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/v/ - Video Games

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How strong will she be in Sparking Zero?
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Stay away from schools.
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Become a teacher.
Begitabro what are you doing?!
>the cunny attack
Stay near schools
Toriyama was a pedophile
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>Bruce lee is out for a morning jog
>already gotten the number of toriyama's wife thanks to his dazzling good looks and chiselled physique
>after fondling her supple breasts, bruce takes notice to no joke, the SEXIEST mother fucker he's ever seen
>It's baby sasuke on toriyama's lap with his father taking candid videos of little bpyd and girls
>Sasuke stil being a baby goes "Goo. Woo. Wah wah!" In the cutest voice ever heard
>Bruce lee walks over to toriyama, with an erection POWERFUL enough to almost destroy his sweatpants
>Sasuke looks up with fear
>Bruce ROUNDhouse kicks torikekma in the face and takes sasuke from him
>Without any hesitation, Bruce lee goes BALLS deep in sasuke's baby bitch hole
>Sasuke screams in pain as his anus is being DESIMATED by bruce's suppiror full chink dick.
"Arrrgh! How the hell did toriyama spawn a fuckhole so good?"
>Sasuke tries with all his might to get away but bruces punches hin full force on the head. Leavibg a smqll dent.
>"We're not done yet, little FAGGOT."
>Toriyama and his wife, teriffied at the display try to call for help
>"Scream and I'll snap his neck when I cum!!!"
>Gyuuuuuuuh! Gonna coom! GOnna coom! Gonna coom baby cock sleeeve
>Sasuke toriyama in tears, shits himself. Body completely lump
>Toriyama's wife now fed up, tries to attack beuce herself
>Toriyama holds her back. "No. Our first born is better as a boy whore. His anus belongs to the chinks now.
>Bruce lee, after eating the rest of sasuke's shit engulfed ass sqeaky clean, shlocks him off his amazing dick and hands sasuke back to mother
>Sasuke utteribg his first words ever. "Dick" "Dick"
>Toriyama jizzes his pants and readies the divorce papers
every single japanese person is a pedophile
even the children
I can almost smell the cunny juice. Bejitabro btw.
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Toriyama loved white women titties.
Jokes on you I work in one.
Dragon Ball was perfect until Toriyama decided to create this abomination.
Super Hero was fun. Shame it was CGI.
fuck no it wasn't
Bleachbro....this isn't healthy. Please get help.
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I don't understand how you can be sexually attracted to Toriyama designs.
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How can you not?
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She cute
You fucking sick bastards she is literally 3 years old
But 26 in Saiyan years
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Why is every thread even remotely related to Dragon Ball filled with psychopaths, pedophiles, and brown people? The threads on /a/ are digital insane asylums. Must suck if you actually want to talk about Dragon Ball.
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/dbs/ fuck off right now
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shockingly /v/ is a 50/50 chance of a Dragon Ball thread being normal. Like you said /a/ is a fucking disaster, hell discussing anything Dragon Ball related online is a fucking disaster
Sex with giant muscular oni girl.
There was a DB thread on /pw/ that was incredible. They had a serious conversation of the story and power levels while using wrestling terms.
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It's easy when you're not gay.
You're right about the two other things, but DBZ and brown people go together like PB&J though.
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Actual answer? The threads during the Super anime airing were actually fairly usable and on-topic, what you're seeing is a large fanbase of a massively popular widely beloved franchise devolving into the purest irony-laden retardation because they have absolutely nothing to talk about, and the little they do have is utter dog shit (the manga)
Similar things are happening in the Kengan Omega threads on /a/, on a much smaller scale of course. But all the lunacy in the dbs threads and the culture that it has created is due to them having to make their own fun.
>brown people?
90% of /v/ is made out of brown people based on how low IQ this board is.
>The threads on /a/ are digital insane asylums
They're not that bad.
Most of /dbs/ is white.
Just check their /int/ and /bant/ threads.
Super was so bad that it broke all its fans.
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salam alaykum I'm a pedophile
Tienbro btw.
Hey Drake, I heard you like em young!
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>invented ENTER ____
>invented dictionaryposting
>invented >IESLB
>invented KEKAROO and variations
>invented Kneelposting
>invented BOOMposting
>invented See?
>invented cachinnation
>invented Gentlemen...
>invented [NAME][NAME][NAME][NAME]
>invented Winposting
>invented NEXT
>invented MINDBROKEN
>invented poetryposting
>invented newwordposting
>invented screencapping
>invented Capslockemphasisposting
>invented FOAZ/MOAZ/GOAZ
>invented >he RAN/FLED
>invented >parroting
>invented >inane babble
>invented little BITCH
>invented DENOUED
>invented schizo/mentally ill callouts
>invented God I'm smart/handsome
>some of these have spread outside of these threads
>created an endless number of pastas
>control the OP of the threads whenever their whims decide so
>literally BTFO'd Brolytards into complete extinction
>literally BTFO'd the facebook tier "Cuckbba Gang" faggot into extinction
>literally caused multiple people to have unironic mental breakdowns and turn into schizophrenic zombies who think about Jiren ALL DAY and mumble to themselves about "SHITren" non-stop
>mindbroke the Father of all Zombies into typing "SHITren" over 5000 times
>literally BTFO'd the zombie into becoming too exhausted to post frequently
>BTFO'd everyone with /int/posting simply by proving that they are LEGION and from white-majority first world countries, while the taco-bakers are too scared to show their flag
>improved the English language and grammar skills of these threads by 500% simply by relentlessly calling out IESLB and lazy typos
>made the vast majority of the thread adopt their witty repartee, especially their parroting detractors
>have destroyed literally EVERYONE who dared to doubt CHADrens uncontested powerlevel in debates and arguments, using facts, logic and unmatched wit
Toriyama was based
Literally nothing wrong with being brown.
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Yup yup yup.
God I wish that was me
dragon ball was perfect until the moment he decided to create battle of gods
Which one?
Would she be a good wife? Yes/no
I don't know, how strong is she in the movie?

>Powerful and will bear powerful children
It was really amazingly kind of Piccolo to do this for Gohan.

I'm not reading that + you're br*wn.
how does rom do it, bros?
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Hi /v/ bros. I'm from /a/ and I don't usually use /v/. How are you guys doing?
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Me going to my friend's house to break his controller after he picked Jiren and Super Broly for 100th time
more like:
>Me going to my friend's house to suck his cock for 100th time
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Good one. I'm going to twist your balls off like grapes and feed them to you
Why are you in /a/? Anime sucks now and Daima is not out yet.
got vaper's/smoker's flu right now so I could be better
That's my fetish
Cause I just feel like it. Most modern media kinda sucks but I rarely find myself consuming it anyways. I hope Daima will be at least ok.
Good luck.
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Chi-Chi was better.
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I also love big breasted Australian women
I’ve seen /dbs/ break character occasionally like when a movie comes out or during Toriyama’s death but it really is an actual insane asylum the rest of the time. I remember checking one thread and nobody was posting images but they were all acting like they did, it would just be like “BEJITA386.png BOOOOOOM!”
I was so sad when they invaded the daily dragon ball volume threads, they used to be so comfy and then suddenly they just turned into a bunch of schizos going "HE TANKED THAT" every single page
>schizos going "HE TANKED THAT" every single page
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Cartoons aren't pedophilia
>they used to be so comfy and then suddenly they just turned into a bunch of schizos going "HE TANKED THAT" every single page
The worst thing is that I do believe it's exactly like that.
same but with anything drawn my matt groening
But he did TANK that.
My team?
Pan (Super)
Chi-Chi (DB)
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You people just hate fun
you clearly didn't tank that insult
Any more like this? Guy is my idol.
I'm pansexual
my god that animation looks fucking disgusting. are they all just cgi now?
The movie flopped, I doubt they will ever make anything full 3D again.
You made this post when Android 18 exists
Actually, the movie was a success, confirmed by Toei themselves. They also said that they plan/can reuse the CGI assest in the future.
Hey man, cut it out. I once tried to search for a porn star on porn hub, Lolly Mai, I think. Pornhub didn't give results, it directed me right to stopitnow.org, which I thought was fucking cool. People who can recognize their behavior as dangerous can stop it, if they are given support.
Also it turns out the porn star also goes by Lola, so I found her that way. Everybody wins!
Personally it doesn't bother me, at least I didn't notice the CG in the action scenes.
is Sand Land worth 60 bucks

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