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>I will now spend hundreds on your gacha game
>available only in China
I'm not giving my money to CCP
To be fair that's a nice ass
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exquisite gameplay
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You know there's actual porn on the internet, right?
You get on the duck, and you fall of the duck, it's like miyazaki himself designed ir
you zoom in on the asscrack without tapping on her body, that makes her fall off and resets the camera angle
Oolong would never say that.
I heard rumors that this game is not making very much so the company will be selling some of the characters to an investor called Raymond Clemens.
What game?
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girls frontline 2
If AAA had this, I would buy them, instead, I will spend in gachas haha, fuck western games.
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I love JK ass
Is it true that Finnish women are heavily into anal sex?
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She looks like the kind of girl who only dates trannitors.
do filters really?
Bring the true perv I think pig knows his stuff
>best skin
>kit is shit tier
every time
>still no EN
Bing chilling
>no chance for asshole peak because lol robot
Looks like typical gacha trash
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At least it has bikini unlike Burka archive(no bikini for 2 years) and Woken burk@master(rashguard as "swimsuits" for entire girls). Due to having no sweet baby inc and feminists.
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But China has no feminist and LGBT. GKmas got swimsuits censored as rashguard on all girls. GKmas is first Jap gacha to get censored by Kishida and SBI.
Hello bikino schizo
Have u seen GKmas being full burka'd in swimsuit event in Mihoyo level, unlike IM@S? While Bandori and LL had JKs in bikinis...
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>I need everything to be instant gratification
You would never get it
Try being born white next time
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Vidya 2
wait what happens next, does she fall in the triturator and die?
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wtf I love Finnish guns now
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>tfw spent 5 years waiting for a gacha
vidyafeets&butts2 eng version soon
Fuck the devs for degrading my wife like this
99% of what you own and bought is made in China. Capitalism rules over all.
Trump is going to win and being a tranny like you is going to be illegal.
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China...honto nii...numba wan...
This is what real porn addiction looks like, no appreciation for the tease
This anon pushes the real questions.
My favorite tdoll, unloved by all, but I love her.
Every time you ask YZ delays another week
Now this is good game design
I'll slide my credit card down that ass
Who gives a fuck, tranny?
>It's not the same unless I can spend hundreds of dollars for it in a gacha
This is how retarded you sound.
Then go download one of those shitty character viewers and have fun, without the predatory gacha shit. It's pretty pathetic you gachaniggers shell out so much money on fucking ecchi shit.
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suomi is the best healer in the game right now
Mihomo could never
and this was a legacy skin from GFL. imagine what they could show with the dresses
Stop lusting over some irrelevant small time gacha, you're supposed to play ZZZ on release
Even if they tried then the tranny/faggot/dyke legions on twitter would harass them into backpedaling. not that mihomo would, they don’t care about straight male players anymore
>implying the main demographic of these "games" isnt trannies
>heh look at this pleb who doesnt pay money for softcore porn
Your brain is actually non functional
this isnt a mihomo game
All women are as long as you are chad or black.
But this isn’t a Hoyoverse game
Soulless tranime chink scam is soulless tranime chink scam
Its all the same shit
Go beat one out and save your money for something that fucking matters, stop being an impulsive consumerist ape
Wait why are we mad at each other?
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Kill orcs
If you're spending hundreds of dollars just to see an anime girl's ass Crack then sir, you got some serious problems!
Gacha isn't games
>there's plenty of free porn and hentai on the internet
>you would rather spend all your money on some gachashit
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Not impressive, i see better stuff around.
where did this argument come from
All my needs are met and I already have most games I want. Money can be afforded to be spent here.
It is though
For me its retards paying for coomer lootboxes on mobile games, simply not good value
Post ass crack
hello gacha RETARD
I will be ripping all the asset from this game making cheap porn and getting money from it. Thank YOU for your WORK and DONATIONS so I can continue to do this till end of service.

When service ends you will lose your game but I will still make cheap porn.

Have a good day.
There are a bunch of hot chicks in skimpy clothes for free all over the internet
>bare feet instead of retarded overdesigned meme sandals no one would actually use
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From DEI peddlers gooning to blacked raw
>you want attractive characters and titilation? NOOO JUST GO WATCH PORN HURRR
Where's the gameplay?
Mobile games are for women tho
this unironically looks like one of those fake mobile ads you keep seeing on youtube
>ADHD niggers can't conceive hoarding free gems in a f2p game
Porn addiction has rotted your avoiding nigger brain.
It's hard to imagine playing mobileslop just for anime girls desu
For your usual 2d png game yeah but you can't deny the gf2 3d models are exquisite
I'm gonna be real with you that looks retarded
Playing your shitty gacha games as free to play with boring free to play characters for months or even years so you can brag to anonymous people on the internet that you have basic impulse control.
No seriously, every gacha thread has one faggot that shows off their hundreds of thousands of currency they saved up for their "perfect waifu" to come out, showing all the time wasted playing a goddawful game with no gameplay for online dopamine hits. It's not a contest who has the most primogems or crystals whatever. No one gives a fuck.
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Apparently Sabrina is getting her GF1 bikini imported too
there better be belly physics
Is this bait? How fucking deluded are you that you post this complete and utter projection of yourself?
I actually cant even fathom the level of mental illness going on in your mind.
>walk outside
>look at sexy women for free
>google images
>look at sexy women for free
>download torrent
>look at sexy women for free
Damn, that was difficult. It would have been better if I paid for the exact same experience though..
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I love pasta girls.
>walk outside
50% of /v/ filtered immediately
It is a LITERAL transgument (transgender argument) that gained popularity on X (twitter). As in it is verbatim something LGBTs on twitter will say when a straight male implies they want a female character in a game to be cute.
Half these games play themselves
>Playing your shitty gacha games as free to play with boring free to play characters for months or even years
Skill issue, doing your dailies usually nets you enough bullion to do 10x pulls in 3 days.
I accept your concession
>doing your dailies usually nets you enough bullion to do 10x pulls in 3 days.
Name them.
What if you live in America though?
why are coomers such retards
>these games play themselves
This is supposed to be positive?
Clearly even you agree that gacha isn't gaming
Wouldn't having that thing on your ass hurt?
delicious, but also low fidelity
because fanservice is exciting and sexy and just for (You), the player. porn exists to demoralize you and make you complacent cuck who likes watching other men enjoy women. only trannies and jews advocate for men watching porn
Long as it look good, don't matter.
That's the problem, it doesn't look that good. All those details could've been 3D. Hopefully Action Taimanin 2 is on the horiazon.
It has to envelop its prey in its stomach for it to start eating, itll just hurt after a while because of its secretions and suckers are irritating to the skin.
They do a great job eating pests so toss then back into a tide pool if you see them out of the water, although certain species are pests as well.
I assume it'll take one taste of her plastic synthetic skin and drop off
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has anyone actually played 2?
because i picked up bakery and it reminded me that GF had a fairly interesting story that i was reasonably invested in (before getting burnt out on the grind)
does 2 continue literally anything with the william/lunasia/GAVIRUL/Relic shit or is that all tied up in 1 and 2 is off somewhere completely fucking different
>feet blush
Pink feet are one of Gods greatest gifts to mankind by far
why do you care which erotic medium people use to get off?
almost like you have a shared interest on western porn selling...?
we could be friends irl
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Good 3d take effort and time. If you care that much then get some KK or CM3D card.
Lunasia is still around being a cyber-goddess. AFAIK the plot is pretty low power level right now because SKK is very very slowly getting back into the game after years of isolation.
>pvp arenashit for drooling twitchtv retards
think you have the wrong game bud
alright, that's better than i expected
all the art and stuff coming out of the game feels like it has a completely different aesthetic so i figured they'd just said fuck it and thrown out the whole thing
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so far chapters 1-6 have been world building and breaking in newfags while 7-8 are dealing with the (formerly halo niggas) faction turned into rag hobos
Nah it's all still connected, but it's been 10 years and the power landscape has changed quite a bit with the disintegration of KCCO and Paradeus.
to be fair GF did not have the best start either anyway
i'd be hard pressed to name a gacha that had an interesting first couple chapters, even considering >gacha story
neat, thanks for the response
i dunno if i'll touch it when it goes global but jefuty's game got me real nostalgic for the lore stuff
Azur lane
Hell symphogear used to throw that shit at you
>gacha isn't gaming
It's mobile gaming, and yes that's casual, but these are games meant to be played in waiting rooms, and on your commute to work
Holy fuck its literally that meme about the overly crowded UI
Mobile games are for women
How rare are new characters on those?
I've heard people are needing to skip to save on who they really want for GF2
You American trannies are insufferable. Kys.
Nobody describes a game as pvp arena except for maybe a pvp mode of an mmo and this is not it. Twitch people don't watch pvp arena either, they watch Fortnite and call it battle royale.
Those are camera control and display data buttons for replay/spectator modes. Many other games have them as well.
mmos, mobas, shooting games, and souls games are for women
just because they are useful UI elements doesn't excuse the dogshit way they are assembled on the screen to make the game unwatchable
what games are for men then
lack of testosterone, being a failure of a man, a nuisance to both your family and society, jabbing estrogen thinking it will somehow magically change your bone structure and pretending to be a woman
we'll take anything japan throws at us at this point desu, because we all know chinese gacha that is released globally will be censored, they solidified the meaning of safehorny, meaning legs, cleavage and tummy are okay, but no crotch shots, we're not even allowed to see their bare thigh gap in a swimsuit or underwear, only when theyre not revealing their skin like tight pants
milsim, turn-based, and RTS
anything with sex just like real life male adult entertainment. You don't see women flocking to titty bars and strip clubs
>because we all know chinese gacha that is released globally will be censored
Huh? All the non-mihomo ones are less censored globally than in china.
The same reason people shit on you for liking games that suck in general, if companies can profit more from preying on your retardation they will do so rather than make anything I want to play. People with shit taste need to be actively bullied for ruining every medium they pop up in.
it's funny because GF1 is all three
Imagine deep dive vr gets introduced. Like It Will be a golden age for gacha. Like it will be game about having sex with anime girls and you will earn points by cumming inside them, and for points you can buy new anime girls you can sex, more "rare" girls wil not only look more otherworldly but also will allow you for more stuff like footjob, anal, throat fuck.
you can already do that with VR, do you only get horny when gacha is attached to it?
trannies & fat/old roasties being offended by seeing something they will never be.
But enough about Genshin.
something about agency but really they just want you to give your money to OF whores instead
>gameplay posted
>nobody cares
at least it looks more involved than the E+Q spam of every other action gacha out there
didn't snowbreak steal all their audience after the ntr debacle lol
is it g*cha?
>less censored
censorship is still censorship no matter small
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The GF1 global client is 100% uncensored compared to CN
As someone that has recently gotten into JIV, this webm appeals to me
But seriously though why aren't more devs investing in better 3d models? A 2d live image can only go so far. 3d models allow for enjoyment from every angle and you add in a basic pose mode that let's you do shit in OP them its amazing. If the game's made well enough you can even use the outfits in game too.
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It does not appear when you are the player in the game. Most of it can be taken off with a simple button click. People prefer to keep them on for more info and better camera control. It's what people who watch replays actually wants.
why dont gachatards just mod their games and get everything for free?
that's what they've been doing since genshin
if it weren't for that shit going mainstream, gacha shit would've stayed 2D
because they want to support the devs with their disposable income
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it get debunked though matter of fact snowbreak going back to eos territory again
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For the longest time everything was 2D because japs dominated the market and they were complacent as fuck, pumping out abusive low budget gachas becuase of the absurd rate of return. Then China and Korea came in and became real competition with their 2d games. Japs didn't innovate. China and Korea began making high quality 3D games. Japs refused to innovate. Now we are seeing the 2nd gen of 3D mobile games coming out and Japs are now just barely starting to break into that area, and they are comically behind because they thought they could make the same games forever.
gacha was 3d before genshin you hoyodrone
This is the entirety of the jap game industry tho. They still can barely make good shooters as it is, and that’s one of the easier genres to abuse for monetization.
calm down gacha tribalist, I'm talking about chasing mainstream dollars
True but it's extra obvious in mobage because of how many chinks and gooks have come out of the woodwork to eat their lunch.
wow this is like that infographic saying shonenshit got replaced by moeshit in the 90s. You're a retard
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FGO 2 is in development hell for 4 years and still going but at the same time the current FGO still big cash cow.
>data for a single week
Haven't played Azur lane in while, but Nikki is like 2% and there's a bonus in the last 24 hours.
People were talking about skipping Clay, but her event quest gives 10 special ticket and I've racked up 6,000 gems since she's been released and she still has 4 days left. Got her on my first 10x pull.
theres an fgo 2 coming wat? are you talking about the arcade version?
>This is supposed to be positive?
Yes? Ogre Battle played itself and you zoomer faggots romanticize that too.
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vidya buttmunchers
Yeah, I'm playing with my DICK
>china controlling the birth rate by creating sexless gooners
smart move
Give your money to kikes instead that replace female characters with well worn camper ovens for faces.
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and yet, when a woman hires a male stripper in a women-only party, they all go apeshit.
Post her feet now!
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does it make a bunch of squeaky sounds from her riding it?
that’s gonna be a quick repair ticket. get this doll’s butt back to working order stat.
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(((people))) who own the porn industry
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>S-sex scene, in a movie? Why not just watch porn?
No loli no buy
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>>walk outside
>>look at sexy women for free
>posting this when you know what roshi says 1 second later
i'm on roshis side
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The tummy fat jiggles. Nice detail. If this is their redemption phase, nice start.
>there are sexy women outside
>goes outside
>sees roasties, landwhales and shitskins
being amerimutt must be tough
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NOOOOOOO you can't just jerk off to anime NOOOOOO


the birthrates are abysmal and it's ALL YOUR FAULT
the clownworld needs more fucking slave drones (your kids)
do your part in the continuation of clownworld and ask a roastie with triple digits body count and 2 jamal's kids out REEEEE!!!!!
You know men can appreciate and enjoy the female form without feeling the need to ejaculate immediately, right?
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>redemption phase
why are people acting like the suomi update is some kind of gigantic turn-heel for GF2
she's in no way the first character with panties and her swimsuit is just imported straight from GF1 anyways
actual trannies (porn addicts) because they can't appreciate good looking girls without jerking off
is this the first chinese gatcha to feature uncensored panties?
it's progress
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hundreds of hours!
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Imagine a world where mihoyo games had skins like this...
my bf's butt looks like this
If he's not in Sparking I'm not buying
vidya butts has come a long way
What?! Where?
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Kill orcs
Why are blatant shill threads like this allowed?
Shill what? Global doesn't even have a release date yet
i checked on google, ye alright, global is uncensored but... they dont even update some of their game assets to uncensored version lol lazy cunts
i think i'll play japanese video games instead, thank u very much
i will not allow laziness in game devs, they better show some coochie when i'm paying them
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Impersonal reminder
Isn't it ironic that the "Land of the Free" is heavily censoring games and media while the "horrible dictatorship that censors everything" is doing shit like this?
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Unless they release this skin, I won't pay shit.
>Game about porn
>No porn

Nah fuck off.
Yes, yes, and the whole commander outfit, ESPECIALLY the pacifier.
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>You know there's actual porn on the internet, right?
I love when the butt makes a gap in the top part, made for running my hand up and down her whole asscrack

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