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>casually destroys the Souls fans ego just like that
How do you respond without sounding mad?
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I used the mimic.
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A book needs to be written about the very particular strain of millennial faggotry this fucking retard has been afflicted with for the last 10 years. Its symptoms can be found in the way he speaks, his intonation, his writing style, his opinions, his physiognomy, everything. A fascinating illness.
See I don't hate it because it's too hard, I hate it because its poorly designed. You could reduce the boss' damage by 20%, 40% or even 90% and they would still not be fun to fight barring a select few side quest bosses which are already fun to begin with. They could remove the skibidi tree fragments and it would still be dull
always was the case
>you cheesed agro range and magic with the thieves ring in DeS
>you cheesed poise stacking in prepatch DS1
>+dragon sword +BK halberd
>you cheesed OP god poison arrows in DS2
>+fire longsword
>you cheesed elemental stacking in BB
>you cheesed with broken weapon arts and halberds in DS3
>you cheesed with magic, summons, OP ashes, mimic, spirits, comet azur, double halberd, jump attack spam, poison arrow, bleed etc etc etc in ER
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thats a man
>(and thats okay)
He's right, many play RPGs for the simple reason that they can be made effortless easily with grinding or exploits or imbalances.
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wtf a twitter screencap that's actually a twitter screennocap?!?!
is there any reason people are pretending that the people bitching aren't the legion of normies who's first souls game was Elden Ring? The souls fans are the people enjoying the game still and laughing about how hard Miyazaki filtered people with this one.
this is me
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If twitter is so great why don't you talk about twitter ON twitter?

It's wasting your time and not a challenge. You either evade like a cuck until the game allows your to attack with an opening animation, or you die. Literally zero ways to change that. You have to be a good cuck and spectate the game playing itself until it allows you the attack frames.

The only difference between speedruns and normal runs is that speedrunning has the most broken ways to deal as much dps as possible in the attack time window. But even speedrunners have to wait like cucks until the Fromslop "game" allows them to actually attack.
>My arguments are just strawmen
I can't enjoy souls games besides seikro because trying to find the middle ground between the game being so easy it's not fun or so hard it's not fun is too fucking annoying and gay
>Either watch somebody else do this fight, grind until you kill it in 3 hits or bang your head against a wall for 3 hours until AI rng makes the boss not use its best moves
Cool, maybe actually try designing a game rather than "YoU dEcIdE tHe DiFfIcUlTy"
I agree to an extent but isn't the solution to then patch the broken stuff to be less broken instead of ramping the difficulty to the point that now everyone has to use the broken stuff, even people who weren't?
>game journos are bad at games
>Dark souls comes out
>They claim it's the hardest game ever
>Eceleb YouTubers then start dating the same for clicks
>This gets redditors and redditchan to parrot this shit

It's crazy how such a mediocre developer became so successful by game journos having a hard time with a clunky game that children have beaten.
Cool tattoo... NOT!
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>Refer to literally any amount of negative reviews whatsoever as a "bomb" so its legitimacy is automatically questioned
Game journos should be bombed, also OP
>doesn't even reply, just spams the same image over and over
Oh fuck a wojak I bet you feel stupid now
>just strawmen
you cannot blow off "heh I don't use spirit ashes" as a strawman in good conscience.
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No, it was Bandai Namco literally branding Dark Souls as "Prepare to Die XD"
I think From thought it was a good idea to lean into it but forgot the part that the games were difficult outside of boss fights
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Everyone is just so disingenous about this entire topic and debate that it feels like its pointless to even talk about. Negative reviews that are mostly about performance are being lumped in with reviews about other things that sometimes include difficulty itself and only difficulty but sometimes people are just upset about the new gameplay mechanic not synergizing with the rest of the game and all of these diffferent complaints are just lumped together and explained as "souls fans are butthurt about difficulty". The people who talk like this and report on this subject in this manner are probably diehard fanboys who dont like their games being criticized and so they just completely strawman any criticism in the most disingenous way.

Look, I fucking love the souls series, I love bloodborne, I love sekiro, I love elden ring. 3 of those games are literally my top 3 favorite games of all time. There is so much to love about them, but that doesnt mean each game doesnt also have flaws. Its ok to mention flaws of games even when you like them, it just means that you arent a retarded blind fanboy.

The DLC is fucking amazing, I love it to death, but there are absolutely some issues with it. Performance is a big one, the camera getting fucked up in certain boss fights is another, but I really do feel like the scadutree fragments really do feel disjointed and incongruent with the rest of the games design philosphy. They make the entire levelling process and stat selection seem... not pointless, but arbitrarily pointless in ways that the player isnt supposed to be able to discern. Im not even sure if anyone has actually figured out just exactly how dmg scaling works in the DLC.
>a screenshot in a screenshot
your kind need to burn OP
What the fuck is "Twitter"?
>The people complaining are the ones not using cheese
He's a faggot but he's right. Pretty much every single soulsfag cheeses the games (which isn't a big issue. Those games were made with cheesing in mind). In fact, the problem with Elden Ring in particular is that From keeps patching cheeses out of the game (like Comet Azur nerf, or Radhan and the fire giant no longer dying from fall damage). It's like if From patched DS1 to make Pinwheel harder and give out less souls, made it impossible to obtain the darkwhatever covenant sword early on, a d just generally killed most cheese strats. I honestly think people won't look back at ER that favourably compared to other souls games. In DS1/2/3 you can break the game and make it your bitch with enough knowledge. With Elden Ring they keep sanding off the cheese to force people to engage with the game how they want people to
Speak for yourself scrub
the people complaining are the ones who cheesed the last 5 games and haven't figured out how to cheese this one
The fact that you haven't been banned is a travesty and shows just how far this place has fallen.
Her 2d artist avatar is better because she gives off shotacon vibes
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The implication that basic Zelda circle strafing is deep gameplay is very funny.
If you used weapons you did not beat the game.
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>Look, I fucking love the souls series, I love bloodborne, I love sekiro, I love elden ring. 3 of those games are literally my top 3 favorite games of all time.
Dark souls being multiplatform was a mistake
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Select Your Character
i cant even give this post a 0/10 try harder
You're right, it should be PC only. consolebabbies dont need to be playing anything but cod and fifa
In all honestly if you reduce the dmg Fromsoft bosses do everyone would realize how shallow the combat is.
Souls was a playstation game and it should've stayed that way
nah japs were just slow to adapt to the changing market and from soft were still using sony from their ps2 days because it was familiar but there is objectively no reason to have your game not on pc. if you knew anything about game dev you would know that consoles are what gold back performance and that the current performance issues on pc are a direct result of them not being familiar with anything but shitty fucking console architecture. Look at the armored core series, look at how it fucking CHUGGED at sub 15 fps sometimes on the ps3. Do you think that they would have had those issues on pc? fuck no. console babbies are always holding the entire industry back.
can't believe i expected a based opinion from lyle but he's right. soulsfan are like personafans, they love everything about the game but never touched the game they are defending
What? Souls fans only play Souls games
It's the complete opposite
>Head covered
>Tits out

Is this how muslims get to purgatory?
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>A book needs to be written about the very particular strain of millennial faggotry this fucking retard has been afflicted with for the last 10 years.

>he hasn't heard about microplastics
>Refuse to engage with game mechanics
>Refuse to engage with the DLC gimmick(tree shards)
What a fucking mystery.
No, this is always the same circlejerk reaction every Souls game gets, and it was the same fir Monster Hunter, especially when Iceborn release and Aleatron filtered so many people
All bosses in the DLC are good
ALSO Souls hater and "Sekiro is the best one" guy just means retarded shitter that can only play basic reaction gameplay
Why does a single player game need balance patches its so retarded
This metafaggotry is what caused this rollslop gameplay in Elden Ring( yes the base game even, not just the DLC), even MH fell into this trap
Gone are the days of cool bosses that may not be a challenge but are memorable
creating a fictional person for the express purpose defining a broad archetype that you can tear down is like the definition of a strawman
he's hopelessly overgeneralizing and has no idea what he's talking about
I'm not in love like you anon, but I'd slap her titties around
hes right though
if you engage in any RPG aspects of a soulslike and didn't beat it no hit with an honest weapon then you didn't actually beat the game, you cheated by lowering the difficulty
theres a reason souls doesn't have difficulty sliders and its due to being an RPG where you can tailor the difficulty to whatever allows you to feel like you won, but really you didn't win you just cheesed the challenge, you might as well have watched a letsplay or streamer play the game
you can say this about any game ever
Pokémon is fucking hardcore bro (if you follow this list of arbitrary schizophrenic requirements that have nothing to do with how the game was designed)
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>people complaining about the stupid flanderization of the series where every boss prefaces his fight with FORGIVE ME ZANZIBART and proceeds to perform ridiculous light shows with awful camera in a combat system that has not advanced much beyond its demon soul days
>normalfags deflect and make it about muh git gud even though it takes them 100+ tries to even beat some of these bosses
you must be the dumbest retard gorilla nigger if you want to pretend the spirit ash superiority complex isn't very real
Yeah, dual ultra upgraded jump spamming whixh didn't exist before Elden Ring is totally the only abusable From mechanic
The game gives you all these tools, but you are not supposed to use them?
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he is true
the reason souls players feel this way is because the boss fights suck dick
overtuned attack spam garbage
they're like a shitty monster hunter iceborne hunt
can we finally admit that the games are not fun to play?
yes because otherwise it's too easy and that would harm the ego of people who attach their pride to their skill in these games
this entire topic is egotistical losers attaching themselves to a shitty game series that was never actually hard
it's like a demolition worker refusing to use a hammer and breaking walls by headbutting them to look cool
then his coworkers tell him he's retarded
then he says they're pussies
this is the essence of this discussion
it's fucking retarded
Apparently it's chinks that's doing the most of the reviewbombing
He's not wrong, you can see other people's builds when you do the great jar trial thing.
90% of the time it's some faggot using a broken weapon or art I wish I was joking...
chinese shills making fromsoft look bad before black myth wukong comes out
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Souls is just knockoff Edgy Monster Hunter: Adventure format
you can't prove this claim wrong
the game is poorly balanced
the only way to not require 50 tries on every difficult fight is to use a meta build
it feels like fromsoft balanced the game around a handful of builds and left everything else to sit there and be useless
It's roughly 5% more damage done and 5% less damage taken per level scadu tree upgrade.
Probably 10% for the summons version.

I like the scadu tree stuff. Just like golden seeds it incentives exploring, and the ashes version is similar to the sacred tears. It's not a new thing to ER.

My only complaint really is the dragon area could have been more fun. Throw in a bunch of quarter size dragons that swarm you from nests, or more cultists or more of those dragon hunters. The zone is just a bit too one note.
maybe the game should try to strive after actual balance then
I don't know, I only played a couple hours but I'm not having fun. I found 5 bosses so far I think, 2 of them were the same fucking dragon from the base game (but now he punches) and 2 were some regular tarnished fights, but they all had like twice or 3 times the amount of regular HP. Especially the fucking dragons were like 10 minutes riding around their legs and slowly whittling away at their massive HP while they hit me like twice the entire fight. The tarnished dudes were also fucking pathetic since every hit from me staggered them, but they still had massive inflated HP pools so it was an extremely boring battle. It just feels like every fight goes on way longer than it needs to.
Computer. . . simulate this singular man dying repeatedly in his third world favela
I'm doing a hoplite build that's the throwing spear and a shield. I'm pretty damn sure that's not a meta build, and I e beat half the bosses so far. I wish I'd had the spear before I beat rellana and lion cause it would have been so fucking fun to use against them.
shields have been meta since demon souls
the easy mode option was to always just equip a 100% shield and block everything
game sucks dude, just admit it
What's the intended way to play according to this guy?
yes but rolling used to let you attack more often
now rolling is harder and less rewarding
play however without external help or looking up "the best armor / weapon / class" maybe?
just usual not faggot shit
That's the actual takeaway from this.
We have reached the point where any negative reviews are dismissed as review bombing.
Reviewing a game poorly because it's hard is pathetic, but not a review bomb. That's just a genuine response to the game.
I haven't seen most of it, but so far I'm not impressed.
Either the rabid or the underpants triangle
Nobody is actually dumb enough to think an npc fighting for you is the same thing as having a powerful player character, right?
The sheer amount of bizarre shit I see in souls to justify myhts of difficulty is stupid.

"You're SUPPOSED to just stop spending your exp on levels, and just sit on it, the game wasn't designed around you doing this!" -tier mental gymnastics.
Yeah, atleast the npc isn't using a broken build
not about being deep
they're both different styles
people got obliterated at sekiro because they were trying to dodge and block things instead of standing still trying to perfect block/ mikiri counter
You will always look and smell like shit, Pajeet.
A Mimic Tear wrote this post
My wake up moment was when I did the great jar on the character I prepped for the DLC a few months ago, and all three of them were RoB spammers.
All three.
Do you have any actual arguments or...
So true too because all these people complaining feel the need to profess their love for the souls games or how they're souls veterans. It's honestly shameful. Just say the DLC is garbage and move on. We don't need paragraphs detailing your extensive history with the series and how amazing the games.
Sure, I think you should suck my cock until you come up with something to say
>using items and strategies based on your opponent is cheese
thats why I stopped playing souls. after playing nioh I never looked at souls games the same
>Jumping heavy attack faggot wants another man to suck his cock
Expected no less from the likes of you
I quit Sekiro very early on when I realized it doesn’t play by the rules it expects you to follow. It gives you a jump, but enemy attacks will hit you if you jump over them. There’s one enemy in like the first 30 minutes that does a big low grab, which you can easily jump over, except the game just pulls you out of the air and into the enemy’s hands if you jump over the grab. 0/10 game.
This has always been a bit disingenuous.
Rolling is better for speed runs where everything is known and preplanned, and you HAVE to do things as quickly as possible, so long as it is reasonable, consistency be damned. Shields are significantly more consistent in the much more likely case that you are not perfecting bosses and going for speed over all else. This has only gotten more true with the advent of shit like guard counters.
Malenia is the only fuck you shields have ever gotten in the entirety of Souls, compared to half the bosses in base elden ring that either have unintuitive delays you need to learn, or just input read your rolls.
The myth that shields are just worse than rolling has pretty much never been true, except within very narrow definitions of what is optimal, that favor margin of success over liklihood. Even when shields were at their absolute worst, Bloodborne, they are still actually pretty good.
>triviliaze it with some broken build that they mask by not wearing armor
let me solo her bros...
A mediocre character with a mediocre summon is definitely weaker than a meta build.
Which do you think is stronger, Blasphemous Blade minmax, or some fukkin dude with the Family Heads, summoning rats?
I've fought the lion, Renalla and Bayle so far, and they were all way cooler than the base game bosses save Goodrich and that giant electricity dragon, the only good bosses from the main game. The DLC is kino. Bayle and that whole journey up the mountain is already my highlight of the whole game so far.
The difference is that the boss's attention will always be on the solo player. Having split aggro allows for entirely different, more often safer approaches. I'm fine with bullshit combos if I'm the one executing them. That Sekiro webm seemed satisfying to pull off because it required knowledge and action on the player's part. Not that any of this matters since it hinges on the false pretense that a faggot using mimic tears didn't also google a meta weapon/build/art to beat their latest hurdle. Just admit that you let an AI play for you to some extent, I can't think any less of you.
>I am fine with bullshit combos if im the one executing them
>Goes on to call out meta faggots
What does this have to do with the thread?
Screenshot your build.
Not all faggots are on the same level. Powerful sword =/= powerful samurai fighting for you. All I'm trying to say.
>Well yeah, I cheesed the game, I am metafagging and I am using the most broken build I have access to.
>can't even beat the game with non-meta builds and a bad summon
>eceleb twitter
fuck off
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This is the difference between someone being defined by themselves, or only by the weapon in their hands. A victory by the warrior, or the craftsman.
You didn't beat the game. Hewg did.
Have a good day summoners, maybe one day you'll realize you like watching more than doing
screenshot your build
OP makes thinly veiled youtuber threads literally every day
>you don't use strategies that you have no agency over past the initial use as they are their own independent AI but you do apply moves that you have direct agency over
That is correct.
you clearly do though
if you roll through a combo*, you spend very little stamina and get to r1
if you block a combo*, you spend much more stamina and might not get to r1
this is basic risk-reward because rolling has a recovery period
now it still has a recovery period but you can cancel guard into an attack and rolling the combo might not lead to any opening. the risk-reward is inverted: the easiest option is better.
*used to be single attacks but that wasn't epically hardcore enough
Imagine having so little understanding of the summons that you have no agency over their application
Why is that place so gay
>made a whiny image last thread for people making fun of OP samefagging youtube
I feel like most people online don't understand it but there's this concept called "moderation"
there is actually such a thing as "too hard" (crazy, I know)
people want to overcome a challenge with their builds their way. Despite the complaining, base ER achieved this, melee is just as strong as magic, again shitposting aside. You can do anything and if you're patient the game is doable if still challenging.
The difficulty in shadows of the erdtree is so high it makes it utterly impossible for certain builds and strategies to feasibly complete the dlc.
This is stifling, why add 30 weapons if only 2 are useful, for example.
You can call it a skill diff, but let's call it what it actually is. Bad design. They made the game too hard to the point of it being stifling and frustrating instead of fun.
So yes, it is too hard. They're free to keep the game like that and people are free to continue leaving negative reviews. Hope this helps ;3
I've never used them so that's also correct.
you didn't experience the game.
>you don't like the challenge because of something a fraction of the playerbase does

What boss takes a QUARTER of it's health bar from a jump attack?
I experienced the parts I wanted to, and ignored the parts I didn't.
I also beat it unlike ash users kek
screenshot build
Holy fuck what a schizo.
>he's never figured out how to beat bosses while utilizing summons to their fullest
You really did just skip the bosses, didn't you?
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What's the matter, anons?
Don't know how to screenshot?
Yes it did, what's the issue
I mean, there's a huge difference between "too hard" and "unfun"
The sharks in the Fishing Hamlet werent "too hard" they werent fun to fight against for example. You would always just skip past them unless you wanted the Rakuyo.
From what I see from those two reviews, they arent saying its too hard, its just not fun. That's a fair criticism. As Reggie said, "If its not fun, why bother?". There's always fun in overcoming a challenge, sure, but if you dont actually feel rewarded after beating it, then it was just tedium with no real point.
>You really did just skip the bosses,
No I didn't use spirit ashes.
It gives you a jump because there are specific attacks that NEED to be jumped over.

You didn't get far enough for the game to explain how you're fucking stupid.
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You did something even worse, metafagging
I'd rather talk to a cuck than a faggot
I don't feel like booting up a different game from the one I'm currently playing to screenshot my build for you, sorry.
Last one I used was a dual GS dex build though because it looked cool.
I didn't do that, either, because I just like playing how I like to play. While beating the game. Which isn't something spirit ash users do KEK
Kek the losers all use the same talking points like it’s political theatre.
You skipped major aspects of the bosses and just cheesed them with meta strats
You didn't even play the game, let alone beat it. Imagine being so shit at the game you can't think of ways to make even the weaker summons usable.
>Because I just like playing how I like to play.
>Huh? Of course I like just using one attack for every single enemy in the game, it's just a coincidence it's the most strong and meta strat
Lol, let's say I believe you
You know I never found these games hard, it's just souls combat is slow, tedious, boring, dog shit. I never understood how people find souls games enjoyable outside of muh fromsoft.
you can tell which posts are op's considering how every body else wanted to discuss elden ring lol
>You skipped major aspects of the bosses and just cheesed them with meta strats
I did not cheese them with meta strats, as I do not look up meta strats.
I don't really like the idea of spirit ashes, so I didn't use them. I prefer to beat games than disengage with them.

>Lol, let's say I believe you
Thanks, then I accept your concession.
same, the combat is literally worse monster hunter
and the exploration pretty basic
>I do not look up meta strats.
Then post your build
Let's see these non-meta strats
he's afraid
He's racing to Hewg to upgrade a weapon he has never used to hide the Blasphemous Blade as we speak lmao
Previously stated >>680835817
Non-bleed dual dex GS.
I want to get back into elden ring but honestly idk if I have the patience for it
never heard of it, if I had a screenshot i could tell if you actually played the game
Retards getting baited by 2010s youtuber with 2000s "Angry nerd gamer" persona, retards, Lyle is just a ragebaiter.
>Doesn't know that speedrunners script most of the fights using the game mechanics
Oh well, I guess you'll just have to hold that and accept you never beat the game because you used ashes.
>thing I did that rewarded me
>thing I did that rewarded itself
yeah those are inherently different, one is beating the boss, the other is watching the boss get beaten
I don't even play fromslop, sorry
I just like to stirr shit up in your mediocre series
most people don't understand anything outside of their basic biological needs
the concept of balancing a video game to ensure a pleasant experience is lost upon them
just give up on this discussion
it's like asking a dog to stop barking
I accept your concession.
Oh no, a player understand how the game functions, HE IS JUST ABUSING SHIT THAT DEVS PUT IN THE GAME, LYLE, WAKE UP LYLE.
All souls games has the same shit, use 3 types of weapons, strike, pierce and slash, if you start having problems with a boss change the weapon type and you will probably do more damage/stagger quickly, wow, I'm so ABUSING the game.
Every single dex oriented greatsword is you didn't beat the game tier or better, except the bastard sword. Even then the Bastard Sword is more quality than dex.
Accept whatever you want.
You lost before the game even started.
You can post your fake build and use your reddit retorts now, you have been humilliated
It's a thing ppl do, they love to cheese bosses. Once someone figures out the easy way, everyone else sees no point trying something else; it's just wasting time.
But enough about you
I'm not going to take any shit from some dude whose display pic looks like he's gonna cry.
>underwear under thong bikini
anons, why is this so hot?
Ah yes, keep going I am so close
>My hot take is that not everyone likes the same thing about this game that i do
whoa....so this is the power of twitter
>Double Halberd
Wait, this is good? I used it because it was funny.
Isn't that the whole basis of the
>You didn't beat the game
no he is badass bro he has a tribal tattoo
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First paragraph is wrong because I just interrupt the boss' attack with my giant hammer. I do this over and over until they kneel out of respect and then I put them out of their mercy, the way the game was meant to be played.
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X is truly a breeding ground for the absolute worst of humanity. OP I genuinely truly hope you're skinned alive, raped, and cannibalized all at the same time. If I never see another X thread again, it'll be too soon.
he/him is right though
He's 100% right. Shouldn't even be controversial if it is.
>Make Radahn gay and incest pervert
Why is my dlc getting mixed reviews
It's true. Just like any other "difficult" game. Nobody is actually playing in a truly challenging way, they just use cheese stats 99% the time. From SMT games to grand strategy, it's all the same. Hard games are a meme anyway, nothing has been truly challenging since 8bit era. The idea of hard vidya in the era of save games is beyond laughable, you risk nothing.
>No game has been truly challenging since 8bit era
this nigga never played Baba is You
It's called being good.
but i thought the issue was that spirit ashes were TOO GOOD?
>I didn’t look anything up
I’ve decided any from player who says this is a liar because every single metric and statistic we have access to in regards to From players shows it. Letmesoloher was even using moonlit corpse tear back when the base game dropped. The best players at the game are all meta whores even. The steam charts, the achievement statistics, the jar trials, everything points to every single fromfag cheesing their way through every game so they can be the first to condescend to others who dare to complain from trying to play the game normally.
I don't think there's any issue with using your own brain, trying out different shit, and finding what works best for you, but the "meta" bullshit is just awful and always has been. You're barely even playing the game for yourself at that point. You're just looking for the path of least resistance than mimicking someone else's success to get around having to do the challenge yourself.
People can play singleplayer games however they want even if I think it's lame to play through that way, but "meta" is what kills the fun of multiplayer in any and all games.That's why multiplayer is always more fun when it was just you and your friends playing on the couch together figuring out what worked best for you.
>spend $40 to end up cheesing all the bosses and using a guide to find the blessings
Why go through such a humiliating ritual
>I've decided [schizophrenic rambling]
Very cool. You didn't beat the game.
because it's fromsoft and i must buy it
Difficulty is in itself, a form of art that is expressed entirely through gameplay. To deny it, uncultured. But like many forms of art, it is open to multiple interpretations. Some see a challenge and find happiness in overcoming the struggle, for others, it's in trivializing it.
Behind every you didn't beat the game is someone cheesing with meta builds

The only people who didn't do this are normies that aren't even talking about the game anymore
still waiting for that screenshot of your build btw
No game beaty?
To no one's suprirse, once again lyle is based.
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Hey faggots, I just played DS1 for the first time last year and this was my build
I was going for a dex, build, but then it turned into kinda a faith / int build, but it went back to dex
did I beat the game?
It's pirated, dunno why it suddenly switched to spanish
However the fuck you want, that's the point
>another game people have to look everything up for but then say they didn’t and gitgud
I don’t know what type of gamer these people are but I fucking hate them
Nobody mentioned hard, they are boring.
>LS Mark taps this every night
>didn’t read my argument
I know it’s hard to engage in things you can’t just look up to beat, but you could at least make an argument instead of choosing not to engage because you can’t problem solve on your own.
I'm willing to give him a pass because I enjoy his content.
The danger symbol only means the attack can't be blocked, not that you have to jump over it, you massive retard. There are like four different types of unblockable attacks.
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Not a hot take at all, there's plenty of souls players like that.
If an enemy does a grab that is low to the ground, in any other game that would be an attack you can jump over. In Sekiro, you jump over the enemy’s arms and an invisible hitbox pulls you down into the grab. Bad game design, bad game. You will not convince me that this is somehow good combat.
>Grabs that suck the player in unreasonably are fine when Sekiro does it!
Still waiting for a


mods are fags as usual, i guess
he/she cute also literally who
>Lyle using pronouns
aint no fuckin way i don't believe you he does not strike me as the type to be doing that gay shit
I hope you get doxxed like ruggarell
ER bosses are cheesy fuckers, so the intended way to play the game is to cheese them back. From playing the same game as the players for once.
sekiro has the best combat and level up system
elden ring dlc has the best open world exploration followed by wticher blood & wine
I beat Sekiro and fucking hated it and I would rather play Sekiro again then every play Elden Ring and the DLC ever again
He very much pussified over the years. Not drastically, but very much would cut ties with people if he sees them too “problematic”. And of course I mean, this person is a bit too spicy who doesn’t follow the safe opinion enough and not just actual pieces of shit of course.






get fucked retard
Thanks mods.
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>best open world exploration
>same mobs dropped in packs in big fields like in a offline mmo
>very linear and short secondary dungeons all similar in visuals
>only the legacy dungeons are ok, and older fromsoft games used to be all about this but somehow npcs think "OPEN WORLD:GOODER!! HUUUUUR"
>liking the shitter 3, peak bloated with no depth AAA trash

perfect unfeeling consooming golem right there
People somehow let the argument spun into people getting filtered by difficulty unironically. It’s not Dark Souls anymore, people get it’s suppose to be hard. But now we masked shit or lazy design with difficulty.
You beat the game.
What kind of subhuman says "a fourth" instead of "a quarter"?
Me being good isn't the same as spirit ashes being good, because I'm not a spirit ash.
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Of course the mongoloid dropping twitter screenshots instead of coming up with interesting subjects to debate by himself is also a wojak subhuman.
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I never cared about souls games for the difficulty memes. I always go sorc anyways.

I don't like sekiro because it pigeon holes you into one play style and then has a bunch of enemies and bosses that are clearly not designed for that play style make many of the fights extreme slogs or rock paper scissors.
I also just wasn't a fan of the overt story, one of the good things about souls is that its always light on story but sekiro had a much more prevalent direct narrative.
I say a fourther.
Every thread for ER SOTE is someone starting their post with a disclaimer that they don’t use ash summons. People are insanely so self superior that they self impose these challenges and wonder why they are miserable.
There was a dude here who literally refused to use those fragments to level up, yet was complaining at the brutality of a certain boss. Like come on, Soulsfags do it to themselves. That is NOT a Strawman
I was told being big strong armor man with big hammer was dumb. Many internet shamans claimed they, with their dancy fancy bleed builds and quick light armor setups, were big meta and my hammer was dumb. Now that I am the champion, beating many foes to death with my hammer of Strength and Faith, suddenly I am meta and this is bad? I laugh! I laugh and hoot with derision at you internet shamans! Go, go into a jar where you belong! Grug was victorious this day, and will be for all days to come! May water and horse droppings be splashed upon you!
Sekiro narrow the gameplay down to one thing but it's doing that thing very well. What I find just baffling is how all special attacks are tied to consumables when they should be usable all the time and switchable so you can enjoy all the variety of the gameplay.
At least PC players can use mods fixing this but console ones are cucked to death with fromsoft.
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sometimes jannies are alright
>Tranny cartoon
Silence troon.
rest in piss
There's one janny that's alright in the moderation team? Is this bizarro /v/?
So, instead of wiping this dogshit thread off of the map, mods choose to publicly ban someone directly criticizing its existence.
for me it was always about the satisfying learning curve than mastering reaction time difficulty. extremely dumb people can beat shmups/bullet hell if they possess great hand–eye coordination, rules are as basic as they get, you just avoid and shoot shit to beat levels. in terms of difficulty I'd absolutely put some of them on top as the hardest games ever made, and I do respect players skillful enough to beat them, I sure can't because pattern recognition and memorization won't get you far without god tier reflexes. sekiro's DNA is closer to such games where executing perfect parry comes down to your motoric skills while learning curve is very shallow because outside of parry mechanics there's not much to learn. souls games and ER fit right into that sweet spot where learning curve is not too complex (items, skill points, build variety) but still complex enough to be unappealing to normies (who want instant gratification and dopamine rush in games with flat learning curve) while retaining some level of reaction time difficulty found in shooters/action games.
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I don't get it, Sekiro is the best of the bunch, the rest feel ... idk, boring. The designs are cool, but I get a game for the gameplay - feels nice tho, others telling you "Sekiro is the hardest soulsborne" - dafuq were you doing until now, /v/, in a world where the Arkham trilogy exists?

Just get the rhythm, those games are easy - my brother is a huge FromSoft fan & I 1st tried Ornstein & Smaug in front of him. Little faggot was flabbergasted, turns out souls players just aren't very good at gaming :/ Fucker got filtered in 5 minutes playing Shadow of War, and don't even get me started on Ninja Gaiden :D
Grug was rewarded for his faith. May Grug's hammer always find skulls to pulp.
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I'm sorry for making fun of you jannies. I didn't know... that some of you were still based.
MODS=gODS (lowercase G)
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janny can't ban
>People are actually talking about the game ITT
You're right, thread should be nuked to make more space for an off topic porn dump thread
Congrats anon.
People celebrating this as if the mods aren’t blatantly allowing these off topic ragebait Twitter threads
>What I find just baffling is how all special attacks are tied to consumables when they should be usable all the time and switchable so you can enjoy all the variety of the gameplay.
I also forgot about this, it was super annoying but I suppose I get that they didn't want people to spam ranged attacks or shields 24/7
But it's extremely retarded a fucking axe uses consumables.

There's a lot to dislike about the game imo.
The parry gameplay is fun, but it would have been fun as a layer and not basically the only thing the game had going for it. All combat was just spamming parries and then r1, there was very little in it for spacing or positioning and many of the other things other souls games have. It was stand there, parry, and periodically hit jump when it tells you to. It's just silly for a full game, it feels more like an indie concept given shine.
was dating oney plays then fucked his friend
then dated him and fucked ls mark
currently married to ls mark and fucking someone else
doesn't matter. death to sluts
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User was banned for this post yet the thread is up and twitter threads are a diamond dozen. Sorry jannies but this is not a flex.
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Trivializing is just another way of saying you found sound methods and strategies.
It's literally an expansion at max level with an additional progression mechanic. You're supposed to get all the scoobydoo fragments and they give you enough smithing stones that it's obvious you're supposed to use a wide variety of weapons and strategies tailored to what you're fighting.
People getting filtered by difficulty are behaving like the retards that unironically thought they had to fight the Tree Sentinel for 9 hours at SL1.
Like nigga just walk in a different direction.
Stop dodging the subject. I was in a canyon full of the caelid shrimps, they have the same attacks again, just recolored red and the whole map is full of them, then further away there was field with a different color filter ( from dark to yellow/brown ) and now the zone was mainly populated by bears and nothing else. The world is even less diverse than base game, it's " you get one type of mobs per zone and deal with it".
It's like that wherever I go, there's only one element that was improved and it's the minor dungeons being less boring. Everything else is lazy. Yet I see nobody complaining about it.
I don't understand.
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There are bosses in Elden Ring that are cheap and unfair using "fair" tactics, like the dual knight's in Auriza hero's grave.
The irony is just that people will gladly take advantage of over powered strategies that make the game easy, while also acting like other people "didnt beat the game" because they used a different set of over powered strategies.
>stand there, parry, and periodically hit jump when it tells you to.
ehhh not exactly
mainly, you get outside of that using the consumables. you get stuns, status, interrupts, better movement options and so on with those.
if you're at 0 then yes the game is pretty boring. but you can buy more or use the item that turns health into emblems. or use a move that costs 0.
it's better than most fromsoft games at rewarding you for experimenting and going outside their simon says gameplay.
He's literally friends with Chris who makes edgy but funny jokes sometimes. That's so weird. But then again Chris keeps him paid so maybe its not that weird
There's one item reminding me of bloodborne's blood bullets giving you additional consumables by trading some of your health. So if you ever play it again watch out for this item. I think it was in the cave or around it, maybe by killing the guy summoning spirits. Right before the drop in the bottomless pit.
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He's actually pretty correct. A lot of souls players look up whatever broken build or use the easiest shit like bleed in ER then talk about how good they are at the game. The DLC is harder than the base game and normies and the usual souls shitters are fucking freaking over it.
Isn't it mostly the chinese doing this?
He's right. All SL1 shit is trash too because it's just people buffing the hell out of themselves with every other possible advantage to win.
Asylum Demon.
Where's the full thing? What blog or video is this from?
What? But that’s the opposite of what I said. Ooh, are you trolling me? Am I being trolled? Wow, it feels kind of special.
Taking all of your damage away to dripfeed it to you in hundred pieces is a detriment to the game. We've always had estus, we've always had upgradeable weapons. We haven't had WoW tier level squish where everyone's weapons now hit the same. It's tedious as best.
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lel, get fucked
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the person behind the wojak post:
>Iceborne released
Fucking retard
He's a complete sjw like he posted weird fantasies about jk rowling eating trannies' poop out of toilets.
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>too hard
>gives you near infinite codes
you just summed up the entirety of sharty users
thank you mod-sama
Wasnt it revealed all the bad reviews came from china?
Because no one is actually talking about the difficult but the fromsissies trying to misdirect
Literally every negative review is either how much repeated shit there is, how empty the openslop is, how fucking boring the bosses and the skibidis are, or ow they fucked up the performance even more with the patch
It really is weird how people have to point out that they obsess over games before they jump into giving critique, this DLC has revealed a lot about the fanbase
>Grug pretending his build hasn't been meta since Dark Souls 1, and pretending the club has ever been a bad weapon
Do people really look up builds?
Unfathomably based
they know how to zoom the camera out, they've done it before
they just refuse to for whatever reason
what, why?
The bosses are alright. So are the real dungeons, and minor dungeons were greatly improved and the number of them littering the world in ER reduced.
It's really the open world that's giving me some regrets jumping on the dlc. It literally is padding.
Take the dragons, if there was just the ghostflame dragon who's fighting the perfurmers, horsemen with hammers and archers it would be fine because it's an interesting situation, it's spectacular, there's a nice twist to fighting a dragon with many actors included. But then you have more of them all fighting the same with nothing really new to make it worthwhile.
Lot of areas underwhelming and where I'd rather not be but I must explore them because of the skibidi fragments.
Lot of grapes of mobs patrolling you already fought in ER, and they're not really fun to fight in an open space, it's mostly the same fight repeated on a different patch of grass every times.
Please fromsoft go back to "linear" interconnect games now that you hooked normies with ER.
faggots do, yeah
>I hold right stick therefore I position
Yes, the souls games encourage you to play smarter, not harder. The very first boss of DS kicks newbie's asses to encourage them to go pick up a sword and drop attack it to knock off half its health in one go.
Part of the reason why people are complaining about the new elden ring DLC is because they intentionally make it harder for themselves by playing a stubborn and putting arbitrary restrictions on themselves.
Not even saying you should look up a reddit build and dupe 1 billion souls and oneshot everything with an exploit. Treat bosses like a puzzle. For me the fun comes from trying different techniques for myself until I find out what works. If I can find I can stand on a ledge and throw down firebombs then I might try doing that.
Crazy, I just figure out weapons and stuff on my own. The only stuff I’ll look up is stuff like secret bosses
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get fucked you twitter tourist
>Sekirocuck talking shit about difficulty
The game has the most generous stamina and block system and let's you 'die' up to 2 times per fight if you perform deathblows.

I will give him props for basically shitting on the fraud let me solo her
sekiro has good gameplay which confuses soulsfags
Both have good gameplay. Sekiro just gives you fewer options kind of like an action game rather than an action-rpg so people perceive that as harder instead of adapting.
souls gameplay sucks because its clunky mess with shit enemy design and all your "options" are cheese
sekiro does have good gameplay with good enemy design
AC6 has good gameplay and enemy design
MH has clunky gameplay but with good enemy design
souls has none, just various ways to cheese and ignore the shit gameplay loop
Everyone who thinks red text in >>680809289 is based is a retard. This is a false flag post by a tranny janny. They are just making strawmen to ban and make you think that jannies are good now. They aren't. They are huge faggots that should die in a fire. Especially the ones who moderate nuchan.
Rolling and blocking (intended mechanics) aren't cheese cucktrarian. I'm not engaging anymore with your bait, not sure why you are so mindbroken by the fact that people like Soulsborne more than weeb rhythm simulator.
>uses tower shield to ignore all damage and poke bos s to death
>uses two two handed mauls to jump attack stagger boss to death
>uses infinite mana to nuke the boss
>uses broken build to two shot the boss
>going from a souls hater to a “sekiro is the best one” guy
stopped reading there. sekiro is a QTE-simulator which makes you think you’re good at the game because you pressed the button the game told you to press.

lyle has always been a waste of oxygen, and his worthless opinions ruin every episode he’s in.
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>dsp beats fights
I thought this dlc was too hard?
MODS = GODS in this case.

Tranny Jannies need to do this more. Get /pol/lacks off this board.
In his videos but Chris largely keeps to himself and largely avoids social media and putting his opinions out there or otherwise commenting on 'social issues'
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Fucking LMAO
this, this is sparta
This just made me so proud I’m involuntarily tearing up
As they tell normies
>get gud
it’s not poorly designed, you’re just that bad
I'm not going to talk to a gross tranny who avatarfags. I am already being charitable by telling you you are wrong and I am right. Fix yourself before you address me.
>sekiro is a QTE-simulator which makes you think you’re good at the game because you pressed the button the game told you to press.
and so is every souls game, except in souls it's always the same button
>fire longsword
I genuinely don't get this retarded parroted opinion.
DS2 is WAY easier with a strength build thanks to hyper armor + passive poise. Thrusting sword sucks at crowd control(aka le gank squad), break easily, AND couldn't consistently hit a crystal lizard.
mods banning you for this post instead of deleting the twitter thread on sight just proves they could make this board good but chose not to
No summons, 20 hour super boss marathon of doing 1hp 1pixel damage per attack.

Some of /v/ is like that with the "you didn't beat the game" shit.

If someone reaches the ending screen with cheese, they beat the game. Blame Mitsubishi for not balancing his fucking RPG, not the players.

Exactly, he doesn't balance shit. Take poise on DS2, you NEED it if you want to face roll bullshit. Why the fuck is that a stat in the first place?
>People play the meta
WOW! Riveting opinion you have that, anon. Almost like people don't want to think for themselves and want to min-max without the work.
>People play the meta
>They insist to others they are playing wrong
of course, souls games were after all never about difficulty. You only ever have two actions(roll and r1) and due to the low complexity, every fight can be won by looking up a video tutorial(since the only thing to the fight is roll at the correct timing). But it's superficially hard so you get to pretend.
Where's Adam?
everything after ds1 is not a "real souls" game so why bother wasting time to discuss such shit?
There was a thread an hour or so ago where some anon was calmly saying he was quitting the DLC because he thought he was too bad.
That thread is going to fade into archive dust but that anon is the only genuine post I feel like I've read about this game.
tragically passed after forgetting how to breathe
Everyone appreciates and approaches challenges differently.
I like beating the bosses with different builds and learning which patterns and windows are safe for different weapons.
But yeah some people are too stubborn to allow any adjustments while at the same time not having the patience to just dodge boss attacks and look for the windows your particular build excels in.

Been having a lot of fun trying to beat the final boss with just my throwing daggers now and it's been a blast.
Fucking finally
Why is it drawn as if it's a somber tribute to them all after they tragically died
mods gotta protect the twitter spam otherwise the site would lose traffic
Why this shit get banned but when i say objective facts, like niggers should all die, i get also banned?, you jannies just ban when u get bored or when your master tells you or what?
>he doesn't know
anon turn on the tv it doesn't matter what channel
Holy fuck this anon was chaired
lmao get gud fgt
I don't know, it seems like my old build worked okay for the DLC. I haven't played the game since launch, so my only save file was a level 140 dude with bull goat armor, swarm of flies and mimic tear.
>Its ok to mention flaws of games even when you like them, it just means that you arent a retarded blind fanboy.
these days you gotta be fully for or against. Nuance is dead
what a fucking stupid post
Jannies should get double, or even triple their paycheck for the day!
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Rare janny win
i don't know a single one of those, maybe that's egoraptor on the right but that's about it
What I don't like about this dlc is the map. It is so confusing and time wasting. Base game has a bunch of jump pads and stones sticking out of cliffs so you can traverse easily. The map made sense. I'm at the last boss in this dlc and there are so many places I want to go to but I have no fucking clue from where. EVERY cliff is like 100+ meter deep, everythingis blocked by a huge ass crevass or cliff. You spend 10 minutes tracing a cliff but you never find a way up. The map give no clue and is confusing as fuck. HOW do I get to Elders Hovel? HOW do I get to Shaman Village? HOW do I get to fucking Temple Town Ruins? HOW do I get to Scaludtree Chalice? HOW do I get the map near the left of Fog Rift Catacombs. I'm so tired of running around looking for shit with no clear way to get to them. I don't want to youtube shit but this is getting ridiculous.
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>Complain about schizos and people who want to commit violence against others over the internet
>get banned
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bye faggot
get fucked nigger
That playthrough is not meaningful because once he gets to the final boss he will not be forced to be a faggot cause he is a faggot.
What? Just look at his profile picture/avatar. Only obnoxious basedboy faggots like that art style.
>mod left him impaled
I actually kneeled.
He has succumbed over the years to it, not at idubbz levels, but is on that path
DSP just looks shit up off stream like a bitch. He did the same thing when guardian ape was tossing him around like a toy
However, the fuck you want. I just killed Bayle with Mimic and Dragon-Hunter katana, no regrets
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As long as they don't remove the bird farm in the base game, I'm good. I guess you can still chainsaw, if you really want?
Wow, haven't seen a USER BANNED FOR POST in like 10 years.
A lot of people got into "soulsgames" with Elden Ring. They struggled, got good at it and now like to think of themselves as hardcore because they're pretty good at a game in a series known for being difficult and requiring some degree of skill and because of it's popularity they've got tons of others going through the same feeling and they're all jerking eachother off.
Game gets more content and they think as a good gotter they're going to go in stomp shit or at least find things moderately challenging at most, because the difficult part that is learning is over and now they're in the fun zone. Because there's this belief that everything works the same way and if you get good at something, you develop latent skills that can apply to video games at large or adjacent games. While true to some degree this doesn't necessarily apply to everyone nor to a game series that has been played so much and deconstructed so heavily that it has a conceptual meta of play that it's developers are fully aware of and seek to actively subvert. A simple example is the use of delays. I'm not saying it's not a jank DLC. It is. Anyone who played these before ER knew that would be the case and yes that doesn't excuse it's problems and they are still problems. But for the most part, you have a lot of people being taught a lesson. That the real fun zone and the learning period are the same thing. Getting good is the fun part. They didn't want to have to do it again.
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>bans someone making fun of someone else for making a post with nothing but a Twitter screencap and an obvious bait statement
>doesn't fucking ban retards making Twitter screencap threads with obvious bait statements

Softbacked troontard.

I don't think I've seen a USER WAS BANNED post for nearly a decade.
Monster Hunter is fun
Elden Ring isn't

simple as
I can't believe one of the jannies actually took the cock out of his mouth long enough to do something worthwhile with his time.
i kind of think the aoe shockwave attacks is lazy or asspulls. i want to dodge the guys weapon not a bunch of particle effects
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>Monster Hunter is fun
Don't even joke about this.
MH Rise was tedium. 5 levels of nothing but repetitive hack and slash. No real engaging lore or feel with the environment.

Never playing a MH game again. I learned my lesson.
because they can get blocked lmao so they drag that bullshit back to their safe gossip caves
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It's not the same but this shit still cracks me up.
Why the fuck do you know about these places? You're not exploring, you're just a retard look at a map online and going I CAN'T GO THERE UGUUUU
Like old times. Kek
Good. Now do it to every other wojaknigger.
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Jesus it's so long ago now.
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>No real engaging lore or feel with the environment.
So exactly like Elden Ring.
Exactly like Elden Ring.
damn I haven't seen a public ban in ages
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>People genuinely pretending like looking up a build and beating the boss in a quarter of the time is more difficult than some retard bumbling with a shadow clone or whatever that's supposed to be

Am I going senile or did we all not conclude twoshotting Manus in DSI was 100x easier than scrambling to summon idiots. If you aint playin blind you ain't playing.
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>If twitter is so great why don't you talk about twitter ON twitter?
>>doesn't even reply, just spams the same image over and over
>Oh fuck a wojak I bet you feel stupid now
>What the fuck is "Twitter"?
>The fact that you haven't been banned is a travesty and shows just how far this place has fallen.
>Holy fuck what a schizo.
>Still waiting for a
>[reddit space]
>[reddit space]
>mods are fags as usual, i guess
>I hope you get doxxed like ruggarell
>get fucked retard
>Thanks mods.
>Of course the mongoloid dropping twitter screenshots instead of coming up with interesting subjects to debate by himself is also a wojak subhuman.
>sometimes jannies are alright
>rest in piss
>There's one janny that's alright in the moderation team? Is this bizarro /v/?
>I'm sorry for making fun of you jannies. I didn't know... that some of you were still based.
>MODS=gODS (lowercase G)
>lel, get fucked
>the person behind the wojak post:
>you just summed up the entirety of sharty users
>thank you mod-sama
>Unfathomably based
>get fucked you twitter tourist
>MODS = GODS in this case.
>[reddit space]
>Tranny Jannies need to do this more. Get /pol/lacks off this board.
>Fucking LMAO
>this, this is sparta
>This just made me so proud I’m involuntarily tearing up
>Holy fuck this anon was chaired
>Jannies should get double, or even triple their paycheck for the day!
>Rare janny win
>>Complain about schizos and people who want to commit violence against others over the internet
>>get banned
>bye faggot
>get fucked nigger
>>mod left him impaled
>I actually kneeled.
>[reddit space]
>Like old times. Kek
>Good. Now do it to every other wojaknigger.
supreme 4clitty meltdown geg
No you actually need skill to play ER.
MH is dumb and easy and there's no variety of monsters, movesets or ANYTHING.
It's literally kill the same set of dragons over and over again.

ER has such a larger diversity in strategies and isn't mere button mashing.
>No Variety in movesets
>In monster hunter
it's always the latefags who excuse this rubbish too
you know the party is over when they start showing up and running their mouths
he's right
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That's the point. People who say certain strategies are wrong will still use builds that trivialize bosses. Everyone finds their own easy method to win and that's fine
>spirit ashes
Dedicated easy mode, because it breaks the flow of combat by distracting the AI and artificially creating more openings for the player character to attack - independent of the player's own ability to attack or dodge and counterattack. This is a fundamental change to the rules of the game's combat mechanics. Summoning spirit ashes also does not increase the boss's HP, like summoning other players.
>optimized dual wield colossal jumping L1 spam
You beat the game, even if you beat it in an easy way. The player is directly engaging with the rules of the game's combat mechanics because they understand that Elden Ring combat is all about momentum through stance breaks, and dual wield colossal jumping L1 spam is a consistent, easy way to achieve that. It's essentially the same thing as spamming square off R1 / R2 with a straight sword.
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Souls was never supposed to be >le hard gaem
It was supposed to be a 3pp RPG with a tight combat system that had a moderate difficulty curve and required a modicum of focus and good reflexes.
Elden Ring was them trying to make it actually hard, but all they did was make it tedious. Things started taking too long to kill. Boss movesets were just an exercise in rote memorization of movesets, and the player just naturally gravitates to the broken bullshit that eases the tedium.
I beat all the Souls games blundering though with jank builds just using what I liked. Because you could, and it was fun. If you don't absolutely have a specific build to make the game easy then the fun just evaporates the moment you leave Leyndell.
No, it doesn't become so hard that it's uncompletable. But what's the point if completing it is about as fun as sandpapering your balls? Slogging from overtuned bossfight to overtuned bossfight carving your way through mobs that take far too long to kill for the stage of the game your at isn't fun.
I've been playing since demons souls and some ER bosses are absolute fucking bullshit. Fuck off.
bros not gonna lie Im getting filtered hard by the lion. what level if scurtree thingies did you have before killing him?
They hit the Pentagon...
i beat the entire thing with a claymore, just like i beat every single one of these the first time, on day 1 after 18 hours. every second of having to engage with these bosses was pure torture
>Dedicated easy mode
The DLC bosses basically nullified the ashes advantages. Try beating radahn or messmer with ashes and see for yourself, it potentially makes them even harder because they're spastic as fuck with 8 hit combos and the ashes just makes them even more unpredictable.
Did you feed them their skibidi fragments?

I might try them on a low level character, but we'll see. I usually just end up wanting to solo the boss even if it's at a low level.
The AI was fucked with for the dlc bosses and mimic tear in the update. Mimic is retard town again like in the first nerf to his AI and the dlc bosses do not give a fuck about them and stick to you like glue. It is rare that your spirit ash will draw aggro for more than 2 seconds.
NTA but having a second body will always be stronger than a strong build.

You've now broken many of the logic paths for a boss because it has to split its attention between two+ targets instead of just dialing in on you.
You clearly didn't play the dlc yet because if you did you'd know tear breaks the ai for many of the bosses and ruins any difficulty in the last fight.
If you upgrade your vigor by a single point you didn't best the game. You're not supposed to be a damage sponge and be able to commit 200 mistakes with your gigantic health bar and gay flask.
I got more of a gay rule 34 vibe from it
>ruins any difficulty in the last fight
Post a video of someone easily beating radahn with the mimic tear. Hard mode: no shield and poke or thorns bullshit.
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rare instance of mods coming to their senses
I'm at radahn with max revered ashes. They definitely retarded the mimic tear like they did on the original game's launch. It acts the same retard way doing nothing but using belt items if you have any set just like when they retarded him the first time.
I still used him with a cleaned out belt but they 100% reverted his ai back to retard town.

And yes, the bosses do stick to you like glue for a while when the summon is hitting them like crazy instead of immediately turning to the summon. In the base game you can catch the AI in a loop resetting its targetting back to you then the tear then to you then the tear. That didn't happen once for me in the dlc.

>How do you respond without sounding mad?
There's only 3 good FromSoftware games (in no particular order):
1. Demon Souls
2. Bloodborne
3. Sekiro
Everything else is just a rollslop clone of the #1. The listed ones are the only ones that meaningfully evolve the formula.
It's not a mistake, I took that hit to demonstrate my superiority.
Maybe just ban the twitter screencap threads instead of the people defending them?
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Not bad jannies. Your pay should be doubled.
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Mods doing their jobs for once
The game's balance is fucked by Leyendel.
Play any other Dark Souls game, you are FINE with 10 or less Vigor, obviously more increases your survivability, but you are comfortably above two shot range. In fact, raising your HP beyond what you can heal in a single sip is of geberally marginal use. Elden Ring you NEED somewhere around 30 to not get oneshot, and this needs to be maintained until the end of the game. If Vigor is not your highest stat by 10, 20 points, and/or you're nor layering protection items and talismans, you die in one or two hits, and doing all that makes you die in three.

This is just poor design. In any other game this would be laughable, but it makes the game a bit harder so it gets a pass.
>This is just poor design.
Take off the soreseals.
I don't have room for the sorseals behind dragonplate, erdtree, crimson tree, and my one free slot even if I didn't think they were piss items, just eat a Godrick rune arc
Mods = Gods
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Based mods
you were saying?
>diamond dozen
It's "dime a dozen" you illiterate sped.
Explain your reasoning for "diamond dozen". In what way did that make any sense to you?
At least I get to see tits in those.
Obviously he thinks these threads are straight fire, he's having a blast
WTF you used a feature in the game??? Something that was intended by the devs to be inside the game their making???
Something that was intended to be used by the players???
bro le you didn't beat the game fr fr ong rizz skibidi toilet!!!!
You don't get to win an argument against a smug californian
They just move the goalposts and change targets when confronted
For all intensive purposes you are wrong.
hahahaha I hope you went and hung yourself after this
Elden Ring and its DLC are easy until someone else says they're easy, which in that case they're the hardest game ever. I am the best Soulsborne player ever and everyone else is trying to recreate my pure skill.
He's just making fun of ego faggots who like to say "I beat it without any cheese" while using a cheese.
You're fucking wrong.
They're the hardest games ever until someone says they're hard, in which case they're easy as piss
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mental illness is never okay, seek help
>not saying twenty five per cent
You may as well be an animal.
dear diary, mods were not faggots for once
The genre is more technically called Soulsbourniro Ringlikes.
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Once you get over the initial hump of difficulty in the DLC it plays like any other souls game.
But the beginning really just feels like this.
Rollslop is also a QTE you dullard
It's a doggy dog world out there, anon
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I don't like you, but I respect you for today.
I miss Sanity not Included
Based Christian poster.
most of the negative reviews are left by chinks complaining about easy anticheat
I just generally don't like Japanese games, period.
Monoxide leak because they didn't heed the chirp of the hall bird.
Kek, based jannies
The lion was not fun to me. Relanna was cool and the Hippo was whatever. Didn’t do any other story bosses yet cause im enjoying the scenery a lot but so far the base game was better with margit into stormveil into godrick into liurnia.
jump attacks are overrated
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put me in the screencap!
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I had more fun fighting a fuckin lion in kirby than any boss in elden ring. Maybe Fromsoft should actually focus on making their bosses challenging in a fun way, instead of garbage 2 hits til death roll spammin rhythm game bosses we are stuck with. Do you guys not actually value your time that's wasted by running back and retrying the boss for the 30th time?
There is nothing wrong with using a "broken" build. If it's in the game, then it's fair game. You don't get anything special for NOT using something.
What do I get for not using ur mom
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One of these.
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He's not wrong. I'd argue most people take the path of the least resistance, and Elden Ring offers loads of options that buckbreaks bosses to the point you don't really get to experience the actual fight.
Personally, I don't really get the appeal in builds like that, unless it's something I discover myself.
Elden Ring is just a terrible choice between
>cheese bosses with shit that breaks the game and circumvents the actual gameplay
>suffer through the cock and ball torture of memorizing a boss's fucking wacky random moveset designed to frustrate you
>buy a product that's supposed to be hard
>money stolen
do idiots really?
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Stop flamewarring.
For over a decade now, public bans have always been mods shitposting and "banning" themselves.
Moot was asked about it back in the day, why they stopped doing them. Lead to copycat behaviour.
Stop taking you're ability to speak English for granite, don't you know there are people who are ESL that are using this forum?
Did you not hear? Chris was killed in a centrifuge accident during his astronaut training.

> Elden Ring combat is all about momentum through stance breaks

My brother in christ, there's no visible poise meter and they make enemy moves arbitrarily immune to poise breaking that you would never figure out without datamining.
So was it banned for complaining about twitter, or being a jak?
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lmao fucking die
>The difference is that the boss's attention will always be on the solo player
mostly irrelevant for OP builds. people one shotting bosses with comet azure didn't have an easier time than the people that summoned with mediocre builds
the real problem is the world design. The bigger problem is I'm forced to engage with it to get fragments.
The fact that playing more difficult games do not make you a superior person is alien to these people.
Yeah as iw as working onn Radahn the amount of fingerprint shield/bleed niggas was hilarious.
Mod redemption arc? Bout fucking time, cunt.
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sharty children btfo'd
>retard doesn't understand what he's saying
Many such cases.
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>all the 4troons sucking janny dick ITT
Disgusting. I can't wait for the nukes to fall so I can flay and quarter these faggots
Why do souls games make people here seethe so hard now?
Cheesing fights is unironically my favorite part of From games
Doesn't change the fact jannies let twitter screen caps shit up the place
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You have less than a year, 4cuckers. We are gonna kill you and put your eviscerated shells on top of the Capitol, let them there to rotten for the next hundred years
Doesn't affect me because I never looked up builds or anything like that until after I beat the entire game at least once.
He's right tho, if you're trying to find the most optimal easiest way to beat a souls game you're a faggot and you should kill yourself.
it's just common sense.
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>come back
>post is redtext'd
Where's Matt?
>makes you think you’re good at the game because you pressed the button the game told you to press.

What makes you good at a game then, the game not telling you to press buttons? Pressing buttons you're not supposed to?

Congratulations, you've just discovered what a fucking video game is. Truly the greatest thinker of our time here
based mods
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mods = gods
>What makes you good at a game then
By not playing them in the first place.
The only winning move is to not play.
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Anon, we hate the same things...
Did you expect anything else? The trannies are the jannies. Same group of people. I found a couple mods before and bashed them, they're scared.
sad innit
>orstein and smough
O&S are ass and you cannot change my mind
I mean they're the peak of DS1.
This says more about DS1 bosses than it does O&S though
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oh look, the self-proclaimed gayest cocksucking faggot has come crawling back to take his dick throne now that the jak is done using it due to b&

How quaint.
You're a retard, basically every enemy in the game is built to be stance broken. Why are there so many idiots that don't know the difference between stagger / poise and stance breaks, let alone hyper armor?
Why did Fromfans ever think that Summoning was not allowed in this game when the games are largely built around it?
One of more notable mechanics of DS was the option to aid/invade other players, so the game is expecting its players to hinder or help eachother.
Before the Gargoyle Bros fight you have Solaire who tells you to look for his Summon Sign.
>ad hominem
You lost faggot.
He's right. Jump attacks and breaking boss stance is as overpowered as ashes and I'm tired of fags pretending they're taking the high road. Do it like me and chip away little by little playing at the boss' pace until it dies.
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Kek Twitter discord having an all time melty ITT
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>I notice a lot of people don't actually receive gratification from a challenge until they overcome it
Yes, that's usually how that works.
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I was here
He's 100% correct. Loads of games are hard as fuck but don't get the same clout as souls does because they're not edgy, dark and vague. Sekiro exposed the tryhards for what they really were and that's one of the many reasons why it's the best one.
more like buy an ad homo
Sometimes, just sometimes, the jannies are alright.
>Jannie bans user but leaves the thread up
You caused history today sir.
>le mods gods xddd
Yeah, now go ahead and delete the rest of social media OPs, you fucking nigger.
A nice start, but I'll only give you a MODS = GODS if you end twitterfaggotry once and for all.
It would be broken cheese BS if the player was able to give themselves infinite stamina, infinite poise, input reading, one hit kills and the ability to defy physics but you can't do any of that, only the bosses. But it's some cheese BS if I can break their stance and get a couple hits in? Sekiro fags really be like
im just enjoying the game, I think its pretty cool that you can play so many different ways.
Feels like a lot of people are just throwing their heads against the wall without picking up new items to buff and upgrade their chara tho..
Soulslop has always been fucking garbage.
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Okay so basically if you're not putting bleed and frost on your weapons, you're a fucking retard who's purposely (or unknowingly) kneecapping themselves and just making the game harder than it has to be?
hahahahahahaha faggot
Just this once mods are alright.
On the one hand, banning any kind of soijak shit is very based.
On the other hand, not banning the twitter screencap thread in the first based is very unbased.
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>in the first based
based lyle
Podrías haberte desecho de los 9 puntos de destreza, 40 es el softcap. con esas stats creo que puedes usar el espadón de Artorias kek
>crying about a >>ad hominem
>as he ends his post with an >>ad hominem
Maybe mom will love you if you kill yourself, sport. Have you thought of that? Maybe kill yourself and the woman you wanted validation from might finally bring herself to love you?
lmao put me in screencap
What screencaps, retards? No one gives a shit
Sometimes I think you niggers have batshit insane standarts for any thing From.
For instance, any RPG, however good it may be, will have reused assets, which would make any open world rpg dogshit in your view, unless you could provide an example of an rpg you like that doesnt present said issues.
/v/ literally sucks Morrowinds dick and it has the same "problems".
>Oh no it has towers it means it´s like ubisoft because they own the concept.
Go fuck a cactus
was he wrong though?
As soon as you get to scat level 5 you can freely explore, you´ll get more scat on the way to other areas too, and you can get most of the scat to not turn to shredded cheese in the first area.
Based mods, kek
>Uses ashes
Didn't beat the game
>Uses fingerprint shield build
Didn't beat the game
>Uses over leveled minmaxed jump attack stagger build
Didn't beat the game
>Uses ultra stack bleed build
Didn't beat the game.
You are only allowed to use builds that don't trivialize the fight. This means that the boss should be able to use every unique move at least 3 times per fight so you can truly prove that you actually learned his moves and the fight should last no less than 120 seconds
To be quite honest I don't know why souls is afforded this much leeway in being an easy game. In other games if these tools exist like some niche strat in an RTS that rolls the other team, then it's rightfully called an easy as fuck game but because DaS mindbroke normalfags for the last decade into seeing it as a gamer rite of a passage but that in itself lead to the flanderization of the genre people while go through loops to say ER is hard. I didn't fucking use ashes of war because I thought they fucking felt awful to use, but does that mean I have a bigger claim to not beating the game than people who did? I'm not even talking about the stuff like hoarfrost day one.
>Used ashes(mimic and mommy Tiche)
>Used the DLC heavy shield at +10 with gigapoise and talismans to boot
>Used the hardest hitting stick (a fucking snflower lmao)
>Mega overleveled (RL270)
Yep, I can safely say I beat the game
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Oh boy been a while since I saw a public execution

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