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>game has AI generated content

Preorder fucking cancelled
>This thread is AI generated
Good. Boycott all AI slop
Can't pre-order something that will never come out
Only the output (and legality) matter. If it's poorly executed and ugly I'd drop it either way. If it looks and plays well it's of no concern how they did it, as long as they didn't break the law to do it
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>Twitter thread

Also people without social media brainworms don't give a shit about AI
I don't mind AI art and music desu
Holy shit I forgot this thing existed. Has it been a decade now? Didn't they have a few lawsuits in between? It's the holder of the title of most money kickstarted ever in history
This game is doomed
No 2D platformer(save Platform Masters) takes this long. For how long the wait is people are going to want the best damn game theyve ever played, especially with how much shit Chris talks. Itd be best for everyone if this died with no launch
What about ai translations or dubs?
Platform Masters needs to come out. I am waiting for that day. If only ULILILILILIA released it.
Not likely, hes a gymrat with a bodycount in the thousands now.
I wonder if they seriously think that their reputation alone will sell the game
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>tfw no Veronica hotwife
Maybe Im old and out of touch but Im pretty sure Oneys fame has fallen
I bet if oney pushed out the game tomorrow. He could sell 100,000 units on name alone.
thats fuckin wild to me
I like AI content :)
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This is all just because of his AI music video yesterday, isn't it? Keep trying to cancel Oney and failing I guess.
>Game has the soul sucked out of it before it even releases
Game grumps thought the same thing, their game flopped.
didn't they make a horror streamer bait game?
Jesus, from god pixelart to boring Flash graphics.
it sold like shit so eventually they made it f2p and added dlc
Art style aside the shading looks way better on the left, what were they thinking
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>people will look at this and unironically tell you that pixel art should never be used because it's "pixelshit"
newgrounds? more like newgrifters.
What is it about Oney, Smiling Friends, and Newgrounds that causes so much seethe? Is it a psyop to demoralise 4chan into hating things it once considered great?
Nobody likes pixelslop anymore
Do you really think that the right looks better?
why would you say that
Just saying what society thinks
what did he mean by this?
case and point
what the fuck are you talking about
Lyle is best co-host, Cory has become insufferable, Zach has become extremely stale as a co-host and it's affected the overall humor of Oneyplays especially when compared to the DD+J era
>approach member of society
>phone in hand, show image
>left is pixelslop right
>"what is that? what? i dont care"
Holy shit.. hes right
Get back to work on your game
because she's hot as hell and i want her to cheat on me
I love the vibe of the DD+J era so much. It's not as funny as the new era but it feels like real friends hanging out and shooting the shit with eachother, and DD kept the conversations interesting. I keep listening to it over and over because I can't find anything else like it.
good post especially because you excluded Adam entirely
I stopped watching because of that guy
It has, they're barely getting way less views compared to a year ago
Who? The unironic retard?
Zach is the strongest draw on the roster, and he's been busy until just recently. The numbers are going to go back up, and possibly even get higher because the Smiling Friends secondaries are ravenous.
yes the one who sounds like he has blunt force brain trauma
So you have no ideals or standards? Got it.
DD+J era is peak
Dave+Cory is kino
she's crazy, bro
Excellent duo
Throw Jeff in there and it might even be the greatest.

in just the right away
she deserves a forgiving husband (me)

>Also people without social media brainworms don't give a shit about AI
it's mostly butthurt artists that do "commissions" on twitter for 30 bux a pop (and their friends) who are against AI
normal people only care if it's quality or not and don't give a shit about how it's made
most AI stuff is low quality though lol
Either he's unironically sub 80 iq or he's a genuinely great actor, i remember him reading in-game dialogue and messing up, and i felt the same cringe i do when i see a mentally challenged person doing something
Protip: Don't trust anyone who says the Ding Dong and Julian era was good in any capacity.
havent been up to date on bippy, are they really changing it to that?
holy fuck that sucks
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>Lyle is best co-host
I don't even need to read the rest. That's comedy gold right there.
what a bunch of gay retarded scammers.
it was mostly good though. dingdong actually likes video games unlike chris who just wants to fiddle his foreskin and make monke noises.
some DD+J episodes are unwatchable. too much of that goofy "oooh look at me I'm a funny man!" type jokes

>too much of that goofy "oooh look at me I'm a funny man!"
as opposed to what? cory and adam acting literally retarded?
tourists come to 4chan to bitch about things they hate anonymously all the time. blame goobergrapes for making the site even more normalfag than it already was.
those are bad too, thats why tomarxlyle is the best combo
Adam has his moments, but he becomes insufferable very very quickly.
What are the best Oneyplays series?
Kingdom Hearts
I deadass don't get what it is with Oney and getting away with doing AI shit, people seem to give him a pass with anything.
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OP is shitposting obviously but to anyone who actually has any problem with AI, why is it any different than people using computers? I'm sure traditional artists were butthurt about that as well.
and if your complaint is that most ai art is ugly, so is most art made by real people
This is a tranny right?
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>the filler combo is the best combo
You've got to be shitting me.
cory is literally an autistic savant and adam is perpetually high. they're not pretending they really are just retarded
pokemon silver even though it's unfinished
resident evil series with dave
Wind waker
Calm down, cory
It's canned. Oney came clean and said it's not happening anymore.
Never going to release anyway
Can it really be called scamming if they're just mentally ill?
>getting idealistic over production pipleine of videogame assets
People hate lyle because he doesn't just make silly noises or has a guaranteed joke to repeat
Oney is the kind of person who does things if it gets a laugh. He's not entering anyone's market and seriously competing. He's just making images of people eating spaghetti in swimming pools. The only kind of people who hate that are legitimate cultists.
You best get used to it, they're all going to.
Lyle just has too much toxic masculinity
>sonic heroes
for smaller playthroughs though, little nightmares was fun and the one offs they did last boney plays were pretty funny
It'll be out when it's out
It's hard enough to find good games among the countless titles that were made with passion, imagine wasting your time on stuff that nobody cared enough about to create.
Witch Hunt
>when compared to the DD+J era
DD and J were fucking awful though
>Julian contributed literally nothing
>DD was the only one good at games but spends most episodes being negative or shooting down anything Chris says
They genuinely are just not entertaining. Not even shit like Mario Paint or KH holds up. At most, some of Crash Bandicoot, Mr. Bones and Deadly Premonition are good but it's largely unwatchable.
Literal derangement. I don't know why you obsess over trannies if you can't even identify the difference.
Lyle's funny, he just drags out the jokes, killing the momentum.
Witch Hunt was a good one too
Lyle was horrible in the first couple of series' when he not only missed most of his jokes, but would drag them out to long and nosedive anything anyone else was saying and talk over them.
Between that, his avatar being the only one not exaggerated/ugly and how many cold opens and episode titles were things Lyle would say that would bomb and get zero reaction, I think most people pegged him as an unfunny sociopath.
Is it possible for an art style to be too clean?
Crash 2
He has no rapport in the others. He has no punchy lines. He tells long-winded stories that don't go anywhere, and that (aside from his shitty rat killing stories) are probably made up on the spot. I'd take Zach doing Star Wars alien noises over Lyle murdering humor any day.
The Linkara song at the end was the best
For real though, I've known chronic liars and Lyle's stories feel just like theirs... like he's still figuring out the ending and buying time.
happy to see some anti AI perspectives here cause, coming back for the first time in like 5 years, i'm disturbed how much /g/ is lapping up the AI dogshit
no one in this thread is actually serious you dumb nigger
Are they still peddling NFTs?
this is what happens when you have no deadline as a "perfectionist." you start refining shit into oblivion. just get the damn game out dingdong
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>"porn is bad.....just cause.....IT IS....OKAY?!!?!?!?!"
Started watching more of the plays content recently instead of one here and there. It seems like Zach interrupts other people a lot and it bothers me so much.
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If ai is fun to play around with, I'm for it. Sorry. It's not going to disappear, regardless.
If people want to make it illegal to use in retail products because they can't really "own" the output, I'm fine with that though.
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>Zach comes back
>he's effortlessly funnier than all of Smiling Friends episodes put together
Zach missed his true calling as an improv comedian, cartoons were never his forte as much as it pains me to say.
More like people stop talking when Zach starts to speak because everyone wants to hear Zach’s unique insights and genius talent.
Stop larping as the Smiling Friends schizo. I don't believe it's really you.
i hope smiling friends will be a mere steeping stone thatll allow him to create his own giant projects. just let him climb
Anti-AI faggots are funny, AI is a tool to be used and won’t ever disappear LOL.
Can’t tell you how vital AI is for coding, it’s a necessity at this point.
good morning sir
>game directed by Chris
sounds like a complete disaster, guys funny but don't know shit bout vidya
It's funny how no one has an issue with Chris.
>AI is a tool to be used and won’t ever disappear LOL.
That's what you think.
His favorite ones are really fucking good games, though. He loves FF7 (the real one), RE4 (also the real one), and Noita. Taste like that is a pretty good litmus test.
>Can’t tell you how vital AI is for coding, it’s a necessity at this point.
Oh yeah, all the various technologies and games that were only made possible since AI started in 2020 like
And who could forget
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Chris is the free spot in bingo, always there and I’m happy he’s always there
I can’t believe AI will disappear forever…. Wow…
Why are you taking the side of the suits?
sounds like something a neopuritan would say
I find it funny chris is in every single video, it's like he's worried the show doesn't need him
You trannies sound like people who insisted the automobile would never replace horses btw
He hates all of those games now. He's a manchild with trash taste in games and thats why he never plays them anymore
Kingdom Hearts 1+2
Wind Waker
RE2make with Jeff
>He hates all of those games now.
Source: your pink bubblegum butthole
>acsually, the corporations are GOOD now
Average anti-AI subhuman. You’d tear your eyes out of your fucking head if you thought it made someone upset.
lmao its so obvious you haven't kept up with any recent videos. He hasn't touched a video game in years
It's zoomer trash who know nothing about any of those things regurgitating the opinions of e-celebs like they always do.
I wish they would've just stayed twerking on tiktok until their transition and sterilization instead of coming here.
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>Can’t tell you how vital AI is for coding, it’s a necessity at this point.
It's only necessary if you have no education or skill. People got by without it for decades.
it's literally his channel.
He and Michael Cusack have S&P, a bunch of editors and [as] Brand identity "Experts" second guessing their work, of course it's a little bit watered down.
Corey is a mentally ill fat retard and I hate him, but I get why you guys like him. Like looking in a mirror, huh?
lol no, why do you retards with no knowledge always speak the loudest? If you work at a respected company AI is simply a part of the job.
cory lost a lot of weight. he's at worst skinnyfat now but he looked pretty skinny in that one video.
Scrimblo bimblo was made before AI was a mainstream thing.
>t. low effort goyslop eating tranny
good morning sir!
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Let’s assume best case scenario that you're a Stanford CS grad that is essentially a coding prodigy. You’re probably super strong in two...maybe three languages and have a decent grasp on other concepts. And that's it. Someone shows you some Rust code and you've never seen it so it's going to take you a fair amount of time to be able to decipher what it does or how you can change it.

Meanwhile, there is a recent grad from Corn State Community College who doesn't even know what Rust is, but he's reasonably intelligent, maybe slightly above average. But he's been using GPT for a year to build all kinds of projects. Someone shows him a Rust script, he'll be able to fix/update it within an hour or so and understand specific nuances related to it because he literally has an extension of his brain that is able to answer all immediate questions he has about the script.

>GPT, uh, what does this weird "unwrap()" thing mean
>GPT gives complex explanation
>Remember, I don't know anything about Rust..so is it like this in C+?
>GPT gives nuanced explanation that he can understand.

Meanwhile, you're looking through Rust documentation and stack overflow and then maybe a week later you barely understand what's going on. Complaining about AI is akin to complaining over calculators.

Keep quiet about the things you know nothing about.
>It's only necessary if you have no education or skill. People got by without it for decades.
Same shit boomers say about IDEs and graphic debuggers.
>Damn whipper snappers with your new technology, back in my day we used assembly, we wrote code in notepad, and we compiled each file by hand from command line with gcc and if we had any debugger at all it was just running gdb directly.
>Takes 2+ weeks to write a basic socket messaging interface
All companies care about is how fast you can get stuff done and whether it runs or not, your "skillz" are a cope for being an old dog unwilling to learn new tricks. Many such cases.
Make an open world game with Max Payne gameplay with chatGPT
AIfags are retards who want to replace expensive cars with shitty cheap decrepit horses
good morning!
Kingdom Heats 1
Kingdom Heats 2
Crash 2
Resident Evil (Sleepycast Era)
Harry Potter PS1 (OneyNG era)
Witch Hunt
Street Fighter VI
Poppy Playtime
AI is just a worse search engine.
I still get a kick out of the Shenmue and Blue Stinger playthroughs. Pretty much every Resident Evil playthrough with Dave. Sonic Heroes and Super Mario World are pretty fun for Cory being unhinged.
low key them shitting on the game with the brown girl (the cartoon 2d one) was funny as fuck
It's still in the experimental phases, no company with a brain is going use online models that keep a copy of your data for whatever they feel like.
So that mainly leaves offline models which most people barely even know exist, especially out of touch management that doesn't keep up with technology beyond what they see on the news.
Not sure on copilot but i generally haven't heard much good abut it.

I mainly use offline models for simple but annoying stuff. Like I can give it a list of 50 variables and tell it to make getters and setters for all of them in java and c++.
Or I can drop an ICD into it and tell it to make serial or json messages based on it.

More advanced stuff where it's trying to do several things at once it tends to fuck up and sometimes the fuckups aren't always immediately obvious and sort of look reasonable which can make it a pain to debug.
The problem is that the AI can just hallucinate something that sounds right but isn't, or tell you to use functionality that's been deprecated because it has a bunch of old forum posts in its training data. It's fundamentally not trustworthy.
the gargle balls bit was hot

i for one enjoyed cory's autism in sonic heroes
heroes is a certified classic
Crash 2
Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2
DKC2 with Zach and Tomar
Sonic Heroes
Super Mario World with Corey
Marvel's Avengers
YIIK (it's not getting finished)
REmake 2
That's super fucking gay to hatewatch someone so obsessively. I don't care if he's bad at games now. That doesn't prove anything about his previously demonstrated good tastes.
His good tastes are gone and its all shit now. Stay mad that your favortie e-celeb hates video games
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>tune in to "Oneyplays"
>surprised Oney is there
You've got to be baiting me right now
Are you trying to cope that Arin can't even be bothered to show up for Game Grumps sometimes?
chris still plays games off the channel. he played rebirth i think.
He's a bigot and a CIS white male that's enough for all of us here to hate him. Maybe you should go back to truth social.
AI Dungeon is the absolute peak
AI anything has been a blast to watch on his channel
>it's mostly butthurt artists that do "commissions" on twitter for 30 bux a pop
many of whom were the same people who told boomers to "get with the times" when they bitched about digital art replacing traditional.
Great work ethic
Lyle is an unfunny tryhard faggot who laughs at his own jokes and always takes a scenario in the lamest normalfag direction
Hes gotten better over time by way of simply not talking as much, hopefully because the constant comments rightly shitting on him ate at his soul
chris is consistently the worst member of his own show, dude loves to bitch about stupid shit
>many of whom were the same people who told boomers to "get with the times" when they bitched about digital art replacing traditional
they weren't even alive when that happened you retard
both cars and AI are a plague on the environment so this comparison isn't so bad
chris is trying his best.
Sonic Heroes is peak Corykino
it's been years and I still laugh whenever he rhymes, I think I'm just literally retarded
Chris keeps everything together, he’s the glue of the group and does a great job at it. He never “overspeaks”, mainly letting his friends do most of the speaking like Rogan’s philosophy.
I agree. Get a girlfriend anon.
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me watching niggas slowly realize Julian was the key to oneyplays
genuinely trying to figure out which one this was, fuck
Atomic heart and Soviet Republic both have Ai art. The lesson? don't trust slav devs
The spiderman playthrough is my favorite.
you can't excape, I WILL rape (you)
I think the one on the right looks better
games have had AI generated content since at least Diablo 1, probably before that but that's the most famous example i can think of that's that old.
Why is this an issue now?
not your hugbox
Oh fuck me, that game
man, why is it always brown girl games that suck
kingdom hearts 1&2
witch hunt
This. He's also the first one to call it when something is actually kind of mean. People who try to make him out to be a jerk are pretty far off-base.
>makes music jews seethe
based ai
Left 4 Dead
Sonic Heroes
Pokemon Red
true, but lyle's iconic hyena laugh breathes life into me
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beats me. I think it's funny that the game spent 4-5 years in kickstarter hell only for them to not deliver on the kickstarter goals because the company fell apart overnight. Honestly, the only thing I remember from the playthrough was Jeff's Persona 5 story.
Inaccurate. Replace Mike Z. with Mariel.
AI is to art what TV dinners are to cooking.
it's an old pic, it was made less than a week after MikeZ's I can't breathe joke/
Have you seen how autistic their fanbase is? >Lol le funni bois do a scream hey tomar remember wen u did randumb thing
They will love anything they put out at this point
Some people actually do have interesting lives that takes them places and meet new people. I know that might be hard for you to grasp since you never leave the confines of the same fours walls you've seen since your birth.
>thinking Oney can put effort into anything
Oh right, I forgot he said that.
Because a lot of people here grew up on that material, and now those guys have become fairly successful while said viewers probably became neets or just have normal dull lives. Its the crabs in a bucket mentality, in seeing Zach, Chris etc. who they concerned "one of us" be able to leverage their autism into a stellar career while they achieved nothing
And some people love to spin a conversation to be about themselves, even if they don't actually have a relevant story, so they make one up. Lyle's stories read like this. You don't think it's a little suspicious how he always has a story that's exactly on the topic that Zach or someone else just told? He's the only one who segues like this to always be about himself.
>You don't think it's a little suspicious how he always has a story that's exactly on the topic that Zach or someone else just told?
No, I don't because I can totally believe people in California who are in the entertainment industry have found themselves in many weird scenarios and have lots of stories about them. The shit you guys come up with to trash Lyle always sounds insane. Like the guy who always brings up that Lyles' Oneyplays character is the only one not deformed or looks ugly, like Lyle had any input in that or that he himself draws them.
Avengers. The slow burn after they finish the prologue, as they gradually begin to like the game less and less, is fantastic. They love the game for like an hour and then over the course of 45 minutes it becomes one of the worst ones they've ever played.
Ok lyle
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It's a tiny youtube channel of a handful of people, you think these guys have no input on how their cartoon avatar turns out? Who would they even have to run this past? OneyPlays corporate?
>I can totally believe people in California who are in the entertainment industry have found themselves in many weird scenarios and have lots of stories about them.
If the stories were about poop on the streets or used hypodermic needles, then maybe. Also:
>entertainment industry
fucking LOL
NTA but you're very naive if you think the talent on OneyPlays is just a small group of guys having fun playing video games. Each of them has at least half a dozen managers, PR experts, handlers, et cetera, and their personal lives are rigidly controlled by the talent agencies that own them. They're forced to practice being funny 15 hours a day minimum, no girlfriends, no wives, no unauthorized social media usage, 30-year contract. Forget input - I would be surprised if Lyle has ever even seen his cartoon avatar. These guys are nothing but cogs in a ruthless, relentless, well-oiled comedy machine.
I don't understand why people watch these guys. It's like watching my friends and I hang out on discord except I'm not actually involved, they aren't my friends, and I don't really understand any of the in jokes. I just don't get it.
He's annoying. He's a backseat gamer but he's fucking stupid as fuck and never knows anything about the game. It's like a retarded little brother that you've been forced to play video games with.
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I should have read that post a little more than I did.
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>calling someone "low effort" while using a template response
You realized way too late he was fucking with you, didn't you?
Imagine if you didn't have friends.
It really isn't that complicated.
They were having this same discussion in 2019 about whether or not to use drawings or sprites. Julian would draw it in flash first and then someone would go back over it and do the pixel art. That was 5 years ago, this game is never coming out.
>best Oneyplays playthroughs
>not a single mention of Donkey Kong Country 64 or Super Mario Land 2 with Adam “steals from his coworkers” Paloian

It’ll be DONE when it’s DONE and videos will be uploaded when they’re DONE
Adam P's pretty naturally funny without being annoying
There's no such thing as Donkey Kong Country 64 though hehe
Ullillillia moved on to a new game (it's basically the same game)
Why are they so obsessed with AI slop? Watch how zach admits the alien or Allen episode of smile friends was AI written
Trannies mad
A lot of the early Chris tomar zach series are god tier. Their first boneyplays (visage, witch hunt, slender man). But also the worms, hitman, and marvel series
she definetly cucks LSmark regularly right?
>zach admits the alien or Allen episode of smile friends was AI written
they were?
AI really has ruined so much of the internet. All social media is filled with AI voice AI script slop. All 2d porn places is 80% AI art. YouTube is flooded with AI thumbnails. You literally can’t use search engines to find art anymore without being flooded with AI art.

Literally walked by an art shop and it had bad AI slop printed out in frames with a signature, being passed off as real art. Indians, Chinese, and AI. The three things that have killed the internet
*rapes and impregnates you*
You guys are kinda forgetting that lyle’s avatar is based on his already existing avatar which was also a cartoon which was based on his cartoon avatar from Sanity Not Included.
>using a food analogy to criticize AI
The irony is baffling
>thread is filled with e-celeb shit
We unironically need an e-celeb board as containment so we can ban all these subhumanites easily.
literally everybody eats food, retard
I don't watch the show, but did people think the episode was good?
>like Lyle had any input in that
Yeah they definitely don't ask the people they make avatars of if they are alright with the design beforehand.
The horror games.
Internet has been dead for years and almost all of these artists and social media influencers were DEI assholes who only made woke LGBTQIAM+ shit.
Good riddance, I'd take oppressive robot overlords and dehumanization over gay corporate art and DEI any day. Hopefully AI flood and destroys all the big mainstream normie communities so the remaining actual people are forced to split into smaller more obscure groups that aren't profitable enough to monetize.
>It's like watching my friends and I hang out on discord except I'm not actually involved
>except I'm not actually involved
Correct. Sometimes I want background noise without needing to put in the work myself.
>He's a backseat gamer but he's fucking stupid as fuck and never knows anything about the game.
So he's literally just Cory.
Because it's entertaining.
I’ll do it even if it’s illegal. One creative nerd with an AI sloppifier is better than a team of Devry institute grads and Indian CG artists. Human beings might as well be AI at this point anyways. Total creativity ghetto. I got more dopamine pings playing fantasy world gatcha with DALL-E 3 than the last 10 years of game art combined.
woah settle down American
Why the fuck would you assume those 2 episodes in particular? That's quite a leap, anon.
It's "case in point" but yeah that's funny
i wonder if they'll replay it when IV comes out
His channel has become unwatchable. Cory is going full autism in every video, that trannyfucking piece of living smegma has infested the channel like a living cancer. He's not funny, smart or interesting. He would probably be in jail with Shadman if FBI ever got their hands on his hard drives.
its the same exact shit with anyone who has an established paypiggy base before releasing their game. they'll just drag it out for as long as humanly possible, and then when it comes its at best like a 5/10 that would have been developed in a fraction of the time.
>all of these artists and social media influencers were DEI assholes who only made woke LGBTQIAM+ shit
what the fuck are you talking about you schizo?
Seeing Spazkid piss people off makes me like him more even if I never watch his shit or Oneyplays
i don't like faggots in my ear at all. and they end all their sentences with annoying inflections. to be fair tomar does as well.
Sonic heroes

I think tomodachi life has the potential if they continue it
I hate to break it to you but it’s nowhere that cool. It’s not “le robot overlords” it’s a brown person on an iPhone with no concept of taste or quality control making content for other brown people on iPhones with no concept of taste or quality control. Perhaps it’s not the death of the internet, because there are more users than ever. It’s the death of people like me: a person with taste
>Think "hey it's a sonic game Cory might be in his element"
>He's just as bad if not worse at playing Heroes especially since he's constantly trying speedrun skips
>everything he says about Sonic is schizophrenic nonsense
Cory is the gift that keeps on giving. Literally impossible to predict.
I like most of their episodes, but I can't stand how Julian without fail makes one or two gay "jokes" every time. He always throws out some retarded degen comment like "what would you do if I started sucking your dick" and Chris is just trying to play fucking Crash Bandicoot or something.
Vinesauce already has the perfect Tomodachi Life playthrough. Watching 3 unfunny Californians with borderline downs syndrome play it as they laugh of their own shitty jokes is honestly worse than chinese water torture.
He never did that. Most people didn't even know.
I still think it's funny that Chris started the channel with one of the most awkward, niche furry porn artists possible and it somehow never managed to seep through.
>He never did that. Most people didn't even know.
Throughout KH he talks about having a crush on Haley Joel Osmund. Throughout Crash he talks about wanting to fuck Tiny.
Those are just the most obvious, pervasive examples that come to my head. Practically every series was chock full of acknowledgments that Julian is gay.
Both of those series were after people had already outed his background. Before that, it was much less up front.
Think what you want.
His solo Dark Souls playthrough was really fucking comfy.
>Can’t tell you how vital AI is for coding, it’s a necessity at this point.
Sounds like someone needs to start learning to do their own homework
AI just doubles your work
I use github copilot and it makes mistakes all the time
>Meanwhile, there is a recent grad from Corn State Community College who doesn't even know what Rust is, but he's reasonably intelligent, maybe slightly above average.
Yeah okay, get back to work Cletus
she cheated on mark and he still married her after that.
To be fair he cant get anyone better. Better to marry a 9 that cheats than marry a 3
I think an important thing to consider here is that Chris is a self-admitted lazy asshole, but he's also a perfectionist. He is likely still working on it, but I'd have to wager that he'll do it for 3-4 days, run into a frustrating issue that he doesn't know how to easily fix, tells himself he'll take a break, then neglects it for longer than he intends to avoid the stress he knows he'll have to come back to.
Eh, I'd be into the "crazy" if it was the clingy obsessive kind, but she's crazy in the "I had a dream where you cheated on me so now I have to fuck all your friends to get back at you" kinda way.
Uh oh, now he's gonna stream a 3 hour rant over your post anon.
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I'll say this, some of their best stuff has come out in recent years, but Ding Dong and Julian were good about actually showing enthusiasm (whether it was positive or negative) about the games they were playing and playing along with Chris's bits. I think Chris has fun joking with his friends, but he seems almost entirely checked out when it comes to the games themselves outside of the visual aspect.
How is Cory allowed to associate himself with Chris and Zach? I get that he's too autistic to really internalize the identity politics, but you'd think the company he keeps would draw lines in the sand against associating with people who think slurs are funny and have established moderate beliefs.
That game looks like uninspired ass
I think it's likely bowlbo will fail but it at least has a distinct style that will draw people's eye
you can't fight the future
>Why is this an issue now?
It's not. Stupid contrarian luddites just like to make sure everyone can see their worthless opinions. They couldn't explain AI machine learning to you with a gun to their head, they think it's a robot that can think or something.
YIIK is such a good fucking playthrough, and so many fucking episodes. It's a goddamn shame that Chris confirmed that they're never making a finale for it after hyping it up

nigga who cares
He should honestly just release the episodes without the high-effort editing. It doesn't need to be an ordeal, just release them as if they were normal day to day releases.
It's actually Adam P, he's not even funny on his own but he brings such a weird energy out of Chris and Zach.
>too much of that goofy "oooh look at me I'm a funny man!" type jokes
Get out of my bathroom
I mean, it does look like shit.
Says the retard that keeps crying about coons in videogames.
I get the exact opposite vibe, DD+J feel way more laid-back and organic. DD plays the straight man (ironically) and Julian mostly just laughs, it's a nice natural dynamic
We'll never know the real reason, but I'll always believe that either DingDong doesn't want it released because it's around the time he had his breakdown, or they mentioned getting Kirbopher (the voice actor for Alex YIIK), and maybe he asked them not to release it because he's recording more stuff for YIIK updates
I don't know what you're talking about exactly, but most people aren't big enough assholes to police everything their friends do and are capable of minding their own business
Cory is in a relationship with a transgender person and is significantly involved with people who espouse radical leftist beliefs. Either of those could give him grief for not condemning people who disagree with them. Both Chris and Zach have mocked Reddit types who demean people with different beliefs and act like only their "progressive" opinions are rational. I really don't know how no one in Cory's toxic ass circle hasn't given him grief for being on Oneyplays alongside them.
lol oh man yes these threads are the best lol everyone post your favorite meme

mm some gossip too hehe i love the drama hehe

which is your favorute?
>they shout something loud (my favorit haha LOUD!!! haha)
>totally random noises (also good haha)
>a reference to something you know

its hard to pick but please try your best hahae
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>trusting Newgrounds grifters
please please PLEASE kill yourself nigger this is such an embarrassing thing to post even anonymously holy shit
Dingdong is a gay diaperfurfaggot and GameGrump's fans were right in doxxing his groomer ass. Sodomite defenders get the rope.
The main answer is that despite all the jokes, there's no actual hate coming from any of the oneyplays crew when it comes to people who are gay or trans. It's all just jokes to them.
The other point is that Corey is a massive degenerate and would fuck anything, trans or not. I doubt he's involved at all in trans politics beyond agreeing with his partner if they bring up wanting better representation or some shit.

TLDR Corey is a degenerate with a degenerate audience who would never expect him to drop others over mean words
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Pirate's Curse is pretty damn good though.
Also, Spazkid is my hero.
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>music industry lawsuits.
This is going to get very UGLY.
There's been a dozen Newgrounds commercial games already, broseph.
thanks reddit
This is some fake-ass drama you are stirring up my man. Cory is one of the classic newgrounders just like Chris, and Cory is every bit as unhinged as his friends. What evidence do you have that his "toxic circle of friends" are demanding anything of him? As if one of the most rebellious kids from his day would bend the knee over who he can and cannot hang out with. I don't agree with transgenderism but it sounds like your whole argument rests on who he's fucking.
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It blew my mind when Cory admitted to making Bump Girl. But damn if the puzzle pieces didn't fit.
Ive been watching since the beginning. Here is my list.
>megaman x
>jumping flash
>mario dead and loving it
>crash bandicoot 2
>kingdom heart 2
>pokemon red
>sonic adventure
>sonic adventure 2 dd + j
>mystical adventures of goemon
>yooka laylee
>wild woody
>mario odyssey
Thats the best ding dong and julian era
>sonic heroes
>sonic adventure 2 jeff + cory
>sonic generations
>shadow the hedgehog
>super mario world
>super mario bros 3
>super mario land
>donkey kong 64
>pokemon silver
>binding of isaac
There are tons of others but im bored.
where did they say this uses AI? is it because they uploaded AI videos for OneyPlays? it's pretty clear they like messing around with AI shit, but at the end of the day, they still prefer the work of actual human artists for their actual stuff. I've seen this with plenty of artists that mess around with it, like Mitchie M used to post AI art shit and tested out AI music and vocal programs, but when he released new music, he still made the songs himself and hired actual artists to make the music videos and art for the singles and stuff.
they just like messing around with it because as unethical people will say AI shit is, the output the programs give are still funny. it's the modern version of making Microsoft Sam say slurs
I remember him spending entire streams just touching up pixels on each frame of animation, now he's just restarting and making it vector graffix? Bizarre. Glad I never paid a dime to that guy and his "development"
He did make a lot of gay jokes, especially early on. Chris would also instigate a lot of gay furry jokes as well. He definitely eased up on them as time went on.
>niche furry porn artists
How niche we talking?
lol oh man yes these threads are the best lol everyone post your favorite meme

mm some gossip too hehe i love the drama hehe

which is your favorute?
>they shout something loud (my favorit haha LOUD!!! haha)
>totally random noises (also good haha)
>a reference to something you know

its hard to pick but please try your best hahae
Maybe people don't perfectly fit into the archetypes you imagine them to
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if she does i am so fucking jealous
i hope he's not a willing cuck so he can still divorce her because of it
>she's crazy in the "I had a dream where you cheated on me so now I have to fuck all your friends to get back at you" kinda way
hot hot hot hot
god i love her
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AI is fun. I made a song called Rattlesnakes, what do you think /v/?
kingdom hearts 1 and 2
mario sunshine
whichever resident evil it was with the episode where niall falls over
jumping flash
shenmue + the setup episode
megaman x
pokemon red
makes sense that he is such a degen if he was a /b/tard
you of course love RTX and AI upscalers though, because they improve your heckin' graphics so much!
Would not be surprised if more have posted. DD lives on /v/.
chris released a video of him IRL. you can see the retardation in his face
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No, Fulp, putting your label on some rougelike scat fetish game, and just because the author had 0.1% history of browsing Hebrewgrounds, doesn't mean the site responsible for it.
Sometimes you just have to acknowledge which evil is the lesser one. AI has already shown to be incredibly destructive in hands of turdworlders and turned image search engines into mush. It's a Jews vs Palestine situation.
I didn't post Seinfeld
pretty sure generating art is better than using search engines
a good chunk of the purpose for search engines is finding pictures, now you can just make them

you're an idiot
It's Jews and glowies trying to destroy anything they're not in control off. If they can't globohomo'ed it they'll run a smear campaign against it.
>He never did that. Most people didn't even know.
It's so weird seeing someone lie like this. You're in a thread and you're just gonna hope nobody has actually watched anything relating to the subject matter.
Huge seethe and mald thread
Op lies
This is all for nothing
Tom Fulp sucks DMCA dick, so this wrong.
I just dislike because it's a very corporate, soulless thing that treats something as merely products devoid of any artistic side to it, it insults the players/audience. You can't put a soul in something that wasn't even done by a human in first place.
How is it corporate when it's free?
> thing that treats something as merely products devoid of any artistic side to it
The AI you're angry about helps people create art.
>You can't put a soul in something that wasn't even done by a human in first place.
This is literally what that guy asked about and you ignored it. Using any computer program to create art is no different than another program. It's ""cheating"" either way if you are being pedantic.

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