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Will global like girls frontline 2?
only when they put in ak-12 but since that hasn't happened yet its shit
>still no release date
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When I first heard about GFL2 I was so excited. I had money, time, and gacha was my hobby. It's been so fucking long now that I have a wife, multiple kids, no fucking money, and even less time, let alone even one hobby other than shitposting here in my lunch break. Thanks a fucking lot King Chong.
vidyabuttes2 electric boogaloo

In the videos it looks like an extremely bad XCom ripoff with clunky animations, so probably no. Also even if it's good, there's no way it's worth the 5+ year wait.
It will release after Silksong
diversity squad happened a while ago anon
>get caught
I think I'll play Uma Musume instead of more /k/ shit attached to an unreasonable large vn with power creep
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cautiously optimistic after seeing what started CN gamergate was a nothingburger
post gameplay
>been hearing about gfl2 longer than I've been playing gfl
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>4 years spent waiting for a gacha
It was such a nothing burger, the dev derailed their entire plans to damage control it.
post the offending cuckshit for us to see then.
Vidya 2: the game
Ignoring all the NTR fiasco, I heard the game is ass in the story department and the fact that all the girls forgot about you AND you need to GRIND to get anywhere + SLOW Updates.
>already got every girl on the CN server
>no motivation to restart on EN
its a different kind of feel
i like the duck
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I hope for the birth of a vidya boobs schizo from this gacha
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>Chinese Made
>Jewish content

lol, lmao even.
Have a >you
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oy vey.....
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Should have stick to 2D anime girls.
this but for uma musume global too
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what's stopping someone from porting these models into XCOM 2 proper so we don't have to play a gacha?
you had years to put any anime model on xcom2 so why didn't you
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its been tried
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So it turns out that lighting is important when it comes to anime models
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Just make a porn game already geez
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>CN gamergate
qrd? did someone slept with 5 chinks over there?
I look like this and say this
Eh, beats another genshin clone at least
Its not bad desu
>Man breaths the same air as one of the rollable gacha girls
>Chinks lose their shit
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I'm really really really really excited but
They should add more British dolls
>pic clearly says Doll's Frontline 2
>eops calls it girls frontline 2
public execution of all gachaniggers
>public execution of all gachaniggers
public execution of all gachaniggers
>public execution of all gachaniggers
>characters forget about the player over a ten year timeskip
>some are even happy to leave your employ
>they had to rewrite some characters to want to join back
Who does this target? Twitter women who despise the faceless male MC?
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EN date doko
Oh that explains it
Thanks VB
Your one-man war against anyone that mocks GF2 is pretty funny, do you even play the game?
You have 0 self awareness
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I don't WANT to play GF2. Amusingly enough, no one wants to, given it's revenue drop went past 95% and is still decreasing.
Then literally why are you in this thread
i want to play it though
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>posts fanfic
>nobody wants to play it
I see where this is going
Because seeing the game flop is loads of fun.
I do
I care
I asked
But the game has a ten year timeskip, and Spas and others do say they are happy not to serve under G&K anymore. Which is a little iffy considering MC-sama doted on T-Dolls even if some NPC G&K staff weren't nice to them and G&K themselves weren't exactly clean.
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>happy not to serve under G&K anymore.
because (you) leave and it becomes a black company that (you) end up shooting it's bots in-game. context matters
>they are happy not to serve under G&K anymore
Half the side stories are about how working under G&K sucks major ass
Because they wanted (You) and not the black company they're on
Has nothing to do specifically with the 3D lighting itself. The anime models use special shaders onto the texture themselves that allow you to make them look like 2D. It's like, faking the 3D lighting onto the texture of the model itself. Without that specific shader working, you only have the base colors of the models and when you import them in literally anything else where you can't make use of that shader, they will just get lit up by the actual 3D lighting of the world instead of having it be faked and then it looks like shit.
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I don't know the drama behind the game since I never played the original but I'm eternally grateful to Girl's Frontline 2 for kickstarting the 3D dorm craze. Snowbreak which I play was inspired by it's 3D dorms, Azur Lane which I also play is working on 3D dorms too. Genshin had it first, but in that game, characters just stay still in one pose, compared to what the devs did there with movement, voiced dialogue, and furniture interaction.
GFL dev lose the trademark for JP server, the one who own it is the owner of AzurLane, hence why the game name is Doll Frontline
>characters forget about the player over a ten year timeskip
wait we play as the same shikikan from the first game?
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Me playing games with my daughter and doll wives
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Why the hell does his 3D model look so young?
Yet it still stands. Like GFL1 who was supposed to eos on minimal earnings in two weeks years ago.
quit playing this dogshit and play a real good game like rotmg, that will still be around when your gacha bankrupts in a year or two
asian genes
at least this one isn't a twink
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Collapse radiation and Doll fucking is the key to eternal youth
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because it's an old modelhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkNxBRuCeBM&t=34s&ab_channel=%E9%AB%98%E5%B6%BA%E7%BF%94%2FTakamineShouChannel
check the newest cutscenes
XCOM2 sucks and the gacha probably plays better.
that's not (me)
I wonder how much of this is less misinformation and more people who left the game long ago not experiencing the newer plot and being lost with the in-between transition between game plots. I got burned out by the larger maps and event farming myself, and I feel the game got a little shippy with stuff like J which turned me off, though I don't really have any animosity towards the game, I still go back to see my ringed 9 and 45 and STAR from time to time. Also my XL Manticore-chans.
well at least they stopped doing ambiguous gender thing in the sequel
Full JP/CN dub for the story requires it after all kek
this is a >>>/vg/483365012 shill tread btw
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Are you French-Algerian?
Crazy how a little shadows below the eyelids and sharper eyes makes such a difference
They games way too overloaded for me. You got multiple banners trying to get your attention. A lot of time based shit you have to keep track off. A lot of dolls are limited, that also requires a lot of resources. SF farming is ass and encourages you to pay. Events come and go without any meaningful breaks in between so you can do other stuff or save premium currency. Game can't decide on having static team formations or have you move your dolls around to "play" around enemy AI.
I just want some casual game I can play on the phone without needing to sit down. Performance is also ass on my phone
are you talking about GF1?
only banners are skins and SF gacha, there's no need to save a premium currency either
It was supposed to eos 5 years. Why didn't it? Are you lying to me?
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The game literally got delayed Halo Infinite style due to the backlash from china. They're changin some pretty big stuff rn, especially writing and lore wise.

That doesnt sound like a nothing burger to me.
>Performance is also ass on my phone
Bro, its a 8 years old game what the fuck...
Yeah, night battles alone were a big downer, needing to switch gear for them. I did 1-4N so many times...
cant wait for them to find out that multiverse shit is canon now, i bet asian kojima will do something with it probably hard reset the story, especially changing the early story of the game.
you can check the TL yourself
If talking with a male character is NTR for you then...
They aren't changing lore outside of rewritting that fucking Dayian event
All the other stuff is just expanding on existing shit in GF2 and evolving - like walkable dorms for example
>Girls frontline
>Project Neural Cloud
>Girls frontline 2
What's the point in having 3 gachas for the same story? The other two games should hit EoS as soon as GFL2 releases.
0 chance for that, going by what GF2 story is.
This isn't a multiverse story, it's a story about one particular timeline without any retconing shit.
Entire goal of Lunasia/M4 is to extend the current timeline via helping out from shadows and ploting, no resets are possible
Vidya Butts guy insists it's all a CN conspiracy, but I'm pretty sure Mica tried to pick a fight with the playerbase with the Book of Esther and the Handmaid's Tale which agitated them and caused what should have been a small drama to snowball out of control. You put out the fire, not fuel it. Later on they backtracked but at that point people were super mad.
Same universe but at different times so
Also YZ would never do that lol
This speculation is fucking retarded, it's literally just a part of the unity assests they used to decorate the dorm. the item itself is so fucking low res you barely can tell what the fuck it is
>without any retconing shit
they fucking retcon skk being french and not chinese fuck you chong.
even as a slow gamer I never had problems with getting all Dolls. The only thing autistic were the point events with people literally crashing their client to restart battles to gain that 10 extra score to be NambaWan. SF Banners were kinda shitty but still manageable, resource grind was alleviated by optimal Teams and not using your resources on random ass stuff all the time (which I did, so I was constantly in the dumps). I stopped playing GF1 a year ago, because daily grind login was too tiresome imo, but thats how I feel about a lot of online games nowadays
SKK never was a chink tho you retard
he was always an european in GF1
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>the filler assets had...... LE PURPOSE!!!!
Honestly that may make it even funnier, that Unity's attempt at virtue signalling in Western games accidentally damaged a game's reputation in China. A perfect shitshow of timing that those books appear just as the playerbase is a powder keg.
>random asset pack
>virtue signaling
What do you look like
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I just want a complete dorm, alright? This gacha shit is cancer, I'd rather just buy the cosmetics outright. SF units are a pain to get with how limited the resources are and its also one of those resource harvesting time shit that I hate.
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Remember when they tried to pretend that your waifu reading Lord of the Rings was NTR?
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If someone who hates cuckoldry enough to devote 3 years and learn a skill from it doesn't think THING is NTR then I have no reason to argue on anything related on that topic against him.
ah I agree about skin gacha anon
It's fucking ass, I'm glad PNC and GF2 moved to direct purchases
why does this creature exist. What sort of memery has Nikke, that they turned this character into this 4 legged dog creature
>Lord of the Rings TV show has Sauron NTR
>Lord of the Rings game has Gollum NTR
wtf china was right?
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4chan edit that spread onto acra that spread onto reddit
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I look like this
le fatty joke
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>The implication is that the Chinese self insert as Gollum
These gacha games always take too fucking long to come out to the point that the excitement dies
Mihoyo has that anime fps on the backburner (they canceled the anime GTA but believe the fps is still alive) I was excited for like 3 years ago but it's utter vaporware at this point
Even ZZZ took too long and I don't care anymore
It's undeniably people who tried the game in 2018 and probably didn't even make it to 2019, or out of the S&F villain of the week arc in general. The people who still assume SKK is a characterless self-insert, and post DEFY art to their twitters without ever having seen them ingame.
ZZZ is just honkai 3rd or PGR with furries
Yea but it looked way closer to anime DMC for a while
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Obesity is no laughing matter
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Her artist drew this gem
Whats her fucking problem?
give me areola slips or im not interested
And I've been staring at it ever since
God I love Sabrina
These animations look like crappy SFM porn.
Just wait until FGO2 gets announced, they mention how ridiculously long the development has been, and then it still doesn't come out for like 5 years.
Type Moon can't even get a studio to make a remake of a game with literal rock paper scissors in a timely manner. It's been 4 years with no release date in sight and the game might straight up not come out on either of the initial platforms it was announced for (PS4 and Switch)
>t. guy who probably plays a chibi gacha
total whale genocide
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>playing gacha

When will they remove the female commander option? After Genshit I am not gonna play any more gachas that let you choose MCs, it ruins the entire community and I don't want the devs to pander to women.
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She's hungry
Then your opinion doesn't matter
Why would they remove it when you could do it in the first game and PNC?
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SKK love eating Chinese comfort food that only Chinese wagecuck eat
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Didn't ruin the community for the first 2 games?
There will probably be some transfer pity, like NP5 gives you a copy of the servant (or an IOU when they come out) and NP1-4 give you better rates for them whenever they're featured in a sliding scale until your first copy
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Why? Are people with good taste in vidya disqualified from judging animations? Are gacha games so fundamentally different from real games that even their animations can't be judged on a similar basis?
I like eating chinese food too btw (Im EURO CHAD)
Chinese food is the most basic bitch thing to order out
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>chinese food
you are eating plastic
It's 2024 anon
We're all eating plastic
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FGO2's announcement is probably this year or next year, though I'm personally banking on next year for the 10th anniversary.
It probably only started development when Genshin took a large bite into their playerbase late 2020 and the plan is for part 3 (post ordeal call) to be fgo2, and yes they'll probably have some form of transfer so people don't refuse to move or boycott it
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I really hope they give her a Mod3 or whatever the GF2 equivalent will be
They can just announce a new client for PC and mobile and people will still eat up. They're already setting up the account system after all.
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>big tits character have dogshit kit
why this keep happening, wuwa biggest tits is fucking suck not even meme build worthy
Yes only smooth brain gacha player chad can have an opinion on anything related to them.
It's been a long time so I don't remember the detail but there was that one girl with a cool design but was a bad unit that got a mod3, so I was like nice finally she get some action but then the mod3 turned out to be also shit
The account system is almost certainly for the transfer for fgo2.
And it'll also absolutely be
1. Totally new gameplay and in 3D
2. A total reset to your chaldea (other than certain transfers / pity or whatever they do)
FGO has gotten insanely bloated and they'll absolutely want ti be able to use old characters again in story chapters while still having people be excited to roll for them for the first time.
The gameplay and it's systems are extremely limited and they've done basically all they can with it
mfw EN will release and I will not roll on anyone for like the first 5 years patiently waiting for them to add SOP
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Sorry forgot to take the camera lens off
ak-12 got killed thougheverbeit.
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Seriously it's a shame
At least UMP9 has an erobody
As long as they make her usable
and now the characters need to be pulled from gacha.
I wonder if they dare to remove the 50/50 like Snobble did. It's not like they have big whaling at the moment.
The shitstorm is going to be wild.
I for one can't wait for
>whales claiming they will never go to fgo 2
>NA players claiming they'll never switch to fgo 2 because of being betrayed via early EOS
>doom posters claiming it'll fail because no one wants to start over
Followed by it retaking the gacha throne because Fate is the biggest anime cash cow in existence and has only been held back by incompetence from its owners refusing to invest in it
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Spats removed
Devs listened
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ass buffed too
We all are full of plastic anon...may as well power up.
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so when's global release
Some time between right now and seven months from now.
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still mad
At least in seven months it'll be bug free.
FemKJ mi amor
Built for Simo's cock
Has the story from GFL1 even """concluded""" yet? Chapten 13 and then event stories that continue on, but even with the last majory story event, nothing major was wrapped up. I dont even remember anything other than an aerial bombing of some kind of base.
holy daggerchin batman
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nigga pls, these are just mocapped animation with some weird looking speed up
granted, it's slightly better than SGO arcade
She could cut diamonds
>chapter 13
>last major story event
>base getting bombed
Nigga that's like 2 story arcs ago. It's currently in the home stretch and they're blitzing 4 or 5 mini-events to tie up some loose ends and build up to the final major.
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>spats removed
>panties remained
But at what cost?
>It was supposed to eos 5 years. Why didn't it? Are you lying to me?
gfl2 has not been out for 5 years you incoherent ESL baboon
Lets be real GF2 isn't gonna eos LMAO
wow what a cunt
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>immune to silence
how cute
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After the cuck fiasco, no way...
Fiasco is a stretch
Aren't T-dolls like androids? Are they capable of eating food?
>cautiously optimistic after seeing what started CN gamergate was a nothingburger
Oh yea, just 20+ coincidence happening all at the same time...
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They can eat to break down the components for energy but it's highly inefficient compared to just regular charging , so they basically do it for fun (Or if it's their job, like Sabrina or Millau)
Trolls were just taking literally anything they could get their hands on and running with it, like schitzo tier shit
I mean come on, Lord of the Rings?
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That and it stops Uncanny Valley creeping in
>Handmaid's Tale in the commander room
I never saw someone talk about HT who wasn't a unhinge batshit stupid feminism cunt.
Who thought this was a fucking good idea?!
More than the traitorous chink """fan base""" does.
Nigga, they are 88/100 in the last gacha revenue reports...
They made ONLY 50K last month.
Even Limbus company make more dosh.
Making more than GFL
Lets see a source
>I mean come on, Lord of the Rings?
It make sense in the context.
>Sauron make rings of power for all races so they can stay equal
>Secretly make the one ring, who can control all the others.
>SKK give oath ring to girls with max bond.

Pair that with the Handmaid's tales, the Talmud section about the slaves. Raymond, the lighting sign on the girl.
And also the stupid feminism cunt from Megalia who got fired from limbus compagny who COENCIDENCLY found a job at Mica as a writer...
A lot of coincidence at the same time anon...
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>posting GF1 revenue
Listen to yourself
You're seriously implying a girl would read LOTR and go
>"Hmm yes...they destroyed a ring in this book...I should cheat on the man I love!"
A lot of coincidence at the same time anon...
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Peak Retard
You realise all the other drama is on the same tier as this "LOTR = NTR" shit right?

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