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Its been 6 months since UT Yellow released, Do you think any other fangame will release soon™?
Do you have any hope for the trillion other Undertale fangames that are being developed because of UTY? Surely at least one of them will see the light of day right?
>Fangame garbage
Fangames are fun, even if its only when we talk about how cringe they can get
not like toby is doing anything for the next 10 years
He got a new team you just need to have some faith
Is this supposed to be the friday yellow thread now?
I guess
The post does mention yellow
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It probably shouldn't bother me, but it really pisses me off that we FINALLY get a new Undertale Fangame after the Bane one by /tv/ that actually does something original and interesting with Yellow.
And fucking EE MEE DEE ATE LEE motherfuckers start putting lazy DURR WHAT IF SANS WAS TORIEL AND ASGORE FUCKED PAPYRUS swap garbage on the same tier as it.
Shit pisses me off nearly as bad as actually playing overtime and it mostly just being a TF2 reskin and not doing anything interesting with the concept.
TF2 has friendlies for fucks sake you can do something interesting there.
I've been having faith for 7 years but it's running out
desu I think we would've been better off with a proper UTY thread.
people don't seem to care much for fangames outside of yellow.
Then we should let this thread die and make an UTY one?
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The original Underswap designs created by the original creator (popcornpr1nce)!
I like designs but i hate the personality swap since it ended being just Undertale reskin and not something unique like TS!Underswap
idk if thats gonna get the new one deleted. i think we should let this thread run its course, and if it gets super inactive, then make a yellow thread tomorrow or something and not immediately after

mettaton napstablook design is awful imo. i like the grillby one
>mettaton napstablook design is awful imo
Funny that you say that because I think it's the best in the pic, and can really work as his own character rather than being AU version of another character
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Undertale was the perfect game. Tried playing deltarune but everything else just sucks compared to Undertale
Deltarune suffers badly from dev hell. I think the finished product will be at least comparable to Undertale
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TSunderswap is AU slop with no sovl whereas Yellow managed to capture the same humour, writing, and music as Toby's games do
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Thoughts on the order of the fallen humans? For me I would think it's the order which you find their items
i love uty a lot, but i disagree with the humor. ts!us has SOUL only because of koffin k and the goons
Retarded meme.
Anyway, in the years since Undertale was released, only two good fangames were made: Overtime and Undertale Yellow. I doubt that any of the others will be finished soon, if they are ever finished.
TS!UnderSwap has potential, but the Twitter drama will probably end up killing it.
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Have you ever bowled with your boss?
This impact is loud enough to hear it in the ruins
>Glass cannon vs tank
Also Undyne has no idea that Clover's fists are much more powerful than his gun.
>Power Glove
I don't think zoomers are old enough to know what that is
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Undyne must have a pretty thick skull
Maybe Martlet's bowling ball is just frail
Undyne is just a tank.
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I thought she was bottomless for a sec.
What about her?
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man that mouth looks weird
Ceroba, Martlet, and Toriel walk into a bar...
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Does Tsunderswap have fuck tons of shota rape? Because I'm getting fat pedo leading unsuspecting little boy to his rape dungeon vibes from that image
Looking kinda sus
Undertale Yellow revolutionized fangames in the sense that instead of a story now you can just have some guy with big gun named Cowboy of Loss who gasps "Zanzimartlet... forgive me" when he dies and then 20 Youtubers will make hour long vids on how deep your lore is
Hey, I finally played neutral and genocide yesterday. Can someone answer some questions I have?
>What was the ghost Chujin saw?
>What's the whole deal with Martlet and the true lab?
>Who's Dalv friend? Is it Kanako or is it the human that hurt her? What was the terrible thing he says he's done? Didn't Axis kill that human?
>Martlet clearly knew about Chujin's experiments, right? That's why she has the serum, even on the neutral route.
>Is there really no way of removing the bolder blocking the Snowdin cave? Why is it even there? There's even a npc that says he's working on it.
>Is there no way of entering Martlet's house?
>What's the deal with people getting lost in Snowdin forest? Is it just a way for the devs to nod towards Gaster shit and the theory Undertale's a dark world?
1. its implied he sees the ghost of integrity after injecting himself with the integrity serum
2. martlet, believing in chujins words about how humans are dangerous, is led to steal a DT syringe from alphys' true lab while working with her, just in case a dangerous human appears
3. dalvs friend is kanako, its implied that integrity tried to kill/fight kanako and dalv defended her. or dalv attacked integrity first, whichever you want to believe. after that, integrity ran away and axis killed them.
4. she didnt know about chujins stuff until pacifist route and the tapes
5. its just decoration, no idea if it was cut content, but it leads nowhere.
6. same as above, you cant enter it
7. its just some fun value shit, its a nod to gaster, nothing too important there
I see. Thanks :)
> Right
> Neutral to Pacifist to JUSTICE pipeline
As a neutral observer, I thought "TS!UNDERSWAP" was just far stronger than "UNDERTALE YELLOW". A captivating narrative, fresh characters with a general conflictedness to them that makes it impossible to avert your eyes, and offering a safe province for particularly endangered minority groups are but a few of the myriad of reasons why "TS!UNDERSWAP" is commonly considered a far heartier entry in the cosmos of "UNDERTALE" fan-made entries.
no problem! lmk if you have other questions
the game is nothing like that, which you'd know if you actually played it. and don't fucking say you don't want to because it just makes you look stupid for complaining anyways. this thread grills the shit out of deltatraveler and i chose to play it anyways even though i didn't think i would like it because it's just more fair to do so before being critical. if you could afford to play overtime expecting it to be good, why can't you try this without any expectations?
it has a lot more depth and soul than fucking 90% of other fangames out there, that's why it's at the top. not because people jerk off to swap aus all day and night.
martlet has a case of schrödinger's clothing.
she looks bottomless here, she looks topless in her overworld sprite, and she's fully covered in her battle sprites.
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return to form updated for those interested and aren't in the /vrpg/ thread
I'm guessing Chara is good in ts!underswap or something because she actually has a dad in her life
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Where they going?
chara was never really bad until the whole soul absorbing thing, and it was a self sacrifice for the sake of all the monsters anyways. before that chara was just a kid (who had a dad btw dude)
that being said, chara does act like a little angel because we choose to do so, and uh, can really be awful for the same reason.
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>if you could afford to play overtime expecting it to be good, why can't you try this without any expectations?
A. Overtime advertised it as being a TF2 themed undertale fangame, and (as previously stated) I played the Bane one from 2013.
B. it has a lot more depth and
I played it, don't just wag your finger and declare people didn't actually play shit, because you look dumb.
>it was a self sacrifice for the sake of all the monsters anyways
Dude, they wanted to use Asriel as a weapon there was no "saving all the monsters" they specifically went out of their way to make sure Asriel wasn't recording when they were planning.
Damn I can’t believe this is canon
Undertale Yellow threads need to disappear from /v/
genuinely what the fuck am i supposed to pull from your opinion being "DURR WHAT IF SANS WAS TORIEL AND ASGORE FUCKED PAPYRUS"?
like actually, how am i supposed to see that as a commentary of the contents of the game? surely you can fucking say more specific things about the game than the same regurgitated "swap au bad" circlejerk that happens every time someone talks about the game here

let me make it easy: what'd you think of all the reset dialogue at the final boss? surely you don't think that's lazy somehow.
TS underswap is better if you prefer toby's "humor"
UTY is better if you prefer a new story in the UT setting (except the end of pacifist)
I think it's fine for some stories to not have the "funny gags" every other screen, not everyone can write early 2000s jokes anymore like toby
Chara was explicitly a misanthrope. He didn't give a damn about monsters other than the possibility that they could be used as a weapon against humanity.
It says a lot about this fandom that people still pretend that Chara is good despite how the game beats you over the head with the fact that Chara is bad.
Why? Is the once-per-week-thread taking up room from Twitter screenshot threads, Discord raid threads, and Mossad demoralisation threads?
The lab.
Yes, and there is literally nothing left to "discuss" about this shitty fangame
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Weak bait.
>there is literally nothing left to discuss
>shitty fangame
Weak bait.
Go back.
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Shamelessly reposting the battle system prototype I made for an Undertale Orange fangame
What do you guys think? there is a lot of things that need to be polished and balanced but the basic idea of the system is here
The fight roulette system is inspired by the combo dial from Lisa The Painful

It looks fun.
Which side has fewer mentally ill people? Oh wait...
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Wherever they're going, they're not aiming for the truck.
>being in a cult
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I am looking forward to ts!swap updates even if they're currently wasting their time redoing some sprites because a guy that got cancelled did them and they thought collabing with deltatraveler was a good idea
I at least like the new napsta design even if I'm gonna miss the moustache
Does anyone know anything about Godot anon? he stopped posting like months ago, I hope the project hasnt been cancelled
He forgor
he's just at the point where showing too much would spoil the surprise.
you are talking about a general which belongs on /vg/ but you already know that since you are from there. go back
No, and /utg/ sucks.
Once chapter 3 releases, /utg/ will hopefully finally enter a new era, free from the schizoposters and namefags.
In 2085?
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Touch fluffy tail
for about 1 month, maybe less
it happened with chapter 2 too
I was there
for like two weeks, maybe
and meanwhile /v/ will also have threads poring over the game during that time period with the added bonus of not having thread celebrities desperate to get attention
>I see great and furious judgement descending from the heavens to strike you down!
this thread is still up? what the fuck? why hasnt it died still?

idk if you said this thing before, since i asked the same thing before, and i get it, but i wish there was at least a small confirmation that the project is still alive and not cancelled or dead. just so i dont get my hopes up
or even an indication that Godot Anon isnt unironically dead
what do you guys think about having multiple "actions" per turn? like attacking and using an act in the same turn
Its an idea I have for the system but I dont really know exactly how to balance this, Deltarune aleady does this by giving you party members, each one having one action
I think turn based games where you have one action are too limited in terms of what you can do
make it like bravely default I guess?
where you can sacrifice future turns or something
You could do some kind of sub-type system for ACTs
ACTs that don't consume your turn have a little lightning icon or something next to them, the ones that don't behave like in regular Undertale.
But ideally you'd want to have the "instant" ACTs have some kind of cost like TP.
>I think turn based games where you have one action are too limited in terms of what you can do
In traditional games maybe, but Undertale has an active component so going one action per turn is more logical, as your goal each turn is to either heal or progress your win condition, be it ACTs or damage dealing.
id suggest making the player start out with one action at the beginning of the game, and get "turn upgrades" that allow consecutive actions in one turn, possibly getting more of them on geno.
Tsunderswap had genocide fights that were miles better than yellow
uty only has 2 exclusive fights but they are better than ts!us, cmon
*4 fights
somehow forgot about the other 2. it makes my point better though
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the problem with that is that I think it would only be useful when the fight is about to end and you want attack twice to kill or spare the remaining npcs, I havent played Bravely Default but I asume the system works better in that game because you have party members

>But ideally you'd want to have the "instant" ACTs have some kind of cost like TP.
Yeah acts is one think I thought about, the problem is that the current game also has "Techniques" (special attacks) and "tactics" wich are like acts but they dont depend on the enemy you are fighting
>In traditional games maybe, but Undertale has an active component so going one action per turn is more logical, as your goal each turn is to either heal or progress your win condition, be it ACTs or damage dealing.
yeah but I want to give the "inactive/turn based" part of Undertale some more importance, you dont need some super complex strategy to beat every encounter but they should be a bit more than attacking once or using the correct act
and now that you mention it, healing and attacking in the same turn could become OP very easily, in that case I guess healing always ends you turn or something

Making the actions depend on the remaining Tension Points is an idea that I had, you start most fights with 0 TP and as the fight goes on getting more TP becomes easier and so does getting multiple actions, I suppose in genocide you start each fight with some TP
Does he need to? He made a successful Internet-breaking game. Guy won and can just call it a day.
Undertale was just practice so that he could get experience before making Deltarune, which is the game that he actually wanted to make.
8 years
Out of 20
What are these games?
Undertale Yellow
>Undertale Yellow
Centered around the human before Frisk, the yellow soul. Takes place in the near past to the original game. You start at the Ruins with Toriel but are quickly derailed into new areas with an entirely new cast of characters.
One particular take on perhaps the first AU conceived for Undertale. The basic premise is all characters have had their roles in the story swapped with another. So, after several other humans (Frisk being the first), you (Chara) fall into the underground, and the main monster of the first area is the exiled royal (Asgore) who lives in a cozy but lonely home in the Ruins. The royal scientist (Undyne) is working on a way to break the barrier while the captain of the Royal Navy (Alphys) is recruiting monsters. And so on and so forth. There's a mix of existing characters and new characters.

Yellow is complete, TS!US is not but it has significant content anyways.
Good shit as usual, these reunion parts are the bits I've been waiting for
Sex with Chujin
t. Ceroba.
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t. Me.
let the thread die, ceroba
Inb4 Ceroba talks about keeping the thread alive would be selfish.
*retard fox screech*
thread status: hidden
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need source
I hate foxes so much.
I love foxes so much.
anyways, both fangames are NOT canon
Why are discord raiders going all "go to vg reee"?
Ts!underswap CANT physically be canon, through.
i saw someone back at /hmofa/ trying to find the origin of the same exact picture, maybe they found it. Go check the /hmofa/

Unless that someone was you, you are outta luck then.
bird tummy....
underswap because I don't care for yellow's designs
So people need to piggyback off the world he created instead of making their own because...?
they like his world
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Alrady existing assets
move this shit to /trash/ already

Be warned, there's feet
Neither does undertale yellow desu
roba's paws
martian roba
Cool shit anon good to see someone also making an Undertale orange game
The fight mechanic reminds me of shadow heart and YIIK
that's not feet at all retard
Undertale Green released a dev update
Yes. THAT Undertale Green
toby isn't going to expand on the lore because he already told what he wanted with UT (the meta fuckery aspect/subversion of JRPGs)
the story and world were an afterthought and as such fans want to add to it since there is room for growth
Kill them...with Kindness
Didn't he get arrested for murdering someone's mother?
kanakos mother?
That was bits and pieces

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