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(((((((Movement tech)))))))) killed FPS games.
>get flanked
>cry about it
What's the point of playing a video game with guns in it if the only way you can kill people is by getting into melee range? Are you that shit at aiming?
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but old arena shooters had movement tech like strafe jumping and rocket jumping you dumb zoomzoom

>playing gaypex
Actually, the most important part about FPS combat is positioning. You want to be where the enemy cannot shoot you. And if you stay in one place, guess what you're going to be driven out of your hiding spot.
>Actually, the most important part about FPS combat is positioning.
No, it's aiming. You can position yourself up your ass, if you can't aim you won't get kills.
And they fucking died. If it weren't for Medal of Honor and Counterstrike to hold the fort while COD and Halo were born, FPS games would have died in the early 2000s.
Maybe you should go back to CS, it's the game for shitters like you.
>No, it's aiming
you missed 60% of the shots in your webum faggot
Would it not be easier to aim at someone if you got into melee range?
I haven't played in 6 months, so yes, I'm rusty.

Or you could just learn how to aim a gun in a gun shooting game. Instead of acting like a petulant child on the internet.
why can't zoomers into boomershooters
>we will never get Titanfall 3 because of this garbage
Dude is this you? You're playing like you have fucking cerebral palsy
I want to walk on walls and ceilings
I'm playing like a normal person, not some ADHD spastic on adderal who plays like there's money on the line 24/7.
>Playing as a carpet muncher
You deserved it, faggot
You are just bad at the game. That would be fine but instead you chose to invent some imaginary derogatory scenario about someone playing better than you because it made you uncomfortable. I hope you are underage because this behavior is immature
One of the most fun things to do in FPS games is to get into melee range of your enemy and kill them that way.
t. 500+ dog tags claimed in BF3
>Are you that shit at aiming?
dawg you are playing on a controller
/v/ has two moods
>zoomer oomers can't intoomer boomer shoomers!!
>I fucking hate Ultrakill. Why do all these indie FPS have gay shit in them? Fuck they look fun and fast but I can't enjoy them because of butt plug support. Fucking millennials ruin the genre by making the most popular games in it
flanking killed FPS games?
Not only you're shit at the game, but you're shit for playing a shit game.
>Almost completely stationary out of cover
>Missing most shots on a lifeline that is also almost stationary
He just killed you while sliding, you could at the VERY least have posted some fag that 360 no-scoped you with a kraber while bouncing off a wall
Based octane dabbing on slug
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I think you're just a shitter.
Doubly so because you're a fag playing gaypex.
Real men play TF2, and I'm not talking about the hat simulator full of bots.
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bro wtf did I just watch, based Octane dabbing on your lame snail paced ass
nobody is playing that shit unc
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halo was the only good shooter ever lmao. you played it casually and competitively and it wasnt cancer unlike every other shooter before and today. its only sin is that it was played with a controller for its whole life so it never got any respect and also introduced aim assist cancer.
More like gaylo lmao
you just reminded me

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>(((((((Movement tech))))))))
He pressed Q and then crouch, old man
you're supposed to be aware of your surroundings
if he hadn't been just staring in one direction the whole time maybe he'd still be alive today. Octane didn't even use any movement abilities to get there, he just climbed up. He used his boost at the end but he didn't have to.
>but I want to snipe from an exposed position with no one covering me and face no repercussions!
Being bad at positioning:
>Whiff any and all nades when someone isn't standing still
>Have to extend to get shots in
>Aim is blocked by anything, ever
>Step out and get lit the fuck up by people
>Rely on "sight lines" to carry your shooting
>Have to stop and think about where to go
>Get run up on
>Get played
>Get dead
>Get mad
Being good at positioning:
>Can turn a 1v5 into 5 counts of 1v1 that they come out on top of
>Puts a grenade under you ass before you even realized you were gonna stand there
>Somehow is always behind cover yet always able to shoot you
>Has a sixth sense awareness of niggers running up on his ass and pops them because he saw the angle they were coming in at
>Pulls you out of cover with fake firefights that result in his bro popping your ass
>Can dance through battlefields while never being seen until he's lining up for a kill of his own
>Can seemingly disappear from your FoV only to catch your blind spot the second you're distracted
>Every move he makes takes him in the direction he wants to be
>He saw you camping, didn't bother to engage where his positioning was at a disadvantage, used his retarded teammate as bait, and snuck up and shot your ass causing you to whine when it's a very clear skill issue
Any retard can fucking aim, but positioning is what decides which retard rules.
Surprise, surprise, /v/ is more than one person. The amount of conflicting views on zoomers I've seen is crazy.
>Fucking porn obsessed zoomers, can't spend a minute without talking about sex
>Fucking neopuritan zoomers, don't like sexy women on screens
>expected some wallrunning bhop bullshittery
>literally just walks up to you
That's considered tech?
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<< OP
the only bad movement in FPS is 100% acceleration when changing direction because ADAD spamming is cancer
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>controller inputs
I miss TFC's conc jumping.
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what the fuck
please tell me that's edited and not the actual controller aim assist
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sorry anon
Does Danmaku counts as a shooter game?
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Words simply CANNOT describe how much I miss collecting dog tags in BF3. It's even better when you realize the melee kill animation plays in first person to both you AND the guy you killed. It's awesome and it's the only game I know does it.
You're slightly right in the sense that movement tech is an option to have in your FPS game. It's not the right option for every game, designers should think carefully about the pace of their game and the character's range of motion. Not every game needs it to be fun or good, but many games benefit from it. It "killed" fps games in the sense that everyone thinks that's just how the genre is so everyone wants to shove it into every game. Current hero shooters exacerbate this problem, where in half these games, you have one or two heroes that have insane movement tech options while others don't because lmao character abilities, so the roster power is heavily skewed towards them and promotes metagaming and tierlists.
I'm assuming your webm is completely unrelated, as it shows somebody tunnel visioning instead of realizing he's getting flanked and has no "movement tech" unless we count basic "hold space to climb box" as movement tech lmao.
one of the most important fps's in history (cs) is more about positioning than it is aiming
BF games still do it
>Respawn did Titanfall BR
>Could have had BR with Titanfall movement (that's literally in the game and can be unlocked at any moment)
>Could have had a BR with Titanfall movement where everyone starts in a titan (this one might not be the best idea but it would still be something interesting over the most generic slop)
>Instead we get shitty gutted movement game made for (at the time) oversaturated genre with all the original visual design thrown out the fucking window
>It actually becomes popular with the tasteless normalfaggots
I'm eternally seething.
how about you pay attention to your surroundings and stay out of melee range you absolute daft cunt
i play fortnite with a fucking controller and i have more situational awareness than your retarded ass
I was talking more outside of BF games, but still I'm pretty sure BF1 didn't do it. It did however have the bayonet charge which was just awesome to do but it's not the same thing.
>movement tech exists since inception in fps
>i-ít killed fps games
Shut up zoomer nigger
get fucked
>Controller boy take
I get it, you don't play competitive video games, so let me tell you a little secret.
Melee range is actually more aim demanding than ranged combat.
Bhopping is all the movement tech you need in fps games
This, but strafe jump
Not quite what you're talking about with the last point but
>If a game is big enough people will buy things in the store at random and on a whim
>The trick that keeps happening to release something with a consistent and cool art style to attract an initial player base
>once you have enough players, you can just throw anything you want into the store no matter how cool or nice or ugly or cheap it is
>people will buy it anyway
That stresses me the fuck out man
>bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep
Did boomers really?
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>this is the type of casual tard you share the board with
There's nothing wrong with pushing ivy, out middle, through your connector within one second.
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>playing Ap*x
That game is for console controller users, and no-life NEETs living in their parents' spare room who play 5+ hours a day and have Twitter autists who have an anime profile pic + their age in their bio like "20"
>old arena shooters had movement tech like strafe jumping and rocket jumping
they didn't have fucking wall climbing and gliding though
>play Siege on release
>tactical ops
>play again after nearly a decade
>pickle rick drops me from an impossible angle on some olympic stadium map
Had a bad run-in with the "aim community"?
Walking up to someone is now known as movement to zoomers
Thought it was midna from the thumbnail
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>OP in charge of situational awareness
lol’ing at you OP. You big fag.
Old arena shooters had real momentum based movement. Someone couldn't go from 0 to 1000 by pressing a dash or climb button, they had to work for it.
>Modern Warfare 2019
>Pre release interview with the dev
>"Oh god we went so far with cosmetics the last, 2 games, like the weed ghillie suit"
>We're not going to do anything like that this time
To their credit, they got to hold the line for a couple of months before permanently putting ads in create a class to advertise skins with "light up tracer effects!" as if they're advertising a pair of Skechers Kids. And I guess even at it's worst it never got as bad as the two followups.
when did /v/ stop shitting on casuals?
holy FUCK
Depends on the game. Titanfall is absolutely not one of the games.
Didn't old arena shooters just go zoom as well
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Anon, I...
ut 2k4 had wallrunning / walljumping
someone should teach that chair on how to shoot and it'd be a pro gamer
Position matters in real life too anon. Why are you acting like there's no such thing as strategy in warfare?
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Fuck you, buddy.

I'm genuinely flabbergasted people let it get this bad. In my day, aim assist was the first fucking thing we turned off in console FPS.
This doesn't show the bullet magnetism either
console fags are such a joke i swear to god
Lmao, console shooters are a joke
>Are you that shit at aiming?
You're the stupid nigger missing 20 shots.
Literally the intended way to play Octane, retard
>halo was the only good shooter ever
You just don't like FPS games. That's fine.
you wont believe me when i tell you that ass end was the worst tribes game. well, before tribes 3 rivals, that's by far the worst. but the movement tech was nerfed and shitty in ascend compared to tribes 2 and especially tribes 1. yes really.
go play tribes1.
t. 4k hours in t1+2+v+ascend
bf1 still did it it was the one i was thinkng abt in fact
I unironically hold both of those opinions
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I might be preaching to the choir but I genuinely don't get how consolefags enjoy this much less claim to love FPS games and spend hundreds/thousands of hours on them while using controllers. It's not even really an aim assist thing. Like, if you really loved DMC, put tons of time into it, and especially if you wanted to get good at it then you probably wouldn't spend all your time on automatic mode, right? You might start with that, sure, but you'd eventually want to move on and have more direct control and learn more about the game. Wouldn't you?
>t. Lost to a controller player
which game started the trend of the player models moving so fast that the animations look janky as fuck? I remember this being a thing in bf4 and I hated it then.
Nice one controller fag.
What's going on with images? Some of them won't load for me, is the image server shitting itself?
Sadly the would not , ppl like that dont want to be good they want to feel good . More importantly they dont want to interact with anything on a deeper than surface level with anything let alone vidya , truth is that's why games are getting shittier and shittier not some because ppl dont want something that makes them think on any level .
You should have bought another copy.
not player, controller aim assist
I actually want to get into Apex, but it's very obvious controller is the way to play if you want to win. Shame because the movement in that game is fun.
OP didn't even reply because this is so obviously true.
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You know, I have to hand it to console Rainbow6 players. They know they're being held back by their hardware, so they just ape and ape so that anybody plugging a KBM into their console gets banned from their dadgamer casual ethnostate. Their resolve is almost enviable. But despite it all, most people in the top 100~ are still 'cheating' in that manner.
Apex has probably the strongest aim assist outside cod.
You have dog shit aim so clearly you need it.
Titans were the worst part of titanfall.
They're literally too retarded to tell it's not them doing it.
>it's organic when trends that i dislike become unpopular but it's forced when trends i dislike become popular (again)
Shut up, zoomer.
>they had to work for it
>*shoots rocket at floor*
Shut up, zoomer.
Every few months i'll think about downloading it. then I remember aim assist exists.
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Honestly how the fuck did Counterstrike survive these 25 years? Even 1.6 was played till 2011 even though the graphics was like a decade old
It's a good game.
>playing apex
You deserve everything bad in life
The core gameplay just werks. CS2's shit the bed in various aspects, but it's 'playable'.
There was some study with a classification of gamers based on what they derived the enjoyment out of, which boiled down to combinations of things like "Mastery"(knowledge, learning, skill based execution), "No mastery"(pick up and play), "Reward"(shiny) and "The win", etc...

For example Fighting game players were Mastery in the lead and win as a secondary.
Platformer players were all about the mastery.

The average FPS gamers were hard-line "WIN", "REWARD", "NO MASTERY" with all the values capped.
They don't want to learn any games, they just want them to hand them the wins and dopamine hits.
They might as well just be pushing button on a slot machine.

(Gambling addicts were no mastery, win, reward btw, just not as badly as FPS gamers)
Wonder how those values change if you separate console and PC FPS players. The average CoD player and the average CS player probably have different opinions on that.
>think I'm getting a game about boosting up to blast ass in sick tricks
>meta entirely centered on keeping in the air at all times and sniping opponent across the map before they see you
Titanfall somehow has more accurate dogfighting than any aircraft sim
he could walk up to you then shoot and the result would still be the same
>constantly jerk off about how le heckin epic quake is cause you can shoot the ground to move
>noooooooooooo you can't le heckin have any technical movement that's heckin killing le heckin gamerinos
Current mobility in games kinda blows but there's a bigger problem. ADS and sprint. I was cool with valorant until I saw everything has an ADS function. Just let the range or visibility limit of hipfire and scope access naturally balance the game you retard devs. Overwatch had no ADS or sprint but people still mostly loved that game until blizz dropped every ball in this and the next timeline. ADS and sprint are not required at all just put cool shit in the game and even the most ADHD child will enjoy it anyways. There's too little real estate on people's keyboards and controllers to be locking Shift+RClick and LTrigger+Thumbclick to the same boring features that add nothing to the game. You could have put any mechanics on these buttons instead of this garbage, anything! Come on
You should be more worried about the trash servers and audio in that game.
Seriously the ping is already bad but
>ping changes harsh between lobbies
>ping is inconsistent within each match
>some regions were just plain worse even if they're closer
It's like some games you're the Host and others you're facing the host on the other side of NA. But you're on the same region server. I'm on wired fiber internet and I know it's not just me.
Matchmaking and tryhard culture actually are the things that killed PVP games. You can't play them for fun anymore.

camping is a legitimate tactic. that said, OP is a faggot and movement abilities are fun.

what i really hate are FPS games like destiny 2 nerfing grenades/melees/etc so that the only viable way to kill someone is to use bullets.

>inb4 get gud can't aim

why give them an 80 second cooldown if they aren't worth shit?
A few have disabilities(like Wings of Redemption lmao) but for the most part it's literally just retards wanting the rewards without the effort part. I know because I'm an ex-console player.

A while ago you had CoD "pros" whining about Skill Based Matchmaking(SBMM) and shotguns being too OP but they were almost all controller faggots that rely way too much on their reflex and aim assist.
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>getting caught off guard and still connecting the melee counter
>play online
>others dont
>get fucked
apex has crossplay
Verticality killed FPS games.
Customer servers kept the game alive enough to continue gathering newfags for 25 years.
>t. played CS 1.6 + CS:S Zombies for 17 years
The clip is with a controller.
And Apex "Pro teams" had many revert to controllers because the aim assist is busted as fuck.
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my nigga
If the game focuses on it's movement as a primary component of the gameplay and it compliments the gunplay, you have no business whining about getting your shit pushed in when you try to stand almost stationary and continuously miss people who are using the game's mechanics the way they were intended to be used. If you wanted to shoot at things with no possible repercussions to you there are lots of pve sniper games anymore; you should have picked one of those.
>>"shoots rocket at floor"
You're sacrificing a portion of your health to give you the speed you need to not be a comparatively stationary target. You earned that speed with a sacrifice to your survivability.
The thing about COD players that I don't understand is how they're jerking off over the movement tech, saying it raises the skill ceiling etc. and yet complain about "SBMM matching me with sweats" (i.e. opponents actually using movement tech)
I genuinely think the COD community is the most lobotomized out there, even worse than MOBA or gacha players
>And they fucking died
Because they were too difficult, yes. The genre ever-sloppens for the lowest common consoomer.
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>movement tech
Every competitive FPS is about map control first, timing second, movement third, raw aim dead last and you won't be able to change my mind
Oh yeah and I forgot to mention that they keep bringing up the term "skill ceiling" while using the most busted weapon builds with the highest DPS, aiming speed and the least recoil, completely removing any sort of weapon mechanics out of the equation and reducing shooting to simply clicking onto someone until they die, no recoil control, leading shots or anything
Should've put that shit in quotes, no COD player would be able to survive in a game with actual movement tech (arena shooters)
What movement tech? You got flanked by somebody climbing 2 walls?
LMFAO. Is this bait?
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CoD "pros" just play the game a lot. They barely even practice, the skill floor and ceiling is so low.
titanfall is kino tho what are you on about?
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Lol. Lmao even
you'd love cod then, grenades, throwing knives and melee weapons are stronger than fucking RPGs and I'm not kidding
this isnt even tech
are you retarded?
Is that why it's dead?
>real men play teamshit
LOL no
Only faggots and women play teamshit
The latter's probably younger players longing for the days of pubstomping since they never got the chance to be on the other end in the times of the older games when there weren't billions of resources on learning how to 'git gud'. Just my two cents.
You will never be the real TF2
Nothing wrong with movement. It's the controller autoaim aimbot fags that isn't affected by movement killing fps games.
>men don't enjoy working together for a common goal
How do you think civilization was built you retard
extremely based
I feel like its the opposite. Movement in FPS games are getting nerfed left right and centre. The pace has been slowed down sucking the fun out of these games
Movement in FPS has gotten quicker and jerkier, but slower in terms of moving around the map. Guess which one affects controllers with aim assist more?
On the topic on real aim assist, how should I setup gyro? Most videos are just spoon-feeding into do this and that and you are good, but I can't grasp on the main objective of what should be the general feel when using gyro. I've done experimenting on my own and it usually felt wonky.
yep, I do think its directly proportional to devs writing optimized generative code. That sliding movement is just not there where it feels like you're moving around the map on roller skates or a glider. Now, its just teleport hijacking or as you said shock movements which are jerking the camera.
>Controller babby crying about being out skilled

The game does 40-60% of the aiming for you faggot, aim assist was a huge factor in killing this game
>Someone couldn't go from 0 to 1000 by pressing a dash or climb button, they had to work for it.
They literally could with rocket jumps and fucking trampolines in Quake 3 you dumb contrarian nigger.
Slavs and huehues couldn't upgrade their 90's PCs until mid 2010's.
CoDbabby spotted.
No, it didn't. FPS was at it's peak with stupid bunnyhopping.
Realism and cover shooting killed the FPS.
>thinking his opinion matters in any FPS discussion
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>Those battlebit clips where people literally just run in and kill as many people as they can while dodging as much as possible, leaning, strafing weirdly, going prone, etc
>The sheer magnitude of seethe they generated because someone had the audacity to utilize the game's mechanics to show off instead of sticking with Honorable Slow Paced MIlsim Gameplay
this is the worst FPS opinion that's vaguely common
>sorry bro you got shot from floor 7, angle #31
Play Call of Duty bro. You can camp with a rifle or sit in a corner with a shotgun without pesky movement.
Can't wait for Blops 6 and omnimovement to weed out the shitters
>unironically playing call of duty post 2008
nah, your dick is dead, tranny
>ah damn bro you lost the aimduel on angle 1 (of 2) you'll get him when you do the exact same thing next round
I agree but I don't see any tech here and also I make an exemption for rocket jumping, that shits cool
Bro you have like 40% accuracy
Is there a game that is focused solely on camping? Like a tactical sniper competitive game or something?
that's like, completely average for mouse and keyboard
Milsim, Squad, Arma, Hell Let Loose
Any of that garbage
this argument is the stupidest I've ever heard, you're playing a video game and aiming and shooting a gun with a mouse, you'd think your retarded ass would want to move on and learn to use a real gun right??

I agree that console and pc gaymers shouldn't coexist together in competitive multiplayer matches, because of aim assist for one, but to claim that someone has to do X because you prefer X and then come up with the dumbest mental gymnastic to try to 'affirm' how right you are about your own choice and perspective is sad
>bro how can anyone play GTA this long without switching to a driving wheel
and here's a food analogy if your brain requires it to understand the point;
>bro how can anyone enjoy fast food without learning to make their own burgers

people are lazy, and so are you, and they're enjoying themselves playing games on their console they spent 500$ on and don't want to bother learning pc controls, it's really that simple
Not with 3x on 10-10 in mid range wtf
>arena shooter
>you need to rocket jump up there, meaning you sacrifice some of your health for positional advantage

>modern movement shooter
>you get up there for free, meaning advantage isn't as strong (as we can see in webm), and there's no real decision making or tactics involved, since you don't sacrifice anything to climb up there
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This is a kind of retard I have to share board with. Yes yes, my guy, competitive games don't exist to have players outhonk each other, you must win all your firefights just because you can point and click faster. Now commit suicide by hanging yourself.
Yeah it's better than ever now, umad?
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>better than ever
care sending a link? Sound hilarious
Wait I'll show you my class setup you'll see what I mean
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Best girl!
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Look and weep, fucker!
>2 gas grenades
>2 drill charges
>6 drill charges in my secondary launcher
>dragon's breath full auto shotgun
>underbarrel flamethrower
I spam 8 drills at each spawn (I play small maps only), you can't get through it with the gas and drills and then I fucking jump out like a horror movie jumpscare and BLAT BLAT BLAT fire shotgun WOO YEAH. Pisses em off!
were FPS games ever in danger of dying post-doom? seemed like there were tons of them coming out every year, and this was back when the genre was still called "doomclone"
lmao so this is the famous pajeet reading comprehension
anon didn't asked anyone to change their input choices, he's talking about using training wheels the whole time
Camping is for tryhards who care about K/D.
Camping only happens in a bad game(mode) that doesn't encourage anyone to leave the spot they're currently in.
>Rocket jumps
>Sacrificing health and ammo
Not the same thing as free speed boosts retard bros.
you're missing the point, which is ironic considering you're talking about reading comprehension here
what you believe 'training wheels' are is very much subjective and meaningless to anyone but you, it's really very much that simple, if you can't figure that out on your own then you might just be yet another cutting edge autist browsing the net and you shouldn't be allowed interactions with other people, much less discussing how people should interact with things
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Games with good movement have higher skill ceilings. If players want to stand on a hill and miss half their shots then it's no surprise they will blame main features of the game.
thats cool and i think youre correct but you attached a video of a childrens videogame in your post
The fact it has better movement than a vast amount of modern games should put shame to the industry.
FPS games were killed by controllers.
>Reduced verticality
>Everything must go along predictable acceleration arcs
>Contextual takedowns
>Walk button for your aiming so that you don't feel the need to do silly things like use both analog sticks at once as seen in the video with one player not moving and the other not aiming
The right analog stick just is not suitable to pretending that it is capable of cursor input.
>you'd think your retarded ass would want to move on and learn to use a real gun right??
Those are two completely different activities though. Also, I have learnt how to use a real gun.
>bro how can anyone play GTA this long without switching to a driving wheel
GTA is not only a very casual game but it's more than just driving, even if someone was interested in doing that, it'd be impractical for actually playing the game. I'm also not big into racing games but I'm pretty sure that the games don't start doing basic things for you if you play on a controller and you only get full control of your car by playing on a wheel. I know GTA doesn't. Would you not think it a little strange if someone claimed to love racing games, spent hundreds of hours playing them, acted like they were great at it, and all while playing on a controller that was considered so bad the game had to steer for them? Does a tournament for a racing game with controllers that steer for you not sound odd at all?
>bro how can anyone enjoy fast food without learning to make their own burgers
That's another shitty analogy but most people would also make fun of you if you acted like a connoisseur and all you ate was fast food or if you said you loved cooking, hyped yourself up over how good you are at it, and all you could really make was pre-packaged stuff like spaghetti with bottled sauce from the store.
>people are lazy, and so are you, and they're enjoying themselves playing games on their console they spent 500$ on
For the record, I'm not talking about the average CoD player that's shitposting with their friends a few hours a week and doesn't take the game that seriously. I'm talking about consolefags that are actually big into the games, dump a ton of time into them, and consider themselves competitive players.
none of what you said matter, because the point is that it's a very subjective matter about how they enjoy their hobbies and you being so insecure about it that you feel the need to defend your own choices by acting as if it's the one true word of god

you're not special for shooting guns with a mouse, sorry bro
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Nigger never played the doomclones that started the genre.
>none of what you said matter
I accept your concession.
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its always been bad but its gotten horrible in the last couple years
consolecucks wont complain because it lets them feel like they're playing the videogame
nah that movement is some GunZ bullshit
I still install 1.6 from time to time
could boot it up right now there'd be full servers (no bots or other fakery)
Like the other guy said, tacticool shooters like Rising Storm usually heavily favor the defender because of easy instant TTK, often poor visibility, and slow movement. I wouldn't really call them competitive though. Not only due to the nature of them but also because most people who play them just aren't very good and are often, rightfully, playing more for the immersion than anything.
To be 'fair', I'm pretty sure you have to use glitches to even do that kinda shit in Apex so it's not surprising it looks a little jank. Which is also funny because consolefags apparently complain that M/KB has an advantage for being able to do it while in reality that webm happens when the M/KB player bothers trying.
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>zoomer movement tech
>press shift
wow! much skill!
no, that's console shitters and aim assist
He shot him with a shotgun at point blank range once, where is the "aim assist"
>You're sacrificing a portion of your health
Not in clan arena. You also start off with a shit ton of ammo. Plus, if you run out of rockets you can just use nades
Titanfall is just cawadoody with wallrunning
God, I love race
this, other faggots seething.
blowing yourself up or using envirionment is not the same as pressing crouch button or in worst case scenario forward+crouch to go from 0 to 100. Even in quake you had to bunny hop strafe jump for few jumps to build up momentum. It wasn't like camping behind cover then rushing in 100mph instantly. Retarded take as always.
atleast someone else gets it in this tranny deepthroat addict filled thread.
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having movement mechanics are what separate a good game from a shit game
valorant is better than CS despite the DEI design simply because you can blast jump in it and counterstrike doesn't
Why are FPSs on console a thing? This is disgusting, I'd rather watch a steamer.
why do the guns look like this
>movement tech
>guy just runs up behind you and slides
Trash thread from a trash console babbie
Nice bait
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children want to be able to play video games too and everyone figured out its easier to keep children playing (and paying) if the game plays itself so they can feel good with as little input as possible
Call of Duty Black Ops 1 was the peak of FPS games.
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shitty battlepass skin
at least it's not gambling
no that's team fortress 2 pre matchmaking update
He's clearly not underaged, this is classic bitter old man behavior. What a faggot lol
>No, it's aiming
I know zoomers enjoy fast shooters like nudoom or ultrakill but I wonder how they'd fare in oldschool Arena Shooters like Quake 3 where you need to be good at aiming AND positioning, and switching to the appropriate weapon constantly and predicting the opponents actions and position and keeping track of when each powerup in the arena respawn to be the first to take them, etc.

Playing like the guy in OP's vid would get you killed in seconds.
I thought any of the decent shooters on console replaced stick with gyro. Or does that only work for 3rd person shooters?
But who made up that bullshit? Streamers/influencers.
Don't just bring up a better game like this out of the blue, its not even fair to the game shackled to 6 fucking consoles.
This is actually one of the most retarded posts I've read in quite a while. I'm honestly impressed.
Apex is a great FPS game, it has a million problems mostly centered around matchmaking but the core game is great
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Battle Royales are inherently designed to be as random and bullshit as humanly possible in order to make sure that everybody has a chance at winning no matter how good/bad you are. You spawn in at a random starting plane location and climb into a random circle, with randomized loot and 100-150 other players all clambering and shooting their way in with a bunch of abilities and passives and all this other shit. It doesn't matter if you kill 20-30 other players, some guy who's been hiding in a house for 25 minutes with a gun trained at the door will hear you shooting and pick you off right after you kill your opponent and win the whole thing. They're fun in the same way party games are fun. The real skill-based games are dead or are Discord FPS because nobody can take being bad at multiplayer games.
I won and the people playing their games on their consoles are enjoying themselves while you're sitting on your computer seething about it
you will never change this fact, no matter how many times you post on this board
You can deter camping without making it a game for brainless ADHD children, but first that would require hiring people who actually understand gameplay mechanics and map design (this doesn't mean esports faggots).
not really. knowing how to cheese the game (e.g. zone shrinking algorithm, how walls and structures break) is incredibly important in endgame scenarios.
you're right about the opportunism though, which makes playing those games dull as watching paint dry.
Nah, what actually and genuinely killed FPS games is control method disparity.
I work 8 hours a day and still can fit 5+ hours of gaming into my life. Why is this so unreasonable for you?
Oh you would get fucking raped in Titanfall proper.
The only way you're going to deter camping is by having some kind of objective on the map for players to fight over. It's impossible to do anything about if you're going to just make a brainless deathmatch game where people can pick their guns.
>walking around for 20 minutes, engaging another player is not guaranteed but a roll of the die between boredom and "fun" throughout the match

battle royales are designed for engagement, not fun
Making one hit kills more rare and offering ways to flush chokepoints will help. Halo 2 and 3 manage it pretty well by letting your frag grenades bounce around corners to flush out low effort players who spend too much time in a small place with cover. But when you expand rooms to accommodate "advanced" movement, this becomes a less viable counter without making explosion radiuses stupidly huge, and that makes grenades OP.
Halo 2 and 3 have garbage means of getting people to move because the former lets one team hold onto a power weapon indefinitely while the latter has pickups that are generally worse than what you spawn with.
>someone posts shooter with movement tech
>"no that doesn't count"
You're supposed to fight for the power weapons. It's fine of you don't like that kind of gameplay. No game has perfect balance, it's just that Halo 3 with a nerfed BR would have been really close. Bungie Halo and its diehard fanbase always screw up in the final mile of game discussion because they keep falling back to defending utility weapons, which do break the games by being making them monotonous.
Fair gamedev question
Usually it's "solved" with balancing : you can't kill long range with an SMG and can't kill short range with a sniper.
not a consolefag and been PC only forever because poorfag. quake and cs have never been good shooters and have been proven time and time again to be pseudointellectual shooters. you dont do critical thinking in those games lol.
quake and boomer shooters have always been terrible and boring.
>doood rocket jump spam jump look at me im so fast! speed!
literal genre built for and by room temp IQ retards. theres a reason why no one cares about them today and no one wants to ever touch such low IQ slop. youre like fighting games niggers pretending your slop was ever skillful..
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ADS killed fps.
Squad is exactly that because running a metre gives you parkinsons.
>You're supposed to fight for the power weapons.
That's the idea, but it's an ideal scenario that doesn't always work out. Halo 3's rockets don't kill people, and Halo 2's weapons never respawn if someone is holding the old one. It kills the pace of both games.
>Bungie Halo and its diehard fanbase always screw up in the final mile of game discussion because they keep falling back to defending utility weapons, which do break the games by being making them monotonous.
Headshot weapons are Halo. Firing center mass is boring, and taking power away from players off spawn isn't going to make me any less capable of jumping over a Halo 3 rocket.
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>He thinks the only way of killing someone in halo is through shooting
Next time educate yourself before talking. Otherwise you just look severely retarded.
This. Old people are the biggest shitters there are.
i wasn't referencing his webm my guy, but what he said in his post
Only a true retard could frame someone doing more complex things than them as "braindead"
Who are you talking to?

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