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>For the first time in Evo history, there will be over 10,000 unique competitors in attendance for #Evo2024.
>This marks a new all-time record, not just at Evo, but for all of esports.

Street Fighter 6 literally saved Fighting Games
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After Jive almost killed the FGC, too.
What a redemption arc
>Third Strike has over 1000 contestants
Not bad for a game thats a quarter century old
>Make Fighting game that's fun to play, has lots of content, good QoL's and good tutorials and on-boarding
>People like it and play it
It aint rocket science
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>ugly game
sorry but i prefer guilty gear strive with my wife giovanna the most attractive woman in fighting games
Too bad Strive is boring as fuck to look at when its actually being played
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>Make Fighting game that's fun to play
6 is not fun to play
>has lots of content
This is the "content" you retards got instead of actual playable characters and you are eating it up.
>good QoL'
Instant rematch truly is instant, that's the one good thing I can say about this piece of shit.
depends on the char, top tier fatigue i suppose. For me sf and gb are more boring
windjammer bros, I can't wait
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I like Strive but wallbreaks and POSITIVE bonus are absolutely fucking retarded. Damage in the game is also absurdly high.
E-sports were a fucking mistake.
Combo Breaker is a better event than EVO nowadays.
How so?
i genuinely can't bring myself to play sf6 because it looks so fucking ugly. the last time i felt like this about a supposedly good game was ccwi.
unironically imagine the smell
Auction tournaments being more hype than the main tournaments and better retro game streams.
I was going to give the game a chance eventually when I could get at least 30 characters for 20 dollars, but then Capcom pozzed my Steam games with Enigma so now they can go fuck themselves.
Looks like they'll never fine tune the slime mechanics into something playable anyway so it's not like I'm missing out, especially when there are much better offers right there.
>good QoL's
not the UX tho, the menus are fucking terrible like SF5s
EVO is the Olympics
Combo Breaker is backyard party where everyone is invited
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damage was absurdly high in the old games too, just harder to access to it gated by harder combos. Do you know what guts is? The health bar doesn't really reflect what's the effective health of the char, there is a modifier that the less health you have the less dmg you take. Retarded and convoluted i know, but people see a big health bar depleting and go mad without even thinking.
Agree on the rest, pos bonus and hkd on wild assault need to go
>just harder to access to it gated by harder combos.
This makes a gigantic difference.
Look at the amount of matches in Strive that end in a Perfect because half the cast can finish the round in 2 interactions. It's retarded.
Everyone likes to pretend the there's a good replacement for SF but the truth is the health of SF represents the general health of the FGC
we're gonna watch CEO this weekend, right fightanons?
>the truth is the health of SF represents the general health of the FGC
You are correct, but not in the way you think.
Street Fighter 6 is the most successful modern fighting game because it was tailor made for Americans, casuals and zoomers. It is ugly as fuck, casual as fuck, completely watered down and made 100% with the e-sports meme in mind. It is the least Street Fighter game to date.
So yes, that IS an accurate representation of the health of the FGC
I am. Mostly to see where it's gonna be held next year since apparently Jebailey's trying to get out of Daytona.

>It is the least Street Fighter game to date
Someone said this same statement earlier today before I left for work and it made me curious, what makes you feel like Street Fighter is Street Fighter? High damage and invincible DPs and matches that last 5 seconds like 2, Alpha, and 3? What exactly? If anything V played the least like a Street Fighter game with 4 in close second in that regard.
Game has more japanese players tho
>E-sports were a fucking mistake
100% agree, wish this shit would di, it much better when it was underground before EVO and shit got so big
I wish this was a legit schizo post but it's probably just a bot, huh
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SF6 is a better looking game than Playdoh Fighter V
maybe, strive and sf6 got me real tired of the american fgc
>m-muh Ken...
Every time lmao
Nah. You might die without realizing it. Alright so with a city of a million people, we can look at it and instantly try to understand it. But, our brains can't understand. The reason for this is because it's not actually logical. Most of the people are Satan. They can talk to you lol, that's how we know this. But, he doesn't do that usually. So with this reality, it's based a lot on sexual desire and financial need. And the systems in place make it very easy for Satan to control our lives. So we've already discussed how even the guys playing online games are Satan, he even puts repeating numbers in their usernames a lot of the time, you just don't notice him. His human bodies come out looking retarded and chink like sometimes. But I'm pretty sure he also made the attractive ones. Lol, because he's controlling their diets. We're farm animals and cattle being grown by an alien that we've descended from genetically. He's giving our bodies impulses about its basic desires like eating, sleeping, and cumming. It will be a disgusting realization, not only is Satan watching you jack off through your eyes, he's also the one who told you to do it with an actual bodily impulse. The thing about impulses is, they can be faked! He fakes them almost perfectly.
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Ken's the tip of the iceberg my dude
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you mean it saved the nu-fgc after covid raped it? because fighting games didnt need saving, theyre now worse than ever and sf6 is the actual worst fighting game ever made.
>It ain't rocket science
Forward that information to netherrelm studios
I'll 100% take this cringe shit being restricted to ERP hub over having to see Ryu eating Cup Noodles inbetween my losing streaks in SFV
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>muh Alex
Very good! That's two.
I'll save us both some time, Akuma (his default costume) looks like shit, and Sakura too.
That's 4 characters in the entire roster.
Meanwhile the entirety of SF6 looks uncanny and hideous as fuck.
It's possible our genetic relation to Satan is more like how your wow character is genetically related to your computer. He talks about simulation theory a lot. Why? Because of the psychoactive effects it has in your mind. And, because it's definitely closer to the truth. But what is the truth? Did we really go through all this trouble just to scream in agony? Mother fucker
Oh shit that's THIS weekend? Hell yeah I'm watching
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You sure took got me dude, absolutely none of the other characters looked like deformed play doh action figures
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Don't forget Ibuki
God his V standard was goofy as fuck and he looked like a goblin too. 6 saved Rashid so hard.
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>m-muh clay
Street Fighter characters looking like animated characters is a good thing.
This rancid abomination in which they look half cartoon/half realistic looks extremely fucking ugly, but shit eating retards love it for some reason. Because it's """more detailed""" I guess.

I'm not going to count the single frame in which she looks bad as the full character looking bad, piss off.
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6 gave a ton of characters much needed glow-ups. Ed was thankfully saved too, they even salvaged his goofy ass default V costume
>I'm not going to count the single frame
Yes you will, and you do. Because you're an obsessed faggot
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Look at this fucking Asian caricature looking GHOUL they try to pass off as Chun-li. Repulsive.
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Very well, in that case SF6 Cammy is a veritable fucking horror game character based on this single frame at the end of her win screen.
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For the record I dont think 6's visuals are perfect either but it's funny to meme on contrarians trying to argue that Clay Fighter ever looked or played good
There gonna be a Project Justice side tourney?
>pseudo realist slop fighter 6
>better looking
So with God's need, I mean it obviously has something to do with humans. It's possible he doesn't need, and he's actually doing this FOR us. The problem with this is, the pain. The unbearable pain never stops. So as a way to explain the pain, we need to say God either needs, or he doesn't need. And to explain the simulations, it's also a question of his need. It's almost like I'm talking about a human here, because Satan's will manifests in the same way that a human's will does. Also, Satan isn't mortal. So, it's different. With Satan, he's likely controling human bodies in the same way we might create a comedy video using a video editing program. This is real manifestations using human bodies, but the design is coming from outside of this world. So, this is actually a very common thing, but we don't notice it because it's not pointed out to us.
Just because YOU are bad at the game doesn't mean it's a bad game.
/v/'s recent claim about V being an underrated masterpiece is very funny. Predictable but still funny.
Contrarianism at any cost in this shithole
marisa looks great, she is supposed to be a goofy abomination woman.
Celebrate with 6 DPs
>just harder to access to it gated by harder combos
>This makes a gigantic difference.
Holy fuck, retards that think basic execution makes a difference in top tier play
Auction tourneys are boring except for mahvel
I liked playing as V Dan, and that's about as far as my praise for the game will go.
Bad thing... actually le good!
I love my gap-moe muscle retard.
yet SFV is the better game... Unironically.
I hate both though.
Most people complaining about fighting games here aren't complaining from the perspective of a top tier player, they are complaining from the perspective of someone who can do a DP maybe three times out of ten and gets frequently blown up by basic counterhit combos because they mash on wakeup.
>anyone who knows my first fighting game (SF6) is shit must think SFV is a masterpiece!
the cope
But top players at tourneys choke and drop their spaggetti constantly? That's why execution matters, combos being hard to do is essential to a long combo game
Starting to get annoyed at the bot
I can't wait for the saudis to buy to evo and see the pure seethe.
How does Bison play in 6?
SFV looks okay from afar but up close the models look really sloppily made, Ken's banana hair is just one of the more obvious examples. SFIV and 6 has more like the opposite problem where they're not as vibrant but look better up close
>post sony EVO
can't wait to watch 10 minutes of ads between each set! really amazing stuff. are they bringing the AIDS immigrants to watch?
Bro can't be worse than the dream hack Austin stream that had the audio desynchronized by like 2 seconds only for them to take a 20 minute break to "fix it" and come back to the audio being like 15 seconds ahead for the entire rest of the stream
He's very aggressive and the fact that he can plant a bomb on you is absurd. I think he's going to be a very good character if you can maintain your drive meter.
>How does Bison play in 6?
I'm already sick of fighting him I can say that much
If it's gonna be anything like last year where everyone cheers every time the chipotle ad airs I think we're gonna be ok
Strive literally requires more touches to kill than SF6

shitty game
can an anon please explain this post
the FGC Sucks
what mix of drugs can get me here
then your post is also satan
That's likely untrue because Satan has been raping me until I fall to the floor screaming in agony every hour for 5 years. Rape is unique in that you never question if you have a brain tumor.
>Rape is unique in that you never question if you have a brain tumor.
break this sentence down for me
why do you constantly compare release to 7 years of patches? it was good 4 years ago but still living in the shadow of release
I shot up earlier a mix of crack and heroin. I've been up for ugh... At least 3 months now shooting meth.
Your point being?
SF6 is a piece of shit, I never have nor will argue otherwise.
Bison seems very strong.
Saudis have their own EVO and are in the process of making a video game World Cup. They are brute forcing their way into having the biggest event across multiple games.
Explain to me how SFV (as early as season 2) was bad
If you think SF6 is good, or even better than V, explain why too.
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>how SFV (as early as season 2) was bad
>how was the season with Abigail bad
Yes. Explain it.
Season 2 is bad because it had an obnoxious top-tier character? Is that it?
>fighting gamers are so behind the curve that they haven't realized esports is garbage yet
Hell season 1 was bad. A story mode that wasn't available at launch. All character stories are 2-3 retard proof fights that serve no purpose and aren't even fun to complete. 1/3 of the roster had the best tools in the game at the time while everyone else struggled. Garbage online. The whole promise of never needing to use a fighter pass to or actual money to purchase new characters then have the payouts be absolutely abysmal unless you're a dedicated grind monkey (which yeah it makes sense, but that doesn't make it any less disheartening to casuals). Season 2 then made certain characters objectively worse than their season 1 iterations, especially when they were already on the lower end of the tier list (Alex and F.A.N.G come to mind). The entire selection roster being not a single returning character pissed people off initially even if they're whistling a different tune now. Also a number of problems people had with the game back from season 1 was still there and wouldn't get somewhat rectified until season 3 with Arcade Edition such as shitty fight money payouts and the lack of a basic arcade mode.

Don't know what anon's >>680955497 problem is with Abigail though. I love that Canadian idiot, especially when his V trigger 2 didn't have an armor limit at the start of season 3.
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>muh story in a fucking fighting game
Literally cannot give a shit.
>1/3 of the roster had the best tools in the game at the time while everyone else struggled.
Like at least half of Street Fighter games.
>Garbage online.
SFV netcode is very hard to defend, no arguments here.
>Fight Money
Also fair, Capcom very soon realized that the initial payout was too good so I don't blame them for wanting to reduce it, but they nerfed it so bad it was completely retarded. I also greatly disliked how buying a single character with FM presented absolutely no benefit later on if you decided to buy the full season pass or whatever, monetization in V was indeed shit but hardly something to single out V specifically for.
Abigail was insanely fun.
Abigail has a lot of jank related to his hitboxes that still exists even now. People had to pretty much accept that random bullshit can happen as long as he existed.

SF6 saved fighting games, but cursed my eyes with how ugly it is.
SFV has like one bad model. SFVI has like one great model.
DoA 7 and SC7 when?
Harada pretty much came out and said SCVII is never happening.

At the very least, Bamco should sell a complete edition with all the characters and better netcode.
And for the first time ever, Daigo will lose to 10,000 people in pools
Didn't Harada just make a huge post about how SC7 won't be a thing because no one at Bamco who has the power to greenlight one cares enough about it to do so?
Pretty much.
Ken is the worst looking character in SFV and the only good looking male one in 6.
His Akuma is too good for that.
Hobo Ken looks okay in SFVI. The great model is Cammy. It's why VI defenders only post her.
>monetization in V was indeed shit but hardly something to single out V specifically for.
No there's valid reason for calling them out on their bullshit because there was a caveat to all of it that persists in 6.
>you can buy characters without using real money!
>not their colors though
Not cool.

One more thing I forgot to bring up as to why SFV is so shit: the lopsided costume distribution. You have Chun-Li and Menat get all the special favors, and even Juri winning two from a fan vote, meanwhile Akuma gets three in the span of 7 years and that's it. I'm not even going to get into the whole costumes should be unlocked thing becaus that ship sailed with SF4, but at least in that game you could UNLOCK additional colors for your character.

Adding more onto why SFV sucks, character movesets were gutted in that game for the sake of propping up V Triggers and it was apparent from season 1 not all of them were created equal. So you have Karin combo people to hell and back while taking no damage at all, meanwhile characters like Urien and Alex had to damn near die before they could actually start putting up a fight. Then let's not forget how Nash's V trigger one is just a teleport meanwhile Chun-Li let all her normals hit twice and becoming the pressure queen. Oh and to make things even worse, some V triggers could were used up instantly while some lasted what felt like forever. That's not even mentioning that certain characters had their movesets lopped apart for the sake of the V system. Hell Alex gets special mention by having moves missing, one of which wouldn't comeback until 2nd V Triggers were introduced. The whole V system was a mess from day 1 and it took until Champion Edition to finally get some semblance of balance.

SFV took years to become good, but before then it was straight up bad to middling.
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They weren't the same person unless they were born from the dead guy

SFV looks good (with some shit like Ken), but it's artstyle may not ring with some people, and that's personal.
SF6's artstyle was done by other companies already, so it's easy to compare it to Tekken and MK and come to the conclusion SF6 looks bad on a technical standpoint.
>You have Chun-Li and Menat get all the special favors, and even Juri winning two from a fan vote, meanwhile Akuma gets three in the span of 7 years and that's it.
Not him, but waifu costumes sell. Coomers may not play, but they'll always be first in line to buy the cosmetics.

Deal with it.
>That's not even mentioning that certain characters had their movesets lopped apart for the sake of the V system.
I couldn't get into playing Karin in 5 because of her rekkas being locked behind that crap desu
3rd strike>SFV>SF6>SF2>dog shit>USF4
mhm had say to 'em
Husbando costumes also sell. You just have to make them.
what is up with Cammy's face?
All I'm getting from this is that I should just keep playing Jive until Dix eventually becomes good several years from now and releases an edition with the entire roster up to that point.

Jive was trash back then for multiple reasons - everybody knows that. We all got burned by paying full MSRP for a a heap of trash that didn't even have arcade mode. However, it is not 2016 anymore. What matters is the game is good right now, and Dix sure as fuck isn't.
Damage was nowhere near as universally insane as it is in Strive.
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I still WOULD
They made her look like a failed Russian model.
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Boy howdy did they.
Total. Zangief. Victory. I will accept no less.
Apparently he’s not a charge character anymore
Some of his old abilities still need a charge, but yes he's a hybrid character now. They have been toying with the idea of making some of his moves motion based since 4.
Bison's more hybrid than full charge as of SF6. His double knee press is now motion instead of charge, he was given new motions as well, but Pyscho Crusher and his stomp are still charge.
Anon pls. He's 17.
Do homos even find Akuma hot?
Only bicycle kick and his supers are motions inputs. Bison's super in SFV was a motion input. Everything else still has charge inputs.
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Akuma's is never hot. Dude is basically a Lich.
He was hot in Tekken 7.
Did Sony up the prize pool incentives or something to make people bother coming out?
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SFV didn't give me much so I'll take what I can get with the firefighter costume.
No. Evo is just FGC's version of E3 now. You can go there, visit booths, see some cool shit, maybe play some of the new games like City of Wolves and 2XKO, and buy some merch. And since you're there, play in a tournament.
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The artstyle of SFV just looks like something they picked to shit out character models as fast as possible. Some characters feel like weird placeholder models where they hadnt cleaned them up and added the finer detail yet. It's almost made worse by the fact that some characters do look quite good so it was clearly a budget/time thing.

The only thing I like about V's visuals is how vibrant the colors are.
>Implying the renaissance isn't a direct result of Mortal Kombat sucking complete dick so hard even the normies see it
>The artstyle of SFV just looks like something they picked to shit out character models as fast as possible.
Man I miss that. In 6, it seems like they have to choose between either making a new costume or a new character.
Was her SF5 character model censored with spats?
You mean Kinoblue
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Why do people blame or attribute the high damage in strive on esports when they clearly did it for the purposes of keeping casuals or the kinds of fg players who prefer quick rounds/matches and doing high damage in short amounts of time to make them feel good, kind of like Tekken?
My list is the exact opposite of this, unironically.
and not for the first time will snk have a game there that has low entrants despite their fanbase being mad that anyone would ever want more than just the pvp mode in their games, they want competitive players only, but competitive players who make excuses as to why they won't come to tournaments such as "it's too expensive" while more people even showed up for fucking mk of all things
kek what a bitch company of the year all years
You saved this thread anon
that just means they have even more reason to own evo
snk is pretty cool
I don't care. you're a nobody.
So are you, faggot. Not a single soul in this world gives a fuck about you
Can this schizo die already
I'm the best player in my country though. also I have a hot gf. so keep boiling. my opinion > yours
Street fucked 666 sucks. It has slime Universal shits, Shitty presentation, and focuses way to much on the avatar shits.

Mortal Kombat reboot sucks and has garbage monitization.

Tekken 8 is just a copy paste of 7 with mobile game monetization.

Strive is Soulless and boring as hell. Also, Bridget is still a dude.

Uni arcsys sucks at naming things is similar to strive.

Granpoo is just bad. I swear they used chat gpt for the names of the characters.

Third Strike is good but I prefer ST.

King of Fighters 15 is so far the best fighting game of the 2020’s but isn’t as good as 2k2UM or 13.

Ecelebs and Esports ruin everything like always.
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>I remember when people were talking about how grateful they were that Capcom fixed Sakura's face. I was trying to understand what was wrong with it in the first place.
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this time Ill actually watch EVo again. SF5 and that whole era of fighters kind of killed any interest i had to watch it, SF6 doesn't look to bad so ill give it a go.
Playing video games for money should be illegal, that shit is already cancer and gross with sports, what the fuck is wrong with humans?
Arcsys doesn't name or make uni you secondary retard.
so fucking mad lmao
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pretty cold* in the mud like gayew
CEO is better than Combo Breaker
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they made it beautiful
The face you posted is not beautiful.
The face you posted is not even what you see during the actual game either.
V only got good when Dan was released
Like, legit, no kidding
>V only got good when Sagat, Lucia, and Honda were released
FTFY. Then the Gill and Seth reveals blew everyone's balls off.
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Nip boomer detected
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it's by all conventional beauty metrics a beautiful face
She looks like a bitch, Cammy is not a bitch.
No, it's a weird looking, uncanny, wax sculpture-tier imitation of it.
Not fully fictional looking, not fully realistic either, stuck in this weird limbo. That is why it looks like shit.
Also, once again, that is NOT how she fucking looks in the game, this >>680945210 is what she looks like in the game.
She literally is a British cunt sow and always has been. By removing all traces of attractiveness, SF6 has segregated this and spelled it out
Sounds like a personal issue, you some kind of phobia around textures
kys hadou
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look at this pretty thing in contrast
She could Psycho Crush me any day.
Just stating a simple fact.
I never played fighters, do I buy one and just go right into ranked to get rekt for 100 hours or so? They look fun to play but hard to learn
>n-no! STOP pointing out that SF6 got some discount Shenmue meme mode instead of playable characters!
lmao get fucked faggot.
>*just stating a simple shit take
V actually had some really good tournaments. 6 has actually been weaker in that area so far due to how Capcom has tried to organize things.
Nah, the Dan update made the game actually fun to play.
Just play modern if you just want to play casually lol.
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I mean, learning on the job is not an uncommon way to go about it, I would personally at least fuck around in training mode with a character I like for a little bit to have an idea of what he/she can do but you can knock yourself out.
Every modern fighter I've played has more than enough beginners to guarantee you'll get matched with people who won't just outright destroy you. Once you DO reach the point where people destroy you, you have the choice to actually look at guides, matchup information and so on before trying again, or just... continue learning on the job.
Which one(s) are you interested in?
Pretty much yeah, most of them have decent enough tutorials these days that you can just do that, maybe play a round or two against AI to get a feel for the mechanics in motion and then go straight to matchmaking for the true experience.
...Except this is because of Tekken and SF6 lost 50% of its entrants from last year.
Whatever faggot, being a literal subhuman who can't even understand how SF6 looks ugly and uncanny as shit is a (You) problem, not mine.
When I mean bitch, I don't mean posh, I mean she looks ugly.
I have skullgirls, guilty gear strive, tekken 7 I dont remember buying any of these, but I guess Strive looks cool. How fucked am I as a beginner in that game
Nah I see too much shittalking about Modern I'll try and learn Classic if I get SF6 which idk if i will
>good QoL
>hmmm what did the letter mean by this
>Quality of something....
>Quality of Loot, maybe? Probably referring to the gacha systems. Should be easy enough.
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Abigail is like a tame, more flawed version of Marisa. Better design and more fun to play, too.
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meanwhile tekken 8 is dead
fuck tekken 8
You're fine as a beginner in strive. There's mission mode to ease you into learning it and always a bunch of people at the beginner, mid, high and in-between levels for someone starting it.
Just don't do it. At most play with a friend for fun. Don't waste your time trying to get good at fighting games. Do anything else.
Is there a reason I see the exact same posts in every SF thread?
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how do we reclaim our throne tekbros?
Classic is harder to learn than Modern but it boils down to execution either way. You can start with Modern while not relying on auto combos and one button specials/supers then move on to Classic if you feel you're comfortable with six buttons. Or just skip all that and go classic. Going on training mode and arcade mode should be enough to give you a feel of your character.
sf6 fans get chased out of the street fighter general and come shill on /v/ using the same pictures every time
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it's a (You) problem since you're the retard who everyone dogpiles and calls a faggot when you dare say it in any non-anonymous place. It's why you have to whine "Why does everyone disagree with me!? Must be the bots and paid shills!"
Complete lack of self awareness
Why are you asking a question you already know the answer to?
>SF shills are the ones posting the same posts about how they hate SF
What level of cope is this?
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>I guess Strive looks cool. How fucked am I as a beginner in that game
Probably not that bad honestly, it's no Tekken/SF but it has a very stable player base. Strive also has a very solid mission/tutorial mode that teaches you about the numerous game mechanics as well as several very straightforward and strong beginner friendly characters, even in the base game.
The ranked mode in that game is a "Tower" in which you climb to the upper floors as you rank up. Your initial rank depends on how you do in a fight against an AI opponent. I very, VERY sloppily beat this AI opponent and I got placed on Floor 4, so I imagine Floors 1 through 3 are full of actual beginners and should give you ample chance to acquaint yourself with your character.
Just play the fucking games holy shit I am fucking tired of fucking faggots here pussyfooting about and acting like fighting games are some mystical shit
>retard schizo accuses me of being his imaginary enemy while at the same time implying I'm the one who thinks only bots disagree with me
>while at the same time saying I'm the one without self awareness
Holy kek
You can not make this shit up.
>jive almost killed the fgc
>still one of capcom’s most successful games of all time and was on average the most popular fighting game during its generation
I don’t get it
You are replying to someone who likes Luke, likes the chad meme and likes SF6
Of course their argument is fucking retarded.
They are mystical, that's why they're DEAD
How come when SF is doing bad people act like all fighting games were.
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>tfw never gone to EVO
I'll dew it next year, I swear...
>fighting games are le heckin deaderinoooooooo!
How come you doomtrannies seethe so much when people play games?
You lost troon
Those two wild projections from my post are not even mutually exclusive. I'm sure that was a real gotcha in your head, brainlet faggot
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the biggest problem i have with SF6 isn't drive rush nor throw loops-i like aggressive gameplay. rather, that none of the characters are appealing at all, both in terms of visuals and gameplay
OK retard.
Faggots actually paid for 6?! It looks fucking awful

Stop supporting this garbage
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SFV is the highest selling Street Fighter game ever. Also the best one so far.
Says the one scared of video games.
Troons submit. NOW!
>none of the characters are appealing at all, both in terms of visuals and gameplay
They aren't.
SF6 is amazingly fucking ugly all around; the renditions of classic characters are ugly as fuck, the newcomers are ugly as shit, the stages are bland and colorless as shit.
SFIV and SFV had a good amount of duds in terms of newcomers but holy FUCK the ones in 6 are bad.
What did MK1 do wrong exactly?
discordtroons at it again, huh
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at being shit
It looks fine.
how many times have you posted this same sentiment in this thread, don't lie
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Way I look at it, initial SFV nearly killed the genre. Final state SFV brought it together, though its final matches leading into the 6 announcement being turtle stalling hell will be a lingering stigma.
no it doesn't, compare >>680969339
Jfc fu king troons here again stfu
Tekken 8 Lili is so fucking perfect
The straw-like hair is kind of shit but the improvement over her T7 version is so fucking massive, it's genuinely amazing.
If SFV is so good how come everyone immediately dropped it and isn't even a side event?
Can we all agree that Granblue is fucking garbage and an insult to fighting games?
Several times.
Is this supposed to be a gotcha?

>if fighting game good, how come people dropped it in favor of new game like it happens literally every single fucking time?
Cool and? SF6 still looks fine.
its like talking to a toddler who learned a new word and just parrots you lmao
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>hot as fuck
>easy to play
>won evo
>rich enough to take care of you forever
this is the perfect woman
this happens to every single game except the one not currently being pushed by evo as the foty old fuck game
there used to be like 200 people tops on the 3s chatrooms in fightcade and that's the epic daigo parry game all the retards love circlejerking around, available for free with top tier netcode and still nobody played it
I like how she actually looks white now instead of faux asian
Well? People still play SF2, 3, 4 and alpha 3.
People still play +R and XRD.
People still play TT2 and Tekken 3.
People still play melee
people still play KOF 98
take a good look between >>680966451 and >>680969642
it looks last gen
She literally looks white now lol good it means she is attractive now
Last gen doesn't mean bad.
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Granblue has some jank but it is very fun to play.
It is also BY FAR the best looking modern fighting game. It's not even a contest, everything about its visuals and presentation is 10/10

OK, point me towards the last event that had a SF II, III or IV tournament but no SFV
sfv has about the same amount of players or more on steam alone than any of the fighting games you mentioned
Shut up already damn troon. Leave already
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If by "play" you mean "there is one side tournament with 10 entrants and 6 DQs at Evo for it", then SFV is still played as well.
black or hispanic?
Strive still looks better, the problem is that tourneys are exlusively played at the ugliest fucking stage because autists and their training stage autism. Yeah I know it's also because performance issues on consoles but that doesn't apply to more than half of the stages, just choose any other one ffs
My locals
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>Tekken 3
stop lying, fucking poser piece of shit

people play tag 1, 3 almost has no comp scene
Do you people have a SINGLE screenshot of what Cammy looks like in the actual game? Even one?
>b-but this IS her model!
No faggot, game as in during the fucking matches.
Probably not. I doubt even you would be able to imply she looks good in those.
Which does? Out of those 2 pics the Tekken one looks last gen
tekken was always #2
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lol nice joke
ugly last gen blender model
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oh wow she looks the same but smaller, from the side and with brighter lighting
3 has had a weird resurgence. Wonder if it's cause it's on fightcade now.
>it's on fightcade now
Wait what
Still, who cares about 3, put DR on fightcade damn it
It's funny how both you and the SF6 shill Cammy guy are posting mods made by the same dude, who abandoned SF6 modding completely as soon as Tekken 8 came out.
>highest selling
only cause they supported it the longest and 6 has already made half of it's sales count in a year
Because playing older SF titles doesn't pay the bills.
ed is still a fucking lame faggot and it doesn't make any sense how anyone can possibly think otherwise
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stop FUCKING lying

fightcade does not support any tekken on the client
>Make a McChicken at McDonalds cost 10 dollars
>Surprised when cash prize competitions get filled up with people trying to make money anyway they can
That reply was in response to some retard who said it almost killed the FGC which is flat out wrong.
>Nah I see too much shittalking about Modern I'll try and learn Classic if I get SF6
If you're gonna play fighting games, don't get baited by the stupid niggers of the FGC into making your experience worse
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he just released a Chun Li mod you ignorant retard
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Tekken has the best white women in vidya so no wonder
Ed in SF6 is an even bigger faggot. Garbage character for unironic sodomites who's also boring to both play and watch in two different games in two totally different ways.
>initial SFV nearly killed the genre.
What an incredibly dumb statement. Compare V to SF3 which actually came close to tanking the whole genre. The sales difference is night and day. You can say you didn't like SFV but saying it killed the genre when it sold very well, reviewed well and maintained Capcom's position as a leader in the scene is ludicrous
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>another DR poser shithead
i bet doing 80% of off an unreactable launcher in neutral is acceptable to you
>sold very well
>reviewed well
okay, you don't get to rewrite SFV's horrific launch. everyone knows the miracle revival the game had, but the launch state was absolutely disastrous.
Which game killed the FGC?
>Killer Instinct 2013 for introducing the season based model
>SFV for heavily pushing esports faggotry
>Guilty Gear Strive for outright replacing the core fanbase with a new one that can't handle trash talk
Which part of that post said the INITIAL release sold well, you clown?
She looks like shit

Also asainoid features so they ugly by default
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Don't bite the bait please thank you
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SFV looked better where it mattered. I don't give a fuck about World Tour.
None of these.
Then what was the point of the rant about if it completely ignored the final state part
>SFIV for heavily pushing esports faggotry
I swear to god SF6 would be ten times better if they straight up deleted drive rush and I play anime games and like SF6 regardless
But then you would be forcing Timmy to actually fucking learn how to approach his opponent and he would not be able to reach Master rank. Think of the consequences.
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>Guilty Gear Strive for outright replacing the core fanbase with a new one that can't handle trash talk
What core fanbase kek
SFV absolutely sold well initially. It had well over a million sales year one.
I went back to check the reviews and they were a bit lower than I remembered so I'll say it reviewed decently rather than well.
Still it sold very well and performed very well in events.
It is nowhere near killing the genre
You know the GG fans, the people who told you they were fans but didn't actually play.
"esports" Didn't exist in fighting games at the time. It was largely contained to ASSFAGGOTS and CSGO. Nearly everything in the FGC was grassroots with the exception of the Capcom Cup.

inb4 some retard that can't tell the difference between a comp scene and esports replies
To be fair, it's still replacing if you change one hundred people for thousands
Yes they did.
shut your faggot ass up, i was there
sf4 was the height of esports exploitation because fighting games were extremely poverty still so every shitty mlg wannabe company exploited the "grassroots" community and its players for a quick buck. sf4 facilitated the first and cringiest esport moments in the fgc
And those five losers didn't push tranny shit down my throat. They made some silly "Everyone is gay for Bridget!" memes and made some elitist shitposts in Blazblue discussions at worst.

Now I want nothing to do with fighting games because of all the hippies and smashfags that got into Strive. They're everywhere and insufferable.
lmao what? dude literally ported his SF mods to kekken and kekkentards think this is a massive win for some reason? holy kekaroo
SF4 had players rolling on the ground and barking for an esports jersey. They had Justin Wong on a reality show. That shit was esports.
No amount of mods can make dix look less shit, I don't know why people bother.
The core itself is rotten, there is no fixing it.
>scene is filled with niggers for twenty years
>oh nooo the heckin trannerinos are now too much
You don't play fighting games and never did, faggot
Tekkenbros............. our response?
looks like the response is to have a meltdown itt
Niggers are more tolerable than trannies and smashies.
>didn't push trannies
>immediately mentions a tranny character
Post hand
Look at this manlet. Look at this manlet who had his shit stolen and laugh.
Bridget was considered as a trap back then you clueless retard. Still is but you fucks kneel to the troons either way
To which part of my post is this non-argument aimed at?
Blazblue literally had 2 full on trannies 10 years ago, one being a completely open mtf tranny
>noooooo that doesn't heckin count the tranny was actually a tranny!
No can do, anon. Posting non-black hands on /v/ is prohibited.
what happened? i didn't play fighters back then
is this fightcade 2?
Says the one thinking that a tranny wasn't a tranny. Answer me this tranny lover if tranny not tranny then why tranny dress like tranny?
Fuck no it's not. Robbery Fighter V was sbjr from day 1 and barely improved.
Not him, but please seek help. You are just as mentally ill as the actual trannies.
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Abigail doesn't have a better design compared to any character in history.
Game was rushed out to meet the timing for the esports season Capcom wanted to push so it didn't have the story mode at launch and had some balance issues people didn't agree with.
It wasnt pretty but some people are trying to make it out to be a disaster when it was just a weak launch.
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Don't lie to him.
There's this
Says the tranny
>m-muh robbery...
So V-Trigger was robbery, was it.
Are slime mechanics robbery?
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The game that saved esports wasn't even a fighting or shooting game it was pic.
That's not CS
It's poetic that the ego of both genres would never deign to accept it however.
Less so for several reasons
>you aren't awarded slime for getting your ass kicked
>you can actively drain your opponents meter with block pressure
>Drive Rush does not let you freeze time and start absolutely free uncounterable pressure seqjuemces
Being able to accelerate past neutral in a lot of cases is still pretty gay but mowehere near as illegitimate as horseshit Vtrigger shenanigans.
And yet it is available literally from round start, and constantly a thing during the entire match. You can NOT have a match without slime shit.
It is a hundred times worse but people just like to parrot "m-muh V-Trigger robbery" while at the same time defending this shit, not to mention it is literally, functionally broken and will eat opponent's inputs.
I like drive rush and will continue to use it.
you don't know what robbery is you mouthbreathing retard
You should also mention how Drive Rush isn't universally equal. Some characters have really good Drive Rushes, while some characters have limited drive rushes.
That's not really a point for or against Drive Rush because the same was true for V Trigger.
What are the chances of MvC announcement at Evo? Now that the current main fighting games have been out for it a bit. It would be the perfect time to announce it with all the hype from the recently announced MvC2 on the capcom fighting collection.
I am not calling slime shit "robbery" you fucking retard, I am saying it is overall worse.
Retarded fucking cunt.
Zero. Enjoy your ads.
Absolutely not unless it's a very late release like summer 2025 earliest with how strong SF6 is going.
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>Street Fighter 6 literally saved
There's no saving a dead genre.
drop the entrant numbers already
>another doomtranny
>actually brainwashed by trannies to believe bridgets a tranny
absolute retard lmao kys newfag
lmao you literally prefaced your post with this
>Are slime mechanics robbery?
>it is overall worse.
fuck no you're a stupid nigger
SFV is literally the mario kart of fighting games, literally rewarding being shit at the game kek
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One balance patch PER YEAR

18 character base roster with essentials like Bison and Akuma sold as DLC

Despite the small ass roster, characters have extremely limited movesets.

All characters end up playing the same with minor variance due to slime rush mechanics that skip neutral

Game has awful horror engine graphics with obnoxious hit stops and particle effects out the ass. Characters look like RE NPCs.

Worst music in any SF game ever. Did Capcom fire its OG composers?

Modern controls and slime spam means you're no longer playing SF. Might aswell be a phone game at this point. It's all the same.
and it's still the best fighting game this generation
>between SFV and SF6, FIVE is the party game
Goddamn, dix players are so unbelievably fucking retarded.
It's funny too because I can see you say this without a hint of irony.
Wow, 10,000? This surely means Slime Spammers Dix is a good game now right???

>nooooo my heckin wholesome chungus tranny character isn't a trannerino!
it literally is, you can't defend vtrigger garbage lmao
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It's a party masher and a bad one at that.
you lost
i accept your concession newfag
I'm honestly floored that the "old good new bad" cycle is such a potent psychological phenomenon that there are people legitimately dickriding something as complete fucking garbage as SFV was now that the next game is out. SFV was the most embarrassing product Capcom had ever produced (until MvCI came out) and it took years before it was made into an even semi acceptable state, and even then all of the stupid shit that plagued the game on a fundamental level was still there.
>kekken meltdown samefagging thread
daily seethe thread already?
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I'm guessing Crapcom outsourced not only the game to 'Jeets but also marketing? Because Dixposters have been awfully obnoxious lately.
>nooooo you don't love trannies like me? You're heckin new!
>look daddy harada i posted it again! is tekken winning now?
imagine being so mindbroken you can only speak in greentext lamo
Oh oh oh oh can you post the "pro" footage which is actually bots next? That's my favourite.
Don't worry. The FGC will ditch and hate Dix the moment SF7 is out to tourney whore in. The FGC is a blight on gaming. Sellout poor niggers too lazy for a real job.
Imagine being too scared to directly respond to people.
>can't stop drive rush

lol, lmao even
is that the time when you'll be deep throating SF6 to doompost SF7 too?
Slime Tranny shills get awfully defensive the moment their circlejerk is disrupted.

Sadly, 90% of all entrants are due to overly inflated prize pool. They don't actually care about the game. They want that early retirement money. Literally casino phone game.
imagine giving attentionwhores free (You)s
The last good Street Fighter game was Alpha 3.
I know the moment 7 drops, 'Jeet Crapcom shills will say Slime Spammers was never good and SF7 is the bestest fighting game ever due to *insert prize pool and steamcharts images*.

Predictable ass shills.
>muh attentionwhore
>says the tranny who constantly refreshes the catalog so he can dump his shitposting material in SF threads
Nah SF4 AE 2012 was great
Wow, getting in the SF6 defense early

They’ve already said they’re doing more frequent balancing this year.
18 base roster is more than every other base street fighter release. Akuma has never been in a vanilla. Bison doesn’t have to be base roster every game.
You don’t play the game, characters aren’t homogenous.
Modern has virtually no competitive impact. It’s a gimmick only retards complain about. Drive rush isn’t a big deal if you actually play the game (you don’t). The real problems are throw loops and some character specific balance.
10 rupees have been deposited in your shill account Sanjeev.
nope, SF2 turbo, USF4, and 6 are great games
5 is just garbage regardless of what's out
>replying to copypasta
Stop replying to the attentionwhore
I live that nigger shill posting modded Cammy images to preserve her image. Desperate ass shills
USF4 was a downgrade from AE 2012
>red focus was a retarded mechanic
>Hugo was the only worthwhile newcomer
>cancer like Rolento and HEARING ruined the game
the fgc should have stayed dead, they literally force the commentators to call everyone "they" now instead of using obvious he or she.
>there will be over 10,000 unique competitors
So what you're saying is no clones?
>The real problems are throw loops and some character specific balance.
Which also includes Drive Rush.
SF/GG FGC is now a tranny infested shithole. Just pure mental illness and corporate shills.
>muh red focus
sounds like a (you) problem
Says the tranny
When exactly did the FGC get coopted by all this tranny shit? The old heads would call people faggots and stab each other for tick throwing.
>they literally force the commentators to call everyone "they"
You're super gullible if you believe that.
Congratulations sfv posters.
For trying to defend that trash fire of a missed abortion you can now park in the handicap parking spaces because you're all clinically retarded.
When publishers hijacked the events and turned them into glorified product commercials. So late SF4 era.
The problem with red focus is that most of the time all it did was make the rich get richer, it did fucking nothing to help the shittier characters.
tranny gaslighter
It never happens outside of NA whenever it happens too
Land of the free
theres a hardcore (white) sjw tournament operator named rick the hadou and they promoted him to run a bunch of different events including evo, and it kept getting worse from there.
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>female character on screen
>commentator uses either "she", referring to the character, or "they", referring to the player
>male character on screen
>commentator either uses "they", referring to the character, or "she" if the player is a trannoid
It doesn't happen at all. There is no such mandate and you can watch any match from any tournament of any game this year as proof. Even for Guilty Gear they use "he" for everyone except Umisho who they call "her/she".
People who never got out of Gold in SFV somehow reach like 3 ranks higher in SF6
Actual pro players have LITERALLY said that SF6 feels random.
But no, some brain addled retard in this shithole board thinks SFV is the party game so he must be right.
SFVs issues were overblown and most of them were fixed by the time S1 rolled around, the rest were hammered out overtime, and it went from ok to great when AE launched.
>SFVs issues were overblown
no they fucking weren't
>most of them were fixed by the time S1 rolled around
Absolutely not
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I like how 'fgc twitter" has become code for these types
>Juan KOF
What're the chances it's a meme like John (Game Name) instead of an actual unironic nickname
I am 90% certain he is literally named Juan, didn't want to bother creating a name and he just goes by JuanKOF to keep it simple.
t. another Mexican
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I prefer KI.
>isn't even a side event?
Do you understand how fucking rare it is for games to run concurrently with their sequels outside of the literal biggest tournaments?
Stop tranny
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Chun-li was always a very universally, conventionally attractive character who looked vaguely Asian/Chinese. This was perfectly fine, this is how she was designed.
But when Capcom was cooking up this shit game it's like they wanted to be FUCKING 500% CERTAIN you KNEW she is Chinese, so they cranked up her Chinese features so much that she basically looks like a parody/stereotype, overshadowed only by AKI who has a literal fucking rice hat hairdo and basically closed, slanted eyes.
I fucking hate this trash game so goddamn much.
>No one mentioned trannies
>Starts troon gooning
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this but GBVSR and my wife Anila instead
FGC pushed hard to grow and get as many people involved as possible after 09, by the time the floodgates were fully open the trannyshit was starting to kick off, and we all know how much gaming communities feed into it. GG pandering to casuals and trannies much later, didn't help either, even both communities seem to keep GG separate from the rest of the FGC.
Absolutely impeccable taste.
Sheep is the cutest, sweetest character in the entire cast, and she is also fun as fuck to play.
Evo is worse every year. Last one was 50% watching a Chipotle 'we'll be right back' screen. It's soulless as fuck and the prizepool sucks. Saudis saved fighting games.
>Do you know what guts is? The health bar doesn't really reflect what's the effective health of the char, there is a modifier that the less health you have the less dmg you take. Retarded and convoluted i know, but people see a big health bar depleting and go mad without even thinking.
They two touch me through guts. Might as well not exist.
t. Axl player
You deserve it for playing Axl
>Saudis saved fighting games.
from what, dying from capitalism philosophies like they should have?
The Japanese streams are slightly better but yeah, last year's EVO was fucking horrid in that regard.
If nothing else though, watching the Japanese streams spares me from listening to that faggot James Chen and his grating goblin voice.
Saudis put up million dollar prizepools and have better production. Evo is living on its name and in reality is a garbage tourney.
That's a Sony product for you. I remember when you could watch streams of all the side tournaments and after hour shenanigans.
>after hour shenanigans.
That was comfy as fuck.
Not anymore. 90% of the interesting matchups are played off stream now. You gave to find an IRL stream to see them. I fucking hate Evo now. But everyone has to go through the motions because it's 'Evo'.
But anon, how will Yun function? He has trouble getting in!
Nah if it ain't white it ain't right
If Smash was allowed at EVO, it would have twice that number and we all know it.
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We only talk about numbers and use them as an argument when it favors dix.
Axl is quite literally the most honest Strive character
And he's fun to play against which is a fucking rare thing for a zoner
Being a zoner means you literally can't be honest, get in here faggot
In 6 everyone plays the same, I can't understand how people can play it for hundreds of hours
Addicted to slime
Because no matter how much you want to pretend otherwise, the first iteration of every Street Fighter game is the worst one and it gets better. Same thing with SFV. SF6 is probably the first time this wasn't a problem.
>SF6 is probably the first time this wasn't a problem.
The first iteration of SF6 is fucking dogshit, and the few balance updates it has received confirmed that all the shitty party mechanics are shitty party mechanics by design; they are not going away and they are not going to get toned down.
This is it.
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It's so fucking delicious seeing the same identifiable one or two autists in these threads who are obsessed and a vendetta against this game.

SF6 is incredible successful (including nippon land in particular, sorry weeb fags) and there's nothing you can do about it.
Are you one of those retards who think that there are literally only like 10 people who dislike SF6?
>10,000 unique competitors

eSports is a fucking madhouse. It's not like you'd have 10k players in the super bowl or in a hockey match.
if people with as diffrent skill levels played football people would die.
>only like 10 people who dislike SF6
Disingenuous little weasel.

Considering I always see the same writing style, same played out, broad criticism that never goes in-depth with the flaws of the game, same webms used for the same arguments, yes, it is absolutely fucking clear the same few butthurt faggots roam these threads. It's either that, or there are many of you brainless dumbfucks and you all act like a hivemind, who have constantly copied from each other's posts since nearly the game's release. It's embarrassing no matter how you slice it.
>SFVs issues were overblown and most of them were fixed by the time S5 rolled around
>same webms used for the same arguments
same filenames too
It didn't even have a proper arcade mode at launch. All you had was an endless survival mode, and versus matching with 16 characters, 4 new. And given the game never truly got its netcode fixed but this was back when it was at its worst, online versus wasn't a great choice either. People weren't spoiled silly by rollback becoming a standard yet so they took what they got, but V REALLY needed those updates.
Party inclines randomization and functions designed so that anybody can win as an equalizer. Even with Modern controls, if someone doesn't know how to play, they won't win, and mechanics are all consistent here. You may not like the slime, you may think the roster sucks, etc etc., but "party" is inherently wrong in this context.
A simple "Yes" would have sufficed.
She looks like a 50 year old noodle stand chink in Dix
I agree. Party mashers always do best, which is why Slime Spammers has taken the crown in Smash' absense.
Forgot it was this weekend
Thanks anon
100% Capcum slurping shill meltdown
Top 8 placements in Slime Spammers Dix are so random might aswell admit it's a full blown party game.
SF6 is the fighting game anti christ.
Worshipped by retards but ruined everything.
KEK my thoughts exactly, yes.
Ruined what? You don't even play fighting games, you fucking faggot.
>muh anti christ
Schizo retard.
ah here's one of the retards
smash was already in evo and it never hit these numbers retard
lots of bots these days
It ruined Street Fighter, for starters.
Capcom now knows what retards fucking love the pseudo-realism meme, the hip hop shit, the single player meme modes, the avatar garbage, all things that have no business being in a Street Fighter game, so they will absolutely double down on this trash for the next game.
They also know that you retards WILL buy the 4 character season passes at exactly the same price as the 6 character ones, because """they are more detailed""" and because they need to be integrated into the aforementioned single player shit, so that will become standard too.
I'm not the who obsesses with a game for months on end that I hate and don't play and pretend I'm some oldshool fightan player, so no.
take your meds you are making up insane strawmen you actual subhuman drone
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SF6 did many things to level the playing field so that nonames can knock out capcom cup champs. just happened to menard last week.
Its not even modern. Its the fundamental game design that allows it. Things like DR and DI, auto refilling meters. Throwloops and retard damage. Parries. All of those chip away at the kind of nuance that lets better players win consistently.
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>pseudo-realism meme
What meme? You mean, the art style is a "meme"? Can you talk like an actual fucking human being for just one second?
>the hip hop shit
Third Strike.
>the single player meme modes
Nevermind that one of the biggest criticisms against SFV was that it had no single player content.
>avatar garbage
Ignore it then, dumbass.
>so they will absolutely double down on this trash for the next game
Good, I'll enjoy the next game as well as you dipshits still crying about it.
you are so asshurt you started quoting the wrong people lmao
>can knock out capcom cup champs. just happened to menard last week
You think that because a top player loses, that is evidence the game is poorly designed. Even though, the reason you consider Mena a good player to begin with, is because he solidified himself as such in both SFV AND SF6.
>retard damage
Yes. Imagine if previous games had big damage too. It's unheard of.
what universe do you guys live in? we had months of SF6 with mena, angrybird, and punk ALWAYS in top 8

you do not play fighting games.
you're a retard. when mena was upcoming he actually started placing well in tons of events. thats not whats happening right now. you get shitters knock out the best and then they never do anything again because its all flukes because the game is built for that.
the CPT winner is a literal who who stole the million and then directly vanished from any placements after.
compare that to someone like nuckledu who was top5 for like a year before and after his CPT win in SFV.

not even going to talk about the other part because you are clearly clueless about any sort of SF gameplay.
>Ignore it then, dumbass.
"""opinion""" discarded
>nonames can knock out capcom cup champs. just happened to menard last week.
he literally cried about the seeding giving him too strong of a player in round 1
mena literally went to shit after they nerfed luke and his blanka got labbed lmao
why don't you go out there and win that million dollars since it's all random anyways you fucking retard
>retard who can't even quote the correct post enjoys SF6
Absolutely no surprises here.
>the art style
What fucking art style?
Absolutely all the budget and development time went into making the characters detailed, the "art" involved in it is the problem, it looks fucking disgusting.
>Third Strike.
Can you tell me with a straight face that the amount and kind of hip-hop present in Third Strike is comparable to this trash. The soundtrack as a whole sucks shit, probably because they needed it to play second fiddle to that retarded commentator feature (ANOTHER waste of time and resources btw)
>Nevermind that one of the biggest criticisms against SFV was that it had no single player content.
Criticism that only casuals and retards had.
I do NOT give a shit, I don't buy fucking fighting games to play against CPU opponents.
>Ignore it then, dumbass.
I am ignoring the entire shitty game.
That still doesn't change the fact that you keep getting overpriced avatar shit instead of actual content for your game, and that if this becomes the focus it WILL negatively affect the quality of the game and make it even worse than it currently is.
>Good, I'll enjoy the next game as well as you dipshits still crying about it.
Knock yourself out, I will be playing one of the other (now) better series available.
>thats not whats happening right now
No, it's still happening now, your cherrypicking is just laughable. You use one example of Mena losing as proof the game is "random" and poorly designed, but not all other times he consistently dominated up until that point. S2 brought with it some needed balance changes, so he'll need to adapt to them as a Luke main, naturally.
>not even going to talk about the other part
Of course you won't.
the players who knocked him out were literal nonames with no real tournament presence so I dont even know what he expected. silver rank shitters served on a plate?

because its random you actual imbecile. why dont you play the lottery and make a gorillion bucks?
why are punk and nuckledu always in the same top 8s tho? isn't it random?
goddamn you are so stupid you couldnt even pick up that I was talking about Uma.
MvC4 announcement trailer

No CGI or trailer, just an announcement LOL
But I wasn't referring to Uma, I was referring to Mena which was the first example you brought up.
lottery is a random chance against 100000000 people, don't tell me you're afraid of playing against a mere 8 people in a tourney for 1M lmao
High damage can be esports design the way it can lead to upsets.
In that regard its kinda both esportsy but also casualizing.
If you reduce the amount of guesses needed to end the round its more likely that a bad player can win by betting the farm.
goddamn you are stupid. you need to participate in qualifiers for months to get into CPT before you can get your lucky dice roll like Uma did.
well the game hasnt changed at all since it came out and the exact same issues apply, so why would you expect the content of the threads to change?
that's right retard, you have to earn points to participate in cpt meaning you have to win consistently
stupid retard gets owned by his own admittance lmao
you just need to gamble multiple times in a row.
man you are bad at this. the idiots who defend this game are truly retarded.
okay then retard? go do it, it's so simple right? call me when you win cpt retarded bronzie KEK
yeah man gambling is easy you should put your whole savings into it.
>i-it's simple bro I'm not going to do it though
yawn you lost the argument already
wow you're an actual nigger brain
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>love watching fighting games
>love playing single player mode
>get too stressed and tired after playing a handful of online matches
SF6 is a disgrace
>daily SF6 seething thread
you want to see an actual casino game, go play kekken 8
hadou runs both.
It's been a rough year for the Street Fighter-hating schizos. It's still incredibly satisfying to read their crazy conspiracies about the game's success
How does Fightcade work? Can you play games offline there to train?
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>retard who can't even quote the correct post enjoys SF6
This is your smoking gun, and your best comeback. No surprises there.

>the amount and kind of hip-hop
Of course you would move the goalposts like this. You couldn't simply have said that SF6 has a poor soundtrack, just "hip hop shit", implying the genre in and of itself is inherently bad, and which is yet another regurgitated complaint that's been there since the beginning. There's no reason to repeat this line after all this time, unless you got utterly mind raped by a handful of tracks (main menu *sort of*, and character select screen are the most present). Most of the soundtrack is not even hip hop.

It's just so painfully clear you've never played or kept up with this game to any significant extent. This applies to /v/ as a whole - but it's more blatant in this genre - annoying cuntbags like you shit up discussions on a constant basis about games you have little knowledge of with the same posts over and over and over and over (now THAT is a fucking meme). It's just so incredibly pathetic.

>Criticism that only casuals and retards had.
Is that so? So Capcom has failed to appeal to competitive players. Except... those players ARE in fact playing SF6. Oh, b-but those must ALL be shills, including all other tournament participants who are breaking record numbers! No, the REAL fighting game players are all on /v/!

>I am ignoring the entire shitty game.
You are certainly NOT ignoring it. SF6 lives rent free in your head, you can least admit that.

>I will be playing one of the other (now) better series available
That will give you something better to do with your time, sure. Although, something tells me you'll be seething about those games too eventually.
Dire state for fightan that this trainwreck is applauded. Capcom can shit in a bowl and fans would celebrate the eloquent taste.
nigger SF6 is literally nothing but slime rush.
why deflect towards tekken when SF6 is the most guilty of all of these accusations?
Arslan is actually doing really well in T8 again after the last patch drops. He won the latest tournament decisively and was 2nd place at Combo Breaker. T8 has so far been really consistent in its top 8 placements. It's the usual legends.
>tweets from March
Unlike Dix, T8 gets consistent balance patches and is way more consistent at tourney level play than Slime Gamblers.
remember when everybody said that DR is degenerate and then they added a character with a DR thats even better than Deejays?
lmao literally nothing has changed in tekken 8 even after all the balance patches
the game still has gimped movement and heat is still the i win button
I play T8 too occasionally. Frequent updates means they can fuck up and break other aspects of the game, which is exactly what happened a few months ago and had to revert some of the changes.
>this cope
Dix is still the same slime spamming garbage it was after its one time per year patch. Meanwhile Heat burst already got significant nerfs. This only 4 months post launch.
yeah bro heat got nerfed so hard that arslan literally lost to AK popping off his heat KEK
>doesn't know difference between heat burst and heat smash
I'm talking to a clueless online warrior. I'm sure one day deflecting to T8 will make Slime Spammers not shit lol
>chad fighter sticks to its guns with the mechanics and lets them be figured out over time
>kekken pussies out and nerfs its universal mechanics before letting a meta set in
nigger the slimer meta has been figured out in the launch month.
More like Slime Mashers is a party game and Crapcom has no intentions of ever unfucking it.
Maybe actually READ your bible, because that is just absurd
>muh burst muh smash
lmao you're a fucking retard who hasn't even seen the match fucking neck yourself retard
Nobody cares about Shit Fighter 6. It's all about Tekken 8.
>Dix is still the same slime spamming garbage
This is why talking to retards here is a waste of time. People have learned to stuff DRs online for a long time in the ranks that matter. Retards here see shitposting material from day 1 and think people still play the same.
people here post material from EVO and CPT you retard.
you obviously arent even master if you make moronic posts like that.
People here post compilation of people using game mechanics. Go count the number of raw drive rush that worked in this entire set and come back retarded tranny.
Who bitch this is.
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Shan't be buying dix and temu 8 for anything more then 10$ and in champion edition
yeah they use cancerous game mechanics nonstop which is bad you retard.
so you can't count? figures, you low iq monkey
not gonna watch twelve minutes of slimer mash.
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>They also know that you retards WILL buy the 4 character season passes at exactly the same price as the 6 character ones, because """they are more detailed""" and because they need to be integrated into the aforementioned single player shit, so that will become standard too.
You don't know what you're talking about if you think this somehow applies exclusively to SF6.

Strive's season 2 (this was before SF6 even released) and season 3 had four characters, and the current Tekken 8 season pass has four characters scheduled as well.
>They made some silly "Everyone is gay for Bridget!" memes
It was just a prank bro!
why bring up tekken and soive?
Why criticize SF6 for its DLC when that practice is commonplace across the genre?
Because Street Fighter itself was better about it in the past, retard.
>having to buy a whole new version of the game, fracturing the playerbase
What's the other great example? SFV? It barely managed to be in acceptable state after several years, and even then the quality of the DLC and time between seasons were questionable. At one point Capcom was radio silent about any new content for nearly a year.
The point about the single player modes in SF6 forcing Capcom to release four characters is also blatantly false.
Brother, sports has been a thing back to the day when John Carmack put up his Ferrari as the grand prize in a Quake tournament. Wake up.
what a terrible cope post.
SFVs DLC policy was much superior to 6. It was both more and cheaper in comparison.
it will take SF6 like five years of DLC characters to get to the point where SFV had its first content drought, which didnt even last.
SF6 will never have as many characters as 4 and 5 had.

its also retarded droning to claim that single player faggotry doesnt impact content delivery. of course it does. resources are limited. these characters have to be built into the dogshit world tour mode now and artists working on costumes and characters now have to churn out custom faggotry.

SF6 is shit. Capcom is shit. You're a nigger.
Lol, Capcom didn't have any fucking "policy" regarding SFV in any way. They were scrambling with that game since day one. From Sony's exclusivity partnership, to the game having fucking 8 frames of input lag and a small starting roster. Any supposed generosity you can attribute SFV back then can at most be chalked up to Capcom desperately trying to win back the good will from the fans.

SF6 by comparison is much more complete and polished product from the get-go. It amuses me you're so focused on the DLC that you have to ignore the entire abhorrent base content of SFV to give your argument slightly more credibility.

>where SFV had its first content drought, which didnt even last
Revisionist cunt. People weren't even sure Capcom cared about SF anymore and thought the game was abandoned at one point.

>its also retarded droning to claim that single player faggotry doesnt impact content delivery. of course it does. resources are limited. these characters have to be built into the dogshit world tour mode now and artists working on costumes and characters now have to churn out custom faggotry.
See >>680985802
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Is this what counts as trolling these days? Trying to rile up a point that nobody really cares about until mods quietly shoo them along?
lol SFV after a year more characters than SF6 has now and the gap will only grow larger.
somehow the "no policy" was more consistent and better than what we're getting now, which is fuckall.
you're a shiteater.
To make another thing clear, there's not even any optional costumes in Strive, just color swaps.

>somehow the "no policy" was more consistent
But it wasn't fucking consistent. That was one of the biggest problems regarding SFV's content delivery and communication on the part of Capcom. You keep ignoring that simple fact like you're deluded. You just have no idea how worse things were back then, on multiple levels.

Would it be better if we got more characters per season and more bang for our buck? Sure, but that's not the point I'm arguing against and you're looking at that one aspect in a vacuum.
game got six characters a year for four years in a row. then at the tail end it only got 5 which happened after their original game support plans which was laid out to be up to 2020 all the way before the game launched.
it will take SF6 four years of DLC characters before it even reaches that one content gap SFV got, and even then it will have fewer characters released per year than SFV.
people used to freak out because they didnt get characters for half a year. with 6 that is considered normal.
>all of esports
>press X to doubt
assfaggots2 literally filled stadiums... with a prize pool of US$40 million...

why are sf6 niggers acting like 10k incel for a 10k usd pool is something never done before ?

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