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>new slop just slopped
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Fine, what gacha is this?
>ntr gacha
lmeow miss me with that shit cuck
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... but enough about NTRKKE.
>looks like every other intentionally designed coombait anime whore
Meanwhile, FKHR: >i think i'll release bara sumo wrestlers for summer.
>cum soap
They aren't even trying to be subtle anymore.
Brown dust 2
Unironically a good jrpg
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She's trash by the way, one of the worst units in the game.

Also the general for this game over at /vg/ has you deal with retards that shitposting about think NTR and interracial every single hour is the funniest thing ever since the game has no content or gameplay to discuss and they gotta keep it up somehow.

Consider this if you ever decide to pick it up and want to discuss it in the general for it since the game is getting guild wars and you wont be able to dodge these wastes of genetic material unless you go for some discord guild
What game, and does it have more as egregious like this?
anime girl faces are so fucking boring to look at
I think it's brown dust 2
I wanna have sex with an anime girl
some autobattler called brown dust that didnt have budget for their first anniversary and is having a rerun event for their anni
ah shit, i rolled her to +3
well, whatever, i still have 40+k diamonds and around 20-30 tickets
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Brown dust 2. It's cuckslop. One of your travelling partners just lusts over other studly men while your bro tries to get in her (and every other girl's) panties. The for (You) slampig only cares about food and has no feelings for (You). Hell, you aren't even really (You) in this game, you just watch cuck shit unfold from basically a third person perspective. Every girl you roll for is canonically with another male (or multiple males).
its ok bwo you can enjoy shitposting about how you want her to cuck you in /bd2g/ and make fun montages since that's the real endgame for this
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>being this mad
lmao must be a nikker
absolutely buck- and mindbroken
Eh.. This is pretty standard fanservice. It's not as egregious as cum soap.
Fuck off FEH shill
>Brown dust
You can't be serious with this fucking name
yeah bwo imagine spending money to get a girl thats not for you
Reminder that this is an actual cuck game, it's not a meme
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Why would I be upset when there's several amazing games coming out this month that I'm playing and will play? Just warning anons of the cancer that is this game's community and how devoid of any content, gameplay or any discussion at all the threads for this are

If you want to get all the benefits of this garbage without having to play it then just download the webms
Else enjoy having to argue with cuckfags, discordfags and other subhumans for hours because that's all the threads for this are
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>being this insecure about some anime waifus
>bait with sexy designs
>the girls have bfs
what's the fucking point?
I wish this game was more popular so people would draw more porn for it.
oh no, the faggots wont like this
Thanks for webms
It sucks that all the ecchi stuff is in gacha shit
>just download the webms
So based. Thanks much.
sup Kim, don't you bugmen have your own imageboards to shit up?
>That smile after the kiss
Super cute
I don't care about how predatory gacha are anymore. I just hate daily logins
I don't mind grinding like crazy for something, but I'm tired of logging in daily or else I miss out on 69% of the regular gem income.
Can I play for like 2 times a week or is this another daily game? I'm not logging into a game daily anymore unless I'm genuinely having fun every day.
You are a good person
lmao the girl there is being fucked by a black guy
I wrote you a haiku
Never pay for porn
Not with time, nor with money
Gacha is for cucks
I buy h-games on dlsite if I think the devs did a really good job
>fecal plume 2
What did they mean by this name?
It's not cuckoldry just because there are other men
Love how this game makes nikkers and archivers seethe. Very obvious when you look at their threads in comparison.
is this true wtf
No, this thread is mostly shitposts if you couldn't tell.
I spent the last 7 hours generating and gooning to aislop
After generating (cum, cum on body, cum on breasts, cum on arms, cum on legs, creampie, cumdrip, bukkake, excessive cum:1.7) a few times I realized I needed to take a break
However, I recommend that tagstring, it's a trip
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>self insert loser
god imagine actually playing gacha jesus christ
i can't imagine a worse possibility.
The dailies are extremely fast and can be auto completed once you've done it once. Takes less than a minute to do dailies.
you self-inserted as the loser?
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>play game
>get a fucking m*le character instead of the featured bimbo on the banner
I-I'll just stick to gooning to the webms, thanks.
I find that logging in like 3 times a week is fine to get 'everything' in this game except for like the 20 tickets per month at the end of the monthly mission. They pretty much shower you with free rolls.
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Smart choice
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It's cuckoldry because I'm fapping to (metaphysically fucking) your waifu without even knowing what shitty game they're from (perhaps more accurate to call at a rape in this case)
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Many thanks, anon.
don't you guys just get tired after a while?
the gooning?
The hundreds of gatcha girls
New Miku just dropped!
Gacha weebshit needs the anime girls on skimpy clothes to compensate for the lack of gameplay.
Thanks bros. I'll go give it a shot after all then.
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Schizo cucknigger thread
Kill yourself
this bitch is hot af. threesome with egg
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>when there's several amazing games coming out this month that I'm playing and will play?
Name those games, if they're so great.
no really I don't give a shit about gachas but more games to my eternal wishlist is appreciated.
Go easy on them, their summer is nothing but trannies and fat bastards.
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>spams cuckshit to /vg/ thread
>"people are spamming cuckshit there!!"
Wow, you're so desperate
This general would be so much cleaner if you'd just off yourself
Like yesterday when you went to spam your cuckschizoid fanfics to /nikg/ and got banned
Not like a scum like you does have anything better to do with your life anyway
>i think i'll release bara sumo wrestlers for summer.
That sounds based if said bara sumo wrestlers end up fucking the sloots in whatever gacha that is.
Oh boy, more Live2d jiggle. So much better than what we used to
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Why must all these new gachas or whatever games all be so good? Cant we go back to them being so bad that they would be easier to ignore?
How long until one of these comes out with traces of AI in it? Are people still going to be shoveling money at them?
>Cant we go back to them being so bad that they would be easier to ignore?
it never stopped
Live 2d is impossible to do with ai
Huh? It's not that difficult to cut up a character in photoshop to prepare it for rigging.
yes it so easy to have different viewing angles and all that just use ai bro. Go ahead and do it
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I remember a decade ago everyone used to laugh and shit on crappy live 2D trash but nowadays everyone is losing their shit over it.
What the fuck happened?
I would assume that they were not at the same quality as today
I don't understand what you're getting at. Each "viewing angle" is effectively a different image. AI or not they still require unique rigging.
Ok but shot brown dust 2 gameplay and the expected price to get the skin.
Just fap to cg bro
These slop ain't worth your time and money
mobile niggers are subhumans
>effectively a different image
that's the problem pajeet your beloved ai is god awful at consistency.
>belly jiggle
>glowing titty veins
ok, I'm in
>black girl :/
>black girl, japan :O
Why are you faggots like this
You seem oddly upset over a random thought.
Is this the azur lane girl with horns?
>Hell, you aren't even really (You) in this game
You aren't you in any of these games. Self-inserting is retarded as shit.
kill yourself
dont say this to blue archivers or nikkers
I don't get gacha games, the gameplay part is secondary to the rolls, but only one bloke needs to get them and put them on a mega then no one needs to play it. At least a H-game I get what I came for by playing the game itself. I don't get it.
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post a good one at least
This is so fucking over the top it turns around and becomes hilarious.
It's like, they could have animated them normally and it would have been fine. But, they go beyond that, cranking up each and every movement to ridiculous amounts.
>Enter gacha thread
>View all the webms in minutes
>Think about how a bunch of cucks actually paid tens, if not hundreds of dollars to view these animations.
lol, weird.
>Not showing any video of Gameplay
Prove to me its a good game, show me the FUNNEST parts you recorded.
Gachafags are mentally ill
whats good about this one?
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Yeah. It actually is accurate and neutral.
Surprisingly so.
>The aphantastic fears the power to put yourself in somebody else's position.
who reads the story in these shitty games?
you skip it all and play for the gacha element and "gameplay"
they all look the same, there's nothing "prime" about this, gachafag
Other games started to become intentionally ugly so now if you want hot girls in games your only option is gacha.
Coomers are pathetic
if the game tells me "NAME THIS CHARACTER AFTER YOURSELF" and everyone is clearly depicted speaking directly to me with him as some sort of medium, then i think that i'm probably supposed to self insert as him. Not like he has any personality besides being an idiot, which is pretty close to real life for me...
>brown dust 2
Lol. Lmao even.
normalfags have no taste
gacha became mainstream
Based, I'm not playing some hamster wheel shit to get my coom.
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Unresting reminder
How the fuck do you termanilly online losers think this is cuck shit and not her saying it takes so many people to do her make up, hair, nails, etc etc.

Touch grass.
Because I actually played the event.
It is exactly what it looks like, and they are explicit about it. The same way she explicitly says she spent the entire pool party sucking and fucking after getting disqualified from the beauty contest.
it reminds me of those "good morning" gifs old people post on facebook where there's a bunch of animated shit moving around at the same time
Anime tiddies and ass are fine, post as much as you’d like but the game is not a good jrpg.
I'll only scream when my penis is squirting soap.
because in her own story she is a succubus courtesan
Everyday I cry when I think about all the work and money the goes into stuff like this when you can't consume it. Who is gonna jerk off to this? 12 year old kids who can't download an actual hentai game?
Is this like a recent thing? Have Gacha games always been this horny? Not complaining but damn
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>Game is called brown dust
No thanks I'm not a subhuman
this is the worst one
The PSP is a distant memory so salarymen can't play MH on the train anymore. the alternative is sexy gacha.
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I'm not going to say it looks great but saying live 2d is impossible with ai is just wrong.
This doesn't look bad at all wtf I might start doing this to extract funds from paypiggy gooners

Any good tutorials for this or will I have to learn live2d and making gens separately?
f-fuck, you're saying she fucked an entire villlage of BBCs? hot

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