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Metroid friends, we are officially back. Let's have a comfy thread about that.
if it's not open world, if you can't pick up weapons off enemies, if there's no melee, then it's DOA. the genre has advanced a lot since early 2000's
>the genre
Ok, but it's the same Samus. Samus does things how she does things.
it's boring, I do not want to travel down a hallway to get a missile or morphball, then turn around and come back through the hallway anymore. I'm older, I know better.
Then leave.

Also to answer OP, I'm replaying Zero Mission now it's on Switch online. Fun as fuck still. Just got my suit back, kino moment.
suck my dick cocksucker, Prime is a boring series now and people like you are making it boring while choking.
I don't get what people see in Prime games
>tight 2D platform shooter
>slow walking first-person scanner
srsly these games are nothing like classic Metroid.
>I do not want to travel down a hallway to get a missile or morphball
then you don't want to play Metroid.
Simple as.
Don't argue either, there's no discussion to be had here.
why are you replying to bait
prime has actual exploration and proper level design unlike the 2D games after super. super is godlike but the other 2D games suck dick in comparison.
I wish it still was based around pointer controls like Corruption, it was a lot of fun
Hey retard, guess what? You already got your tight 2D platform shooter. It's called "Dread" and it's part of a different series than the Prime games. This is for people who enjoy a different approach to the Metroid formula, one that takes advantage of the 3D medium in a unique way that isn't just another garbage boomer shooter. It's idiots like you that are keeping franchises like Star Fox from succeeding, because any deviation from the formula of the very first game is seen as this horrible thing you have to endlessly bitch and moan about.
The genre? That’s not Metroid
wait until you discover that Super and Fusion aren't like that at all. (you wont & can't realize it)
the audacity of proclaimating the worst aspect of Prime is universal to the series, nuts. deez nuts.
>troontendo thread
/v/ is exclusively a pc board now. Take the hint tendie...
Metroid has more in common with Breath of the Wild than Prime has in common with Metroid. All kinds of shortcuts, different routes through the game, finding weapons to switch out in the overworld. Playing the game faster to see Samus unclothe. Prime is a bad FPS.
Look at how much I upset him by just telling him to leave.
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Couldn't find it anywhere else, but when did they retcon that Samus lived in Zebes? The manga/Zero Mission ? And can anyone tell me why they changed the date of the creation of the Federation from 2000 to 2003?
Also does anyone here have any sites/programs you'd recommend for mapping, as in, to "draw" maps. Metroid 1 certainly needs it, even with the manual map. If not, I'll just use a pixelart site, or paint or whatever.
Starfox Zero is the best game in the series, and it's a fact because it filters you.
Don't care. Never even played a Prime before.
glark glark glark welcome to the party
you got me there, how can I even respond
the prime games mog the 2d games
>enemies are more than temporary roadbumps that exist to stun samus
>bosses are more than just spamming missiles while tanking boss attacks
>environments and atmosphere benefit massively from the 3d environment
>scanning is cool and immersive
>music is better
She never lived on zebes
>Hey retard, guess what? You already got your tight 2D platform shooter.
yeah but i want a good 3d metroid shooter
now that we have gyro aiming they could make it happen but people like you are so adamantly against improvement. why are you coping so hard over a 20 year old gamecube game
Looks like the Remaster which is a good thing.
Idk man, I pretty much won.
the lighting engine in the remaster sucked thoever
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oh so you're counter-baiting, i.e. also part of the problem
Prime isn't a fps though. It's a first person action adventure, a first person metroidvania.
>I'm older
no you aren't
Still the best looking game on Switch.
enemies exist just to halt progress, bosses are just circle strafing missile spam experiences, the environments are series of hallways you go up and down, scanning takes too long, the music is recycled from better games in the series
Prime 2 mogs the 1 its better in everyway possible
Ocarina of time is an action RPG soulslike
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ZM manual + the Manga have her living on Zebes.
Prime 1 is the weakest of the trilogy and I say this without a hint of irony or baiting
people like it because of nostalgia, or atleast Im convinced that is the case. I played the trilogy all at once on the wii and prime 1 was the only one of the three I kept dropping and forcing myself through. 2 Does everything it does better with its only downside being the poor color pallete variation between areas
the Metroid manga had that first, Zero Mission notably brings a fuckton of elements from the manga into the game proper. That's why there's a drawing of a kid and two birbs on the Legendary Power Suit's altar. Pretty sure the Jap release of Fusion had colored panels from the manga too for getting various times in Hard Mode.
I believe it, I made it to the artifact hunt months ago and stopped playing.
>go all the way over here
>now go all the way over there
>now go all th
nah dude, just nah
even the sky temple keys in Prime 2 are better, and there's more of them.
>Prime 1 is the weakest of the trilogy
3 is too misguided
He means he's older as in he grew up, not that he's older than you, you old ass illiterate retard.
>he grew up
evidently not, judging by the post
Should Prime get a melee option?
Samus was in smash melee
Yes. An experience bounty hunter should have a variety of move sets and skills than point and shoot. And she has used melee attacks in other games both in gameplay and cutscenes.
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I like Metroid.
I'd be fine with just a cannon butt to knock melee enemies away, there's no reason Samus wouldn't do something like that to begin with. Maybe include a power up that allows you to melee bash stronger enemies or to get through a shield/armor of some sort.
it would be cool if they made it more hollow knight esque
Okay but can we talk about the awesome soundtrack and atmosphere at the end? It reminded of Made in Abyss.

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The first in-game implication that she was raised on Zebes was the endings added to the Japanese release of Metroid Fusion. Zero Mission later expanded on it, as did the manga created to promote it. Other M also dabbled a bit in it, specifically in the TV advertisements recounting Ridley's raid on her homeworld.
Dread went all in by directly referencing the Bird Dads too
Its time to admit Dread is the best traditional Metroid game. It has no flaws.
the music sucks compared to other 2D titles, there's not a single memorable track that I can actively remember unlike Sector-01 from Fusion or most of the tracks from Super. Granted I haven't played Dread as much as those two.
Referencing, but not outright showing. To this day Grey Voice has yet to actually appear in a Metroid game, while Old Bird has appeared in both Fusion and Zero Mission.
Which makes him ambiguously canon, because the manga itself cannot be fully canon due to contradictions with the games. Kinda sad, but that's how it is.
I'm fine with it being a Gaiden where elements that contradict can be ignored and everything else is just headcanon until a game specifically shows it.
That was the only good part of the trailer in my opinion
This is how it should have started
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Pirates are SMART
>I didn’t like Dread, so I’ll bait some anti-Dread replies
just tame em, we got rations
The reward system is kinda bad, but then again most Metroids fall into this. Seeing Samus in some skimpy outfit, and some concept art really aren't my cup of tea. More of them need to do what AM2R did and actually provide content for beating the game, like Difficulty modes, randomizers, Fusion mode, new game +, the works.

Imagine of beating Fusion unlocked new game +, where the entire story was completely skippable and you could sequence break the whole game, like a romhack that already exists on metroidconstruction. think of it, no more mandatory elevator monologues, no more adam locking you in a room to spew exposition. It would be very nice.
I agree with this but you should also get samus in her underwear
What is it about Metroid that filters retards? It seems like a series that requires at least an average IQ.
Yes. Just have Samus hit enemies with the arm cannon or kick them. Make it quick and snappy.
ACfag has arrived.
This unironically. Please explain the hype for this game. The gunplay shown in the game looks bad and archaic.
Hopefully they'll find a way to incorporate speed booster and shine spark into Prime.
Kill yourself ACfag
mother brain is impossible how do you beat this shit
Which version?
Try not to get offended. It makes you look thin skinned.
rip off Saint Row 4's speed power and have it based off your energy when shinesparking like in Super or do what they did with the screw attack in Prime 2 and make it so you can only really use it at predetermined points and maybe some sequence breaks, but this is Prime so good luck with that without them immediately fixing it.
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Seriously though, if I played other fps games like Doom, Deus Ex, Prey, CoD, what does Metroid have that I haven't seen before? Is Metroid Prime only popular because tendies don't get any good fps games?
Zero Mission
man after playing through fusion with cutscenes on, I deserve AT LEAST a nipple
shit sucked
Shoot at its eye.
the eye never opens bro... it's always closed
You would know, you got called a Sony fanboy over a decade ago and you still haven't let it go.
Kill yourself ACfag
It's not Metroid that's the issue, it's Metroid Prime. Metroid Prime is a boring slog with outdated design philosophies and a compromised/outdated control scheme. The trailer even looks muted and dull on its own. Making Prime 4 model so closely to the old Prime games is a mistake.
in all seriousness
the only thing you're missing is environmental storytelling through the scan visor and even compared to things like Desu Ex, it's pretty simple. It's the appeal of Metroid going 3D for the first time, it just has the unfortunate side-effect of not coming out earlier and now it's copying other shit that already came out. Your argument is really regressive for discussion though, why should I play any video game since a previous one has already done it. Played one FPS, you played em all, why bother?
>guy who wants better rewards for beating the game is a snoy
>guy who wants less graphics and less excessive cutscenes is a snoy

I don't follow your logic.
Corruption is misguided but it inherits enough of Echoes' improvements that it's still better than Prime IMO
Corruption could've been the best game in the series if it cut out the wannabe Halo stuff and replaced Hypermode with Prime or Echoes' beam switching combat or literally anything else that's less braindead
Kill yourself ACfag
>want better rewards for beating a game
is it not enough that you had fun?
Nothing can satisfy ACfag.
By that logic you shouldn't need Zero Suit as a reward.
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I guess it's just for people who like Metroid and not for people who like fps. Have fun I guess.
Playing Hunters because >Sylux. Holy shit was that Celestial Archives awful considering how much nicer the next planet looks.

>Same rooms repeated 3 times
>I guess it's just for people who like Metroid
correct, it's also incorrect to even call it an FPS. Nintendo and the devs consider it a First Person Adventure. You just happen to also shoot in it, but it wasn't the focus, it was the Metroid style exploration being translated to 3D.
people don't really play for the zero suit, it's just a fun thing the devs threw in, the fun in beating the game is in, well, playing the game!
fans of Prime are starving
>people don't really play for the zero suit, it's just a fun thing the devs threw in
And new game +, randomizers, and extra difficulty modes are things the AM2R devs threw in for fun. Why do you demonize them?
how hard would it be to just add a sprint? sprinting can be speedbooster, it's easy. automatically step up ledges when sprinting, if you're gonna backtrack in these games, get a sprint like that first thing.
Have fun when Prime 4 underperforms in sales then.
like it matters to me dude, I'm gonna buy it and play it regardless of total sales, this wasn't the "gotcha" you thought it was. "Underperforming" means nothing to a Nintendo title anyway, we all know that.
>why should I play any video game since a previous one has already done it.
literallyLITERALLY I do not play a game if it's the same shit. think man use your brain, we are not the same, I am built different.
it's a psyop to clothe Samus.
Daily reminder prime games aren’t canon because of Other M.
>I do not play a game if it's the same shit
yet you post on 4chan
Nintendo has modest expectations for Metroid games. Metroid's all-time top sellers are Metroid Dread at 3 Million and Metroid Prime at 2.85 million. That's the ceiling.
I don't really demonize them, it's just weird to say that "the reward system is kinda bad". It doesn't need a reward system. Just talk about how new game+ or randomized mode or w/e shit your favorite mod does is fun instead of talking about feeling tingly at a new hit of gold stars after you beat a game.
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Dark Samus bros? Our status?
On an objective level, new game + and other goodies incentivize replays, the whole bread and butter of metroidvanias. Are you really going to argue that some skimpy outfit adds more to a game than difficulty modes?
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Will Samus get angry?
It's going to be the only game worth playing in the Switch 2's launch window
I am between boards right now. Masking my sith lord status.
For as much shit as Other M gets, I thought the Speed Booster was really fun in that game. Just make the camera briefly go third person while using it like it already does with the Morphball.
If they do the Zelda "cross launch" thing with Metroid, that just means two separate instances where the game will underperform. All that'll do is prove to Nintendo that 3D Metroid isn't worth investing time and resources into anymore.
How can we headcanon it though? Samus had a stroke and a brief case of amnesia, which is why she's so focused on the Baby and all the flashbacks and stuff? Samus was in love with Adam, and therefore that's why she followed his order? I don't even remember what else Other M messes up, not even counting Fusion stuff.
They're not going to do that. Switch 1 games are just going to run on Switch 2 at higher res. It's going to be exceptionally easy for Nintendo. The SoC they ordered from Nvidia is a direct successor to the Tegra, it will run Switch software natively. Switch games are all based around multiple performance profiles already. Anything developed for Switch after the Switch 2 devkits shipped is going to have a Switch 2 mode.

Metroid Prime 4 on Switch seems to be 900p. I expect if you pop it into a Switch 2 it'll probably play at 1440p.
MiA composer was actually inspired by Prime 1
nothing based about this primetranny
Salesfags are annoying
I love Metroid, but if you actually believe that then the Switch 2 is DOA
Bullshit, I don't believe you. Show proof.
nice tummy
Not that anon but I decided to look into it and found this article https://www.tokyoweekender.com/entertainment/music/award-winning-composer-kevin-penkin-made-in-abyss-tower-of-god/ doesn't say it was his inspiration but it was his first exposure to
Video game music.
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The trailer put me to fucking sleep. They didn't show anything new or innovative at all to show they weren't just sitting around for nearly ten years with their thumbs up their asses caving to every SweetBaby DEI demand on the books. All the trailer showed was that the game wasn't vaporware as people had feared, but it didn't show anything else at all to make people care.
Maybe they didn't want to give the impression of selling out to some new gimmick, like Zelda did with open world, or Mario Wonder and the wacky singing flowers.
>Complaints aimed at Prime 4 selling out
>Trailers show Prime 4 having shit like lore/scans/morphball etc

I mean they could have showed more of the jungle place but it was a teaser trailer first and foreost
A new retro gamecube game in the year 2026? Awesome.
this might be the best place to ask:

any good way to emulate those games with kb+m?
Primehack is the ideal way to do it. It's a fork of Dolphin.
Prime 2 is so gloomy.
I second primehack, works beautifully
I'm less excited than I thought I'd be. Maybe because I never played Hunters. It just seems like after 7 years, there's no way it could live up to the hype.

It's weird, because I couldn't get behind 2D Metroid when I was a kid but loved Corruption, but as an adult I loved Dread and was bored out of my mind with Prime Remastered.
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Almost all of the modern Samus lore as you know it came from old Super Metroid Nintendo Power comic.


Metroid Fusion was the first to adapt it on the Japanese side during her completion endings (which the english released missed out on I believe). Then Zero Mission + the Manga expanded on it even more and established it completely

One of the only few positives of Other M is it's great first time incorporation of the Speed Booster in a 3D environment, even if it was a bit simplified.
I hated it. Possibly the least Metroid i have ever played.
>caving to every SweetBaby DEI demand on the books
What a retarded incel. Don't know why you subhumans think your opinion is actually worth taking seriously. You don't give a shit about videogames, just your irrelevant culture war autism.
Built for tummy kisses.
thanks bros
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I want to lick transparent woman tummy.
Bait used to be believable, funny, or schizophrenic. Now it's just sad.
So if there is multiplayer will Samus have multiple skins for her suits across the games?
I wish Samus could be my wife. Such a beautiful and sexy badass women.
So... just like what happens with 90% of all metroid games or even cult classics for that matter?
If I wanted to know how it feels for my franchise to become so casualized that even the most braindead fps nigger who puts thousands of hours into modern COD will enjoy it I'd go ask STALKER fags.
Poor zelda suffered the same fate.
I prefer Prime Samus's "2 cool" mercenary character. Dread was great but the hollywood crap was over the top and cheesy.
Prime 2 is kino.
Easily the peak of the series.
to be fair the portion shown in the trailer is very likely the equivalent to the Frigate Orpheon section in MP1, where you're introduced to the very basics of playing as Samus without any frills or crazy powerups. Even the few powerups she has in the beginning, she'll probably lose from slipping on a banana peel or getting a rock thrown at her or something.
Genetically modified metroid that absorbs her powers.
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Samus aboutta have the most crazy 3 some of her life.
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Where is Samus? All I see is some slut next to Doomguy and baby's first FPS.
Ik you don't want to admit anon but you need to face reality. That's Samus and you fucking know it.
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Samus is a murder robot whose next game will involve her genociding the federation for allowing illegal weapons experiments to happen under her nose, before genociding what's left of the space pirates.
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I'm out.
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What's with Samus and her posing next to two other dudes she outclasses?
Which genre? Jarpigvania or Search Ludo?
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If you disagree, you're a poop baby.
piece of shit dolphin emulator crashed on me AGAIN

FUCK primehack
I'm so desperate for Metroid doing well and for more games to be made (preferably 2d Metroid) that I dont' even want to shit on Prime games anymore. I hope it does well even if I'm not going to play it and the franchise becomes more popular, and the people looking forward to it enjoy it.
I'm so starved for Metroid I don't even want to be a typical /v/ dick about it
doomguy outclasses her easily.
>All these people who've never touched a prime game in their life or actively disliking prime games coming into this thread and bitching and moaning as if their opinion fucking matters.
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That's debatable.
>Samus sees Ridley
>breaks down and cries and has a panic attack

>Doomguy fights Satan for the 5th time
>proceeds to rip him a new hole with his bare hands


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See. You're already debating.
This dumb nigger literally just said the prime games have no shortcuts lmao point and laugh at this retard
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I never said it wasn't debatable, but it's an easy debate to settle.
Has this franchise ever had this much positive exposure? The past couple of years has been amazing for it. I can't recall this. I don't even think back during GC and GBA it was in such a good position to hopefully grow.
It's absolutely not going to be open world, but I do expect a much bigger map than the ones in the trilogy, it seems the planet hopping gimmick from Corruption is back and there may be dynamic events happening at random times.
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No it isn't, but good on you for being disingenuous.
I'm just pointing out the facts. Come to think of it, alot of people outclass Samus simply because she's too weak emotionally.

Guess it's par for the course when you're a weak, fleshly human with "feelings" and "emotions". A robot easily outdoes her.
There seemed to be a Prime 2 esque portal near the end of the trailer. A overworld made up of Samus jumping between different planets becaue of Pirates fucing with space/time rather than lifts to different biomes could be...interesting?
How convenient
Can't wait to see what that blue asshole Sylux is planning, teaming up with the Pirates is thrilling enough, those guys are open to so much dirty shit, and they don't seem to discriminate against former GFeds but being a traitor is probably enough to be accepted.
Also I want to see some renders please, lately Nintendo only releases like three big ones and the rest are small, hopefully they don't do that with MP4.
>game looks exactly like Metroid Prime 1

and you're excited for this because you haven't had a release in ~16 years?

same but from the SLOP i see coming from nostalgia bait these days (zelda links awakening, shit megami tensei V, elden cringe, bravely default 2, monster hunter rise) I'm actually wary everyone is going to love it and I'm going to hate it because it doesnt do anything interesting. they will play it safe to get max sales. this industry is plunging into the toilet
There's a chance it might be good. At its worst Prime never was a bad game.
Chill, we've barely seen the game yet. The trailer was basically just to tell us 'hey, the game exists, it's coming.' We'll get a more in-depth trailer later, and I expect to see new mechanics there. If not, then bitch.
I want a new 3d third person metroid. that is the only way forward. that's the only way you can incorporate the action and platforming ability of the 2d games. it's time to forgive other m and try again.
It'll happen, just give it like 20 years.
>leave the multi-billion dollar corporation alone
Do you even play games?
I hope you're right. at least monster hunter rise has a great new mechanic with the bug rope thing. but that game fell flat for me. I don't want to play rehashes
Playing games means criticizing them too. A corporation never deserves the benefit of the doubt until they deliver. Fans blindly running defense for them just comes across as pathetic.
So it wasn't a great new mechanic then, huh.
Knowing when and when not to criticize is key here. You're just blindly hating, because you're well aware you haven't seen the whole game, or even the games gimmick yet.
But here you are, trying to stir up shit anyway.
No, no I don't think you play games at all anon.
No. Melee needs to stay far away from Metroid. The majority of Metroid's action being projectile based is one of it's most unique aspects and it's shameful how much they've been trying to throw in melee and counter bullshit in the 2D games. As disappointed as I am on how Prime 4 seems to be made very little improvements in regarding the core gameplay I am glad they stayed far away from the melee meme at the very least.
Kill yourself ACfag
>knowing when and when not to criticize is key here
And according to you, there is never a time to criticize, and no topic is allowed to be criticized. Threads are just supposed to be happy hugboxes free from evil wrongthink.
Metroid Prime Remastered proved that Open world games are dogshit and the metroid style connected world that the dark souls games used to be about are the better design.
>These games are nothing like classic Metroid
Good. More variety of games for me to enjoy. If only Nintendo applied that same logic to Zelda...
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>t's time to forgive other m and try again.
Other M formula is hot garbage at its core, a third person Metroid can definitely work without trying to polish an old turd, something with the perspective of beta Prime could make for a game with both fast action and methodical exploration.
She wasnt BORN on Zebes, Old bird and Grey voice found her on whatever planet it was in your pic and took her back and raised her on Zebes. As far as I know that is still the case.
Bitch when there's actually something to bitch about. We know pretty much nothing about the game, so complaining it's the same as Prime 1 is just shitposting.
Then they shouldn't release a teaser if they're not gonna tease anything new. If they want to play it safe, then they'll get punished for it.
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>sylux finally back
if there is a god this game has multiplayer pvp in the vein of metroid prime:hunters for the DS.
if there is a god i will be able to play as my boy sylux and do the triangle mine into chain spam mine trick just like the old days...

theres not even a chance nintendo okays a competitor to splatoon for their console shooter multiplayer but fuck i miss that game.
I think they wanted to release something before all the switch 2 hype starts coming out. That was probably the last major switch 1-centric direct ever, and this makes it clear that Prime 4 is a switch 1 game.
optional hidden paths, you nitwit. it has NONE
This game was a total fluke, retro would be wasting dev time trying to make a multiplayer game in the same vein.
it wasn't a "fluke" it had an absurdly huge team of devs with an infinite budget and a lot of time.
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Yellow X = lemon flavour
Green X = mint flavour

Red X = strawberry flavour
>open world
Antithetical to Metroid. An OW Metroid game is just an OW game with Metroid Skin

>pick up weapons off enemies
Everything Space Purates make is inferior to Chozo tech. Again, picking up weapons is not what the Power Suit is designed around which is constant upgrading and adding functionality. Not picking up shit and dropping it

This I would be fine with. Like churching the Arm Cannon and then “punching” enemies with the blast
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nothing personell
Retro didn't even make Prime Hunters
no, we are just hating mentally ill troons, that is all. and shitty made "remasters" that are praised by liars.
no I mean those moments in Super where you could get a grapplehook and come back for an upgrade, or you could imediately use walljumps skillfully. a new example of mine would be if you needed the morphball or something to quickly get something, or a hidden wall could be hit with a missile or something to get that power up.
use your imagination. fuck going down hallways, then coming back through the hallways. open things up, and have some non-linearity and choice.
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>you haven't seen
I have seen enough.
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>have some non-linearity and choice.
We here at Retroon Studios are inclusive and adding such pointless mechanics would make it impossible that our down syndrome audience enjoyes the game.

So instead we added RPG mechanics and crafting.
this is funny knowing the X Parasites is basically the alien from THE THING
she's eating THE THING
>So instead we added RPG mechanics and crafting.
and parrying with Samus's laser arm.
Therefore we had to add durability to the arm, but don't worry, you can repair it at one of the new upgrade shops, where you can buy new weapons and upgrades to existing weapons.
You will be able to replay cutscenes at our new Samus movie center, which is part of her new ship.
This is a parody post, right? Can never tell these days.
And then people why I hate Metroid Fusion so much.

>try an elaborate sequence break to bypass a part of the game
>doors are all locked, ADAM tells me to go all the way back and do it the "right" way

And people praise this.
it's serious, people see FPS and thinks its Halo
whore gets told to do a proper job.
whore complies.

based, actually
>gets fired after two year
i wonder how much this bitch did
>whore gets told to sit still while the feds come in and catch the Sa-X
>she disobeys

I can't believe metroid is woke.
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Even better: It's one year earlier, 2025. For now, anyway

In 2015, following an article published by The Mary Sue that suggested Samus Aran was a transgender woman (which cited a potentially transphobic statement made by Hirofumi Matsuoka in 1994), Fausti tweeted their support for the idea and personal belief that Samus is and will be transgender.[1] This tweet was liked by the article's author Brianna Wu, but it has since been deleted.

based Retroon Studio hired this
that's not a source, where is the source that she got fired?
Don't think it'll get delayed. It's almost certainly the cross gen botw type game for switch 2 to launch with, unless they come out of left field and announce a 3D Mario or Smash Bros for launch
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lasted 1 year 11 months
She did her job for 2 years, where is the source that she actually was fired?

And why would Retroon Studios - if they were unwoke - hire her in the first place anyway, when she wrote >>680784380
looks like she doesn't last that long anywhere
imagine getting canned constantly
Writer gets hired to write.
Writer writes for 2 years.
Job completed, leaving and getting hired by someone else.
i wish this was true for Obsidian writers like Carrie Patel, they just keep writing for the decade, making shit games
Nah, people replay prime 1 for the experience of entering phendrana drifts and listening to that banger soundtrack. like holy shit phendrana drifts soundtrack is perfect
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Preorder cancelled
Well, Bethesda is a scam of a company anyway.
and then the reality of the game is that you get the boost ball, then have to go all the way back to talon overworld to get space jump, then come all the way back to phendrana drifts to get wave beam, all the way to the back of pirate research for thermal visor, then all the way back out for the boss fight. god I hate nostalgiafags so god damn much.
you know the game will be good when this shithole is so terrified of it it's already shitposting about it a year in advance

can't wait
Ikr, it's so good. You get to go back there 3 or 4 times during the whole game and listen to the song. It's great!
fuck anon, you're making me want to do another playthrough
only because your brain no workie
Sounds like fun
totally, you brain dead faggot. it's a fuckin blast
You don't care if it's good or not. You just want to shitpost your petty console war. Hence why Metroid fans will praise Pokemon, no matter how bad it's gotten, because it sells millions. Or they praise modern Zelda simply because of the game journo praise it gets.

It's like this fandom just doesn't care anymore.
Yeah I mean have gripes with how the trailer wasn't very good but I'm excited and it's funny laughing at these schizos.
Celestial Archives was my favorite. You just haven't seen most of it yet.
it's just one anon that's samefagging constantly in these threads trying to shitpost
I'm excited to see what the gimmick with "beyond" is
time shifts? dimensional shift? gravity shift?
can't wait
I think time shifts could be cool where you go back in time or in the future and the level changes.
>nooOOOOoo someone with different views than me worked on a game, I'm going inSAAANE
and it could hundreds of years difference, sounds neat
Why is it that the fandom gets so angry when I talk negatively about Metroid Fusion? I just think it's a bad game, and there are a ton of QOL features they could've implemented to remedy it.

>skippable cutscenes
>new game + where you can sequence break
>a little less boring monologuing
>maybe some difficulty modes

I'm sorry, does this make me toxic or something?
What are the chances we get Zero Suit Samus in this one?
Zero, since the only game to ever have it was Zero mission. its not an actual main stay of Samus outside of Smash
No because first person melee is always fucking garbage
If we do, then it'll be a sign of bad things to come. ZSS is trash and has never once positively contributed to the games.
>To this day Grey Voice has yet to actually appear in a Metroid game,
Grey Voice is both the endings in Fusion and the drawing on the wall in Zero Mission. You see Two Birds.
It was in Other M as well.
>is in both
>inb4 it doesn't count because... it just doesn't, ok
>n-no that doesn't count, even though an overwhelming majority of the fandom love the game and consider it a classic!
the only good way would be with a grappling beam combo
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Yes. Dear GOD, sometimes enemies get right in your face and you have no way to deal with that. Give me a damn punch, please.
There are a lot of people that don't care for Fusion. Personally I don't think Fusion works without its story; it's such an integral part of the experience. You would have to completely redesign Fusion to make sequence breaks work. Fair enough to dislike Fusion, but the effort required to "fix" it would make it a completely different game.

>maybe some difficulty modes
The japanese version has a harder difficulty. Us western pussies couldn't handle it I guess.
>but the effort required to "fix" it would make it a completely different game.
I'd argue that it would be worth it. A Metroid game that constantly locks doors behind you, so you can't explore in the slightest, just doesn't seem like a metroid game at all.
in a FPS? seems like a better way to deal with it is if you had a low damage strong push back cannon
Stop replying to ACfag you idiot.
Another one of your boogeyman, I presume? Whatever happened to Barry or Eric?
I get what he's trying to say. Grey Voice's game appearances are way more a vague than Old Bird's. While Old Bird has a consistent design, every time "Grey Voice" has been shown the design has been more generic, calling into question whether that's really him. So the other Chozo being Grey Voice is more of an assumption made by fans.

I think it's him, I feel like if it wasn't Grey Voice they would just show Old Bird and never a second Chozo, but the fact they keep showing two chozos seems like a direct callback. But I can understand why people are not convinced Grey Voice has technically "appeared" in a Metroid game yet and his canon status is still dubious.
it's amazing how easy it is to suss him out by his writing style
>only guy who actually plays the games and isn't just here for the coombait
Yeah, I stick out like a sore thumb. Haha, guilty as charged.
>open world
Please kill yourself
Reminder that ACfag is a mod who has dirt on the rest of the staff. They won't stop his 15 year shitposting campaign because he'll expose them as pedophiles otherwise.
whoever made the Metroid Prime Pinball game, did an amazing job making a fun pinball game
Sorry anon, you got the wrong number. If I had any administrative privileges, every bloody coomer in these metroid threads would've been banned. Even posting a pic of Zero Suit Samus would be a minimum year long ban.

I'm just a metroid fan frustrated at the state of this fandom. This is apparently a sin.
Just treat it like a sidescrolling action game. It's more handholding/linear than other metroids, but it's still a solid game in its own right.
I'd prefer to just default to romhacks, which already rework the game to be more non-linear. They also come with the added bonus of just letting me skip ADAM briefings.
You are a disingenuous twat who is whining about problems that only exist in your head. Like, you cannot possibly be serious about this. Fifteen(15) YEARS you've been making the same complaints, putting forth the same false arguments, being a disruptive jerk every single goddamn Metroid thread that ever gets posted. I'm going to assume you're in your 30s, you have wasted about half your life whining about non-existent issues with a niche video game franchise. Just stop. Even if you had interesting opinions, nobody, NOBODY is EVER going to hear you out because you're a massive douchebag who everyone hates due to your unacceptable behavior. I know you won't actually register what I'm telling you, but I'm typing this post for my own sake more than yours. ACfag, YOU are what's wrong with Metroid fandom. YOU are the problem. And if you somehow don't realize that... well, I don't know the word describing the emotion of "pity, but still hate". So here's the attention you so desperately crave, you pathetic creature. Go die in a ditch.
Not sure why metroid threads are getting more schizo shitposters showing up but let's talk about your favourite suits? For me it is the dread line since I feel like it improves on the concept of the fusion suits but also echos the classic power suit design.
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What do we think of the interface? I'm pretty sure the lower left corner is the D-pad, which to me implies that our girl is getting a much bigger arsenal of weapons and tools this time around.
Did Metroid fans find this trailer hype, or was the hype mainly because they finally showed footage? I thought it was a little awkward, and they didn't really showcase anything new. They could have shown a better gameplay showcase. The music sounded goofy as shit too. And the logo for Beyond looks like something out of Bejeweled. Not saying the game looks bad, just that it was an underwhelming trailer.
Anon, you're just biased against me because I think ZSS isn't helpful to the games, and that has permanently stained any viewpoint I might put out. For the record, this was my first post ITT >>680755762

Tell me what I said here that warranted you telling me to kill myself. Is a man not allowed for some extra post-game goodies after beating the final boss? Is asking for a skip cutscene button really such a bad thing?
feels like they took alot from the light suit to make the suits for dread. the sleek look and clean design was done best by the light suit
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>Not sure why metroid threads are getting more schizo shitposters showing up
/v/ hates video games, and Metroid is one of the more traditionally video game-y franchises.

>but let's talk about your favourite suits?
Not gonna lie, might just be recency bias, but I'm really digging the Beyond Varia design. The classic look but with slimmer form fitting proportions is beautiful.
I'm biased against you because you're an obnoxious gaping asshole who won't stop shitting up every single thread about my favorite video game series. Nobody gives a shit if you hate the Zero Suit, Nintendo has downplayed it significantly in every title and promotion since Other M. Your complaint is no longer applicable. Shut the fuck up and fuck the hell OFF.
I like how it's not as cluttered
I think the visor gimmick overstayed its welcome and I hope there's an option to switch to a simpler UI.
A bit of both got me hype, maybe I am optimistic but I am viewing more as proof prime 4 is making head way so they just focused on showing the fundamentals and the new gimmick will be shown later, also waiting to see if this will be one of the final switch games or cross gen.
>Nintendo has downplayed it significantly in every title and promotion since Other M.
Then explain the constant ZSS porn spam threads. Infact there's one up as we speak.


I'd love to forget that incident, but the fans keep dragging it back up.
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I was definitely excited that it was finally revealed after all this time, but I was also relieved that it confirmed the game is running at 60fps. That's always been something Retro's known to pull off.
On that note, some part of me thinks her tweaked proportions in Prime 4 are a compromise to get the game to run so smooth.
As for my favorite suit, the Varia suit from Dread's certainly up there. If Goodsmile makes a figma of it, consider it copped.
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Nintendo RARELY publicly shames themselves like they did when they restarted MP4 development. They get a pass.
It's clearly Prime, and it's clearly not vaporware like most of the dishonest retard posters in this thread would have said not even a week ago. We've got 6 months before we even get into its release year. Reasonable people are satisfied.
You could always turn it off, silly
Nah most Metroid fans also found it underwhelming and I think most people agree the trailer was shit. They are gonna really need to knock it out of the park in the second trailer.
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Might be an FOV thing, cause Beyond's is noticeably wider.
I mean it not being vaporware is a good reveal but I think the trailer doesn't do a good job at getting people who don't know about Prime excited.
what's your most wanted weapons?
mines are
>multi lock missiles
>Annihilator Beam type weapon, i just love the effects
Oh, you mean the ones you keep making in response to every normal Metroid thread that gets posted? Falsifying evidence is some pathetic bullshit.
>multi lock missiles
They were in Prime 2 and 3, so I see no reason not to bring them back for 4. Hell, they're even in Dread
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>On that note, some part of me thinks her tweaked proportions in Prime 4 are a compromise to get the game to run so smooth.
Huh. How so?

Seeker Missiles are a given, but in terms of things I'd want? ... I think the Nova Beam, oddly enough. The Annihilator Beam was cool, but it was kinda held back by having to fill the sound gimmick they wanted. Nova was clearly supposed to be the proper sound based weapon, and I'd like to see the concept fleshed out.
>falsifying evidence
So this means the fandom shows disgust at the idea of Zero Suit being posted, and they would agree that gameplay discussion should ALWAYS take precedence? do I have that right? After all, a falseflag implies that this is not the state of the fandom, but rather the work of an outsider.

If you agree that gameplay discussion will ALWAYS be more important than posting sexy waifu pics, then I will concede this point to you (no, they're not equal, gameplay discussion is ALWAYS more important). I will not agree with your falseflagging accusation, but I will give the metroid fandom the benefit of the doubt that maybe they do care about good games, and not just porn.
Eh I like it. It takes balls of steel to take the most beloved game on SNES after a literal 9 year gap between mainline games and intentionally twist what you loved about it into something intentionally contrasting. And I don't just mean being bossed around by the computer instead of free exploration. Media thesse days can be too self referential and fanservicey so something like being hunted by your Super self while you had this intentionally ugly new nerfed suit just felt so cool. Like it's a call back to the previous game yes but it's almost kind of spiteful if that makes sense, the good kind of fanservice instead of "Remember X?".

That said I don't think cockblocking you from exploring was really nessecary. It's amazing how far the devs go to keep you from say....exploring sector 5 early when there's really no in-game reason to stop you from doing it.
>dark Suit's shoulder pads are even bigger
So is prime 4 after super and if so does that change anything or really matter.
I kinda feel that if her shoulder pads were as big as they were in Prime Remastered, it'd lag the game a bit, especially if 4 has more areas and an overall bigger scope than Remastered
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I cannot tell you how excited I was for the Storm Missiles. Seeker was always one of my favorite abilities in Prime, so it was great to see them in 2D as well. Now if only we could also get scanning in 2D...
As far as we know, the Prime games are between 1 and 2, so this might be the first canonical appearance of the Mochtroids since they were in Super as well
The few times when it focuses on the gameplay, Fusion has some interesting ideas. The whole SA-X thing was such a hit that Dread wanted its own version with the Emmis. It's just that, like you said, they unnecessarily restrict the player for no discernible reason at points. Same reason why I hate Zero Mission. Ignoring all of my other complaints, what really makes me unhappy is the lock and key BS that is the space jump, plasma beam and gravity suit. Until you hit chozodia, they objectively serve no function other than to unlock doors. They're just a way to push the player towards a certain route, instead of it being more natural. In other metroid games, at least locked doors had the premise that you'd get a cool item out of it once you got the ability to unlock them. With Zero Mission they pull that lock and key nonsense way too early, and the payoff happens way too late.

Once you actually unlock everything, there's no incentive to backtrack and collect 100%, because the whole world just felt so linear and claustrophobic.
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I suppose. But anyone young enough to not know Prime may know Dread, and could be excited just seeing the title. Worked on me back in the early 00's. Maybe they should drop one of these bad boys for MP4 around the holidays:
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Hm. I just assumed they were taking cues from the Dread Suit, but I could see this. The weirdest, most innocuous things can make a game run like shit for no reason.
I was very disappointed with the trailer and I'm very disappointed they're bringing back assault sequences like in Prime 3. The only thing I liked was the ending of the trailer. I just don't understand game developers these days with their poor decisions.
i really like the prime 2 commercials
Yeah it was underwhelming and solely hype just becasue its no longer vaporware. However, zelda between worlds, mario 3d world also had underwhelming first trailers, so they Will probably make a better one in 6 months or so.
Damn that's a good ad. Do they still make live actions ads for Vidya anymore?
I was disappointed by how far the game (Zero Mission) teases you with the power bombs being stolen only to give them to you like three rooms away from the final boss. I was seriously expecting another segment after that with you using the power bombs to explore more of the world before unlocking the final hatch like Super's statue room but nope game just ends right there.

On top of those other useless unknown items like you mentioned which only erase blocks.
Prime 1 started like that too, which wasn't indicative of the rest of the game.
Only for the PS5
Anon Prime 1 did not start with an assault sequence. Prime 1 starts out with Samus docking on a frigate that she received a distress signal from whereby the player investigates, and finds it run amok with parasites.
I think you are confusing Prime 3.
I didn't find the artefact hunt in Prime to be bad at all, I ended up picking most of them up just doing normal exploring before I got to the point where I actually needed them
Considering it's been so long since Prime 3, I understand keeping the gameplay fairly conservative for now, it works to reintroduce the general feel of Metroid Prime. More game-specific mechanics are indeed saved for subsequent trailers, and the rumor is that Tanabe wanted to incorporate time travel into the game somehow, so we'll probably see that works out soon enough
What was the last good game tanabs produced?
Prime started with a pretty obvious Ceres knockoff. I guess you are right about the non indicative thing since like Ceres only exists to act as a detached tutorial before dumping you into the actual interconnected map.
Does Prime Remastered count?
Do you think we'll ever learn just what in the world Retro was doing in between Tropical Freeze and now?
It's been over a decade.
He's going to be some experiment to replicate Samus or some such bullshit
That's too easy it has to be a brand new game.
I mean learned about retros other failed projects so I don't see how this would be any different.
Well fuck, I guess it was Tropical Freeze then
So he's gonna be solid samus?
Just Metroid in 3D.
Grim but I guess he's not really working with Nintendo's top studios.
As much as Sylux might hate Samus. We all know he masturbates to her at night.
Do the people in the Metroid universe know what Samus looks like without her armor? I assume she keeps that knowledge hidden after zero mission
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And her real name... is Justin Bailey.

Either way, I hope she's just some rando who's mad at Samus for petty reasons.
It's more of an exploration game primarily, the shooting is secondary
God I hope so
Nah it rules so hard. You're gay
obviously I'm not talking about the few that can be obtained early, but rather going way the fuck across the overworld out of the way for the rest, back and forth.
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The more realistic design proportions make it pretty clear that Sylux has a humanoid shaped head under the helmet.

>turns out she's an incel who's mad because Samus won't fuck her
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What's the dumbest twist they could pull with this guy? (No time travel because that's cheating)

>He's some long dead Federation hero bought back via Chozo "ain't gotta explain bullshit" magic ala Sephiroth. Probably harboring a grudge at Samus for replacing him
I like that one because Samus is a mercenary, so it wouldn't make any sense to be mad at her specifically.

I still think 'Samus clone' is up there in terms of fucking lame. We already had TWO Samus clones.
Ian Malkovich would break the fandom.
>He's Samus dad
I'm torn on which of these is worse. They're both sufficiently stupid, but for wildly different reasons.
Yeah like Metroid would pull that shi-
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>different views
>make the female character of your game a male
looks female to me, chud
This is dumb but it shouldn't be. Understandably, NO ONE wants to touch Other M lore, but that would be cool if Other M wasn't what it was.
Part of me wants them to do a time travel thing, where in one timeframe you play Samus, and the other you play Sylux...the other part of me thinks that would be complete garbage.
Just give me the shock coil
Okay? From what I saw it was the exact same thing but replace parasites with Space pirates.
It was not the exact same thing. Samus was not participating in an assault in Prime 1's intro. I know you're capable of using your brain anon.
you may need glasses, mud
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If she was there 30 minutes earlier she most certainly would have.
The details are different but the framework is exactly the same you fucking monkey.
Exploring a derelict ship is nothing like a full out guerilla assault on the feds.
>If I turn this character into a man, suddenly it looks like a man
I bet you wish it was that easy in real life, tranny.
>change 2 pixels
>oh wow, it's a man now
but you said it would be a woman before?
now it's a man?
>give the fucker a goddamned beard
>*two pixels*
They obviously settled on Sylux being human. My hope is that the character has no real relationship to Samus and just hates her because Fuck the Feds like the original blurb. Also I hope it's a dude because I don't want a 2020s western studio designing a new female character.
be male
sort of clean shaven ("nu-Laureen Croft")
>this this is a female
1 day later
>this this is a male, because 2 hairs
splatoon 3 is finished, which means in the brief window between splat 3 and 4 there is a chance that nintendo would allow for another multiplayer shooter game with an alt mode mechanic.

it might happen. There might be more hunters as well. the prime 3 hunters, dark samus and or raven beak could be playable. maybe.
I do hope this shit is a launch title for the Switch 2 because there’s no way im playing fucking Metroid Prime 4 at 480p crispy 30fps.
Prime remastered was 720p 60 fps doe
tbf that's a pretty feminine looking dude on the right.
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Doom Eternal looks better, has better combat, better enemies and better level design
You a playtester for retro bro?
No, I'm an fps enjoyer and Metroid Prime is anything but a good fps
The madder a game makes /v/ the better it is. I’m ready for more Metroid kino.
How will they shoehorn in ridley this time?
Time travel. You go back in time and kill his parents in front of him.
and neither is true
Sylux is a member of Ridley's species who transferred his mind into the fed armor to fit in
They will say that Samus is transgender, and thus can create trans-warpholes.
Samus - a male - will summon one of these trans-warpholes, and out comes Trans-Ridley. A transmutated M2F2M2F Ridley, wearing a bra and demanding that her they/them pronouns are used.
Except for prime 3 that game is shooterslop
When you see it...
Maybe they could use that robot from Zero Mission and make it not shit this time
Prime REALLY doesn't play like a proper fps though. Lots of platforming, empty rooms, enemies that are more nuissances than anything. the only parts that play like a tacticool fps are when the pirates are involved and even then you're just playing match the colors.
Nah, it'll be way simpler than that. He's the fan favorite not-Samus bounty hunter for whatever reason, so they brought him back in the context that the Space Pirates are paying him to take out Samus. It's just work, etc.

Graphics look like 2006. Embarrassing all around. Dropped.
god dread is so fucking hideous it's unreal. Its like they went out of their way to get the worst lighting engine possible and then turned up the opacity to max for every light source. Not to mention how fucking gay the suit looks
good thing the prime games arent fps
Zero Mission is a lot of fun but im shocked how easy it is compared to Fusion

Even mother brain I got first shot by just face tanking the rings in the back and emptying missiles
dread varia should be her base look going forward, it is fucking phenomenal
>you point your gun and shoot from a first person perspective
>not an fps
This takes place inbetween Super Metroid and Fusion
yeah it's a first person action and adventure game
Half Life 2 is also a first person action and adventure game
you sound underage
I'm 26
damn that's sad
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The opening game text when you start a playthrough you see in Zero Mission is Samus saying how Zebes was her home at one point.

Did you even play the game?
Prime is an fp puzzle platformer with some shootan.
Id be more inclined to say games like Portal are better in this area, but thats because its Nintendo we are talking about. They make them puzzles easy.
Is Federation Force worth playing?
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>it's time to forgive other m and try again.
Stop neglecting Metroid Blast
With friends, yes.
This, Nintendo been experimenting TPS Metroid despite what those DoA hacks attempted.
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>Nintendoland still haven't been ported
Fucking fine, just do a sequel on the next console with older content.
What are your predictions?
>art direction is almost as horrible as other m
>devs don't know what they are doing except for reusing mechanics
>sacrificing exploration for half baked distracting action sequences
>Metroid Prime Beyond shit
cope harder ACFag
that will never be Samus and your falseflagging of wanting to fuck her will always be obvious
maybe retro will make one after they're done with prime (again).
I doubt he wants to tackle Metroid again now that he's too busy being a movie man.
never forget he left the Metroid series for dead, just for it to be successful again.
Fucking magic.
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My thoughts on 'troid games.

Metroid: I'll waste time w it but honestly one of the worst first-party NES games
Super: God's gift. Worthy of all its accolades. 10/10. Hallelujah...
Fusion: boring
Prime: best game but boring when you take away the sequence-breaks. That's why I skipped the remaster (more like disaster)
Hunters: comfiness incarnate but kinda boring
Echoes: HOLY BORING Batman...
Corruption: God's gift. Underrated masterpiece. 10/10. Hallelujah

Rest: haven't played.

tl;dr I'm
>Corruption: God's gift. Underrated masterpiece. 10/10. Hallelujah
Explain. It's about time for a replay so I'd like to enjoy it more if there's a way to do that.
yes, it's actually tons of fun, unless you shiriek because of graphics style or shriek because you expected a single player Metrido game despite it saying multiplayer.

it has tons of bonus objectives.
mind you, don't try to do speedrunner tricks, like putting traps while infiiltrating to use when exfil, because that may sometimes freeze your game.
lefties fuck it up, duh
also Samus is trans now
Its because its still at its core a metroid game. In metroid one of the best feelings is going through areas you went through before but now much stronger and having access to new shortcuts and more mobility. The best feeling in prime 1 was getting the plasma beam and just demolishing the space pirates and other enemies in previous rooms while looking for new powerups
Other M was trash, but there's no reason a 3rd person metroid couldn't work at all. Especially since the motion control fad is over
Prime puts the canon in armcanon. Looks like MP4 is doing a mix of the old and new.
IDK. I just like Hyper Mode (as the difficulty setting was called before the Trilogy rerelease). It's like survival-horror mode because you automatically lose a whole energy bar if you get triggered. Or is that only when Samus manually activates Hyper Mode? Honestly, it's been a long time since I played it. I just remember liking it a lot.
Other M had no motion controls, it used a classic control scheme, plus pointer controls
>open world
>Antithetical to Metroid
People would have said the same thing about Zelda yet here we are. I'm not saying I want an open world metroid btw, just pointing something out.
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>Echoes: HOLY BORING Batman...
Fuck whacking people with her cannon. I want her to fucking kick people
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Metroid Prime 2 is the only time Zero Mission Space Pirate Motherships were made in 3D, and you only see it for two seconds
I hope fromsoft gets the metroid ip and drop another masterpieceRing
Tendie love consuming slop
>another prime
not back
not back at all
where are my 2d metroids?!
You just got Metroid Dread 2 and a half years ago and just recently got Metroid ZM on NSO. Let the prime fans have their W's.
except zelda has a precedent of open world games. Pre ocarina stuff like the original and ALTTP were early gen open world games. Metroid however does not have something similar in its old games. You are locked much harder by areas that need power ups.
dread had a 4 year development time and we know this since sakamoto basically instantly got them working on his visions for dread after seeing samus returns. There are plenty of reasons to believe that mercury steam was given a switch 2 dev kit and we will likely see another 2d metroid in the next 2 years
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Final stage PED. Love how not just the suit changes in appearance
I just want a comfy beach episode in the game
Are Hard Modes unavailable in Zero Mission and Fusion's NTSC versions?
I've beaten them both twice and havent unlocked them
Prime 4 is going to be a switch 2 launch title
Honestly the trailer wasn't that impressive, dunno if that means anything for the actual game (idk what prime 1-3 trailers were like)
I bet that Visor view isn't actually real and was just mock up for the trailer. There is just no way the Scan visor is the only visor switch and they tied it to a single button like minus or whatever.
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>mfw this fake ass divide between formats
this holy fuck.
I've never known anyone to dislike one and like the other except for people here and fucking dobson
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This. Both 2D and 3D Metroid are good, so long as you avoid the disgusting Zero Suit centric movieslop like Zero Mission or Fusion. I pity the sad coomers who can't appreciate GOOD gameplay and only care about muh waifus.
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Samus is exceedingly beautiful but despite that I never really fapped to her. Maybe because I just love metroid games too much
Same. And to be honest, I wouldn't even mind the zero suit that much if coomers weren't so obnoxious, and if Other M never happened of course. The real problem of fanservice is the audience it attracts. Like I can't discuss Splatoon because everyone is busy jerking off to inklings, and nobody cares about the game itself, so that just kinda ruins the game. Same with Overwatch. What could've been a decent game, ended up another POS that people only cared about because of waifus.

Sad state for the industry to be in.
Holy Sexo

Also this
Pretty sure that was already the case even way back in Hunters. Think even the Manuel stated he was an experimentation of the Federation that got loose and moment he was freed he attacked and killed everyone associated with the Federation and tried to kill Samus due to association with said Federation.
>Like I can't discuss Splatoon because everyone is busy jerking off to inklings

Imagine how fans of Vaporeon, Lonpunny and Gardevoir feel, they’re on thin ice lmao
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>moment he was freed he attacked and killed everyone associated with the Federation

Death to the feddies is always good. Maybe Sylux isn't such a bad guy.
>Exposed Camel Toe
So would doing this thing be pleasure or borderline hell knowing Phazon rules.
>Lock on targeting
Boring. Hard skip. More so if they go with the original tank controls instead of just making a normal FPS.

My question is why do Prime fanboys enjoy eating shit.
So the twist is going to be he's going to be not only the Federations answer to Samus in the event she leaves (She does), but them being the dumbfucks they are decided to create him with Samus DNA from her armor Metroid Fusion style, in which said armor part had Ridley's Blood splattered on it after her first battle on Zebes prior to all Prime Games.
Maybe people are just happy that it's not open world Ubislop with gimmicks everywhere.
Sounds retarded enough to be legit.
I don't compare turds.
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As an observation the arm cannon stayed very consistent from Return of Samus to Corruption with only Fusion changing it and then there's the Other M pea shooter, both the color and shape made it look like a toy.
>Mask breaks
>Remember Me?
everything about other m is just gross. what were they thinking
I kinda agree, but they where good for early 2000s, but havent aged great. Prime 4 should really advance the formula. maybe focus more on tighter 1rst person platforming and finind a more interesting info collection system then the scanner.
How would open world even work
i am vomit
Wowie, what marvel movie is this?
Its not even out yet. You got a small video akin to the one released in 2017. Big deal
This is actually so cringe
Imagine how much better Metroid would be if Samus' arm cannon broke every 15 shots.
No it's not anon. You just have shit tastes.
not well.
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Fuck you and fuck Mercury Steam for putting that shit mechanic in SR and Dread. It fucking sucks in those games and it would suck here.
not him, but you dont need taste for slow walk shootie.

It is layed on a bit thick imo.
It was clunky as fuck in SR but it feels amazing in Dread
BotW and its consequences have been a disaster for the gaming landscape
It’s good in dread. It ruins SR. I do wish they would tone it down in the next one so you don’t have to choose between beam spam or melee, and enemies have a normal amount of health
They said the did the Prime remaster to get the dev teams feet wet for Prime 4 and I definitely see it in the trailer. Which excites and worries me. You can see the movement and overall feel look alot like the original Prime games, which is good, but I really hope they have more up their sleeve to mix up the formula. I dont want Prime 1.5, I want 4.
I hope there are Chozo characters
I think you're conflating him with the worm man
You know what's especially galling about the disingenuous assertion that "its exactly the same"? The logical direction to go is something you lot would bitch about to high fucking heaven anyway. This is why I can't take you people seriously at all, because you constantly screech about nothing.
Playing the remaster and some of the stronger normal enemies take way too long to fight and eats too much of my energy. Do I just start skipping them?
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Here's hoping for the return of the Plasma Beam welding torch.
I hope the controls are better than its predecessors. Those were such a pain to play.
Well of course, who could? They're not very nutritious.

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