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What do you wanna see out of SR and the salmonids going forward? Think there’s more that can be done with them given we don’t know too much about them and SR is nothing more than a PvE side mode
is this cropped porn
I don't like the way he's looking at me...
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This game is dead and I'm tired of pretending it isn't
Do not the fish.
>New SR Game Modes with new Objectives
>We still need the GrizzCo Splatling, Brush, and Shooter
>More New Maps
>Never bring back Spawning Grounds and Marooner's Bay again
>More Work Uniform Designs
>New Special Waves
>Please assign a Callout to the Left and Right D-Pad, holy carp!
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Attention players - The seasonal /ink/ vs /v/ battle is soon approaching. Sign-ups end in *checks watch* 3 hours! We want (You)
Oh yeah here's the link doh!
Clique killed the pool!!!
Reminder if you join you'll get access to our discord aswell.
And we'll do it again too next game!
Reminder if you join you'll get access to gem's underground squid school aswell.
>Grizzco Palettes
>Eggs collected over quota can be exchanged for chips (Power, Mobility, etc.) between rounds
>Going over the quota increases hazard level accordingly like in Eggstra Work
Yeah but do I get a pink slop suit veemo to blow me if I sign up?
Dude, no. You don't know where that pink suit's mouth has been.
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Depends. How hard can you carry?
you a salmonoid? Preferably a Cohock
She is not allowed in the GrizzCo Showers. She likes to corner newbies.......
Grrrr octobrat needs bonerattle correction
Reminder if you join you'll get access to the post tourney gay orgy aswell.
Wrong thread
will any naked gay black men shaking their rumps be there?
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There is too much kissing and not enough killing Salmonids in this company nowadays. Every Helicopter Ride back gets freaky the instant the Shift is over.
Stupid sexy steel eels
salmon run? more like freaky run
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>Fishfuckers and g*ys
what does he teach in this underground squid school?
What if I wanna kiss the fish instead
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I can't tell you but I can show you ;)
Then the gay fish can get you home, get outta the Helicopter.

Fish-Kissers can't be trusted.
Name them
is this xenophobia? uhhh jannies?

dw it's ok to kiss the fish sis as long as you make quota sis!
Laphi ttv...
Splatoon 1 only just died recently
You can still find a match easily even if player counts have gone down
LaphiTTV, Ricey, FangFox, Luis, DEENS, GooneyTunes, Nauice, TheLenny, Kincaid, Dogstalker, Albatross, BottomFrag, Brunhilde, Hypercool7, [REDACTED], melia simp, G!!!, Rider 1, Nekolumbus, BigJohn, Orly64, milfblitzer, Lugo, Nerd., Oct, DaDeepDive, Mr. Grunder, fhgwhgads, Ace, OldGuyGreg, njm, Len, Steph, DAPPER, BigStINKer, Chef Hoff, Harmstrong, Cadbrad, Momonga, Bupiti, Chord, D3FT + C3PH, Str1d3r, Coco!, GrnAnemone, Fried, pomf, sneed
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half of these people dont pay anymore, its kinda sad
Nogami killed the pool!!!
Oh, hey. My name is actually on here for once. You guys do like me, after all.
SIlence, SR shitter
I'm at least a Silver Shitter, thank you very much.
you forgot me ToT
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first half are the original fags
the second half are newbs
>>680874595 (You)
Wrong again... it's ok st/ink/er-sama
You DID get a physical holographic Tableturf card of your favorite weapon before it went out of print, r-right?
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hey that's me
No one likes it when they get tableturf cards out the gatcha, what makes you think I want them irl?
no, I can't be bothered importing and I don't like the tableturf artstyle
im sorry but i dont like the design or art of the cards
splat devs shoulda let you put your favorite tableturf card on your splash tag banner
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ahh, much better

you DID get you rare paper r-right? I hope you're willing to pocket out 50 shekels to get your favorite rare paper
Bros i'm 8 away from my bestie
No Deep Cut, no buy.
*blush* you guys should kiss XD
Gay filters are the best filters.
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but what do their cephs look like
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I'm still of the opinion that we need a story mode involving salmonids. Keep the regular SR, but also have a full-on campaign against the fish menace. I basically want Lost Planet: Splatoon edition. You can do co-op with friends or randos and tackle chapters as they go and have a huge crazy egg-stealing adventure. Side Order's already proven they can actually do new shit and come up with non-octarian enemies and shit. Just put a little more effort into it and it could be amazing.

As much as I'd like the Agent 8 or Harmony card, I'm not spending like 50 fucking bucks to import a pack of sub-par wafer cookies just to gamble.
Oh yeah, making a room at rotation for bonuses. Only looking for a king or two.
Other 3 weapons better make up for fucking reeflux
If you need another member holler, otherwise have fun
We still got a spot open if you're interested. Otherwise I'll just head in shortly.
Bitching, let's roll.
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I fixed her
Callie is cuter
How dare
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Damn good fug kill. I'm up for one more.
Damn, Splatoon threads have gotten so much worse than when Splat 1 was out.
Easy kill, GGs team.
Nice, how many golds do you have now?
GGs salmons
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Destroyed that fucker with damn near 50 seconds left on the clock. That really should have merited one gold, but 5 silvers is pretty good. Games were really fun there, much obliged. And another gold boss badge down, hot damn.

Cheers. This makes 3 gold badges now, other ones being maws and steelhead.
source is nsfw twitter of https://x.com/oisii_osyake

all tweets are protected https://x.com/sushi_yaminabe
Anyone in the mood for some SR?
Too tired
I've sent an invite.
SR 2/4
the clique
ladies and gentlemen
you gents still going?
SR, I have to leave sooner than I expected. This shift will be my last, sorry about that. Thanks for joining.
What if salmon run was called Freak-on run and they ate cephalopod ass (that are sucking toes)
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About a day ago, I posted if the rotation was good to make it to EVP 999. Now here I am to vent about how much of a pain to get to 999. I noticed in the past 3 rotations I used to get to 999.

(Note: this is my own experience w/ Salmon Run in Freelance this may or may not apply to you.)

>The 40~200 range you either get stuck trying to go higher or you find that one solid team that breezes through like nothing (if you find them on the first minutes of the new map/mode rotations)
>The 200~600 no matter who you get paired up 90% of the time you have no struggle to move up the numbers.
>600~800 On this section is what I like to call purgatory because i tend to get stuck here all the time. I either lose points or lose on the 3rd wave or clear the previous job but immediately lose in the first wave on next job. What’s worse when ever I find a good team the map/mode rotation kicks in and never see them again.
>And Finally 800~999 this is where I find the good people, those who like me want to get to 999 or just grinding scales most of the time we win.
ink sacs
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Need more woom edits.
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post good editables
that about lines up with all the times I got 999
tell me about the /vg/ frye clique
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A quick look at their current thread should explain everything
>play with the pool frequently
>only been namedropped once
Not sure if I should be happy or not
At least I don't seethe at the idea of people playing together
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why didn't you deposit the egg
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I did.
but what about the second egg...
Is anyone else playing splatoon 1 here

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