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Holy shit, Zenless Zone Zero has the most goonercore animations I've seen in a mainstream game
more like tiktok brainrot
I never understood the appeal of anime
It's like bouncing a keychain in front of someone's face
There's both too much to follow and nothing happening at the same time
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forced animation
You may be retarded
Don't care, zenless zenzored zhit
>see this
>immediately think she dressed slutty and acts cutesy for chad
>get really angry
Am I the only one here?
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All animations of this game only look good at 0.75x
how will hoyozoomers react upon finding out the character artist does loli porn
like when himukai did artwork for FE Heroes
anime woman has something going on, even if its 1 dimensional personality its better than no personality awfulness of real women.
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This could be based but why is there so much tranny bbc shit attached to it
Reminds me of those zoomer ticktock animations where they move really fast and make funny faces to the camera
Are you defending this?
That's uncomfortable to look at.
Is it sped up or something?
What the fuck
>no panty upskirt on the girl
shit animation
>arm about to hit the camera
>pings away
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When did people start forcing goon as a term. The only explanation I can think of is some youtuber didn't want to get demonitized for "coom" so they took the last stroke off the M and slapped it on the C. Retarded term for retarded people.
I thought this game was censored.
Is it not actually as bad as /v/ led me to believe?
I think that's exactly it, it feels on the same vein as not showing or slightly misspelling words that are deemed demonetizable.

Every day, humankind's skin gets thinner and thinner.
You know those videos of asian women doing the Genshin idle animations? You know how they look uncanny because the motions she's making are completely unnatural? This is toned up to such an extreme that even in animation form it's off-putting. Now try imagining a real life woman doing this. You can't.
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Are you seriously asking if that's sped up, are you actually unsure
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animation is collapsing
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>finishes lifting leg halfway up step and starts lifting other leg up
>first leg teleports to step it missed
Somewhere between 0.5 and 0.75 feels more "real" but then you start to notice more than the obvious problems.
The same way Etrianchads do.
Not caring.
dem hips though
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Guys I'm gonna be honest with you.

I really fucking love big anime tits. I want to squeeze them, I want to suck them, I want to bury my head in them and die.
I don't know anymore, it looks so shit my first reaction was wondering if it was edited for (you)s
hoyozoomers are tumblr sjws. they're going to talk about openly killing hoyoverse employees once they find out.
That's not goonercore that's just fucking obnoxious
It comes from the term gooning, which has been around for a while. It's retarded but that is part of what makes it funny. Also, gooning has very little to do with cooming. In fact it is the opposite for the most part.
This is disturbing, like a culmination of playback speed, lighting and filters are making a human being look like a demon
After watching it 12 times I kinda liked it.
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gorillas bros....
funniest cat i've seen in ages, just look at this dude
Censored, though.
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She wears shorts
I hate when animators think adding more movements to your animation is good
Me too, but not when they are attached to things that are pretending to act like a human and failing
Anime DLC for Grounded sure looks fun, flying around on your new mosquito mount
what game she does mocap for?
No, dumb shit, he's saying of you're unable to follow anime plots you're probably retarded. I shouldn't be surprised you couldn't follow that post though since you're the kind of retard that can't follow anime plots
I hate this so much why does this make me so uncomfortable what the fuck????
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From what I've seen, it looks like the devs are going for a more Popeye/Looney Toons type of movement, but something about it is off. Maybe it's the animation style not meshing with the character designs, but something about it makes it look overanimated and I don't think I've ever had that complaint about a game before.
It's called cringe, anon. You're cringing.
The animation is too spastic and the characters move too quickly. The smears are good but the pacing is fucked.
There are good anime out there. Simple as. You're perception of it is colored by the normalfag stereotypes you've consumed most of your life.
They realized this game will flop 2 months in and they started to ramp up the gooner and furfag bait
>he's saying of you're
Your phone's autocomplete is pretty bad. You should stop using it.
>unable to follow anime plots
I'm talking about the animation? Because OP's webm is an animation?

Where in the world are you from again? You don't seem to be a true American.
I ain't touching it. But I'll touch my wiener.
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>I never understood the appeal of anime
Why is it when american or japanese games fucked up a little bit, you never see the end of it. But a chinese game genuinely has bad animation and youtube comments are all praising it, makes you wonder huh?
this is like those old disney over-the-top animation though
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>tik tok but anime game
Different anon here, but why do you think every anime is like this? It's like saying every fps is as cringe as fortnite.
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This reminds me of that Tiktok that used to get spammed on /wsg/ a few years back. It was a white kid with blonde hair, his arms were hanging from each side, and the first three seconds of the video was his legs flapping back and forth.
I forgot the name of the video but if you've ever seen it before, you know what I'm talking about.
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modern anime is fucking garbage zoomers got thier brain fried by social media so they need to most flashy garbage to keep their attention from going to other places when watching anime
last time i saw this thread someone slowed down the animation to like 0.5x and it immediately looked way better, the animation is good its just way too fast
it's probably gonna rack in easy money for the people that are easy to get and the amount of streamers and vtubers are gonna ride that train to the bank.
nobody expects quality from the chinese
it's the dancing bear thing, you don't expect him to dance well, just the fact he's sort of doing it is enough
Disagree, it's nice to see anime styled games that have actual exaggerated movement in their characters rather than stiff boards that stand around and do nothing.
All the webms everyone has posted in this thread... and mp4s my weeb friends give me when they want to convince me anime has gotten better than it was in the '90s...
jesus christ the animation in this show got bad
I mean, the roof shot after the 3 second mark is really cool, but that flashing shit is terrible
it's like whenever a character isn't on the screen, they don't exist
all the webms are examples of forced animation. nobody likes it except anime-tourists. Nobody who actually likes anime on a personal level likes it.
That is not Zelda CD-i.
The game simply took too long to release imo. Almost nobody but the core hoyo consoomers care at this point
we would love this if she was better looking and wasn't as chubby
Gachashit should be rangebanned
honestly might be the worst anime movie I've seen
>opening scene where they raid some villain base in their suits that were literally advertised and merchandised for the movie lasts for not even 5 minutes, theyre fighting bad guys for like a minute long before they realize they aren't even in that base anymore and its only a few enemies that stuck around
>deku goes on a cross country tour with the bird quirk guy while songs played and it felt like I was trapped watching it forever in the theatre
>that whole webm for the final fights with really overdone animation so even when they have a proper battle its a completely jumbled mess
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You dumb faggots love to complain about everything. If everything is so awful just kill yourselves. Holy shit.
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Does it go something like this?
Zenless censored dogshit
They're not as common as you think
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Yeah, that dance.
yutaka nakamura is basically the george lucas of animation at this point
his animations started out interesting, a cost effective way to make fluid animations. now it's just weird as hell with the alien blocks and unnatural poses.
What's with this new trend of awful overproduced anime.
>normal characters got censored
>furry pandering
>shirtless gay furry characters in bondage gear
>the most repetitive braindead gameplay loop that they recycled from their other dead gacha game
Nobody is going to play Zzz mr. marketer
Gamers have become too intelligent to eat such slop
why are we pretending this isn't cool?
kids into anime nowadays only really freak out over "goated" animation, anything less than really good/overproduced is called shit or like they ruined the anime.
With how Toei's treated one piece since wano I honestly can't wait for dragon ball to return, it'll be amazing the amount of over the top animation they stuff into that.
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post that webm of the retarded nonsense in that boku no hero movie. the one with the machine gun punching in space
The studio that did the school one has been like that for a long time. Looking at japs' comments they actually liked it.
This looks like a fucking Morshu YTP
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Anon already say it, zoomers have brainfog so if they don't add a lot of flashy effects and make the camera start having seizures they lose interest and start fidgeting their phones browsing tiktok and twitter
holy slop
This looks fucking horrible, like pixar shit mixed with tik tok shit.
This sucks so fucking much
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i jerk off exclusively to clothed women. naked women are boring and fashion/aesthetics go a much longer way in getting me off. i have jerked off to big titty cleavage and upskirts over a thousand times.
I don't think you can just go zoomiezoomiezoomzoom on this, it's not like this place hasn't been awful for the exact same reason since forever.
you can tell the exact frames that were outsourced to filipinos
>YTP: Morshu transforms into an anime girl
>it's just him pitch-shifted slightly higher and the animation speeds up and slows down to match the voice lines
Hell, that animation is repulsive
by the way holy fuck this 4mb limit is fucking gay i had to compress this to shit i should just make a webm of it since op is too gay to do it not in a shit quality
this has less temporal stability than ai
The thing is, it's objectively impressive that they're able to do it in one cut. But either they don't listen to the director or he's just really awful at storyboarding.
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my fucking sides holy shit
This is fucking epic
3d patreon porn has that overly bouncy obnoxious animation
ranma's tits were better animated than this garbage
Indian-soap-opera-ass editing
Thank god I don't watch modern anime.
yeah, Kamen Rider is a good show
>its better than no personality awfulness of real women.
you don't talk to girls
Good impact frames, absolutely awful everything else.
>over 50% heterosexual
math isn't your strong suit, is it
this is the worst animation I've ever seen. is this from ZZZ?
This is absolutely disgusting
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The exaggeration is too much. Not even Pixar movies are this bad. It gives me the same feeling as those videos depicting TikTokers moving like fictional characters.
she looks like she takes at least 20 cocks a day, are there any characters in this game that don't appear to be raging whores?
That's fucking kino, especially the songs melody. Like 2000s pop punk.
>she looks like she takes at least 20 cocks a day
That's hot. I'd love to clean her pussy after
being attracted to semen is not really a good thing if you are a male
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Post the rest of the clip, coward. If the whole game is animated the same as this retard, I probably won't be playing it for long.
Spot on. Overanimation isn't just a buzzword here.
Agree with the other anon, that flashing effect is annoying but the roof pan out is kino
Do you know what year it is
Is such a thing even possible? Theatre and plays have had actors doing grossly overexaggerated emoting for Millenia so the people in the back can tell what's going on; having characters subtlety emoting was a product of the modern era.

If anything massively overanimating is a retvrn to tradition.
it's literally the bollywood cut meme
What's the bollywood cut meme
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is that Gauss?
I'm not convinced that there is any amount of context that could make sense of what is happening in this webm.
how did you endup here fag?
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what the fresh fuck is this supposed to convey?
I'd like to know when "gooning" replaced "edging". like, they are seriously essentially the exact same
that they really really like american animated movies
I have yet to see a piece of media related to gooning that hasn't been the most obnoxious cringe shit possible
Beat me. Any retard here pretending to be edgy and cool won't give you a valid reason as to why it's bad. I bet my ass that 100% of (You)s that webm received are the shitty opinions of retards who can't draw for shit, let alone animate.
It's upsetting how close this is to being good if anything.
Why does he twerk and slap his ass?
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>UHHH UHHH it didn't trannify anyone in the 60s, or 70s, or 80s, or 90s, or 00s, and only started with my faggot ass generations
go back
there's nothing good about it, shit eater
The smearing is good, the key poses are good and have character.
With less spastic tiktok tier animation in between poses this could be great.
You're not wrong but you're the giving the retard you're replying to way too much credit if you think he even knows about terms like key poses or smearing.
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Eh, got to fish for your reply, so I'm good.
Thanks bro.
love this one
>censored chink cero
no thanks
You’re taking braindead /v/eddit buzzwords too seriously.
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This is why demon slayer won
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>modern anime is fucking garbage
Dont worry, donghuas will carry the oriental animation.
Gooning is more debased than edging. In uh, pure terms, edging is just the art of delaying climax to prolong pleasure during masturbation. Gooning is a lifestyle, if you dare to call it that. Gooning includes edging as a practice, but gooners also engage in sensory overload, often watching multiple porn films at once, creating personalized goon caves with their favorite porn stars on the wall, and practice their goonery with an almost religious fervor. Some may engage in other fetishes such as findom or hypnosis.
Why the fuck would I want to imagine a real woman? You niggers are so stupid, holy shit.
too many colors, too much stuff going on, but it's way better than the other one
It’s called Looney toons newfrag
Next time maybe make a webm that's not lower resolution than a fucking SNES game.
And looney troons is garbage. Your point?
All those squares made a circle.
>too many colors
What does this mean it's mostly warm colors against cool colors
>too much stuff going on
it's easy to follow due to the final shot, you may not have been paying attention (put your phone down)
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this but I get hard instead
there's not an actual man with a camera on his shoulder recording the anime scenes :) Someone draws them.
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why do you fantasize about girls you find attractive having sex with other men?
this but I selfinsert as the chad and I get smug about it instead
Because he's based
>low quality
>streaming site watermark
>interpolated garbage
ahh yes, perfect
way to break my immersion, asshole
you should fantasize about having sex with them yourself. this is why porn needs to be banned.
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I had a "friend" who would always download movies and anime in interpolated 60fps because "it's better" and I always thought it looked like garbage
NTA but I fantasize fucking Damaris Philips
My ex used to grab my hair and either press my face into her huge boobs or simply lay down on me so my face got stuck inbetween them.
One time I actually almost blacked out, she thought that me grasping for air was funny so she pressed on just a few seconds longer as my vision started fading into black on the edges already. She never stopped bullying me with her cowtits.

I hate big boobs ever since.
The flashing actually syncs up with the song so it's not as cheesy once you consider the finished product. Ef is kino.
things that never happened
>That bitrate
Jesus christ, do zoomers not understand that bitrate > resolution?
Making a high resolution webm with a fucking dogshit bitrate defeats the fucking purpose of making it such a high resolution to begin with.
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That arc might be the worst of any large shonen to be ever produced
Zoomers have no taste, just look at how many "ANIME AT 60 FPS" videos there are on youtube.
Fuck off prude
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What's wrong with this? It's just a triple spin kick.
because I'm a gacha player, duh
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It was fine, ufo was starting to lose the plot with the pacing but it never became offensive. Definitely not as good as entertainment district.
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Fixed the bitrate and interpolation issues.
unironically looks better
The Americans losing their minds when this happened was hilarious.
Incest is like entry-level when it comes to anime, especially this kind where it's not even incest, just incestbait.
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Swordsmith Village arc has not a single redeeming quality and I regret wasting my time on it. I hate it almost as much as OPM S2.
reminder that her tits are nerfed!
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I don't know anything about that, but I have heard groids are into JJK for whatever reason. Ah well, popularity happens and they'll move onto something else in time.

is this the stiffiest of men?
what's a groid
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black people
feels like watching naruto all over again
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>Every single character is massively off model
>Bizarre gradient skintones to replace shading
>Clashing ugly 3D-render textures for any metallic surface
>Nauseating full screen blur and camera panning to hide the poor animation during action scenes
>Constant smoke and debris effects to save on drawing environments
>The sound effects are fucking wet farts over and over again

I'll never not be angry
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>not a single redeeming quality
Two big ones right here
We need to go further
I never noticed her tits were 3d, they did a good job of applying it
yikes. I thought japan had no bad animators...
It means you have shame and self awareness, which is a rare trait noways.
Around last fall last year.
Found the zoom zoom, kill yourself.
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Maybe try consuming something before 2015, when the ipad generation weren't adults.
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Honestly games would be better if this was the case. The entire problem with modern mocap animation and face scanning is that the in-game result is EXACTLY like watching some real life sperg awkwardly standing around
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spinning cameras are cool, exaggrated movements are cool, you're all just joyless, soulless, faggots
yes seriously, not everyone is a grandpa who watched every single anime
no they're not, fuck off
Technically it's very impressive, but it lacks subtlety, grace and restraint.
I'm not going to pretend that I can produce something better, or even give valid criticism aside from a vibe, but I think the scene being so loud and over the top is proving to be off-putting for some Anons.
They should hire theater actors to do mocap, not software developers
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Just hire fucking animators goddammit, I don't want to play games to watch some faux video-recording of some real life fuck
>Dark Souls1 Bosses vs Elden Ring bosses.
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Because le quirky wackyman XD deadpool le chimichanga!
the choreography is literally incoherent, with the camerawork being so spastic that you can't even track where the fuck the characters are moving, spatially
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>zoomer jumpscare
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Tfw /v/ has finally conceded that Japan cannot make anything good anymore. I think it's time to admit that Lowtax was right when he stated that there is nothing worth praising about Japanese media. It's all cringeworthy lightshows with retarded looking characters for basement dwellers to jack off to.
It's the mouth, they open so loud
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This pic always BTFO them
>I never understood the appeal of anime
>I should share opinions from the same brain on an anime image board
I look like this and walk like in school
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nothing is sacred
I'm definitely gonna goon to her. Stroking rn.
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That's a movie.
Yes, the shit that basically tries to animationkino itself by being overly animated thanks to its much higher budget than the actual TV series.
Modern anime is goyslop for trannies.
the girls is way hotter in the new one, whats the problem?
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Agreed that these look fantastic and that animation has gotten worse, but they're also from a time when OVAs were given practically unlimited budgets because no one knew how much they should cost to make. It's like saying "Wow, Ghost in the Shell sure looks better than Pokemon right?"
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Stop playing chinkshit.
Stop playing gookshit.
Stop playing gachashit.
You're better than this, /v/.
Same but with furry tits. I love tits so much. I blame it on a sexual encounter early in my life that involved some real gargantuan badonkers.
china and korea make the best video games in the world now, since they aren't pozzed at all.
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holy esl zoomer gacha consoomer
uncensored nicole... sigh...
oh noooo I put an extra s at the end, I guess I'm bad at english now. the new holo is hotter too, btw.
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Holy based.

/v/'s friendship has officially ended with Japan.
Is this gachashit?
Most of the Ufotable workload is 3D, actually. They animate most of their major and frantic scenes with 3D models first, getting all the base frames and motions as well as cinematography down, then draw per necessary frame over top and then apply the final detail layer, coloring and the VFX in compositing. This is why Ufotable has tons of 3D backgrounds and CGI effects all over the place, as they're fundamentally drawing over 3D animation to begin with.
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Right is better
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Right is tranime goyslop
imagine using toriyama art as an example of good lmaooo. and yeah, right is better. there is nothing better in this world than beautiful girls, so showing off their bodies like that makes it better than other kinds of art.
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wtf some of these characters look okay
That one is cute
Right makes my cock hard so I don't care
I am now ready to jump into the Hoyoverseâ„¢.
china's government literally censors their media, and both korea and japan are american colonies. what do you mean?
>they're fundamentally drawing over 3D animation to begin with
This part I knew from following some animators posting their work in progress. I still think the Ufotable blatant 3d use is pretty shit usually. The snapshot in question was good because you wouldn't be able to tell without freeze framing
try forming a sentence using human words
That's a zoomer. Their entire generation is obsessed with gook music and chink phonegames.
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kpop is the best music in the world right now
Is his power bionicles
Left is forced animation
shit like this is why im no longer a fan of anime really
>The two that come from off-screen
/v/ used to shit on games like on the right back in mid 2000s for being coomerbait weebshit, but since the culture war now it's like the pinnacle of what games should be, else they are woke or some shit
Left is forced animated shit just like OP.
>Tons of Nips are really autisticly in airsoft and detective stories
>Haven't gotten any good crime/military thrillers
Bros I just want the Japs to make the anime version of Heat
isnt that the point of animation... to show it off?
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>/v/ used to shit on games like on the right back in mid 2000s for being coomerbait weebshit
that never happened
Bottom looks like tiktok zoomer video.
>thread is complaining about over animated models blaming it on zoomer taste
>comparison shows modern animation is actually less animated than it used to be
>people also complain about it
make up your mind already
What is it? Bottom one looks amazing
>hoyoslop shills

take it to /vg/ gachaturds
this movie sucked ass
What if...both are true
Sorry, still not going to play your censored slop.
The problem is that even in the manga, the entertainment district arc is the best fucking arc. Demon Slayer goes downhill so fucking fast after this. Its not bad but it never hits this high ever again.
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idk what the story is like but that's the best animation I've ever seen
>Niggas will literally defend low effort gachaslop because the culture war has eroded any standards they had
>initial ZZZ marketing is bara furries and gay furries, and censor the females
>99% of all post-launch content is females in revealing clothes anyway, and a bunch of sexy almost-lolis are in development
The fuck was the point then?
Cringe as fuck but hips ripe for pregnancy
NA release when?
>he hasn't seen hunter x hunter
The fuck are you doing here? Go watch it now, it's the best shit ever.
why are you complaining about more grounded animation when you also hate overdone animation, explain your logic to me
>Tranime keep spamming his forced animation shit video
Okay, we know you loved tiktok.
if you can't see a difference between the the top clip and OPs clip then you're being dishonest
>just started watching anime on tiktok
enjoy your brain rot
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I'm sure you'll learn a couple more words after your first week here
Isn't it like a a hundred episodes long and dead manga?
I'm interested but I'm too old to just spend whole days watching anime. I've not watched anything in half a decade.
I don't like the way she looks
>stop making demons look like demons with skin change
I fuck hate this shit
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She's a 4* trash so its acceptable.
It is, but it's also based. And despite being the shittier one in the comparisons, the newer anime is still above average.
nothing about left is forced. it was clearly made by a talented team that understands how to direct a scene and character movement
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why is it censored though?
I thought chinks were above the law
You okay tranime? gonna cry?
Unironically troon and normalfag pandering. HOyo said that they censor as per the CCP's request, only for the CCP to be asked and they said they never made Genshin censor anything.
Yeah I don't really understand why they censored the game and then do animations like this anyway.
furfag pandering
Goddamn I'm so fucking glad I grew out of anime years ago. Imagine actually liking this embarrassing fucking shit as a grown-ass adult.
>the honest to god Rider Kick at the end.
>Livestream video started
>3 new pedoshit character
>Zero new furrygod character
I wished.
I'll only play when the idol lolis get in the game, you don't hire fucking waterkuma to do the character designs and waste this much time without lolis
nu anime is mostly popular among kids and teens, but there's still a decent amount of older zoomers and younger millennials that watch the newest shit.
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Shit taste
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>finished the manga, it was cute
>heard it got an anime
>this is the first episode I see
Guess not all animation studios can be winners
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Youre supposed to watch better and more mature anime as you grow up with either a glass of wine or whiskey in hand.
It's pretty incredible how JC Staff singlehandedly murdered this franchise. OPM and Kemono Friends were probably the two biggest IP assassinations of the last decade.
Anime looks so fucking shit now because it's all outsourced to norks and flips
Quit making me regret watching the top one.
You're lucky that shit was still so good that it's probably worth watching again.
dead on arrival, censored to hell and back over time

azur promilia will be the real coom game
This is what it means to be "overanimated".
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Gooning and Fapping aren't the same, zoomie.
>third person mirrors edge with anime girls
picked up
>naked rain
now I'll play your game
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uhhh bros?
you need to be over 18 to use this site
>game is called naked rain
>you want to see all the characters naked
I want you to die
You could always watch the pseudcore stuff like Legend of Galactic Heroes.
>Genshin = Zelda
>ZZZ = Devil may cry
>Naked rain = Spiderman
What's next? A Baldur's gate gacha?
>What's next? A Baldur's gate gacha?
AFK Journey.
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I mean, Baldur's Gate with well drawn well animated anime girls doesn't sound bad at all. Fuck off with the gacha shit though
>Legend of Galactic Heroes.
most boring show I've ever seen
I'm pissed this went radio silent for an entire year (not as bad as Dokev fucking off for 5 years at least)
I'm praying it means they're getting shit done so it'll be a fun game when it launches
>most boring show I've ever seen
based anon
What hobby isn't getting invaded by trannies? Even women's sports is being taken over by dudes in dresses.
monkey's paw dictates the only games with attractive women must be chink shit and gacha
case on point >>681155073
holy fuck do none of these anime have directors or storyboarders worth a shit? Old anime studios would KILL for this many frames but actually deliver good fucking anime because they had good direction
I would love this if she was uglier and chubbier
>animation has gotten worse
Nah, there's plenty of great animation all over the place and the popular stuff looks better than ever. /v/ just doesn't want to expose themselves to it because they like being the smug uninformed and detached elitist.
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old good new bad
imagine calling me a tranny for thinking an objectively cuter girl is better than the old one
yeah, some retard read the word goon somewhere and assumed it meant "coom," I see normies misusing it all the time
This but unironically
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Can you name a single animator working on dbs
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this one is actually super fucking good though, dogshit bitrate and interpolation aside
>clear impact and force on every attack, focus kept on single character animation or the scenery
>simple camera shots with good composition that makes it very easy to understand what's going on, cuts conservately and zooms out when needed.

had to be the GOAT OPM S1
also probably inspired by marvel shit
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you're making the same argument that the game industry hasn't gotten worse because 2 or maybe 3 good games a year have been released
Obviously there's a lot of trannies among anime fans. It's mainly young people watching anime and they've all been trannified.
What's the series?
Minecraft reference
I'm talking about an entirely different industry with much less Jewish infiltration. One you basically don't engage in but want to have declarative power over. You're a mental midget, Marge.
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95% of good animation is just having even "decent" quality direction
>they like being the smug uninformed and detached elitist.
Kek must be talking about yourself
Why is mordern anime so fucking shiny.
it's what kids like
porn addiction is one of the main symptoms of being a tranny, so your infatuation with fictional women and complete disregard for everything else isn't helping your case here.
>It's mainly young people watching anime and they've all been trannified.
So the issue is Zoomers.
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Nardos flat look was a mistake from the very beginning

Why pretend you care about something you don't keep up with
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Most women look like that when they see me too
3dpd has no place here anyway
>Censored and forced animation
oof and big yikes
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Probably to replace more detailed art and shading with a generic fill. You can see the massive cost cutting and shortcuts everywhere
recommend me good animu

with faitan like
bottom of >>681156071
and >>681158898

and girls like

Shame she's gonna spend all of her 20s and 30s on birth control getting turned inside-out by a revolving door of guys off tinder who she doesn't even know the name of, then when she decides to settle down at 43 her eggs are all gone and her womb is rotted out.
Society is over
Then don't you whiny faggot, damn. Fucking oldfags always complaining about things being too long when they do nothing but shitpost on 4chan. It's too good for you anyway
It actually is forced. It adds a lot of pointless padding to the scene to increase the chase, when the entire point of the scene is that Gon is no match for Hanzo. Gon gets like three seconds of actual movement before Hanzo takes him down and then spends the rest of the match torturing him. Letting Gon run around, even running on walls, when at this point Gon wouldn't be close to that degree of physical ability, just waters down the impact of the scene.
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You can pause every frame and find a gem
I swear every anime now is filled with bloom, 3D assets and after effect shaders. Looks like some shitty reshade shader over it.
He was... too based.......
can't believe how much it mogs zzzzzzz
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/a/ will also tell you that this pile of trash has some deep intricate story and character development.
Season 1 was kino but Season 2 is absolute dogwater from the very getgo
What the fuck?
Oh hey I saw that girl getting raped
>Season 1 was kino but Season 2 is absolute dogwater from the very getgo
True. Almost the entire second season felt like filler. It was mostly about his erectile dysfunction, wtf were they thinking.
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Left is better
anime animation is too over the top, waaay to much detail and over animation, makes since why autistic weirdos like trannies are interested in it. Its why western cartoons will always be superior.
"We want to alienate our Chinese audience" the .webm
It's not pointless padding, its to show the distinction between their abilities. Both are fast, but the right scene makes Gon look like he jobbed while the left shows the full extent of his abilities which is eventually outmatched by his opponent(I never watched HxH). It's properly setting the stakes while not being boring to watch. You're probably not going to understand this and think everything needs to be boiled down to the bare essentials which is peak soulless behavior
lmao you faggots are retarded
>N-No but you have to understand that he has to deal with his TRAUMA from being bullied in his previous life 40 years ago! He hasn't been able to cope being a literal magical god raised in a wealthy loving family in a fantasy world!

Rudeus is the absolute perfect example of some fat /a/ neckbeard selfinsert. He also ends up with like 5 wives while they're salivating about MUH DEEP STORY AND CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT
>Its why western cartoons will always be superior.
you jest, but no anime is better than king of the hill, peak simpsons, or the first 3 seasons of spongebob.
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He never said that.
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why is his eye yellow now
>forced animation thread
Post gear 5 luffy fight scenes I unironically love them
jesus fucking christ what's with the 3d lego monster
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>Deku vs will smith
Left is sponny as fuck & far better
>General Black
Piccolo was black, and he was a main character
Gon didn't job, hes a 12 year old kid vs an 18 year old whose been training since he could walk. It's meant to be a shocking and unexpected display of how Gon is completely and utterly out of his depths against someone like Hanzo, that nothing Gon could actually do would match up. We know Gon is fast and strong, and up till this point only Hisoka was actually a match for him, his match with Hanzo was meant to demonstrate that Gon is still a greenhorn and incapable of physically beating Hanzo, which then leads to him winning by refusing to surrender, and Hanzo being unable to make Gon admit defeat since he can't kill him.
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Daily reminder that this anime is the worst anime since Sword Art Online but there is a huge marketing push by big anime influences to get normalfags to watch it.
loli pee
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i lost interest in this show when they turned the red haired girl into a hag
>no one posting wanpiss zoomermations

Hypocrites all of you.
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whatever floats your boat
Come to think of it, I don't think I've seen anyone on 4chan praise this show unironically. Overpowered self-inserts who can do no wrong truly are the death of anime.
Scroll up, retard
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this post reeks of reddit
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what the fuck is that dragon suppose to be its moving weird
Just go through a few chapters/episodes and then decide if it's worth your time to keep going. I don't understand why people are so scared to merely start things. You're not marrying it, and you're not required to binge it all in a week either.
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Movie Griffith is like 20% hotter
I just really, really like this keyframe artist. I think he did Gundam Thunderbolt (?) too
I actually really liked the weird Loony Toons shit with G5 and all the whacky faces all the characters were doing.
The thing that is off is you see the frame of Bugs Bunny's face stretch and smear for just a frame or two before returning to model, and the smear in-between was in service of moving from one keyframe to the next. You often would need to pause and go frame-by-frame to catch the kind of smear animation in classic cartoons.
This new animation trend is basically ONLY keyframes, the model is always being deformed and exaggerated with a ton of secondary animation, and most of the smears are not actually in service of conveying movement. Frames like >>681142565 >>681144040 pop out at you in ordinary viewing instead of being part of a motion that you would miss if you weren't pausing.
I've been watching Captain Harlock, lately. It's been great so far.
>believing the ccp spokesshills
Mihoyo got told to censor the tiddies
Then they got told that they didnt get told to censor the tiddies
But they still gotta censor the tiddies
or you could spend time on a different and better medium instead
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>forced animation
there is a more forced meme?
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so cool!
Stamp, Spear and Missile combo really was disgusting.
that looks horrid
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what anime
wow i'm glad i stopped giving a shit about green naruto after S3
Ah yes, my favorite Skyrim webm
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holy kek
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>gacha thread derailed into /a/ thread
while funny i would've liked to see more gacha tribalism
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Mushoku Tensei.
35 year old pedo neet loser dies and becomes Kirito 2.0. in a fantasy world.
here you go bro more new forced animation gacha soon
made by azur lane devs so the chibi creatures will probably have half naked skins at some point
this garbage proves both japan and the entire world has no taste and slop will never stop being made. that webm of the japanese people cosplaying frieren characters but saying mushoku tensi is better was eye opening.
good call anon, I dropped it slightly earlier after really enjoying season 1. The series has only gone downhill since that class A-1 introduction scene at like episode 6 or whatever. I recently watched the most recent 3 episodes randomly for shits and giggles, skipping 4 seasons and there's literally nothing of importance missed, its like you missed a handful of episodes
clicheslop webm
>that webm of the japanese people cosplaying frieren characters but saying mushoku tensi is better was eye opening.
got a link or something?
Like I said, there's A LOT of of high subscribed YouTube influences who are obviously paid to speak praise about it in the west. I'm not sure about Japan, but the fact it's so well revived on reddit proves it.
cuck anime
Mr. Mosquito, zoomer
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wow Konosuba is still going
what the fuck is happening?
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haha yes
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>One Piece anime is absolute dogshit, this is not disputed
>The manga is absolute dogshit and on top of that has literally the worst paneling of any manga I've ever seen
What the fuck is this vomit
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Sex with York
I've tried 2 times to read the manga, and I dropped it around the midway point both times
hell hath no fury like a pan girl with a tumblr account with 1000 followers
When people say that, they're mostly referring to the pacing because the anime is 1:1 adaptation of the manga. As in 15 pages is stretched to 20 minutes of runtime.
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>nobody posting the animation of the male robot slapping his big fat ass that comes right before OP's animation in the promo video
bro... what the fuck is this shit?
100 GFs who really really really love you is on some serious shit
What the fuck is Daft Punk doing there?
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That's very true
It was posted, dummy
I remember people saying it was one of the weaker episode too. OPM is too good to be real.
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is it censored or not??????????????
opm is dogshit outside the animation quality on some of the fights
based chudcel
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Now post the one with deku punching the air while wearing those huge square shoes
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flip flappers
demon slayer
Looks cute. Only issue is that the nose appears for a split second then disappears. It doesn't look bad so they should just show the nose like normal.
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If you want a real explanation for why ZZZ looks the way it does, ZZZ is being made by Mihoyo's new Montreal branch, not their Chinese studio.
It's the French. It's always the French.
You're still posting on this embarassing website
that remake looks like it was made for fujos
>sex and rape aren't the same thing
Opening The Door is a timeless classic
>i'm so glad i became a jaded adult
Because it's way easier to make shine effects and gradients on digital software.
You've got to remember; animation is a relatively new artform, and digital animation is even newer than that. You're witnessing growing pains.
i love it, when is this coming out? is it gonna be on Steam like Blue Archive or is it gonna be launcher exclusive like Wuthering Waves?
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oh so that's why the animation has elements of the based french
Jesus Christ our lord and savior look at that FIGURE
gooner animation
kill yourself
anime is by far the worst medium of enterntaiment
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sex with the pudding fairy!
it was gone for a while, then a megumin spin off came out and then a proper new season
guess i was right
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you should leave this thread
i'll rape it out of her
Because I can't follow what's going on, everyone is clearly doing things but the moment they're off camera they cease to exist. If the villain is the focal point the camera should be trained on them acting and reacting to the multiple protagonists. Instead the camera is swinging around like it's desperate to lock on to someone but can't figure out which.
>suddenly boobs out of nowhere
what figure
Right, please
He was right that you're a faggot?
doesn't kirito actually not lose in fights though?
why the fuck are they moving around like they're jelly? it's actually pissing me off, holy shit.
i guess we'll never stop getting sao clones huh
Those blueish dungeon walls on left look fucking great. Way more atmospheric than the dull gray bricks.
It's called innovation. It's nice to see it happen in animation for once. Not everything needs to adhere to the strict doctrine of the past 80 years. Dunno why people are still hung up at making sure stuff is animated at 24 fps. Especially in the digital age where we don't need physical slides/film anymore. It's not that 'overanimating' things looks bad, it's just that you've been stuck animating and watching animation at lower than 30 fps since forever. There's nothing wrong with 'overanimating.' If your eyes can process more than 24 fps a second, then why not take advantage of that with adding a few extra frames to your animations? They don't reduce the impact or communication of the original animation or anything.
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This thread is finished so I can finally post medabots
It's not really plot oriented so despite the long breaks anyone can get back into it just fine
correct, kirito has never lost ever
mushy tenshi dude gets his ass kicked and terrible shit happens to him like 95% of the time
>overly animated
That clip seems more underanimated than overanimated. The camera movement could be a lot smoother. Maybe someone can use AI to fill in the missing frames.
this has nothing to do with 24fps or 30fps, the animation looks fucking great because they're incorporating western cartoon smearing styles in 3d and I love it
I'm surprised nobody posted the tranimai ending webm
just google it
The current "innovation" has been to either downgrade the 3D animation itself to play at like 12 frames per second to try and simulate 2D drawings like they did with shit like 'Into the Spiderverse' or that new 'Puss in Boots' movie, or they make the characters move around way too fucking much like they have ADHD and they're made out of jelly with no bones connecting any of their tissues together. It's fucking obnoxious.
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It's not the fps, it's them making a bunch of extreme movements in a short amount of time
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If anything, most things are actually 'Underanimated.' There's no reason why TV, anime, or games should run at high framerates. This stuff looks so cool and fresh. Regular TV/film is a blurry mess. I don't mind AI generation for inbetweens if it means we can capture movement at a higher framerate.
>they're incorporating smears in 3D models
retard. that's not a good thing. it looks like dogshit. properly used, subtle motion blur can do just fine when it comes to conveying the motion like they're trying to do with smear frames.
it doesn't look great
kill yourself lying nigger redditor
Pedo Kirito 2.0 is the strongest mage ever and has the entire world handed to him on a silver platter
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she's so cute wtf
Is ZZZ gonna be good or just another flop like Star Rail?
I strongly disagree and think 3D smear frames are fun.
>anime animation is too over the top, waaay to much detail and over animation
Just watch anime that's not over the top or detailed and the problem is solved.
you don't understand, he ONLY got the mana higher than a god when I was like 3 years old, mastered advanced spells and beyond a couple years later with the live in female personal tutor his wealthy family hired for him, gets to train with a sword king, gets a demon god eye, gets revived 'because', masters other languages in a few weeks, has some crown prince of a kingdom throw himself at him as his servant because he made an anime figurine of clay and ONLY gets like 5 wives
God, I hope the new movie isn't animated like this with Shinbo back in the driver's seat.
I'd argue it's at least partially about the fps, because with less fps you have to plan your animations carefully, which is why there's such a big emphasis on smearing and impact. You have to get the message across in a finely tuned amount of limited time so that's why we try to emphasize certain things more like impact. But with more fps, you can capture smaller details with less smearing, or use the same amount of smearing while doing more actions like in the OP. With less frames the movements might be too fast and rushed. But they can add all those silly but fun secondary animations. Normally you wouldn't do that in traditional animation because you'd have less to work with.
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Then I give you a thousand more.
>should run
meant shouldn't run
If we can capture stuff in a higher fps we should
dude just read a book on magic when you're 6 months old and you'll be throwing planet buster spells by the time your 15. also three wives.

pedo tensei redditors should stay on their website
high fps animation leaves no room for the viewers brain to just fill in the blanks + had to make their eyes work harder at just taking it all the detail from that shit with no pause anywhere to just sort of wind down so it ends up looking weird as fuck and its sort of tiring to the eyes and a one minute fight clip can end up feeling like you just went through 10 minutes of watching some shit.
i seen demon slayer (at least some of it)

i'll give flip flappers a shot, ty
watch hajime no ippo. top 3 all time shows for me
the manga is absolute dogshit, is the anime really better?
>Kemono Friends
qrd? the only thing i know from this franchise is the penguin who worshipped a penguin waifu character.
The difference is night and day. Literally.
Kemono Friends 2 was better doe. 3 being a mobile game is some shit
the creator is a huge made in abyss fanboy
>waving her pussy aroma around with her legs
what a little minx
is she using a robot arm?
That smell is nasty
That webm is fucking disgusting, what is wrong with you.
maybe if you're gay. i fucking swoon for the scent of good pussy.
a bad bitch smell like a bad bitch
and that smell is good
you're not going to trick me
get u a stinky fuckin girl
get u a girl that doesnt shower or brush her teeth
that smells like a wet dog

that bitch got that gorilla grip bro, the kinda bitch that only sees other humans like once a week
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