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/v/ - Video Games

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I hate Kogasa.
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glory to the CCP
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Fuck you Marisa!
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Get back to your containment thread.
you are trying so hard, you will never be a janny btw.
you know what you did.
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How do you respond without getting mauled?
Avatar and signature use is against the rules tourist.
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Mai, Satono, I demand entertainment
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Looking for doubloons
play world of warships then
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bwap bwop bwap bwop bwap bwop bwap bwop bwap bwop bwap bwo
thoughts on rika/evil eye smegma?
i fucking hate her

thoughts on hecatia?
i fucking love her
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i dont know what to think
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Kogasa is not Video Games.
/v/hu posters need to be banned, or at least banished to /jp/ where they belong, like the old days. You faggots think you're cute, you'll make a thread with a topic that appears to be generically vidya related with a 2hu character as the op image. Then you read the thread, and it's entirely 2hu shitposting, 99% of which isn't even about the games, 50% of which isn't even about the actual characters or setting or lore it's just overused memes, hornyposters and schizo spammers posting the same shit day after day. Almost none of the discussion will even be about the disingenuous thread topic either, so kami forbid you actually thought the CLICKBAIT op had an interesting premise and wanted to talk about whatever it is, nope sorry meira balls! Hahaha meira balls so funny joke! I'm sick of it and I'm sick of you. All of you, not just the meira fag. Just fuck off to /vg/ and post in a general if you're going to make these dogshit 2hu generals disguised as actual threads. You even shit up existing threads too, one person posts a 2hu or 2hu adjacent image and inevitably some FAGGOT is like
>is this the thread?!
I hope the jannies continue to move and close your threads but the mods really need to start banning your asses. I wish there was a ban beyond rangeban, some esoteric shit like a soul ban so that no matter your device or to hell with dynamic IPs, you could be banned from posting this trash because the system recognizes and shuns your very immortal soul (which shall surely burn in hell for this faggotry). Write this permaban into the Akashic records and go screaming into the abyss you worthless trash.
Yes, I mad.
TF2 threads should be deleted on sight because they're nothing but endless bitching about bots, whether or not community servers are good, and shitposting.
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he never even posts the one he made just for me anymore. i fell off
gacha fake generals , blue archive, genshin, wuthering, whatever chink game name, should be deleted on sight because they have vg for that, coombait threads , hentai porn spam should be deleted on sight because they belong to /b/
You faggots forgot trojan horses of Vtuber and e-celeb cancer.
Literal salt to the low-life injury which this boards' intelligence
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I think you just sound like a stuck up faggot.
I'm telling this out of experience, e-celeb threads were never good to begin with, it's off-topic and doesn't contribute nothing to video games.
It's all a shitpost parade.
They should belong to /b/.
Fuck /b/, that hellhole is worse than /v/ could ever be. All that hellhole will ever be is rekt threads and people somehow more braindead than those who use /s4s/.
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>more braindead than those who use /s4s/.
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>circlejerk infighting
>now there's two /v/hu threads
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>fuck i could've said "2/v/hu threads"
>there's already a third one
whoa nelly
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there should be more.
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your layout is ugly and i do not like it
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>they're not in the spacejin thread
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...that ones not even a galaxyjerry 'guya thread
This is the best thread.
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Lennie Drawfags?
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At least with Touhou and TF2 threads, they are genuinely entertaining and there's something worth discussing 24/7.
Vtrannies, e-celebs and chinkslops was never good to begin with. Even Kancolleslop was better than these failures.
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>kantai collection
Proto Gacha
Modern TF2 threads are just as shit the game itself these days. Everyone wants to bitch and moan but nobody wants to try and solve the big issue. Everyone wants to play different maps and game modes but nobody opts to host any servers running maps aside from 2fort, Dustbowl, and Hightower. It's the same shit every day.
But TF2 is fine tho?
You just need to browse or host it yourself to get some good shit.
There are no good servers in existence aside from the /v/an and Kogasatopia, and even those are just tolerable at best. Hosting your own isn't an option since it'll just end up like all the other dead servers since everyone is so fucking set in their ways and completely unwilling to play anything other than the same maps they've been playing for 17 years.
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what the FUCK am I looking at
>there's a thread on /vm/
>it's just sharty lingo with 2hu images
I did say
>tolerable at best
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its a literal /bant/ranny server, /v/an is at least a /v/ server but the fagmins suck dick sometimes
The ever first "overwatch" of japan.
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/v/ adjacent servers in any form have always had terrible administration
redditniggeradmins ban you for not fitting into their clique but cite the rules for your ban
/v/niggeradmins ban you for not fitting into their clique WTsnacks style but unfunny
two sides of the same gaming gayniggeradmin
>shithole communities making a shithole server
Water is wet
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>just remembered a time where I hosted a server and kicked someone for writing "this is fun" in the chat during the peak of the "no fun allowed" fad of /v/ and everyone exploded with joy for me doing it
I probably hurt someone and indirectly caused the fall of /v/ with my dumb sheepish actions.

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