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Install CachyOS and come home NVIDIAbros
> cachyos meme
Install arch, add their repo, install their kernel. There's no need to install the whole fucking OS.
but i still use 900 series gpu
>apt install nvidia-driver
I've used Nvidia on Linux for 15 years. Also, I'll never use Wayland. So basically, I'm already home.
First post worst post

CachyOS is user friendly unlike base Arch and requires far less user input than Arch
But I want to play videogames
What's makes Cachy different from Manjaro and Endeavour and all the other Arch derivatives? Seems every time someone mentions Linux there's a new Arch based derivative that people are shilling offering nothing over base Arch besides a different neofetch.
>What's makes Cachy different from Manjaro and Endeavour and all the other Arch derivatives?
Their kernel. Good thing you can simply use said kernel on any arch installation.
From my understanding it's optimized packages for different architectures, but not as good as something like funtoo. It's another arch meme that's being shilled recently.
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It differs heavily on installation, the most important and sensible part of setting a new OS.

It's extremely easy and fast to install CachyOS compared to Arch.

Once both are installed they're pretty much the same
Meanwhile in reality there's archinstall that every retard uses.
You're in luck, Linux plays more games than all game consoles' libraries combined.
Last I heard Manjaro is still the king of linux gaming performance, it beats Cachy, Garuda, Endeavour. Not by a lot, like 2~5 fps avg.
archinstall does the exact same thing
Archtrannies fuck off.
Chads install things that just werk.
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Cachyos IS arch you buffoon.
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If you're going that route you also moved the goal posts since Archinstall is harder for a new user and requires more user input than Calamares

Calamares is still faster, easier and less prone to fuck ups than Archinstall
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I am home.
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i installed linux mint cinnamon, the retard's linux OS, and everything I've tried except stuff cock blocked by anti cheat (pubg) has worked. That includes torrented Cyberpunk 2077 and Starfield, and legit Elden Ring, and more. I have to use Steam's proton, obviously, and there's some minor issues I had to solve (for example when first running some games I had to manually process end some extra directx/direct3d or something like that installers. Also the games can take like, over 3 minutes to launch.

I've never used any other branch, but I'm sure none of them are as simple and easy to use as linux mint. Get over yourselves and your super special branches, nerds.
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Typing archinstall is so hard.
Just because a TUI can't play subway surfers in the background doesn't mean that it's bad.
It's an installer, it doesn't have to be pretty.
>troonix meme
fuck off back to /g/, your containment board.
I never said it's bad, it has its purpose. It's inferior for new users objectively
Imagine the bug videos possible on an underpowered linux pos.
As if newfags will have a good time on arch without understanding bash for manual intervention that's inevitable.
I'm a newfag having a good time with cachy and i have no idea what bash even does
Have fun once pacman or reflector requires manual intervention. Or if you need to fix it from the tty once your de shits itself to death.
Making Arch isn't just for elititst gatekeeping, making the install for Arch too easy is an issue because when your GUI installed arch-based distro blows up (and it will eventually) you're completely fucked and you'll have no idea how to fix it or how anything works, you won't even have the words needed to describe your problem. Installing arch the old way was a good way to familiarize yourself with how Unix-like computers work. It served as a litmus test to see if you had the requisite INT score needed to use/maintain an Arch based system. If you can install Arch from scratch you pass, and you're likely intelligent enough to solve any issues you may encounter while using Arch.

Arch distros just give their users a false sense of security and just create more problems down the road. Arch isn't user friendly and its not for everyone. If you can't install Arch you have no business using an Arch base distro either.
i'll just ask for help
why should I use your special sekrit club branch instead of something easier?
>special sekrit club branch
Anon's talking about the source project.
>its a great day for linux when their compositor isnt fucking broken
this is shit windows people dont need to think about since windows 95.
dont care
>SDR faggot
lol, get with the times grandpa.
Recording a screen is a feature that every single modern desktop supports ootb. You're a backwards tranny retard that works at RH.
I dont need that shit to play good games and nothing that has come out in the last 8 years has been good.

Just lose more performance by using xwayland and wine at the same time, bro. It's good for you.
no thanks im still using EOS
Why do derivativefags always push their shitty flavor of the month meme os? It’s bad enough that you’re using arch let alone the tranny version of it
Real men don’t need archinstall, just partition your drive, pacstrap the system into it and chroot for the rest… it’s not that hard and you learn a lot about configuration in the process. The only thing I don’t enjoy is ensuring grub knows what partition id to use and not leave you with an unbootable system, but fixing that in the live usb is easy enough. At this point I can install arch in about 30 minutes if I use Ethernet and dhcp
Stop using grub.
>proprietary drivers
You will never be a real woman.
Make something better and I will.
One of the nouveau devs not works at nvidia. He's been doing some fantastic open source work for the 40 series.
why would you waste your most precious resource in life like that? what the fuck anon?

i just press next in calamares until partitions, create /boot, /home and / and i'm done, it takes me less than 5 minutes to install
refind and systemd
nouveau is trash.
Your UEFI already has a better bootloader.
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>Also, the games can take over 3 minutes to launch
Absolute state of Linux fags
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anyone using win 10 or 11 is a literal cuck. I'll take my 180 second launch times on a couple games.
>why waste your time??
Anon not everything in life needs to be production, I enjoy fiddling with stuff like this, it’s cathartic knowing everything was made correctly
Are you waiting for the shaders to process? You can skip that, you know. Other use it shouldn’t take anywhere near that long to start a game
fair enough
Love it but it can also get fucked if you don’t check the refind.conf, it will most likely point to the USB drive partition instead of your nvme, leading to an unbootable install until you fix it
whats a good os for a amd graphics card
windows 98
AMD is well supported under Linux thanks to valve, but NVIDIA might just surpass it with this update
Windows 11, as always. Any other answer is the deranged ramblings of a tranny.
AMD sucks under windows anon, it breaks every other day
>b-b-b-but XYZ new feature
don't care, didn't ask, playing games here
This was never true, mabjaro is arch with 2 weeks old packages
AMD is fine on windows if you don't let Microsoft replace your drivers with theirs

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