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SGDQ 2024 is in a few days. What games are you looking forward to?

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I'm looking forward her prizes!
I’m looking forward to Sent’s scent.
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imagine the smell
Lufia 2 might be nice. Haven't seen that speedrun before. The BG3 speedrun is a fun watch assuming they are doing the strats I am familiar with.
I know better than to open that.
Do people still care about this after all the good runners got banned years ago?
Is it in person?
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>he's back playing Evil Zone
are you going to keep making daily threads? what do you hope to achieve?
Trannies, I always look forward to the trannies. I dream of the next dilation station. I want ProtoMagicalGirl. I want the return of troon Benjamin Franklin

I will be there, ready to declare ywnbaw.
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finally I caught a prethread
my boywife Haru is here again
also an actual runescape speedrun of difficult content should be interesting
>troon Benjamin Franklin
Such an elusive character. Does he even speedrun?
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From cynical to extreme positive thiccboy
I hope there's some good Mario/Castlevania runs
>oh cool runescape wonder how that would work
>lol just a 20 minute boss run from probably a maxed account
>oh cool starcraft I love RTS speedruns
>lol just one campaign we need time for the 100000th time of Lufia, Mario, Pokemon and KH 100% glitchless
I stopped watching after they stopped doing the long 6 hour speedruns
>yoshis story, minecraft dungeons, mega man 9, ratchet & clank, splatoon 3
starting off with stinkers

>Halo 2
>Dirge of Cerberus
>Halo 3
>Sekiro Hitless
>Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix
>Metal Gear Solid 4
only games im interested in, other than random surprise games ive never heard of (ie old games, not quirky 2023 indie game made by some reddit fag)
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Hope you're ready for this pile of goat shit.
How much are the tickets? Might consider driving up there and trying picking up some femcels.
what a garbage schedule, I'm having trouble finding even 5 runs I'd be interested in watching.
Im actually surprised because isn't the Speedrun still like several hours? Or did they put it in the middle of the night to fill time?
"Trans rights are human right" "poggers" "my grandma died" "hoyyyyyp". It's the fucking autism Olympics and I hope I get to watch one of the spergoids lose it live. Premium turbo cringe
2 hours
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Where is it being hosted?
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didn't minnesota just get flooded?
Will the no fun allowed ESA staff mod be here during the event?
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meds, but GDQ and ESA threads have been higly moderated for years now since they are fairly high traffic and last for a week or so. Infact I've never seen people get moderated within minutes outside of those threads really
>gdq threads among the worst on /v/
>surprised when the threads are moderated
if you are implying theyre the worst precisely because they are moderated you would be correct.

if you are implying they are bad and need moderation, you are cocksucking faggot and should kill yourself
>Halo 3 4 player co-op run with the lads from the couch during the Summer ESA Halo 3 run
>And also adef
Slightly less nice.
>reddit spacing
GDQ is the only time /v/ threads are good thoughbeit
Cheap venue then lol
>knows what spacing on reddit is
>pressing enter once vs twice
>something no one accused anyone of til after 2016
"reddit spacing" is one of the most obvious signals of "im a newfag from reddit" in the history of 4chan
you sound upset
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keep shitposting using phrases other people came up with. it wont make your pathetic life any better
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The problem is not that the mod deletes bad posts and off-topic stuff, the problem is that he deletes ON-TOPIC stuff but only if it's something he doesn't enjoy, like criticism about ESA management.
Tell me what rules that is broken if you talk and speculate about why ESA is turning worse and worse every year in an ESA thread?

Meanwhile all the countless migration posts and other spam posts are untouched.
but it makes me laugh
>no sunshine no watch
Nothing interesting
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Is Worms gonna be played? Those runs are awesome
Going in person to witness the autism and not just imagine the smell, but live it.

Made my schedule for runs I want to be there for. Excited for sekiro, halo, metroid, silent hill.
lovare incident 3? what were 1/2 at that?
Why did Lovare attend to other events after she was sexually assaulted if that was such a horrible and bad experience for her?
Why did she wait years to say something?
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ESA threads are dead as fuck ever since they stopped being live 24/7.
Only the rivers. We got a fuck ton of rain this month. This isn't hurricane Katrina, it isn't quite a weather decimated shithole like other parts of the US. AFAIK Minneapolis proper didn't flood at all
tell me more, did someone fondle prizemommy?
Based. Link up with me
I saw some webms on /pol/ that made it look bad at the dam but I suppose it wasn't that bad overall
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Well /v/?
I know I will somehow get banned because GDQ threads are always nazi modded for some reasons.
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I don't see why people are freaking the fuck out over her reaction. She clearly likes the event and wanted them to sort shit out privately.
>Some shit happened to me.
>"Don't worry, we'll take care of it."
>They do nothing (x3) and also put her in a situation where they were clearly baiting someone into molesting her without telling her
he draws cub porn
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>incident1: i claim 3 men are rapists under no basis and cried
>incident3: i willingly went somewhere and sit in a room for 20 minutes
>incident4: weirdo splurging too much info, not harassment in any way

Only one is #2 with the sniffing otherwise she's just being over dramatic.
that same thing applies to GDQ though and I see plenty of comment criticizing both stay up. I think it's easy to cherry pick your own bans and stuff but you have to accept these threads are just very busy and thus higher prio for moderation, but as the other anon said ESA is kinda dead now anyway since they don't have enough volunteers for 24/7 streams which kinda defeats the purpose
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masks just make me clock trannies even faster
So they went back to how they were years ago.
/v/ would have called that soul or some stupid shit.
Get your troondar checked then champ because they're both biological females.
>get banned for asking when the next run is
>get banned for asking if there was any good run
>even the fucking chart anon got banned ffs
>food anon gets banned
>chart anon gets banned
>webmbro gets banned
>antitranny posting? No problem!

Why is this board so fucking bad?
Chart got banned? What about impostor chart?
Not only do they not have enough volunteers so support 24/7 streams but they don't even have enough for 2 streams now. It's overrrrrr
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Who's your favorite GDQ donation reader?
For me it's KFFC of course
More like Trans Surgeries Done Quick
4chan can only be saved by a full doxxing of the moderation team
>three men took the same elevator as her to the same floor in her hotel
>her head was grabbed from behind (?) and allegedly sniffed
>she was left alone in a room with a guy, then told he was an alleged groper and left alone again for 20mins or so
>she complimented someones partners outfit and got told "inappropriate" details about person she complimented
literally nothing happened, jesus
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Why even watch GDQ anymore? The threads aren't fun, the magic is gone, the runners are nobodies and it's purely an advertisement for Discord servers and Western politics.
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>starts on Sunday
Lame. I was hoping it'd start Friday.
>Incident 1: Group of people not affiliated with the event are wandering around the venue following people to their rooms
>Incident 2: SNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIF mmm quite pungent my dear
>Incident 3: Locked in a room with some random person, random person is later revealed to be an alleged groper
The fourth incident is the only one that's an overreaction. The other three are clear indications of a lack of security that you didn't do anything about until she publicly flamed the event.
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>xhe's behind me, isn't xhe
>got covid
>feeling exhausted and out of it at times
I'm kind glad it's on Sunday because hopefully I'll be feeling better by then.
Idk but the actual og one got banned last time yeah.
It's like they hire new mods just for the GDQ threads
It wasn't a "soulful or based" decision. It's because the behind the scenes of ESA is a complete shit show.
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Hope she sees this post bro she might let you sniffer her chair.
Didn't this guy get fucking rekt by his obesity? Fat people never prosper unless they escape obesity (like me)
Nice quads.
Because the threads give me the illusion /v/ still has a couple of cool posters
He has some thing going on, but he lost one or two legs and both hands.
It's not so funny now knowing that guy has cancer
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There's an inherent appeal to watching an event live with people.

Also to be honest even if GDQ is far less interesting than it used to be, it still is inherently interesting to me see either shitty runs, spergy runners, or the occasional actually awesome run. /v/ threads are mildly entertaining.
I know. I was joking about how the threads used to be super slow like 10 years ago.
I hope they sort shit out, I'm not happy at Edenal and co, but I worry things will go to shit without them because I dunno who'd take over.
The threads are fun. Best content on /v/.
Couldn't care less about the runners but either the run is hilariously bad, or mildly entertaining. I've participated in them for years, but don't know how this relates to Discord.
biological females don't wear cuckmuzzles
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This. I just wish the GDQ mods here weren't such stinky niggers. It's like they purposefully try to remove all the soul out of the threads.
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>heavily moderated for years
Why do troona always try to gaslight? Maybe because they gaslight themselves.
>tells blatant lies

Shut the fuck up and watch in silence.
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horrifying creature
Everyone is a man until they drop their pants and prove otherwise.
>normies think this is a morally correct stance yet if you replace "transition" with "have sex" they'll froth at the mouth at how horrible it is
Watch out for the Somalians
Now that Minnesota is waterworld they will resume their piracy
People are still chasing that 2013 high
They'll never get it
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There's literally a mod being in the threads 24/7 as you get banned within seconds there
Matty has always been a massive faggot
Even being turned into a literal chicken mcnugget hasn't humbled him since he was screeching about Fast 50 not having enough women, trannies, and darkies
post the webm of her getting curried
People will dump on Sent for shit like this but this is how you know he's the most authentic genuine person there.
I was going to say Crimzon Clover, but the runner has a furry avatar.
Why the fuck is that hamburger swimming in... what is it? Gravy?
Drives a man to drink
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>imagine the smell
Like a wall of ass with lube-scented farts.

>Well /v/?
Bring back trolling, like the legendary EmptyHero would do.
Worst part about living here are all the Somalians but unironically the American born niggers are way worse. The Somalians don't mug you for the most part. I just get hijab fatigue
This is the true issue. The other two pastebins corroborate it, even if you don't agree with the reaction of the writers to the incidents. Orgs had to do something, even if that something is just saying sorry, but we don't think this is enough to warrant any explicit action against this individual, sucks to be you.
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>Lufia II Any% NMG No Manipulation
So why wait until the exact moment ESA announced their date so she could get as much drama and attention as possible to go out with it?
Watching GDQ (and ESA) with /v/ is one of the few highlights that I look forward to every year.
It's funny how everyone got mad GDQ went full corpo but at the same time that fact also insures they actually stay 24/7 and have staff.
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>So why wait until everyone's eyes are on ESA to say something and force them into a situation where they finally make these changes they promised multiple years ago
Gee, sure beats the shit out of me.
La troona
I'd have to double check the dates but I'm pretty sure there was nothing scheduled for that particular day - it was well after submissions closed, hell, even a couple of weeks after first picks released, and well before the schedule was revealed.
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the quads tell the truth but there' still some fun runs from time to time. it's nowhere near the levels of AGDQ 2015 but there is some comfy runs.
>everything is bad, right guys? now lets go find the nearest elden ring thread and complain about that shit too!
god you're fucking unlikeable.
>The threads are fun.
Haven't been the case since the ESA staff mod fucking them over
Hi Das
iirc it was a day after they announced that they were finalizing the schedule
>open up schedule draft of ESA 2024 summer
>CTRL+F: "metako"
>0 results
>CTRL+F: "leonis"
>0 results
>CTRL+F: "bowie"
>0 results
I'm just not gonna fucking watch it. ESA Legends is really the only good event anymore.
Metako left the event. There will be no more ESA Legends, or at least it won't be lead by him.
Also, Ben and I had nothing to do with this schedule. The team was disbamded after Winter 2024.
It's not a big deal, ESA is offline during peak hours in North America so noone here can watch anyway
>No more Metako
Fucking BASED! A shame the event is dead now with no 24h streams and stream 2.
>What games are you looking forward to?
GDQ's eventual shutdown and downfall, you know its uninteresting when you have literal who's doing runs now.
Metako left?
What the fuck happened?
Is ESA just dead now after all this shit coming to light?
Checked. It's just a gay pride parade filled with introverts.
>couch: keizaron
Fuck this shit, what the fuck does that pokemon choker have to do with RS. Go ruin another shit game ffs
Fuck you, homo.
>Celeste again
Very homophobic, anon.
So how much money is Uyama pocketing this year?
>gdq thread
not touching those spoilers for once
You never know when it's going to be THAT gif
you know the one
Damn, ESA used to be fun.
I remember a late night run where they just started watching steve1989 on stream while grinding
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>Stivitybobo will never ever come back
i wonder what he's up to at this very moment
Cranking it to NTR doujins.
can't tell you a lot of details because I don't know them myself but
>Metako quits his music teacher job specifically to move to Sweden and dedicate himself to ESA and affiliates (they also have an arcade and a third business, don't know what that one is though)
>He managed to incorporate some of his ideas like ESA Legends
>Winter comes and goes and he has to organize Summer with Edenal, Planks and Ida
>He leaves without so much as a farewell message and people only start asking questions when they notice his roles are gone
I know tids and bits. He was extremely angry and with good reason. He already found a new job and will return to the UK soon.
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noooooo not my runescape fuck you keiz
>I remember a late night run where they just started watching steve1989 on stream while grinding
So you just want a friendship substitute instead of watching a speedrun event?
>Ruins the event
>when the event is dead because of him he just abandons it and runs away
what an ass
Christ, I want to know what made him so livid to completely cut contact and fuck off less than two years after totally uprooting his life specifically for the event.
Was it really just down to the Lovare stuff?
it might have a played a part, but definitely not the main reason. he lost his roles before the Lovare stuff happened
Wait a minute, is that chair-sniffer in the back? Directly above the black guy in the red hoodie in the foreground.
People got enough of him having to be the center of attention and taking over the event which lead to the downfall, and when someone spoke up about it he had a meltdown?
post it
those are both actual women, though
What a shitshow. I liked Metako and the direction ESA has been going for the past two years or so.
>schedule team disbanded
lmao, what even
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But he was also just at UKSG which is like, what, 80% ESA people?
The plot thickens.
>and the direction ESA has been going for the past two years or so
What direction?
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I'm just looking forward to the threads, it's fun to have a central place to hang out and post before some janny inevitably hits me with a three day ban for no reason
Is shoudn't be surprizing thay 4chan volunteer jannies are all discord troon activists.
People have a really misconstrued idea of the relationship between ESA and the other european marathons.
UKSG and BSG are both handled by completely different people than ESA (USKG is organized by tricrow and paulister, BSG by shadow.frost, riekelt and a couple of others). The only association they have with ESA is ESA lets them restream the marathon on their channel as it has much more followers, and therefore more visibility. That's it. ESA does not control UKSG or BSG. In fact, the new European marathon NSG, is NOT allowed to restream to ESA.
You will see many familiar faces in those marathons because the same runners will submit and/or volunteer to all marathons that is feasible for them to attend. It's not that deep.
probably working a dead end job. why'd he get cancelled again?
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folder of inklings at the ready for splatoon run.

>keizaron on the couch for pokemon & runescape to spite /srg/
>Non-Swede takes over a Swedish event that was reliant from sponsors and the goodwill of the country (like being allowed to host the event from a school gym och get spoored by the city they're in)
>when the non-Swedish guy takes over the event they no longer have any sponsors or help from any Swedes anymore, not even any Swedish volunteers like before
geee I wonder why the event died
I'm starting to think the anti-Metako poster is a rebranded Gurafag because everyone got too keen to his bullshit.
hi Edenal
friendly reminder this is all your fault : )
It's someone's else fault that Metako took over the event and got it killed?
> Attend a dozen professional conferences
> Employer recently organizes a huge event with more than 1000 attendees
> Follow some other professional/hobby events
> No drama ever
> A gathering of online troons constantly has harassment, abuse, and adultery drama
How come? Aren't those supposed to be those liberal feminist decent human beings, as oppesed to us, barbaric meninist peasants?
Because in both events people sleep around and have sex like crazy, the problem is that nerds are not good at imitating sex
I'm just saying seeing that it occurred before the Lovare stuff and he's still fine palling around with ESA regulars that it narrows down the group of people he's pissed at.
I just assumed he was angry over their mishandling of that situation, I didn't know this shit already happened by the time it went public.
I have never seen a sock this dirty.
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>troon Benjamin Franklin
Absolutely patrician taste
can confirm, I was dating an asian with a fat ass and she said she was propositioned all the time at professional events, especially by people with power over her
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what's his secret?
For one, I'm curious how many females are participating in their all-female speedrunner section this time.
junvenile quips. Telltale signs of an underage trannoid.
he would change it but it has grown onto his foot
>to spite /srg/
i am serg and i approve of keizaron ruining everything he touches because it's funnier that way. after all, that's the only reason to watch gdq now.
Last time someone calculated it, the event was over 70% biological men
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The SMM2 Race, even if it is a Troll level race.
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lmao you niggers
cute doggo
I happen to have several days off during the week next week just from burning up leftover days, so this had better be an improvement from the dogshit SGDQ last year.
So what will be the forced catchphrase this year? Separate from the forced meme (like AIRBOAT), I mean the "you MUST say this constantly as a reader, a donor or a runner, as if you've got a nervous tic", such as HYDRATE or TRANS RIGHTS.
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>They keep telling everyone to hydrate
>when I drink water I just need to go pee all the time so I barely drink it
>trans runner appears on screen
>chat BLASTS out instant spam of trans flags and emoticons
The irony always makes me laugh.
That's a big couch.
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this'll be the first gdq without the IP counter
dude, stop whining
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Is this still just a tranny circus show?
oh yes
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Anybody else just /ESAwaitingroom/?
Yeah I know last one wasnt that great, but still.
Me, but seems like it's had lots of behind the scenes drama.
if they're still doing the non 24 hour thing then ESA can fuck off tbhdesu
I got called a schizo before for saying that ESA staff had drama
Most definitely
don't care post agdq 2024 chart I need to see just how bad things have really become
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Save the drama for Obama.
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Why would you drink your pee you fucking stupid frogposter.
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>JSRF and BRC THAT low
damn... they massacred my boys live on stage...
>13 tranny
>19 overestimate
>EIGHT ad runs
The fact a person submitted a BLUEY run and didn't get immediately blacklisted from life is how you know the speedrunning fad is just completely done popularity wise
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>engoodening of GDQ
>worsening of ESA
BRC had tranny flag sprays
idk about JSRF probs more of the same
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every time
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>gurafag won
The runs will be good
>>engoodening of GDQ
Let's not go nuts.
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Is...ESA over...?
At least I have RTA...
ESA dies this year
RTA is boring NPC slop
GDQ hasn't actually improved at all
Lookin' pretty bad_
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The era of speedrun marathons is truly over...
rrlat still alive
dogwater soon
I thought that was just a brown colored sock at first, but the more I look at it I realize it's dirt and sweat and cheese.
damn, caveman got himself bara looking! im gomna get hard all through his run seeing this daddybear on screen
which events are you guys watching this summer?
>SGDQ June 30th-July 7th
>Finnruns July 3rd-7th
>ASM July 15th-21th
>ESA July 20th-27th
>RTA August 8th-15th
watch brazilian sgdq
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>havent watched in a few years
>esa is kill
I guess I'm going to be watching this with /v/ this summer. I hope the jannies aren't mean.
>tranime post
>muh numbers

Go back fucking tourists
Everyone in that room is fat.
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the threads give me an outlet for my autistic desire to make these retarded edits. the event hasnt really been good in years, i barely watch them anymore except to capture screenshots
>super guitario 64
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File deleted.
wait HE was running it again? now I GOTTA watch this redemption story
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You must
Oh yeah, sound makes all the difference
OSRSfag here, we got our very own 'A Cold One' soloing a raid for you girls(male), i'm really looking forward to that... wonder how people will react to the silly mouse click game i spend 16 hours a day playing
>he spends 16 hours a day macroing in a game that's more pozzed than RS3
textbook definition of grim
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Thoughts on the bonus games?
woah can't believe I'm catching this day 1 for once.
Don't care, FOTM
2 hours, don't care
It's just a wrong warp, don't care
mite b cool
i remember you, time to miggin
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i'm looking forward to the one where the tranny plays some JPRG for 7 hours and talks about how pridemonth is the greatest holiday for xerself and others like xer

I'm also really excited about watching some nigger play some 90s SNES game really sub-optimally because boy I can't get enough racial equality these days :3
that second one sounds fun though
It is. The fuckups are the best part.
traced from real babies
What happened to ESA? Is this coming event the last one?
>FOTM dogshit
>live service dogshit
>12-minute nothingburger
>trash announcer
yeesh bro
start here: https://pastebin.com/sSEJm6vk
If yall wanna know if ESA Dies this year, just wait till after summer
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She's gone, Anon.
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Is /ourguy/ running at this event?
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no but he'll be at ESA
I don't watch tranny runs
yes you do and you'll join us on the 30th
Will they all wear covid cuck cups on their faces?
I honestly hope fat fuck Mike gets thrown in jail for fraud
>no comfy 5+ hour overnight JRPG run
that's a skip from me
Is she really?
Can't say I really liked her
Would be nice to get rid of the one anon who spams her too
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Holy shit look at him go!
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man if ashewyn had known what blacktastic did during ESA, that is a cursed couch
I thought he was based? His run got an S
What the fuck happened with him?
can’t believe this pic is real hahahaha there is no way GDQ staff doesn’t know what blacktastic did when he was at ESA

Poor ashewyn
My roommate in college was a yoshis island speedrunner and he said there are orgies at every AGDQ, so anons, what's stopping you from joining in?
My functioning eyes and sense of smell
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I genuinely look forward to SGDQ and AGDQ every year simply to shitpost with other anons and make fun of the autism and weebs in the crowd.
Someone elaborate.
Anyone remember Duke_bilgewater from the early GDQs? He was banned for life after this leaked, he tried to wipe it of the internet but it's been archived.
Dude is ice cold....
Dog rape simulator. Genuinely great game, unexpectedly so. The speed tech is insane.
You will elaborate
And you will stop pasting decade old bait (still good though)
that tranny event?
No one that plays video games watch that ttrash
>You will elaborate
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I love Sent now & forever.
Imagine being Sent and being the least ugly person in the room.
i still can't believe this greasy motherfucker chose to call himself scent
I see, that would maybe explain why he hasn't been at any ESAs
Do they still air his 'Push the damn button' thing, I wonder?
Crazy even thinking back to that that Metako is also gone now
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>Do they still air his 'Push the damn button' thing
it rings a bell
i'm pretty sure they did play that last ESA
Also he's showing up this gdq
atwentysomethingloser’s potable aromatic pee
people still watch this tranny infested shit?
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welcome back, peeposter
>join the "hot orgy" happening at the hilton suite in room 315
>greeted by the smell of wet shit and sweat in the hallway, but continue onward
>open the door
>"one second studmuffin, we're all dilating!"
>360 and walk out
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>Teal Mask (Est: 1:55:00)
gee thanks Keizaron for forcing in a 2 hour cutscene snoozefest at primetime of the first day
It’s good to be back in saddle
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>FF schedule is out
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I wish I could enjoy GDQ

I used to watch it but the donation announcements made it too annoying.
fuck off and just do speedruns
There are other events that we watch maybe you can try one of those

What games do you run?
fuck, my memories are flooding in, someone post the girl from the simpsons road rage run i'm getting heartsick again
because i'm stuck here forever, I'm still chasing that 2013-2015 feel, and I post a bunny to shitpost with the rest of you subhumans 2 times a year.
>and I post a bunny to shitpost with the rest of you subhumans 2 times a year.
post bune NOW
It's only fun in context to the games anon. I can't just be postin' a thicc bnuuy for no reason.It's only a few days.

Wonder if we'll get any good, semi long games this year or if it'll be insufferable pokemon. God I hope no pokemon, need to check the schedule.
I'll look out during the event
Yawl we’re watching gamesdonequick on twitch atm right?
No. twitch hugbox chat is shit. I only watch speedruns with threads so I can make fun of fat runners
O you're just being coy!
shame she is gone. At least she participated on memeruns and other stuff too which is the complete opposite of what gdq prize folks do
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/ourguy/ kaos_wulf is running atm
The whole thing stinks of female privileges
>some guys walked behind me and the hotel refused to throw them out for it! I COULD'VE BEEN RAPED!! (nothing happened)
>how DARE HE smell my hair without my permission!
>i was told to wait together in a room with some guy. I COULD'VE BEEN RAPED!!!!!! (nothing happened)
>how DARE HE say a yucky thing to me!
Complete with that one fat guy ready to white knight her at any moment
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lies it's some nerd
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Nigger if you are that angry at your wife just divorce her
>b-but shell take the kids : (
Then find some other pussy to fuck holy shit
This is going to be the best GDQ yet
Man I love talking with bots
Didn't he get his revenge by nailing it on event after that or something?
If it was just that. the run was memorable because not only did he nail almost every single trick, >>680972028 pic related made it that much more enjoyable.
With a couch of charming zesty zoomers cheering him on yes
didn't know Dave Grohl was into speedrunning
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oh god
I think there'll be a tranny AND a biohazard at ESA's Spyro run. I can't miss that thread
>its lumilaura again and probably her partner
idk what happened that suddenly shes just everywhere
>one of the few survivors of the ESA exodus
>a biohazard
Resident Evil?
>Dan Salvato is the first runner
Kinda based
please elaborate
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gender ambiguous til the point chartanon gives up trying to guess which one they are
>gender ambiguous
I'd just call them ugly as sin, I mean that's what they are
kek are they still wearing masks
Most of the time that's the case but sometimes that they/them pussy hits like crack in the 80s
of course they're also the craziest possible crazy to stick your dick into
that too but the label was given out during a FF run which certified it as an official classification.
>Error: Duplicate file exists.
and it was me too, eons ago
Oh, yeah I remember now. This was first given to a runner that included "he" in the pronouns kek
I wouldn't know where else to place it, true
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>race 1/12

Fuck off already...
anyone watch werster? he's about to lose 20 minutes straight
>Master Contest
the way he's doing it he will bang his head against the wall until RNG breaks. can't optimize for the contests without losing time and you can win with just sheer luck so that's what he's going for
also he's attempting it on smart & smart moves have those 1 heart x negative applause bullshit effects
>Teddyras run at 6AM local time
Might wake up early for it
with Monferno I don't think you can go for anything else
it's over
This dude is gonna be 80 in a retirement home still speedrunnign pokemon
he wins this one surely
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Everything I want to see is on when I'm working or sleeping for work. I just hope that slop that's on when I'm home is a disaster and leads to some fun threads.
>Go to restaurant
>Everyone orders cheeseburgers
Literal children
>Pokémon Violet with the DLC in under 2 hours

How fucking broken is this run?
She's beautiful
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I hope you will enjoy my work when you see KFFC again.
>implying she'll escape my basement in time for GDQ
oh anon
they should speedrun rance instead...
Its just finishing the DLC, not finishing the game.
It had better not be TRANS RIGHTS nonstop again.
Lol. Lmao even
Those chairs are strong.
Does this start Saturday or Sunday?
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these troons are out stealing BLACK BODIES from the community!
What's the longest of the marathon?
Lufia II, but its Puwexil, he's an rpg legend
Lufia worth a playthrough? Would start at 1.
Of course not, it's a turn based JRPG
ETA till start?
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No idea bro. Should we investigate by typing "gdq schedule" into google?
3 hours
76 hours
>check to see if Nichole is reading again
>she's not working the night shift this time
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Watch kpop!
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>simping over any bitch

Thank god you won’t be reproducing
Tranny watch bros? What's the count so far.
Downright breedable
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Well at least quirky chungus is an actual female.
She's weirdly cute but not fuckable at all
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>Go over estimate
>Instant Z tier

You guys are cruel.
>ignoring the overestimate run rated second best
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They're allowed to show that on Twitch?
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A whole chunk of people went from S to Z just for that.
It was rated S because of how he clutched it during the 10 minute period the run was overestimate
>wear scantily clad outfit
>assholes grope you
Why do these retards never consider the most basic fucking recourse, i.e. police/a lawsuit?
SCOTUS would rule that the perpetrator and the victim both need to hand all their belongings over to the SCOTUS.
Good outcome, they both deserve it.
Seeing how GDQ / SDA ended up, I am 100% glad that my God Hand run was not accepted for hosting nearly 10 years ago now. The bullet that I dodged...
>esa is kill
That and making it about whatever libshit crap NBCUniversal Disney ViacomCBS are pushing that week, like celebrating magic Americans, as they all mask up and keep social distancing in 2024 because ummm covid isn't over sweety.

Edenal is the one person stopping ESA from turning into the same and he's losing the battle against troons who threaten to mass email the charity if he doesn't do exactly what they want.
>no tomba
>no ape escape
>almost no psx/ps2 games
>worst mgs
>best runs are during sleep hours
>17 nes/snes games
>smb, smw race, sm64 randomizer, kaizo mario galaxy, mario rpg
>Metroid Fusion
>tomb raider trilogy
>silent hill
>halo 2
>half life 2
>stardew valley
>Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1, 2, 3, and 4
>Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
>elden ring
I guess It's not complete shit
>elden ring
It's soulless Any% instead of kino all remembrances thoughbeit
live in Minnesota around the Minneapolis area and I have been seeing a influx of trans people in the city lately and I was wondering why makes sense now.
it's over

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