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Fire Emblem gameplayfag thread
No pairings
No story arguments
Only Rutger
you all told me rutger was a god and he turned out mediocre but Bors turned out great.
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idk man I think Gordin is better than Rutger
Random stat growth is a bad mechanic and should have never existed
On normal mode Rutger is a very good unit but not completely busted like he is on hard
Hard mode has certain enemy recruits get bonus stats on accident
Milady and Perceval also get them, basically some of the best units on normal mode get even better on hard mode (and some units that aren't great in normal like Gonzalez become fairly viable)
Rutger's main value is that he has 100% hit on everything in the game where thrones give 30% avoid. Also Swordmasters are busted in 6 since they have 30% innate crit instead of 15% like the other ones (Berserkers also have this, they have trouble hitting because axes but they are fun).
Random stat growths are fun and make the game more interesting. That said, I appreciate that Engage has a fixed growth mode and I think it should be standard as an option in every game going forward.
Fixed mode is pretty great, I'll usually use it in any game where it's an option.
this might be dipping into lorefagging but why are eastern swordsmen in FE called myrmidons anyway
doesn't make much sense, myrmidons were greek
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>Hard mode has certain enemy recruits get bonus stats on accident
That explains a lot. My Rutger and Milady were very lacking despite trying to make them work. on the other hand, Sophia capped out in everything but luck and defense.
they're not always "eastern" per-se, but mostly because, AFAIK, Kaga is a massive westaboo when it comes to mythology so it just so he probably figured the name just worked.
They were also more spear focused, weren't they?
>a follower or subordinate of a powerful person, typically one who is unscrupulous or carries out orders unquestioningly
Myrmidons were first introduced in Gaiden and are the second promotion of the villager class, so it sort of makes sense since everyone in the army is following Alm or Celica. As for why this eventually turned into speedy fragile sword fighters idk dude Fates made the right call to rename it to samurai for one game to fit the aesthetic.
I have yet to see someone play fe6 with an all shitter unit roster. I'm sure it's a miserable experience
It was called Swordfighter in JP. Blame NoA.
I took Hugh to the endgame on my first run just because I liked him
He's not bad other than costing 10,000 and joining late. Actually he had better stats than the Lilina I trained on my latest run.
My real favorite unit is Gonzalez, who depending on who you ask is either trash or really good. He gets hard mode bonuses and a 30% crit boost and has a high speed growth, I think he's fine. But you can't pick him up with anybody and that makes the LTC autists mad.
Then why call a mercenary a mercenary when it's also a sword fighter?
There's no way anyone gets past Chapter 7 without Marcus and Rutger on hard mode. Beyond that, maybe possible since chapter 8 and 8x are relatively easy and you start getting promotion items around then. You get three big shitters in that chapter too, Ogier, Barth and Wendy.
Also depends on what you define as a shitter. Lilina has bad bases and is considered trash by elitists but has good enough growths that a lot of people like using her (from experience, not worth it, her speed will always suck). Gonzalez same deal, has acc problems and too heavy to be rescued but is good in casual play. So like are we including units like those or only the real dogshit like Wolt/Sophia/Armor Knights
At least Lilina can use heal staves if you value that
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okay here's my list for the challenge. could use only the undisputed ones or both tiers. fir banned because she's just rutger 2 if trained. sue banned because i think she's considered actually good idk i never use her i don't want to go to sacae, could move her up if you want.
Lilina is not that bad. Her entire problem is people overstating how much of a lead Lugh has on her.
The split as we know it was formalized in 6. Before it was just one class.
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I love using Dark Spikes and Lunas on enemies!
Sue is alright but Sin will always be better just because of the bonuses. Definitely the best out of the 3 unpromoted archers though.
If I had to make a team of 10+Roy (and Fae as she's required for the true end) it would probably be

Bors (If Barthe starts out better I'd use him)
Wolt (If Wolt gets shit level ups I'll switch to Dorothy)
Trec for the movement
Gonzalez because he's probably the best guy there, if not then Wade
If you're letting me use Raigh then I will use Raigh because Sophia is going to be a bitch to train.
Lilina because she can also be somewhat decent with healing at the VERY least, if not Hugh If we're taking the glitch into account where he can get 20 Mag
Ogier because I think he's funny
Juno because god I need a flier taxi by now (also I'm not going to Sacae)
Chad until Cath joins because she's one of my favorite characters in the game. I ain't bringing her to the final chapter though she's getting one shotted
Maybe DouglASS for filler
Wonder if we will ever have a game where non random growths is the default
I just recently picked 3 houses back up to finish my old Blue Lions run and started a Black Eagles save (planning to play Crimson Flower first) and recruited Lysithea after seeing her used in some LTC runs. She's so damn good for taking down the Death Knight in particular. Even without Dark Spikes, she can take out the Death Knight using Luna pretty with someone else landing a single blow for some chip damage. Even easier if you have Rally Magic and stuff like that.
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Also at least let me use the funny ALance combo at the start I am not soloing the first few maps with Bors, Wolt, and Wade

Oh I'm sorry I've been informed that his name is WARD now (so glad it's called the Barrier staff now wow great job guys) sorry I'm salty
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But enough about Gordin. Let's talk about Cain.
>omg i love fire emblem but dont you think it would be great if we chipped away at all the things that make the franchise distinctive and unique?
fuck off
I'm definitely in favor of having fixed level ups be a thing as an option to make harder difficulties more balanced and failproof. It also helps distinguish which units are better than others in an average setting, which is what Engage's fixed growths mode does.

But it's not like I'm going to play that over normal randomized growth rates, I want to get dicked over by 5 consistent level ups of only HP and Luck. It'd definitely be a lot less impactful to the series than what Casual mode did, but starting Three Houses discourse is not something I want to do today.
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Marriage with Marianne!

Have her master pegasus knight, you won’t regret it.
>Rutger's main value is that he has 100% hit on everything in the game
Also his crit rate. At base, he can use the Killing Edge (and comes with one). With only six levels of investment, he can promote to swordmaster and gets an innate +30% crit, meaning he gets to sit comfortably at 65% crit with a killing edge, which become buyable in chapter 13 (and again during the route split when you have the Silver Card). To cap things off, he has Dark affinity, which gives him +7.5% crit at level A and +5% at B. And not only that, but he has an immediately available support with Clarine (thunder affinity) that has a +2 gain per turn, so it's easy to build. He also has a normal-growth affinity with Dieck (also thunder affinity) so with A-Clarine and B-Dieck, you can give him another 30% boost to crit. This means you can have Rutger with 95% crit rate before you even take into account his skill stat. At base, his skill is 12 on Normal and 13-15 on Hard. Because crit rate uses Skill divided by 2, this means that with the above-mentioned setup, you will hit 100% crit. Literally guaranteed crit until you account for enemy avoid and crit dodge.
>I'm definitely in favor of having fixed level ups be a thing as an option to make harder difficulties more balanced and failproof
Every single FE game has been completed on the highest difficulty with a 0% growths patch. Fuck off with your parroted brainless reddit diarrhea and effeminate faggot speak.
Yeah you just want the harder difficulties to be easier since you can just metafag and google "what are le best characters??" and be 100% you'll get your broken growths.
Fucking fag
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There are many other things that are unique to FE, removing the one that can make a character useless or overpowered based on luck isn't stripping FE of all things that make it unique
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Do you want me to start speaking like Gonzalez then? Also I don't care

I'll have you know I'm a proud user of Bunet on Maddening.
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What do you think of this guy and his capabilities? I love and hate Sylvain's personality, but he seems ever-present in my playthroughs since he you can recruit him automatically in chapter 2 if you play with a female Byleth.
Hard to think of a single feature that contributes more to the series' replayability than randomized stat growths, but that doesn't matter because midwit redditors just want to be able to effortlessly complete the latest popular game with zero friction and they are the most important demographic.
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Which class needs to be revamped and why is it heroes? They were pretty good in the gba era but have been outclassed in the ds and switch era. Doesn't help that they're footlocked units that don't really have anything unique going for them
>I love and hate Sylvain's personality
imagine how fucking gay you have to be to write out this sentence without being overcome by self-disgust
Swift strikes/10
A good unit that becomes better when you instantly recruit him out of house by being a female. Bonus points for having one of the few meaningful personal skills.
He's simultaneously a fucking Chad but also a genuinely selfish jerk.
you are cringe
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I've always wanted a sword/lance infantry unit and Goldmary fulfilling that role makes me happy so you won't complain from me
lmao okay, I can live with that.
Everyone in the Blue Lions is like this I noticed. All of them are up their own ass about their own hardships and are selfish about ignoring everyone else's hardships. I get that Faerghus is meant to be a harsh land that has a dark past filled with bloody civil wars and conquest, but the whole house acted like 12 year old boys. Turned me off the whole house.
Why did he think this was a good haircut?
This, fixed growths is made for retards who refuse to adapt to unexpected scenarion in a game series designed around adapting to unexpected scenarios.
Random growths is great because it makes LTC and efficiency players upset.
*Berserks you with a 12% hit rate* How are fixed growths gonna help you now huh?
Random stat growth and RNG in general is a good mechanic for people that don't want a sterile puzzle game masquerading as an SRPG.
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One more variable to deal with, since you can't guarantee that it will be 0% in each run. Get fucked
>start Hard mode in Engage with fixed growths disabled
>five missions in, nobody has gained any STR or MAG
>can't even damage enemies anymore
Fixed is fine. It lets me keep playing at all, even though it means I don't get a lucky ultra-busted unit.
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Everyone knows how much Emblem Lyn improves most units in the game, so I did a run with using Emblem Corrin with Ivy.
I was pleased with the results, having a flying Thoron with AOE freeze was really useful.
On the downside, flyers get heal tiles with dragon vein, so you do lose out on the more beneficial ones.
I want to try out a run with Ivy using Byleth, Miccy or the DLC emblems next.
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Simply ditch your favorites in order to use the newer, stronger character you get later on that also won't get Strength or Magic because your run is cursed
Thoughts on movement stars? I think it could be overpowered if you're fishing for them each level up but played a Thracia 776 inspired rom hack with it included and thought it was fairly balanced
>can't even damage enemies anymore
What kind of person goes on the internet and lies with the intent of galvanizing support for ruining a franchise that they don't even play?
This and movement level ups are the best mechanics they've added in the series and I am upset they were only in one game
>Simply ditch your favorites
Hilariously, the only "favorites" I have from the early game just also happened to be the good units that last until the end, like Celine, Chloe, and Louis.
I was shocked in my first run when I realized that Diamant was bad.
I’m not to big on early recruiting him, I find getting mission assistance from Linhardt, Mercedes, or Marianne more useful.
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It must just run through his part of the family.
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I've never used Diamant and always use Lapis because I think she is pretty
No I want you to kill yourself.
I play the game as if they don't exist because they're so unreliable/rare, even though they sometimes come in very clutch and save me from myself.
sure stupid cuck
>Andre as the younger brother probably only knew Brigid for like a year before she was kidnapped.
>still hated her anyway
>Scorpio calls her "dear aunt"
Jungby is a weird place
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Cucking that stupid fucking blue twink has always been a fantasy of mine
I would have invested in her if they let me pick her outfit when promoted.
I'll have to emulate the game sometime to do that, but I'm also a retard that doesn't understand piracy or emulation.
>>Scorpio calls her "dear aunt"
He's being sarcastic
>I'm also a retard that doesn't understand piracy or emulation
I set up ryujinx to try out Engage a few weeks ago, and it wasn't too difficult. Main thing was just googling where to download the prod.keys file and the game itself as XCI. I was actually pretty surprised at how easy it was. There are also step-by-step guides to legally dump your own stuff if you own it already.
Yeah I'll give credit to Three Houses for letting you do that. I like the Swordmaster outfit she gets but I'd much rather see her cape fly around during combat. I also prefer it over the Hero class outfit
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I emulated Engage to add mods but then I learned that my computer is not strong enough to play it for long periods of time.
what emulator are you using and whats your cpu?
Mine usually gets bad level ups leading met to bench him
Daybreak or whatever was a BITCH though due to my only Blue Lions being any good were Dimitri, Mercedes (who can't survive there), and Felix (who comes late)
Those bow knights can be a bitch it's fun that he can actually fight them fairly well on his own.
ryujinx and i5 cpu with 2.90 ghz
there's your problem
Is Yuzu better? Or is there another one I don't know about?
yes, yuzu is better, particularly for people with low to mid range systems
Alright I'll try it out thanks
Okay bros, I've been emulating some games lately (PS1, SNES, PS2) and have only played one FE game on DS at a friend's place long long ago, and that's it. Any particular game I should play as a new person to the series and/or any particular game I should avoid? I'm not adverse to RPG elements or TBS (used to play all AW an awful lot for example). I used to save some pics of the game, too, Miriel is cute (but know nothing of what the characters are like).
FE7 (released as just Fire Emblem in the west) is a common recommendation. It even has a tutorial campaign.
you should fuck off and kill yourself
>Platforms: Nintendo Switch, Game Boy Advance, Wii U
Sweet. I'll have a poke on the forums little later to see if there's a preference for which version to get. Sometimes the older version is better than the one on a newer console, and sometimes vice-versa. Cheers.
Everybody will fuck off eventually, and we're all slowly but surely killing ourselves. You in particular ought to hasten it for yourself though, anon.
If you're just starting out then:

Blazing Blade (GBA the one with Lyn)
Path of Radiance (Gamecube one with Ike)
Awakening (3DS if you're a lil baby)
Echoes (3DS if you're a lil baby with standards)
or Genealogy of the Holy War (my favorite)
Shadow Dragon (the DS one you played that had Marth) isn't bad either so if you want to revisit that as your first game that's totally fine too

But ultimately if there's one that catches your eye the most then play that one (unless it's (new) Mystery of the Emblem, Thracia 776, and Radiant Dawn because they're sequel games unless that doesn't matter to you as much)
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I love my wife, Annette. Also, aside from wyvern rider, are there any other classes worth trying out for her?
Start with the first one on the NES
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Annette's bow learning skill is lowered, is there something special worth investing in?
no i just said that because it was funny
Ur gay
oh lol
Yup, looks like I'm going to skip fire emblem. The random luck roll mechanic in advance wars for all battles is already frustrating enough, so I won't bother with another intelligent system series who somehow thinks RNG of that scale is good for a strategy game to have. Fuck RPG design mechanics. This makes FE one of the worst "strategy" games ever
Based. Why are these games called turn-based strategy? More like turn-based luck.
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This triggers the autist
Celine is actually pretty mediocre.
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this thread kinda boring
I would argue weapons instead of classes need to be reworked. Mainly because swords have been fucking ass since FE7 and need a lot of help to be worth using. It's why Swordmasters are rarely good nowadays, there's basically no reason to use one in Engage.
Any game that makes RNG a core component of its gameplay is waste of time psychologically designed to make you waste resources. In this case thankfully it's time but it's the same predatory mechanics behind gambling machines and gacha games. I'm sorry you have shit taste consumer KYS
Good games have difficult, skillful and encounters that you can't cheese
Better yet good games actually allow people to play against one another to put their tactician skills to the test. Sorry shitter
Go play Fire Emblem Heroes, see where PvP takes you
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>Devil Axe
Resource management is a part of strategy.
Is this ever not the case for FE threads?
Swords in Engage are good. Swordmaster is just a bad class.
Swordmaster is a bad class, but it feels like swords in Engage are just that weapon type you use for engage attacks and the Levin Sword. There's a couple good Emblem specific weapons too like Mercurius but for general use, an axe is better.
I like how his dying spirit finishes the animation
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Kaga's magnum opus of game design
Working as intended
>No coop action game where Mia and Lucina travel the tempest to fight in battles across the series
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>AM is a Femleth canon rout-

It's not bad but I definitely prefer static growths. Unicorn Overlord cemented that fact.

And weapon durability can go fuck itself too. I know some of these newer ultra-weeb FE games don't have it but I'm never playing those.
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damn right it does
The trick is to have a good support and plant him into a forest tile. Good pairing + forest tiles are really broken in FE6. Even mediocre unit like Lillina can pull it off.
Swords have a engage attacks, levin swords, effective weapons and a good mt to weight ratio. Hit also matters for some characters too. Being able to break assholes like Berserkers and Warriors who tend to OHKO/2HKO a lot of units is a great benefit.
The mt to weight ratio on axes is a major problem for a lot of characters.
That crit animation is so cool. I love the animations in GBA I really think 32bits is all you need.
FE7 hasn't ever actually been "remade", just ported as a virtual console title, so it really doesn't matter which version you play. It'll be the same as emulating the GBA version on a PC.
It's honestly one of the best FE threads I've seen in a while. There's usually so much more shitflinging and people dumping waifu pics with zero conversation.
Axes and lances have their own effective weapons too though, although lances only have one generic one compared to swords and axes having two. Hit and weight are also bigger problems earlier in the game rather than later. I'm not saying swords are completely worthless, but it feels like when you can pick between classes or weapons for a unit, you rarely pick the sword variant compared to the other two.
You could go Dark Knight with her pretty easily, and use axes instead of lances. The lance requirement listed is C, but you can actually squeak by with D+ lances, which is easy enough to get on anyone. If you savescum, you can pass the exam even with a really low percentage chance like that. The trick is that you need to reload the "New Chapter" save because it prerolls all the RNG for certifications at that point. Just focus on meeting the reason and riding requirements by that point.
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Percival guarding his A rank support partner Dorothy from all harm
The Snes games looked better
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Miriel is from Awakening in the 3DS, and you have excellent taste in women. Aspies rise up
I like the color palette more than GBA but not those borders or character models.
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The usual suspects seem to have got bored (unlikely) or have been either repelled somehow (more likely). Either way, we seem to have far better threads as of late
Is there a character you like using because they're bad? Like, they're so dogshit that it makes you wanna use them for the hell of it? For me, it's FE12 Bantu.
I like Rolf for triangle attack memes and because I like using his brothers. The first time I played Path of Radiance, I turned him into a complete monster by dumping most of my resources into him and because I didn't know you could get Shinon back. I'm generally more willing to use the early game archers long term probably because of that, even though most of them don't really even outgrow the pre-promotes.
I dunno. He screws around, is full of self-loathing and has a pathological hatred of women, but when the going gets tough and the others really need him, he always steps up.

Also he was in favor of dismantling the Crest system but opposed to Edelgard's way of doing it despite the fact he personally would benefit.

He makes a big show of being a selfish piece of shit because he wants people to hate him, but in reality he's actually a pretty nice guy.
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enjoying your drought?
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Considering Engage came out just last year, I would hardly call it a drought. But yes. I'd rather the games not come out every single year so I can play the games already out some more before I get sucked into a new one.

I used him to choke a bridge at one point and guard a castle at another point.
I'm not gonna lie, I never got the memes about Framme. I thought she was one of the better early game units even if Pandreo unfortunately outclasses her later.
Imagine being so bad at games you think perfect level-ups are mandatory for survival in Fire Emblem.
Both her intended classes make her look bad(High Priest is only for Anna memes and Martial Master’s guarding is niche). She’s a lot better in classes like griffin
What if instead of Engage emblems… it was WEAPONS?!
good decision thou
Is there such a thing as a decent FE randomizer?
I actually like Martial Master, at least for mid-game. Flashing Fist feels really strong, and having a unit that doesn't rely on rings to kill at that point can be nice. It's not the greatest build ever but it's definitely workable.
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One where Archers get a lot of movement
I like using Wade in each run, despite the fact that he usually dies in one of my reckless strats involving him and the fact that I have yet to see him not suck. Having a high hp unga bunga unit that I don't have to care too much about is just too fun, and he has saved my ass on several occasions by simply being worth just enough to be useable but not worth so much that I feel horrible about losing him.
>Mercenary when there are several jon-mercenary class mercenaries
>Hero when they are not the main hero except for Ike
It pisses me off
Non* kek
Meg, Gwendolyn and Rebecca
Only growth units. Edward is bad but he CAN become good, which is a satisfying character progression. Irredeemable shitters are ones I don't want anything to do with, especially if they're coupled with goofy designs like Ward/Lott or 7 Bartre.
What's not to get? She's a quintessential 2x0 unit in her base class, at least on maddening. I did two runs on fixed mode so it's not a matter of a borderline unit getting screwed either. She can staffbot at least but that's hardly exclusive to her considering how many are thrown your way. Her sole saving grace is being the best user of Lucina's Bond Shield or whatever it's called.
Hero is meant to be a war hero, as in a renouned combatant. Mercenary, however, has just lost its indentity beyond being a class since reclassing made it so that unit identity is no longer tied to class.
If you ask me, knights have it worse with their identity crisis. They've been beyond bastardized after the GBA games, and it's only recently that they've started to recover their identity.
I'm more sad on how Hero class design has become even more garbage
Considering she's your only healer for a while, she doesn't compete for exp and she's one of the only units that can use Flashing Fist early, and that weapon is insane. She's not god tier or anything but there's ways to find a combat use for her, and at the very least she has a period of the game where it's hard to go without her.
Don't google "expected value"
This too. Their weapons being sheathed to their shields was kino. The small buckler shield they have now is ass
Don't you get Jeanne in a very early paralogue? Not that you can go wrong with two staff bots early game when I'd argue only 3-4 characters pre emblem loss are good investments.
They've been recovering at least. Them losing their iconic shields with the Tellius games was their biggest slump, and their 3DS designs left a lot of room for improvement
Jean is in a paralogue after chapter 4 I believe, it might be a bit harder to catch him up until you get Micaiah though. That said I don't mind most of the early units, the only one I really don't like using is Alfred.
Tbf, she'd fit right in Engage
>They've been recovering at least.
The 3H and Engage designs sucked though.
fire emblem is all about risk management, the known percentage chances are important to the design of the game
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I put Path of Radiance on my Wii U. Is it a good one to start with?
Idk man my experience between my first blind run and my immediate second run (both on maddening) was vastly different just because I abandoned a bunch of subpar units and funneled exp into 4 that were guaranteed to perform well into endgame. Like, my first run I unknowingly handicapped myself by restraining my Yunaka instead of letting her soak up a bunch of exp like mt second run (she gets endgame mt 1-2 range thanks to cheap forges i dont care what people say she is S tier for early game at minimum).

Second run I knew that most units would either be dead ends or straight up replaced by superior options coming later so I funneled all exp to Alear, Yunaka, Chloe, and mage Anna and absolutely tore through a game I had a bit of difficulty with previously. Engage has the opposite problem of most games where later units, especially pre promotes, are instant bench fodder if you've trained an early game equivalent, because in engage they're not just subpar replacements for untrained/dead units but rather better in most cases with zero effort. Once you know this it genuinely feels wasteful not to funnel all your exp into a very select few in anticipation of the strong mod to late game recruitments.
To be fair, I don't think you're necessarily wrong in the sense that the design of Engage doesn't encourage that feeling of keeping around a unit you've bonded with. You wanna keep your old squad around? Here's three new units, you're barely gonna get any deployment slots, looks like you gotta bench one of your old guards for this chapter. And it happens again and again and again.

And these new units often have superior bases and comparable growths, plenty of SP, and you maybe get to pick 3-4 early units to hang with you. I suppose my thing is, it feels as if a lot of the early units can hang in lategame if you want to, even if it's not ideal. Most of them aren't complete garbage, the hard part is if they can get past the initial hump, and for some units it's less painful than others.
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>undisputed shitter
Why do so many FE players share uninformed opinions about units they've never used?
LTCfags and ecelebs made up retarded metrics to appear more intelligent than they actually are, and subhumans parrot them without ever trying the unit themselves to see how they actually work gameplay wise
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>LTCfags and ecelebs
Biggest subhumans of the fanbase, they should be gatekept on sight out of these threads.
I don't think anyone ever said Wendy was shit and unusable. Just that she takes more effort to get off the ground than someone like say... Oswin in FE7 who's pretty good right out of the box.
I think the pool of truly irredeemable units is a lot smaller than e-celebs claim. Pretty much everyone can be made decent serieswide with favouritism (read: allowing them to gain experience instead of just stacking it on your prepromotes) except extreme outliers like RD Lethe and Lyre, and even then people have found abuse that allows you to use them if you really, really want to.
That said, the shitters I almost always use are Rebecca and RD Astrid. PoR Nephenee as well if she counts. I also enjoy Assassin Marisa in Sacred Stones.
>b-but swordmaster i-
She does no damage anyway, you might as well give her instakill crits, and you're levelling her beyond Myrmidon level 5 so you're already giving her heavy, heavy favouritism.
She's shit
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Cass is leagues better than Chad, especially with HM bonuses. Cass is actually technically the best thief in the game because she has the highest avoid, the only thing you should ever need to care about with a thief.
LTC faggotry is one thing but someone with her absolutely laughable bases (they're worse than Roy's) coming in as late as she does is indeed a shitter. The amount of effort you need to get what is ultimately a 5 move unit is pretty significant. She will get one rounded by many of the units in her join chapter alone, so you will have to chew all her food very thoroughly for her.

Compare her to another unit with high potential like HM Zeiss. People often pass him over (a waste imo) and he can actually kill shit pretty easily given his monstrous bases for his level.
Yeah its pretty easy for newcomers to get into and a really solid entry in the series. Being able to buy weapons and items after a certain point is useful too.

It's 2024 and some tards are still incapable of understanding that "bad" just equals "requires way more investment to make good" in a series like this. With the exception of the truly wretched like Radiant Dawn Astrid or something.
I mean would you really try to argue someone like Rev Hana is not an undisputed shitter when she can't even do anything in her join chapter on her own? It only gets worse from there since enemy stats keep increasing.
You're also wrong about hit/wt only mattering in the early game. Some characters will never get enough Wt to use axes meaningfully and would need to use Spd+ just to break even.
For classes that pick between sword/lance/axe, there's no reason for them to ever use lances unless they have lance prf.
Radiant Dawn Astrid's not that hard to make usable imo. You can kill enemies from 2 range and gain double exp which totally breaks the level curve, then she gets lances and triple damage Sol when she promotes. You should have said Fiona.
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>def cap of 12
I want to eat her butt
I sorta get what you mean with Lances at least. They sit at an awkward middle ground, Levin Sword is better than Flame Lance, for some reason the Killer Lance is the weakest of the killer weapons, their engage attack options are very limited.
Your Florina is engaged with Emblem Celica?
>No pairings
>Only Rutger
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It's ok. Lyn will tank for her.
Cath my beloved
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Could be worse. You could be a fat fuck and have a spd cap of 1.
>You can kill enemies
That's her first big hurdle. Babying her and feeding her kills takes a lot more effort than for someone like Edward for instance. Doesn't help that 2-3, 2-E and 3-9 are all kind of bad maps for babying.
trying to pick up FE7 again. I never get far in these games because I feel like I'm doing it wrong.
What characters should I be sure to use and work on leveling? I'm in Chapter 17, on the boats.
Accuracy is an issue in engage, especially for the ranged physical weapons. Lances are a little better off than axes here, and brionac is probably the best S rank weapon.
With the Houses talent system and how many redundant classes Engage had, I wonder if it’s time to change out the class system.
They either need to go back to the Sacred Stones system, or incorporate what Hopes did.
>using thief s for combat
>in FE6
anyone, 7 is not that hard, but if you want the "meta" team (for something like Hector Hardmode) then it's something like: Marcus, Florina or Fiora, any of the Christmas cavs, Raven, Pricilla, Pent, Harken
Georgios lets you turn Lodestar Rush into whats functionally a guaranteed OHKO attack.
Kent and Sain aren't that good unless you do Lyn Mode. Raven is a bit overrated.
>You should have said Fiona
Fiona is actually a pretty good tank if you get her off the ground. She gets really solid DEF/RES/Luck growth, she gets free regen from Imbue, she can double earth support for dodge tanking, and she has Savior. I watched a JP player who went all-in on her and she killed 3-13 Ike with a javelin.
Edward is always fun I like most of the Downs Brigade for that reason, that said I've never used Fiona
You can get some early use out of Leonardo with an early promo at least and I have gotten one okay Leonardo which has to count for something in the 20 odds times I've tried to use him
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>Sacred Stones system
limited classes for a character is honestly for the best
Agreed, but it can be improved by having a minimum 3 stats that get improved every level
Fates' class system is literally perfect
>everyone has one class + one alternate class
>branching promotions
>can turn into husband/wife's base class upon marriage
It gives you freedom to make anyone anything, but not within the same playthrough, and a lot of the time your units will stay in their base classes because their marriage partner's class sucks for them.
If you want to see how broken that is just play Radiant Dawn where bonus exp literally works like that and everyone caps everything as a result.
I'm cool with either that or Hopes, where characters have a "canon" classline and they get a buff for using it.
more like kill yourself with your abhorrent tastes
Yunaka is actually mediocre and the people that think she’s broken either only played once or listened to day 1 impressions. Other earlygame units have way better potential than her since they can reclass faster.
I did this. Alert Stance is great for her and her stupidly high RES leads to strongest Soul Blade
Yunaka's niche is Thief is a really good class, she comes early, has a good personal, and everyone else around her is pretty bad. Reclassing and promoting is pretty limited to start as well until about when they're done showering you in the better prepromotes
Well it needs some 'terrible result prevention' that isn't having the player restart the map.
Getting filtered by Engage's Hard mode is ridiculous
Thief isn’t very good because there’s a lot of better ways to tank enemies than fog camping and those other units(Alfred, Clanne, Boucheron) have access to those while Yunaka won’t(she can’t reclass until level 21). Prepromotes aren’t even a good argument because even Yunaka doesn’t keep up with them(they not only outdamage her but have way better bulk without relying on dodgetank meme).
I'm almost done with my second attempt at a run now, but it's not an exaggeration that my first run's stat rolls were so bad the run was unsalvageable.
That's my point the prepromotes replace everyone because they're just objectively better than everyone so until then you're really limited in reclassing and promoting so Yunaka is usually a good fit
Bunet is actually a fairly underrated unit, especially in the context of an ironman. I think a lot of people who have never played without using the time crystal have probably not realized how much more careful you need to be about crits, and Bunet's high base luck is great for that. Bunet is unfortunately one of the most noticeable and egregious examples of what I call the 'Solm units problem,' where most of the units you get in chapters 11-14 are on less-than-optimal starting classes and really want for a second seal. Bunet in particular is receiving no favours from Great Knight's low SPD. Put him on something faster like Griffin or the failsafe class Warrior and watch him go. He won't be your run MVP, but he'll at least be a more decent unit than people give him credit.
Bunet's problem is yeah that speed but also just how low deployment slots are in his game
She doesn’t fit in with them at all, you just have worse zelkov when you could’ve had something much better for the same amount of effort.
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Post his stats.
reddit moment
>turned out
Rutger is good because he's incredibly good immediately. FE6 is (generally) hardest in the early game because you have fewer units and fewer options, which is what makes Rutger stand out. When people talk about how good an FE unit is, they're not just talking about how good they are at the end, but about how good they are throughout the whole game.
Framme is better at that and she's total shit
>retarded metrics
Okay, what are some metrics of unit quality you'd accept?
Your ass.
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I would agree with the point that using Yunaka early is a good idea because it inherently frees up one of the 3 second seals you get before chapter 10 not having her need one at that point. If you want to actually make use of her full time, I would say she should get one eventually, I'm not a fan of thief really. One thing that should not be overlooked regardless of what you do with her is that Yunaka has really high RES potential (personal base 5, growth 45%, cap mod +2).
I’ll be honest… visually, Hero class has always been boring.
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nah it looks cool and has a good crit animation
>RNG is fun
Well you can mod the games to make all hits, crits, skill procs and level ups guaranteed if you want.
Literally the flippyshitter of wrestling in FE format.
Rutger is gay. Use LOT because he is the ultimate chad
>fights in the ultimate war on the continent
>its no big deal to him
>supports with based DIECK and WARD who you get in like the first real fight and can steamroll the game with
nice lvl up did you use save states for it?
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Wheelchair knight doko? This should be a new class for inclusive and needy makeup. They are immune to follow up, but cannot folllw up themself. They can canter like social knights and pegasi knights. Which weapon type would wheelchair knights use?
Is fates worth emulating?
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Some people will spaz out and say she’s good because you could give her every kill and statbooster
WTF were they thinking with her?
Sick experiment to see how far waifufags will go.
But enought about warriors.
based gordin chad
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We like Sommie in these threads.
why do you refer to yourself in plural form?
>"hmm, how do we make a escort mission without using the shitty green unit AI"
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If I was in Engage, I would be Leif
Look at that sprite and tell me it's not flippyshit.
...you would be outclassed by every other emblem?
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She's still a magic unit that can get staves on promotion, she has access to Nosferatu, and she can be surprisingly helpful at taking down enemies in her joining chapter. in other words, she has a niche unlike a true shitter like Wolt.
>inb4 someone cries about DLC
you already have raigh with way better stats at that point AND can promote him immediately if you want to
Not really especially with the pitiful examples you posted. Clanne? Seriously? I even used him on my second run so I'm not just sleeping on him, his 1-2 range is far inferior to the stupid high mt of forged daggers (this is where you pretend that muh Levin Sword doesn't tank his speed) and he dies easier. This is who you're shitting on Yunaka for? Lol.
I will admit I barely used him but his bases are genuinely poor, I don't see what he can do that the flood of backup units you get later can't, and hand axe sucks.
He's harder to speed/res fix than Yunaka is to str/def fix, comes with a horse weakness, and javelin sucks.
None of those three one round as easily as Yunaka except Clanne on armors (and mine would sometimes justbbarelt miss kill), none of them except Clanne can tank mages as well as she can and he cannot harm them. I've played two maddening runs where she's super easy to make into a "buff + end turn" mob killing machine. Only the specifically high defense classes give her trouble and she makes good use of lunar brace to at least one round them on enemy phase.

This is more subjective, because many units can be good with them, but I argue she's the absolute best use of early game stats boosters. Holding on to them doesn't benefit you, and I don't know who else you use them on that's as good as the unit with 11 or 13mt 1-2 range. There's a reason that starting with Fates they started going after 1-2 range options, because it's fucking strong, and daggers once again escape proper balance.
Yeah, but you can use her and she will be good for something if you do. Granted, that doesn't make her good.
>surprisingly helpful at taking down enemies
>2 skill at base while using flux which only has 70 hit
You'd be lucky to see hit rates above 40% with her on her join chapter. Keep in mind she cannot engage in any combat where the enemy can attack since she will get doubled and killed. At this point you've already had plenty of time to train up the other magic users. Her getting staves on promotion also means jack shit since Cecilia also just joined who can use staves and has a horse and has mediocre stats instead of completely trash stats.
i'll never understand how people can look at these awful units and claim they're actually good. somehow having a brain is being "elitist"
>she has a niche unlike a true shitter like Wolt.
She doesn't have his heart and determination.
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She has Roy's heart
Wendy is my pet shitter unit
It's a cycle
The filthy casual
>this unit is good because I dumped all my stat boosters and arena abused them to 20/20 from level 1! Also Jeigans SUCK
The overcorrected "enlightened" LTCfag
>heh, that unit can't instantly one round every single unit on the first map, TRASH compared to muh Jeigan, also I can't plan for the future. Well, I guess this Pegasus knight can be S tier too with her -4 speed using iron and 9 str at promotion because she can fly over all terrain, survive a coin flip one shot from the archer, and then save scum until i get a 1% crit against a boss with the steel lance that will get her doubled in retaliation
And now, in this thread, the hipster contrarians
>yeah actually this unit you get at the same time as others start promoting with bases worse than your Lord in chapter 1 who gets one rounded by every enemy on her join chapter is actually secretly good because she ends up with usable if below average performance should you slog through the painstakingly long spoon feeding required to make her work
>70% of battles were won
Wolt is technically better but man, I don't know what the fuck they were thinking with GBA archers. They all fucking suck, and it wasn't even enough that bows are a bad weapon type, their bases are pitiful.
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How can you call yourself a shrewd tactician if you can't come up with a strategy to turn that into something like pic related? The keys to using Sophia are her supports with Igrene and Fae. You could maybe try to grind her a bit by turtling at the starting area in 14x, but I think it's better to hold out to 15 for Igrene. It only takes 15 turns to get their first level of support and chapter 15 has some steel lance cav reinforcements that should have low avoid and some archers you can pin. Chapter 16 brings in Fae whose first support is the same speed and the map has some easy fodder knights and the immobile manaketes for you to feed her. If she hasn't picked up some decent stats by that point, I would just give up.
With all this talk of unit viability I feel like we should hold draft runs for the GBA games. It will generally end up with each anon having a good unit and a handful of mid to shit units they have no choice but to use.
No, Wolt is worse, and I'm completely serious. There's not a single good trait about Wolt at all
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>There's not a single good trait about Wolt at all
His blue shirt is nice.
I never cared about GBA affinities.
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i too can shove all of my stat boosters onto one character
His mom's tits have touched Roy's lips.
That's a C- even with massive babying.
Etie is so fucking good, I don't think I've ever had a sniper as reliable as her. Good with a sword too
Cope. If memory serves, that's one body ring, one speedwing, one shield. I didn't even give her a fucking robe.
Any romhacks that go crazy with skills and prfs and shit? I'm kinda tired of the vanilla or close to vanilla stuff.
I've played Andaron Saga and Cerulean Coast which have some pretty cool stuff, especially the latter, which I loved a lot.
Just finished a sacred stones "remix" hack called Sacred War but it was pretty boring, all your units end up super overpowered compared to the enemies, and the overall changes aren't that much of an improvement.
Also currently playing through Sacred Echoes, very fun as I love SoV/Gaiden, and it's decently different from most games due to the unique systems from SoV.
>filthy casual
it's really weird because i never see them anymore except here, these kinds of people should've died out like 8 years ago
>overcorrected "enlightened" LTCfag
never seen one of these, sounds like someone who thinks they know what an LTC is
>hipster contrarians
that just sounds like the filthy casual mentioned above
wolt has more availability and can deal effective damage against fliers. sophia isn't going to be contributing anything
Trained Wolt being worse, sure. But he comes early and there's no detriment to letting him chip stuff early game, so at the very least he's a warm early body. I still think he's trash though.
>How can you call yourself shrewd if you don't dump time and resources into a bad unit for no reason other than to prove you can!
Fuck off LTCfag, that counts as investment
Boucheron is decent and actually has quite a few unique traits that help him stand out from other units. His high build and above average speed let's him reliably use heavier weapons (i.e. can consistently quad with brave axe and use steel great axes without getting doubled), his passive lets him stack a lot of true damage being able to get up to 40 true damage is pretty impressive, and his high hp plus speed make him generally pretty tanky.

He's not some secret top tier but I do think he's pretty underrated and he put in work last time I used him.
Wolt doesn't die to everything in chapter 1 and can help fight the wyverns in chapter 7 or do chip damage before you bench him. That is objectively more than Sophia is capable of before she is bench material.
Etie is easily the MVP of my no somniel ironman. I know 'anyone is good with Lyn' but not just anyone has 36 STR to use with Lyn.
Who are you quoting?
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still not using bencheron you faggot
>Any romhacks that go crazy with skills and prfs and shit
Try Sun God's Wrath. Bells of Beylen and The lonely Mirror.
Thank you, anon. I'll check them out.
Clanne uses magic and even though it’s low compared to other options, he’s outdamaging Yunaka most of the time because of enemies having lower resistance overall and if you make him a mage knight, you can bond shield him for guarantee survival.

Boucheron has higher bulk, better weapon variety and provides chain attack utility.

Alfred with Silver Greatlance actually has a way better midgame than Yunaka since he one-shots most enemies or just needs some chip damage to do so and has good enough bulk to take 2 hits. This includes some bosses which Yunaka mostly sucks against.

It’s just the dagger carrying her damage and thieves don’t get forged killers, 3-range weapons, access to engage attacks, high might smash weapons, etc. Her damage potential and overall utility is way less than everyone else.

All these units can also immediately reclass into better classes(Warrior, Mage Knight, any staff class, etc) for better offense/utility while Yunaka is stuck as crappy thief for most of the game.
>it's really weird because i never see them anymore except here, these kinds of people should've died out like 8 years ago
They've "matured" into waifufags.
>never seen one of these, sounds like someone who thinks they know what an LTC is
Mostly confined to other sites, rarely spotted here because their ego can't handle /v/ bants
>that just sounds like the filthy casual mentioned above
They usually pretend that they're not filthy casuals and are just open minded, unlike those stinky LTC fags, until you realize they're defending Wendy as not a shitter.
I remember playing a romhack of sacred stones called cancer emblem. It gives everyone a personal skill along with 5 class skills, and making some other silly changes like archers getting 2-4 range naturally I think. Ephraim gets rightful god and a shit ton of trigger skills.
He sucks too hard to be used in the early game, much less the mid to lategame
>His "chipping" is completely useless in chapter 1, just use Alance, Marcus and maybe Roy. He even faces crit from archers
>Gets outmatched by literally every other character in chapter 2, and can't even reliably double soldiers
>Is literally the only character to struggle against soldiers, everyone else sees them as free exp
>Starting from chapter 3, specifically him being alive makes your starting formation worse, aka literal negative value from keeping him alive
>Can't damage cavs, gets murdered by nomads
>Even with training him instead of training literally anyone else, he gets explicitly outmatched by Dorothy and Sue the moment they join at his own supposed niche, and has less reason to fight the wyverns than anyone else
>Lategame stats are explicitly worse than Wendy/Sophia and are complete garbage in general
>Gets mogged even harder by Klein and igrene
At least Sophia targets res, has 1-2 range, gets staves, and can actually deal pretty good damage to just about anything she hits.
Post it kek, I'd play it for the lulz
>muh LTC
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Just use Doro
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>Some anons are so mind broken by ecelebs and "le LTC" that they forced themselves to play through FE6 with Wendy and Sophia as main party

lol. Hey I heard a mean, evil LTC player say that Marty was bad. Better do a Thracia run to prove them wrong. Be sure to use Miranda and Shannam too while you're at it.
And don't forget to take them to 20/20!
I trained them because I want to fuck them. We are not the same.
I tried to use Ena when I played Thracia, and even abusing scrolls and levelling her a lot, Dean was STILL better
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Found it, you get really dumb shit like clerics having both forms of counter, Seth has mercy so he's a true jeigan, and almost every enemy gets lunge.
Marty is fixable in Thracia
He has high build so if you manage to use scrolls to give him actual growth rates he can become useful for capturing
It's not worth it but it's there
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>Stop listening to retarded wannabe metafags and have fun
Sure, I can do that
I like to use both Rutger and Fir in the same playthroughs.
Thracia is the worst game to be a flier. Even Dean is mostly carried by his stats. At least she's not Misha.
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Which FE girl has the smelliest feet?
>he’s outdamaging Yunaka most of the time because of enemies having lower resistance overall
Not my experience on anything short of armors. Nevermind inferior MT forges, tomes are also far more costly, making the MT discrepancy even larger. His mag growth also sucks, Yunaka's is actually higher so you could conceivably (gimp yourself and) make her a better mage. He often loses doubling if he goes for Levin Sword.
>Boucheron has higher bulk
Not on the magical side. One of my favorite aspects of Yunaka is that she eats mages for breakfast, and they're supposed to be the "counter" that ignores her terrain evasion. He also has 20 fucking strength growth, that shouldn't be swept under the rug. That is abysmal.
>Alfred one shots
With what setup? Genuinely curious because I generally bench him after 11. He's not exactly a str monster like Pannette, axes have more Mt, and even she needs a smidge of help to one shot certain things on maddening (which is only relevant for Great Aether since she normally killer axe crits everything outside of that).
Amalda (FE5)
I'm not gonna lie, I will shit on characters and tier them worse just for having a grudge against them. I still hate Geoffrey for the pathetic way he died in one of my runs ten years ago.
Sure. As long as you're actually having fun and not motivated by retarded spite against some random youtuber/4chan anon.
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Reminder to only use female Jagens
Directions unclear. Eirika is now riding Seth's cock.
Threadly reminder that Engange killed the series, and the Geneaology of the Holy War remake will never be released because of it. And the gameplay of Engage IS SHIT
Schizo is back.
Hey, reply to this if you like feet. Reply to this twice if you like bush. Don't reply if you like penis
Bait used to be believable
shes a fucking monster with lyn
>no emblem paralogue run
>meaning other astra lyn users are garbage
>slap lyn on warrior etie
>snipe the fuck off the theif in griss jump scare chapter with just a plain old silver bow
>the other theif has compensate and goes to steal the other 2 chest and getting intercepted
Sweetie we're shitting on FE6 at the moment. Please wait your turn.
I can't decide whether I like Engage's girls with a six pack or with abs.
Anyone got that Mage image?
>and the Geneaology of the Holy War remake will never be released because of it.
Let's be honest, Thracia is the good Juggy game, not Gene.
NTA but I do have to chime in
Clanne averages ~2 less Mag compared to Celine in the long run while being ahead by 3 AS. Spirit Dusts are not heavily competed for among mages in an average playthrough and they're one of the more readily accessible boosters. If you're using him as MK, his personal AS is at the point where he can just run Levin Sword or Bolganone forges which will help to offset his damage output as he can consistently double with them. He ends up being a much better offensive unit than Celine in the long run.
Yes, Boucheron has a 20% Str Growth but his Bld is so comically high that he loses little to no AS from the weapons he has access to. This consequently allows him to use Silver Axe while others are dicking around with Steels and output comparable output. He can also just straight up use the Greataxes exclusively if you don't want to bother with doubling and use their sky high mt to do big meaty hits.
She has Chloe's personal str with the personal speed of Louis at base. Thief obfuscates this because it has above average bases early on but her bases being what they are places selection pressures on her that negatively impacts her as Thief won't allow you to reasonably class out of it until long after everyone has already promoted and are well under way in good classes. Combine that with her being reliant on stuff heavily forged daggers compared to the more moderate forges other low strength/mag units will want, and she has it rough.
Anyone with blue bows is stupidly good as a warrior due to B bows, but Etie is the best one of those
this is a lv25 yunaka btfo of the hounds btw
>not pictured: yunaka
she's there alright.
>Level 25
Well yeah, she's at post Chapter 17 levels.
Fir is better than Rutger
Why was Lucina's emblem so awful in Engage?
>unironically one of the best
What did he mean by this?
Because she's an awful character.
>he doesnt know how to use lucina
Give it to me straight, anons. Is the Genealogy remake dream dead..
Maybe I am a little stupid but I put her on Alear for a bit and it was not good
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be glad it will have more time to get pozzed and censored by treehouse kek
She can basically make units invincible but you have to know how to use her.
Um ackshually she's an oifeye because she doesn't fall off
It will come after the Archanea remakes
>dorothy and sue
actually dorothy is just an average wolt if you trained him, theyre basically the same except dorothy starts 2 levels higher and she only has +0-2 in every stat compared to wolt. a trained wolt would probably outlevel dorothy by the time she joins anway. but even if dorothy and sue mogs wolt, that doesn't make sophia better than wolt. just like how niime and raigh mogging sophia doesnt mean wolt is better than sophia.
but it's still a niche wolt can fill that sophia cannot. too bad she doesn't have aircalibur
>lategame stats
lategame doesnt matter if we're talking about if a unit is good. you have to evaluate how they did up before then too
>mogged by klein and igrene
raigh and niime mog sophia, but we're talking about wolt vs sophia, not archers vs shamans
>1-2 range
while it's good in theory to have 1-2 range, she'll probably fucking die to anything that sneezes at her. flux weighs her down by 2 AS and her base 1 def and 20% def growth means she's definitely never ever fighting anything at 1-range besides walls or archers.
>gets staves
but do you not realize how much effort it would take to get her to that point? upon promotion after spoonfeeding her like 30 kills at lv10, she only gets E rank staves meaning she can only use heal. and it'll take 50 heal uses before she can even get to D rank. at that point just use cecilia who joins in the same chapter if you want a magical unit who can also use staves.
>anything she hits
not with that 2 base skill
point is, assuming you bothered to actually use wolt, he would at least be able to gain enough levels from fighting enemies that are only slightly stronger than your army. meanwhile when sophia joins, all the enemies in her joining chapter have at least 13 levels above her. she cannot contribute without excessive babying. by the time sophia joins, wolt could've been promoted by now. and as a reminder, i do not think wolt is good, i think he's just better than sophia
Even on Alear she's fine because you can powerlevel him with Parthia.
They've already been remade though.
Archanea deserves another set of remakes
The real overrated ring was Corrin all along. There's utility with dragon hex and veins but it's not like wow holy shit.
Lucina is best on a qi adept, flier, or cav so you can have 4 turns of a totally invulnerable deathball. The lucina holder should hold parthia and if it’s someone good like kagetsu, will also kill everything that attacks it from 2 range when bonded. Then you can have Ivy, Hortensia, and whoever else you want next to him totally invulnerable attacking the low RES stat of statbloated enemies
>lock a boss down for four turns
>everyone can canter away
Even with Veins aside, she's still amazing.
>what are free freeze us for 3 turns
depends on how fast you play. dreadful aura and fire veins are great for crowd control, especially in later maps with all its reinforcements. but if youre going fast, then yeah all you really need is draconic hex to weaken the boss.
>Sets enemies' move to 0 and debuffs them by 4 in each stat (also can be used with daggers for poison too)
>dragon veins are super overpowered, especially fire
>hurr durr corn not good
Corrin still has a lot of use from being able to freeze multiple enemies. She's really good on any mage for 2-3 range freezes and giving a shit ton of hp.
Low skill, especially taking 4 turns to kill a boss
i literally agreed with you
I put the brother fucker ring on Alear and it was kino plus you can see her black panties
The entire point of bonded shield is to get the enemy to suicide into your strongest offensive unit. Ergo, the Lucina holder SHOULDN'T be someone like Kagetsu.

Alear is straight up the best Lucina user in the game as long as you don't leave em in DD (and to be fair, DD is one of the weaker choices for Alear).
Clanne's AS absolutely struggles to double on Maddening when he's weighed down by anything. The exception being armors but he already obliterates those.
You want to talk about personal stats without mentioning that he has some of the worst in the game? Either way I don't care about generic 1 range bruiser #17, he competes with a lot of the roster for that. Yunaka's 1-2 range prowess is what is specifically hard to contest. I argue that stat stacking on a 1-2 range unit is the best investment of stat boosters. Her only weakness then is 3 ranges and suffering from too much avoid to be targeted which can be mitigated by keeping two tiers of avoid engraves. How many other units can end turn and delete whole packs of enemies even with investment? Most don't have enough mixed bulk to survive (mages) or good 1-2 range options (almost everyone else when not engaged with Ike).
I've been shilling for Yunaka all thread and I find that to be a stretch to use that as an argument for her. How the hell do you even get enough exp to make her level 25?
Kagetsu is decent but if the units are invulnerable, he’ll do less damage than mages. He’s a low maintenance lucina user but sure anyone that isn’t going to die to a random archer/mage is fine as the lucina user
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We need nopan mods
do it yourself fag
Aka canon Lyn mods.
Using units because of their "optimality" and not because you like them is for shitters.
This is how I ended up as a coomer using nothing but females in Engage.
The problem is that cool designs usually correlate with good unit. Oh hey is that some fat shitter with a dorky face and shit growths in a shit class? Well I'd rather use the handsome chad on a horse , what a coincidence he's actually good. HM Gonzales is probably my only exception, he FUCKs with a few secret books.
>just feed him a few statboosters and he’s good
That’s the mark of a bad unit
he is not Gordin
he is GORGOD
And that's a good thing. Sounds like you had a better time than the autists who obsess over numbers.
I really don't see why "some units are better than others but you can use whatever shitters you want in your own playthrough" causes such monumental butthurt from waifufags.

Nobody cares if you solo'd FE4 Gen 1 with a Level 30 Arden.
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>Want to use a character
>Use statboosters
>Character is still a shitter
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Partially my fault for taking him down Dark Bishop.
you are free to use whoever you want to, it's a fucking video game. efficiency players are only discussing what is best for clearing a game efficiently, the numbers and such. no decent player should be telling people that you must only use rutger or something. some players like learning to clear a game in the fastest way possible, and others like to clear it with their waifu. and both ways are valid. i don't understand why casuals can't see that
Its actually stupidly broken in the dumbest way that it doesn't really explain well. It turns the game into DEATHBALL for 4 or so turns. Easily the most poorly designed ring in the game and figures it'd be busted.

Also this 100%.
Congratulations on beating the game. Having a shitter as a mainstay in your roster is one of the prerequisites needed to truly beating a FE game.
Sigurd could have solo'd the BBQ chefs, his death never made any sense.
Get back to the elden ring threads you hipster trash
Dragon!Corrin is overrated. Mystic!Corrin is very good because she fixes/enhances their bulk while adding a lot of utility. My personal favorite Corrin user is Sage!Pandreo. A Tomes, A Staves, Pandreo's high offenses AND vein utility? Its nuts.
>Clanne struggles to double on Maddening
2/0 Clanne is as fast as 5/0 Celine. Once he gets some levels under his belt, he's only slightly slower than Chloe.
10/1 Mage Knight Clanne has 17 Spd with the only unit that's faster than him being Griffin Chloe. If you're cooking +2 Spd meals like you're supposed to, then you can call that an effective 19 AS. Sword Fighters in Chapter 10 Maddening can be doubled at 20 AS which is achievable with rings, if you want a more practical doubling threshold then you need ~15 AS. Clanne has 13 AS before rings with a Levin Sword which is fairly respectable. A low impact ring like Leif can effortlessly get you doubling with Levins.
Once you reach 10/5, then Clanne (and every other Mage Knight) has a free +3 AS from Chaos Style. Chaos Style + Meal gives so much extra AS that only bld lets like Framme lose AS from Levin Sword/Bolganone past midgame as a MK.
Oh no not the secret books! I was saving that for... Uh, uhm, well definitely not the unit with otherwise a pristine Berserker stat profile! Anyway time to bitch about wyvern reinforcements because I don't have a gigachad retard to stick on a peak with 5 hand axes.
Which Not!Fire Emblem is the best?
I wonder if you were confusing me with someone else because idgaf about Celine, only Yunaka. Celine goes on my bench like 90% of the early game roster.
So many of them are ass, Banner of the Maid is the only one I enjoyed. It's like sacred stones tier difficulty, which is a downside, but it's enjoyable enough.
I don't care that you don't care about Celine. I'm discussing Clanne, so I'm going to bring up relevant units for his comparison.
Btw, Yunaka is slower than Clanne.
Vestaria Saga from the straight clones
Bakery from the turn based grid TRPG genre as a whole
Unicorn Overlord if that even counts
I'm just not sure why Celine matters when we're comparing Clanne to Yunaka. I'll readily admit Clanne is slightly better than Celine at the very least, but both are mogged into the ground by Anna anyway. >Yunaka is slower than Clanne
Not when you're using their respective high mt options (cheap forges vs speed lowering bolganone/Levin). Nothing Yunaka actually uses weighs her down. By the time you can afford to forge silver (which btw has the same forge cost as Elfire, they really hated tomes huh) she probably has gained the scrap of build required not to be slowed by it. Btw I don't even remember, when do you even get Bolganone/Levin Sword? Its been a while but I recall it taking a while for the former. You're going to be competing against a 13mt steel dagger with Elfire for half the game no? Though I could be misremembering.

Also with all the speed fixing you're doing for Clanne to compensate for the weight (he doesn't outspeed her until both are leveled a lot) Yunaka can fix something else, namely her strength.
IL21 Thief Yunaka
34 HP, 15 Str, 22 Spd, 5 Bld
IL21 Thief Bouch
42 HP, 11 Str, 23 Spd, 9 Bld
IL21 Thief Lapis
35 HP, 15 Str, 24 Spd, 4 Bld

Silver Dagger has +3 Mt and Bouch loses no AS from using it. Yunaka loses 2 AS in comparison. Additionally, Silvers cost less resources overall to forge up, so Yunaka ends up costing more resources in practice to keep her damage relevant.
Thief is one of the worst classes you could leave Boucheron in, but I just had to do it. Lapis is the unfortunate reference point that many phys units use as she is seen as aggressively average/spoiler]
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I just do it because I enjoy an FE-styled challenge, and because I can. The reason I will staunchly defend a unit like Wendy, for example, is because, while many people will dismiss both her and Barth as unusable shitters, when I used Wendy, I ended up getting one of the best contributors on my team with solid stats across the board. When I used Barth, I got a useless brick who was basically only good for soaking physical damage and body blocking. Not all 'shitters' are created equal.
Honestly comes down to preference. Unicorn Overlord has really fun fiddling if you're into unit customization and condition-setting, but if you like the traditional grid combat and army management, I'd say Symphony of War. Custom units and positioning without the fiddly IF/AND logic. You get more traditional fantasy flavouring in exchange for fewer cute girls. Both serviceable stories.
Do you mean a +3 forged silver instead of +3mt? Because there's no point in touching base silver when +3 steel has a good investment to return ratio.

Also that bouch has 4 less strength, that's a bigger difference in attack than going down a tier to steel (-3 from silver) where you're not longer weighed down. And the gap going to get worse by endgame.
So she seems similar to Yunaka I guess but at the cost of a reclass.
You can get a levin sword pretty early by forging a weapon into it.
>yunaka can fix strength to compensate for fixing clanne's speed
Do you seriously consider a meal to be fixing a unit's speed? The only skill mentioned was a mage knight's innate skill, no speedwings were used. Giving Leif to him, while I disagree with since Clanne could make better use of Celica as a mage before they're taken away, isn't a problem when no one really wants Leif outside of him being a proficiency giver. Fixing strength on the other hand is actually quite costly with strength + costing quite a bit of SP and there being no knife power skill, while strength emblem rings are in high demand.
oh forgot to mention here >>681157338 but Unicorn Overlord is relatively easy without self-imposed handicaps even on the hardest mode.
I also wish to know this. I find it interesting that nobody has suggested Dark Deity yet, I guess it really wasn't that good of an FE-like
>All of the speed fixing that you're doing to compensate Clanne
Clanne's default promotion is LITERALLY Mage Knight. There is no reason to not prepare the +2 Spd meal once you get access to the cafeteria as its akin to giving a speed tonic to the entire team. That is doing the bare minimum.
He still has access to his skill slots, ring/emblem slot and none of his weapons have been forged/engraved.
>But Bolganone/Levin Sword's weight
Clanne does not care about those. For example, you only need ~21 AS to double most of the enemies in the game until Chapter 17. 10/9 MK!Clanne which is what you'd have around that point has that much naturally on PP while eating the full brunt of their weapon weight. In more practical settings, you'd be using Sigurd!Levin or Celica/Lucina!Elfire unless you were like Ivy or something since the -1 Mt/-1 Wt trade off is acceptable for tomes.
Silver +1 is actually slightly cheaper to make than Steel +3 and Bouch can do that anyway.
Celica!Clanne is preferable during the early game since you only need one serious combat mage. I just used Leif as an example to force the doubling threshold with an unengraved Levin. As in more practical terms, you'd be using a Sigurd!Levin on Chloe and your mage would have a Celica!Elfire or something.
Pure!Thief Bouch has 11 Str.
10/11 (Fighter/Thief) has 12 Str/22 Spd/10 Bld
I would never ever run Lapis or Bouch as thieves over Warrior/Wyvern/Griffin (the last one mostly for Lapis) because you're just wasting their talents.
>Love 3H gameplay
>Hate the story
>If I say I like it people will assume I like the story and not the gameplay

Thracia trading, per-map usage on magic, shit's perfect. Only the stupid monastery segments hold it back from greatness.
>Thracia trading
IIRC Mystery did it first
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>love 3h gameplay
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>magic Clanne
You're doing it wrong!

>I just had to do it
Isn't it kinda fun coming up with scenarios like that? I got into an argument here recently about the appropriate use of crit forges, and it sparked me to come up with some (albeit very contrived) examples where Panette, Yunaka and Lindon could reach 90~100 crit before even considering the stats of the weapon equipped. For the record, 120 crit is basically all you need to have to get 100% for like 99.9% of the enemies in the game
and the plethora of reused maps between AM, VW, & SS
Magic Clanne is better than physical. Yes, he has a higher phys growth, but his strength base is bad and you end up needing to invest more resources with a more hotly competed stat booster to get him going.
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Give it to me straight, how much work does it take to make this guy usable in maddening without DLC?
Engage has a good story and I'm tired of pretending it doesn't.
Not much
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>Engage has a good story
I'm ok with reused maps as long as it makes sense. The fact that all routes share the same pre-timeskip maps is insane though, those maps only really fit the blue lions for the most part.
Not every non-mainstream opinion is bait
Crit engrave C rank weapons go brrr
bro your dire thunder ring?
>Only the stupid monastery segments hold it back from greatness.
And the piss poor maddening difficulty curve
And the same turn reinforcements
And the thoughtlessness in enemy formations/pack compositions
And the thoughtlessness in enemy equipment/skill load outs
And the tedium of pulling enemies that have battalions which you can't counterattack
And eventually getting so bored from all of the above you just pseudo solo the game by stacking all stat boosters on Byleth because stat caps are absurdly high and then buffing your gigachad with the Retribution gambit so that he counter kills every single enemy at all ranges on the map
As the other guy said, reused maps CAN be fine. It'd make sense that certain places get reused.
But yes, each route needed either more unique paralogue maps (and share the story maps) or more unique story maps (and share the paralogue maps).
I feel like Engage only had as many as it did because like 1/3rd of the maps were based off of maps from older games.
Not a bad thread all things considered
I meant to say engraves there.

With optimal growth (which, granted is not easy to achieve), his personal base STR is only -3 against Kagetsu's at IL parity, while his SPD is only -2. He has 5% more STR growth than Kagetsu and the same SPD growth. If I'm going to use Clanne, I would rather go for that than try to have him compete with units like Citrinne, Ivy and Pandreo with his 10% MAG growth.
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>Only -3
That's -6 damage on the generally higher defensive stat.
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Just gave Veyle canter+. What second skill would she want?
depends is she dps or support
If you don't love shitty archer units, you don't love FE.
I fucking love Lindon. Last playthrough I gave based jii-san Byleth with a crit engraved surge tome and the fucker put in work.
Nah fuck em. Most of them don't even have cool designs.
This dude is actually a pretty good unit.
I like Etie
I wanna fugg Neimi and Rebecca
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Me with the axe
Rutger is such a chad.
>nooo we can't have a good thread i cant allow it
I like Yuna.
>good gameplay
Maybe if we’re talking RD edward or Kagetsu in Engage
I liked everything about it but inclusion of retarded furry race
Felt extremely out of place especially when they were in animal form
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Gordon is unironically one of the most fun units in FE1 and FE3. Him starting with access to both the Iron and Steel bow makes him able to choose whethee to unga bunga or to chip, his very averagely spread out growths mean that he turns out different each time and his insane promo gains makes the payoff satisfying as all hell.
I never bin'd a unit so fast like Sophia. Especailly because Lilina is a nuclear bomb at this point and there are other glass cannons you can train that doesn't get kneecapped by dark magic.

Rutger and Lot are gay. Use Gonzalez.
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On the run I used him, I made him a bow knight for shining bow memes, and also some crit farming with a killing edge/killer bow plus wrath inherit. I let him have Lucina and go hog wild on the wyverns in Roy's paralogue with Parthia and he got five levels in total, to bump his stats up a bit. I didn't have a better person for it, so I gave him Micaiah so he could staff it up if he had nothing else to do.
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I made him a Hero with Byleth, and he was pretty useful.
>Backup means he buffs everyone's strength when engaged
>Starts with 2000 SP for Dual Assist+
>Also gets Brave Assist
>Byleth buffs his Speed and Magic
>Can deal decent chip + roll for crits with Levin Sword
>Makes decent use out of Byleth's engage weapons

You can also just leave him as a Sage and he makes a fine staff user/magic chip damage unit with little investment.
We need a Fire Emblem Kart Racer but with the same RNG and class-based system we all love.
reddit moment
this unironically
I never played the GBA games or the series as a whole really outside of messing around with one of the GBA games a bit on emulator but I always love the battle screens and animations. This shit is just so cool every time I see it. Can't help but to want to watch some more now.
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for me, its echo celica with draconic sex to spread debuffs
>And the piss poor maddening difficulty curve
this is good actually
>And the same turn reinforcements
Awakening found the perfect cure (classic=same turn, casual=standard)

>And the thoughtlessness in enemy formations/pack compositions
And the thoughtlessness in enemy equipment/skill load outs
And the tedium of pulling enemies that have battalions which you can't counterattack
And eventually getting so bored from all of the above you just pseudo solo the game by stacking all stat boosters on Byleth because stat caps are absurdly high and then buffing your gigachad with the Retribution gambit so that he counter kills every single enemy at all ranges on the map
These are ok too.
explain why they are ok then you cocksucking moron, the next thing you will say its the animations and maps are fine too
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>>Love 3H gameplay
mental illness
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No bullshit pairings but in Three Houses I really don't understand how people complete runs without Lysithea, Felix or Leonie.
3H maps are ok in maddening, they just happen to be a joke in hard mode.

Same turn reinforcements are ok in every game lol. Just retry the map, it's that easy. Zoomers really want to beat everything in one go, then they play Unicorn Overlord and complain it's too easy because all the encounters are predictable. Get real.
You should play Valkyrie Profile on PS1.
Beautiful animations (Pic is normal attacks, super attacks are flashier).
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Good taste
Not my type but I can respect your choice
GBA has a certain charm, yeah. It's not perfect by any means but I have strong nostalgia bias for it.
Yea I generally feel aesthetically the series peaked with gba. Not a single game has looked better than sacred stones. The hits and sfx really feel like they carry weight. Not to say I don't like further entries, I just think GBA -looked- better.
One thing I'm not fond of in SS, the new class animations kind of suck. The sword animations for the Nomadic Trooper and the Ranger are night and day for example.
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There's a subtle difference in shading between FE6/7 and FE8. FE8 is not as harsh, I think?
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The final dragon armed with an armorslayer. It's so strong, my knights are shaking in their boots.
why is he so smug?
WHY aren't you pouring LITRES of HORSECUM into Elise's tiny little body RIGHT. NOW.????
I'm not a horse
Maps looked better in Jugdral. Battle animations, however, GBA wins no question.
>it's not actually infinite spawn
I should have camp damn it
Fire Emblem gameplay
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what kind of autism is this?
Hope the next game has infantry have 8 mov like SD.
it's part of what makes replays fun
when you git gud enough, ironmanning as well, although some of the games are definitely more suited to ironman than others
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Fixing your sister with your cock is the only correct choice.
Maybe every thread should be a specifically gameplay thread
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what will the 3h do while we post gameplay then?
In my autistic fervor i accidentally started too many FE playthroughs. which should i finish
>Thracia (Chapter 4x) (i've gotten 3 mov level ups)
>Shadow Dragon (Chapter 5, Hard 3, like half my army has died but they were all shitters so it's fine)
>Conquest (Chapter 8, Lunatic)
>Radiant Dawn (Chapter 2, Normal, with lots of Jill transfers)
>Binding Blade (Chapter 5, Hard, Reverse Recruitment)
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engage with your sister!
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Ufufu~ What's the matter Divine One, afraid to impregnate your precious baby sister?
on the chance you haven’t beaten any of those games before I’d say finish those ones first
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damn bratt!!!ill correct you!! see me in my room!!
Why is she so thirsty for you anyway? You barely know each other. You casually handed her your dragonstone before running off with dragonmommy Lumera to confront Sunburn and Veyle treats it like a marriage proposal.

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