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salmon run is kino again
Nobody cares about your toddler trash, marketer.
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> first post SR triumvirate
is that real?
>Only time I got Grizz roller on Smokeyard was on HT Mudmouths
>The least fun wave and smallest area to move around in
Hope I can have fun next time, bros...
>high tide triple king on this map
i’m not looking forward to it
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Looks fun
>Confirms that triumvirate is a specific boss type and not a random encounter
There's that I suppose. Gonna be a bitch without grizzco weapons though unless getting all grizzco weapons is apart of triumvirate waves and not just a BBR thing
I'm ready to have faggots not kill Horrorborus first.
clique killed the pool
Why are you still here then?
I played 2 and the DLC. I enjoyed it a lot with my friend. How is 3? Does it run at 60 fps?
i left the pool tho
>Does it run at 60 fps?
in pvp and the campaings it does
in salmon it struggles
in the hub it's 30fps
ok I'm done GG salmon crew
ggs salmon
It's more Splatoon.
New weapons, maps, movement options.
Salmon run is always available instead of being time-locked like in 2. Salmon got a pretty major difficulty increase which makes it a lot more enjoyable in my opinion.
Performance is about the same as 2, 30 fps for the hub and 60 for the matches. At the highest difficulties the framerate in Salmon can definitely struggle though.
The DLC this time is a roguelike mode.
As far as we now 3 got its final content update earlier this month, so now we're waiting to see if there's going to be any kind of extension or not.
GGs, Salmon. Nice Horror kill
words can't describe how much I hate people who pointlessly use the "this way" button multiple times a match
Why aren't you going that way?
Splatroon community tried to cancel their world champions over saying nigga
I and the rest of the team were
hence pointless
it's how the frye clique communicate with each other
I'm not even playing with the pool schizo
ggs sock crew, PIZZA is here
and I'm done see you at the fest...maybe
>unless getting all grizzco weapons is apart of triumvirate waves
They are. So it'll be about rolling the dice enough times until you get a good rollout.
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for my pic
The Roba.
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what toppings
what's your problem
There is nothing wrong with Hawiian pizza
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why would you willingly have it on pizza
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is this bait or bad taste?
GGs crew and freelance anon.
Gg, nice king.
because it's tasty
The Euro Splatfest disagrees.
>no one is playing
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pepperoni and stuffed cheesey crust
There were plenty of SR rooms at rotation.
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Where are you supposed to stand on hightide Junction Triumvirate?!
cli*ue killed the pool
that's neat part, you don't
I'm honestly still demoralized from encountering them during the BR.
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You wouldn't happen to be latino, right?
I'm not since they gave triple scale payout
warning, i WILL kill joe first if i get the grizz roller
>grizz roller killing Megalodon

Explain how
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Yeah what. I really don't find it useful at all during triumverate because rolling into the kings doesnt do shit + has a ton of recoil so you'll be bouncing all over the place, its vertical flick is slow as molasses, and its horizontal flick is carbon roller tier.
Wedge yourself between a wall and joe and you'll shred him
yeah this, i WILL lure joe all the way into the top corner of jammin to shred his hp
don't do that
If Fug isn't dying first, you're doing it wrong.
make me
What in the actual hell is going on today in Salmon Run???? Nobody is killing stingers or flyfish, everybody keeps getting slapped into the water, NOBODY is putting eggs into the basket???? Was there a golden rotation I didn’t realize happened and now everyone in EVP is ass because they don’t belong up there??
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Odds are this has been covered 1000 times, but I gotta ask: is there some counterplay to the Wellstring I'm missing? It seems busted unless you're playing E-Liter or something. It one shots even if they miss you while you're behind cover.
>while you're behind cover.
That's the whole point of bows though. Just don't stand around while their shots explode and remember they actually have to charge their attack.
longer range weapons
I guess, but it still seems kinda BS. Like I've got a tri-slosher up my ass from across the map.
/v/... the tourney... why
GGs /ink/ for winning yet another tourney, not even playing this time.
/ink/er here, why did you pussies quit? scared to get 5-0'd?
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Wellstring is tricky because it can harass from a long distance, and can OHKO off midrange half charges unlike other stringers or chargers, so closing the distance is dangerous. Still, chances are there's some distance where your weapon is better
>at long range it needs cover to beat other backliners
>at mid range it can OHKO but is screwed if it whiffs, and can't harass with spread explosives
>close range weapons shred it if you can approach, even more so than most backliners
The problem is treating it like tri stringer. Tri gets long range KOs and mid range explosive harass, while wellstring is the opposite.
i don't wanna play with people who cheat on a baby game
It's called karma for killing the pool
cl*que killed the p**l!!!!!!!!!!
SR clique > PVP clique
>SR clique
>PVP clique
name them
Why is a dead game allowed to have daily threads here besides the general (which is itself dead)? It's not a matter of cultural phenomenon, except the small transfolk community on discord nobody talks about it and nobody plays it anymore. Genuine question
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I can do what I want
The TO's gf that they threw onto turf couldn't make it
it's true and you know it
alright pal, get your coomer threads outta here
It would be a dream to see both types of threads banned forever, yes
The only new name on turf was a Pinskuit. I think that was a joke stand in though, not sure what he's on about
the narcissistic and mentally ill avatarfag needs to blog about his games everyday
Why is /v/ full of cowards
Cancelling the tourney over a non-issue
I don't want to play with people who cheat
LMAO did they really cancel the tourney? Why?
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As you may have already seen, the poolsclosed vs inkgen tournament has been called off. In short: We believe that at least one of their players has been caught cheating. The TO also insisted on having the two players who live together be on the same team which violates the no comms agreement. The replays are included in the picture in case you want to look through them yourself. This is an event for fun, but cheating shouldn't be OK competitive or not.
After discussions with inkgen's organizer, they decided that the evidence was inconclusive and the players in question would be allowed to play. Obviously the /v/ team players disagreed with this decision. A majority voted that they would not play the tourney if inkgen allowed the suspected cheaters to remain in the tourney, and so here we are.
I plan on organizing an internal tournament with just participants in /v/ soon.
Ben Dover or some other guy used Ballin as an excuse to avoid another humiliation
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>All this cope
So the tourneyfags are just shitters KEK
No not Ballin. His gay lover Brostar is the issue.
Why do you faggots even bother with /ink/? Every time /ink/ get mentioned here the thread goes to shit. Thank fuck it's cancelled so I wont have to hear about those faggots.
>The TO also insisted on having the two players who live together be on the same team which violates the no comms agreement.
Regardless if they're hacking or not, TO fucked up by not changing this
nah fuck them Ben Dover did the right thing
the general has only 4 regular autistic posters who are only interested in avatarposting two of whom were banned from the official discord for posting 18+ material. These are the beings to whom you asked the question and whom the transmania mods both support and advocate for
I bet I could win even when those two gay fags are cheating
calm down nauice
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You know why I'm not joining the tournament this time? It's because of Ballin' and Brostar. Those two are notorious for cheating, and it's getting ridiculous. Ballin' is always using hacks in X rank, and since Brostar lives with him, they have access to the same tools. It's like they're a tag team of cheating.

Why should I waste my time playing a game that's already unfair? It's not fun when you know someone’s cheating. I'd rather sit this one out than play with people who can't win without cheating. If the organizers won’t do anything about it, then what's the point? I just want to have fun and play fair, not deal with cheaters
it's G!!!
g is pinksuit
salmon room at rotation
>hiding your play status
Bro really thinks he's a celeb
Ham is disgusting.
True which is why I replace it with pepperoni
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why is getting to S+ so fucking hard? i try my best but then i get paired with dogshit teammates. and usually when i lose i have overall splats and 3 gold medals too. this shit is rage inducing
For me its Fangfox
nigger needs to stop playing warframe
oh yeah forgot to say that this is my last king
Not in the tournament but I stand by /v/ team's decision. Whether or not they actually are cheating, they're handling it wrong. And they even want to break the no comms rule.
stop playing SR and you will fin the game piss easy
GGs I'm done gonna play some zero mission later
GGs great fug kills.
I got into S+ a year ago by playing 100 hours of pvp
LMAO what else would you expect from that bunch of pedos? I used to see tags like “gay boy” constantly when I tried this game. Disgusting
why do these always gets posted and not me?
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>The TO also insisted on having the two players who live together be on the same team which violates the no comms agreement.
All else aside, this is not true though?
They all live in the same house. Very lewd and smelly
>/ink/ vs /u/
we're all girls here
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gg see you on the tri rotation weekend
This Way!
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same person?
Not playing on the same team though.
I'm not defending anything or anyone (and I think many valid points were made), just the facts.
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>unironically posting discord
slit your throat
lol, its actually over for /ink/
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how dare they call us silly and talk down on us

seek help
He's the one posting about how the cli*ue killed the pool.
You first faggot
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IT IS bad, cancer actually
kill yourself now
Ok, all I had access to was the latest roster image which was originally posted only a little over a day ago (>>>/vg/483926848), so them being both on CB team is news to me. I won't comment more without knowing more context on how they "might have both ended", which was not the officially posted plan and I don't understand how it couldn't have been solved somehow.
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>be me
>play on /v/
>pic related
atleast he knows me well
>see OP and think I'm missing fun
>hop in SR without paying attention
>one of the least fun weapon loadouts in weeks
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>triumvrate coming back on one the best SR maps
>also my beloved dualies, charger, and roller
>it's next weekend
only grizz splatanas for you
Don't jinx me, asswipe.
I hope you get the grizztana a lot you need more practice with it
I already got all the practice I could ever want with the thing, I still don't like it.
true but also git gud
make me
I wont make you mr grizz will when you get the grizztana for the majority of the rotation
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oh and just letting you know for splatfest I'm might go with shiver or frye
Bloody hell, I don't think I'm getting my one king kill tonight.

I only got it once or twice during huge run, maybe I'll be just as lucky this time.

I'm hovering between Frye or Big Man, I really like both of those. A palace sounds boring.
/v/ you faggots why did you pussy out lmao
Want to join team frye?
Should flyfish be nerfed?
>Why is a dead game allowed to have daily threads here
lolicon board, lolisho game
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No, he needs more baskets
shit you're right... what were we thinking...
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>missed both rooms
Well shit. Guess I can try freelancing for maybe another half hour.

Sounds like a decent compromise, I wouldn't be opposed to that.
Alright we'll go with team Frye damn last time I was on her team it was team chocolate
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flyfish aren't even the worst SR boss
These wouldn't be so bad if I was the only person on this earth actually bothering to kill them.
Steel eels are the worst
g is the worst
no i am
I made this post. Fuck the torpedo, I'll go manually kill it if need be.
/v/- faggots & pussies
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>good team and fug kill on first game
>two gold scales
Everything went better than expected.

I'm like 90% on board, the pre-game banter may sway me. But it still does seem like the best option if we wanna play together. Only gone Frye twice, Aliens and Wisdom. I don't regret the ayys, but slightly Wisdom. If only because the courage "teammates" were the biggest damn retards.
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Looks like everyone else is also tired. Bed time now, but first two images
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She's the best and I love her. Good night.
Gn sis
gg team
i did it!
what did you do
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You're a bunch of pissies, a bunch of pussies
Afraid of Dynaslow the shit weapon kek
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i'll never forgive you /v/
who are you
Do you think an inkling could be bald?
and would it count as an unfair advantage in turf wars since you couldn't easily tell what team they're on?
3 is a massive downgrade from 2. Don’t buy it
very nice
probably an /ink/er
discordtroon as well since he seems to post himself
gj bigjohn
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I'm Grezar your worst nightmare
You ruined my tourney, prepare to face my wrath
stipd octopus, that's not how you wear a bra!
this wouldn't have happened if it was a salmon run tournament...
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Would octolings even have vagoos?
mayby, mayby not
both inklings and octos got affected by the scifi human wishes crystals, so mayby they do and its just there to pleasure
and if not, butthole sex.
I want to r@pe your woomy
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lol you guys pulled out?
That isn't a good conversation starter with the woomy anon
Octos say it all the time & woomies don't mind it
>pedocord bad
FTFY and yes it is.
you don't know what you've done /v/, lots of poolsclosed players migrate to inkgen whenever the threads dead, now no one is gonna accept you over there
Is it weird I can play TW and even SR for long stretches of time but ranked drains me after two or three matches.
used to happen to me too, but I'm starting to get accustomed to rank
Its a declaration of intent
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pfffffffft you'll never live this down
I wanted to maybe get to S+ but I'm thinking of throwing in the towl. S it good enough right?
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Do you have any Splatoon merchandise (official, knockoff, or custom)?
I have every amiibo (except s1 alt colors, I don't care about those) and some t-shirts
also the three games physically
I guess we'll never know who Pinksuit:3 was now....
mayby Pinksuit:3 was all the turf we inked along the way
So its really cancelled or is it just shit posting?
It's legit canceled
i require octopussy
sr anyone?

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