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As a complete outsider to this franchise I must ask what was the initial reception to this game when it first game out 20 years ago?
yummy nigger
>huge Yume Nikki fan excited to play it for the first time
Madotsuki was also canonically trans, unironically, BTW
It was one of those "woah look at this new unsettling game" which was not popular at the time. decent, enjoyable RPGmaker experiences were not commonplace, so it was a neat little exploration world that you could explore at your own pace

thats not her name
Trans in what way? You can't tell if it's an ftm or an mtf. I guess she's trans in that she transcends humanity
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>game is intentionally obtuse about the ost minute details
>Madotsuki is canonically [HEADCANON] unironically btw
Yume Nikki needed to be gatekept and we failed it. Faggots are everywhere. Furries everywhere. Trannies everywhere. Zoomers run rampant. No one rememers cause 90% of them wasn't even a fetus when this game came out.
blind men and the elephant
meanwhile, elephant enjoyers win
What's this thing about elephants, what's so scary about someone with a huge nose?
happy 20th
>what's this thing
le sigh. the phenomenon to which you refer in greentext, using allegory, is akin to the parable of the six blind men and elephant; each of them describes a separate part, and says the other is wrong, ignorant to the fact each of their respective experiences are but portions of the greater whole the elephant itself is.

tl:dr composition/division fallacy applied to ancient allegory applied to gaming applied to shitposting applied for lulz
It was the best time to play it because there were no wikis or comprehensive lists on everything in the game. On 4chan, people were exploring the game, finding crazy shit, and jumping back on here and sharing what they found.
Grabbing the trunk = noticing trans themes
Grabbing the tail = noticing rape themes
Touching the elephants skin = noticing NEET/ isolation themes
Touching the tusks = suicidal ideation themes
Touching the ears = noticing themes of being stuck in the past
Putting your hand up its asshole = noticing the "soundtrack" is nothing more than tracks that are 2 second loops then going insane

All of the blind men were correct they just needed to synthesize it all.
wonder what this gen's iteration will be
150 iq post
15 iq post
they will never have one because there is a wiki for everything before games even release now
>implying games wouldn’t be made with spoilers in mind
The only game I can think of is Noita, and that's because the encryption is so autistic that it's been years since there's been any progress (the eye puzzle)
if there was one game i'd want to experience with a fresh mind again it'd be this one.
happy 20th yume nikki
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Happy 20th anons
Was Dream Diary game on 15th anniversary? I don't remember. I hope there is no disappointing news this year.
I wonder if the whole "dreamcore" aesthetic revived this game
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it was early 2018 so around 14 years, i don't think anything will happen. it's basically been kept alive through stuff like fangames (either playing like the original or something else like gensou or yume kart) and animations.
Yes, we should have found a way to stop people from downloading a sekrit club free game.
Like how people reacted to the first FNAF but yooo Japan.
you magnificent son of a bitch. Ive been trying to get my spouse to play this for like 12 years. This might be the ticket
>tfw making myself finish Dream Diary
I should've listened to people.
So this is why she jumped off uh
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How time flies.
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I played with the boys online for a few hours and got like eight effects. I've been evading spoilers like the plague but i knew about Uboa and the ending before ever playing it
Is anyone playing online?
>he plays yno
You must have good internet.
Many Japanese players are currently playing yno so I'm wondering if the west will be doing the same
happy 20th mado
Those are some big yumers
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20 years can make a difference.
where's the porn?
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for you
>have a bad dream (probably to do with crashing yen and cuck cages)
>decide hurl yourself into the concrete
average heckin japperino moment
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Used to be in the threads. I think it was one of the last times I truly enjoyed being around on the internet or with friends for a brand new video game. Everyone was coming together to share information and to just try and figure out what the fuck was going on. When one person discovered something, we'd come to the threads to share it. I also remember that for the first like month or so, there wasn't an English translation. I mean, there didn't need to be because the ONLY things in Japanese were the menus. So people would form guides or screenshots and share them out with people so we could help each other get further in the game. And then the tons and tons of fanart that surfaced, and fan animations.

It was like living through an encapsulated pokémania for a single game. I miss those times. Posting an old guide I made for anons.
how long ago was this?
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happy 20 years, still one of my all time favorite games
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Hmm, back when /v/ first tripped over the game and started exploring it. Let me check the date on the file....

Yup. 2008 was when the file was modified. The created date here is because I copied and moved all of my files over from my old computer around then. I've been using the same drive ever since even as I move computers, so it hasn't copied again since.
I still enjoy 2kki
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delicious nicholas
>when it first game out 20 years ago
If a certain website is correct, it was a total unknown until mid-2005
Fuck, I’m in Japan without my computer, if I had it I’d play. Happy 20th.
neat, first time i played this was in 2017 but i saw it a couple of years earlier
This is why people hate troons. Kikiyama never said this and there's nothing in the game that says this. There's no reason to think your fan theory is better than any of the other more interesting fan theory, but faggots are narcissists who their they decide what canon is.
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Yume Nikki is the opposite of a franchise. One Japanese schizo dropped a cryptic art project, refused to elaborate, and (presumably) never made anything else. I can't think of any other artist so highly regarded as influential and so totally disinterested in taking any credit.

Games like this are a dime a dozen today. Uncreative people can shit one out because there are so many examples to follow. Zoomers can't understand how bizarre and out of nowhere a game like Yume Nikki could feel. These games were breaking the mold, not following in a long existing genre.
How big is it now?
Pretty darn big, admittedly I haven’t played in a bit, I want an extension to the qxy rainy day apartments world, see where that path continues to
didn't one of the contributors demand all their stuff get pulled out? there was some drama going on with it
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If you're referring to Wataru, his stuff was added back a while ago
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hapi birday
Wasnt there a 3d remake
Kinda, but nobody acknowledges it.
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20 years
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holy shit yume real
Call me a fag, but this game was life changing and altered my perception of what can be high art
Depends what you're talking about. There was a 3D remake made by fans years ago, with 2d sprites over 3d backgrounds. Then more recently there was an official 3d reboot, not really a remake, pretty much a new game. Kikiyama worked on it too. It looks jank as fuck though and looks like it uses unity assets :( I have it in my library but haven't got around to it yet.
Aw. If it was a proper one i’d get it for old times sake
Its a single fucking game surrounded by a bunch of fangames and "official" cashgrab products, you numb nut. I hate how today seemingly every person can only talk art in regard to how it ties into commercialism. They call it a franchise instead of a series, even if it has not stupid multimedia tie ins. They call new game series intellectual properties instead of new stories and ideas, pronouncing the copyright law that protects a games profitability instead of looking at the game for what it is. Theyre so caught up with new titles in a series taking place in the same universe or being a multiverse because that spiel makes people more likely to buy more stuff from the same series instead of letting artists have the freedom to make new stories.
How can you refer to Yume Nikki, of all games, as a franchise? The one and done indie game brimming with originality and creativity? Truly, industrial society and its consequences.
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>I have it in my library but haven't got around to it yet.
Even if you go in with low expectations it will still disappoint you. Some of the concept art is cool, but the game is a generic mess and the game frequently breaks and soft locks. If it didn't have the Yume Nikki branding it's the type of shovelware that doesn't get more than 3 Steam reviews. Soundtrack is worth a listen though.
>Kikiyama worked on it too
That's not true
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Yume Nikki has the best fan art.
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I'm very prudent to calling video games anything close to art but this is the exception I will always defend. I think the part that really stuck out to me was when you get the Eyepalm effect which could let you remain in the dream almost indefinitely. I even drew up my own spider-web map of all the worlds and where they connected to, trying to piece together some kind of landscape.
I will remind them
>look up game on youtube
>see a "history of" on it by some guy
>they have suspiciously gay avatar
>check his twitter
every time
I can't think of another game that conveys such a pure expression of curiosity and exploration as Yume Nikki. It's as literal of a walking sim as it gets, but the surreal atmosphere and aesthetic make that aimless wandering naturally compelling in a way other games just don't seem to get. You could call the effects a goal, but they're so deemphasized in that role that it hardly matters if you do or don't besides some of them making for some fun little interactions. I dunno though, there's just something beautiful in this game's simplicity.
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Yume Nikki's tone is a lot more nuanced and consistent than any imitator could ever managed. A lot gets made of the oppressive or unnerving moments but nothing is so one note. Even the weird parts have levity and the pretty parts share a melancholy.

It probably also benefits from being the creation of a single mind. It wasn't an art team directed to to brainstorm what some character's dreams would be. It's one artist and with their own ideas. The authorship is more genuine.
Curious as to what you think about Yume 2kki. I was initially hesitant about how a team with lots of different ideas would mesh with the idea of YN's personal atmosphere but it's clear that there is a lot of respect for the source material and it shines in it's own way, being almost like a parallel world rather than a retelling.
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Happy 20th Yummy Niggy
It's really cool. I give a lot of credit to all the contributors and the scope of the project has a life of its own.
>being almost like a parallel world rather than a retelling
That's how I'd put it. It feels much more like traveling to different worlds in an adventure instead of diving through one person's psyche, which is where a lot of the original's power comes from.
I 'member
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I used to be in the fandom as a wee teenager back in 2012, making goofy Masada Sensei fanart and sometimes browsing Uboachan and wishing a new update for the game could come out anytime soon.

I'm sad to see what happened to the fandom nowadays, but I had fun while I was in it back then, during a much less crazy time on the internet when it wasn't as crowded and politically extreme as it is now.
It's one of the only walking simulators I'd fully recommend.
>YN thread
play Yume Shikki
i wish it got finished, i like when fangames do something different from the typical walking sim.
Kikiyama should give it another shot
It's just one game?
The things that lose their heads when you catgirl at them kept me up for weeks. I felt my entire nervous system in pain and as if I was tugging at my heart when stretching. Also, apparently some tranny interpreted this game as being about coming out.
Lots of people on, but mostly just having a sit down in the nexus, very comfy though.
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Post your top 5 fangames NOW!
This, if it existed
my favourite fangame is having a fat sleep on the weekend while a bit ill
truly the Yume Nikka of having a dream
Not sure about when it first came out. But in highschool 2007 friends and I would browse b and v together. We learned about yume nikki and read a bit on it and watched a little gameplay on youtube.
We thought it was really interesting and unique, but there were so many other games around that time, none of us ultimately played it.
Do you guys have any fanart from old blogs that was drawn before the 0.10 update?
2kki(early parches before it was ruined)
mikan muzou
ultra violet
Favorite version?
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i've maybe played around 5 since the drive to play one of these games only comes around every few years so i haven't really sunken my teeth in. no particular order but
>yume 2kki (everyone and their grandmother knows this and the above, though like the other anon i like 2kki's older updates more)
>yume nikki gensou (slightly less popular but still fantastic, just a good action platformer)
>spelunikki (yume nikki spelunky game, very obviously made by a younger person and has a lot of shitpost text but it's mainly outside of the actual game and can be cute like how the character bios slightly change depending on who you play as, pretty fun and has a good amount of content like bonus worlds and straight up a touhou sidemode)
>yume no kirby (literally just the kirbyfag in me talking but sadly it hasn't been updated in almost two years and what's there is really small)
Remember that one weird video that theorized that the whole thing was an alien invasion?
Yeaa i remember watching it back then being confused.
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Dude never even finished it. It only made it up to 0.10a, then was abandoned.
That being said, what was there was so phenomenal that we're still talking about it to this very day.
>MyHouse if that counts?
2kki does suffer from a lack of quality control though and some of the newer authors just outright suck. I almost wanna learn RPGMaker so I can make like a "Yume 2kki Classic"
Why exactly do you both prefer the older versions?
I used to think it was the Underfaggots that ruined everything, but I really think the final nail in the coffin for Yume Nikki was when they decided to make this cryptic game about social isolation into a browser MMO

I've had my fun with it, but I've kinda moved on at this point
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I greatly appreciate gobou for giving me the boot I needed to play this game
i wanted to argue that 2kki is also getting more good or great authors but then i saw that ROKU95 somehow got another update lol
>the madoposter stopped posting on /wsg/
I'm so sad.
Oh don't get me wrong, it's not a complete lost cause, oneirokamara's a newer dev I kinda like for example. Not all of his worlds are hits and some are pretty derivative, but they stay true to the spirit of the game at least. It's just worlds like that and uh this thing sour the experience a bit
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while 0.104c isn't as early as the other anon's and i will forever respect them constantly updating it even today but i just think that it's gotten too big. i know that's half the point but there's already so much to do that i just gravitate towards the older ones.
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For me it was the browser version that soured the experience for me. Having a chatroom where retards talk about the most generic subjects or finding people stacked together in some random location just doesn't feel the same as playing alone. It became too westernized I hardly want to talk about it since I do not want to associate myself with underage zoomers or troons discussing their nonsense just because it makes them feel safe and relatable.
and no i've never visited uboachan, that place is filled with schizos and most likely trannies as well
By Uboachan you mean the shitty Discord filled with passive-aggressive zoomers right?
Uboachan used to be very fun in the early 2010s i used to frequent there alot for silly stuff back then.
Nah I only mean the website. I wasn't even aware there was a discord for that, kinda defeats the point of being a chan website.
Oh wow i didn't know the chan was still active in 2024. Last time I checked, it was a graveyard. I'm afraid to look at what has happened to it now especially since YN has become more talked about in the nu-internet Western sphere.
Ancient anon...
Yeah the game's a psychological horror, turning it into a social outlet for the neurodivergent neuters that aspect completely
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You got it. I should continue my surreal RPG Maker spree before they discover those games too. So far I haven't seen any twittertards discuss stuff like Towelket yet.
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>tfw no yummy nuggy gf
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>decide hurl yourself into the concrete
But that was also a dream, anon.
Dream Diary (the official and canon continuation) is set after it (you find the stained concrete where you fall in the ending of the original) and is where Madotsuki finally manages to wake up
>Zoomers zoomers zoomers
The only way you'd know if "zoomers" or twittertards tainted something is if you're one yourself, or you're using nigger shit like tiktok. It's time to get a personality instead of constantly attaching it to media you consume.
>inb4 zoomer
>The only way you can tell if the demographic around a game shifts is if you're part of said demographic yourself

The fuck?
I bet her arms look like barcodes
He's a projecting zoomertard
realistic beach is the best area in 2kki
including tetrapod segment
It was animal well except datamining discord faggots ruined that too
You couldn’t save her
ynoproject is only really fun when acting as an audiovisual pox buzzing around people like a very retarded fly
What's her favorite gift?
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you did play the game again for her big 20th, right?
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chud up tourist
Are they merging?
back in the day playing yume nikki and 2kki with the homie on screen share was the shit
now playing the online client with the homie in coop is the good shit
it's ok monoko and poniko are just extensions of madotsuki's mind
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Where the hell did you find this image? I only remember sharing this publicly on one or two public discords three years ago. I guess shit really does spread around.
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Idk man when it first started I remember people being really chill also saying racist shit wasnt bannable.
Variety of things, tried to get her everything but the only I remember are the frog fossil, the artifact flute, and eggplants
Basically just stuff that are kinda like Effects
I literally only played sdv to be with her in it and it's a terrible game
Opinion on Collective Unconsciousness?
seonding this as well
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It was you anon
Forgot to mention I downloaded it from the thread you first posted it in, the other two above it were not me
Captcha: V4RG
I haven't played it yet though I wanted to download it to play later but I noticed they get buttmad in the Discord if you ask for an offline download, fortunately someone on Uboachan uploaded it here: https://uboachan.net/fg/res/16073.html#16142
Said better than I could have
yume nikki isnt a franchise, its one game that spawned a bunch of fangames because people liked it
favorite world/scene in the game? picrel
Never played, it looks like its primarily made to be an MMO though and that's an instant turnoff for me.
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I'm quite enjoying it, it's essentially a western 2kki except it has some semblance of quality control (still some hiccups but collaborative projects like these are always a mixed bag). Soundtrack and visuals are really nice, I was worried from the trailer that it was going to lean too hard into just having pretty environments but there's plenty of weird and unnerving ones as well.
There's a fuckton of dead ends/unfinished areas but that's to be expected in the first release of the game. You can tell some of the worlds were made by someone who was barely 18, I remember one world which was blatantly ripping off one of the black space segments in Omori. Some map authors also have a tendency to haphazardly throw in their OC as an npc, I've seen a few 'poniko-likes' (picrel) where you have a house in the middle of a world and there's some girl in it. I also wish the effects had more interactions, only the mouse seems to do anything.
Overall however I still really enjoy it.
There's nothing inherently multiplayer about the game, you can go through everything yourself and the website lets you hide other players and the chat. I find it fun solving puzzles with randos (plus you can use afk players as landmarks in scrolling worlds) but otherwise you're not going to get much out of interacting with the mostly underage playerbase.
the sky garden's a favorite for a reason but i like the staircase that leads up to it a bit more.
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Wrong picture.
Honestly a lot better than expected. It's similar to 2kki but with seemingly higher quality control.
Although it doesn't have many effects, which is strange considering it's fairly large.
Aside from a few emotes, it's not really all that different from other fan games.
>noticing the "soundtrack" is nothing more than tracks that are 2 second loops then going insane
Finally somebody said it. The soundtrack is so repetitive that you better off playing the game mute, or turn off music and choose the songs of your choice
Are any of you people contributing to the dream diary jam?
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It's an extremely shallow game for what people who allegedly enjoy it profess it to be good at.
The metaphor I use for people who don't play it is that is has the playstyle of old shopping spree contests that used to happen where you would be given X amount of money but only a limited time to run around a store and grab things, leading to a panicked, ultimately wasteful choice of things selected out of a time constraint.
People call it comfortable (a worthless term used by midwits) but it couldn't be farther from that since every day is energy and time constrained and it essentially becomes a very terrible experience of doing the required tasks.
People could argue that you don't have to do those things, but that's asinine since the game is completely designed around certain milestones being reached on time and failing to do things (like growing within windows so that the end of the season doesn't magically kill all crops, and watering crops daily to not let a multi-week investment die)
And all of that would be whatever, but what is the goal of the game besides optimization (something that is inherently effort driven and not relaxing but stimulating) what is the driving force narratively? A bunch of tumblrite caricatures of what rural people behave like according to their sheltered experience or experience through media.
If the characters were any good, it might make it worth the time, but not a single character is worth it as shown by the fact that "fan" favorites are the ones who don't say or do anything meaningful.

To summarize, it's a time-attack chore game masquerading as whatever shills try to call it with a cast of insufferable caricatures.
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I saved the link. It's pretty good.
But what if it was?
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I'm hoping to see at least one Yume Nikki cosplay on a convention I go to soon. Maybe I'll get over myself and ask for a picture as well.
It's a surreal game without a real story, so who knows. It's certainly a more interesting interpretation than the usual 'what if she was depressed, what if she was a tranny, what if she was raped'.
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god, in a similar boat to >>680931856 where i watched it a long time ago and just being completely confused. it's an odd interpretation but i like out of the box theories especially if the creator can make something like this for it. and i think i got slightly aroused by the scene of mado tearing her shirt open
we posting old yume nikki videos now i guess
It's really about knowing someone shares the same interests. I am still half convinced that people in niche corners of the internet aren't real sometimes, or just not as numerous as one would assume.
soulful jailbait
soulless e-girl
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Do you ever draw her?
Female cosplayers at no point in time had any interest in what they wear
But even less so now somehow
Save yourself the disappointment, get a picture, but they don't care
>literal OTHER ewhore who tried to start a jewtube series
They're the same, man
fav 24 Effects song?
9am is that even a question
always kind of crazy to see how many albums based off this game there are.
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Happy 20 years Nikkibros!
I love you all, and I hope we exist for another 20!
Here's to finding the lost versions!
it alright
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Any leads on finding the older versions?
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This might not be my top favorite song but I love this video
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Are you?
why does she have a fetus
>initial reception
it's not like the game had any release
it was just posted on a personal site and somehow got recognition over time
most people who like niche stuff are still pretty normal, or are monsters who digged too deep into fucked up shit and can never come back.

>or just not as numerous as one would assume
not sure why you would assume they are "numerous" but you can still find these people if you look for it.
finding a cute girl who's truly into it and isn't already taken or swimming in dick, tho? probably shouldn't get your hopes up, specially if it's cosplayers we're talking about.
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On /v/, there was a ton of theorycrafting and image dumps of all sorts.
I'm playing online right now for the 20th, only discovered this project yesterday and find it so endearing.
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As simple as it is, this place just encapsulates Yume Nikki to me.
Is THE walking simulator, the gameplay is walk, you walk and then you walk some more.
she was raep
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i still have some screenshots from when i played it last time. it was also my first time actually finishing the game, then i also played yume 2kki which was also really fun and so pretty
Play .flow next
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i did years ago, but i didn't find it that interesting (i was also young so the game spooked me a little lol). i guess i should give it another try
>Need an account to properly save
>Everything anyone says goes instantly into the discord
This is worrysome
Oh that's fucking gay
NTA but i only got to 2kki and .flow recently after only seeing videos of them for the longest time which i will forever kick myself over and i really liked .flow. i'd say give it another shot.
what happened to yume 4kki?
It got some weird app that anyone in any of the games says anything and gets sent to the discord channel, makes it super awkward to try and start to socialize
It petered out.
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>oh right... this happened
>someone already ate the pizza
Who was it
poniko doesn't eat much considering she lives in the middle of the sea
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It doesn't need an email however, which makes it whatever to me
Personally, the use I get from it is the vice of sloth, I will never ever go out of the way to download any of these other games besides Yume Nikki itself, so being able to just click and play random ones is cool

It does make a completely tilted experience to play with other people present in the world though, real over-socialization vibes from the people that think they need to be surrounded 24/7
You can turn other people off though
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>You can turn other people off though
Yes and there is Private mode too, but the idea of it being full blown out public to even people outside the game and being LOGGED to everyone to see is awkward
>inb4 stalkers waiting for some dude called Dogdiggeryes to show up fo example
The sad reality is that the dead internet theory is the murdered internet reality
When "say word, money stolen" is the default for interaction on the net, the only correct choice is to say nothing ever again
Because that is the optimal choice given the circumstances, more and more will never say anything again except the freaks who wrest the most institutional power to not be killed for saying anything but even those cannibalize each other
All I can personally do is shrug, I've said enough over my lifetime to accept just not saying anything ever again and to aid that there's also now no one to say anything to, both on the greater internet and in places like here or in games like yno
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Too much to meet with people from here and to talk about random stupid shit
i remember years ago i would always use the themed texture pack for minecraft
>official novelization has her be the theoretical future of Poniko's aborted fetus if it wasn't kill
>real over-socialization vibes from the people that think they need to be surrounded 24/7
Feels more like a complete lack of quality social interaction in real life from those people desu
myhouse.wad was kinda like that
Please tell us more.
Pink sea
Same can be said about monoe and monoko
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I've always especially liked the white desert. I do really like body horror stuff in general but that place especially was just so cool and weird to me. That and mars.
e-man room
every time it's my birthday i always go there
love this little fella
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there's at least the cacti in the outside area, and that one area you can go from one of the famicom worlds has a pool of (hopefully) water. you could probably survive off that.
i guess you could say the pink sea could have fish but considering how shallow the water is you'd probably only be eating pretty small ones
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Idk if "favorite" is the word I'd use for this but pic related made an impression on me the first time around. Really creeped me out when I tried the game many years ago.
I was so excited to try this when I found out about it and man... what a huge disappointment.
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I've made something for her 20th birthday
what is it anon?
I'm not downloading this unless I know what it is.
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Fine, you got me. It was just a repainted of Yume Nikki with shitposts. Sorry if it wasn't dolphin related.
Download link for Yume 4kki?
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good music
The game is a トランスゲーム (Toransu-ge-mu), but people in the West misinterpreted it as Trans, instead of Trance.
last one i went to nobody cosplayed as her. i didn't even see that much 2hu
oh shit, I was wondering what happned to this! glad to see you pulled through anon
>20 years
Jesus seriously? I've been here since 2008, I don't remember ever seeing this game being discussed or just never found the threads back then. I thought this game was made in the 2010s.
I'm playing it right now, enjoying it quite a bit. However it doesn't seem to have much of a gimmick or theme, so in that sense it just feels like a continuation of 2kki with a different girl/set of effects. Some of the pixel art is pretty and some of the tracks are bangers.
yume nikki threads are genuinely really rare to come by but they have always existed
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Christ this thread has put me in quite the melancholy. First played Yume Nikki in 2014 I think, and sadly didn't spend much time with the game despite having such a solid first experience with it. I had finally really stuck to it in October 2015 where I explored nearly everything without a guide. The game left such a huge impact on me as a person and the fact the community online was just so chill and pure was wonderful. There was something so pure and special feeling about the game; it's just not something you really feel from the community online nowadays, having had interacted with it's modern incarnation when Yume Nikki and 2kki Online were new. Man there was a ton of fucking drama and stupid bullshit.

I still visit the game every now and then, listening to 24 Effects again after viewing this thread; used to listen to the album an absolute ton. It's a little late now, so maybe I'll play tomorrow, but man I connected something fierce with the oldfags here (even if I wasn't there for the old days in 2008). The Yume Nikki players I knew back when were often the kinds of guys to just boot the game up and relax with it to the point of falling asleep while in a favorite area; I don't think I've ever seen another playerbase connect with their game as hard as I did with YN. It was something incredibly special and I hope at least a few people nowadays remember and spread that magic around. I spent so much time playing the game myself I knew where to find everything whenever I wanted at a point; game almost became a second home to me, haha.

It all just seems to be Gobou's animations and a bunch of zoomer-y memes these days, which is all good fun, but I miss how sincere and sacred the game felt back before everything changed so much. Love you guys.
Ah fuck it, disregard that post. It's literally Yume Nikki. What could be a better game to play before bed?
this game genuinely helped me to lucid dream and stop having nightmares so much
>rpg maker icon
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Heh, I still have that one from a thread I scraped the images from on April 14th 2008.
Playing the game with headphones on at a decent volume gave me tinnitus, probably because of the odd repetitive soundtrack. I still have tinnitus even though it's been nearly 15 years.
I was already lucid dreaming, but YN legit gave me really wonderful dreams about endlessly exploring my dreamscapes instead of just reacting to random things and events in them as per usual.
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somehow last night i dreamt that i met madotsuki, she was sitting on top of some apartment and i tried to speak to her but she wasn't interested that much. i tried to do some fancy talk but i was half looking away and she was gone before i could ask her out
i want to kiss Madotuski
>554 fangame entries
>normal wiki
>616 fangame entries
Good to know. Thanks.
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I played Yume Nikki somewhere after 2010. I never engaged with the community in any way, I just played the game and listened to 24 Effects whenever I was feeling lonely. Having tried engaging with the fandom several years later, I became disillusioned. It made me doubt why I even liked the game in the first place. This thread has dispelled that doubt, I realise now I was enjoying Yume Nikki in the sincerest way possible. Thanks anons.
>Download it because YouTube recommended me dream osts and I thought they were cool
>Play the game
>90% is just some aztec retardation and shiny colours
Try again.
I see a lot of people talking about knowing NOTHING while playing but at the risk of sounding onions the community was what made it special to me. This was also in a period when the game was brand new to the west and everything about it wasn't known yet. I feel bad for people who play it now as I think the reason a lot of people enjoy Yume Nikki is also for that parasocial experience of discussing shit that you found to others. It was cool that everyone was getting lost in the game and finding stuff that seemed absurd and fake like Uboa that turned out to be real. Very special game and moment in time.
Wow i thought they removed the filter ages ago
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It is always the same.
yeah, they pretty much completely abandoned fandom and moved all the wikis to a new website. https://yume.wiki/Main_Page
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I only talk about this game on /v/ and nowhere else
reminder after they turned the fandom 2kki wiki into a shitpost, a "wiki admin" intervened, banned them all, boasted about fixing the wiki despite never even having heard of the game, and then followed users onto other websites like YouTube to gloat about how righeous he was and how evil and bad they were for vandalizing muh precious fandom wiki
>and then followed users onto other websites like YouTube to gloat about how righeous
lmao, link to that? sounds funny as fuck
Trans didn't exist when this game was made.
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I can't track down what exact video this is from, but if you look for the c.syde guy on the 2kki fandom wiki you might be able to find some of his bullshit on talk pages too
is tha from dream diary? what was the big deal? its been a while but i remember it being pleasant
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have you guys played junko
>Answered Prayers
>Answered Prayers
>Answered Prayers
>Answered Prayers
>Answered Prayers
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>/v/ shilling
Hi Jirachi, you massive fag.
DvD could have been so amazing bros... I mourn its loss. I guess the music was preserved atleast, its pretty good.
why is this game so impactful? was one of the first to pioneer rpg maker games with existential, ephemeral shit?
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get filtered faggot
I’m praying for it to be completed, but it just won’t be answered.
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>Need an account to save
can't tell if you are a tourist or an uboaschizo, but literally anyone that has used that goddamn website knows savefiles are kept apart and you dont need to make an account (which doesnt ask for any real info so im not really sure why you are so against it)
>the discordshit
Yeah i did find that really creepy. But its only global chat, if you use that you are a gigantic faggot or too young to use this website in the first place. Just map chat or anon like any oldfag on the website already does.
God, i don't even like ynoproject. The people that run it are power tripping redditors and complete numbermonkeys. But atleast make a valid complaint instead of making shit up.
>valid complaint
since they launched cu the other games are falling apart and nobody seems to care
Fucking wiki admins
yume 2kki
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There are people that care. It rubbed a lot of oldfags. They didn't event get the sites UI to actually fit properly, but they were so hellbent in pushing their shiny new game that they did so anyways. They put the channel for the game above all others, even Yume Nikki. Yet they somehow don't even take care of the one thing they seem to be invested in. The launch was a DISASTER and it was literally unplayable for a while. You coudn't even log into it. Shit was in beta for two whole years and a SOFTLOCK made it to live. It's an embarrasment.
Oldfags are a minority in a sea of tourists, but they are the most invested and experienced players. They are a big part of what made the game feel welcoming on its early years, and one by one they fall, exhausted with the grind this game forces and the people slow, lazy, prideful retards that are high-up, the ones that could make an actual difference.
It's a shame, really. A lot of smaller YNFgs and YN itself don't have big numbers, because they aren't really meant for multiplayer. It's an inmersive, one person experience. But 2kki is their biggest fangame, and they can't take care of it for the life of them. They don't care, they just don't, and the small minority of dedicated players can't make a dent, or enough noise to be heard. So they leave silently.
The website has felt souless for a while, and this is why. That's whats a valid concern from my point of view.
>t. burnt out oldfag
nu/v/ is not the best fandom representation
Game itself was mid but the music is pretty good
This is true for literally anything and it always depresses me when I see some naive anon treat this place's word as gospel. 90% of discussion here is worthy of /b/'s "artistic works of fiction and falsehood" caveat.
It's even funny for me since old/v/ was the most sincerest place I've ever seen for games they cared about
post 2016 4chan went to the dumpster as a whole.
I did, I tried many games from that horror rpgmaker games infographic.

It was a bare bones Zelda clone crossed with Silent Hill references, of all things. Nice spritework, but also another one of those games that have no sense of mystery to them, no atmosphere because - like all Yume Nikki clones - they try to imitate without having anything to say. Like, whoever did Junko is obviously far more competent in game design than Kikiyama, but, again - doesn't have anything to say. Craftsmanship vs vision.
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Why won't she open her eyes?
To this day it's an unique moodpiece. I never cared about the game itself, just the atmosphere it creates when you fire it up and walk around its horrible maps is amazing. Like something inhabiting you computer, a piece of someone's mind that will forever remain opaque. That's why none of the clones / remakes / upgrades work.
Because she's asleep, duh.
I feel you, hyping it up so much and then it is just 2kki light. A friend of mine hasn't been able to join any games for two weeks now because their custom rpg player patch for cu broke it for older hardware and yn was unplayable yesterday, black screen on almost every effect change.
So tiresome.
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Are Mado's eyes closed or she just Asian?
Pretty much what >>680996038 said. The game took out more from the original than it added and felt a lot more one-dimensional to me. The ost was good though admittedly.
She's chinese
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Had no idea they added the original Yume Nikki on Steam. Booting up the game again after so many years takes me back to a time when things were simpler bros.... Can't believe I still remember how to get the bike and knife too.
wasn't there a ps1 game made by an indie dev about a dream he had? that one was pretty surreal too
Yeah, LSD.
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Is yume nikki still discussed on futaba channel?
LSD Dream Simulator. One of the few, if not only games to beat YN to its own punch.
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God i love this thread
Make sure to download the latest maniac patch to fix the slowdown on the save function
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Oh wow a Yume Nikki thread that isn't 90% shitposts, it's been a while
because they shoot laz00rz
I mean it's similar to B3313 at its peak. A big part of the enjoyment just came from talking to other anons about it and share cool things you would find along the way
Anyone figured out what the graph when you finish a dream mean?
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The mall
Or you could just use EasyRPG.
One of the very few constants on /v/ over the years is that YN threads tend to be solid. I do see more efforts to derail them in recent years, but very few are successful.
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Is there any other discord? I only knew of one that was mostly about the fan games but it died don't remember why
If yume nikki came out today it would be just normal empty test rooms and zoomerinos would go "AYOOOO DAS SCARY AF NGL FR FR AHHHH *donates 100k$ to the creator* "
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No, i refuse to lose my SEN

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