put in shitty microtransactions and cosmetic shops or battle passes
Indeed, one of the main reasons to hire more people is because the game's scope has grown beyond what you are capable of dealing with - that's literally the purpose of having employees
pointless waste of space cosmetics ands anything prior to the early 90s should never ever ever get adde doutside of mods
lol doesnt matter retard, their game, not yours
>their game, not yours
indeed, I got my money back :)
and they still have it pocketed
wild how capitalism works right?
Kenshi was a buggy mess but it had a stable framerate. This is going to be unplayable.
>implying it'll ever come out
>The scammer has money, therefore they're not a terrible person
lol, lmao
it isnt a scam
you just dont like the product you mentally inept ape
you got scammed out of nothing
what the fuck
judging by what people post about absolute majority survives for about a week, the minority of people that play the game for a while can survive for a month
this content will be seen by the tiniest fraction of people that survive for months
and remember the liquid mixing mechanic? lmao
anon, are you shitposting or smth? I've been lurking in the thread and I'm genuinely asking. Unless you're having fun larping, I can't imagine actively engaging with a thread this much and regurgitating the same points.
I meant priorities
they need to focus on what would be experienced by most of the playerbase, not this prehistoric shit
They did, that's already out, and thousands on thousands of normies have had an enjoyable playing experience with it.

The rest of the shit you mouthbreathers want can be fixed with mods like "KILLDOZER 8000 WITH 50x ATTACHMENTS RELEASED 2018" mudded into the game.
How about the bandits and NPCs that have been promised for more than a decade?
They're still coming, that's the last systems you add into the game and they've had to rebuild the base game before.

Literally just 2 more updates, imagine bitching. It'll be done by 2030, and covid was already 4 yrs ago.

Time flys
for me, the previous build's map with the river bent more naturally, towns fleshed out and NPCs would be a perfect 1.0
>buying early access tranny games
No, I legitimately just did it for free.
Anyways I'm off to go to work now, have fun everybody
It's gonna be funny seeing everyone kneel when the NPC update comes out and it's pure kino
This is actually completely insane to me.
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Jesus what a bitch baby.
>Friends and I got into zomboid hard a few months back, some of them playing every night.
>None of them even remotely bother with half the systems this game has, outright writing them a great deal of them off
>This never impedes our survival in the least
>Always wonder if we were somehow playing the game wrong, despite all evidence to the contrary
>Nope. The dev is just genuinely retarded and has no idea what he's doing
>couple in-game months into my playthrough
>bored since I had all my needs covered
>decide to kill every zombie in the rosewood prison, whether I die or I clear it i'll call it quits and consider my time with the game done
>loot all the gun shops, the military zone near louisville and every single police station on the map
>got a good variety of guns but almost no ammo (normal loot settings btw)
>get to rosewood, rest until morning
>spend the first day killing the zombies outside
>out of shotgun ammo, almost out of revolver ammo
>second day I run out of revolver ammo and start chewing my pistol and rifle ammo, but I manage to clear the outside of the prison and carve a way to the prison's armory
>one box of shotgun shells and around ten loose pistol bullets
>days later I finish clearing the first floor of the prison
>only a couple hundred pistol rounds left, all other kinds of ammo are completely spent
>using all the fucking ammo in the map only got my shooting skill to 6
>get lazy, go around a corner without checking first and die
>try doing another run with firearm loot set to maximum
>find tons of guns everywhere but still little to no ammo
>done with the game until npcs are out in 2030
>hear the next update is all about crafting
>is just caveman shit, no way to reuse casings or make your own ammo like in NV
Tall buildings, underground facilities and improved environments sounds cool, but as long as the game remains with no real end game I'll stay away
Always fun to see an actual dev cry like a bitch in a thread.
Splendid resume, my esteemed Anonymous.
>wanted walking dead the game
>get 2.5d The Forrest instead
If he was based he’d make it more like old CDDA with murder-robots and wizards n shiiieeet.
there are wizards in that game?
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Reminder that these fags hired the best NPC mod maker just to put him on revamping fishing and other retarded bullshit that has nothing to do with AI or NPC's.
in a mod that ships with the game there is. surprised fat kev hasn't axed it but I guess the maintainer is a primary contributer to the project so that'll never happen
It's not a zombie-type game, more game modes / objectives / an end game would solve this issue by giving you missions and a time window you had to do them in, so would migrating hordes made of purely normal zombies. Actually, it's the zombie fantasy in its purest and potentially best form, just endless waves of walking dead. Those wouldn't be a threat if you stayed still and never did anything and never interacted with the world, but add NPC's and objectives / missions that have to be done and suddenly they are and you have to take risks and put yourself in dangerous situations.

This is directly against the core reason why zomboid was fun, which was zombies. The number one thing that makes the game fun with these zombies is having a world that you interact with that makes you want to do things. You aren't interacting with the world by sitting in a hut and spending 3,000 hours crafting shit.
It got big years ago, crafting autism maybe? The reality is that breaking all these things down into their simplest forms and just having someone press X to build a wall would be more entertaining. This just pulls people out of the world. If people wanted to crush rock and make limestone they'd put on some youtube construction site videos and imagine themselves doing it. People playing a zombie game want a zombie experience.
I'm impressed he's still here. It's been hours.
CDDA's engineering autism actually allows you to accomplish goals like becoming a cyborg or creating a mobile kill car with a meth lab, Zomboid's engineering autism is just useless farming
Zomboid is the same kind of sandbox game, it just has less options for different survival scenarios and literally no enemy variety
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It's cute and expressive when she lets her eyes work properly. Too bad she willimmediately turn on the derp toggleif anyone mentions it. I wasn't watching chibi before she got the SD model, but i'll agree that it is a downgrade from the clips I have seen of her previous one.
any vids of this?
>they've had to rebuild the base game before.
You must be new here. They showed us working NPCs 12 years ago but instead of actually releasing them to the public they decided to rewrite the entire game for absolutely no reason.
>Literally no enemy variety
That's the point, endless undead. CDDA could never give you the purest zombie experience, it's about the cataclysm. Zomboid could give you the purest experience of hordes of enemies that are weak individually but together and over time are a real threat, it's actually designed fairly well for this and a few seemingly minor things need to be ironed out. It's the end of the world, countless undead, you're one of the few left.

CDDA is completely different and is about surviving the end of the world where everything goes crazy. Unique enemies, challenges, ect. are what makes the game. Zomboid could never add all these different enemy types because it just wouldn't be good in a 2.5d style, it would take away from the base zomboid game. You either have the "basic" zombie or you have enemy variety cataclysm, can't have both, they aren't the same.
13 years is still a long fucking time
What the fuck is wrong with this man?
because it was shit
Wish we could go back to sprite based characters. These 3d models look like dog shit.
what an asshole
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>7 Days to Die is going to release before Project Zomboid
and its roadmap for post-release will be finished before NPCs are added to Zomboid
Did someone online call him a faggot or something?
zomboid can still have zombie variety that fits within its 'realistic' setting. faster shambling zombies, zombies immune to pushes, zombies that hit harder, zombies that hit weaker, zombies carrying a knife or rock, body armored zombies immune to slash weapons and guns and so on.
It was pretty much exactly the same back then? The only meaningful updates to the game since then were cars and multiplayer (which hardly anyone gives a shit about)
>You can't have semi intelligent zombies or zombies dogs ... because it isn't "realistic"
A zombie apocalypse isn't realistic
Worse, someone posted this: >>680736878
> were cars
>and multiplayer
>(which hardly anyone gives a shit about)
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>NPCs were already modded in
>all devs had to do was tell the author to officially integrate the mod and further expand on it
>they don't
>they lock the mod author in a broom closet with a SassyMouthBass and order him to program fishing minigames for the next decade

why thougheverbeit
Not really about realism or anything here, but about stylistic elements and the way you look at challenges. Do you want your challenge to be these zombie types? There are better games or you can mod. Do you want your challenge to be zombies in their purest form? Then it's zomboid. The very concept of hordes of weak enemies doesn't really stand up if ackshually some are strong and sturdy and your usual tactics don't work and oh, this one throws rocks.
The best zombie game is Rebuild 3
>this one throws rocks.
nobody said throw rocks, and lemmy and company have very often said they take their zombies from george romero and his zombies, even in the first film had rocks or basic tools to hit the humans with. its just a retarded cop out from the devs so they dont have to program additional enemy types. if you dont like the zombies carrying simple weapons, then literally the ability to have some zombies slow shuffle and fast shuffle at the very least. why does this need to be a mod? again, dev laziness.
>Why does this need to be a mod?
The shuffling one is really the only one that meshes with the style the game has now. Start giving zombies weapons and suddenly it's not the same game at all. You actually would need to rebuild the game to be more about fortifying structures and stuff like that.
>Bro they can hold stuff but they don't ever throw it
Oh, just assumed that if there was some humanoid shuffling around with a rock in its hand it was instinctually using as a weapon it would instinctually throw it.
>anon reveals he's a newfag with this one simple trick
Get back to work Lemmy
>Oh, just assumed that if there was some humanoid shuffling around with a rock in its hand it was instinctually using as a weapon it would instinctually throw it.
no, in the first film, a zombie has a rock and smashes the window with it. and differing zombie types such as body armor zombies fit thematically, being immune to bullets or whatever i mean we see them in the game now but its still treated as if they were wearing plain clothes. for a game thats supposed to be as indepth as possible, the zombies all act the same and dont even group up and move as hordes properly is very lacking. or even fat fuck zombies that require to shoves to stagger instead of one. they wont be super hard to take down, its just that again in a horde they will catch you slightly off guard and provide a little bit of spice without having to go overboard.
>Without having to go overboard
This is probably the key here, and it's hard not to do this in an RPG. As soon as you hear "body armor" RPG's like to add insane stats to enemies that have their entire head exposed. Mixing it up a little, sure, but it's hard to not go overboard when the base concept is so simple. The reality is that police / army body armor would do literally nothing to a guy swinging a stick, and anyone who had spent a couple hours practicing with a pistol would just shoot the head.

Fat / non-staggering zombies seem the most game-breaking out of all of them and massively switch up the whole idea of house clearing.
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Every single peak of the game has been content updates and people playing multiplayer after content creators play it with their friends.

A majority of people who ever purchased the game cares about multiplayer, it's a (You) issue that you dont.
Fanbase is telling him he is taking too fucking long to finish the game
He pisses and shits himself and threatens to stop developing it and to sell it off to whoever because of "harassment"; he gets "death threats" and "horrible videos" sent to him.

So basically a thin-skinned self-centered narcissist and a retard who has no business being in charge of the game who's having a cry because his increasing incompetence and laziness is being called out by the fanbase.
He's right though.
Huh i forgot about this game. Any good?
I have no fucking sympathy for any retard who replies to criticism by doing an immediate DARVO; "I'm the victim oh woe is me, look at all you people victimizing me!"

I fucking hate people like this. Self-absorbed cuntfucks.
Oh it's just lemmy being a faggot. Again.
It's okay lemmy, if you need more time you can just sat the one computer that stores the entire game is gonna be stolen. No wait I mean drowned. Wait actually I mean burned down. Wait I mean fall from the sixth floor. Here found your new original excuse.
>Do you want your challenge to be zombies in their purest form
Except they're not? 1 there is no "true zombie" , 2 you can change a lot of aspects about zombies that already reflect different stereotypes in zombie movies. Adding more scenarios for zombies to possibly be isn't some stylistic issue, it's just dev laziness. They should be making a ton of different game modes for different zombie scenarios based on personal preference -not just something you need to mod in.
Literally WEG dev tier
I've only played zomboid years ago, are the mods any less shit?
>Open mods page and scroll down

There were like 2 good mods and all of the other ones are extremely minor things where you'd need to download like 1,000 different mods to even change the game slightly, none of which meshed together. Is it still like this? Is there still 10,000 different car mods being put out?
thats because its a coom game
people are still positive about teraurge despite it not being updates in like 5 years
>21,208 players right now
>less than a 1000 players on public servers right now.
Next thing you're gonna tell me is that they are all playing on unlisted servers.

>content updates
Name one.
The guy is being legitimately criticized for taking way too long on updates and focusing on something completely out of scope (idiotic crafting update) contrasted with what his game actually is and how people actually play it. The people criticizing him are absolutely correct. It shouldn't take 2+ years to get 1 update out the door.

I see this happen a lot with early access games that "make it" - the developer loses all interest and drive once he's got his money and stops doing anything but busy-body maintenance work on the game. I'd be willing to be this guy hasn't touched a line of code himself in over a year.

Anyway, he can't handle that sort of criticism, it hits too close to home, so he lashes out like a fucking idiot and worse, tries to act like he's a poor widdle victim who's being bullied by the cyberninjas who tell him to kill himself and send him screamer videos in emails. God what a fucking pussy.

This is someone you have to wonder how the fuck they accidentally made a good game in the first place.

stupid fucking autistic nerd, I wonder how long before he troons out
Jesus christ what kind of infantile moron freaks out over seeing goatse and then decides he can't work on anything anymore

how the actual fuck do these manchildren survive life
>Next thing you're gonna tell me is that they are all playing on unlisted servers.
Yes? Why wouldn't you. I certainly did when I played with my homies
So, this confirms he is a /v/ user, right?
Same with starsector

2-4 years between updates, with updates being smaller than what modders do in 2 weeks. It means these devs want to keep milking the game for cash while doing little to no work on it. Gotta be doing maybe 1-2 hours a week of anything related to the game.

At some point you really have to accept you're just not that invested in building the game anymore and move on.
This dev IS the whiny manchild
Open source it and watch more progress get made in 6 months than the game has seen in the last 6 years
The difference is Kenshi is feature complete and their community understands additional official content is just a nice bonus, it's similar to Terraria's fanbase, I believe.
Tell me about those content updates, "homie"
I host a server for 5 of my friends, we sure as fuck aren't going to make it public
no, im still pretty sure that's le deaththreats over 42 not being out
At this point I am conviced that I could code Starsector in binary and be finished before the next "big update"
You sound like an egotistical and entitled fuckwit actually
We're so fucking lazy, boys.
>T. bitching about the game not being out yet when you already played it for more hours than dollars spent
Are you Lemmy?
fucking lmaooo what the actual fuck are they doing
This is so fucking stupid LMAO

It's a post-apocalypse, you literally have metal scrap and manufactured textiles all fucking around you. There is absolutely no reason to need to plant cotton then gather it up and spin in a loom and weave it into clothes - just go to the local mall and grab some or kill a zombie.

Jesus fucking christ what the actual fuck is wrong with these devs they have no idea what the fuck game they're even making anymore
its like they purposefully add all this bloated busy work chore shit to say fuck you to their audience like "we know you guys want a new update but check it out we made it so you can milk almonds now!!"
he made all that money on the game yet he's still a seething incel. wild.
It's trivial but tedious to survive in zomboid for months or years.

People die in the game because they get bored or because they're new to it, not because it's too hard to survive.

What the game ACTUALLY needs is a pass on survival mechanics to keep the player occupied not just with zombies, but with surviving in a hostile environment on their own. They need the zombies to be more interesting to engage with, they need the environment to be more interesting to engage with.

What they DO NOT need, is autistic minecraft shit in a world where you can walk inside any random building and find everything you need already. Nobody needs to craft shit from scratch - if you need clothing you go find some. If you need guns, you go find some. If you need melee weapons you go find some. There isn't any need to craft any of this shit because the setting is a post-industrial revolution society where 99% of people died and the leftover surplus of goods and already refined materials is more than any lone survivor could ever making a fucking dent in.
Lemmy would rather work on a realistic menstrual cycle for female characters instead of adding NPCs
It's getting fairly obvious they want to make a different game.
This means it either it's gonna end a perma EA where every update change the core gameplay but nothing gets done, or they're just gonna dump 1.0 like a month after b42 release. Or they go the 7DTD way and do both.
I don't want "harder" aka even more tedious survival. I want other more interesting things to do with my time once I establish my base and basic needs. I want raiders. I want more zombie variety. I want events and "dungeons" and treasures of a sort. Did they even add NPCs to the game yet? They've been working on that since the 1990s.
>There is absolutely no reason to need to plant cotton then gather it up and spin in a loom and weave it into clothes - just go to the local mall and grab some or kill a zombie.
Whoops guess all survival and knowledge to rebuild civilization goes to shit because all of /v/ was too busy looting stores and getting bit by zombies instead of gaining knowledge.
I didn't say anything about making the game harder

it needs something to keep you interested and engaged with past the stage of setting up a base

right now it doesn't have that, and the dev seems to think autistic monotonous crafting is the answer to mid game onwards being boring, but actually it's just adding another pile of tedium nobody is going to engage with

the only good thing about the crafting update is that modders will be able to use that system to do something interesting
> if you need clothing you go find some. If you need guns, you go find some. If you need melee weapons you go find some.
You didn't survive winter or beat the game.
Can't wait to tell "JUST LOOT" cucks this.
He's saying the scope of the game should be that, not that it is that right now.
Reminder since 2015 these were things you knew WERENT being added to the game and yet /v/ still bitches as if they thought it was ever gonna be there

The Big No's!

These are a list of things that are either vehemently opposed by the majority of the community, confirmed "no's" by the dev team, or impossible within the game as it is. I'm going to try to make this completely unbiased, but if you disagree with anything posted feel free to mention it. The most important ones are highlighted with CAPS. If you take nothing else from this thread, please pay attention to these.

[n] Aerosol Can + Lighter = Flamethrower

[n] Beginning the game before the infection

[n] Children or babies

[n] An ending or any game over other than death

[n] First Person or other viewpoint changes including camera rotation


[n] Military Aid

[n] Mini Maps

[n] Morality or Karma meter

[n] Nudity

[n] Nukes


[n] Overpowered Vehicles/Tanks

[n] Personal Hygiene (going to the bathroom, etc.)

[n] Playing as a zombie

[n] Porting/Console Version


[n] Rape

[n] Respawning/Quicksaving

[n] Sex


[N] SPECIFIC NAMED WEAPONS (such as AK47, M14, etc.)

[n] Unlimited/large amounts of ammo and weapons

[n] Voiceover

[n] Zombie Beasts or Infected Animals

>He's saying the scope of the game should be that, not that it is that right now.
and im saying he's a retard who should've researched the direction of the game before ever fucking opening his big fat retarded mouth.
hey dumbass, nobody said they wanted these. We want hunting and NPCs, Get off your lazy ass and add hunting and NPCs.
rebuilding civilization is completely outside the scope of the game - it's tacked on nonsense that virtually zero players are actually going to engage with, because surprise you don't need to mine iron ore and build a smelter and turn it into steel to make a crowbar - you can just find 300 crowbars laying around any small town in the game.

It's only BARELY relevant content for long-term survival multiplayer servers that run for months on end, and they get around the problem of scarcity slowly developing by having resets.

For 99.999% of the playerbase who do not have a map picked clean over 6 months in real life by 12,000 recurrent and transient players, crafting is completely MEANINGLESS. This dev has completely lost the fucking plot and has no idea what the fuck he's doing anymore.
Actually retard, there have been dozens of anons in this thread BEGGING specifically for
>rebuilding civilization is completely outside the scope of the game
It isn't, and you don't choose the scope of the game! Little pissbaby faggot mad a passion project has depth, complicated systems etc.

YOU do not decide the scope of the game. Purchasing a license to play does not mean you ever understood the scope of the fucking game.
Mindless consumer retards deserve this. They give clowns like this power money and this ego lol. Hope he scams all of you :)
Just because you don't understand what you purchased when it's spelled out directly to you does not mean you got scammed.

It meant you're a retard who doesn't research shit they purchase.
No it's the price You pay for being some mindless consumer psypiggy drone. Stay mind broken
all he has to do is stay on the helm if they don't want to stay on the ship with rules in place they can fuck off.
It's on the list, and will be added.

Tentative Yes's

These things are things that either the devs have expressed interest in adding. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS LIST DOES NOT MEAN THESE WILL BE IN THE GAME AT RELEASE, NOR DOES IT MEAN THE DEVS WILL DEFINITELY ADD THEM. It's solely a list of features they're interested in adding. These things do not need further threads, so please refrain.

[Added] Ability to lock doors

[m] Amputation

[y] Animals

[y] Hunting

[m] Armor

[y] Barricading with furniture

[Added] Bodies of water

[y] Bows and Crossbows

[y] Cauterizing wounds

[y] Car Batteries

[y] Chainsaw

[Added] Cleaning up corpses/blood

[Added] Crawling Zombies

[y] Dogs

[Added] Electronics

[y] Feral Animals

[Added] Generators

[y] iPods

[y] Malnutrition

[y] Area Maps (no location marker)

[Soon] More animations

[Soon] More map content

[y] More weapons

[Added] More jobs

[Added] More sprites

[Soon] More Baldspot and Kate

[Soon] More/Different sneaking animations

[Soon] Movable items (such as wheelie bins)

[Soon] NPC's (of all types, good and bad)

[Soon] NPC relationships

[Soon] NPC companions

[Soon] NPC infection

[Soon] NPC management

[Added] Online Multiplayer

[y] Passing out

[y] Profanity Filter

[Added] Rain Barrels

[Added] Suicide

[y] Sadist Movie Director (in progress) aka The Governor

[m] Sleep quality

[y] Sewers and basements

[Added] Traps

[Added] Unarmed combat

[y] Vehicles"
The amount of text zomboid devs have been crying into the ether recently has more lines in them than code they've released into the game in the past 2 years.
hey double retard, if the majority of your fanbase wants something added you should consider adding it
Fuck off Lemmy.
Sorrry, you see it isn't artwork if you're catering to mass appeal, it's kitsch slop.

Project Zomboid is artwork. Not your run of the mill, normie bait kitsch slop like you want.
They think they're visionaries. They wouldn't take player feedback into account.
Name of game is as soi as the hack that tried to make it lol
mini maps literally got added to the game lmao
>random generated maps
also being added, top fucking kek
> kitsch. 1. : something that appeals to popular or lowbrow taste and is often of poor quality.
He should sell the game to a company. Anything is better than this eternal no NPCs, no questlines, no new zombie types and weapons, just endless survive in the middle of nowhere boring ass life simulator. The guy had ten years to make a great zombie game but he didn't. He left it barebones.
>He should sell
nope, diamond hands :^)
This isn't /biz. This is gayming. If he isn't going to sell to a company, should at least hire a pajeet to add content to the game.
>hire a pajeet
this is what slopfags want, you're literally, unironically begging for a pajeet
He already hired modders to do the work for him tho. Rumour has it that Lemmy hasn't done any actual coding on this game for ages.
your players know a lot more about what the players want then you do
What about Zomboid is "artwork"
That's like saying
>Your readers know more about what the reader wants than you do
Than it isn't your fucking book, you retard. It's an art medium, when making art out of it the player literally does not matter.
If I had to work on the same game for ten years I would kill myself.
TF2 was reinvented twice and was released to critical acclaim in nine. These people are running the world's most boring scam.
Everything. All of it's handcrafted from the bottom up to create a gaming world.
It's all also all done for the passion and love of it, and not to sell MTX to whales.
He could've slapped a forced release date, gutted everything planned 8 years ago, and started work on another project.
>TF2 was reinvented twice and was released to critical acclaim in nine.
TF2 isn't even 5% as complicated as trying to make a seamless multiplayer project zomboid experience.
>its all done for passion and not to sell MTX to whales
it's done to sell plushies to whales and copies to suckers who don't know the devs are useless lolcows
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not MTX, a tangible physical product, that you can always resell later. Not a part of the game whatsoever, imagine being such a badfaith disingenuous fuck you bring up merch.
> copies to
This is on the page when you buy it
>Note: This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development. Learn more

If you bought it after that point, you weren't scammed. Or are a retarded moron who doesn't do research.
>Dev still having a meltdown in this thread
Get off of 4chan and do your fucking job, which we paid for.
>Note: This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development. Learn more

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You could make this argument about a game trying to convey any sort of artistic message, zomboid is just open world survival crafting slop and you couldn't even do that right. Sell your company and retire on some yacht you terminally useless nigger. If you didn't want people influencing your profound masterpiece you wouldn't have opened the workshop and hired modders.
Nope, it's an artistic vision that hasn't sold out, nor given up on their original vision.

You weren't sold anything other than the version of the game you bought, when you bought it and that's fucking it.
>pre-order the next harry potter book
>10 years later you recieve a first draft of the opening chapter
>give a negative review
if you didnt sell out you wouldn't be selling merch
if you didn't give up on the artistic vision of the game you would have added NPCs and hunting 6 years ago
>pre-order the next harry potter book
Not a preorder, if it was a preorder you'd get a refund.
Again, when you literally bought zomboid you either were a mentally ill moron who ignores being told how the system works, or just in denial.
>Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further
>Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further
>would have added NPCs and hunting 6 years ago
It'd have been complete and utter shit/garbage.
>Some features, particularly NPCs and the new animation system required for their implementation, have taken a very long time to implement. This is largely out of our commitment to getting the features right and them not disappointing on release,
their excuse for this is that when multiplayer released, players (aka reddit) started treating the game like minecraft, bloatmaxing servers so they could have their forever settlement dollhouse simulator and live for 20 years not engaging with most of the game, so npcs were de-emphasized in favor of primitive crafting and animal husbandry to give these faggots something to do and turn it into every other dogshit survival crafting game.
>watch General Sam's video on the game
>looks fun enough
>buy it
>EA unfinished slop
>spend more time fighting the controls than fighting zombies
>needs mods to be remotely fun
>refund game
Is there some kind of tax scam devs are doing with these infinite early access games or something, or is the surivial craft autist audience really that lucrative
>Loot, salvage, and build what you need to survive the apocalypse, from food and medical supplies, to weapons, even just booze to help get you through the nights.
>Advanced item crafting allows you to use looted items to build weapons, traps, defenses, and many other things to help you survive.
>Open-ended sandbox world – survival is your only goal, and we’re sorry to tell you… you WILL die eventually.
>Join your friends and survive the apocalypse together in co-op multiplayer.
>to build weapons, traps, defenses, and many other things to help you survive.

literally from the 2010 sscope of the game on launch
imagine if they someohow made all thjis crafting shit fun or at least somewhat easy but no you'll have to juggle some fucking 2011 laggy inventory to do all this shit
>at least somewhat easy
You want the anti-thesis for crafting.
Which means zomboid was never for you, easy crafting is pointless and you might as well just play another genre.

Zomboid was NEVER going to be the game you projected your feelings onto..
you sold people a game with the promise of NPCs and hunting, you are obligated to add what you promised in a reasonable amount of time regardless of whether *you* think it's the absolute best it can be. Despite everyone being so insanely patient, you failed. I expect you to sell TIS like a bitch when you inevitably get review bombed anyway
>you are obligated to add what you promised in a reasonable amount of time
lmao no? You backed an early access version of the game where you purchased it under the pretenses it might never update again. Furthermore the devs continuing to work on it and not just abandon it 8 years ago is the only reason you'll ever get the NPCs and hunting you're bitching endlessly about.

>Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further
>Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further
>Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further
A lot of people really wanted a good zombie survival game in the early 2010s, so devs rushed out a ton of shitty games causing the market to be overfed and undernourished.
The only thing Zomboid did differently is promise the game would eventually be Le Ultimate survival game
lazy nigger cope, get off your ass jamal
This is the original scope and mission statement.

Once hunting/NPCs are added, it'll be completely delivered on the scope.
>awww Im seething about 10 dollars I paid for the game in its current state, when it explicitly warns you it might never update again :((((( but they're still updating and IM MAD
>I should just be allowed to scam people
By reading this post you agree that Anonymous hereby obtains exclusive rights to kill your mother in her sleep tonight through the means of this ritual post.
its not a scam.
You bought the product in its current state and were explicitly told it may never update again, and if you werent happy in its current state to wait for future updates.
when I say easy I mean "I want it to be convenient and not have to click 12 times and have my character jump throught a window to get the last ingredient"
fucking faggot shill
They do wish to update the UI one more time before 1.0
>pay for house
>tee hee, i don't have to complete the house, silly boys!
Just because you wormed your way out of the deal, it doesn't mean it's not a scam.
You didnt pay for the house.
You paid for land with 1/4th of the house on it, with the terms that the house may never be finished
>dude its absolutely essential for you to breed sheep to slaughter for sinew to make a rope to tie a bag filled with their shit to fertilize trees to get wood to make a hammer to crush rocks to make limestone to build a pizza oven to cook up bacon for you to be able to hunt a rabbit and have npcs come up to your base to trade with you sometimes just believe us bro just please buy our plushies and make your friends buy it bro
when will TISchuds realize we want them to sell the company not just because we want hunting and NPCs but because a different company could do a way better job
when will you realize its their game and their company, and you shouldn't buy a product before you're happy with it kek
okay Lemmyel
Exactly, a scam. Me being an isiot and falling for it doesn't make it not a scam. If I fucking kill you after you sign a contract that says I can kill you? that doesn't make it not-murder. It's just that the murder was done under a contract.
That isn't a scam.
You were told up front and agreed directly to those terms.
dont care your game will still get review bombed
still one of the highest rated zombie games of all time in steam
almost like your seethe is a small vocal minority sending gore cat pictures to the dev
>If you bought it after that point, you weren't scammed.
looks like I got scammed then :)
time to finish a videogame, what do you say?
>"This isn't murder, there is a paragraph in the contract that says i will kill you"
Disclosure that this may be a scam does not make it not-a-scam.
If you buy a frozen pizza from a place that sells frozen pizzas, expecting a cooked pizza, you werent scammed, you were a moron
Getting scammed with project zomboid taught me to never buy early access games. So, at least there is a positive to all this.
im sorry you're an illiterate retard who doesnt understand the terms and conditions to buying early access games.

Maybe one day you'll be taught to do research before you spend money.
people are already rescinding their positive reviews as they slowly start to realize you'll never finish the game
Disclosure that this may be a scam doesn't make it not-a-scam. This is why Adobe is in trouble with the US government, by the way. Because telling your customers you will scam them doesn't excuse you when you do scam them.
>mostly posititve

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