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What went so right?
Melee bros...how do we counter it?
For me it’s Luigi rocketing off in the distance.
i went to one tournament and got mean mugged by hapas and manlets the whole time
>devs scrambling to meet deadline accidentally create gaming kino

nip devs are just built different
Meleesisters our response?
kek never realized about that until now
Just gotta enjoy the game anon, the rest will come eventually
>devs add "smooth landing"
>for a party game
>for kids
This is only one example among a morbillion autistic mechanics
I love Melee
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the dong expansion must continue
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best fighting game ever and there is no literally copy paste 1:1 clone yet

its the almost perfect game, maybe fox and some others need tuning ONLY about invincible frames, other than that the game is perfect, time proved that even when there are easier and stronger characters to use, anyone can compete using low tier characters like amsa yoshi and plup samus
I love stomping on motherfuckers as Ganondorf brehs
The y2k simulation aesthetics
So much of this was built off 64 though.
hey mekk
eternally mogged by Mango
Check em
Yoshi and Samus are not low tier you fucktard
i don't think mekk ever played cody
There's a certain weight and oompfiness to it that made it super fun to play even casually. Less casually, it accidentally has the best movement and spacing mechanics of any fighter I've played.
being born in a time where "updates" are a rare
occurrence, despite Fox being the best you still
had every character develop their own meta to
kill Fox as quickly as possible, so its like;
high tier character is still high tier but mid to low
had their own unique quirks worth learning and
replaying years after it's release, even in Brawl you still have weird shit like DACUS
sadly hampered by how casual the game became but it's still something worth thinking about.

You also have like two campaigns in one game so that helps a lot.
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Is Fox's shine broken or am I coping?
It's the sakurai angle that gets me on my nerves
fox's shine is the best move in the game for many reasons
How is it different from Falco's (knockback angle aside)
bigger and comes out faster.
falco can't capitalize off it as much as fox can due to moveset/air differences
Still mogs current Smash in almost every category
>best gameplay even just from a casual perspective
>best single player modes
>best overall soundtrack with many unique choices for stages that would become staples thanks to Melee
>pretty much every stage is fun to play on with the exception of maybe Icicle Mountain
>most of the trophies were made specifically for the game and there's tons of weird picks you probably didn't know of before
>items and Pokemon are hectic and fun without being overpowered and still requiring some skill to use well
>being developed when it was means nobody had their "standardized" modern looks, so everyone is basically higher fidelity versions of their 90's designs
Every Smash after is basically quantity over quality, and it kind of ruins the charm when so many trophies, stages, songs, etc. are literally just lifted from other games.
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my honest reaction to this information
Falco clearing Fox in terms of style is now confirmed
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bumpo for Falco mogging Fox
They're both frame 1 but fox can act out of his grounded shine 2 frames faster due to his quicker jumpsquat. Also Falco's can't kill at 0 near the edge.
My b! Thanks anon.
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the devs were so rushed that they couldn't iron the fun out of the game in time.
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they just tried to make a better game than the first one instead of circlejerking themselves and caring about people playing the "wrong" way. Too bad they ran out of time
why didnt he interview mango at tipped off?
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>eternally mogged by the guy who he has a dominant W-L record against
Cope forever Mango, you will never be the GOAT.
no rosterfagging and good gameplay
It was fun for everyone, and then extra fun if you kept playing. Having BOTH high starting fun amount and high invested fun amount has an underrated importance in a game's success.
it was lucky in getting a talented development team that could do a decent job in such a short amount of time. thankfully, brawl ended up being a real project of love for the series
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Mango would literally 4stock Armada nowadays
Melee has evolved, and Mango has been competing (and winning) at the highest level all the way through
>Having BOTH high starting fun amount and high invested fun amount has an underrated importance in a game's success
Last time I felt this was with Rocket League
The sound design is just fantastic, everything about that is absolutely perfect. The visual design is timeless, and the gameplay is solid even ignoring the advanced techniques. Poke floats is also the best stage in any smash game.
Waveshine OOS
if he shines you near a side platform he can't convert from it, if you get knocked down you can SDI up and get out from his jab reset. He can't cover tech away on reaction if he knocks you down with shine. If you react drill, you can SDI and get away from the shine, leading to a pretty easy grab. If you jump, and he hits you with shine, you can counter hit him. It is also just out for one frame, so if he misses trying to go for a running shine, you can react to the fact he was into run, and play a mixup after etc. It is broken as hell
wat do wen gimped
>t. falco main
Reminder Armada is a scared little faggot and Mang0 was the best before he started and after he finished, and years while he was still playing. There is no argument Mang0 is the GOAT and Armada is a little balding brapfag cuck who quit because he was scared of his feefees getting hurt by losing.
Mang0 winning 1 recent tournament turned his dickriders absolutely feral and rabid
Smashfags were generally hygienic through melee and brawl. It wasn't until the post-brawl hype, Namcuck era where the lazy fatties and introverted trannies came along and stunk up the place.
Familiar characters and maps lower the barrier to entry for casuals
Platforms and positioning create more strategic intrigue than typical combo-based fighters
Coincidence of glitches and moveset balance creates high competitive ceiling that doesn't feel too cheesy
Graphical plateau where character models look sharp and important effects are cleanly visible without being overbearing like many modern titles

I think that's most of it.
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Try not to be in that situation
>Platforms and positioning create more strategic intrigue than typical combo-based fighters
This alone sets Melee as the undisputed best fighting game. Any other fighting game hardly grasps Melee's mental tactics.
>Coincidence of glitches
Melee has no glitches.
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How not to be in that situation?
Everytime I play a Fox I feel like my combos get cucked midway by some bs shine. I don't feel, as a Falco, I can get out of as many situations as easily.
>modern Melee is so bad that people are STILL debating Mango vs Armada
What happened? Is this IBDW's fault?
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I… I like Smash 64…
>Melee has no glitches.

Also plenty of exploits like wavedash that I'd consider unintended by game designers. Every game tends to have these sorts of things, but in some cases it makes competitive play so gimmicky and unbalanced that it becomes unfun.
I like how the Melee announcer recorded his voice lines inside of a metal box.
Canonized Peach farting.
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the reason melee will never be surpassed in its genre is because it was good purely by accident.
every attempt to make a new melee has failed because they are artificial and precise in their mechanics, whereas the entire ethos behind melee is pushing the game passed its limits.
there will never be another game like it.
I like to pretend slippi is the same game melee pros play.
>Meleesnoys have to cling to a fucking 25-year-old game because the Switch's success mindbroke them so hard
Ultimate alone sold more than twice of what Melee ever did.
Case in point >>681132873
It's some ascended cubesnoy gaslight shitposting.
Melee's popularity started to die once armada (and m2k) retired so melee's fanbase mentality is still stuck in 2017. It doesn't help that the new top players are boring
Did I strike a nerve?
DI'ing right and guessing better, unfortunately you just gotta accept that'll you'll lose stocks. That is how fighting games work. If fox hits you, do the full check up on how he hit you. Whiff punish? -> should have either mixed my drift, lasered, or waited to next beat. Hit? -> Should have dair'd in place, whiff punished him, shielded or fullhopped away. Runned down? -> Should have dair'd in place, lasered in place, advanced with a dair, waited and reacted to the mixup incoming etc... And that is not adding in when some moves are relevant or irrelevant considering percentage, positioning, you having a laser out or not, and what he is actually doing. Melee is hard as hard as you want it to be.

>Ultimate alone sold more than twice of what Melee ever did.
theres a lot of bad games that sell a lot, doesnt mean anything
Is this the latest anti-Switch snoy cope?
>bad games that sell a lot
But enough about Melee
no, wtf does that mean? a gamecube sony fan?
Most cubies are contrarian snoy shitposters that try to push their values by pretending to be "veteran Nintendo fans" as a psyop to seethe over the Switch. The Gamecube was never good and sold extremely poorly, it's just a nest for snoy contarianism.
everyone that criticizes Nintendo is not automatically a Sony fan you aspie
Budget and dev time was too tight for Nintendo to destroy all the soul with playtesting and polish, same thing happened with Majora's Mask.
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>no rosterfagging
you kidding me? the game had post launch rosterfagging
A very strong presentation, building off the first game without any cuts. Even in 2001, the graphics looked next gen. There was only but so much they could do and it shows, but they had something to prove and it shows. Casual play or competitive play, it's the best of both worlds. You could argue that the roster was one of the weaker part of the game, but the six clones became iconic characters within the Nintendo circle if they weren't already (Pichu was already primed to be a star and Y. Link was just Link from Ocarina of Time).

Just like Majora's Mask, it was made on a crunch and it's clear that Sakurai and Aonuma hated how very little control they had over those games. They couldn't make games that great on purpose and outright chose not to.
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It is though
Sauciest Falco in my books
Switchsisters will never recover from this.
Melee mogs any Smash, and that's the way it'll be forever.
Go fuck yourself, Eric.
I miss Western Dentist and M2K like you wouldn't believe
Probably gamenwatch with the bucket
>unfunny underage newfag attempt at a forced meme
You will never be Hex Maniac
Love melee but ill probably be spectator only after rivals 2 comes out.
I don't remember it being that popular. They had some good games, but that's Nintendo's thing. The graphics were incredible.
Melee was just fucking amazing.
The music is glorious and it points at a striving for a higher being.
It represents positive striving
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I love it

>the chad accidental masterpiece melee vs the virgin AAA """magnum opus""" ultimate
no one considers ultimate a magnum opus, it's only deed worthy of note is content quantity, the game sucks cocks to play just like brawl and smash 4 before it
nta but I seen plenty of people say that Ultimate is the last smash bros necessary
The people who think smash ultimate should just be ported to switch 2 and have more content need to be offed, the base mechanics and physics are still fucked from brawl. Smash needs a reboot or for sakurai to admit he fucked up moving away from melee
Those only care about the roster, not about smash as a game.
what a fucking faggot nigger
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this is the thing that gets me
Sakurai is a legend, no doubt, but I really think he is dead wrong with the direction he decided to take Smash starting with Brawl. Obviously the games have been massively successful, but I really don't think that would have been diminished at all if they had kept the same level of mechanical depth as Melee. We all LOVED Melee as kids well before we knew a thing about any competitive scene/advanced techniques etc etc. Then it just gets even better as you discover all these new techniques and movement options and what not. Deliberately dumbing down mechanics and removing depth in an attempt to make things more accessible ironically makes the game less inclusive by alienating the players that would have wanted to explore that mechanical depth. Not to mention, even at the scrubbiest c-stick smash attack spam level of play, the better player is gonna win most of the time anyways.
I just don't understand where he got the idea that Melee wasn't fun for casuals. It was THE party game of its generation, literally everyone went to the Gamecube kid's house if they were going to play games together and Smash was high on the list.
It got so good, that they decided to put Sephiroth in it. That fella is even here.
He likely witnessed a casual player being beaten by someone who was playing competitively, and even then, that casual player probably wasn't casual. In his mind, all the stuff that could be done in Melee was too complex for the Wii audience and he gutted it. Even not knowing all the tech and not being competitive, I knew Brawl felt off. Once I learned about jump momentum, I couldn't look at Brawl again, let alone the other games after it.
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smart and fun game design
The physics/mechanics. The game balance is horrible, poor Kirby.
someone post the video with ibdw talking about how he jizzed inside his boyfriend's "pussy" and told a telemarketer about it on stream
The best thing to come out of Brawl was Project M
>TWO. FUCKING. YEARS. after 64
>Fastest pace in the series
>Soulful adventure mode, even if it's not as robust as SSE
>A metric fuckton of surprises as you play through
>For the FGC, tons of exploitive shit to ad a pre-over-balanced flare
HAL Laboratory made it.
I agree

Smash never fixed the gameplay flaws that brawl created
Cope Smelee
It's existence lead to the existence of Brawl, then 4, then Ultimate.

So I guess I have to thank Melee for the existence of the best smash game
>very pleasing art direction
>amazing audio design
>perfectly encapsules the feeoing of a gen 5 game on gen 6 hardware
>best physics in the series (I don't play competitive, even on a casual level)
>clone characters were a combination of being a hood save on assets well still actually having sizable differences mechanically
>casual stages offer a nice gimmick without forcing the players to fight the stage itself just to play the game
>items aren't "too much"
>best event match in the series
>Adventure mode is sweet and simple but keeps true to the games it takes inspiration from
>trophies, especially classic mode trophies, by far have the most amount of work put into them
>coin battle lol
There are things I like about other Smash games. I enjoy the SSE of Brawl, and the shear roster size of Ultimate. But Melee has something magical to it.
This is simply not true. Half the roster is not viable at top lvl play. Ultimate is the only Smash game whereyou can take any low-mid tier character and go far in Tourneys
Yeah, melee is the ONLY smash game to be a console’s #1 best seller. It’s the best performing with casuals.
Westballz embraced the clown meme too hard.

M2k pretty much retired.
is rivals 2 good enough?
>>best gameplay even just from a casual perspective
I miss doing pokeball only matches and flooding the stage with pokemon that were varying levels of useful
in the recent smashes you either get actual garbage or some super OP shit with not much inbetween, also you only get to spawn like 3-5 pokemon at a time max
The game was fast, fluid, and fun and a huge upgrade from 64. It had new game modes and things to unlock like trophys as well as challenges that were fun and interesting. This thread will be about tournyfags and competitive shit like wavedashing though because this board is primarily zoomers, rather than people my age in their 30s who actually played the game with their friends on the gamecube when it was out.
Half of the replies in this thread are saying the exact same thing you are saying. Melee being "competitive only" is some sort of Reddit opinion.
bot post
Every future title felt like it was deliberately hamstringing itself by blocking off content until you trudged through a mile of shit. Brawl was just bad in general but wasn't TOO bad, but the game itself sucked. 4 had the start of the DLC meaning it wasn't just $60, it was $60 plus tip to get all the characters. And then the custom unlockable moves were complete cancer, jesus fucking christ. By ultimate you have more DLC characters but even just unlocking all the characters is such a tedious chore because there are so fucking many. Playing 64 and melee, getting to fight when A NEW CHALLENGER APPROACHES, felt wonderful. In Ult, it's just going through a tedious checklist.

It really feels like Sakurai just fucking despises his playerbase.
it was a perfect sequel from the slow and methodical 64 smash becoming fast and reactionary
i love both games equally and they're the only smash games i like
>By ultimate you have more DLC characters but even just unlocking all the characters is such a tedious chore because there are so fucking many.
I actually think the issue is the opposite. Despite it's large roster size, you can get every character in Ultimate in like a hour. Unlocking characters becomes a forgettable and mind numbing experience where you unlock a character after each battle. The only cool and memorable unlock in Ultimate is Sephiroth, and unfortunately that is FOMO content you can't play anymore. Compare that to melee, where each and every unique unlock is ingrained into the head.
I fucking love how crunchy 64 sounds to this day. And the aesthetic of having the characters be dolls that a kid owns, getting dragged around by the children. You could imagine that all the CRASH and OOHs and clapping is the kids in the background, making all those noises as they play fight. None of the titles since then have held a candle to that style, especially since every title (especially since brawl) tries to lean too hard into being EPIC FINAL BATTLE OF EPIC DESTINY.
The fact that doing a running jump won't slow you to a crawl. Everything else is icing on the cake.
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i did really like that, the whole intro movie is kino as hell and reminded me of that rose town part of mario rpg
Meleefags should be hanged and castrated
it's good, but is it Project M good?
meleeKINGS would like to see you try
it's kinda weird how a lot of platformer fighters forget about making the platforming part feel good too
even the later smashes don't get that part right
>amazing audio design
the power shield sfx makes me CUM
sometimes I'd turn off the audio and just run around in training mode as different characters just to hear their footsteps, each character was different and there was a difference between walking running and dashing
I never bothered doing that after melee, the audio didn't hit me the same way
Meleebros, what went so r-ACK!


Why do Meleechads cause /v/cels to seethe so much?
It's far from perfect, you delusional faggot. The only reason you have a bunch of troons still playing this game is because the entire meta is based on exploiting its unpolished, buggy state. And Ultimate is the only Smash game with viable low tiers.
Ofcourse 64 does a good job capturing the feel of an SNES game. Every Smash game bears more resemblance to the previous gen compared to the gen its made in.
>And Ultimate is the only Smash game with viable low tiers.
So you're 12 years old then, got it.
Ult's balance is pretty garbage and the only reason nobody knows the true "meta" beyond the clearly broken characters, is because when the game was actively getting patched shit would change constantly. Even now there literally thousands upon thousands of matchup spreads and nobody cares outside the top 10 characters to actually go through and consider how strong each character is, because spoiler alert: most of them are still shit.
The best balance probably goes to 64. It still has the top tiers (pikachu/kirby), but every smash game has them. Every character sees some usage and you also have a community that isn't so stuck up its own ass that they only ever play one character. Even the worst chars (probably Link or weegee) are still fun to fuck around with even if they're hot garbage.
The sound design is indeed great, but the visual design? Nah, some of the characters look hideous.
HAL Labs and being free to develop meta slowly.

Also just like Smash 4, the playerbase does not grind out the horrible aspects of the meta nearly as much as 64/Melee or eventually Brawl was. There are plenty of characters in Ultimate who essentially invalidate others if you want to play like turbo cancer.
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>wasn't playable in 64 outside of Classic Mode
>was never brought back in any future game
It's not fair.
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This has to do with Melee's overall presentation. Coming off 64, it was mindblowing. No surprise that Sakurai felt he had to top it. It sucks, because what should be a fun collaborating of Nintendo characters became this self-serving wanking of epicness and it was Brawl that really dialed up that shit to the point where I don't even use the word epic because it's such a tryhard word and term. Even when Four tried to be more colorful, it still had that 'epic' tone to it, mainly with the trailers and that master core shit.

Never mind World of Light and the opening song for Ultimate, which may as well be an unsubtle nod to Sora being the last fighter. That entire roster was decided right there and then, it was just getting things ready to create it.
I still love seeing K. Rool in this shot, me in 2008 would have lost his shit seeing this.
Hax did nothing wrong.
Bowser looks like he is deep fried particularly
But enough about Melee and how only a handful of its characters aren't competitively unviable hot garbage.
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Rushed development cycles have actually resulted in a lot of kino games though, and on the flipside look at Brawl, that game took longer and was delayed, but the only real major improvement it has over Melee is a bigger roster and more single player content yet Subspace is pretty damn mediocre gameplay wise along with the normal game playing like ass too.
This. Leffen genuinely needs to be killed (along with Jisu).
I can see smash ult eventually including character bans and character pick order included in the meta. I don’t have knowledge of fighting game history, but I have notice people starting to play pocket characters to round out match ups
I don't see smash ult lasting that long. As soon as 6mash comes out, everyone will drop it and conveniently completely switch tunes on how Smash5 was terrible, how 5 walked so 6 could run, how everyone was just putting up with the shit because they knew the next one would be better.
You know, the exact same arguments that happened when people moved from 4 to 5. And from Brawl to 4.
Ultimate has never been in a low state like Brawl and 4 where everyone eventually hated the meta (competitive Brawl was always unpopular and Bayonetta killed competitive 4) to warrant that. It's going to age well because 6 (if it even exists) is going to be a reboot with a much smaller cast, especially if it doesn't revolutionize gameplay for the better.
People already hate the meta of Sonic and Steve slowing every game down to 6 minute long matches. Give it a few more years and people will be fucking exhausted with it.
I'd argue melee isn't that much more EPIC then 64. A lot of it's EPIC stages are also in 64's classic mode, such as Battlefield and Final Destination. I would argue it tries more to capture the digital cyberspace look that was reflecting how big the internet was getting at the turn of the millenium. It's why it made heavy use of lines and holographics.
melee might be my favorite game
>get good
>persuade but don't force friends to learn the tactics
>they all aren't interested
>8~ years later friend has a roommate awesome at melee
>beat him maybe once
loved every second of melee, just could not get bored of it. the target tests and home run bag were also addicting. i'd be playing it right now if I could, caping gimp with mario/doc mario is so satisfying
squad strike should have become the default but the smash community would never implement good ideas
one third of the cast has won a super major
Physics, sound, and visual design. Remove the glitches and exploits, work on balance, and you've got the foundation for the next Smash game.
I only play against bots and it's still more fun than the others.
I fucking hate Smash Bros.
I fucking hate all the sweatlord mexicans who play online.
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yeah it pisses me off when people say that Smash is finished when there is way more room for improvement in terms of gameplay and gamemodes
The Stage Builder has been in like three or four Smash games and they still haven't gotten it right.
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yes, that is something that really should be worked on

customizing a match as you are playing with action figures is a key element to the soul of smash bros

tacky image but heres a proposition for a new stage builder system tied to trophies to incentivize trophy hunting
It simply feels good to play.
StarCraft 1 is surviving on seasonal map changes. Maybe someday smash will pick up on that idea
Back in the day, I bought this and a GameCube with two controllers after mowing several lawns that summer. One of the most magical days was seeing it hooked up on my small TV, and I remember the sight still as if I was there. Even if you ignore the sweatier competitive side, holy crap was that single player fantastic, and sunk an ungodly amount of hours playing with bros. Definitely in my top 10 games.
Did any of the core dev team actually carry over to work on titles past melee?
Don't think so since Melee and 64 were developed by HAL while Brawl was developed by a different studio along with Sakurai. Smash 4 and Ultimate were both under Bamco. I actually liked Kirby Fighters 2 for what it was even if it's kind of a slower campy game so maybe HAL still has what it takes.
L canceling needs to come back to smash games
Make him viable.
it's a shit mechanic m8
Aerial spam definitely needs the barrier
what about hit falling?
does it? The reason why aerial spam is so good is because ground attacks are generally less versatile and harder to space, more so in the later smashes than melee but still kinda in melee. Smash also has a severe lack of grounded anti-airs too for some reason. That's an overarching design/balance issue

what is that
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All I've ever wanted to make in Stage Builder is Bowser's bridge from World 1-4 of the original Super Mario Bros, and yet in three iterations it has been unable to recreate this most simplistic of stages. The idea of using trophies in your custom stages is an interesting one, but you really need to be able to make a proper ceiling, a proper "floor stage" (where the floor goes from side to side and you can't die via falling down), and decide where spawn points are located, so characters don't spawn on the roof and thus can't rejoin the fight (and then eventually everyone's just fighting on the roof and not in the stage). And then there's some really obvious extra features that I'm stunned aren't basic items in the Builder, like Warp Pipes or '?' Boxes.
They always add some retarded limitation that holds Stage Builder's potential back whether it be just having too few materials to work with, not being able to mirror shit, or just having a hard cap of 100 stages. The stage cap in Ultimate still pisses me off since it has 0 reason to exist.
>a hard cap of 100 stages. The stage cap in Ultimate still pisses me off since it has 0 reason to exist.
I never even knew this was a thing because I never made anywhere near that many stages because after a few decent ones a few shitty/trolly ones you can't really make anything else.
Why is the aesthetic & feel of Melee so superior to other Smash games?
Because they took the core gameplay of 64 and worked to improve it as much as they could, whereas from Brawl onwards they were more focused on making a spectacle rather than having good gameplay.
Chain grab the handle
You lost, Cubesnoy
graphics in general peaked with the Gamecube. Everything that came after is too much realism or in Nintendo's case they made everything look like Pixar plastic.
>& feel
jump momentum and zero input lag. They removed these things from future games on purpose because they were mad some people were having fun wrong.
Ultimates stage builder is the best one. With the ability to choose between hand drawn lines to more precise grid lines you can make practicall anything you can imagine. There’s tricks you can use to make fantastic stages that so many passionate stage builders used to make really good stages
The limit is needed for save data and too many stages apparently affects the replay data. I guess it’s a small problem that you need to use outside info to learn about them, but don’t pretend like it’s not easy to access in today’s age.

I’m sure (you) could make 1-4 stage with that info or request one. Hell, if I remember, I’ll make ione you.

> few decent ones a few shitty/trolly ones you can't really make anything else.
Way to out yourself as a stagelet.
Check out some videos and see what can be made.
I never got why Nintendo/Sakurai ditched them as Smash devs in the first place.
>I’m sure (you) could make 1-4 stage with that info or request one.
Tell me exactly how I can give my stage a ceiling that the fighters won't respawn on top of and fuck up the whole thing, anon. Or an axe-activated collapsible bridge. Because if it turns out that Ultimate's Stage Builder has actually been capable of making one of or both of those things this entire time, then I will eat my Switch.
I still play a lot of 64. Especially with Smash Remix. That shit might even rival P+ at this point.
>draw invisible line
>players respawn on this line
The fighters cannot stand on lava and can only stand on top of the platforms.
Add a a block of lava on top of marble for your ceiling. Add a gear that moves straight up so the both blocks interfere with the spawn point.
This will cause them to fall through if done with thr right positioning.
You will need to be patient while tweaking that yourself.

You can also add a cannon to shoot them below or wind to blow them down.

The bridge and axe could have multiple solutions. One by having it stand unmoving in the background. Or have a simple lever attached to a bomb block to represent one.

Use a chain of one red and then multiple yellow explosive blocks for the bridge alongside a line-platform with gravity turned on, carefully placed ontop.
This will allow the line to fall.
You can have them respawn if you want to have the platform fall multiple Tim’s during the match.

Hope you’re hungry.
I’ll make a simplistic stage forif you have online. If you don’t, I can post instructions on how to make one. at a date that works for you.
I'd massively nerf Fox if I had the chance. I play Ice Climbers and have a basically unwinnable 1-9 matchup against Peach but I'd still nerf Fox into the ground if I could.
>Dair approach is too good
>Fast as shit and you can't ever hold him down
>Shine invalidates half of my shit
>You can fart out a combo and still manage to get a kill because uair, shine, and usmash are free
>Laser camping is too good and Foxes are absolutely shameless about it
Fox is just way too easy of a character and is totally brainless. And before you say shit about how I just suck, I can guarantee that I'm better than most of this thread. I'd probably shit on you with my secondaries.
you don’t deserve to be happy if you play icies
>an unsubtle nod to Sora being the last fighter
Why, because it says the word 'light' in it?
Iwata made a sweetheart deal with Sakurai in order to lure him back, he got to make his own company and bring that company under Nintendo's umbrella (They actually own Sora). Even though Sakurai is an independent contractor, he's still under Nintendo's payroll. Sora's games have all been on Nintendo platforms.

Funny how he left HAL because he didn't want to make sequel just to come back to Nintendo in order to make sequels.
I play Luigi and Dorf in this game. They're so fun to move around and attack with until the moment you have to do anything in the air, then suddenly you're playing a low tier.
>They actually own Sora

I also got my information wrong, he's not a contractor, his wife hires contractors when it comes to making games, the Sakurais are the only employees in Sora and every game they've made excluding Meteos was bankrolled by Nintendo. Project Sora was a direct collaboration where he worked with Nintendo to learn the 3DS' hardware and make Kid Icarus Uprising. After that, he's only worked on Smash Bros. using contractors who are paid considerably less. Given that Sakurai mentioned he's 'retired', it's interesting to see if he'll break away from Nintendo or if he'll remain with them for future projects. We all know the answer but Iwata was a key person in him sticking around for so long. Nintendo and the Sakurais co-own Sora but that could change in the future.
That's not really the issue with the limit. The issue is you'll only be able to save a certain number of stages, and if you want more, well fuck you, you have to delete them. Nintendo doesn't keep stages uploaded forever so it doesn't really matter if you have a resource for them. There were a ton of stages I wanted to keep and play on, but the game hard limiting just stifled my interest in downloading stages. Sure, I can delete what I have, but that's just letting everyone's creative efforts go to waste if they're just lost afterwards. Let's not forget Nintendo is charging you to even look at other player's uploads.

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