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How often do you draw fanart of you favorite games and characters?
And always remember to have fun when drawing :3
>FUCK with my penis
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drew this monita from that nintendoland game.
Jas! Jas! Jas! I'm currently working on a cute commission of Jas! First, she's cpmpletely enamoured by an ojisan's big kiddy-loving dick, then she gets her tummy bulged! It'll be one of those delicious anal bulges where the bulge pops out all curved too!
I haven't had fun in with drawing in months. But also, the thing I'm working on is one of my best works yet, and I learned how to streamline my process at the same time. So hopefully the next thing I work on will actually be fun.
This book is useless. I learnt more by practicing and looking at other people's art
It has genuinely good advice but it's such a fucking chore to get through if you don't like drawing old potatomen that I'm convinced anyone who suggests it to people who want to start drawing are either trolling or retarded nodraw orbiters.
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i can't into the depth of the face
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Do you guys use stabilizer?
I draw with pen and paper
Usually below 10.
When I have the time. I'm not drawing much because I'm busy with DEVVAN, but I'll probably draw some more Status and Skit Portraits next week.
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>How often do you draw fanart of you favorite games
i draw chillet often
really hot anon! very nice!
I can't draw straight lines so yeah.
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Drawing faces is really hard
Most of the time: no. I can tell when other people use stabilizers. Their lines are too clean. I prefer an organic look. But at the same time, working digitally can also capture very fine wavers that wouldn't normally be captured with physical media. Since the tablet is so smooth, and the capture so precise. So I might put on a stabilizer very very lower. Like under 10, just to eliminate any natural looking digital wavers.
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Post it
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I was commissioned to draw FF7 girls wearing boxing gear
Only when I ink my sketches.
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Work in progress
Most my clients have kink for femfighting
cool af
Thanks, started out as a sketch that kind of ballooned out of proportion as I started detailing the background.
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Is she the most famous argonian AND maid character in all of video games while not being an actual character in a video game?
yep. shes also the most popular and least known lizard girl in gaming
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I drew vivian sucking on loli
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Some stuff.
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hero doodle
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Does 3D stuff count?
If not, I drew this Eerie Smile from Mother 3 recently.
Depends on what I'm trying to do. If I want clean lines then sure, or if I'm doing some careful coloring. Otherwise it's usually ~10. The tablet stand I have is a bit wobbly so I need that little bit.
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I'm not gonna mass-reply to each post but I wish you to reach your art goals!
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Last thing was an icon for my pixiv account. Planning on doing some actual DQ fanart at some point that's more than sketches though.
This is really cool. Love the detailing on the ground and all the buildings.
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Enjoy your numbers
thanks a lot anon i try my best to make nice things
Can't say my focus is numbers but I would be lying if I said I didn't want some attention. Not the only place I put stuff but I like the tagging system and it feels less cancerous than places like instagram or deviantart.
Do people even use DA anymore??
Of course. DA is still one of the largest art sites along with Pixiv and brings me the most numbers and comms.
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People recommend the book because unlike most "learn to draw" media out there it keeps itself light and humorous with the intent to teach you in a fun, conversational way without the whole process being boring and dry. While other courses just go "okay, now do this", Loomis goes "hey, check out this really cool trick that will impress your friends" and he shows you important techniques while framing them as "fun tricks".
And I don't understand why all the autists are so hung up on the "potato men" - they are actually excellent for learning drawing. Do you know why?
Because they are a pretty "low stakes" way to teach you drawing that follows a point Loomis introduces earlier in the book - "don't obsess over getting it perfect, even if the circle you drew looks wonky you can still use it". He starts telling you to draw caricatures because they DON'T need to be perfect - they are supposed to look goofy and wonky, so even if the nose looks weird, the ears are too big or the face structure is off IT'S ALL PERFECTLY ALRIGHT. Trying to practice drawing by copying cartoons or anime you'd obsess that it doesn't look "good" or that you're not drawing it perfectly - meanwhile these old fellas are NOT meant to look perfect. You're essentially learning many important skills - how to start a drawing from a circle and a bunch of lines and shapes, how to draw faces, how to draw a character's face from different angles/perspectives, how the expression and facial structure give a character personality - all while working in a "low difficulty" enviroments where perfection doesn't matter, because a caricature is not supposed to be perfect. It lets you turn "flaws" into part of the drawing and not stress too much about it.
Really, it's crazy how all the anons collectively failed to understand this.
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Huh. It's been years since I've used DA, maybe it's time I check it out again alongside Pixiv. Thanks for letting me know, dude.
Any good face/chest tutorials? I've been praticing via an anatomy book but I don't know if I should just bite the bullet and start tracing models or what
No prob. All big sites have big variety of users and of course one notices the ones the dislike the most. I'd say 95% of my viewers are just watchers and giving faves, the rest comment and contact. Of those 5% less than fifth are annoying or obnoxious.

And yeah, if you used certain art sites for decade or longer for your smut needs, what gonna stop you visiting there.
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Every loomis shill doesn't even draw. Pyw or fuck off. There are better books to use for beginners than Loomis, he shouldn't even be your 3rd book. Maybe 10th.
you might get filtered but this helped a bit with understanding the forms
wtf your circles are insane
>people who recommend a drawing teaching book don't even draw
okay then
Are you saying Loomis Fun With A Pencil is too hard for you?
Loomis being for beginners is a fucking lie.
Loomis is for people who have been drawing for a while but never learned constructively.
>try to draw things i like for fun
>lack of confidence strikes back for some reasons

shit is that over for me?
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Build up your confidence by drawing things you like and getting better at it
Just because you recommend a book doesn't mean you've actually used it yourself.
No, I'm saying Loomis is hard for people starting out. He introduces concepts that beginners just won't understand until they really get their feet wet maybe a year or two into it. It is a good resource but it isn't the end all be all. There's an entire board of Loomis shills and 90% of them are garbage(/ic/)
Pffftt. I guess you have some brain problems if Loomis Fun With A Pencil is too high education for you
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Marc Brunet has a youtube channel with decent small tutorials for heads, hair, and bodies. The intros are obnoxious but the content is good. and easy to follow/replicate.
I've been using his gesture instructions and it's helped. He tends to focus on character creation rather than fancy artwork.
Build up your confidence by drawing under the influence
This too. Love doodling and sketching high
Loomis IS for beginners. The whole idea is that ANYONE can draw if they can actually motivate themselves, and mr Loomis strives to teach you in a fun, conversationalist way instead of just giving you dry instructions. He teaches you important techniques that he introduces as fun or interesting tricks, and him at first teaching you the basics of drawing via caricatures is actually an excellent idea. It stops you from obsessing over perfection or how your drawing looks, because a caricature is supposed to look weird and wonky, it's part of the appeal. If the ears are too big or the chin is weird, you can just make it part of the drawing without obsessing that it "isn't perfect." You also learn how to be creative and "improvise" with your drawings in the process, like "well his nose looks pretty wonky, but can I still use it to give this character more personality?"
It's literally a low difficulty training level that encourages you to have fun instead of obsessing over perfection. And you learn important skills in the process.
I did, I had fun with it.
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If I want to try drawing, what kind of tool is better to use? For now I only did some shit with mouse, and it seemed less than optimal. I know people usually use tablets for that stuff, but I haven't got one.
Pencil and paper is how the masters started.
draw on old notebook and if you like it buy a tablet later
Post your work. You sound like a bot.
at that point you're better of drawing on regular printing paper and just scanning your drawings
Pencil and paper. Once you ready to step into digital, get standard paper sized screenless Wacom and wear paper on top of it for better feel and traction. Krita is free drawing program that does everything paid programs do
Why are you being so aggressively confrontational, you sperg? All I've got to show are some scribbles and tin-tin looking faces anyway, I draw for fun and I enjoy loomis.
I should, but I find it too annoying. I also tend to go for small resolution because I often draw in public canvases.
It isn't for beginners and it's more likely that every Loomis shill is part of the ongoing demoralizing campaign on this site to get people too overwhelmed/intimidated to even begin drawing.
This board is overrun with bots now. It isn't too surprising. If you're reading this and starting out, stick with youtube tutorials for a couple months, fill up a couple sketchpads, then move on to a Jack Hamm or fundamental art book.
The demoralizing ones are the ones who thought you're supposed to autistically grind bald men and get them "perfect" when they're not supposed to be perfect and you're supposed to have fun with them.
Also have fun being like "ANYONE WHO SAYS ANYTHING I DONT AGREE WITH IS A BOT REEEEEEEEE" you sperg nigger.
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Most recent vidya art I drew, I love BTD
Dude, he's saying FWAP is too hard for him. Of course he would feel angry seeing others consider FWAP low threshold entry point
can't believe I didn't get it until I read this post, I'm kinda retarded to be fair
>It stops you from obsessing over perfection or how your drawing looks
Yeah, this is a really important part. Loomis' way of doing things really helped me get over the obsession over perfection, even though I mainly draw in an anime style. His other books are also great reads; I especially like creative illustration. Lots of great advice in that book, but also very freeform at the same time.
How is it not for beginners? It's a very simple book.
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>Get friendly comments on my art
>check profile
>they bookmark anime babes and anthros
>Get rude comments on my art
>check profile
>they bookmark sodomy, scat, zoo
>it's every single time
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Why draw when the AI won?
it is over drawbros fr
You two bots are shilling so hard for daddy Loomis and you don't have shit to show for it except some scribbles and whatever the fuck tin-tin faces are. Plenty of people will tell you Loomis isn't beginner friendly and I'm not even saying it's not a good book but that it shouldn't be an entry point.
You type the same way, fag. Be less obvious
It's never too late to realize things. Unless you're dying or something like that.
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Thanks. Guess I'll dig out my ancient album and try something.
Dude you sound like game journo who thought Cuphead's tutorial was too hard
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Try again.
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I made an idle animation
You can't get your art-senpai notice you with AI art

>getting rude comments
People do that?
Why can't you just accept there's more than one way to get into drawing and more than artbook to start with. Loomis has been dead for forever so unless you're in his family tree somehow there's no reason for you to be this diehard shoving him down other peoples throat.

Get a grip, faggot.
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got this
Actually cute. Bit hypnotic.
Cute doggo.
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and this
honestly, with the constant ban evaders here this means nothing
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can you name all the characters each outfit is inspired by?
Because I dont have problem with other drawing books. You are the one having particular problem with FWAB, you fucking sperg :D
Me on the left
hmmm jackie chan?
Yes, because you are shilling it as a good book for beginners which it is not. Simple as. Seethe all you want about it or post your work.
>Random anon: Loomis is a good book for beginners
I've posted works but not like I'm anything special. Like I said I just draw in a pretty normal stye.
Definitely, why wouldn't they? I have a thick enough skin to not be too bothered by it, I just think the pattern is funny
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I meant how I was practicing the loomis faces and one of them kinda had a eyes and face like tintin and I really liked it so i stuck with it
I have already posted my work, sperg
How good you have to be to post on DeviantArt and not embarrass yourself?
Great post, anon.
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My first art pieces there looked like this and I got commissioned to draw more
embarrassing yourself is part of being an artist
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Tried painting Disco's skills
Link, Midna, Peach, Candy Kong, Samus, Tharja, Edelgard(?)
IDK, Ann, 2B, IDK, that one catgirl from FF14, either Lady D or Shadow Sae
Poison, Terry, Morrigan, IDK, Mileena, Ivy
You got anatomy down. I think I could manage with heavy reference use.

Yeah, I think I could get away with that years ago when I was a kid (drew like three pieces back then). Nowadays everybody seems to be more unforgiving.
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I recently got a schizo that's spamdumping my art, even the more obscure art I haven't uploaded to any galleries in unrelated threads. Kindof like that guy that has to spergdump blackhand anon's stuff in any vidya humor thread. I've even seen him dumping my art mere minutes after I first posted it. I don't know what to make of this.
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i havne't drawn in a long ass time, but I started with /ic/ sticky wich included the goofy faces excercise

I fully agree with this anon
in that it tries to be low stakes, but still show you how to focus on some 3d shapes and how to spin them around in your head, or on paper using some minimal guiding structure without having to be hyper anal like drawing boxy architecture with a grid

it's there to ease you into these concepts, but if a reader completely misunderstands this or focuses too hard on things the excercises are for, or just really really hates drawing goofy faces i can see it atleast not being palateable to them
I for one oldfashioned and goofy/creepy potato featured cartoonish monsters or oldtimey witches so it wasn't a problem.
If people focus too much on immediately wanting super clean pokemon/anime/realistic portraits or high polish beautyshots from games. They go in with the wrong expectations in general.

THese kind of practices do well by explaining why these are proposed. Intead of people going "oh, guess ill have draw potatoe man now because it says so" without why.
nice cake
If loomis was for beginners, it would be teaching you how to draw facial features, not telling you to draw silly shapes and then drawing the facial features as if you even knew how to draw them.
It's ONE page, page 12, where it where it even talks about forms.Then it moves on to drawing heads and it doesn't tell you anything about how to draw eyes, ears, noses. It just says "do it". How do you draw a nose? How do you draw an ear? They aren't just circles.
And the only way you would know how to "just do it" is if you've already been drawing for a while.
Loomis is shilled and the OP every time because people KNOW it's not a beginner friendly book. It notoriously filters people constantly, just look at /ic/. In the age of AI we need all the artists we can get, shit or not you will get better if you practice, stay determined and learn(also have fun).

But absolutely do not start with Loomis no matter what people on 4chan say.(You can watch professional artist on Youtube say the same thing btw)
Nigga he literally shows you how to draw a face starting just from a circle and some lines and how it all turns into a face, you just need to pay basic attention. And it's nothing complex, just a bunch of cartoony faces.
The people who get "filtered" by those book are those who think you're supposed to mindlessly grind old bald men when you're literally supposed to just have FUN learning the basics while just drawing some goofy faces that don't need to be perfect or look "good"
You are basically repeating the same thing over and over again. I don't even know why you keep bringing up bald men.
>You're supposed to have FUN
Great, but I want to have fun AND learn. If it's my first time Loomis is not a good instructor, I'm telling anons to go with an alternative, bot. Get that through your head.
>Nigga he literally shows you how to draw a face starting just from a circle and some lines and how it all turns into a face
If it was a simple as just showing where lines are, then we wouldn't need to learn how to draw because we could just look at existing art to know where lines are supposed to go.
He also never does that. I have the book right in front of me you jackass.
Page 14, it is LITERALLY
>1. Pretty good. Not Bad. Still hope.
>2. Divide the ball any way you wish. Add the nose in the middle. Then add crosslines above and below the nose. Turn the ball if desired
>3. Add eyes, ears, mouth, brows, etc. Attach a couple of balls for cheeks. Draw Lightly. Then select the lines you want and draw in heavily.
>4. This is "building." Isn't it simple? Build your own. You need not copy.

No, it's not simple. Loomis didn't show how to drae eyes, ears, mouth, brows, etc. Loomis ASSUMES you know how to draw those.
Nigga...just draw
Megaman Battle Network parody with my OCs.
Gay furfags are mentally ill and need deworming badly.
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Imagine finishing something.
dude, just don't be a bitch and draw the ears and balls on your chin
Couldn't be me
I don't think I've gotten more than like 1 or 2 rude comments in the all the years I've been posting art. And yes, I've posted stuff that got noticed by furries. They typically compliment, if they say anything at all.

Where are you posting that has a hostile userbase? Or rather, WHAT are you posting that's so controversial?
Holy shit, when did Marielx get good? I haven't seen a drawing from this nigga in years.
>implying thats good
Thanks for the compliment, but i still have a long way to go.
nta, but if I enjoy looking at something it's good
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A disappointing draw
Not video games
Do you also use digital tools or just pencil and paper? Do you have any accounts?
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it's not vidya but I drew this for a /v/ thread so whatever
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here's an Ezio I drew off reference one time while I was bored at work like a decade ago
Drawing from your shoulder is all the stabilizing you need.
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>line is still visible
>paper is now stained
>eraser is now smaller
>shavings everywhere
trad is fucking gay
good word. hes not some oracle presenting forbidden knowledge and hes not some wise old sage teaching objective truths he's just a guy whos good at drawing giving you his perspective.
loomis gets bashed because everyone here is either autistic and needs to be told step by step exactly which lines go trying to "solve" the drawing like its a fucking math problem or is an NPC who cant think for themselves and needs to be handheld through every decision they make
your posts make me cum
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This but unironically
I don't need permission to draw anything. I'll draw shitty anime garbage without any knowledge of perspective or forshortening or technique or proportion or anatomy or composition or color theory, and you can't stop me
Congrats, you're now doing better than 50% of /ic/.
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literally me fr fr,just draw
I draw every day, but for some reason I can't do fanart at all. It all looks like shit.
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I dont remember any intentional rude comment to my art or profile
Indeed. Loomis mainly just teaches to construct and observe; finer details will always be up to the artist himself. Not everything can be taught in a step by step format.
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I havent drawn much in over a month, idk whats wrong with me. Its not like i have hard work or anything, its just summer, but I keep telling myself
"Okay today is when I will get back to drawing" and then I play games and watch youtube and feel bad. How do you get out of this funk?

this was the last vidja comic I made for some DBD characters
git preggnnt
Just grinding is boring, is 1 for me then 1 for practice alright to stick to?
You could try varying your drawings a bit, doodling, studying or maybe set up a rule to follow. Like doing art trades for example. External motivation helps at times.
That sounds just about right.
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>want to draw good
>havent drawn in months
how do I get back into the habit
Treat it as a job
Take at least half an hour per day to draw anything and make tally marks
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I think 4chan might be all bots. I saw this fucking post with identical replies a dozen times already. Sheesh
Drawing looks fun, but I don't know how to even try to draw something. Using lines on paper to depict an image makes absolutely no sense to me as a concept. When I was asked to draw as a kid, I just aimlessly scribbled because I couldn't think of a better approach.
get a good reason to draw
looks creepy. very groovy
Wicked, but the shading in that underground area blows, you should probably stick to using block colours instead of trying to do nuanced shading
got to build up your drawing knowledge. it'll take a while but it's definitely possible.
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I actually agree, the issue really is that I am not confident at all with my ability in any other method of shading. Coloring and shading in general is not my strong suite, I tend to start from lineart and then work from there to the best of my abilities. The shading works a bit better with color imo but it is still not optimal, picture related.
I literally wrote this whole post by hand. I have no idea wtf you're babbling about.
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I know the feeling, had years of it myself. Got out of the funk by collecting references of some thing I like the look of -poses, clothes, buildings, memes, and started with drawing something that doesn't need to be perfect - just something that might be a bit silly but fun.
Unironically started breaking the ice with shit like pic related.
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Understand how the skull and face is structured. Face is pretty difficult specially because we are mentally programmed to see certain patterns. I have noticed the T shape of the eyes and nose is one of those patterns, next one is a sort of concave triangle from the eyes towards the mouth. Lips correspond to the place of teeth, but their shape depends on the race of your character. The cheekbones are important for this too, and they mainly structure the orbit.

Chest is relatively simple. The widest portion of the chest is at the 5th rib. This gives so far a Bell shape, this is where you place nipples, keeping in mind the width of sternum. From the 6th rib onwards these must be more noticeably inclined and their cartilages join to meet the sternum in a triangle. Now the cartilage is formed up to the 10th rib. It's lowest portion, along with the inclination of both 11th and 12th ribs, are all at the same level about the L2 vertebra. Remember 11th and 12th are located in the back only. Thus L2 is the clear limit of the chest.

The next challenge, and the most challenging I have found so far, is regarding the pelvis which has two inclinations.

After you understand this stuff, look at models and visualize the anatomy in them, the rest of stuff like fat, shading and making them beautiful can only be understood from observation.

I made this for you, using phone for drawing is hard and I'm just learning as well.
This one looks pretty cool, I should practice it.
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I swear people make things harder than they have to be, just for the hell of it.
Yeah, I agree anon. I am still a beginner when it comes to drawing, and I am having a blast going through his book. I used drawabox for a while, but when the retarded material analysis came about in lesson 2, I dipped and found this resource
I forgot, For the orbit of the eyes, the floor of the orbit is relatively horizontal. The cheekbone has a hard geometry because it's a sort of truncated pyramid pointing outwards and from this depends the floor of the orbit, the external wall of the orbit, the width of the cheekbone, and the most challenging, the inward slope towards the malar-maxilar suture. Take notice of that crease for the shadows it casts when illuminating the face.

Also, the nose is given its shape by cartilages specific to it. They look like two droplets with their tail forming the roof of the nares, and on top of this the walls of a pyramid covering the entire nasal fossa.
why all of this, when you know that a head that is facing away from you with 45 degrees, that the smaller side of the face will be 1/4 of the full face, and the bigger 3/4? It is pretty intuitive
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thats not a bad idea
I think I want to try and redraw this but with the Divine Beast from Elden ring later tonight
Please do and post it in whichever drawthread comes up then. Godspeed, dude.
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Even Chinese loomis?
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For me, pixiv is the easiest since I draw lolis. I dunno what other options there are, baraag? But I hate social media and anything that tries to emulate twitter.
how do the japanese even learned to draw? I always see them just doing life drawing and suddenly they're masters
meanwhile I'm here doing billions of copies from both books and pictures
Is there a way to filter western art on pixiv? They already ruined all the boorus
I wish I could share mine too but I nuked my pixiv
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you seem like you fit right in on /ic/ though.
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Just go to their profile and click Hide
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>tfw you ink the slop you draw out of fear it's gonna smudge when the book closes
How do I stop this tism?
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This was the year I was finally going to learn but someone stole my iPad and my job has taken over my life because it's impossible to find people who actually show up to work. Hopefully my recent interview went as well as I think it did and I can escape to a real job that'll give me time to put pen to paper.
You answered yourself. If you ask any jap they'll tell you it's mostly 模写やクロッキー. If you ask them, they may recommend the same book we westerners use, but following books is mostly a thing you do as a beginner only.
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I'm a western artist on Pixiv but I don't blame you, like 80% of it is deviantart tier trash
Very cute, I love them
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you got us disqualified ‘cause you BID LIKE SHIT
Western art is the least of its problem when it's filled with unlabelled AI garbage by retards larping as artists.
casually dropping some hardcore shit if thats all actually hand-drawn
actually a good philosophy. Plenty of good artists just drew crap until it was good. Nothing beats practice, some techniques / learning materials just might guide you faster.
While I definitely agree I just want people to realize that just because you draw a lot doesn't mean you will improve, keep that in mind. Feels bad talking negatively about others but if you check Senran and Blue Reflection threads you will find a guy that has been drawing since at least 2016 and he still draws stick figures.
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>thought i was having fun again with doing practice/learning sessions
>get to something i just don't understand
>get demotivated and feel i should try and step back and draw something for myself
>feel guilty if i do
fuck my big black ass
kek I remember the "how to draw anime" thread on /ic/ was constantly drawing ire, with elitist posts like "don't bother with them, this thread is for lost souls."
That's bullshit.
It is. It took fucking forever to draw as well. One of the reasons why I tend to shy away from scenery pictures is because I haven't figured out how to streamline the process of making them. My approach of drawing lineart heavy shit works for characters and item/vehicle desings decently well but starts to break down with larger, more complex drawings such as scenery pictures.
Not really. If you can rotate boxes and cylinders in perspective it does help in constructing human anatomy in perspective
Yeah, unfortunately if you don't at least try to incoporate the techniques, you will never be good at them. For example; Doing forshortning ones with a box correctly, and then spamming it in drawing no matter how out of place it looks will leave you with much higher results. Assuming that you can see and reason why it looks wrong and make iterative changes no matter how small for the future.
but how
yeah, there definitely seems to be a minimum bar of understanding you have to reach before you can really benefit from the snowball effect with practice.
You didn't beat drawing.
left is easier to draw by feel than doing right
NTA but agreed somewhat. Just drawing without also having enough of a critical eye to want to learn how to improve can only take you so far.
That said, being overly critical can kill confidence and lead to burning out and going overboard with practice. It can be a hard balance sometimes.
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I'm juuuust getting into polymer clay, and even thought none of it looks too spectacular it's still a lot of fun. Here's two beetles from Pikmin, the Anode Beetle and Iridescent Flint Beetle. Next I'm working on a full set of ChuChu jellies and a bulborb.
wtf man that's adorable
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okay here you go
You need to realize the importance of sketching as a skill; inking slop does nothing for you until you improve.
2/2, here's the anode beetle. I want to remake their legs to be more accurate once i get thicker wire to work with.

Ahh, thank you! :)
shit is even like that I've got some weird insecurities
I'm not therapist but I can vouch for drawing what you like in order to get better at drawing it
Yep, that and the most important thing is practicing at the edge of your ability. And drawing for fun is important too. Skills are like muscles, they can get shit if you don't use them, and just because you walk from your room to the kitchen doesn't mean you will be capable of running fast.
>being overly critical can kill confidence

I guess that's my problem right now
What's feeling like it's kicking your ass?
I think this image is very misleading. If I had to guess, the artist normally draws by "feel", but for this one, he did right->left as an exercise in perspective. You won't be able to do left if you only grind cubes mindlessly like some retards on /ic/ think.
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I want to line but i dont want to
dh stuff
I keep drawing endless figures instead of anything else.
>practicing at the edge of your ability
that sounds fancy

I keep designing characters that I will never use.
She looks like she has her underage cookie stretched out by adult human males.
What's foreshortening?
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I'm a very slow learner + learning art can feel overwhelming + I don't spend a lot of time learning fundamentals cuz it's just that boring to me so my progress is really slow and I don't like being bad at stuff, so I kind of hate myself for being lazy and not serious about getting good and at the same time I don't want to force myself to spend more time with fundamentals.

So yeah confidence below 0 and it's hard to have fun right now drawing stuff I like
take a pen look at it from the side and then look at it facing the tip see how short it became? this is foreshortening
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>tfw low-end intermediate tier but all i can muster the motivation to draw is porn
I need to break out of this trap, there's so much more worthwhile stuff I could be drawing like concepts for characters, weapons, clothes, monsters etc. than porn. Porn at the end of the day is all about filling holes, and there's so much of it already that mine is redundant, the time I spend drawing porn is better spent elsewhere. Drawing porn does kinda feel good in the moment though, it gives me a bit of a rush... I guess if I balance porn with more constructive art that I can mitigate it
then make a fancy story that sometimes leads to porn, ez game
it's about being happy about things you draw, if porn makes you happy then what's the issue. You won't get hired anyway if you are not toppest of top % asian genes god
look for inspiration in media like music or videogames
Based beyond all human comprehension
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I hit a wall after a few good days of making stuff people liked.
When I do well, it's good, but I'm really inconsistent and it takes me ages to get a drawing started.
Last time this happened I spent a week just drawing nude figures and I came back strong. I guess I have to do that again. Maybe draw exclusively busts (as in shoulders and heads) for a little while until I can do it consistently.

Art is fucking brutal. I've been drawing for 6 months and while my progress has been incredible, I realize how little progress I've truly made when days like today happen.
That's right, unless your art is so niche that it stands out somehow, it'll be drowned out in a sea of porn.
If you produce SFW at least you'll be able to show your friends or family.
how do I git gud at drawing backgrounds? all my drawings are characters floating in the void
Is music as hard as drawing?
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Reference real environments and focus on the basic shapes in the environment first. Start small. Environments like the one in that image take a long time to get good at doing. There's an incredible amount of care and detail in it, and if you're trying to put stuff like that in your art as a beginner, you're gonna burn yourself out.
Man, I feel you.
Gonna tell you what I said here >>681126180 - I chipped away at that feeling with drawing dumb shit just to get back into the feeling for it at all. What you do doesn't have to be good, but it can help lighten things, since grinding the fundamentals is genuinely soul sucking.
What sort of things are you looking to create?
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I am basically in a polar opposite situation.
I feel myself falling into a Plague of Gripes state, where I draw things that I am obviously sexually attracted to, but never actually draw the lewds.

On top of that, the things I draw actually has a desperate shortage and demand for more porn. But I just don't wanna try it.
I don''t know if I'm scared of it requiring more skill to draw or something, or if it genuinely doesn't interest me as much as doing teasing and loving pictures.
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I sketched Morrigan during my free time. Trying out a new artstyle. What do you guys think?
Spamming these images doesn't help anyone, you did it last time and all it did was shit up the thread.
You can find all of this shit by going to fucking pinterest and typing "poses" or "perspective".
Composing? I'd say it's even more talent dependent than music. Either you get it or not. No amount of reading about music theory will replace "feeling" it. Not saying you don't need to put effort into practice.
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Sims helps if you're after interiors.
try something else.
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Personally I stopped actually drawing backgrounds for 2 reasons:
1) I have no fun at all doing them;
2) even if I give it my all they more often than not end up looking shit.

"My" backgrounds are just the result of photo manipulation: I take textures one would normally use for, say, a game or 3D software like Blender and with use of the "Distort" function I bend the texture images into shape. Pic rel is a WIP I'm working on, as you can see the background is actually just 3 images distorted in a way to give the impression of a 3D space. There's a good chance other artists also use this technique, i.e. photo manipulation, they just don't tell you, or maybe I'm just coping. I'm fine with sucking at BGs anyway since my characters look acceptable to my sensibilities
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Makes sense, looked up the artist and has some really nice and warm stuff, it's exactly what I want to make at some point.
This tutorial is so simple yet so good for perspective
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see >>681133218
I like drawing videogames female characters i find hot so might just go for it again

but maybe i'll try to draw very dumb stuff just to take a break from it
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Good luck to you, anon. I hope you find a groove that works for you.
>used a stabilizer
>used a reference
>traced a 3d dummy
>used the color picker
>used shapes
>used guides
>used layers
>followed a tutorial
And I best the game :^)
that's clearly a cameltoe
Americanized morrigan
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>Draw Female character
>Get boner, nothing more
>Draw Male character
>Get a crush and can't stop thinking about going on a date, having conversations, being held by him etc.
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I've tried to draw a few times. But I don't have the patience for it. I spend way too long time, and then I grow bored and rush the rest, making everything look like shit.
Maybe one day, I will try to learn how to actually draw.
thx anon, i hope that aswell because it's getting really frustrating and depressing right now
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Art Lords Ethan Becker, Endou Okito, David Chelsea and David Finch all recommend doing one thing: tracing photos and models.
thats literally what drawing is. good art
Been making sure to practice often but I'm going back to practicing line control. My lines and stuff are so wobbly. Got to work on that.
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who the fuck are you my nigga
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thanks :3
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What do I do? How do I ungay myself?
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Here is Noelle fanart. I like my blue uniball pen. It's all I draw with, the feel is so nice.
I'm never helping anyone in this thread ever again. My post gets drowned in a heap of eyeballed "perspective" with no consideration to viewing distance or consistent angles.

If you're just gonna eyeball shit why do you guys ask for help then? Make your own observations, no other fucking way to learn.
Good art takes time. My irl paitings take 50 or so hours and my digital anime sluts take 10-15. Don't get discouraged Anon, it's truly part of it.
this is not an airport, no need to announce you will fuck off anon :^)
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Finished this last Sunday and posted progress in the last thread and /beg/. Figure sketches did help me improve quite a bit especially compared to my last one.
I'd also appreciate some feedback and yeah I don't plan on rendering this.
>I don't plan on rendering this.

Pussy. Some flat colors would do it justice. And some sketchy light watercolor shade. Couple light white strokes for high lights. What's the worst that could happen; the picture looking better and more complete?
this, some artfriends I have drive me insane, it takes 10 fucking seconds to add flat colors and it instantly looks way better
something is off with lower body, gesture wise I think you need to exaggerate it more everything else looks perfect
I did it mostly as stress relief from doing nothing but nude figure sketches. I do want to but I still need practice on the body first.
colors are confusing and they scare me
Ehhh fuck it you guys convinced me. I'll make it simple like this.
e621.net -> chillet_ignis
at what point can you consider yourself intermediate, or a pro? It would be awesome to have some sort of scale to know where you are roughly
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cute and fun pics
I feel like a retard for drawing for several years and I never bothered to learn about the tools.
What's a stabilizer?
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Why do you all just draw characters posing in an empty void. Where are the fucking environments. Where is the interaction and sense of place
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What's the point. I post my work and no one ever says anything about it.

I'm supposed to be working on a porn game with another Anon and while he thinks my artwork is good enough, I just don't see it.

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drew a random lammy a while back ay
>drawing for attention
you're doing it wrong, if no one says anything about it then there might be a reason for it, just draw and improve until people have something to say about it
A crutch that makes your lines way laggier, but smoothed out.
who is the worst artist on /v/
hardmode: you can't say yourself
That's just how it goes. You'll have a lot more fun if you draw for yourself. If the validation is that important to you then draw for specific people since going "I made this for you" basically guarantees a response.
Definitely (you)
Any retard that hasn't drawn this week. Obviously not me.
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Where do you get your models or do you just google "Naked ladies" or some shit
Super Pose Book Nude. There's a yande.re thread that has it.
Do any of these books have male models or is it just women
The books is all women but the thread has a mega link with some male refs.
Stephen King
I found the big thread of the female books, still looking for the male thread. I've never been on this forum before, I'm probably navigating it wrong lmao.
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I got lazy
I hate drawing. How do I make myself like it?
I draw but never get pass the sketch level
you gave me an idea anon...
Why do you want to draw if you don't like doing it
use AI and fuck off
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Both look drawn by girls
I like how good drawings look, and I enjoy looking at small details like the angle at which something is drawn or how something is shaded. When I see good art I spend time looking at all the aspects of it that I like, even if it's just a sketch the artist spent 10 minutes on. I also like that people who can draw can make characters do anything they want.
Not that anon but for me it's just so frustrating practicing. I want to get good at drawing anime girls and stop hating what I drew, I hate that I'm better at patterns and shit like stuff you'd see on tapestry
Then draw a tile pattern that evolves into anime girls like one of Escher's drawings.
It's a work in progress. I just try to make it more fun to even put the pen to paper. I got this black paper sketch book and use gel pens. I like how it pops
How do I post art on Twitter? Is there a tagging system?
no, using many hashtags actively hides your posts, sounds stupid but that's why you only see accounts with sub-100 followers fill their posts with tags
>tagging system
There are hashtags, but don't bother with them. Just post your art and your homies will retweet you.
Ask for criticism if no one says anything. Works for me when im desperate for (You)s and also gives me a good insight on what Im doing wrong
I hate that twitter is the norm for artists, you can't search art, you can't even view all of a user's drawings without scrolling for hours through pictures of their food or cats.
Im retarded, how does the system know where to "send" the drawing off to? If I draw, say, Captain America, but dont tag it in any way, how does it end up in the screen of people who care about it?
not my problem
Someone following person A will see your drawing if person A liked your drawing or retweeted you. There is some algorithm, but your feed is mainly curated by the people you follow.
If you have no followers, nobody will see your art unless they search for it.
looks great so far
Artists like twitter because it's a social site that lets them get chummy with their fellow artists. Food posters don't give a shit about people seeking to consume the latest fanart.
I would say me, but no one would be deluded enough to label me an artist at all. I have tried and failed to reverse-engineer children's doodles in a vain attempt to understand what it is that people are actually doing when they draw, and what it is that makes a drawing work. I cannot figure out what types of physical features I should even be attempting to mark with lines. My instinct is to mark highlights and surfaces nearest to the viewer/camera, which gives me indecipherable results.
Same, but no other place allows growth the same way twitter does. Pixiv and Newgrounds is what people use as an actual gallery, Twitter is for getting new people.

No clue actually, the way I got people was having friends with followers who would retweet my shit. I'm not sure how are you supposed to start if you don't talk to anyone. I don't follow trends but if you see one then try to ride the train. Or maybe leech RTs from people with OCs by drawing for them. Jesus all this number chasing must be depressing but it is what it is.
that's perfectly understandable, unless the artist doesn't also have a gallery somewhere.
You write "Here's my drawing of Captain America" and then post it.
People who are searching "Drawing" and/or "Captain America" will see it.
i am equal parts confused and amused.
There is a social aspect. It shows to people who are following you, and if they like it, they can choose to spread it to people who follow them. However I think that even if you have 0 followers and don't tag it, they have some algorithm that identifies what it is and displays it to people who they determined to like Captain America. I've seen a lot of artists quietly make an account and post art with no tags or comment, they don't follow anybody, and still somehow their first drawing gets 1000 retweets and reaches my eyes.
>reverse-engineer children's doodles
I tried this too. I thought I could treat it like a technical problem, where all you have to do is draw the right line at the right angle with the right length, then move on to the next line. I certainly failed.
Here's my suggestion: Post your shit on twitter but don't expect people to follow you just yet because chances are no one will see it. Make a Newgrounds account, that's the best for western art and people there actually engage with your art. Put your twitter in the description of every drawing you post so people and other artists can follow you there. That's how you get the ball rolling. If people care then you will start seeing engagement on twitter and those followers will bring more followers.
And the biggest most important advice regarding social media:
DO NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT NUMBERS. Seriously, that'll just demoralize you. If people like your shit then you'll get people EVENTUALLY, people starting out expect followers as if they deserve them but truth is there's so many really good artists out there and you're basically in a race with them for people's attention.
TLDR: Just have fun drawing, share it in Twitter and Newgrounds. Post with some regularity, people don't care about dead accounts.
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So how is it now?
Those other anons were right. Even the most minimal coloring significantly improves the piece. It feels "done" now.
that's a lot better, even if you won't add shadows just make sure to add flat colors rather than posting the lineart
>I've seen a lot of artists quietly make an account and post art with no tags or comment, they don't follow anybody, and still somehow their first drawing gets 1000 retweets and reaches my eyes.
Their first retweet is an alt or another friend of theirs with a big following. It takes a single retweet to get the ball rolling.
>they have some algorithm that identifies what it is and displays it to people
Very doubtful, unless it's part of the algorithm that was open sourced.
You don't believe there are algorithms that identify what an image is? How else do they know if you're interested in anime or marvel or whatever, besides analyzing the content of what you liked?
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Here is a "shitty" realization to you and anyone else in this sphere, or this might make you feel better:
SFW stuff is eternally butchered. 2D and animation overall is in the shitter. People will continue to pay for porn, especially the niche ones.

Your shading is pretty good. Simple yet effective.
However I can guarantee you your art will be MUCH more appealing if you also grind lineart, even if its usually a least favorite thing for artists for a reason, as most rather get carried by their shading. I can you see you tried to do weightened, varied lines, especially at the hair, but stopped midway, as you are not confident in it.
Thinning lines is hard, so thats better to do on vector layers. Thickening is easier.
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Are ALL drawfags attention whoring trannies? Not like that's a problem, I'd fuck them all the same, but...
Oh, you're referring to appearing in a "topic recommended for you"? I'm pretty sure that's for blue check marks only.
based for honor chad.
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Requesting Lilina from Fire Emblem (left) being teased by Brunnya (right) like the reference at the left.

The scenario i had in mind is that this is a bad end where the blue haired mage got captured by the enemy and slowly broken into giving up the location of the divine weapon Durandal or well, to join the Bern Empire.
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This isn't the drawthread.
how'd you get the brush like that? I love that look.
Yeah I was largely basing my lineart off of Kekemotsu's but I really should practice more on it. I'm still grinding out figure sketches though. I'll keep this in mind though I don't think I'll go that hard on the weighted lines like you did. I'll keep it in mind when I draw another one next time.
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i hope you get a surprise visitor and you forget to clean your shit up before they enter your room for whatever reason.
Drawings of what? Of none of your business.
my probation officer said that anything is fine within reason.
>reverse engineering shorthands
doodles are unironically super difficult to do well, without actually understanding how to draw. It is in the weird middle ground where our brains with the barest of minimums can be convinced something is real, but also appeal to fast simple shapes that our brains parse when we look at stuff.
Is that a...oh no...the advertisers are gonna kill me...
Honestly if you dont plan on posting non colored pieces you are probably better off not doing it, as its time consuming, which is better off on shading.
The pic you posted here is competely fine too. Not to mention its not something people specifically notice, because shading is usually doing the eye grabbing, and can often can "eat up" the lineart too.
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I really don't like how this one turned out but oh well. Probably not gonna continue further with it.
i think she's cute
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>autistic and needs to be told step by step exactly which lines go trying to "solve" the drawing like its a fucking math problem
Fuck you dude
Did you really need to write CUNNY, I think the theme was pretty obvious.
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Don't have much worth posting lately
cute britz. when are ya drawing flam again?
bro got filtered by middle school geometry :skull: :skull: :skull:
your lineart could definitely use some work, but don't do thick lines like this shitter >>681146067 is telling you. stick to your reference.
Idk maybe Ill do some drawing tonight
this is actually fucking great anon
that fold of skin that covers the end of your penis
Does Xenoverse 2 OCs donut count?
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Here anon, just for you, something tossed together in 20 min
(thank the manga for a guide to pull an idea from)
wild hair flam! thanks i owe ya one
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I'm suck at coloring and shading and haven't draw for months.
>What's the point. I post my work and no one ever says anything about it.
Because its looks like shit and is nothing but generic mommy hag slop
As if we need more of that
Stop using the airbrush tool so much, it's okay to have hard shadows and stop using so much black and white for lighting effects, it desaturates everything and is unnatural
Slowly getting used to digital drawing, but i'm doing more stuff on pencil and paper for now. I have a Xitter, @BillyFutureBoy
Only airbrush there is the light on the ass. But yeah, i should've stick to the plan and just cel-shade it.
Cheat tip, you can "cel shade" with hard edges, then stroke the edges with a textured brush and if needed a blur tool. You'll keep the sharp contrasting shadows but soften the edges a bit to make them feel more natural.
That was the plan, don't know why i decided to "render".
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When my hand is idle, it starts writing the word "cunny" by itself.
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Just finished some Root art, /v/ likes to play Root on TTS so close enough
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Finished this Postman Young Link earlier today
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god I suck at drawing tits. They always come out looking flat, or too far apart even if I'm trying to make them conform to a spherical form sagging under weight.
Post you're work, faggot
The worst artist is me for a fact. Eternally stuck in beg with no way out
really cool, do you have more like this?
You had me at Jas.
nobody replies to my drawings fuck you not posting again :(
fine i'll bite, i'll give you the attention you desperately want. which one's yours?
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Recently finished Outer Wilds and its DLC, what a ride
somewhere in a previous thread someone recommended some youtubers to watch, i forgot about that other one but they were mentioned along with Naoki Saito. i think the name started with an M, mega something. thanks for anyone who would know
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For no other reason than tripfags suck
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fixed it for good, anons, finally did it! probably have some ocd. a couple of relatives have it.
excellent work mate
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I uoh'd
>Do people even use DA anymore??
coomers, yes.

professionals? no, not since mlp took over the site 10 years ago.
Thanks anon, it seems I forgot to use the roundness of the ribcage.
how easy is to catch flak over "controversial" content on DA? I remember the likes of Teruchan, Bleedman, Hitman, etc. being constantly under fire.
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Okay, since you asked.
too untalented and not disciplined enough for drawing so i just make music and sample osts
post some with vocaroo
This is only my opinion but making music requires both, more talent and discipline than drawing
i actually make music, but i would say, it is possible (and sometimes more convenient) to make music with just your mouse and keyboard on a DAW.
its very inconvenient and perhaps the only hurdle i have to just sit the fuck down and draw.

talent might not be it. music is just a matter of being able to describe what you hear into patterns and formulas (you will need to count, usually by 4s), and then translate it to something you yourself can make or replicate.
shit and old but samples kh2 and maplestory (ellinia)
to make things that sound good maybe, but even making stupid shit is fun because you can hear nuggets of concepts that sound cool. it's hard to do that with drawing (was for me at least)
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Correcting this one after some feedback, hope I don't fuck up the colors
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What is your favourite part of drawing? I like sketching because it doesn't have to look perfect, good enough is good enough
Coloring is my favorite, pretty straightforward and to the point.
It's fucking rare, but that moment when the drawing or specific part is exactly as I envisioned in my mind.
Though slowly but surely, it's becoming more common.
Rendering the tummy
I dislike coloring, but because I can't make sense out of it.
That's the good shit, looking forward to it.
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Can't believe I forgot the fucking drawing. Great stuff btw.
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I saw everyone mass replying and didn't want to be left out. I don't even draw or play vidya lol.
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Open Paint or download Krita and draw me your vidya waifu
cute gamer bb
coloring because you bring the piece to life
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Not vidya, but since you pointed a gun
Made a drawing before going to bed, i call it "Summer Friday Night".
Lilotte is cute, glad to see someone draw her.
Continuing animation
bitch ass jujube GO DRAW FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello LS. You been getting better. Keep it up.
That's a good song <3
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Not really vidya but you know
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fucking mirror shit, fuck
I keep finding the vidya fanart threads too late
Made in response to the ever dwindling activity in /v/'s Nine Sols threads
Linework on Pixel Art and Vector images. I love coloring/shading, but on Pixel art especially I can never get the anti aliasing on lines to look quite right.
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People pay you for that?
Yes. I've been drawing for 3 years now and have drawn 77 commissions. I like getting paid to draw vidya and anime babes wrestling and catfighting. It's highly motivating.
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Real artists don't draw commissions. They draw anons' requests in drawthreads because they want to bring joy to other anons.
why not both
Because it's wrong to take money from your art when there are so many anons with good drawing ideas and artists are better off catering to them.
i like how it feels. i like the feeling of gradually reinforcing my lines, rendering and sculpting the forms into something that feels tangible.
coloring by itself is not very fun to me, even though people tell me i'm pretty good at it. color theory is pretty much a solved game like tic-tac-toe. you just start with a basic color harmony, adjust your colors a bit, then plug them into your drawing and that's the end of that. i do enjoy well-executed coloring but the process itself is meh.
What brush do you use?
Fuck off back to your drawthread spam farm you worthless piece of shit
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only 77? in 3 years? that's genuinely sad, even moreso because you're proud of it.
>if you don't like drawing
Haha, you tried this in the past too but failed to name any artists who had drawn so few years and had more comms under their belt
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>you tried this in the past
what the fuck are you on about?
I doubt there are that many anons obsessing over me and using exact same talking points so I'm pretty sure it was you the last time some "totally random" anon was trying to belittle the amount of commissons I get
shading. seeing the flat picture become 3D when I apply the shade scratches my brain just right
all the drawthread ideas are "draw a lewd of my waifu" though
dont not reply to bait.thank you for your collaboration
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it's a barely intelligent schizophrenic, neat!
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it's not vidya..
cute stuff
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...the only way to get good a faces is to draw a lot of them constantly i'm guessing?
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Finished this yesterday.
there are no absolutes in art.some people just draw,some people just copy books,some people construct,some people just use their natural instinct.its a long ass journey in discovering what works for you
Should I stick to copying one or very similar artists or anything's good as long as I'm doing something?
Depends what's your goal. If you wanna draw like your favs, absolutely study and reference them. Be mindful what you do and why. Sometimes it's good to practice loose fast gesture doodles or see what you can draw from imagination. Most importantly have fun.
As a regular requester I'm dusappointed in drawfags abandoning the request threads. Sure, there are people who spam requests but so what? The less drawfags mean that the spamners get more likely deliveries over those who only request maybe 5-10 things per thread. You all bailing request threads just hurt us small time requesters, not the big fish.
learn to draw then? Artists aren't obligated to do anything you know.
I'm more of an idea guy
then you should work on making your ideas a reality or paying for a commission.
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It's the "Chalk Grainy" brush in Krita.
Tough shit Sherlock, but this isn't a request thread so act like an ancient goth and suck some Roman dick
thank you!
You really should do a Marina futa version
no. to 500
Cool, I was asking because, uh, I was considering taking a shot at digitalizing the vivian
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I almost never draw and when I do I'm not really sure if I'm having fun, unfinished art here of a virgincitizen being held at gunpoint by a Chadbine soldier.
How do I stop being so reddit and become a cool guy who enjoys things?
Painting, rendering, and blending. When I was younger, I used to marvel at high quality digital artwork and wonder how it was possible to create something like that, with all the gradients and blended colours and stuff. Now I'm doing it myself, and it still feels a bit like magic. I really enjoy it, it's soothing and relaxing, and seeing the process happen by my own hand is immensely satisfying.
Finishing it.
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I was stuck working, away from my tablet, so I haven't drawn anything forever... Finally free to shitpost again.
Learn to draw parasite
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i use a fucking mouse
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i don't actually do it too often cause i'm always drawing cringe oc shit instead
this was the last time i drew a game character that also isn't a fan character of a game in a way
Sure, man, go ahead
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good arts, very neato

Wait, you skipped one...
God it's the dude that always spam his blacked fetish, go away
That's fucking dumb
Where are you gonna post it, tho? I wanna see it when it's done
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Perspecive filtered me.
Drawing clothes filtered me.
Drawing textures filtered me.

At least I can draw hot naked girls.
for me its multiple characters and backgrounds
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...with paper and pencil only because I have no drawing tablets. Also in shades of gray because I don't have any colors either.
Also, since I don't want my family to find out in case I die, I burn them all in a small steel trash can. I don't have a scanner.
You lied to me you are not an artist and a bad poster
that just means he's an average /v/ poster
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Sure, I do have a twitter so I can send it to you, and if it's good I can have it uploaded to e6
No it's a /trash/ and /b/ autist
Drew this Pecan bj animation I think last week, very inspired by the drawing Aka Leopard did. Still need to fix the ears and how her body looks a lot
How are you so invested in him?
nice work. i love the detail of her sucking
i don't spam it
You've done something to anger a drawthread schizo who frequents multiple boards. You refused to draw for him?
I'm not, the retard glued himself to the bunny game threads at /trash/ after making a super shitty game and shilling it himself with his dumb fetish rape bait character
And you know him from multiple boards' drawthreads? How do you spend your time?
i think i just draw things he doesn't likes and don't like what he likes
Sounds like Botfag
i posted in /bun/ from the pre-/bun/ threads on /v/ before they got the boot though

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