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gacha fans are eating good
Is she having an autistic episode?
wait till this nigga finds out about 3d hentai
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And Girls
>Anon who's never seen a woman
this is literally the corniest shit i've ever seen
yeah its great isn't it
that's literally stolen from GitS
I'm looking at one in the webm wtf do you mean
No, it's not. Original is better.
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The odd juxtaposition of an anime character wearing clothes with PBR shading, the cape twirl, the peace sign, there are a lot of elements coming together to make this clip corny as fuck.

Ripping off a scene from The Dark Knight doesn't help.
Irony poisoning is perfectly healthy and if the art is good, it will survive the test of time (this won't)
GITS did it better to be honest
You tellem sister <3 *slaps your butt*
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Family is strong
I think it's cool
It's a good thing that office ordered the bulletproof chairs.
It's 9mm
>breasts keep bouncing for a good 2 seconds after the punch
Good, but where is her sister?
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Right behind you
>gacha fag's receipt
>internet is full of anime 2D and 3D porn
>subjugate yourself to playing gacha games
I will understand SEA monkeys.
now show the actual gameplay
this is the kind of cringekino we need, but nu-/v/ is too boring to enjoy something cringe without it being ironic
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>short hair
Literally fucking WHY
Literally makes her sexier
Eating shit you mean, yeah. We know.
Feast on them turds boys
gun otaku are the lowest tier of otaku
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I'm just here for the story
When is this game getting a Western release? I might pick it up.
>mr. raymond's sloppy seconds
>eating good
Om nom nom nom nom tasty tasty shit
That's not euros or usd
This is Turkey isn't it?
It's in India. It's 200 bucks.
never ever
real answer likely in the next few months because people are datamining EN assets like logos and placeholder menu text in the CN server
Not even the right girl
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Where can I order "Huge catgirl"?
He’s retarded, like all tribalfags. Don’t mind him
Yeah yeah, she isn't Mr. Raymond's main squeeze but the whole game was corrupted by him in the eyes of non-cucks.
jesus, what the hell
Why is she using that rowing machine while wearing no underwear? She'll ruin the seat.
Why are you so obsessed with NTR
Want to share something with us anon?
delete this (her butthole is perfectly in sight)
I will play when my Mossberg 500 is added and no sooner.
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Based Abigail lover
I hope Betty makes it too
Isn't this the NTR cuck game?
isn't this the vidya butts game?
Gacha fans are eating shit.
>le stronk womyn
Why do Japs love this?
You would rather have a big strong man coming in to save you from all the bad men wouldn't you anon
>ruthless terminator in combat
>cute dork in person
is absolute peak gap moe
they really just ripped cammies animations from sf6?
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Lotta? Lotta what?
Capcom didn't invent that pose
I get that they're going more sci-fi this time around, but fuck them, if I don't get my Bolt Action's back there will be hell to pay.
Bro Mosin is already playable and Springfield appears as a background character (obviously sitting in a "break glass in case of emergency" container)
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Bro, that's 1/4 and fuck them for holding out on the obvious Springfield. OG Bolt Action's or riot, I do not care.
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Anon she's a cat
She's stretching
Like cats do
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Springfield is pretty much guaranteed at this point and Lee Enfield is too popular to not add
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Have they made this in 3D yet?
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Fanning reminder
>The way her heal pitches off her foot.
Produced by a true lover of women.
$520~ ticket in USD, for normal people.
Eating good
Mind of gacha consgooomer
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The level of detail is immense
now show the gameplay

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>fanservice out the ass
>dead game with no revenue
always happens, incels screech and screech all over social media about wanting sexy women in their games but when it actually happens, it only sells 1 million copies.
What's the reason behind releasing games on a single country instead of global? Making sure it's a success first?
I, too, fucking hate it. It's EVERY single time, make the enemy combatants females too or fuck off already.
>make the enemy combatants females too
but they do
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I don't have a problem with that
I'd put her barrel in my mouth if you know what I mean
Haha anon but that would be her foot!
Global fucking WHEN.
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GFL2's launch was ran into the ground by the crazy addition of a lot of NTR elements to the narrative.

After a 10 year coma, all of (your) girls have new commanders, or are in lesbians with other girls and now hate you, there's a retarded one who says someone else's food tastes better than what you were feeding her even.
A lot of this was eventually rewritten due to the overwhelmingly negative reception, but it still has a lot of cuck shit and people are not happy (this is why >>680846626)

Recently one of the girls was found to be reading the Torah(Jew bible) in her room, the passage shown is one describing the tale of a queen who endures humiliation at the hands of a ruffian (you) but eventually ends up saving the Persian king (guy who cucks you).
There are other books around the room which contain this same theme of a woman enduring the advances of a ruffian in order to save her love, for example Ulysses and the fucking Handmaid's Tale.
Around the room are also weird documents that are used by jewish groups as proof of antisemitism in American immigration and other similar documents.
Worth noting that the HQ is situated in Israel, picrel.
Also the girl in the OP's signature gun is named after the Lion Cub Brigade (Kfir Brigade), which is an Israeli military division of some kind.
In regards to the Torah and some of the books, the devs quietly removed them with a small update and never acknowledged it.

Needless to say, this is extremely weird for a Chinese waifu gacha game.
Here is the Tieba thread about it, it's very funny and you can go through it pretty ok with any browser that auto-translates https://tieba.baidu.com/p/8849753603?pn=1
>After a 10 year coma, all of (your) girls have new commanders, or are in lesbians with other girls and now hate you, there's a retarded one who says someone else's food tastes better than what you were feeding her even.
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It's just GBFcuck shitposting.
He's making up fanfiction even though he already got absolutely BTFO
Girl with the Torah
this is currently a plain book, changed with no fanfare
So it's all bullshit? Because it sounds like bullshit.
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check the linked thread and see for yourself, doofus
It's a seanigger schizo fanfiction that he's been spamming for months.
>it's mental illness
I see, many such cases.
Games fucked EoS has no chance for global its a sad story
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It's unreal how much schitzo posting this game attracts
Like they have to come up with some insane shit to even pretend there's a big bad boogeyman
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Uh huh
more feet
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Staggering reminder
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Whats weird is the cuck shit keeps happening and is changed clearly someone working on the game is doing it.
if it's seanigger fanfiction why are there screenshots of this bitch's feet on the Torah?

If anyone who's not a shill wants to know about this, check the thread for yourself https://tieba.baidu.com/p/8849753603?pn=1
Why do robots need to eat or drink?
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Prevents uncanny valley
I can't fap to this
this is terrible looped
>cucked out of cookie
>You see it's real because the trolls who were trolling before, have continued to troll
What game???
What do they do with the food and drink they swallow?
The sales were dogshit either its the best psyop in a while or its partially true
Everyday I cry when I remember all those high effort, expensive animations of cute 3d girls that are totally unusable because i am not 12 years old anymore and I am not going to be jerking off to a girl wearing clothes.
>So it's all bullshit?
no, the reason it's a flop and has no revenue is because it became a meme in china and nobody wanted to be associated with "the cuck game" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7U0YjNjh7o

The ten year timeskip and girls having other commanders is real, as is weird shit like the girls reading A Handmaid's Tale in their dorm and random copies of Hebrew religious texts (?????)
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You deserve it for giving Fatty fatty boom boom a cookie
They break it down into components to use is fuel, though it's highly inefficient and its better just to charge from electricity
You're the one who linked it.
>Sequel to small game is small
wow anyway next post please
>Recently one of the girls was found to be reading the Torah(Jew bible) in her room, the passage shown is one describing the tale of a queen who endures humiliation at the hands of a ruffian (you) but eventually ends up saving the Persian king (guy who cucks you).
I only care of what vidya butts thinks of that
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>chinks are now making the old testament part of their NTR fanfiction
Go masturbate to some trannies, shay.
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Nice fanfiction. Remember to wear your tinfoil hat so the "Globalist's" don't invade your brain and convert you into a Lizard.
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>still using the torah shit
Damn, you really didn't get anything new after 6 months?
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I didn't realize Margaret Atwood was Jesus Christ.
>The evil patriarchal villains in The Handmaid's Tale are part of a social class known as Commanders and demand the book is about their subservient female handmaids rebelling against them and fucking other men they're not meant to
come the fuck on
anyone with a brain knew that was a terrible idea to include in your galge gacha
is there any way to reroll? Or do you need a new bilibili account every time? Can I buy an account?
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The majority of the trolls probably moved on and I genuinely think the only ones left are the ACTUALLY schizophrenic ones
this is a really weird defense op, because there's a google doc out there with the dialogue from beta that clearly has NTR in it, and on top of that there's plenty of screenshots of all this weird jewish shit in the game
How could you possibly deny it?
Is this not a screenshot from the game?

Pictured: a document from the Wiener Werkstatte, which was a jewish art workshop set in Austria somewhat before the secession. They were heavily funded by the jewish banks and after some trouble after the 1929 stock market crash they eventually closed down in 1932.
What is this doing in the room of a girl from a chinese gacha game?
Why are there other similar documents all about jews in her room?
but it's there, I'm not making it up
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oy vey they're noticing
Considering the posts directly above this one I think you might be right anon...
>lost the ntr angle
>now has to resort to torahposting
Oh how the schizos have fallen.
Funnily enough it's a pajeet
what's wrong with the torah? I don't get it
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That's from a stock image package, chinks already found them months ago.
Of course, you already knew that, and are desperate to keep this alive.
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>>lost the ntr angle
bro you can literally listen to the voice acting, even if you don't know chink it's embarrassing
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I need my other gachas to start flopping so they can add shit like this
and Gunfu
Givem what we've seen happen with Snowbreak and Wuthering Waves, I'm sort of inclined to believe that the schizo jew stuff is real. Snowbreak's writer literally had a company pour millions of dollars making a game campaign about the player being mocked, humiliated and other men flirting with the girls while they reciprocate, same with WuWa having a campaign where the main character is berated, insulted and harassed for daring to be a self-insert protagonist. Millions of dollars were spent making these campaigns that were cut in a panic months before launch when the beta feedback was "game will bankrupt and kill the company"
It's literally a guidebook for jews that tells them they're the master race and every non-jew is nothing but cattle to be exploited.
isnt this the one thats deliberaly way tankier than the other zombies so that players figure they should start running from or crippling zombies
ngl, that's kinda bold and based of them
They're not amerimutts, so they wouldn't even think for a second that something in a video game is actual reality.
How do I get the sound version from the link? 4chan cuts it off when I try to copy paste.

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Gacha fags eat shit. They'll slurp it all up and pay top dollar, and then post the goods on here for free.

The only winning move is not to play.
thank god im gay
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Huh, a shitpost video that puts together 1 minute of a 4 hour event, I wonder who made it.
Oh wait, it's a snowbreak player! What a coincidence. I wonder why you chose that video in particular.
you're supposed to use the mod and janny approved sound extension so you can hear them in the website
>Givem what we've seen happen with Snowbreak and Wuthering Waves, I'm sort of inclined to believe that the schizo jew stuff is real. Snowbreak's writer literally had a company pour millions of dollars making a game campaign about the player being mocked, humiliated and other men flirting with the girls while they reciprocate, same with WuWa having a campaign where the main character is berated, insulted and harassed for daring to be a self-insert protagonist.
This sounds based though. Gacha faggots deserve to be insulted, harassed, and humiliated. Anyone who plays gacha is a sub human.
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>what's wrong with the torah? I don't get it
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>chinkoid still seething
from the thumbnail I thought it was also a tattoo.
>lost the ntr angle
You did lmao
Oh ok, so this one is from a stock image package, the Torah uhhh was just there ok? and what about the other ones?
Lots of coincidences here , why is the HQ in Israel? Why is that one girl's gun named after the Kfir Brigade?
One is a coincidence, but ALL of these are just random coincidences all about jews? Really?

This one is a police report, not present in the image you posted, which reads:
>Inciting to riot & disorderly conduct
>B-689833 Motor B081633, When we searched the car we found in it, a piece of Water Pipe, about 2 feet long, a quantity of Marble Slabs and a number of Anti-Semitic literature.
Another coinkidink?
Lots of these happening all in one girl's room , crazy!
Why won't you admit it?
Anyone that simps for Korean death cult women are funny, they literally want you dead.
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>cute and sexy girls doing crazy over the top action shit while rock music is blasting through the speakers
Ugh, this is horrible. Where are all the black transgender folx?
Same but with Enfield. I need my British auntie
>It's based as long as it hasn't happened to me yet
You do have to be 18 to post here. And every game you play has become gacha. Enjoy your ntr slot machine. You chose it.
This just looks like a bill from a brothel where all the items are services the girls do. Except for the Budweiser I guess, but it could just be them pissing on you.
>shitposter-kun is still unable to understand the difference between the Jewish Bible (what would later become the old testament) and the Talmud
>t-that o-one isn't, b-but this one is!
I'm sure you aren't lying abut that one too, lmao.
The fact you can't understand these images are used as stock for a reason is hilarious. You can reply to every thread with suomis fat ass on 4channel, people will ignore your autistic screeching and just see the bouncing tits.
You lost.
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>hat's from a stock image package
...and the command room's map of Israel?
I do that when I'm on the toilet sometimes and the poop doesn't want to go.
Is the Talmud not just the Old Testament?
He's currently close to that area, his base used to be in Romania, and he goes to Odessa multiple times in the story.
I did this when I was a kid. Including the embarrassment at the end. I was a boy tho
try pajeet
I didn't choose it because I don't play gachas because I'm not a mentally ill freak loser, such as yourself.
Someone is having a melty lol
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>Is the Talmud not just the Old Testament?
no. the torah is various old jewish religious texts pre-jesus, which is why christians consider it the old testament.
the talmud is a collection of rabbis making schizo rulings on what jewish law actually means and is what modern jews actually practice, including retarded shit like tying a wire around new york so it's "technically" your domicile. The Talmud is based on literally finding obscure legal loopholes to "trick" god with the justification that "well, he left the loophole there for us to use it on purpose, so it's okay."

Google Kosher light switches.
>our business strategy is to lose millions and have our brand become toxic
Interesting business strategy?
>lusting after fake and gay anime girls
It's worth paying money to shit on gacha mentally ill freak incels.
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>why are there kike references in girls frontlines
Bro do you have eyes?
I haven't lied about a single thing, these are all screenshots from the game.
Stock or not, why are they all related to jews?
If you're picking stock pictures at random, certainly to have every single thing that room refer to the same theme, by random chance, would be an astronomically difficult thing to happen.
How can you possibly say this was done without any intent?
ANYONE?!?!?! HELP????
no reroll, you take what you get based on that Chinese citizen's ID number
Same reason why you didn't mention they also added Lord of the Rings to those book piles: it goes against your narrative.
I know liars like you. You talk so much about kikes yet can't stop acting like them.
You lost Shay
LoTR is NTR kino though if you look at modern content like Rangs of Power and Gollum.
Good thing they aren't related no matter how much amazon wishes they were.
Excuse you, those robot girls will be real soon.
Poojets are often like that
Lord of the RIngs does not go against that 'narrative', something about Galadriel doing that same thing of resisting the advances of a guy, and even if it did, 99 items in the room don't count anymore because there's one book out of place?
That's retarded on its face. I shouldn't even reply to something so outrageously stupid.
isn't Shay pro-GFL2? Am I getting my schizos mixed up?
Or is that Vidyabutts?
Is that elliot from DoA?
that's one of the guys from Love and Deepspace, a yume gacha where the femMC has sex with hot guys
See? You are now on the defensive, because you were called out, and are now screeching about how absurd it is to explain your retarded points.
You are literally acting like a kike, with zero shame in your words.
>99 items in the room
You posted 4. Where are the other 94.
Surely you have something that can't be easily explained as stock assets or story context.
Shut up Shay
Type 95's toothbrush is a feminist weapon, trust me, gweilo.
>You are now on the defensive
talk to the screenshots, cucky
that's a lot of filler assets
>linking either the same shit 5 times or literal cuckold function
Don't you get tired of this? Not even jews are that invested in cuckoldry.
I know seeing suomi ass triggered your autism, but you can calm down.
Maybe i'll try this, he kinda cute
>chinkoid fanfiction
Getting desperate cuck
A) Do you realize how trivial it is to edit that screenshot to be whatever the fuck you want it to be? B) Even if it were real, do you understand how offensive it is to use the Torah has a footrest? If you somehow think its' inclusion in this manner is 'muh Jewish propaganda'! then you're a colossal idiot.
So this is indeed the cuck game after all. Why did that other anon lie to me?
the book is a real asset in the game
the point of contention is the schizo ITT having a melty over it for whatever reason
Shay aside, I have my own amusing schizo thoughts over two incidents I'm schizo-connecting.
>Snowbreak late 2023
>rumors are a whole group of women quit the company over "creative differences"
>all of a sudden new story content is way better written, and the girls are more open with their feelings, and we got Haru's fat ass and huge bust when they were super covered up before, and all new designs are way less conservative
>rumors are that the GF2 lead writer was finally fired
>a month and a half later we get Suomi's plump ass and delicious tummy, and summer skin
I could just be going full Shay of course, but these things happened only months apart. If Mica is willing to commit, maybe they can still salvage things, their new Dorm update looks great too.
unlikely because we got daiyan's and groza side tie panties chinese dresses like less than a month after launch when people were still chimping out
Nah, we were getting panties way before suomi. In february even we got groza and 95 costumes. Not to mention ump 9 fat ass.
She was always going to be the summer doll for obvious reasons. Anyone that tries to paint this as them suddenly changing gears just haven't paid attention to anything but cuckoldry fanfics.
>I-it's not real!
lmfao desperate. It is real.
If it wasn't bad, why did they emergency update the game to scrub it away?
right? a lot of filler assets all coincidentally linking to jews
what are the chances haha
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Oh boy, this melty again.
Because the 10 year coma is lie. That alone makes the rest of the spot invalid. There was a 10 year timeskip but the commander has been working as a bounty hunter. The company he was in turned to shit and started glowing too much and the girls weren't happy and decided to leave, with a few remaining under the care of Helian, a hag that used to work with you l. This is the actual story that was laid even before the game releases and the the first boys prove it
Same reason why they removed girl interactions from snowbreak, even though there was never any yuri in the game.
But again, you already knew that, kike.
We literally know for a fact that the fired writer from Snowbreak who pushed for Ling Yi and shipped him with the girls while he replaced Adjutant during an event was the same guy who wrote the first act of Wuthering Waves where everyone hates you and they literally shove a glock in your face after saving their lives and treat you like a piece of shit. It's not a "conspiracy", it's documented fact, it's some fag who thinks Arknight "DOCTOR BAD" is the peak of writing and is obsessed with games shitting on the player even if it is nonsensical
>girls having other commanders is real, as is weird shit like the girls reading A Handmaid's Tale in their dorm and random copies of Hebrew religious texts (?????)
>they removed girl interactions from snowbreak
why do you keep mentioning that game?
Because I know it makes you upset, and it has a lot of parallels that you don't mind there, but can't stop screeching here.
Just me going full Shay then in GF2's case, got it. Snowbreak's collosal increase in writing quality, fanservice and more in a single patch is funny though, Chapter 1-10 and 11-current may as well be different games. They also do a genuinely funny way to solve the Chinky male NPC argument.
>male characters are all older married family men now
>all of a sudden game is has a ton of super cool older men, who don't encroach on the playable female characters
>one looks like he just walked right out of Metal Gear and another from Cyberpunk
>both have wives and young daughters
>Same reason why they removed girl interactions from snowbreak
....because there was a literal cuckshit writer who got very publicly fired and the game rewritten, with all the early chapters being scrapped? you're not exactly making gfl look good with that comparison.
>girls having other commanders is real
Helian is a woman and is the one that kept taking care of your girls. A lot left were able to find other jobs in security having a cafe that is closely monitored by ypur previous glownigger boss or doing livestreaming
Stop! I'm getting angry!!
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there are more people shilling this garbage game in this very thread (because it has a CN only client and nobody wants to learn commie moon runes) than there are playing the company's actual games.
>why they removed girl interactions from snowbreak, even though there was never any yuri in the game.
They definitely planned for Haru, Siris and Marian to be either bi or lesbo originally, which is why the shipping stuff was cut.

Anon that was talking about Snowbreak earlier here, sorry, I may have set off Shay. I'm a GF1 vet myself, I bear no ill will.
post feet
Top of the receipt says Hauz Khas Village, which is somewhere in India.
because we all already beat that one bozo
because it's hot, you stupid faggot
>and the game rewritten
They didn't rewrite them yet though.
yeah you might as well all be in this thread with how few people played that garbage, 2k all time high for somethin shilled for months. If nothing else I await Mica going bankrupt so I no longer have to see you fucking shills spam the catalog
Is this the cuck game?
I still believe.
The WombForce STX 9000 will one day be developed, and all will be well.
I can't wait to read this exact same cope in 1 year just like I read it 6 months ago, and we're still here.
>gacha fans
So is everybody with access to Sadpanda but FOR FREE.
>They didn't rewrite them yet though.
the game was rewritten from beta and they also went back and did further rewrites to stuff like chapter 5 and logistics operators and removed the yuribait (which you can see was a correct decision given how much seething discord fags make demanding it back and lamenting their ship was sunk), there was also the rewrite with the empathic ganglia so Edda is no longer your actual sister. The first ten chapters haven't been completely rewritten yet though you're correct, it's an ongoing thing
>PGR going through some bullshit right now because fags are mad lucia's new look is too sexy
>snowbreak gets namedropped often
So has snowbreak become a kind of boogieman for holes and faggots?
ok so who's Mr Raymond and why is his toothbrush in my wife's asshole?
>So has snowbreak become a kind of boogieman for holes and faggots?
yes, you saw the exact same shit with seething over Yinlin being for (You) in wuthering waves
Why are you acting like you don't know about the retarded drama? You're here for that reason.
Not the planned main story rewrite, the yuri purge, which already happened. They removed Marian flirting with Li, and they removed Haru and Siris' shipping/ implied feelings for each other from their character bios. They also removed the shitty "I can fix him" stuff with Enya and Gavin too which is nice, it was such an awful scene.
>he's a religious terrorist that grooms and sacrifices children to his god?
>b-but i can fix him
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I will play your game IF they release this skin.
This shit is so fucking peak. I wish it wasn't a gacha. These animations are amazing.
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it's so tiresome
That's now how cats stretch autismo.
global doko...
>Mr Raymond and why is his toothbrush in my wife's asshole?
Only happened in your cuck filled brain,bro. Maybe writing that chick fanfiction has actually fried your brain
>Why are you acting like you don't know about the retarded drama?
Because I don't. I don't play PGR, I only tried it for about a month. I especially don't know what the sentiment on the cn side is.
>terrorist apollogist
Damn, everything GF2 was wrongly accused of happened there. Interesting read.
That's not even that exposed, wow.
nigga do you really expect player numbers to be constantly in the thousands for a niche single player bibeo game?
really? this was too sexy?
Yeah, I expected something actually provacative considering how the femoids were raging. Then I see it and it's no worse than crimson weave. I think they're just butthurt she's supposedly going to powercreep a male unit.
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>wrongly accused of
why isn't Raymond still in the game if he was falsely accused? You'd trust your dolls with this man, right?
>Too sexy
>Literally still have most clothing on
Kill all fujos and gays
You are a cuck Shay
Mr Raymond owns you and your wife
>if he was
God-damn shay, learn to read.
He was thrown in jail at the end, there was nothing in the story saying he was a good boy he dindu nuffin. He was going to pay for his terrorism.
>He was thrown in jail at the end, there was nothing in the story saying he was a good boy he dindu nuffin. He was going to pay for his terrorism.
So how come he's not in the game?
Snowbreak won
Because chinks are retarded, I thought I already answered that question.
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How much did GF2 make?
GFL can still win if they give me back my AK-15. Where's my silver-haired gorilla wife?
The original scene is very silly, and the new version is funny. Enya originally keeps going
>he may groom and kill children and be an inquisitor of a religious suicide cult that practices human sacrifices and serve a facist dictator, but he's brave and honorable, he would never lie, trust him
>game forces you to trust the obviously lying guy
>he betrays you and steals the crate of stolen equipment you were supposed to take back from the terrorists

In the new version it's
>this is Gavin, he was once sort of cool but he's an asshole now
>ok, we'll work with him at a distance, and prepare for his eventual betrayal
>oh no, he betrayed us, typical terrorist
>he stole the decoy equipment crate we filled with cans of orange juice in case he betrays us
>hopefully he's thirsty
So wait that specific writer that wrote shit stories got fired both from snowbreak and wuwa ?
I don't get it what is this shit ? why in the first place would they risk killing their game off the start by not checking what type of animal they are recruiting in their writing team ?
Why is there so much schizophrenia around a fucking gacha game of all things.
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It's pretty crazy how hard snowbreak was spiraling when they still had a foot in trying to be a "mature" game. Then they went full master love and made so much money so quickly, everyone on the team got bonuses, the team was expanded, and the CEO had dev themed MAGA hats made and given to employees.
What abridged version of the bible are you reading???
Nepotism and connections probably.
gachafags are mentially ill
Damn, that sounds bad.
Yeah, the original Raimundo event was also pretty garbage. There was a part where they suddenly for some reason start talking about drinking potato flowers as if they aren't poison. Shit was garbage, but there was no attempt at making him have no fault for helping killing people or other shit.
Gaymergate: chinkonese edition has been going strong in west taiwan. It's the reason you see autistic fucks desperately trying to shill certain games and talk shit about others. It's almost a new console war autism.
>So wait that specific writer that wrote shit stories got fired both from snowbreak and wuwa ?
yes, no bullshit that's actually what happened. both games needed emergency rewrites mid-beta as a result, too. despite being a billion dollar industry the chink gacha developer world is tiny and incestuous as fuck with writers getting traded around between them constantly, you'd think with LITERAL BILLIONS more gachas would be able to get actual professional writers but the only one that focuses on that is FGO, which is a gacha adaptation of a fucking Visual Novel to begin with.

it's insane how these people will just randomly be put in charge of a game with budgets in the hundreds of millions and profits in the billions and then randomly screw the pooch.
expect it to go into overdrive when global finally gets announced, they will be in every thread every board spamming shit.
>when global finally gets announced
holy fuck you actually believe this will happen that's adorable
Isn't FGO propped up entirely by Nasu? Sakurai is a garbage writer that rewrites characters to ship them and always has a mary sue character that will get worshipped, and the original FGO writer was pretty bad too.
Is this chinkfag still melting over the game lol
>implying the major is female
>Isn't FGO propped up entirely by Nasu?
yes, that's kind of the point. the gacha industry is worth billions but you can count the number of actual writers on your fingers
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You already lost, shay.
The game will live, not matter how much you seethe at its existence.
wait, you can switch the language to english?
neural cloud is also "alive". hell, Heroes of the Storm is technically "alive".
Where DOES Mica get it's money from? 1 was mismanaged and PNC failed to get the mixed audience they wanted.
>actively renewing US copyrights
>implementing EN script tests in CN
>EN and JP logos datamined
I get your entire personality is dooming, shay, but please learn when to bow out gracefully.
From what I heard before, the writer wasn't fired from Snowbreak. He left because was poached by the WuWa development team.
Just curious, can I get a rundown on what was the story of wuwa supposed to be in the beta ? and how bad was it ?
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They have an english MTL they used to test the UI. You have to fuck with some files to enable it, at least it's how it worked like 1/2 months ago.
Yes, it's alive, getting a collab, and we already know of the next event story in CN advancing the plot further.
I'm really sorry if the existence of the company makes you seethe, because they aren't going anywhere.
I want to kiss that perfect tummy
This one still hasn’t progressed to the post-ironic phase.
>the world starts off dark and grim and people are hostile, which makes sense
>MC-kun has monster powers so people are scared of him, which makes sense
>the cast is hostile to him at first, sure
>but then
>people shit on MC for saving lives
>people shit on MC for existing
>characters that have never met MC before have an immediate seething hatred of him because.... because, without even knowing who he is or even his name
>MC-kun has to win a war to earn enough prestige to not get death threats from the cast on a daily basis
you are embarrassing
>getting so mindbroken he's calling for raids
Gachashit isn't as expensive as you think it is, even 3D ones. Biggest reason why gachas die is because the return of investment doesn't satisfy shareholders.
80% of the company shares are owned by the autistic CEO, he sold 20% to tencent years ago. He gets to decide what the company does.
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>Just curious, can I get a rundown on what was the story of wuwa supposed to be in the beta ?
You are John Wuthering and show up with no memories and save the starting crew like the original, except after saving them they literally put a fucking gun in your face with a loud ass CLICK CLACK cocking sound effect and threaten to blow your face off for daring to save their useless cunt lives (they are beaten unconscious by the person you kill but resent you for killing it), then they keep accusing you of being a spy and threaten to torture you and lock you up, your character genuinely has amnesia but nobody believes him and they assume you're merely pretending to be retarded. Because this is a gacha game you can't actually just fuck off and leave, or side with the bad guys when they show up, so you just need to go from point A to point B while the game tries getting you to roll for a bunch of faggots who keep reminding you how much they don't like or trust you.
At one point there's a full on anthro furry who makes you fight a boss solo with no help and then after it's dead claims all credit, and the meme-worthy line that was super popular even with people not aware of the game was the furry turning to you after he claimed your kill credit looking at you and saying,"Why are you still here?".

Also his name was literally "AWOO" lol. Brought to you by the brilliant mind behind Ling Yi in Snowbreak.
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>ACTUALLY calling for a raid
wow, apparently this game makes less than ToF per month. Kinda surprised honestly, that game was pure jank
>thinking gunnigers of all things are gonna die
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Tower of Fantasy is an MMO and doesn't have Raymond, why are you surprised it makes more money than an X-Com clone with none of X-Com's depth or strategy?
>literally the same forced DPS race gacha slop on a timer as endgame despite being an X-Com clone
lol who the fuck approved this shit?
>tfw Awoo was hated so much the Chinese seethe gave us a 5* selector ticket
I got Chinese Sephiroth thanks to Awoo I guess.
>>literally the same forced DPS race gacha slop on a timer as endgame despite being an X-Com clone
Why are you not there in your raid, bro
Holy shit that's fucking horrendous, what kind of brain tumour you make a story like that for a gacha and genuinely think
>Yea that's what gacha player will like.
not as bad as gfl2 LMAAAAAOOOOOO
The same retarded school of "HAHA, SUBVERTED YOUR EXPECTATIONS, HUH?" writing that gave us Raymond's event in GFL and the Star Wars sequels. Chinks are not immune to huffing their own farts like Rian Johnson. Remember that development takes years so they game was being made around peak tacticool mudcore brain rot like with Arknights where Dokutah gets shat on by everyone constantly for his amnesiac war crimes, clearly the Ling Yi/WuWa writer was a fan
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>we have aika from twintails at home
The same writer made
>Chad Thundercock steals your girls and your main character status
In another game. He got fired both times.
>The same retarded school of "HAHA, SUBVERTED YOUR EXPECTATIONS, HUH?" writing that gave us Raymond's event in GFL
There were no expectations subverted with the event. The entire event was just masturbation of the main girl and how she's so perfect, even terrorist see the error of their ways.
cope gfg tranny
nta but after so many times, you just have to start attributing it to malice instead of incompetence.
Eh? That was Snowbreak though, Ling Yi.
>There were no expectations subverted with the event
The literal terrorist being an uwu dindu softboi who spent hours discussing music with Daiyan and gifted her his family heirloom is not most people's expectations for a terrorist. Raymond is totally in the same category of subversion for the sake of subversion, they just flew too close to the sun.
A terrorist not being completely irredeemable or just a result of the circumstances of his life isn't in any way a subversion.
A terrorist being in love with the music of a paramilitary killbot who kills terrorists for a living and gifting her his mother's heriloom s a subversion, yes. Just like Daiyan giving you a toothbrush for valentine's day instead of chocolate is le funny subversion hehe xd holds up spork
>VAT 25%
Holy fucking shit. "Hey, nice transaction there, now add 25% on top of it for your betters, thanks."
Literally a "for shits and grins" tax. And they have the nerve to call it a "value added tax." How do people tolerate this faggotry?
I am seriously confused how the Chinks handle pantyshots, I was under the impression they were banned and spats fetish is strictly enforced by order of the CCP, but GF2 has actual pantyshots
don't bother, /gfg/ and actual mica shills are here running damage control
call them cucks, rope themselves, and don't bother
The terrorist liked a music from his town, which the perfect bitch heard and learned to play, which is how he started to think maybe he was in the wrong.
Like this isn't in any way a subversion, it's an incredible boring, by the books story trope. A subversion would be if the perfect bitch actually started agreeing with the terrorist.
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>I was under the impression they were banned and spats fetish is strictly enforced by order of the CCP
this is mihomonigger fanfic. the CCP does not care. it's entirely chinks self-censoring to appeal to faggots, women, and PlayStation. If your game is properly rated they don't give a FUCK. Look at Azur Lane. Snowbreak raised its age rating to 18+ recently in chinkland and now has full on softcore porn scenes and is adding in showering with the girls lmao
they're not banned, tof had panties and shit. Pretty sure mihoyo is just gay
Anything you heard about state mandated censorship was bullshit that originated from mihoyo themselves. Back in the day when they started censoring girls, genshitters in cn got mad so mihoyo passed the buck to the ccp like, uh it's new regulations. nothing we can do. then some autistic chink actually complained to the government worker and got a met with, what the fuck are you talking about?
All this gachashit censorship is self imposed because all the devs started chasing the same omnipandering money genshit was getting. That's why snowbreak saving themselves from EoS by going full male pandering was and still is a big deal in cn. Someone finally pointed out that the emperor has no clothes.
>tfw private adjutant dorm soon
Bless GF2 for making 3D dorms popular.
>shows literally nothing
That's meant to prove something?
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>just gay
even worse
That explains much
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you want panty shots? snowbreak has thong and ass-crack shots. this is that girl's idle animation. her latest skin is a naughty secretary in stockings you can swap for fishnets. "CCP censors pantsu!" is pure fanfic.
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It's ironic that snowbreak launched with a dorm system that people though GF2 was going to have (a 3D space you could walk around and interact with characters in), and now GF2 is changing their dorm to be more like snowbreak's.
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Well that's fucking weird, their official website still states 16+, and there is no 18+ rating in china, it only goes up to 16+. The original proposal had an adult only rating but it was scrapped. Maybe they changed it though, I haven't kept up.
That is, actually, a way better example than the garbage you showed.
What age is genshit in west taiwan anyway?
OH WAIT, nvm, the text in my screenshot says children under 18 can't register. Wow that is interesting.
genshin is made for literal children, it's got a 12+ rating
>Tower of Fantasy is an MMO
eeehh, not really, nah
it's a gacha with heavier multiplayer elements and an infinite gear progression system, but 90% of your account power is still just whaling for A6 characters
they shot themselves in the foot so many times with the fundamentals of the game it's crazy
Gacha communities are becoming increasingly more antagonistic and can now quickly turn into massive garbage if the company doesn't give a fuck about the game.
So it's not a case of dem fags, it's them wanting to keep the rating low for profit.
personally I think it's both
Seperate issue, more recent, Chinese kids were using an age loophole to refund the fuck out of the game so they kept buying and refunding, hence the age lock. Happened in March I think.
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>So it's not a case of dem fags, it's them wanting to keep the rating low for profit.
Yes, it's never been the CCP, it was always Mihomo self-censoring for PlayStation. That's why there's literal cock and ball physics in the game but they censor female characters. Genshin niggers claimed for YEARS "aw shucks guys we can't help it, it's those damn gubmint censors making the game so gay and lame!" only for the actual CCP to have to release a statement saying they had no role in it.
Both, Genshin and Star Rail had a massive increase in homo and shipping content around the same time.
kek, hmm okay so I might still be right then.
>get suckered into spending hundreds of moneypapers by psych abuse techniques developed by years and hundreds of millions of dollars into research and development
>"why are people mad when their waifu cucks them?"
a mystery
That's not true, gachas are very expensive now. When Snowbreak was at the revenue levels GFL2 is currently at the development team went from IIRC 300 people to 60. One more flopped banner and the game would have been on path to EoS. Currently Mica can keep going because they're using investor money that was meant for them to develop their other games to instead prop GFL2 up, but if global fails then the game is as good as dead.
That's not how women move during sex you fucking idiot
Does GF2 have personalized furniture? I love them in Snowbreak.
>Acacia's bootleg bomberman and undertale
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>>get suckered into spending hundreds of moneypapers by psych abuse techniques developed by years and hundreds of millions of dollars into research and development
remember when it came out that Activision-Blizzard's internal research used literal Skinner-Box diagrams with rats and compared their playerbase to said rats and how to maximize profit, and people were mad at them? Like 14+ years ago at this point?
lmao at how much worse shit has gotten.

Reminder that Sony own a patent for pic related. Anyone who supports Sony should be defenestrated for the public good
Did we get news about a global release?
I don't know, I just saw the clips from that one dev stream where they had a character walking around while other characters were hanging around.
No thanks.
And Blizzard still managed to fuck up.
>hide character behind 30 hour grind for "player retention numbers"
>realize skin sales are low
God damn retards.
don't worry, it'll die and /gfg/ will kill themselves
or you end up like a gfltroon and defend it LMAAAOOOI
I haven't check the CCP guidelines for 12+, but I wouldn't doubt they are way more anal about female bodies than male ones.
Unless you show me another 12+ game that has none of these issues.
Yeah bro, just one more banner and it's as good as dead.
It's gonna happen for real this time, Just 14 days.
The entire point is it's mihoyo willingly self-censoring. There is no government censorship. It's like saying America censors games because GTA has a different age rating than Lego Star Wars
>removed Haru and Siris' shipping/ implied feelings for each other from their character bios
I have such mixed feelings about this. The selfinsert otaku in me wants the girls to be free for (me) but i am also a yuriotaku that, if yuri is done right, gets all warm and fuzzy inside when his favorite pair end up together. Its the ultimate form of 2D romance, not even shoujo comes close. But at the same time, some poor faggot hat one of them as a waifu and i can sympathize with feeling betrayed by it. Just fucking market your games properly and stop omni-pandering. It just doesnt always work and only makes everyone angry. Try to please everybody and you please nobody.
If GFL2 global comes out and it has some chink skyware kernel anticheat i will lose my shit. Does the chinese version have this shit?
>In the world
>Couldn’t get you off
>All the boys, all the choices
>I remember when
>We were gambling to win
If they are trying to work to stay in that 12+ rating it isn't self-censorship nigga.
>playing jewish games
>500k in china
Are you serious? Where are the GFLcucks telling everyone that it keeps making MILLIONS and the game flopping was just "incelchink" propaganda?
>If they are trying to work to stay in that 12+ rating it isn't self-censorship nigga.
Yes it is you stupid faggot, they are CHOOSING to make a baby game for children, that's not the same as government mandating NO PANTY SHOTS EVER which is what genshin faggots claimed for YEARS. "I am willingly making a baby game marketed to children as E for Everyone" is not the same as "The government sent stasi to my house and broke my legs for adding cleavage".

china only has 3 age ratings, 8+, 12+, and 16+ to begin with. There's plenty of other 12+ games with way more risque material than genshin, it's entirely mihomo choosing to censor themselves.
lmao at all these shills trying to shake the cuck narrarive

it will forever be known as girls cuckline
Mica has already shut down their Wandering Earth game that was in development and fired the entire team just to reduce the company's expenses, I don't know why some GFL players think Yuzhong is some magic man who has found some way to keep his workers without having to pay them.
I don’t care if it is 110 degrees Celsius, you keep your hair long you slut.
>Are you serious? Where are the GFLcucks telling everyone that it keeps making MILLIONS and the game flopping was just "incelchink" propaganda?
There's a reason their go-to cope is "Well the chinks are stupid and hate it for no reason!", they don't bring up the fact it's a financial flop because they haven't even been allowed to play it yet, they're basically unpaid shills doing-it-for-free hoping the game gets a Global release so they can be allowed to swallow slop that not even chink gachaniggers can tolerate.
>There's plenty of other 12+ games with way more risque material than genshin
Show examples.
IDK about gf2 but their other non-gacha PC game has none whatsoever
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All this seethe and not one suggestion to play a different gacha
I'm sure you read all that in some NGA thread.
thinking chinkboy needs a ban, he spergs on every GFL thread
punishing gray raven is 12+ lol
who is this mysterious chinese writer sneaking NTR in, i need a name, im curious to see their other works
You mean this?
i just dont get it. why insert cuckshit in your games? are they retarded? mismanagment? did they seriously think fujos play their games? how can you be a gacha dev for years and not understand gacha players, especially when you make a game with coomer designs and animations? blows my mind.
they all stem from this discord hive >>>/vg/483446078
the fact they're allowed to stay on the site is an embarrassment, they are literal discord shills and need to be chased out
keep crying cuckline fag, your cuck company is going under no matter how much your hugbox copes
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black rock shooter is my wife
Rent free
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>continues to call for raids
...that'll be mica's headquarters next year kek
>i just dont get it. why insert cuckshit in your games?
Because women love cuckshit and shipping.
>cuck company is going under
While i agree that they took the place of /feg/ in terms of absolute faggotry, i still like the worldbuilding mica does. And the girls. Just hire proper writers and fire the cancer.
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they think they write incredible literature which is why they didn't want to change it
so many of their employees are femoids its insane
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You mean this bitch? They already did.
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>"MICA is dying for real this time", says increasingly nervous man for 7th time this thread
Mica has been taken over by women since long ago, see GFL1 adding female commander option and GIRL'S Frontline Neural Cloud having males in it. Don't know why they thought they could bring women into the series without losing their male playerbase but GFL2's failure is a result of it.
I can't read chinkanese.
gfl1 is a cuck game too, they just got away with it since no one plays it
>the main girl of gfl2 drinking away from the mc in gfl1
>big titted girl "telling ghost stories" to random men in closets
>one is a rape victim
>a popular squad is "repaired" by a twink who literally has attraction towards one of them and is literally called a pervert
>they had an entire event shipping an npc with a girl
>generally /u/ stuff
>no pandering at all most of the time
GFL fags will simultaneously say that the game is fixed and better now that they fired everyone involved in the debacle and rewrote the event so it's no longer canon, but then also claim that the event was fine and not a big deal and any drama around it is fake and the game is perfect and the changes were unnecessary.

Which is it?
her tail's not even attached to her butt, it's just kinda floating out there
All that is true.
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I only have two gachas I'd ever recommend
One is on the road to EoS because the company got a new CEO that 180'd the direction of the game while adopting a "I'm changing this because I want it my way, and I'm ignoring your feedback" mindset
The other I would first recommend you play the previous two mainline entries so you can have fAith in the plAn
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neural cloud is definitely dying at least.
>adding males to your all-girl-gun-game inspired by kancolle
I spit on them, good riddance
So basically China has their own gamergate males vs females thing going on and women have jobs in gacha companies. Paired with females vocal players they are the cause for censorship and cuckshit? Why do women get so uppity constantly? The west, korea, china. The fuck is their problem. Is it because there is no fear, no respect left for the man?
tranny, go back >>>/vg/483446078 or kill yourself and take 20 of them with you
they're shills
They fired the writer the chinks hated so much, they got mindfucked into thinking commie dolls having stars on their uniforms meant she was trying to cuck them, because she used Star in the credits.
two more smeeks
>gacha niggers
>thinking theyre not the laughing stocks of the nerd industry
oh shit, proof?
>everything listed
So GFL2 was basically just for GFL1 players? I guess those cucks were right about one thing atleast - that the ones complaining about GFL2 were no GFL1 players. They were not cucked enough to just consume the slop.
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Why are you, conveniently, cutting out CN revenue?
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Star was the bitchy female writer responsible for lots of the shitshow in GFL2, they fired her and issued a formal apology to the entire playerbase.
yes, really
i'm saying everyone needs to laugh at the cucks until they rope or leave 4chan
nta, but it literally doesnt matter lmao
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If gfl2 comes out in global and removes all the ntr and cuckbullshit, i will give it a try.
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PGR, also the newest patch literally gave a free swimsuit skin for the character with the biggest tits in the game.
thongs in my 12+ game...?!
It's not going to remove the forced ten year timeskip where your dolls were taken away and all your oaths got thrown in the trashcan, that's too fundamental to the plot. So it will always be trash. They tried to have their cake and eat it too writing a sequel reusing the same characters, but also wanted to have a blank slate for newfags to not be alienated, and ended up appealing to no-one. Should have done what Arknights is doing with Endfield and just had an all-new cast.
>big titted girl "telling ghost stories" to random men in closets
>one is a rape victim
>a popular squad is "repaired" by a twink who literally has attraction towards one of them and is literally called a pervert
Please tell me this isn't real
If it didn't matter, why did he cut it?
He did it especially because he knows it does matter.
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rape victim is real at least
meant for >>680863362
>a popular squad is "repaired" by a twink who literally has attraction towards one of them and is literally called a pervert
reminds me of nikke where you rolled for past versions of the most popular squad and then got bonding sessions to read that included their former commander.
Yeah, the old popularity polls had Haru, Siris and Marian in the bottom (along with poor Nita who didn't deserve that), after the change, Siris is extremely popular, but poor Haru didn't really manage to salvage her reputation. It's better the two genres be kept seperate.
>americans screaming about 25% vat while they'll happily tip 20%
>Shay now bringing up Dier and J like it's some sort of gotcha
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bottom 2 are true
If you mean the ramon shit they already cleaned him out of existence. Shay is autistic with it because he's a cuckold.
wait til you see an episode of aew
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There's plenty of other flaws with the game and timeskip even without Raymond (I don't give a shit about Daiyan because she's a meme chink gun, I'm still pissed they cucked me out of my literal wives for a DECADE lmao fuck this company)
lmao they're seething HARD
will you kill yourself vidya tranny after your girl gets cuckbaited?
It's double funny because on leddit they worship J and Dier to the point you would think they are main characters. Double the schizo, Shay on one side and reverse-Shay on the other. Even funnier considering Dier is a wierd coomer with a doll fetish that creeps everyone out.
>If gfl2 comes out in global and removes all the ntr and cuckbullshit
>yeah they did
I'm really sorry that you are autistic, but that's not what he asked.
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Nah, i want them to be clear. Who are you making this game for? Have your grimdark scifi miseryporn story GFL players praise so highly. I mean, i played Code Bakery and i liked it. No cuckshit at all, the maingirl is for (you) and a kiss happened. And the story was good with all that. But make clear who you are making the game for. If its selfinserting men, dont put cuckshit into it. Want the shippers and fujos? Make it absolutely clear that this game is for them. Its really not that hard. I still believe that the writing team just fucked mica hard.
you posted that yourself though
I look and act like this, yes.
>>yeah they did
well that's not true, your dolls were literally handed off to other men for ten years and treated as other men's property while you sulked for a decade because scawwy glowies kept you from dollpussy.
>build up an audience of eastern chinese incels who like cute girls and guns
>let them interact with and marry the gun girls, clearly romantic
>make xcom gacha sequel
>all the girls either move on from you or cuck you
>shocked when your profits drop below a random korean indie studio (PM with Limbus)
MICA is like DSP, shitting on fans and expecting money.
Literally me when i get the bannergirl early
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Its just a robot with a human brain, surely you wouldn't clank clank the robot right?
This was cut because it’s a garbage design that doesn’t mesh at all and might very well been spat out by a not particularly well trained AI
An above shoulder length bob cut is fine too
No g36c no download
I'm really sorry that you like creating cuckold fanfics, but they aren't related to this topic.
>This was cut because it’s a garbage design that doesn’t mesh at all and might very well been spat out by a not particularly well trained AI
It wasn't cut at all you retard, it's Lucia's new outfit in PGR.
what the fuck are you talking about you fucking mongoloid
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won't happen
btw how come you don't go onto /snowg/ anymore?
The games always had a vague protagonist that they never fixed as male or female, and eventually just allowed you to choose between one or the other.
This means there will, most likely, never be shit like snowbreak. If that's what you are looking for, they aren't gonna deliver that.
>But make clear who you are making the game for. If its selfinserting men, dont put cuckshit into it. Want the shippers and fujos? Make it absolutely clear that this game is for them. Its really not that hard.
Yeah, Arknights and Limbus don't try to double dip, and that's fine, I respectfully don't play them and wish them well. It's fucking greedy games that try to play both sides that annoy me.
>I'm really sorry that you like creating cuckold fanfics, but they aren't related to this topic.
(You) were separated from your dolls for ten years. This is not in dispute.
It's also not in dispute that while (You) were separated from your dolls, they continued to work as paramilitary operatives, or even went and got civilian jobs. Again, also not in dispute.
T-Dolls are not human and are treated as property or disposable soldiers at best, again not in dispute.

You have no argument. The game is based on an inherently cuckbait premise.
Just pick feMC. That was your wives are all lesbians and it doesn't matter if they interacted with men or not. Lesbians despise men and no, dick wont solve their homosexuality. Problem solved. And get a sexchange in rl while you're at it and join the other GFLtrannies
>T-Dolls are not human and are treated as property or disposable soldiers at best, again not in dispute
There are multiple, and I mean multiple, examples of dolls being hired as normal employees and getting salary, without ever having some kind of master or handler.
Dolls aren't treated as tools by everyone and used as cum dumpsters on the streets. Again, I'm really sorry that you enjoy cuckoldry fanfics, but it isn't relevant to this topic.
>Multiple examples
but not all of them. ALL your dolls were taken away from you for a decade, retard.
>It's fucking greedy games that try to play both sides that annoy me
I wonder what it is with so many men. I see this in the big gacha from mihomo and recently with BD2. Even if they get cucked constantly and treated like shit, they wont drop the game. They never do. And i dont think this is simply sunk cost. Something else, something deeper, is making a good portion of men act this way. I wonder if gacha just brainfucks some people.
>ALL your dolls were taken away from you for a decade
It's my childhood all over again...
Are you just an ESL SEAnigger or do you not even understand the phrasing "might well have been"?
The dolls weren't stolen from you nigger, you left them.
The dolls we use are hired by our PMC, they aren't our property and never were. This is established literally in the first fucking chapter of the game.
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Rename that image
Call him by his name don't let him hide.
This faggot is SHAY his name is Shay attach his name to all his shitty NTRposts, he will keep doing this unless you call him out every fucking time he appears in any general or any thread
the sins of /gbfg/ are eternal
Honestly, I feel they should've course-corrected the way Snowbreak did. Apparently Snowbreak leans very heavily into the fanservice now, including a slutty nurse-esque character who keeps flirting with the protagonist and very obviously wants to screw his brains out. (I have never played Snowbreak, admittedly.)
Also, all other male characters were removed.
>The dolls weren't stolen from you nigger, you left them.
do you even hear yourself?
>Cuck schizo is getting desperate with even more fanfic.
>even twisting actual events Thay you can read in-game to.kustofy his fuck fetish
How can a person be so mad there's no actually netorare in these games?
She misplaced her pantsu and is having a bit of a melty.
nah he is a pure lolcow at this point, no level of harassment will dissuade him sadly. It seemed for a hopeful minute that he killed himself after the big TL that threw out all his garbage but now he's back conveniently pretending it never happened.
you have the right of it
>How can a person be so mad there's no actually netorare in these games?
So we're just gonna pretend Thunder wasn't gangraped now? Are we gonna do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?
that one fled to honkai star rail. you don't know what you're dealing with, gfg trannies
I feel that the point is gatekeeping. If you don't act aggressively against every perceived threat, if you don't immediately go "I don't like this direction you're taking. Stop immediately. If you keep doing it, I will fuck you up." the developers can and will use this leeway to take aim at the dreader 'wider audience'.
It's like how 40K has a female Custodes now, and lots of gay shit. If people had started bombing Games Workshop outlets, or began openly mocking and boycotting them, they would have reversed course. But now, it's too late.
The question is, do you want the developers to do what YOU want, or do you want to be subservient to THEM? Because we see what has happened to franchises in the West with the latter paradigm, and it's not good (i.e. Star Wars and the coven of lesbian black witches reproducing through parthenogenesis.).
I do not recall giving you permission to post footage of me.
>character lost her purity long before she met (You)
>this isn't stated later or anything, it is implied as hard as it can be from day 1
>this is now NTR
You are literally inventing shit about other men using characters you love, when there is nothing even close to that point.
Like, I'm sorry if you have to insert your fetish in random shit, but I'm not gonna pretend they are there just for you to jerk off.
so you're getting ntred from a girl getting raped at a point where you never met her before?
But really is there g36c yet?
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Yes, she's one of the first dolls released.
Nah, i get that. Imagine you see her ingame and really like her. Then you suddenly find out about that shit. Break the 4th wall and you will see why the player feels cucked by the game.
The only crime is that we have to be nice to her, she's already broken in to be nice and submissive.
That's G36 not g36c
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That's g36 not her much hotter sister
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>It's unreal how much schitzo posting this game attracts
gee, I wonder why the company who sold paid wedding dresses and marriage rings to their -weapon-of-war anime girls attracts autists who are mad when their paid wives are taken away from them....it is a mystery....
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I realized I missed the C when I clicked submit.
There's no sign of her yet.
But it by definition isn't NTR, from the millisecond she got added you can look at her lines, her skin stories, her artist notes and see it. There is no bait and switch. And it happened long BEFORE the events of the game, she is not going out and fucking strangers while working at G&K.
that's cringe how do you have someone with the most hot costumes in the game big tits and sister to g36 and NOT have her in fucking fags
>I feel that the point is gatekeeping
That's exactly what this is. You'd think the fas here would understand what's at stake considering how hard western games have been subverted, but I guess now.
If you liked her you wouldn't have uninstalled.
No, there is no "definition" for cuckshit on the internet anymore. Its being used loosely to get the feeling of betrayal across. If you dont feel cucked by it or even like it, so be it. Plenty feel cucked by shit like that.
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>he now argues if a girl gets raped before you ever met her you got cucked
Jesus man how badly did you get cucked IRL to be this messed up?
I'm starting to feel bad what kinda fucked up life do you have man?
>, i get that. Imagine you see her ingame and really like her. Then you suddenly find out about that shit. Break the 4th wall and you will see why the player feels cucked by the game.
Thunder is a actually a pretty popular and we'll beloved, she involves a sense o protection on the player base.. You are the only one projecting your own cuck fantasies into a character that was abused
>if you agree with the schizo you are him
Sure, buddy.
>If you liked her you wouldn't have uninstalled.
I like her but voting with your wallet is the only language corporations understand. It's not like the gameplay is worth sticking around for, the characters and story are the only reason to play and both have gone to total shit. Now that Neural Cloud has fucking dudes and 2 is adding swords and bows with "We want the genshin audience!" character design, it's clear that they don't want the wooden bolt action rifle fans anyways.
I can tell you're a wormslut enjoyer but just because you'd slobber over Sakura's insect-ridden cunt doesn't mean others have to like it
How the fuck is it betrayal when it is a core part of her character design from day 1? Again, this isn't something that was added later. You aren't """""betrayed""""" it's just a character trait you don't like.
You clearly didn't like her if you abandoned her. No amount of coping about muh gameplay will change that when people that actually loved the character have stayed with them for years.
I don't mind moving on but don't come to these threads and act like you are anything other than a tourist.
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You never played the games cuck. Or else you wouldn't even talk about swords and bows considering they appear in the first game. Keep trying fuck, there's no ntr in these games for you to enjoy
Nigger, you dont live in that world. How hard is that to understand? Your body is here earth. It goes like this
>play game
>see cute girl
>start liking her a lot
>want to find out more about her
>she was raped and is used goods
>"What the fuck i didnt sign up for this. Why show me a cute girl in a game full of cute girls and when you choose one you get fucked like this?"
That is what people mean when they say "cuckshit". Stop being dishonest and act as if your retarded ass doesnt get it
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nah, bad games deserve to die regardless of if they have a couple accidentally good designs or decisions. I liked Mym in Dragalia Lost too, that shit still EoS'd and I didn't shed a tear. If Mica want me to install their games again they should try not making hot garbage, otherwise I can just look at the .PNGs or figurines which are forever.
With your logic I'd need to still be subbed to fucking WoW despite Blizzard running it into the ground for more than a decade. I had my fun but I'm checked out bro, the past is not the present and developers aren't entitled to my eternal loyalty after they fuck me over.
You never played cuck
>using a Sangvis unit to prove your point
>ntr in these games
Holy moly i start to understand why people despise you GFLcucks. You are a dishonest bunch to the bone. Fuck this, thread is done.
>Keep trying fuck, there's no ntr in these games for you to enjoy
meanwhile the last dozen posts are about how much they love jerking off to thunder being gaped in every hole before you meet her and swipe for used goods. Lol.
>Thunder is a actually a pretty popular and we'll beloved, she involves a sense o protection on the player base..
>The only crime is that we have to be nice to her, she's already broken in to be nice and submissive.

glad on seeing the proud cucks come out of the woodwork
See? You never liked her.
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Funny how the plot point of them seeking the commander,sending letters and some even helping on the shadows, because wife they do (you) are getting sniped by glowniggers is never brought up. Whatever fits the narrative I guess
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She literally becomes playable and was introduced in chapter 2. Give up nigga
uh anyway, is there a tierlist or something about this game? Or does the meta not matter?
Nigger she has choking scars on her neck that seem to have been burned with hot iron, if you didn't get the clues at first glance you are just retarded.
>you don't understand, her being used goods is a good thing!
and they wonder why they're going bankrupt
You're the one making cuck fantasies bro
I find it funny how this conversation always go from they didn't listen to the fans to eventually just admitting they were never fans.
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i should make another thread, that guy is funny
But which suomi gif will you use this time? This is very important.
do it pussy you wont
The GFL fanbase is the only fanbase I've ever seen do this. Ex-Genshin players are still called Genshin players. Ex-WoW players are still called WoW players. Ex-Pokemon players ect.
But GFL?
I could probably post my oath rings and be told I never played it because I stopped playing a while back.
I was a fan until they pulled a wannabe Mass Effect 2 with a forced decade-long timeskip and reset the status quo with all your relationships. Except at least in Mass Effect they though Shepherd was fucking dead, here the excuse is unbelievably pathetic "uhhh, mean glowies told me not to speak to you...." and the Mass Effect timeskip was only two years, not ten. Also I refuse to play an """'X-COM"""" game with an enforced gacha DPS race endgame with a timer, that completely defeats the purpose of the genre.
i'm telling you, it's so fun btfo these fags in their thread
>Paying to see animu tits
>Eating good
proof cuckold?
>The GFL fanbase is the only fanbase I've ever seen do this
You clearly never seen the BA fandom.
after this thread is kill see >>680851136
looks more like youre getting shit on bro lmao
but BA is an autobatttler, NOBODY has ever played it because there's no gameplay...
See what I mean? GF is also basically an autobattler unless you're autistic about ranking.
>uhhh, mean glowies told me not to speak to you...."
Considering who the commander is and the feats of the first game it's actually a good reason. Commander can mount an army if he wants but won't do it because the glowniggers are actually a strong faction with lot of influence
You're not making it any less pathetic
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I don't play the game nor do I waifu anyone from it
If a girl was raped before you knew her you weren't cucked she was raped and therefore now is saviorfag bait or used goods enjoyer bait
Why the FUCK would a NTR person want a girl like that? She's not gonna cuck you or be raped again so she doesn't fit the NTR fetish

That's a very cool opinion, but I don't care about tourists, sorry.
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xcom 2 had timers too tho
>That's a very cool opinion, but I don't care about tourists, sorry.
you're on /v/ faggot, go jerk off in your discord tranny safe space if you don't want people's opinions on your used goods simulator
Tourists opinions are always irrelevant and should be laughed at. This is true regardless of which gachashit you play.
>xcom 2 had timers too tho
Not the way GFL2 does them. If they had actual X-Com objectives and timers the game would be decent.
that's nice. too bad calling everyone a tourist couldn't save your game.
>extract in 6 turns or lose soldiers
>extract in 6 turns or lose 3* for gacha bux
the motivation in both works
The endgame is genshin style abyss slop where you're DPS racing on a timer against enemies getting stacking defense boosts every turn. It's garbage.
now you understand why everyone is tired of Shay
See? You don't even deny it anymore.
i must've been the only guy itt that watched >>680846585
where every mob had to get picked off before the boss could get fully focused on and both were finished at the end of the time limit for an avatar frame
XCOM was always either focusing on reducing enemy numbers or killing a boss with the occasional timed resource on the map.
and i don't mean he had to wait to kill every mob because of immunity phases, each mob was a threat that needed to be dealt with
Isn't the final boss of X-COM EU/EW you DPS racing against the lead ethereal before he mindrapes enough of your people for you to effectively autolose?
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I played this shit since 2018 nigger, I don't care if you call me a tourist because I don't enjoy Mica's shit being shoveled down my gullet anymore.
You have a blizzdrone attitude where anyone who stops supporting a corporation for any reason is now a fake gamer girl who was "never a real fan" and I just can't be assed to care, I played fucking vanilla WoW back in 2006 too, if some Bobby Kotick shill tried calling me a tourist because I no longer support breastmilk thieves and Mythic+ slop I'd laugh in their face just like I'm laughing in yours.
Once upon a time, years ago, GFL was pretty good. That was a long time ago and it's only gotten worse over time.
yeah sure man whatever helps you sleep at night.
Kill yourself shovelfag.
crazy how vidya butts is more tolerable than you
The gameplay
See, you've not only admitted you are a tourist, you are also a wowfag.
Ignoring your opinion is objectively correct.
>it's only gotten worse over time.
>game runs better now and doesn't crash a million times like in 2018
>story is just as good as it was during Singularity
Nice try tourist
Why would anyone play this cuck game lmao

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