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>Genshin Impact getting a region inspired in Mexico

>Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail is inspired in Mexico and South America

Latino bros, we're finally getting relevant!!
Only spanish speaking country from the Americas worth basing your game on is Cuba
brazillian here. what are my fellow huebros playing?
cuba is absolutely irrelevant, a tiny speck of dirt drifting in the ocean, barely above haiti tier
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Mexican here

I'm playing Guacamelee 2 and Genshin Impact
You can tell this guy is an American leftist that gets cucked on a daily basis
I'm so fucking tired of mejico
ESL subhuman
Far cry v kind of sucked though
I feared that after the mario odyssey thing troons would have scare devs
>no US and Canada region
final fantasy tactics and sky: children of light
U.S is already overrepresented
Damn, Asia's finally realized America has 0 culture, that they're now scrapping for culture in Spain's piss bucket.
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>Genshin Impact getting a region inspired in Mexico
The culture of Latin America would be a pure soul if the countries could get their shit together. Imagine being famous for crime, poverty and uprisings.
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US is over represented
There should be more games set in mexico
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I agree

Mexico is kino
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are there any new skins?
Maybe if SOMEONE didn't provide violent people HIGH CALIBER GUNS we wouldn't be this bad...
FGO did it first and has Dinos
Latino is a made up term by the Fr*nch to shoehorn Haitians into our culture.
Dawntrail is inspired by ff11 toau expac because yoshi piss is a hack and just takes from 11 hwne he runs out of ideas since zoomer didn’t play that game
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>Latino is a made up term
Iberians themselves are not european
Total mexico death

Only like 2 countries have managed to get by without being buckbroken by the US or internal conflict, they're not given much attention though
There's nothing to be proud about your shithole. Latin america's representation in media is a romanticized version of your reality.
I'm from Chile, and we are mostly fine, i dont know what are you talking about.
*gets slaughtered by a veneco*
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even if you're a pure spic
you are irrelevant
Tremendous cope
1492 was the start of white boy imperialism
>Constant threads about the sweltering heat not letting anons play their games
>Meanwhile there hasnt been a particularly cold day lately from my pov.
Bros, is global warming real?
Cucha la wea qliao ctm
It's 100% real, let's not fool ourselves. The question is if it is being caused by human activity or a natural phenomena.
yes but you are not white
Its real, i can remember when i was a kid when snow on average reached my ankles and snow on Christmas was normal if not dangerous. now it barely passes my toes and its more rare to not have a green christmas
Mexicans online are fucking insufferable, but irl they're pretty cool people, why is that?
Argentinians are also like this.
I guess it's a worldwide thing.
What does that have to do with it?
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I'm a Latino chad and i don't play that slop and never will
I'm Argentinean and I went to Mexico last week, maybe because it was touristy area, but I spoke with everyone, from taxi drivers, to barmen to a guy selling shit in the beach and everyone was super polite and friendly, a far cry from the shit I read online.
Recently only Marvel Snap and Hearthstone because my main PC died this year and I'm making due with a shitty laptop until I can save enough money to build a new one.
mexico numero uno
campeon mundial
retarded nigger
SMTVV. Will probably get the XIV expansion after i'm done.
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Made for prison
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>troons would have scare devs

I hate you guys so much. You’re one of the groups ruining the internet with your thirdworldisms
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made for the government
When I go to find achievemax people in the co-op browser 75% of people are PT/BR/ES. It seems fair to give the eternal F2Ps a year in the sun.
It would be kino if Natlan have a cartel who dismembers Treasure Horders and Fatui who try messing with their territory
What? What's an achievemax co-op browser?
I'm not Mexican nor I play shit, so why would I care?
NTA but what i understood is that anon looks for people who are achievement hunters (in the 1100-1200 acheivements range).
Coop browser is the thing ingame you click on to go find ppl to join.
Why is the fuckin thread so slow all of a sudden?
Did all the doomfags and shitposters go to sleep?
None in LATAM gives a shit about Genshit and Faggot fantasy XIV
Aaaah, I see. I'm a brazilian myself and when I played WoW for a year or so, I enjoying getting some rare achievements and helping other people get them.

I played a priest and there was an exploit where if you specced as holy, you could be killed by the same person several times for the servant of N'zoth achievement so other people could get that.

It's just fun working with other people to get achievements, especially if you get a cool cosmetic out of it.

Chill man, I'm at work right now. Ask again in a couple of hours. LatAm bros need to work too.
wtf is wrong with new orleans?
>Hey guys, all those massacres and drug deals finally payed out and we're getting noticed outside!!!!
Fuck off panchito, everyone hates you subhumans.
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Electro is complicated embrace braindead melt.
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Enjoying winter, fellow southies?
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I don't want relevancy, just a simple life
It's basically just slightly hotter fall. Also humidity is so low we are getting warnings this year. Weather is all out of whack.
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>The most racist continent behind Europe
>Makes one of the best and fun Latin themed vidya

How and why does this work so well?
As soon as people name Mexico someone always post this fucking ugly goblina.
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Not Argentina? I hear they are doing pretty well with their new pres
>they have to add nigger tribes to mexicoland in Genshin
>nigger tribes are cannonically opressed by mexican tribes
its something
>news about guy murdered by being put in a plastic bag and being poured cement over him while still alive
>oh its a venezuelan that died
dont care
for a while it almost became silly to read the news
you have all the fifaslop already
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>I hear they are doing pretty well with their new pres
I’m not really a fan of how mejico is getting memed into the spotlight on media and stuff.
Fuck off we’re full and you will instantly get robbed and decapitated not necessarily in this order.
Brazil and Japan have deep connections. Brazil has the biggest ethnically japanese population outside of Japan and Brazilians, up until recently, were the biggest non-asian demographic in Japan.
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Mexicans love Genshin

There was an official Genshin Impact concert in Mexico
You are talking to chicanos, not real mexicans.
Mexicans will flood to F2P titles and anime shit, so you can bet they play Genshin.
FFXIV has been extremely shilled here and the main composer is mexican so there had been some nods to the country from the start.
Anon, they have been the most meme economy of the world form an entire century, Milei is just putting them back to Venezuela tier.
There's a good saying about economies of the world:
>"There are 4 types of countries: Developed, Developing, Japan and Argentina"
>Trudies and browns like Gachashit
truly they dont deserve their money
>Latín bros
Both are inspired in México don't put me st the same sack with those filthy sudacas central americans are and were Mexicans so they sre okay
Cuantas copas tenes?
>Says the sudacas
You can't handle the banter
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Genshin is fun tho
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GuayaKILL lets gooooooooo!!!
>Genshin Impact getting a region inspired in Mexico
it's latin america and africa from what we know, supposedly 5 or 6 tribes, so probably each will be a different place, wouldn't surprise me if Spain gets representation too
México is the most important and visited Latino country
>not Dub
When a Latam server for NIKKE
mexican here, im not that brown
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Latinos rise up
Brazil is not latin america. All of the spanish speaking countries have the same exact culture and that makes Brazil stand out from the crowd even though there are some similarities
>Genshin Impact getting a region inspired in Mexico
Isn’t it getting one in Russia in a year or so?
the world cup champions trophy is value to sold for games in steam LOL
Also, we got Latino dub on FFXVI, the game was meh, but i really appreciated the effort, Cid being voiced by Picoro was the best part
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Stellar Blade also got latinx dub
>Latino bros, we're finally getting relevant!!
XIV is no longer relevant.
Just newfags who want to be able to say they were part of the hype and the oldfags who groom them
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Dominican here
I have yet to meet someone here that has fell into the gacha hell.
>latin america
>its all hispanic-colonized without significant traces of other latin cultures

Why is that. And yes, portugal is also hispanic. It was part of hispania during roman times and it was merged with spain during the renaissance for the better part of a century.
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>I hear they are doing pretty well with their new pres
Actual spiclander here, they are a meme among the group and haven't shown any concrete signal of improving.
Do any of you guys play stuff like civilizations or stellaris? What about mechwarrior or crusader kings?
That's a weird way to say you like black cocks up your ass.
Its because Spain and Portugal were the only nations with significant deep water navigation fleets at the time the Americas were colonized. England and France followed up in North America later on.
Based DominicANO
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>How and why does this work so well?
They like the stereotype they gave us and we reciprocate well because we don't really care about their sort of inoffensive stereotyping. Real chill for the most part.
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Why not kill them? I bet their organs are worth more and would help a lot of people. Cheap labor can't compare, tons of good people can be saved and shitty people die.
Because unfortunately earth have something call “Human Rights” and the only ones capable of bypass that without any trouble are the jews
Cartel IS the army
Cartel IS the government
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bunch of monkeys can’t control themselves lmao
>mexico and south america
>central america ignored
lol isn't that problematic and racist or something
What i mean is why is it called latin america instead of hispanic america. It sounds quite vague as if there was something else to it than spain and portugal.
That's not Mexico, that's El Salvador
>are doing pretty well with their new pres
you heard wrong. he's a lolbert, aka your typical free market fundie who doesn't think monopolies and oligopolies exist, and believes all public spending to be bad (i.e. no roads, no police, no healthcare). he tried to shut down state-run universities (i.e. no more professionals because private college tuition costs 1 monthly wage per month and 70% of the country is below the poverty line) because public spending bad!
btw the lolbertarian party is the laughing stock of the world. can't even break 2% of votes in murrica.
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>all these peronchos ITT
Because of the broader Latin history and also Catholicism.
>nooooooo you can't just not like the president you must be a populist leftist!
tribalistic scum like (You) are part of the problem
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Speaking of hispanic people. I'm pretty sure that hispanic people record the most depressing music videos of all time.

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Gente de /V/, que juego cocinarias si tuvieras tiempo y dinero sobre tu pais?

Pic unrelated
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they don't have enough of you
That literally looks like jizz wtf is THAT!?
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>>"There are 4 types of countries: Developed, Developing, Japan and Argentina"
how long until libertarian bots update their memes?
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>I hear they are doing pretty well with their new pres
sure, kike
>Argentine peso is so shit that it makes the Japanese Yen look good
>central america ignored
what videogames do they make besides duolingo?
let's play sky together, anon
>admitting jpy is also shit
LMAO indeed
I played Age of empires II The conqueror the other day. I lost I'm very bad at the game.
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Maybe something with myths and cryptids
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can someone explain why their is so many femboys from south America
like holy shit
gay section
put on femboy tag
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How would you know this anon?
ethnic femboys are my weakness
My older mexican friend told me that spic is supposed to be directed towards puerto ricans in particular. I always thought it was a catch all term for any hispanics but he said very specifically that is what it meant. Is that true? Is he trolling me?
24-30c all year around here
The nights get a bit more humid and colder, and there is more rain which means more mosquitos and flooded streets which is annoying
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>still no good mexican vtuber
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Any fav ones?
Look up the Treaty of Tordesillas

The French tried to sneak into Brazilian territory a few times but got kicked out over and over again by the Portuguese/Brazilians
The Italians were just a bunch of city states busy being fucked over by the French, Spanish and Germans. But they actually managed to colonize Brazil and Argentian in a certain way via massive immigration on the 19th century and they became massively influential in those countries culture were a significant % of the population in both countries are descendant of Italians
The Netherlands, while not a Latin, also tried and achieved some success by taking over a good chunk of northeastern Brazil, and even recieved support from locals for a while. But after they got the knowhow of planting and making sugar they decided that it wasnt worth sticking around and let shit go down hill and eventully got kicked out
Es verdad que Argentina está llena de femboys? Quiero culiarme a una trava
It's arguably the gayest region of south america (legally too, with trans rights and shit) but hell no lmao I don't think I've EVER seen a passable femboy
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thanks bro
>Latin America
>(i.e. no more professionals
Phycologists and gym teachers*
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It's a meme but, If you had to find one, you would most likely do it in La Plata.
Typical capital city local faggotry
Its on par with the US on LGTB+ indoctrination. Basically, to have an excuse to say they did something and use it as a screen to the failing economy, the previous governments went full on fag rights to an absurd degree.
games about an unexpected first place
>that bald spot
it's ogre. at least (s)he can use a cute wig
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What latin american country will be the first to make a good game?

pic unrelated
Thanks for reminding me that people south of the equator arent even human and dont even function on normal human ideas of seasons.
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When you are at the bottom, you can only go up. So I guess, yeah, but don't bother discussing this until 2 years or so - you will only get meme replies and people who thought Argentina would become a superpower in 3 months.

You are dealing with 20 years' worth of issues. You can only do so much before you start seeing some progress.
>nunca pegou berne
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Argentina love Haitian BBC and lick jewish feet,
I wish Mexico was cool in real life. Bless vidya, death to Mexico and Brazil.
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Even MtG's Mexico setting was great. Especially the vampire conquistadors on a quest to rescue vampire Jesus from the natives.
Oh man, look at all those numbers. Those are all certainly meaningful for obvious reasons.
Argentines love jews? That's going to piss off all the Nazis they invited in after the war.
>certain austral country is mentioned
>shitskin mejicans and shitcanos have a meltdown
Could someone give the mejichango a banana to calm him down?

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