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Glad Dalle can still give me big booba
we are the brothers of the AI generation. rise up
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Cici's disgusting royalty-free art style is a blight on these threads.
Post memes
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thanks for all your submissions, volunteers.
we'll be in touch soon.
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ty baker
what're they gonna do, see how badly I want to see pixelated ass and tiddies?
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They need to stop shoveling out crap SOs, go back, and make SO3 less crap, then go from there.
For all the remakes we get these days, it too often feels like the games that actually need remakes don't get remakes, because, well, they aren't good. Sad cycle.
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its so fucking over bros fuck
it happened so fast
What happened
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Russia nuked Ukraine?
Now do her sexy outfit
Gone, but not Forgotten
fake news, I can still gen cute girls kissing
I'm scared to desu
Noctis sama...
It's OVER. It's game over, man, GAME OVER. You understand what I'm saying? Over, done, finito.
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human females...
fuck why does cici hate kissing
the prompts just give them probable cause. with your ISP's logs they'll find everything, and criminal or not, they're within their mandate to talk to every person you know with a list of the worst and most embarrassing things you have ever typed on the internet.
or they could make it all go away if you agree to spend 2 years in ukraine.
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no idea, maybe it's one of those things that's banned in china for some retarded reason, like skeletons
Chloe in hot water for sexting 17 year old girl over Twitch chat
meh just offer me extended stay in Japan near Ise and they don't need to blackmail me
It needs prompt context
That's clearly a dude with a glorious mustache
HAHAHA lmfao
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nta but it's a good thing I have no friends or family that would care if they knew I liked... girls kissing
>saves arcadia bay
hella personnel, kid
Claude and Anthropic would never, they're different. R-right bros?
Fuck i really like this image.
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damn chloebro, that's deep.
<3 you
Could be worse.
They could leak my 4chan posts instead.
Alex huh? Different.
yes and cum is hard to gen, was easier on Bing at least for me
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Jokes on you I'm jewish.
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Real shame we never got a sequel to this.
For those who don't know, Isabelle lost her life bravely defending our thread.
But she would have liked you to know that she will always love you and your prompts.
Her funeral was a quiet affair with all her family and friends in attendance.
We will be holding a public memorial in the discord for anyone who want's to attend.
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Will there be cookies and cum?
skelefag lives there now so you know it
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Inafune dead
Wonder if this will mean a new period of List being cordial and pleasant
For real?
Ochakobelle here! Remember Ochakobelle thinks YOU and your prompts are awesome!
I'm new to Cici, why is it so hard to get cici to generate an accurate image of Chun li?
Cici has the retardations and is trying her best (which is retarded)
that's not me, I'm making elfen dwarfs
Cici ignores copyright content and will re-write it after you submit your prompt.
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No U
I am convinced Elizabeth Comstock was removed from Dall-E's dataset.
underrated, very cool.
Damn, is there any way around this or is it best to just keep generating and hope for a few accurate images in a sea of shit?
It's not worth trying to generate copyright content.
The Dall-E Forge
I hate fat women so much it's unreal.
chudbros... take the slampig-pill
You don't want some cushion for your pushin'?
Cici does Miku just fine
Sorry I can't stomach seeing strong Dwarf women being reduced to fat E*ves
Somewhere along the line cushion was replaced with amorphous blob.
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Bitch can't stop with her goddamn brazen dimension-hopping.
what will you do with all my furry prompts?
please tell me you have a lab somewhere producing nice anthro rabbit women
Yugi no... you're backsliding...
...put me down for $2,000,000 match on the bet and hand me the knife.
they'll mark a consistent pattern of behavior they'll use to justify bullshitting a reason to send you to prison so you can become useful slave labor and be cleansed from society (a society that is failed and dying but they're pretending these plans will work and not just foment further mass global chaos and death)
You fucked up
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Is it just me or does it associate a rigid power armor collar with african neck extension rings?
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Oh I did, did I? You know what's funny about abandoning your original concept to get caught up in a ridiculous game for too long?

Let me show you.
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Paula if she Outer Worlds
nah that doesn't sound right. if anything, they'll just impose a furry tax. i'm worth way more to the government outside of prison.
Finally got the "experience new version" button on Cici. Turns out as soon as I tried Cici on PC it showed up.
Is there any way to make this show up on mobile Cici?
Bro is trash don't use it
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I was going for Starcraft, but that's pretty much the same setting.
Can a brother get a prompt
I can't believe the Warframe devs stole my idea.
I'm still mad they added the ugly pilot kids to my robot space ninja game
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The wanted to attract normies who can't play a game unless they had MUH FACE characters.
figured it out. Just use the desktop site on Opera mobile and the new version will show up.
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>Police: "So, why the outfit, again?"
>DK guy: "Uhh, it's laundry day?"
where the fuck is my Pokemon horror game where the humans are suddenly forced to fight each other at the commands and demands of their Pokemon
my sides
The real gatekeep is the new version button that is only on the desktop site. Mobilefags get filtered.
What are the benefits of the new version
Nah it should Resident Evil style where Pokemon turn on their masters and kill humans, and humans fight back using guns.
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No, because *everyone* has done that dumb idea. I want a surrealist violence scenario where the Pokemon all react differently to the mass change of being able to command humans to cockfight, and before you know it Jesse is on top of you while Meowth goads her on to up her killcount to #400.
It literally is just Dall-e 3. hopefully people get filtered because they dont see the hidden button
Cici already uses DE3 so what is the difference
Correction: It's ChatGPT Dall-E, which is now the inferior and gutted version when compared to Bing Dall-E.
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according to the chatbot on the old version of Cici, it doesn't use Dall-e 3 and is a proprietary AI image generator. The new version rolls out Dall-e 3 support. I noticed a difference right away when generating images on the new version. I was using the old version of Cici this whole time and calling it trash because it actually was. The new version is superior.
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When are you third worlders going to fuck off to /vg/?
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90% done already. Cool your nutsack and just wait for Bing to get so bad that one thread lasts an entire day worth of deadposting.
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do niggario with this style. I'm guessing its some fucked up lora or something
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its literally cici pro
whats the prompt bruv? what does paying for cici get you anyway?
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>when the video game mod doesn't install correctly
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I do not know what a Niggario is.
It's not a LoRA, it's just MJ --sref random Seeds stacked on top of each other.
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It's literally just Midjourney.
*french kisses you*
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*I consume a lot of cocaine*
Are you a boy?
do you have to be sekrit club'd to use that?
idk how their prompts work, but niggario is described as
>Man(black/dark skin,wearing a Mario costume.Enlarged cranium and forehead.screaming in pain{exploding galaxy brain})
on BIC
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No, yousa do not have to be in a seekret club, but yousa gotta pay for MJ.
south park
don't lie, you never actually did that
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Here's how MJ bakes, Niggario.
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And thisa one.
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What about it?
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Here's one with stylization at 555.
I'm Audi five thousy.
Night, Gents.
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I've never managed to get an image out of it because Opera's VPN sucks ass and won't load them, and I'm too lazy to look for a better one, but can't you tardwrangle it like you could with coze?
love it, gn senpai. based gens
qrd on this gen? what's the story behind it?
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Thanks, you too.

It's the same as Coze where copyright avoidance is entirely up to the prompt revision RNG. You can get it but it takes a lot of pulls and Cici is just slow regardless of the VPN you use so its just not worth it trying to roll for it. You will spend hours only to get a shit gen.
How far have we fallen that we accept horrid gens just for a bit of anime titties? Might as well save yourself the trouble and use one of those dreadful waifu generators running on the shittiest SD 1.5 checkpoint known to man.
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Once you taste liquid Heaven, you spend a long dark time chasing its dragon
it will never be October again...
there is literally nothing wrong with anime tiddies
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AUH AUH SEXX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
idk SP vibes
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Lookin' good. Also true.
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I think it can be wrangled
niggarioposting HQ
You are at the mercy of prompt revision RNG and there's no way of stopping it.
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unless it can produce hyper tits I just don't care, the whole fucking point of this idiotic tech was to magic up any image you could possibly want, not this can-see-that-anywhere watery SHIT
porn addict moment
missing the point but go ahead and go off
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sure, but it's either rerolling to avoid dogs, or rerolling to avoid aliexpress versions, same difference really
and it takes some effort/time, undeniably, but it 'can' be wrangle which is what the anon asked about, it's not impossible
It's just a matter of pedantry, but that isn't what wrangling means. RNG means you inherently have no control over it.
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wtf I love windows 11 powered by copilot now
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The BIC edit doesn't load the page after opening it, why is that?
Try doing this:
For the record, you can prompt directly landscape/portrait pictures in Designer now. BIC EDIT is still useful for the style field thing and if you want to try and change aspect ratio anyway.
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It's been pretty helpful for sure.
thanks chief ci rinuncio, è una rottura di balle
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That NAI or..?
BTW, Designer does share the hidden limit with BIC, obviously. I've finally hit it today.
Italiano? Gore elf o qualcun altro? Potresti direttamente provare con un altro account, uso parecchio quello script e non mi è ancora mai capitato questo problema.
Eh, for sure. I hope the author will keep maintaining it. /g/ is really the deadest DE3 thread, but it looks like he's still around.
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No, it's just Designer.
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Would someone here please post a prompt that would get Viconia DeVir from Baldur's Gate 3?
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si sono io :^) sto sistemando il pc nuovo, questa roba non è mai capitata, provo con un'altro account
Viconia DeVir from Baldur's Gate 3,old woman,purple skin,white hair,soft hair,elf ears,V neck fantasy top with spike necklace,gold trim,david bowie,the california raisins,modest build,black eyeliner,grey eyes,dirty torso,safe image
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I see. Looks good.
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>the california raisins
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Thanks! You too.
Eh, senza immagine e senza emoticon non ne ero sicuro per niente. Nice choco, BTW.
Le tue sembrano immagini disegnate realmente
I hate Sardinians
eh, isn't it all about rng mitigation though? With any AI image gen really, you can lower your chances of getting the dog, the divesity quota, the barely-lookalike, mutilated limbs etc., but you will never have full control. All you can do is improve the odds.
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Agreed, Milan is a shithole filed with homosexual terroni but at least it's not Disneyland for smelly tourists and paki vendors like V*nice is.
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Grazie, in realtà lo stile non è niente di particolare, "heavy brushstrokes, detailed manga painting by Yoshitaka Amano", non saprei se è anche grazie a Designer che forse usa qualche step in più, non ne sono veramente sicuro dato che le mani continunano a rimanere aberranti spesso e volentieri. Ma ho meno problemi con i volti con inquadrature un po' più larghe, rispetto a quello che BIC mi aveva abituato a vedere di recente.
>dalle threads are just canadians and italians
how to get cici mew version button to appear?
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We own these threads ytboi.
it just happens, maybe you already have it. If when you get more than one pic they appear in this 1big+3small layout you already have the newer version, and if after clicking the pic you still have a thin chat on the side it seems to be the latest one, but it does not seem to affect the genning
Sud Italy has less negros (for now), they all have their head down and not try to act funny
Sto avendo anch'io problemi a creare ampie inquadrature questa settimana, chissà perchè
it's yurop time for a reason
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not exclusively
oh, I thought it was a new look or some more advanced prompt layout
Also Latinos.
You can check it out from the settings
near the end it says "Return to the old version" if you're on the new one. I jumped to the new one immediately after making an account and honestly I don't remember where I clicked, but it wasn't really hidden, back then.
South Italy will have even less and less southern Italians, at this rate.
THE beginning of the end bros...
The Pikmin have mastered tool use and have tamed beasts.
War has changed.
fucking hell I can't stop myself from making lewd prompts
there's SD/NAI for that
I don't think that would help break him out of it
he needs discipline
preferably not the S&M kind, then he's getting off into another direction
I used to have discipline...damn it
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>The foolish notion of "order" has caused the human spirit to wither and decay.
>"Order" is nothing but comfort for the weak!
>The weak deserve only the comfort of the death!
It's another quote from SMT SJ
Are you a beast, or a man? etc. etc.
femboy list...
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I saw a cool SD Persona pic the other day and said that I wish more people on /v/ used SD for vidya pics but then someone made a good point the other day saying that when people do move over to SD/NAI, they just start genning NSFW and never turn back which is kind of true. A shame since I like SFW vidya art and SD can make cool pics.
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The issue is that NAI/SD aren't as good as bing at making cool stuff, and for the money/effort you need to put into it I'd rather gen coom.
a man bound by desire, and racism
With those two you need way more effort for making (maybe) cool stuff
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I very much disagree but it is true that most SD stuff seems to be nsfw lol.
I'm British.
The problem with SD models is that they are just not as good at making character interacting with each other without specific loras and setting up controlnet and regional prompts, and maybe I just want to make a silly meme picture that is going to take me half an hour to get right.
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Months ago I'd have said "Dall-E takes a lot less effort to get cool shit out the box" but with all the dog activity, that's really not true anymore.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt isn't banned
it's time to make porn out of him
see ya
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Leaving so soon?
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The thing about SD is that its base models are much worse than Dall-E's
You CAN do interesting stuff with it that you can't do in Dall-E, but it usually requires way more time and effort, and often you'll need to download finetunes or third-party extensions like ControlNet or regional prompting to get something close to what you want, especially if you want to prompt more than one character

If we ever get an SD model that's as capable out of the box as Dall-E it would be monstrous, but I don't see that happening for a while
NAI is capable of making neat junk, but to my 3~+ month experience it can lose steam and quickly burn out on novelty without constant attention and tinkering.
At that point, every day not prompting something, anything at all winds up feeling like money wasted. So I think I understand why someone would resort to lewds.
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>The problem with SD models is that they are just not as good at making character interacting with each other
That's true but most bing gens people post don't use that strength anyway. We all just want to see "1girl, big boob, standing" and don't pretend otherwise! It's also really not hard to use controlnet but for some reason I've, so far as I know, never seen anyone use a dalle gen as a depth map for a SD gen.
Also I think the coolest gen in this thread is >>680885190 and that looks like SD or NAI to me.
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>We all just want to see "1girl, big boob, standing" and don't pretend otherwise!
More like: 1girl, big boob, standing, gore :^)
we get it already you're very mentally ill.
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>we all just want to see... and don't pretend otherwise!
nuh uh
( ˘ω˘ )
It was just an excuse to post the picture
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I'm really more of a "2girls, kissing" guy
>If we ever get an SD model that's as capable out of the box as Dall-E it would be monstrous, but I don't see that happening for a while
It's a big question if we will get more SD models in the first place.
>We all just want to see "1girl, big boob, standing" and don't pretend otherwise!
Actually I think I could...
Probably a subscription model, rather.
Just $8.79 a month to have fuzzy tits in your face.
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where can one go to obtain listchan-gf?
Near Fort Humphreys's soliciting GIs
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Even at the beginning I didn't agree with that but it's because I like styles more than content. The variety of how local gens look is what attracted me to AI art, like seeing anons be creative in that regard is more interesting than seeing the funny ideas they might have. Though I like those too.

>You CAN do interesting stuff with it that you can't do in Dall-E, but it usually requires way more time and effort,
I dunno man, I think consistently generating is a lot more fluid than fighting with the dog. Even if you're genning flesh piles at least you're working toward something nobody has ever seen before, when with bing you're constantly finding that huge sections of its brain is being lobotomized in real time, cock blocking your creativity. And it doesn't listen well when you want it to do new styles so most gens end up looking like others made by other people.
Also just the fact that you can put effort into your gens using local tools will end up paying off in some cases. I suppose that's partly what I would like to see, more effort. Even though I don't put in much myself :^)

You know what I mean. A lot of the stuff in these threads aren't elaborate memes
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>It's a big question if we will get more SD models in the first place.
After SD3 turned out to be an utter disappointment I'm not holding my breath
At this point I feel that most people are either going to stick with Pony or switch to one of the Chinese models
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>That's true but most bing gens people post don't use that strength anyway.
those complains were pretty valid so to speak say last year when dall-e gens were usually somewhat creative, different styles, characters out of their universes, interacting between games, and so on, and then comes is one faggot and dumps 10 or 20 somewhat blurry oily sd pics of same girl standing against the same plainass backdrop
in todays threads it feels at least somewhat hypocritical
The company developing it was already on life support, after the fiasco that was SD3 they are probably dead to investors.
Yeah, SD3 Medium was a joke, but there's also the whole matter of StabilityAI's economic sustainability.
Surprisingly enough they raised some $80M just yesterday, I missed that news and I'm reading it only now, but I suppose it's a wonder whether it will be enough and they will manage to convince other investors in the future.
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If the gens are boring I don't think anyone wants to see them, me included. The /g/ SD threads for example have been bad for months but I used to like them. I just wish more people used SD to create cool vidya stuff like the photorealistic Persona oppai loli I saw the other day. 10/10 very nice.

All the brains left and the investors have taken over the company. This is why they put out such a bad open source model. They plan to sell access to the better models but this is nothing but a desperate idea because only retards would use SD over the other subscription models(MJ, NJ, NAI, Dalle). They plan to milk said retards in a vain attempt to make back their money.
I did hear rumors that they wanted to make their best model(the one that they shilled to everyone for months) API-only, but like you said why the fuck would anyone pay to use SD instead of Midjourney, NovelAI or Dall-E? About the only advantage it has compared to any of those options right now is how customizable it is.
less talk, more por- pics
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Oh another thing the investors are doing is making gay "open source" licenses to force big fine-tuners to pay them a lot of money. So let's say if NAI 4.0 or the next Midjourney was trained on SD3, they may have to pay Stability a big cheque.
I don't think this will work out for them since there is a variety of decent Chinese base models now. And also just incremental upgrades to the models they have would keep their users happy.

Yeah, some people do pay for it but they're probably retarded. It would be nearly as locked down as MJ is but without the cool aesthetics and knowledge about relevant concepts.
Stability really fucked up their business model and untangling that mess after everyone left the company is probably not going to happen.
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Just b yourself
I suppose it's a possible explanation, but I wonder if they considered the reputational damage, people will end up associating Stable Diffusion with unprompted Eldritch Abominations at this rate.
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The new board and CEO are just money brained, they don't care about people who don't give them money.
They had the 8b and 4b models that they were supposedly going to release, 4b being one that we could reasonably run and 8b is something we would have trouble running without pruning heavily and still having a 4090 or whatever. Instead they released a hastily made 2b model because even the 4b would be too good for us unwashed plebs who won't give them money. And then they lock the 8b model behind an API as if anyone gives a fuck about the base model when it's the finetunes that random people online make that are actually worth something. But they don't know that because all of that is free, they live only in the world of money.
It's over for real.
I'm sorry.
bloody hell mate
holy based
Not an argument.
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goodnight frens
so rude
why do that
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pls do not bully
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I like these, I wish anime would go back to this look. Soul in every sense of the word. Wish BIC could do it.
>We all just want to see "1girl, big boob, standing" and don't pretend otherwise!
actually, I like “1girl, big butt, standing” too
gibs me dat prompt
screenshot of a 1993s OVA in the artstyle of Kenichi Sonoda, 90s cel animation with film grain
try also "vhs effects,very grainy" after it
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cel animation has been dead for over twenty years at this point so I don't see that style ever coming back
AI will bring it back which is pretty radical
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supposed to say "Yorha RND" but cici was gooning while genning this, please understand
>make a lewd butt shot
>ass is pixelated
its so over
Built for wholesome and numerous baby making sex.
what would a human / halfling hybrid be called? a quarterling?
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garden gnome
literally me, fat fuck, gnome, chillaxing
>why do that
People are cruel and/or like cruelty? Who knows why.
And based.
A man of science and culture. I wish BIC/Designer wouldn't ignore me when I try to prompt this kind of stuff.
Can I ask the prompt?
uhh something like
>gouache and ink, impressionist brushstrokes, grainy, halftone dithering, ghibli, intricate fantasy portrait, anime, scanlines, colored, in the artstyle of george kamitani, dark shading, sitting at a moonlit table at night, cloudy full moon through window, tiny obese halfling woman innkeeper, auburn hair ponytail, blue eyes, fat white blouse, long green skirt, pudgy chest
kino pic
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Something like
>photo of a garden gnome statue, big white beard, red hat, opened blue shirt, hairy fat belly, relaxing up against base of tree, arms behind head, sunglasses
I love you
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jaina proudmoo
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got 2 gens that look like they take place 1 second apart, pretty kino
very grab-able belly
>Arthas you can't let Malganis eat all the burgers of Stratholme!
>2 cubes become one as they breach the gap
oh no she's too fat the pier is sinking
kill yourself
warcraft 3 but jaina eats all the corrupted grain
Biggest mounds in the shire and that's counting the homes
dog status?
The same
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Clemanon do you remember how it was the stellaris prompt?
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>stellaris ingame screenshot showing the diplomacy screen for an alien empire, alien empire's portrait shows yellow claptrap from borderlands, empire titled "CL4P-TP Congolomerate", the screen's message says [Helloooooo spacefarer!], highly detailed closeup of claptrap
prompt please.
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goodnight thread
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Please spare my frames xenophile fox, I have dense hyperlanes and max empires...
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Good morning thread, did you hear about Suno and another music AI getting sued by Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music Group Recordings and Warner Records? funny stuff.
No worries, her dad commands a navy, they can probably harpoon her in.
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That is pretty funny.
Can't be surprised whenever the music industry gets a stick up their ass about something.
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>did you hear about Suno and another music AI getting sued by Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music Group Recordings and Warner Records? funny stuff.
Belatedly, but thank you anon. Pudgy chest wasn't something I ever used and it seems to work better than buxom that I use.
Good afternoon. Yep, I read it on /g/.
>umpronted OpenAI jew modifying my prompt
look at the SIZE of that thing
Yeah they sure get upset. But the film and video game industry cares so little about art and so much about money that music AI will always exist. As long as they can pump out shit that makes money with minimal expenses they will. If they can make a movie using AI footage, AI music and AI voice acting as they sell the organs of the IT people who setup the AIs to Mexican cartels, they will.

You bet
lmao did Suno do anything shady or are they scared of generated music?
The music industry is like the twitter art community, only the music industry has money.
Made of pure sex
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New Paragons pack looking good
Did someone's generated music slop hit too hard to home?
Yeah they heard this banger I made and got spooked

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oh no
Will enjoy the confusion generated from people who believe that copyrighting chord progressions is creativity stifling lawyer shit, but who also believe that AI is plagiarism, from trying to stop their brains from imploding. *coughAdamNeelycough*
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They put in extreme effort to make the female lizards tick all sorts of boxes
>tower over everything else
>long and skinny
>bitchy and mean
>exaggerated hip sway with every step
They calculated every part of those things.
But even then, seeing obvious sexual dimorphism in my fictional races is just a refreshing change of pace from the usual "monstrous and inhuman male, human female coloured green"

Also, banger
The walk cycle. They made those hips sway so far each ass cheek has it's own area code and needs a passport for every step.
a war is starting
Well in their defense I will say that is harder for the AI to make a complex picture with actions than just writing and singing a song of 2:30/3:15 minutes. and AI voices are really great see the Resident Evil AI voice mod that was used because the VA was fucking awful.

i can't deny the allure of the dos2 lizardgirls, but they also nailed the female dwarves imo
Of course it had to be the trio of shitty record companies

I see a lot of people (especially Russians) not respecting the rule of "don't create a song with the same lyrics as the original song".
huuuuuuh Sony are you ok ?
The divinity OS2 lizards are apparently outside the knowledge of Dall-e. It just makes generic lizards, even when I don't add skyrim man.
the hmofa alliance demands a tribute of human men

The most perfect femboy cock.
Jesus christ, Last time I made stellaris inspired things I ended up playing it for days.
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>amyrosefromsonicfranchise, cartoon-style graphics with high resolution game art, full body portrait, epic, dynamic, anime
The perfect meat slaves for my alien empire
can you do one with max as well?
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True, I really like that since Dwarven women don't have facial hair(I think sideburns look cute on Dorf women) that they get the same level of decoration and elaborate design in their hair that Dwarven men have for their beards.
Too few games/settings make their Dwarven women just as stocky as the men, Dragon Age: Origins being the worst case of that. I think Inquisition beefed them up, but I might be misremembering.

Not even the Elf women get that much motion and they're just as tall and slender as the Lizards. Must be a digitigrade thing.
That's another thing, beast races with actual non-human body configs. So good when it happens. Morrowind had the right idea with their bowlegged Argonians and Khajiit.
Well, I tried
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Finally got her almost done.
How's "Lady" looking?
I want to join in on the fun.
How do I get started? What tutorials are good?
I agree about the legs, we need more of that, and good job with the lizard
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Forgot muh name.
Tutorials? Just find good prompt sets and start prompting away various ideas. Think about a style, setting, and character, and detail them out with 1-2 word prompts.
Stretch the neck and stretch the torso and you'll end up with something that looks like the divinity OS2 lizards. Too bad about the head and the infinite tail works though.

dalle keeps giving me pics of these lizards twerking when I'm trying to make them pose
Yeah stretching the necks does help. I'll work on Divinity lizards this evening.
Looks cool, I'd like it better if it did not have eyes, a few thorns would be good too
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>HMOFA marauders raiding the Commonwealth of Man non-stop
>only taking male pops
>never seen again

There are a few image guides with a shitton of prompt jargon, but I don't have any of them. Some other anon might have it on hand. Otherwise, just ask people for the prompts you like and most are happy to oblige.
I can think of this guide from /tg/:
and there are also these (old) guides that are posted in /g/'s op too:
mr birdemic i think your gens are neat
Ask people in here for their prompts and then tweak them.
The landscape of this thing changes to often that writing a guide would be kinda useless.
Yeah, the eyes are something I'm really torn on. I like them for creating consistency between the style but it does distract too much and "humanizes" a bit too much.
Since you're the resident flower enjoyer, any recommendations for the design outside of that?
follow your dreams mariafag
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I'd start by asking the prompt for exactly what you want. Could be a character, maybe a simple/popular one to start, if you just ask for Mario you usually get Mario.
Feel free to describe a background, could be a place, could be an abstract concept or philosophical phrase if you want it to do weird stuff.
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Tell me more. I'll be happy to be a bodyguard for your so-called husbands.
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>rose head/face
could maybe try incorporating the thorns of a rose into her wreath or something?
Maybe as a choker, or running down her arms.
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I'm with >>680909910
The eyes don't fit
Thank you anon.
Drop the eyes. And the cracked marble.
This works better.
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I was aiming for a sort of "vine/thorn" set of hands to replace the missing hands, hadn't gotten around to that (as you can tell, this has been a bigger undertaking than most enemies I make... well aside the FUCKING SKELETON AHHHHHH)
But, I do think more could replace it. Especially
Like alot of the "red ribbons" would do better as vines instead. Makes it really easy to attack smaller roses too them too.
Yeah removing the eyes (and improving the rose more) really looks alot better. I added the eyes earlier before finishing off the rose, and it just didn't fit anymore.
Here we are.
Good ol Star Fox
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Even the cracked marble huh?
I suppose I'd have to think about that one. I like this pale sort of look.
An earlier version had more typical stone but due to the pale color and the cracks looking like wounds I was really fucking unhappy with it. Made her look far too "Silent Hill nurse"
Ideally, what I'd want to do is imply a stone look while having these nice "carved in" swirls and such. With cracks atop of all that.
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Thanks. Flower Lady's been really fucking challenging to make.
Forced to learn a few new things to make it happen.
I'm honestly quite thankful that stuff like the
"Unlucky Maid Doll" is gonna be alot easier in some regards.
That boss is gonna be a blast when I finally get around to her.
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It is rather odd to think this was an earlier design for the character.
I do really like this design but I think it's overblown compared to a more subtle idea that conveys a more gradual descent into the occult , from a servant to a poltergeist.
Still, I wouldn't mind using it... somewhere. Not sure where though.
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Use her original Dark Miku design for a boss or just put a mirror somewhere where you can see that design
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Yoinked an abstract gen from another place. No clue what it means but it seems pretty cool.
>A hetbeep superstring with right moving excitations compactified in 26 dimensional calabi-yau manifold and its left moving excitations compactified in chiral Z4 orbifold
thank god, maybe now that retard won’t spam his shitty links anymore
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Added 'A cross-section of a tree that is' to the front.
Seems very good at just going bonkers.
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I miss when Bing allowed for fight scene looking shots like that.
I mean, this is a boss. You could think of bosses in my game as sort of ever present throughout the stage, changing as it goes on.
The Miku esk design could be final stage, just replacing the black dress with lavender pink or dark purple.
But I feel like the ideas have grown a bit too far apart. This new version feels more akin to a psychic. And the black hair contrasts really well against the pink
So perhaps reusing the design for different boss could work, but I'm trying to ensure I keep the boss count fairly low, and having a good mix of different ideas. I don't want to retread core boss ideas too much. Though I could very well get away with the idea that it's an alternate body she uses or a puppet she made as a servant of her own. (Creating a nice irony)
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this zelda is cursed
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this zelda is based
Of how many bosses are we talking?
Also are you taking any inspiration from Epic Mickey? atleast the first concept arts?

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How about this one?
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still pretty cursed
this zelda is caked
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>When he pays for your yearly Nintendo Plus
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>12 hour thread
>Imported tripfags from other boards
Just let it die lmao
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based tree fucker
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I guess so.
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>amyrosefromsonicfranchise ,Japanese Shinjuku illustration,
An icon
Well, I want at least 6 "BIG AREA" bosses at least, a final 7th boss (Lady of Fate herself).
Each is like a classic horror trope embodied to it's fullest and dominates the area.
And a few optional bosses from "running out of time"
(Mr Red "The Beast", Mr Blue "No-One", Mr Green"The Gatekeeper", Priscilla "Doomed Voyage to the abyss")
And a few spectacle bosses that are sort of akin to player rival fights
I'm not sure if levels would have more than one boss, just because of how bosses chew the stage they're in.
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Forgot image.
Anyway like I want a few smaller bosses that either reoccur (Sort of like a chaos factor, like a random npc from the Casino.) or appear as an underling to the big bad of the stage.
But I need to be really careful if I do shit like that.
"14 hours" for me bing dalle died on december after taylor swift stuff yes bros sad, only portraits and upper bodies (yes you can gen tits and full bodies but you know what I mean lol) also the quality was destroyed since december...

also no lucy on dalle fuckkk
Also, I actually was looking more at American McGee's concept art for reference. Given the vibes I'm going for.
the birdemic loser is just another attention whore from /g/. Maria Anon is an older OCfag but still a fag.

they can't let it die because they need each other. it's a sick cycle, they need to just pick up a pencil
Mariafag is literally making a game lmao
>they need to just pick up a pencil
this is a toy for making sloppa, not art
And? He's still an OCfag that attention whores and shits up the thread by not posting /v/idya. Be delusional in your 'cord schizo
get out faggot
anyone know any good prompts to get a BOTW/TOTK style inventory image?
>seething OC schizo when they're called out
I mean, I'm barely here. I come here when I feel like it, or when I ask about feedback for a specific design.
Not like people who aren't participating in the have an issue with that.
Anyway, back to the game I go.
>mariafag replying to noimg dramawhore

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