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post the argentinian tranny meltdown
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They'll win when we get another major update.

Removing things that should've never been in your game in the first place is NOT a win.
>trannies literally hosting bots
Reality is just a series of /v/ shitposts
Fucking lmao
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cheaters like to act high and mighty for what they do but the moment they actually get bitchslapped they piss their pants and cry like dogs for forgiveness
reminder these were the people telling you to "play another game instead of this living corpse, faggot"
>tfw bots came back after one week
Poor Tom
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>Bot hoster loses inventory worth $500+
thread theme
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oh boohoo. just neck yourself and be done with it.
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Enjoy the "win". Troons still own TF2 and TF2C btw
Damn he has good taste in mare
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>posting outdated news
>All these accounts are third worlders, trannies or both
>All of them invariably have some form of "Stay mad" or "Haters gonna hate" on their profiles
What possesses a person to be this way
lack of affection and need for validation or attention
>posting bait and lies
Literally in casual rn and there are no bots
Reminder that "common courtesy" is not a concept outside of the western world and some asian countries. Third worlders literally do not have a concept of being polite as a rule in their cultures.
>tf2 cuck so deep in denial because he rather god defend a literal monopolist game distribution platform than face the facts
can someone give me a TL;DR about what this 'tf2 win' is about?
i dont keep up on all the drama since i dont engage in social media and play the game ultra casually
So what Zesty, is your latest thing desperately hosting bots in hoping you annoy someone?
>casual mode is infested with sniper bots who score instant kills against most classes with guaranteed headshots
>Valve left the game like this for years, no matter how much the fans whined at them to do something
>eventually there’s a ban wave for some bots
>but it doesn’t counter the bot program itself so everything will go right back to shit soon
valve is starting to go after bots and bot hosters
hopefully this keeps going
aimbotting will never stop as long as hitscan remains the primary bullet method. you cannot avoid it, it's as simple as clicking a pixel = win. free FPS games will absolutely not survive an internet infested with third worlders. these types of things will only get worse and worse as time goes on as the western world prostrates itself to digital hordes. games need cheat-proof design in order to survive. FPS games are the first to die
luh mao

>TF2 infested with sniper bots that endlessly join matches, mic spam
>this is obviously majorly disruptive, TF2 community tries multiple times to get Valve to do something
>Valve does the bare minimum, bot hosters get high off their own diarrhea
>community demands help louder this time
>Valve silently begin working to destroy botters
>they mass ban botters, all their bot accounts and mains
>TF2 is playable bot-free for the first time in years

There's probably more to it, but that's the general story.
>Aim botting breaks if projectiles
>TF2 is playable bot-free for the first time in years
It's actually usually playable.
It was kind of annoying June 3rd. But that petered out after a week.
this better be a filly, baby ponies deserve the >rape
>put ants in his penis
Is everyone retarded, this is obviously a fucking hoax for attention
Why would they not just lock down the repo and hide/prevent access to it?
Because TFtrannies will believe literally ANYTHING if it involves saying TF2 isn't dead
ya seethe butt boy
...ranty that Valve will never ever give a significant update ever again
>it is IMPOSSIBLE to aimbot projectiles
hello 12 year old
Is casual mode having NO BOTS for two days also a hoax? I guess I just dreamt it! Retard
You're gonna have to give your AI a tune-up ranjesh, your bot post is clearly just responding randomly
thank you based tf2 enjoyers
to be fair, you have to be cuckoo to do something like hosting bots. to this day I still don't understand why.

calm down
>to this day I still don't understand why.
clout in their Discord communities, they post twitter screenshots of people getting mad at their bots and get social validation for it
Either he's shitposting and this isn't a real apology or they actually started melting down, what do we think?
The bot makers are literal trannies who have nothing in their lives other than ruining other people's fun, but since they're not clever or socially savvy enough to grief they hide like cowards
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I'll post it here too.
>The bot makers are literal trannies
So is most of the community. It's trannies baiting trannies baiting trannies all the way down. What's your point?
>they hide like cowards
They're attention-seeking troons almost all of them were known in the community by name, omegatronic even has an entire gay porn subpreddit now thanks to how fucking easy the community is to gaslight into doing the dumbest shit ever
i spent 15 minutes trying to find that old ass gmod video and gave up
This one?
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>trannies are LITERALLY ruining video games
Why is /v/ always right?

Or maybe this one
That's the one. Fuckin luve ya man
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I gotchu buddy
>the people shitting on #FixTF2 and calling TF2 players trannies were actual third-world trannies themselves
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seeing this kind of hubris punished is almost worth valve taking this fucking long to take action
The war on what?
Hitscan isn't the problem, since there are absolutely aimbots that can aim projectiles.
The problem is FPS games themselves. A good player in an FPS game is basically indistinguishable from an aimbotter, since FPS games all boil down to how quickly and accurately you can place shots on a target.
Update on this, he privated his main and put this on the alt
Think about it. Ever since MyM ages ago, these little shits sat on their high towers, all supported by a company taking it's sweet time to act and the smug self satisfaction of spending all that time making people miserable.

So safe, so secure in their discord hugboxes and telegram circle jerks, that they would finally destroy some old game to satisfy their vegitative egos.
...And then The Lord Cried out in roaring thunderous BOOM:


And all the degenerates, scriptkiddies, and prideful, were struck down. Their great towers, crumbling like sand in the ocean's tide. Their hubris shattered, they bay and grizzle, "IT'S NOT FAIR!", the same cry as their victims.
The Eternal Troon is real
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Neat. I stopped playing a few years ago, seems like a good time to come back.
Not gonna lie, even if it doens't stick, being able to spend hours just playing TF2 not worrying about having to drop everything to fight bots or whatever? I feel like a younger man, it's legit healing. Like I'm all the way back in 2007, just spent some of the money from my first paycheck to preorder the Orange Box and figured I might as well see what this TF2 is all about with the beta..
Wait, you're saying tf2 is actually playable RIGHT NOW? Holy shit, I'm gonna reinstall if this is true
man i'm happy for you guys and all but i hope it wasn't a tranny behind this. it's annoying having people talk about them enough as is.
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>man i'm happy for you guys and all but i hope it wasn't a tranny behind this. it's annoying having people talk about them enough as is.
Honestly they're fine if they're trans if only because they're competent and saved our game.
>if you don't want to hear about trannies then you are a tranny
That doesn't make sense.
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>That doesn't make sense
Huh? isn't this about bot hosting? either way it's annoying
yeah, it's annoying as hell because if it were literally anybody else i know people would move on but because it's a tranny there'll probably be obsessing over it because of a common enemy which will just spawn gross out humor all over.
This must be a zoomer thing I guess, I genuinely don't understand why you would voluntarily obsess over these people but it must be a weird zoomer culture thing.
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>This must be a zoomer thing I guess, I genuinely don't understand why you would voluntarily obsess over these people but it must be a weird zoomer culture thing.
>all the troons going into damage control mode itt
Wait Valve is actually doing something?
Ok lil zoom, whatever you say.
can I get a qrd on this autism?
don't get complacent yet, valve needs to keep this up and create a permanent solution to this shit, so continuing to pester them is the only option
It's something that's actively banning bot accounts as soon as they pop up, like chemo blasting cancerous bone marrow.
Shouldn't cheaters get banned by the admins pretty quickly? Aimbots are usually obvious if you can spectate them.
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fellas there's something very important missing from this testimony
where is his motivation
there is motivation, it's just mental illness
>troon gets found out
Why is this so common? Can't they accept their mistakes or something? I mean, a "sorry for hosting the bots guys" would've been enough for these people, but why does it always has to be this pity post about their life that no one cares about?
>worth $500
oh no
yeah, even assuming it's true you're still just being an ass when people want to chill out with some media
experiencing hardship is not justification for being a cunt
Jersh was right. Every "woman" named Lilith is a tranny
I think we are all remaining persistently skeptical here since the reviews hasn’t changed and we learned from the “update-sized” whatever that was said to not expect much over and we got nothing, no one is saying “valve is fully committed” we are just pointing out these bots are getting the axe and that’s something happening but not worth concluding over.
TF2 doesn't have admins. The community servers have admins and those were the safe space from the bot menace throughout the years. But the official Valve matchmaking servers were/are completely unmoderated so bots just ran rampant on them for years.
He's always right about everything except cheese. Haven't you been paying attention?
>omg so sorry for being a cunt but [insert excuse here]
I fucking hate people that do that, and when they try pulling that shit on me where's it's obvious they're not actually sorry, I just ignore them. Either genuinely apologize or keep the insincere effort to yourself.
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KEKAROO the cheatertroon meltdown and subsequent damage control was worth the wait
His take on Stellar Blade was irritating. He's not wrong about petitions being retarded and lawsuits being the only thing that works, but it's his dismissive attitude that was off putting. Yes, it's coomer shit, but it's cultural and this shitty culture that censors tiddies, is the same one that's making his website a living hell to keep running and he's too into his trad phase to see that
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Get donkin
Where's the cheater meltdown?
Maybe he wants to pick a better hill to die on against troons than "they made my coomer game slightly less of a coomer game"
They should just give the game an update and make it like $10.
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making it paid again would probably be the best way to curb the bots but it's gonna have a LOT of backlash
>>but it doesn’t counter the bot program itself
no but it looks like the hosters are about to 41% so it's pretty much over
It'd be a win win
Anyone who actually likes the game is willing to spend at least 10 bucks on it, anyone else is either a giga poorfag or some trend hopper who'll forget about it in a few months anyway.
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Stop calling Stellar Blade a coomer game, because that's Leftist/Tranny projection. Cyberpunk and BG3 are coomer games because they have nudity and sex scenes. Why is Stellar Blade a coomer game? Because Eve is an attractive female with access to cute clothes and appeals to sane heterosexual males? Leftists and trannies are the biggest coomers out of anyone and make their entire identity around sex.

Eve is pure and innocent feminine beauty devoid of degeneracy and THAT'S what makes these complete hypocrite degenerates upset.
>Eve is pure and innocent feminine beauty devoid of degeneracy
Her game was made by Koreans. People who routinely get more plastic surgery than the fucking Bogdanoffs. Whatever standard of feminine beauty they have isn't innocent and it surely isn't fucking pure
>pure and innocent feminine beauty
>worst korea
>it doesn’t counter the bot program itself so everything will go right back to shit soon
That's because the bot programs being used nowadays directly hook into the Source engine. You can thank Tyler McNigger urging on the source code leak from several years back for that one, because it provided bot programmers the means to shit out all of the cheats and hacks and shit that gets used across all of Valve's games ever since the code was made public.
A lot of the bot hosters are Russian, that's like two months wages.
Valve is desperately trying to drum up good PR for deadlock lol. They've realised that everyone will know that they abandon their own games completely so deadlock won't have a long lifespan. It was literally like 2 guys logging on to do a quick lazy ban wave. After years and years.
Also I'm guessing they didn't even bother with cs seeing as it's just expected that everyone is cheating in that, so there's not much bad pr coming from it.
He could have said as much. I don't care that he thinks it's stupid, because in the grand scheme it is. I just wish he'd acknowledge that his issues and our vidya issues are essentially one in the same
All three of them can be considered coomer games because they lean heavily into sex
>Eve is pure and innocent feminine beauty devoid of degeneracy and THAT'S what makes these complete hypocrite degenerates upset
No. It makes them upset because it appeals to straight men
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They had the sense to completely ban pornography which makes them far less degenerate and more innocent that America, which is full of sexual degeneracy. I ask again, why is a game with a fully clothed attractive female who isn't getting fucked nor doing sexual poses a coomer game but games with actual nudity and sex, like BG3 and Cyberpunk, not? Because Leftists and trannies simply despise Eve for appealing to sane heterosexual males and NOT being a degenerate whore who "empowers" Herself by behaving like a slut.

Leftists and trannies are complete hypocrites and are in fact the biggest coomers. I say ban ALL forms of porn along with nudity and sex in games and ONLY have games with sexy females in cute clothes like Eve. Leftists and trannies would cry over this because they're in fact the coomers.
Why do people larp as puritans on 4chan? This is embarrassing.
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How does an attractive female in cute clothes fighting equate sex? If YOU can't handle a cute female in cute clothes in an action game without thinking about sex then that's your own problem and you should lay off the porn. Stellar Blade isn't a coomer game, BG3 and Cyberpunk are.

It's the Leftists and trannies calling Stellar Blade a coomer game that are larping as puritans when they're the biggest degenerates of all. Stellar Blade isn't a coomer game, and to prove the point I completely advocate the complete banning of ALL forms of porn and nudity and sex in games.

The people calling Stellar Blade a coomer game would cry the loudest over this because they're in fact the biggest coomers.
>but games with actual nudity and sex, like BG3 and Cyberpunk, not?
Because the sex and nudity in those games are completley optional and up to the player to engage in. You boot up Stellar Blade and the first thing you see is the MC in some skimpy outfit
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deadlock looks like absolute boringslop
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You're making excuses the justify your coomer game, hypocrite. Eve is sexy and wears cute clothes, that's it. She's not naked nor is She getting fucked. I say again, I support a complete banning of ALL forms of porn along with nudity and sex in games. I'm not a coomer and I don't think about sex nor porn when I see a beautiful Woman like Eve, I simply appreciate Her divine beauty. If you're too much or a porn damaged degenerate that you can't look at a hot Woman like Eve without getting super turned on and wanting to jerk off then that's a personal problem, coomer.
>Eve is pure and innocent feminine beauty devoid of degeneracy
You do know that being scantily dressed in public is a form of degeneracy right?
Bots accounts were already always premium accounts
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And having sex in public is illegal, I'm pretty sure, what's your point? Eve is just super hot and wears hot clothes, and if YOU can't deal with an attractive female wearing hot clothing then that's your own porn brain causing the problems. You're now the incel trying to shame females for their beauty, that's the irony.
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Unironically correct. Porn and erotica will always exist but it should not be incredibly easy to get and be in your face 24/7. I would actually support a porn ban just because of the immediate rage it would generate from the mentally ill. Even if a ban would pretty much just be on paper and is not really something that can be enforced. It would absolutely infuriate the tribe as well.
>How does an attractive female in cute clothes fighting equate sex?
The outfits have her half naked. I don't have a problem with it. I'm just calling a spade a spade.
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>"bans" porn
>99% of their media immediately becomes literal cuckold fetishism, just with dick and pussy whited out/blurred out
>even affects IRL shit in their pop music scene and all their little idols
>plastic surgery out the ass
>censorship out the ass in media, especially games, of course only of female characters though
they really give the chinese a run for their bug money :)
the next step is fully modelling cock bulges and adding physics to them while they keep covering up the women like genshit, so then they can finnally be equally as bad as le epic 5,000 years of genocide and cannibalism country with chi-dragon holes in their skyscrapers LOL
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It's a shitpost. "Tried killing myself a lot jumping off buildings" really? It's just a single jump and that's it. Why, does he keep landing onto carts full of hay or pillows?
>good ol hangman
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You're a tranny/Leftist trying to equate Eve's innocence with the degeneracy of BG3 and Cyberpunk, which have nudity and sex. Those two games are coomer games. Stellar Blade isn't a coomer game unless you're a porn damaged coomer who can't handle looking at an attractive female without thinking about porn and sex. This is why I say that ALL porn should be banned along with nudity and sex in games.

Anyone who disagrees with this stance and has the nerve to call Stellar Blade a coomer game is in fact the coomer incel projecting.

A porn ban across America would unironically make the country more right-wing, as it's sexual degeneracy that's empowered the likes of Feminism and the LGBT.

And yet they're still less degenerate than America, and they just need to keep on banning all other forms of degeneracy. Nothing wrong with plastic surgery, as humans are flawed by sin and God created things to be beautiful. Ugliness didn't exist until the fall of man, so any type of attempt to rid imperfection is the literal opposite of degeneracy.
>only juice makes porn
Fucking 3iq poster.
the sheer irony of a vtuberfag posting this. die and get raped in niggerhell you tranny
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This has to be bait
Hanlon's razor is a bitch
>it's a fucking troon
Why is this always the case? Do troons just have way too much free time and spite for others is having too much free time and spite for others the deciding factors in becoming trooning out?
>an attractive female wearing hot clothing
Are you aware that was considered "degeneracy" not that long ago?
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Jesus Christ Himself made clear it literally IS, or at least the ones larping and pretending they are.

Eve isn't degenerate unless you yourself are a degenerate. BG3 and Cyberpunk, which have nudity and sex, are objectively degenerate coomer trash that shouldn't at all be allowed to exist.
>And yet they're still less degenerate than America, and they just need to keep on banning all other forms of degeneracy.
How? If anything shit like hookup culture is even worse there and in Japan too, that's one of the very unfortunate things they idolize about the west and emulated just like the Japanese did. Also a major part of why their birthrates are terrible too, they all just want to fuck instead of have kids and their culture only encourages that, just like in the west.
>Nothing wrong with plastic surgery, as humans are flawed by sin and God created things to be beautiful. Ugliness didn't exist until the fall of man, so any type of attempt to rid imperfection is the literal opposite of degeneracy.
I can't imagine being on this level of mental gymnastics 24/7/365,. Maybe if you were talking about selective breeding to produce only attractive offspring okay, but plastic surgery to hide ugliness from others is trash, then you perpetually have ugly children as a result of covering that up, it's totally fucked and deceitful, how the hell is it NOT degenerate?
>Eve isn't degenerate
Yes, by modern standards. But traditionally it was considered very degenerate.
>And yet they're still less degenerate than America
don't look up the rates of syphillis in japan
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Like clockwork
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>blatant contradictory statement about what is or isn't degenerate while citing religious text
Fucking retarded bible-thumper. This post right here is why /pol/ocks started calling people like you Christcucks
I havent played TF2 in ages but what is this bot drama?
Are people using bots to farm something other than crates which needs a fucking key to open?
There is(was) a bunch of aimbots filling up servers and ruining people's fun in casual, but Valve just did a banwave and caught most of them, including the hosters.
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Whatever negative thing you could say about SKorea, America is far worse and more degenerate in regards to sexuality and it's not even close. The entire fucking LGBT and California alone MOGS the entirety of S. Korea. We are FAR more degenerate than they are.

I don't care about those traditions, I care about the fact that Eve is clothed and not naked nor is She getting fucked and is being singled out for being the coomer idol while BG3 and Cyberpunk, with full on nudity and sex, are completely excused. It's hypocrisy from self-righteous, porn damaged degenerates that literally cannot handle an attractive female in cute clothes without thinking about porn and sex. It only further reinforces the need to completely fucking ban ALL forms of porn.

Eve isn't degenerate unless you're a porn brained coomer, so it's no wonder Leftists and trannies can't handle Eve's appearance. They see Her beauty and how She's completely devoid of degeneracy, not acting like a whore like Bayonetta or some Feminist cunt. She's extremely feminine and beautiful and attractive to sane heterosexual males without needing to be naked nor getting fucked.

These Godless porn brain degenerates can't handle such innocent and Godly divine feminine beauty.
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>"Eve isn't degenerate"
>>posts blatantly degenerate webm
Nevermind, I get it now. This is next-level bait. Congratulations on your (You) farm, I hope you found a way to turn them into NFTs or something because otherwise you just looked like a retard on the internet for nothing.
holyt shit
how the fuck was this game released in current 2024 by fucking sony? I can see part of that slut's vulva.
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Eve isn't degenerate, She's simply extremely beautiful and degenerate minds tell on themselves by crying out over literally every little thing She does. If a super hot female dropped something in front of you and bent over, with a MASSIVE fucking ass, to pick it up, do you realize how much of an insane incel you'd sound like if you said "STOP BEING DEGENERATE WHORE"?

That's what Leftists and trannies are doing with Eve.
Not really Again, all their media reinforces casual sexual flings too.
And Korea and Japan are slowly but surely implementing alphabet mental illness into their stuff. Look, most of their games don't even DARE to mention anything in regards to biological sex anymore in character creation, and more popular series are getting heavily sanitized artstyles with androgynous designs, like nuPokemon.
In most other things they emulate from the west they're usually 5-10 years behind, I bet here before the end of the decade they'll be just as bad, it's at the least highly likely. Leftroons were all crying about countries like Korea Japan being "le heckin xenophobic" and now all the news I see from those countries is foreigners turning streets into garbage dumps and shitting up tourism spots (sometimes literally), and they are doing NOTHING about it. They're basically lying down and taking it, a few more years of envelope pushing and they will fold to the west, I guarantee it.
>Eve isn't degenerate
someone come pick up your bot
You're not gonna make me buy into gookland not being a degenerate shithole when a common graduation gift over there is a trip to the body shop.
i was asking the fuck that game got greenlit in current era?
Wasnt Sony already taken by commiefornia
nooooooo it's not degenerate because a crowd of people aren't fapping to it as it's happening!
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No matter what you say, the fact remains that America is FAR more degenerate than Korea, period. They were able to ban porn, and that made them less degenerate. Whatever loop arounds they have still isn't at all as bad as outright having access to porn, like we have. If America banned porn we'd be less degenerate as well over time, that's a fact. We would become more right-wing because it's sexual degeneracy that's weakened this country and opened it up to Leftist, tranny, and feminist influence. The access of porn without question will ALWAYS make a society more degenerate, this is an objective fact.

Beautiful women aren't degenerate, incel. Stop being such a porn damaged freak.
>bot post finally changes up its catchphrase
Lmao someone come pick up this bot from its soccer practice it's getting dark out
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>tf2 community has trannies
>turd worlders cheaters/bot hosters turn out to be trannies too
>fixtf2 has trannies and drug addicts
This community is FUCKED
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It's unironically an act of God to shit all over trannies and Incels. I myself live in CA love God, praying constantly for Him to shit all over them. Jesus heard my prayers and that's why this game exists, causing trannies and Leftists to seethe relentlessly like nothing else.
it's trannies all the way down, bro. valve skims a cut off the top of the entire mannconomy while groups of rich speculative investors, trannies and furries, and turdies and children all try and grift each other out of those sweet, sweet purple quality items
so using matchmaking actually drops you items other than crates? I stopped playing in 2012 right after the man vs machine update
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That's like a third of mine and i'm not even part of the nobility here.
Fully outright ban on porn I'd say is retarded, it does definitely need some restrictions though. Leftard's obsession with kids having access to it as well is ultra shitty.
By far and away though the worst thing in the last 2 decades in the US was legalizing weed, hands down. Stoner culture is a plague and all that shit did was encourage your typical lazy leftist retard to come ruin other places. The midwest used to be staunchly red and now it's an unrecognizable blue shithole where all the real estate tripled in prices, since califaggots that were average wage at best there completely shat up the market there after le heckin' epic weed tourism. And of course, all the promises about the tons of money it was producing "going to public projects like fixing roads, improving schools, etc." didn't go anywhere except into politician's pockets, what a surprise.
Also half the people I knew that used to get high occasionally turned into complete deadbeats with much easier access to it. There was also a TON of media glorifying weed usage and there still is.
i bet he started doing this because someone said something transphobic to him in-game
>but the official Valve matchmaking servers were/are completely unmoderated
Who the fuck plays on valve servers?
how does bots users benefit from infesting the official servers?
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It's over for you, Dane. Accept it.
Benefit? They're literally hosting this shit out-of-pocket, they don't care about "benefits" spinbot hosters aren't looking for keys and crates they're looking for control of the game's narrative
lol there has never been a single human being named lilith or who uses lilith as a nickname that hasnt turned out to be a tranny
It doesn't it matter if its matchmaking or not, items drop no matter what as long as you play the game.
>fairly known Lolcow
wtf is a Lolcow
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You have to go with a full ban, it's the only way. Ban ALL the internet sites, magazines, and don't even allow nudity nor sex in games or movies. If people want sex then they have to enter into relationships. And if they're going to jerk off, it'll force them to use their imagination which is healthier for their brain than the constant overload of sexual stimulus that fries their dopamine receptors and desensitizes them. The explosion of trannies is due to mentally weak men gooning themselves way too hard and turning their fetish into an identity. I'd say plenty of otherwise heterosexual men ended up experimenting with homosexuality just as a form of sexual stimulus from being so overloaded from so much porn.

I maintain that Leftist society cannot be maintained in its current form without porn.
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I always suspected that it was a seething third worlder since here in south america there was significally less bots and i could go weeks without seeing one while on the internet i saw NA and EU servers filled to the brim.

Also why trannies love the name Lillith so damn much?
Consider what activity cows are usually associated with and then think really hard.
umm botsissies what the heck is this? we were supposed to epicly troll and hack this billion dollar company game...
>producing milk
so its some lactation fetish guy
I haven't played since the robot update over a decade ago. Back then community servers were the only way I/my friends played TF2.
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so based...
>>producing milk
Close. It's not the cows that do it, they're just invoved in it.
Why did the thread derail into Stellar Blade?
I could milk some cow breasts right about now...
because some christcuck decided to derail the thread with /pol/shit
typical /v/ thread
>You're a tranny/Leftist trying to equate Eve's innocence with the degeneracy of BG3 and Cyberpunk
This is either bait, or you're deranged. When people post that image of a therapist with the text "are trannies in the room right now?", they're talking about you
So did Artifact but that doesn't stop you know who from sperging out about it.
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>Comfy Badwater game
>Top frag
>Even managed to streamsnipe a Twitchfag with my 'cado sign
>All without a single bot shitting things up
Gaming is back on the menu
troons ALWAYS have too much free time u should know this by now
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Bots can no longer stop me from killing.
I'm glad the argentinian subhumans were spanked but now i remember how frustrating it is to play with 80% of the human playerbase. Either no one is playing med or no one is playing aggressive enough to deal damage and it sucks knowing you can't cover both vital roles as you watch your team fall apart. I had one fun game pocketing three boxer heavies that broke the enemy defense with their gloves
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>hey guiz lets spam gay porn of the bots to own da botterz!
>the guy botting it was a tranny and was probably jerking off to all the gay porn meant to own him
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It's either shit or not shit teammates when it comes to matchmaking, or in my case I got a based exploiting engineer. Besides people playing like shit, no one even wants to talk on their mic anymore.
So valve could have solved the bot crisis for all this time, but they just decided to not do that for years until now. Better late than never gaben
yeah fake as hell
>i tried jumping off of buildings but my parents found out and made me stop
fucking what?
I can still grief, right? I won't get banned for my Objector, right?
I played a match earlier with a chud holding an objector with an image of that transgender sharty. I think you'll be fine
no, at worst a kick but you'll never get banned from Valve servers
what the fuck is it now?
>and these people got angry when peru classified trannies as mentally ill
>tried jumping off of buildings but my parents found out and made me stop
apparently he's kryptonian
can't wait to see reddit come out in support of the tf2 bot hoster just because of their identity and their claims of self harm
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he's not sorry
he just made a new account and more bots
wait a minute.. did the tf2 team take so long to handle this problem because they knew the perpetrator was a tranny? they didn't want to seem transphobic for banning him?
>sarcastic thanks
this thing is playing the victim after all the shit it's done to people?
They were probably secretly making a shit list of all bot hosters and cheaters, and when they got cocky, they striked silently.
>splatroon avatar
It never recovered from the twitter integration. That alone flooded the series with troons. Shame, it was pretty comfy when it was just japs and /v/irgin manchildren playing splatoon 1
for 7 years?
the funniest part was how all three consoles revoked twitter integration because they didn't want to deal with elon anymore
I think the hashtag movement and all the negative attention they were getting on social media finally forced their hand and they had to ban a tranny at the risk of looking like transphobes
we don't claim this fag
They could have done that at literally any time.
Why bother? The very instant they start botting again, Valve can figure them out and all of their associated accounts. They own Steam. It's way harder for them to constantly be the mole than it is for Valve to whack them, if Valve's actually paying attention.
I can't wait to see your sockpuppet account where you do this yourself and then screencap your own posts so you can piss your pants about Redditors here
>working up to a mass ban wave is less likely than them taking immediate, instant and permanent action and banning The Protected Class i'm mad about
no it isn't lol this makes no sense at all, NOT squatting on information is way worse than doing so when it comes to killing cheaters
>My premiums
>Paying for bots
oho, i didn't know valve was targeting githubs for bot software
banning one tranny wont do shit
Verification not required.
Stellar blade is degenracy. She should not be dressed so skimpily as this is porn
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>I tried killing myself alot this year
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If you're so porn brained that you can't handle an attractive woman in sexy clothing without thinking of porn and sex then you need to stop watching so much porn. Stop being such an insecure incel.
Your lust for this woman is a sin. She should not show any skin whatsoever. This game is supported by sony which is the most pozzed of the consoles
what's the new drama about TF2? They banned people who hosted bots or something like that?
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Again, porn damaged incel, if you can't handle an attractive woman in cute clothing without thinking about sex and porn then you need to lay off the porn. Sane heterosexual males with a healthy sex drive who aren't freaks simply appreciate Eve's divine and innocent feminine beauty. We don't see Eve and suddenly have an urge to jerk off or watch porn.
Scantily clad women are a type of pornography you refuse to see through your lust you sonyshill. This slop flopped and your hebrew masters seethed
banned an absolute metric fuckton of bot hosters and are currently banning them almost the instant they appear
bot hosters are getting incredibly paranoid and think they have spies in their discord servers and what-not (more likely is they're just blowing their load instantly and botting with brand new accounts which is incredibly obvious)
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Again, incel, it's your own problem that you cannot at all process an attractive female in cute clothes without immediately thinking about porn. People like you are the reason why porn needs to be completely banned alongside of nudity and sex in games. It warps your minds so badly that the mere image of a sexy woman in sexy clothing makes you think about porn.
Sexy women in sexy clothing needs to be banned as well. Stop shilling for sony, the most pozzed video game company and korea which is run by a feminist cult
Why do 97% of all trannies choose Lilith as their fucking LARP name?
Isn't that the name of a demon
because 99% of /pol/ posters make shit up
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Sexy women in sexy clothes doesn't need to be banned, incels like you just need to stop consuming porn so you don't immediately think about porn from seeing a sexy woman in sexy clothes. Don't project your own problems on sane and healthy heterosexual males like me.
Projection from a shill. You support women being almost nude
Nice, maybe i'll install TF2 later and play as engi
genuinely good time to play it! casual matchmaking is effectively bot free right now
I have no fucking clue what any of this is. What are the bots. What do they do. Who is this tranny
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>if it were literally anybody else i know people would move on
Anthony Burch. Manly Tears. That's my response.
You will never be a woman.
please tell me what's in your address bar right now.
>trannies baiting trannies
well yeah, where else would you find high concentrations of them like on /v/ and team fortress 2?
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>Open thread about TF2
>Over 100 Steller Blade and Tranny posts
It's all so timesome.
Dude I don't give a fuck about your game fuck off this is a TF2 thread
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What you need to understand is that the same trannies ruining TF2 are the exact same ones shitting on Stellar Blade and seething over Eve's feminine beauty.
Maybe the most despicable actor shouldn't have been a tranny retard
It's literally a spambot, watch
Stellar Blade is dogshit degenerate trash and people like Grummz are why this industry is failing
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you are one hundred percent justified in feeling nothing but schadenfreude towards these shitbags, but i would be wary about celebrating too early.

this is one good thing in a series of good things that must continue to happen
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See what I mean?
>tried killing myself a lot this year
how fucking dumb do you have to be to fail at that multiple times? god I hate troons and their obsession with attention and self-pity
It's either Lilith or Zoe lmao
fuck off to your containment thread or post tf2
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alright so taking bets now, how long until valve goes "aight we're done here" and the bots come flooding back?
It's been 2 days, so 5 more days.
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>tf2 "won"
>the tranny already made a new account and is already cheating in tf2 again
>valve can't be fucked to ban the alternate account
fucking pathetic.
with enough reports, valve will have to look into it and take action
>It never recovered from the twitter integration
They actually just got rid of it.
>valve will have to
Why? It's THEIR platform. They're not beholden to anyone on it. They can do what they want.
This also affects glowies as they and some elites use old games to communicate in secrecy. It's was brilliant really.
Its completely possible this is something that has been in the works for a long time, valve clearly needed a way to deal with bots and hosters that isn't just banning solely on game data. The fact that newly created accounts of the hosters are getting nuked so fast means the possibility that this is some cheat detection that uses info from steam is actually possible. Think AI. It's clearly been a problem for CS, and it clearly will be for deadlock as well. The idea that this is something that has been in the works, (potentially being trained) for a long time, and is now being tested on tf2 seems plausible to me. If it really is just some manual banning, and not some more advanced form of detection, a week or two. But I don't think there has been a banwave this effective for tf2, like ever. If a random Australian? Was able to track down not hosters just by using public data and steam friends, clearly valve can too, they have EVERYTHING at their disposal. If the bots aren't back in a week, then I'd start celebrating. But at least casual is playable again. Not a single votekick needed in a dozen games.
>Finally TF2 is saved I can go back to playing my favorite game
>Quit a couple minutes into a game because all the fun weapons got nerfed into the ground and it's still just a boring old fps
we won but at what cost...
>If the bots aren't back in a week, then I'd start celebrating.
even then i'd hold off. remember, this shit was going on nonstop for no less than 7 years. so on one hand if there really is an AI out there auto detecting and banning these bots then that's great. on the other hand it has been nothing but a game of cat and mouse with these bot hosters for years and years and years and nothing has changed despite the outcry getting louder and louder

i am a jaded fuck, i will not deny. but the collective asspain valve has caused these people over the course of two days has given me laughter. so all i can say is, we'll see. i remain cautiously optimistic
retard. Regardless of context if someone gets a lot of reports, staff will look into it. It's a fact.
>they can do what they want
what are you 12?
how much money have valve and the bot hosters made off each other?
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>woof everything
Bros we've been so laser-fixated on trannies ruining everything for the last decade that we forgot how bad furfags are and always have been.
Valve can do what Valve wants. I don't know what about that statement is wrong. It's you who sounds like a retard, hombre.
no idea, most likely an insignificant amount compared to what people spend on MVM tours and keys
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>Apparently bot owners are known figures and have their own discords where they don't hide shit
>Zero doxxing attempts or talks of the fact they are genuine troons
>All this tall happens now, during the banwave

It's probably just me, but this sounds extremely suspicious. I still hope there's going to be a leak of some irrefutable proof of Dane being involved though
hubris is a hell of a drug, anon.
there most likely isn't, because despite being a colossal retard and a grifter, he's not a total moron. he knows how popular he is and he knows what he'd lose if he was ever caught. of course, there's always a paper trail. finding it is the difficult part
I really regret my WIIU dying right before ST1 came out and never experiencing it. Looked like a really fun time.
Same about the final day of it
you can expect the whole internet to be like so and it will get worse before it gets worse. we move from community numbers into army level numbers of trannies stalking people while eating their drugs. whites made this happen by the way and the money system that the trannies helped to save for free has avoided their attention completely and are out of the hook
>out of the hook
the west needs a firewall like china specifically for russian children.
Eliter japs were so infuriating, I'll never understand why they keep sucking off moray towers also, is it really just because it landed well to sniperniggers? Even flanking them was cancerous with the splat balloons two shotting
It's just the same fag falseflagging and arguing with himself.

The absolute audacity of this tranny to use the same exact name kek
Mass report it bros
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Who could have guessed that every shitty thing that touches this game came from the gnarled, day-old-cum-stained hands of disgusting troons?
It's the weekend. Who's even at the office?
You know what? Fair enough. No clue who Manly Tears is but Anthony Burch is totally valid.
You mean /pol/ is always right
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Me. I am banning all of them, manually.
You got the fag flag - you get the VAC flag.
A cow (Internet Retards) you milk (agitate) for laughs (doing retarded/funny shit).
>Troon is called Lilith
Every fucking time.
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I mean it's fitting they'd be named after a literal demon
They clearly hardware id tracked them since they ban mains and new accounts too so do you really think they will risk it?
Try harder, real winners never quit. They're clearly some third world trash judging by the grammar so there must be some kind of local deadly wildlife this fucker can go piss off since he's too chickenshit to off himself
I mean it makes sense, they’re the only kind of faggots that would be in every thread saying TF2 should die and they’re the ones deranged enough to do this shit.
>it was never russians
>instead it was literally trannies
what a twist!
>waaah please just stop, please, have mercy, I will be looking to quit TF2 after this so just stop pleeeeeaaase
>immediately goes back to playing (cheating) tf2 as shown in >>681257514
Fuck this thing. The disingenuous crying for sympathy and pulling the attempted suicide card is fucking revolting. This creature is honestly a microcosm of everything disgusting about the behavior of all trannies.
So the fucker that's made tf2 unplayable for years is some Argentinian transgender negro? Idk who the prime minister of England is and I don't give a shit but they'd earn my eternal respect if they could Falklands the rest of Argentina.
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>I tried killing myself alot this year
>either jumping off a building or good ol hangman
TRY HARDER! How do you survive jumping off a building? Did you jump from the second floor?
Troons and furfags have very frequent overlaps
I dont understand whats the tf2 drama even about
some empty servers have bots in them?
so what?
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How did he get away with it for so long? What did Valve suddenly do differently that's made the game somewhat playable now? It's just fucking embarrassing that this ONE mentally ill psycho freak was responsible for so much of what made the game unplayable for YEARS. It's shameful on Valve's part.
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This would have never happened if Valve didn't make TF2 f2p.
Yes, I'm still mad over all these years.
>be troon
>"I've destroyed my own body, what else i can ruin now!?"
>TF2 pop out
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This will probably fix the bot problem for all of like 10 days, and then it will go back to shit. Like last time they fought the bot problem last year.

I'd be happy to be wrong.
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Trannies ruin everything fun man, the impotence of not being able to do anything about it pisses me off.
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Valve only ever act when their image is on the line. "Valve time" goes out the window when that happens. It's why the last time they acted on this matter was during the first savetf2 thing cropped up. They've spent way too much time building this image of being the "friendly multi-billion dollar corporation", the guys who say piracy is a service issue, the guys who don't sell out to Microsoft and aren't even publicly traded, the guys who stand for the consumers rather than the companies, the guys who encourage modding and even hire the most promising ones, lord gaben with his 90% discounts, and so forth. TF2 is small potatoes for them so they were more than happy to let things sort themselves out. That is until they see their brand being dragged through the mud on Kotaku.
If it makes you feel better, we're gonna be living in a lawless wasteland pretty soon, so you'll be able to do pretty much anything you want without repercussions
You've actually gotten worse drops if you're in community servers for some time now.
>they didn't want to deal with elon anymore
Actually the issue is that twitter integration is basically impossible now because of former bluecheckmarx spamming api calls
almost all women pull this shit
>I still hope there's going to be a leak of some irrefutable proof of Dane being involved though
Either he or the blackwonder fags.
Since they both have servers all across the regions it's a problem.
That Zesty faggot is probably also hosting since I heard the bots were a severe problem in the Texas region, and iirc that Zesty faggot shows up here to seethe and cry that TF2 is le dead because sniper won't get nerfed
didn't know this one, but i remember the spanish youtuber, the brazilian bronie that rapes his dog, the american who got 20 years fo cp, the bronies that tried to rape a kid and the aussies that doxxed a guy and swat him
bot hosters are scum, banning 1 or 2 wont do anything, valve has to make a decent system
Their live-service game Deadlock is about to drop this year so they're trying to clean up their "valve has shit support" public image that they've fostered over the past decade. But after Underlords and Artifact, I'm not sure if it's really gonna help. People have short memories though.
Bethesda still being around after the giga shitshow that was fallout 76 made me loose all faith in the public
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>Oh, man, Kirts can't dance
>I regret what I've done
Only because you got caught.
Rope. Immediately.
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Or they could've just added stronger bot protection.
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>bot hosters are either trannies or rusniggers
I knew it all along
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>Off to hang myself, watch and-
>handing out manual bans
This is really not a good look for Valve. Bans should only be carried out by unmistaking machines, unclouded by idealogy, bias or publicity.
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>Group of 6 fags in game I'm in
>2 scouts
>2 Soldiers
>They all leave at the same time the game is over
Can't Valve just MAC ban these fucks?
It didn't work for counter strike thoughbeit
It's a fake apology people give when they're caught. I see it all the time in police videos. Police catch a thief and the thief cries about how bad they feel for stealing and will never do it again. A little while later they get caught for stealing again. Same with unfaithful spouses.
>trans person
>splatoon profile pic
me but im in the break room eating everything in the vending machine and then the vending machine
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You're hired.
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>stop calling a coomer game a coomer game
This happened to me in real life and it was disgusting. I chewed my sister out for boo-hooing about the fact that nobody really cares about her and her little (fatherless brown) baby, and told her we're all a bit more concerned with our mother dying of terminal fucking cancer than you being a complete fucking whore at the club. Ten minutes later she knocks on my door with a big false droopy dog expression and basically says 'look what you said might be right but, did you know I've had suicidal thoughts? Let's just agree we both said things we didn't mean'.
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uhhh is this game out for
Is sprays still a security problem?
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>Argentinians play on Brazilian servers
>Brazilian servers were almost always suspiciously bot clear
It all makes sense now.
They never were.
Windows was. Because you can have garbage data in an image file that windows defender will freak out about or use a niche system function open up the calculator iirc.
Blizzard does that and people get pissed off. If anything, it shows that they weren't cheap enough to automate everything without human input.
That's a lot of alots.
is it wrong to think this whole klaxon thing is just an elaborate troll opportunity? like, this CAN'T be real is it?
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eating grass? going "moo"?
eh, 280 cheevos isn't really cheating, he probably joined one of those "free items" server because he's a poorfag thirdworlder who can't spare a dollar to actually buy items
>can dominate people who'll get mad over it
I'll take it
kek, these really are the fags shitting up TF2
I sense a larp
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no we didn't. it just made Valve look grossly incompetant.
why did it take 100s of thousands of players to start a movement again to just hire 1 employee for 30 minutes of time to find the associated accounts and then ban those players like here >>681221791
Valve should be ashamed and you idiots still praise them like they did nothing wrong.
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100% this was one of the people that tried to dox, false flag and fuck with people that were trying to get #fixtf2 trending.
So, uh, now that hat cuck troll tranny got doxxed, can Valve focus on fixing better games like L4D and CS2 now?
if you're so smart can u help with my homework? no? then shut up jfc
>aerial battle with a ginger frozone and a barefoot british ghost sniper
>looks like absolute boringslop
So what the fuck is exciting to you?
deadlock is actually fun, simple as
artifact was antifun and had cancerous monetization, and underlords was a phone game with the depth of a puddle
just get off the internet?
it would do this literal tranny a lot of good.
This feels vindicating even though I don't care about TF2. The exact way this topic was posted (the overtly mocking tone in nearly every OP, every time without fail) makes this reveal very satisfying.

Makes you wonder about other topics that are shilled against in this exact way.
The angry "MOVE ON" threads would usually appear whenever there was some sort of movement or coverage regarding the bot crisis; now, a lot of that could be /v/'s usual contrarianism, but there's a distinct possibility at least one bothoster would come here to seethe whenever they felt even slightly threatened.
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>Yeah I know I've been a MASSIVE FAGGOT on TF2 but you should still feel sorry for me
This is like that one time where a couple falsely accused a CoD tiktok fag for being a pedo and when he killed himself they made an "apology" but tried to make themselves as the victims too.
Why do these hollow internet fags try to make themselves the victim when they get caught red handed?
>trannie falseflags and tries to cancel prominent members of their game community when caught
this happens all the time, why?
>Why do these hollow internet fags try to make themselves the victim when they get caught red handed?
Because if you're a "victim" you have to be "apologized to".
Reminder fags of all kinds including most women are subhuman
Normie social media, especially Tiktok is on another level of retardation compared to even 4chan. I wouldn't think to hard about it anon
This lmao. Or Emmy
Alice too. Trannies attempted to groom me as a 16 year old (I am 24) and I simply resisted. I'd rather live life as a gay man than a delusional freak with mental and identity issues
That's the dude that made the incest rap
Nigga, You gay
Yep, I am gay and I hate trannies.
>Fixed the bot problem just in time for the game to be killed by Deadlock
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>your average botter is a freak
yeah figures. Seen all this in runescape
people on this board do realise botters will continue to make new accounts and valve will give up eventually the lazy fucks.
Retards don't grasp that when you go out of your way to mess with people you don't get to decide how they'll respond. There was this streamer years ago who pulled a personal army and tried to sabotage Twitch Plays Pokemon. He got a fuckton of backlash and later showed up complaining about being unjustiflly harassed.
You've been saying this for the past 3 days Zesty, clearly you should take your L before Valve bans your main.
Shouldn't you be pissing and shitting your pants, you turbo-virgin bot hoster?
There's a new support page for TF2 game bans. It's over. Stay safe sister :^)
Even if they do, they still took a huge morale hit. This will discourage more skids from popping up and the increased number in players means more people to votekick the bots, even better now that it's public knowledge. They can gatekeep their discords harder but that'll just lead to less new blood being pumped in and a higher chance of them self destructing over drama. It's good to remember that this whole shitshow was riding heavily on Valve's neglect. If they continue to do even the bare minimum, it will become an uphill battle for botters.
I'll tell you exactly why
i had a friend who troon'd out, he is a lanky nerd (as they all are) and he has old pics of himself dressing as an japanese schoolgirl for halloween, that's probably where it started for him. Lilith is the name of a sex demon (he's one of those DnD trannies btw), it's all a fetish. That's why you see so many of them have usernames like "Succubus/Witch Queen" or some retarded shit like that
Okay so dox and harass them
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HRT has hit the DnD and gaming community harder than crack hit the black community in the US.
you forgot alice
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so when you gonna admit all changes he made are 100% correct?
>Stop calling Stellar Blade a coomer game
As he posts a coomer image. Not reading the rest of your post coomer nigger. Praying you deathgrip too hard one day and pull the tendons connecting to your pelvis out so you can never get hard again faggot
A lot of them also insist on being princesses
You can evaluate how crazy they are by looking at what kind of "girl" they're trying to be.
The more they try to project an image of being an overtly girly anime or fantasy character instead of an actual fucking girl, the less sane they are.
Nah; fuck you faggot
>aerial battle with a ginger frozone and a barefoot british ghost sniper
emphasizing a bunch of incoherent superficial pick and mix shit doesn't make it sound exciting, it makes you sound like somebody who likes things for being 'randumb'
good thread. I laughed a lot.
Yeah at this point companies have been releasing expensive dud after expensive dud and the industry's momentum hasn't slowed down one bit. There is no hope for the buying public anymore, "LE VOTE LE WITH LE WALLET" never ever mattered in the fucking slightest and we're lucky that truly shit games barely make their money back anymore (this is moreso due to overwhelmingly bloated budgets, if Halo Infinite didn't cost HALF A BILLION it would have been a roaring success)
Valve's been participating in doing the exact same shit since CS:GO
Answer the god damn question
What IS exciting if that shit is boring
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>30,000 bots turned on this morning
Something's up
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All me
Why, what happened to it?
nobody liked it so valve dropped it like a wet towel
*pets alot*
heccin' lotto
If botniggers end up quitting, I want Valve to smite these idle bots too. But unlike botniggers these idle bots actually benefit Valve so I doubt they'll do anything.
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Turns out /v/ is not wrong to always blame trannies
>cheat in TF2 on main account
>quit TF2
>ban wave happens
>don't get banned
Can F2Ps talk again now? That was supposed to be a "temporary solution" for the bot problem years ago. I think it's time they rip off that tape now.
they should probably not have pussyfooted around and just permabanned the bot hosters' main accounts instead of giving them a stern warning and a TF2 ban, no whale is worth a game killer
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So now what? Just because the bots are gone, doesn't make Casual any less of a miserable piece of shit to play on, especially when I have to queue for hours at a time to get games on anything, ANYTHING, other than 2fort, Dustbowl, and Hightower, despite living in US West.
I sincerely hope they kill themselves. Fuck them. Fuck anyone who has ever made intentional efforts to ruin the game for others.
What the fuck is your map pool that it's takes multiple hours to queue? I'm east coast and I get matches within 60 seconds most of the time.
>I have to queue for hours at a time
I get there's tons of retards here that don't play, but who are you trying to fool?
I've got Mercenary Park, all CTF maps aside from 2fort and Double Cross, most of the Control Points pool, most of the KotH pool aside from Harvest, and all of the alternative game modes except Degroot and Hightower.
Pretty much.
Cheaters are subhuman.
Why the fuck would you ever willingly queue for merc park? Anyways I seem to always have good luck on 5cp and attack/defend for some reason, to the point that I see gorge multiple times a night. Throw in some payload maps like barnblitz and hoodoo for some variety.
you must've been blocked by so many ppl that you can pretty much only queue into empty lobbies. i'm sorry that happened to you, make a new account maybe
>Why the fuck would you ever willingly queue for merc park?
Because, and hear me out here, I LIKE IT.
>Throw in some payload maps like barnblitz and hoodoo for some variety.
Fuck no, I hate Payload. Worst mode in the entire game in my opinion.
I thought only L4D2 works like that, I can still get games in Casual very quickly if I queue for 2fort, Dustbowl, and Hightower for the millionth fucking time, I just don't want to play those.
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>people have been bitching and crying about bots for years
>never experienced any of this because of a community server I discovered almost 10 years ago
>sees daily play
>absolutely no politics or arbitrary word filtering
>most basic rule is don't make the game unfun for everyone else by being a cunt
It's amazing how this game has lost its sense of community as the years went on. Even among the few servers left don't feel like actual communities, more they're arbitrary check boxes you have to tick in order to get an iota of fun out, almost like a cult.
Most community servers are infested with attention-seeking trannies as well. voice_enable 0 and hud_saytext_time 0 is essential
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>sees daily play
>absolutely no politics or arbitrary word filtering
>most basic rule is don't make the game unfun for everyone else by being a cunt
Lemme in
perhaps not surprisingly you have your head in the sand on the issue that plagues even the server browser, that being casual is the main funnel for players both new and old so community servers are left by the wayside

"just play community servers" is not happening, unless the server browser becomes the main player funnel again (ie casual matchmaking is removed) and valve gives an in-game, step-by-step guide to hosting servers because server browser games are not common these days, fucking forget it this is a non-starter
>play community servers!
>join a community server
>there is a community i am not part of
>call them all trannies and ruin any chance of joining the community
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I don't know what's been more fun, watching all the hackers and bot owners kvetch about them and their bots being banned, or seeing all of #killTF2, the farms, Zesty and his dickrider Ricther, and all the over "Nothing ever happens" types come up with continuously more elaborate copes about how "This was all being planned for years! #saveTF2 and #fixTF2 totally didn't do anything guys!"
No anon, they have tags like "Femboy" or "Transgender" and speak with mickey mouse voices over voice chat. It wasn't like this on old community servers.
>Just play on Community servers!
>cant find a single active server that appeals to me
>go back to playing on Casual
It's that simple.
I'm aware of it, but hell I can't do anything about it. I was able to find a place where I can play the game with no baggage, so far as I'm concerned mission complete. The moment that particular server dies is when I quit TF2 completely because I know Valve isn't removing matchmaker as dedicated servers are now a thing of the past.
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Thank him. What other developers would tackle a problem like this for a 17 year old game?
yeah back then the mickey mouse voices came from mexican 8-year-olds and this was even before F2P
get a grip
For me it's Zesty making it even more obvious that he's been hosting bots seething in these threads.
The worst back in the day were just furfags and they were easy to ignore. It's hard to ignore a transgender pedophile talking in chat to the squeakers.
>her little (fatherless brown) baby,
oof, should've impregnated her yourself
I'll thank him in Valve time, if things keep going as smoothly as they are now.
>The worst back in the day were just furfags
lmfao i already mentioned mexican 8-year-olds you are not going to sit here and tell me an easily ignored furry is worse than a driveling fucking retard child being loud over mic and playing horribly is better than a furry without coming across as a larping EDiot
get a grip
I'd rather mute the mexican 8 year old and play against him than share an online community with you, you tranny freak
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i repeated myself halfway through this sentence but my god my ass hurts when somebody roleplaying as an epic /b/tard trololololo tries to tell me how the game is and about the tranny menace
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How long do we wait till we call it? After Summer Update? After Scream Fortress? Next year?
6+ months with no bots is where i'd probably call it
Why are you such a pessimistic faggot?
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Other developers that do support games that are that old? Why do people pretending tf2 is so unusual?

Inb4 the goalposts get moved again with "but those games are more profitable than tf2". Even though that even isn't necessarily the case.
Specifically in gaming it's a uniquely TF2 problem that there's faggots like incel dane and argetinian trannoids trying to make the official matchmaking unplayble.
And botting related network attacks itself being a tremendous fucking problem for tech in general.
Most/all botters lost real money with the recent ban wave since Valve went scorched-earth not only on their bot accounts but on the main accounts they use to funnel money into, plus targeting the Github repositories used for bot software and "training programs" which means they have to get sneaky about distributing it again. They were uprooted, basically; they're not happy about it. They're also not happy about getting banned again pretty much instantly, to the point they think they have moles in their networks it's much more likely they're getting caught specifically because they're jumping STRAIGHT to botting on brand new accounts named "473789247892152" and Valve is not stupid, Valve has their IP addresses from their accounts and VPNs and TOR onions they're using for account creation and to actually run the games
You’re a tranny because you don’t want to be associated with the guilty party
>you're a (MEME INSULT) because (random guilt by association)
I never noticed the thumb up. That's a great detail ngl
Can someone give me a QRD on what “hosting bots” means
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Hosting bots.
script kiddie uses cheat program and steam accounts then they pay 5 dollars for premium tf2 accounts. Bot hosting software will run the aimbots on casual servers through a terminal. TF2 is in text mode, so the game doesn't even have to be open to be a host of 12 aimbots.
most creative sharty stream-sniper
From left to right:
>Pyro main
>Heavy main
>Medic main
>Soldier main
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I don’t get it

What’s the incentive for botting

I mean why do it en masse



Valve will just stop the ban waves once this dies down and bots flood back. this didn't solve shit
An idle brain is the devil's workshop.
I’m supposed to kill myself for not understanding the motives of troons and spergs?
Convince yourself people joined Uncletopia or that you killed TF2
pozzed non-english speaking botter detected
my brother in god what the fuck are you talking about
>valve will stop the ban waves once the bots flood back
this sentence makes literally no sense
can't even dump the #killtf2 copypasta with a link to the bot software github because it was taken down lol
Motivations behind the retards that host bots.
So they are hosting bots to grief at scale as a way of getting back at the world for not letting them be a woman?
wait a minute
you people told me that TF2 never had any bots and it was all blizzard propaganda
have you been lying to me?
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>blizzard propaganda
it's called schrodinger's bots:
if overwatch is not mentioned, then TF2 has a serious bot problem with few actual players
if overwatch is mentioned, then TF2 has no bots and thousands of new players gained daily (that apparently never sleep but that's because TF2 is so good)
why are you bitching when you could be playing tf2? especially if you think the bots will come back soon. you don't like tf2? why are you in a tf2 thread then? nobody actually thinks the bot hosters suddenly got reverse raptured into hell dude. people are celebrating because it causes tf2/valve hating shitposter seethe. go make a youtube essay on your scathing critique of sheeple gamers and le evil game companies if stroking your ego is all your brain jumps to when you see people having fun holy shit
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I knew very well that we gonna win
did they fix the game being ruined by matchmaking yet?
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>why are you bitching when you could be playing tf2? especially if you think the bots will come back soon. you don't like tf2? why are you in a tf2 thread then? nobody actually thinks the bot hosters suddenly got reverse raptured into hell dude. people are celebrating because it causes tf2/valve hating shitposter seethe. go make a youtube essay on your scathing critique of sheeple gamers and le evil game companies if stroking your ego is all your brain jumps to when you see people having fun holy shit
The Trans community should take Valve to the Supreme Court (after Uncle Tom dies lol) and sue them for Trans discrimination.
can u help with my homework
This whole thing leaves me wondering, why the fuck does text mode exist in the first place? I've never heard of it being used in any context besides hosting bots.
hello??? is this site actually full of larping tablet kiddies??? all of you act smart but then go completely silent when i ask for help with my homework, yknow, to actually put it to use for once
it's just college gender studies 101, it's literally all you talk about all day every day, i just want more time to play tf2 and i can't drop out or my mom will unplug the PC PLEASE
The bots were undeniable, what was being argued was the amount. Some people made it seem like there were so many bots that if they got purged the game would go into triple digits.
nice drawing
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lmao he unironically appears like this
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Good riddance. Instead of lashing out your hatred of the world because of your mental illness, keep it to yourself and fix it without making billions of lives more annoying just trying to play a fucking video game. Be useful to society if you're going to bitch about it.

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you can't play the same game forever
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He says as people proceed to play the same 3 maps for 17 years because trying anything outside of their comfort zone would literally kill them
I've had periods of extreme emotional distress in my life but it never made me want to hurt others. If anything it's the opposite, helping people out made me feel better. I always find it baffling when people try to use it as an excuse for being actively malicious
i don't get it
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>report bot hoster
>2 hours later
>they get banned
best feeling in the entire world
we should have never allowed the third world to have internet access
>tried to larp as a #FixTF2 guy
Man, autobalance is a bitch.
You're not completely wrong, but automation has been a problem for the internet for decades.
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spic here, this is fucking crazy

this troon is part of a massive circle of lolcows in south america and shit, he is a cultish follower of a guy called "doomentio" which is essentially mexican chris chan

this guy actually was "cancelled" a bunch of time ago but seeing it back beck a mastermind behind the bots is fucking insane
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As I said, if you can't handle looking at an attractive female like Eve without thinking about porn then you need to stop watching porn, incel. Sane heterosexual males like myself are able to appreciate Eve's divine feminine beauty without wanting to jerk off or watch porn.
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Post the before
Expose this seasonal tranime nigger
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What profile theme is that? I like the colors.
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>tf2 has been shit for years because some kid's life is a staind album
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be pic related, 40+ fat and short white guy.
come year 2024.
you either put on a dress or get sacked and replaced by a negro.
Looks like Valve deleted the tranny's alt account

>pronouns in username
Why are they all trannies? What do trannies have against this game, they are legit obsessed with killing it and it's not even funny anymore just unhinged
I wish him success in his future attempts.
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>mfw my report gets a cheater's account deleted
The original wave of bots was trying to get Valve to appoint them as moderators iirc and Valve responded by adding a opt out text filter and disabling voice chat.
Kinda like when they said "Update sized update" and all the TFtumors started salivating at the prospect of getting weapons they don't like made worse it was amended to say "Holiday Sized Update". Which came with a whole new game mode that all they could do was cope and seethe about
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>script trannies severely wrecked
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Can I get a QRD on what's been going on with TF2?
I've not played in years at this point.
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>trannies as usual trying to seize power
Back to your drag queen stations molesting kids with ye.
Leave our vidya alone
sauce? Curious to see the whole vid not made for ants.
>Retards host bots for a myriad of reasons, but most thing in common is that they fucking hate TF2 and the people that play it
>Years go by and they mostly come and go in waves, but are totally inneffectual
>This month retarded TF2bers bot the steam reviews and there's way more bots than usual
>3 days ago All the bots got nuked and they're scrambling to try and get them back into matchmaking but can't
They cant do shit like kick me in valve servers, and thats what we just won back!
Literally who the fuck cares?
I remember the good ole days listening to old boomer sounding voices saying everyone to go "heavy", "scout", "pyro" then push the cart.
Not fagtards grown up to ruin the vidya game.
Nobody knows what their plan is. They have all this money and don't seem to produce anything of value anymore. Must be nice to be a Valve employee being able to just do nothing and get paid.
They're actually working on infrastructure stuff for the deckard, a new steam controller and other stuff like Steam audio and Steam video to replace shit like Bink and Miles.
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I think of tf2's bots like Walter White's lung cancer. In that watching the start of Breaking Bad you could tell Walt wasn't happy even before he got the diagnosis. Think about how many people were done with the game because of mym and remember bots were barely a thing back then. TF2 has problems beyond the bots.
They funnel it into new tech like VR, SteamDeck, and other projects.
You WANT to see and associate with trannies?
>Valve bans some bots
>TFtards suck Gaben's dick like he personally saved their mother from cancer
>ff 2 weeks
>Valve fucked off again, bots are back and everything is going as usual
>TFtards still spend millions on the unplayable game as gambling addicts they are
This will end the exact same way it did 2 years ago. TF2 community is the most braindead community since tendies.
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That's weird, I didn't click the like button just now...
New Klax0n account just dropped.
This looks great but I understand why autistic TF2 trannies would hate this
>surprised they're getting lumped in with CP spammers
who klax0n
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Give me the og main acct so I can include the link to the report.
The tranny from >>681221596 and >>681221791 and >>681221860

Valve autism has always been more practical than sonic autism. Always interesting to see in action.
bots will come back and tf2 will be dead again
summer update is comming
>So what the fuck is exciting to you?
An actual feeling of momentum? Have you faggots actually played tf2? How the fuck have you forgotten how everyone agreed soldier was superior to pharah from overwatch precisely because just floating in the air is fucking boring?

Other anon was right, you were mainly talking about the characters rather than the actual gameplay to try and make it sound fun.
>incel dane ... trying to make the official matchmaking unplayble
what's he doing?
Being a third worlder, it’s the genetics bruv
Even Blizzard wised up and got rid of the freezing/CC shit. Save that shit for high cooldowns or gtfo.
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>TF2 has problems beyond the bots.
Trust me, I'm aware. One look at the fucking modern server browser is enough to understand that.
two more weeks sisters
Sent report.
wow what an original post. can you do my homework?
Holy shit I was playing with that fag on a server for the past week
I gotta check my history if it's the same person
>nooo he is telling the truth, quick, I need le epic reddit comeback
Here is another original thought for you: cope and seethe, pcbro
Sorry nullworks' entire Github went down, anon. Can't spam the whole #KillTF2 thing if it leads to a dead account for distributing bot software.
rip thread, we had a good run
There is no reddit karma here, you can talk like a normal human being for once, retard
it's honestly just very distressing to still see NPC "i see headline i MUST give my generic twitter reply" behavior, i think the internet is getting past that, but thank you for being dynamic enough to engage with someone who's not pretending to argue with your pretend argument
Too chickenshit to even digest the post, you hate to see it. Complains about Reddit instead.
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Another cheater faggot manually banned
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Get fucked tranny
Your assmad drivel doesn't warrant a quality reply. Talk like a living human first, drone or stay fat and retarded and go ride gaben's dick someplace else. I know which one you are choosing.

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