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Is the 2077 sequel going to go woke?
Nigga cyberpunk as a genre is just high tech+povert
...do you know nothing about the genre?
yeah they took blackrock money
>go woke
you continue to be
It would be really nice if they made the first game playable first.
I stopped playing the original because it was a VN with walking simulator + shitty shooter + shitty driving mechanics with a world that quickly loses it luster once you realize the lighting is the exact same everywhere and there isn't even any good music to change things up a bit. Your player character being more of a blank slate and the world clearly having been less affected by your actions by the outset, plus a whole host of other issues compared to the witcher 3, makes it harder to roleplay and all that, but due to all the aforementioned gameplay issues, why bother? It just makes you wish some tense horror rpg existed with hard-to-make split second decisions or some shit
i hope they put exotics in the next game
Cyberpunk TTRPG has always been hyper-woke. If anything 2077 dialed it down massively.
That's cool, it's a noble cause, the homeless situation in the west is getting to an unrecoverable state and it must be addressed. But that isn't what Pondsmith's Cyberpunk is about. These devs have completely missed the point. Orion is already headed down the wrong path.
this game is such ass, who cares.
poles can go neck themselves, honest
Not exactly, what's woke now is entirely different than the "equality" shit they spouted in the 80s.
>Will cyber-punk
>A genre defined by being a cautionary tale about unrestrained corporate capitalism, consumerism, the decline of government and wealth inequality
>go woke.
I'm convinced most /pol/tards are legitimately in year 7.
didnt 2077 already do both of those things
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In Red all the characters have their pronouns stated, theirs dialogue in the campaign book where murderous, black lace addicted gangers argue over pronouns and how much if a dick you are for not acknowledging them. Theres a Trump villian and mass immigration being an issue for overcrowdedness and such being removed from the second printed copy.

It's woke
Pondsmith's idea of Cyberpunk is centered around the interaction of corporations with the wider culture. Individual tales are cool and a large part of his game, but there is a heavy emphasis on the indestructible nature of multinational corporations. The individual stories are more like a garnish (which is never the point of a meal.) CDPR got it wrong and I'll hold to that.
>In Red
Stopped reading right there.
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>In Red
Yeah no shit. And CP77 already had a tranny, so the sequel can't get much worse anyway.
The original PnP is neither of those.
The fuck do they even mean? Isn't that literally the fucking point of cyberpunk as a genre? High-tech, low-life?
>multinational companies are indestructible
Ironically, Shadowrun emphasizes that better than Cyberpunk ever did with companies literally ran by dragons that are nearly always detached by the other races they conduct businesses (see:war) with.
What I described in my post are either the reasons leading up to or the reasons for the state of any given place where cyberpunk games occur.
That's just a fact.
that's literally the point of cyberpunk as a genre
what do you think the punk in cyberpunk means?
Homelessness and wealth gap aren’t woke though.
Everyone is borderline homeless and struggling.
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Imagine reading cyberpunk novels and proclaiming some grand morality from them other than the cool shit and technobabble that's happening. It's literally an entire genre that's solely governed by the rule of cool and anybody that says otherwise is outing themselves as a secondary.
Even in the game they infer that trans individuals have a murderous and often selfish motive. Claire Russell for example is a dead ringer for Audrey Hale. Whether that was intentional or not is debatable. But I personally think the game is a lot less woke than what people claim.
I think they mean narratively. The game doesn't focus a whole lot on that due to it surrounding The Relic and Johnny, so while there's plenty of evidence of that around you, it doesn't massively affect the story. So from the sounds of it the sequel will have its main plot focused on those core Cyberpunk details.
Shadowrun is sick, I didn't like Deadman's Switch, but the games after that were like a chefs kiss. Hong Kong is still one of my all time favorites.
Which one would you recommend?
Not me bro, I'm doing just fine. Thriving even.
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Is there a term for when fiction is clearly advocating what it's supposedly a polemic against
It really struck me when people pointed out Handmaids Tale is "Nook don't rape me, rich handsome man, don't make your wife hold me down while you use my fertile pussy as your breeding slave, anything but that"

Because I read a lot of Gibson and Stephenson and there's an undeniable undercurrent of "Haha wouldn't it be awful if this happened, doesn't it just make you sick imagining that peaceful streets could be disrupted by cyborg ninjas machinegunning each other we truly live in a society"
The message has consistently been that the world is suffering from climate change, capitalism is the death of the country, inequality between people is a definitive cause of societal strife (especially racism), the common man cannot amount to anything because of the system, and those in power hate those who aren't.
Its a such a fucking shame M$ is sitting on the license.
Shadowrun deserves better after shadowrun returns was essentially the vanguard of the modern CRPG space.
Easy, Dragonfall
Thank you
For me that's just Tuesday.
Okay corpo
all dystopian genres were created by eternal seething commies
i think you have completely missed the point of both of these works
Are you pro homelessness and billionaire cock suckers? Bizarre take OP.
>Hiro Protagonist and Vitaly Chernobyl, roommates, are chilling out in their home, a spacious 20-by-30 in a U-Stor-It in Inglewood, California. The room has a concrete slab floor, corrugated steel walls separating it from the neighboring units, and—this is a mark of distinction and luxury—a roll-up steel door that faces northwest, giving them a few red rays at times like this, when the sun is setting over LAX. From time to time, a 777 or a Sukhoi/Kawasaki Hypersonic Transport will taxi in front of the sun and block the sunset with its rudder, or just mangle the red light with its jet exhaust, braiding the parallel rays into a dappled pattern on the wall.

>But there are worse places to live. There are much worse places right here in this U-Stor-It. Only the big units like this one have their own doors. Most of them are accessed via a communal loading dock that leads to a maze of wide corrugated-steel hallways and freight elevators. These are slum housing, 5-by-10s and 10-by-10s where Yanoama tribespersons cook beans and parboil fistfuls of coca leaves over heaps of burning lottery tickets.

>It is whispered that in the old days, when the U-Stor-It was actually used for its intended purpose (namely, providing cheap extra storage space to Californians with too many material goods), certain entrepreneurs came to the front office, rented out 10-by-10s using fake IDs, filled them up with steel drums full of toxic chemical waste, and then abandoned them, leaving the problem for the U-Stor-It Corporation to handle. According to these rumors, U-Stor-It just padlocked those units and wrote them off. Now, the immigrants claim, certain units remain haunted by this chemical specter. It is a story they tell their children, to keep them from trying to break into padlocked units.
Did I, or did the people writing them
capitalism bad (pay money for dlc)
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>the indestructible nature of multinational corporations
Not with that attitude.
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homelessness is a lifestyle choice for a lot of homeless people. They simply do not like living in buildings. The wealth gap is also a non issue. But I'm sure focusing on these things will bring so much to the gameplay.
Unpopular opinion. YT is a fetish character. Stephenson is a chomo. Thanks for reading my blog.
The left wants whites dead.
>is literally unironically 100% in the right with no room for misinterpretation
>is the game's main antagonist with no way to ever aid him
>the Phantom Liberty ending is best for the world because you fuck off and let him cook
Depends if it actually touches on the problems of drugs and illegal immigration as parts of the problem or if its just going to be more capitalism=bad.
Is it time to finally give it another try? I got it on release day and quit after the prologue. I already know it's not the game we were promised, but have a lot of the bugs and such actually been fixed?
Yeah, you aren't wrong. That said, I don't mind these particular commies, they entertain me.
Is that the one with the coronavirus reference? Or is that one Hong Kong? I remember a run focusing on a modified virus.
Who gives a fuck? This is capitalism. If you can't cut it then you don't deserve to take part in society and we shouldnt be handing out charity for failures. Go live in the woods.
There's still bugs but they're no where near as egregious, and the mechanics of the game in general are entirely different than release.
the first one was woke
wealth gap? that's very antisemitic.
I think any "dark take on x" suffers from this. The moralizing also can come through when they attempt to make the player feel bad for shit that they obviously thought was dope and wanted you to think was tight too. See dishonored's lethal powers. Piracy also suffers this in ac4, at least narratively.
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>confronting homelessness and wealth gap is...LE WOKE!
In a fucking Cyberpunk game no less.
CDPR announced official ESG plans as of last year, so its already over for them.
God I miss when "technology will allow you to completely change all sexual characteristics" was an interesting story about how the dangers of detaching yourself from humanity through transhumanism, disembodying yourself in your own body.
Does sex reassignment even carry a cyberpsychosis cost in this franchise?
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> David chill with the chrome it messes with your head
> David did you see that cyber psycho kill our gang member because of too much chrome?
> David did you see our gang leader die because of too much chrome?
>…David why do you have all the chrome please stop oh you’re dead now.

This is the level of writing you’re at with Cyberpunk chill out.
Yeah it's actually jarring how it's the same map, same dialogue, same characters, etc. but the entire stat, item and perk system has been replaced

I can't think of another game that ever did that
They didn't talk about it in CP2077, which is weird because it occurs right after the Latin American War, or the second "vietnam". Supposedly a lot of people were displaced and had to migrate north.
Shit, and I was planning to go to Poland soon enough. Did something happen?
A cyberpunk story set in a world where wealth inequality has been ended by force would actually be really cool. I'm of the camp who believes cyberpunk began and ended with Gibson, and this might finally be something new.
The setting already does that. Walk around for two seconds in night city
definitely you
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>billionaires talking about homelessness and the wealth gap
Everyone in Night City is gay and brown so it's clearly a utopia
Mr. Robot was peak cyberpunk despite technically not being part of the genre at all
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>Using video games a political platform to sincerely discuss social issues


it wasn't retarded.

homelessness is not a problem in the cyberpunk setting, so they're just clowns
the average lifespan is less than 30, they have far more living space than they need for the amount of people that actually survive
junkies on the street are chromed up, which is more than a place to live
and then lastly with the number of 24/7 bars, clubs and the fact that people juiced up need to sleep less and their bodies are significantly hardier, being on the street isn't a real issue
it is wholly moronic to ever make it out to be an issue in this setting, it's just "insert real world issue into setting where it does not fit" for bald larry points
You can't aid Yorinobu simply because he'd never want it. He's way too paranoid of outside elements to do anything except clean house so that no one in Arasaka could ever challenge him.
Did they improve the character creator? I remember it being really shitty. I don't care about a bunch of sliders for nostril sizes, but the hair choices all sucked and I remember every one of them being a weird shade of green.
David was on a downward spiral due to character flaws from episode 1. Classic greek tragedy shit. Even if it is low quality.
Thankfully this game was made before the covid crap, but yeah, Dragonfall is the one with that plot point. And I don't want to spoil it for you because it's gud.
>homelessness is not a problem in the cyberpunk setting
You see homeless people all the time in-game and Pacifica is like 90% hobos.
It's almost like a massive corporation made it or something.
>But they are privately owned
So was Epstein island.
Bleedin' heck
I agree in general
But Mr. Robot's mental illness premise started stupid and then got dumber and then was unbearably retarded by the end

It was really ballsy to have the plucky anticorporate rebels just win at the end of season 1 and the entire rest of the show was about how much worse they made the world, that everyone they took down were greedy evil sociopaths but they were "load bearing" to society
SoCal man, it might as well be Mexico. Hate to californians... actually, no. I do hate you. But that's a moot point.
Never watched that because I kinda hate the main actor, but now that a goon from 4chan has recommended it I might.
>See dishonored's lethal powers
you got filtered
fist act is literally quantic dream tier - imagine half life's prologue, but its 4-5 hours of nothing but 'cutscenes' and pressing F to pay respects.
rest of the game is grand theft poland : night city, to the point where Rockstar could actually file a lawsuit, kek. Dialogue doesnt matter 99% of the time, street cred is quite literally just a number that never comes up, and the skill tree is just there so you can have an 'incentive' to replay the game, even though the core gameplay wont change at all - its just shootan, pretty shitty mediocre as well, oh, and sometimes the paying of respects is a QTE.
its a real shame all that money and effort went to push out the turd that is this game, honestly.
visually and stylistically its very good though, at least money was well spent there.
you were ok with it before though
I liked the show. Not enough to ever watch it again. But it was good for a one-time romp.
What is there to "call out" regarding homelessness? Maybe, just maybe, there are some folks out there who don't want to live like slaves and devote 95% of their conscious effort towards a corporation that hates then and wants to downsize them at the first hurdle? Maybe there are some real actual living beings out there who don't want to be property to their "income" and choose to be better than those who participate in (((society)))? What a ridiculously stupid thing to say, homeless people are far better off than any human who has a (((job))) and pays (((bills))). Fuck off. Some people are able to escape slavery and suddenly they are labeled as being a problem, more people should be "homeless" and then the world would be a better place, no human should ever be required to pay for where they live period.
>le heckin wealth gap
And yet nobody wants to live in the eras where the wealth gap was much smaller. Strange.
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I've always seen Pondsmith's concept to be a world where corporations replace Nature in the world. Not in the sense that there are less trees, but in the sense that concrete and steel are flora, androids and robots are fauna, and humanity tends to fields of industry and feed on the fruits born from factories with commerce bearing greater harvests in high and low seasons. He doesn't necessarily express corporations as inherently evil, but more nihilistic and ambivalent with their unbreakable fixation on eternal growth, and the consequences of the world tend to be felt on those who aren't in an advantageous enough position to weather these types of storms (read: common citizens and unfortunate poors) and wind up swept away or violently revolting in a futile effort to stop a hurricane with their bare hands. Red even has a lot of mentions about corpos having zero interest in money, but rather that simple power that climbing the ladder provides that can both be a weapon to feed on their competitors and to shield themselves from their enemies.
It'd be poor writing if you didn't have both sides of the story.
You know, thats interesting. You could go in a lot of directions from that. Gangs relying on the gibs to buy ammo, underground economies that both criminals and regular folk rely on to replace the hyperinflated legitimate one, sheltered burbclaves who vote for this while being protected by paramilitaries.
I can do without the polio, anon.
>repeat what he said but with more vitriol
This is a Reddit post if I ever saw one.
Skill trees absolutely matter, you spec into fists or knives or pistols or machineguns and they all play dramatically differently

The prologue is interesting to play once although on replays "learn to braindance" and "navigate the spider drone" drag like hell

Phantom Liberty's most brilliant addition is that you can just skip the fucking prologue, you click "new game" and you're a level 15 with green gear, Johnny in your head and no map quests completed
Thanks. I guess I might as well give it another shot since they already ripped me off before.
"Visually and stylistically" was a problem for me on release though. It looks incredible in screenshots. But when I played it, shit pops in so close, shadows take too long to load in while driving fast, tons of LOD issues.
I replayed GTA5 right after and I was more impressed with the visuals still frankly. But if they actually improved what I said above, no doubt Cyberpunk would look way better than GTA5.
Cyberpunk was just in such a weird place where all the assets and raw lighting were way better but the game was too fucked up to bring it all together.
There's no solution to homelessness that doesn't involve trampling on homeless people's desires. Some people want to live on the streets. Some homeless people are out of their minds and will never successfully integrate into society the way we want them to. Either you lock them up (jail, asylums, mental institutions, involuntary sheltering) or let them do as they want which will result in their numbers continuing to climb as they create their own parasitic society where children are born and grow up only ever knowing how to be a homeless person.

>wealth gap
This will always exist. Some people are driven by money and success while other are perfectly fine scraping by with much less. The only thing you can do is offer people opportunity and hope they take it.
I'm pretty sure most white conservatives would love to go back to the 1950s.
>Is the 2077 sequel going to go woke?
unlike the first game?
You mean the LARPing spics with cross emojis on their bio?
Most living politicians anybody gives the slightest fuck about were also born before video games became a big thing. The average senator is older than Pong. What a retarded argument.
The latest updates brought it up to par. Don't expect a super deep game or anything, but if you want to play an impeccable cyberpunk movie with very acceptable shooting you'll be satisfied.
the sequel is being made in massachusetts, not poland like the original
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>Only larping spics want the ideal family unit life of the 1950s with a house, wife, and kids within a racially homogenous community
Okay troon.
Turning health items and grenades from things you craft huge piles of and hoard to things you get an infinite number of but can only use once every -- seconds was a great change
Maybe if you actually were married and have children today, you wouldn't have time fantasizing about being married and having children in the 50s.
I only replayed a few months after PL came out, and in a hot firefight where my upgraded pistol that I stole from the heist was slotting heads in two shots but I was still feeling in danger did I think "Holy shit, this is actually fun now"
Reminder that Shadowrun for some reason made a precursor hero-shooter before the fad went into full swing. MS is sitting on the one IP that's one-of-a-kind but they don't want it touched.
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you'd think their priority would be to deliver a working game on release this time around
Handmaid's Tale is definitely some kind of elaborate smut that disguises itself as feminist high art.
Even in high school when we had to read dystopian books, the people who picked that one were like "Why did this chick invent a reality just so she could get piped?"
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CDPR are dead
this video dropped shortly after CP2077 released
youll never get a decent game from them again
Wait, Handmaid's Tale is high school reading? The fuck? You might as well put Blood Meridian in there, clearly there is no such limits.
I'd say they'd have an easier time this time if they weren't switching engines fdom red to unreal. They have a lot of the assets now for one.
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theyre switching to unreal because all their devs left
the company was taken over by you know who, there is no one left with any talent there
Reading blood meridian in high school would have been based, I would have read that out like a preacher
Stephenson is a prime autist, so I think he's totally down for this shit. Anybody who doesn't want that future would write about a 14 year old willingly fucking Vulkan Raven right before a street samurai pizza delivery man uses a uranium tipped gatling gun to slice open Steve Jobs' legally purchased nuclear aircraft carrier while making it sound like the coolest thing ever.
Night City is more liveable than present day LA
Every homeless person I've ever met was a shithead abusing meth.
Aren't some of their former devs working on games of their own now? I think I've heard about one of them that's supposed to be vampire themed
I want to be a cyborg ninja machinegunning fucking stupid smelly retard niggers all day, that'd be way better than my current life
Cyberpunk as a genre is a critique of capitalism, you retard.
If I remember right, the options were Neuromancer, Brave New World, Handmaids Tale and 1984. I remember the teacher, who had a very suspicious soul patch, had a previous classes project on the wall with a Neuromancer quote that was clearly put there to see if the guy would get in trouble, from the part where Molly fucks Case in the capsule hotel: "She impaled herself on him, over and over, until they both had come."
First game is playable, just took a year and a half.
Arasaka can rebuild and retake Night City again, it'll just take another 50 years like last time. In 2020 Johnny used a nuke and in 2077 V was the nuke
>want to talk about the biggest capitalism flaws

fucking retarded golems I hate goys so much it's so easy to manipulate you shitters into fighting against your own interests.
That's retarded, that's who the Nomads are meant to represent in the lore.
Somebody did the math in another thread and figured that Night City's "30 murders a day" stat from the opening cinematic would make it a mid tier city in Mexico or South Africa

the only people who are homeless are drug addicts
1984 is honestly elementary level reading, it's not hard to read at all
Will big tits be allowed in the sequel? It was always weird how it's supposed to be a setting of degeneracy and debauchery yet everyone is just modest as fuck.
you're the retard
capitalism has existed for how long now? and homelessness was never a severe problem until recently. almost like the root problem is something else - the idea you can blame every single interaction or issue on 'capitalism' itself because it's happening under capitalism at present is the most low iq insanity
1984 was one of the hardest books I ever read. Not because of the content, but because the dipshits that bound it did this idiotic thing where they cut waves into the side your right thumb touches so it was impossible to turn one page.
>homelessness was never a severe problem until recently
>Insert your country's educational system.
Tenaments and vagrency were huge issues during the industrial revolution.
Neuromancer sicks out like a sore thumb in those choices but I guess it is fundamentally dystopian. Fahrenheit 451 would've been a better choice. Or if I had to choose, Logan's Run.
Capitalism didn't exist during the Industrial Revolution dumbass
Read a history book, it was a vastly bigger problem even two hundred years ago. You might get harassed if you go into the Tenderloin now, but you're not gonna get your car hijacked by brigands in the woods.
Hands down the weirdest complaint I've ever heard. But I can respect that, you obviously read a lot of books.
When exactly did Capitalism begin anon?
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Deus Ex is one of the wokest games ever made, tackling issues like wealth gap, media control, government surveillance and much more, yet y'all love it.

This is literally a case of good new bad old.
451 was the last choice I couldn't remember. I guess buddy put Neuromancer in because its fucking great.
Neuromancer is heavy with the technobabble and is sometimes hard to parse with what the fuck is going on in a particular scene, especially for high school reading.
I think it may have been a fuckup in the binding process, because I now know they do that to make the glue adhere better in the spine, but the wavy edge is the one thats supposed to be encased in glue. Maybe I should go to my small town library and lift that copy as a rare misprint, the collectors love that shit.
Cyberpunk SEQUEL?

Motherfucker, you didn't even make the first game, what are you talking about?

Also, how the fuck does a game "call out" something? Do you have NPCs in the game just be like, "Ey yo choom muffuga dese peepo be homeless an' shiet. It's bad yo. Why da gubmint not spendn' Eddies on makin' houses yo? Shiiiiiiiit." Like, do you just mention it a lot? Just keep bringing it up in every conversation? Just have every quest and every NPC comment on how the US government in 2027 doesn't spend enough money to house all the drug addicts and immigrants? Weird position to take when you're a shitty development studio in fucking Poland.
>read a history book
only if you read about the 60 million or so killed under communism
You retards are all the same
>muh capitalism
Capitalism isn't a "system" of oppression or whatever you retards seem to think. It's a natural state of being. I have a thing and want to trade you for a thing. That's literally capitalism you fucking tard.
You don't like corporatism. Which is what this shit system is, where there are private gains and public losses. It's no better than communism because instead of the state, you have a few hedge funds exerting authority on all capital and political power.
>This is literally a case of good new bad old.
Maybe, but it's objectively true so what's the issue?
>capitalism didn't exist during the Industrial Revolution
Capitalism, as we all work and define it, existed as a counter against mercantilism, the dominating economic theory at the time which fueled the race of colonialism. Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations is how we all understand capitalism as a foundational philosophy that can be gleaned on. Marx eventually coined the term, but in the most ironic fashion, confused it with corporatism.
capitalism has been around since the first shiny rock was traded for a chicken you absolute moron
It depends how they do it, Nomads were written as the dispossessed/homeless who banded together into transitory hordes in the lore.
Maybe Im just a bit younger than you and grew up in the tech revolution, or just because I know computer stuff, but I didn't find it hard to follow with all the tech crap and otherwise. Still kind of an outlier in the group though.
Yes, but there's a difference between HAVING homeless people or nomadic gypsies in a story or worldbuilding, and then "calling out homeslessness".
In fairness the age of Feudalism wasn't really capatilistic. But neither was Feudalism prevalent during the industrial revolution.
Whatever you do, don't steal it anon, ask if you can purchase it.
cyberpunk as a genre was always woke.
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The Deus Ex series encapsulates the irritating inanity of modern "politics"
>using a communist definition of a natural system
You don't know what you are talking about. Capitalism is free market trade. Did town markets not exist under the Feudal system?
>Social issues in a dystopia.

It's dead. At least I'm thankful that they tried their absolute best with 2077 and it's somewhat a sandbox RPG.
They need to be careful about this. Too many devs (well, media in general actually) are falling into a giant fucking problem of putting modern day problems into settings where they won't make sense.
You could argue that the Homeless in 2077's NC is a dramatic undershot of what happens in some modern US Cities sure. But then again those Cities don't have the problem of putting in Motorcross Gear and a Sandy going fucking insane and turning into a horror movie slasher with a Katana either. Like it's probably difficult to have a massive homeless problem when you live in a city with a life expectancy of about 32, y'know?
It's why I'm saying it depends how they do it. If it's some overt rich people are evil and if you give the homeless a handout they'll be entirely self sustaining and live normally it'll be preachy. If it's some corpo has overlevereged into real estate so uses the property to dump pollutants leading to a new nomad group forming from the residents it mightbe ok.
>Is the 2077 sequel going to go woke?
Woke and won!
It's always woke game anon! Go woke, get gold!
It's because Gibson's writing is highly contextual and referential. Even Neuromancer's opening lines are highly contextual to the tech of Gibson's time trying to write a future that is fundamentally anchored to that era. For example, most people nowadays wouldn't know the "color of a dead television channel" opening line of Neuromancer. To me, that's a haze of black and white. To others that's simply pitch black. Some even said it was a deep vibrant blue.
Yeah, probably the most moral thing to do, but this is Canada.
you could argue they sorta touched on that with the modern Voodoo Boys, as they were basically the criminal element of Haiti who banded together to take over Pacifica
My point was even in the most liberal interpretation of what wasn't capitalism the industrial revolution still falls squarely into the capitalist age.
NTA but I always gotta chime in that a very unexpected and cliche-breaking thing CP2077 does is just make the Voodoo Boys evil pieces of shit

A lot of other games from a lot of other faggot publishers would have made them unambiguous heroes
Even this was lifted from a Gibson book, where rich Haitian gangsters still respected the loose AI that were taking on the guise of voodoo loas.
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Are people even homeless in cyberpunk? I figured it was like the "homeless" nowadays where they deliberately choose to spend their money on drugs and augs instead of housing.
I get this take in general, but I don’t think depicting something as ‘cool’ while also trying to say ‘it’s bad’ isn’t mutually exclusive. It’s akin to saying things like “video games cause violence”. Okay, maybe for absolute retards it does, but most people have the capacity to acknowledge entertainment for its own sake while still absorbing a theme or message. This “the creator fetishizes was he condemns” take, while sometimes has its merits, is usually just midwit criticism
>Capitalism is free market trade.
Wrong. Capitalism uses free markets, but so do other economic systems. Exchanging money for goods is not enough for it to be Capitalism.
This is the most stupid question ever asked.
For a moment I thought they were gonna dial back a bit on that in Phantom Liberty, but then Reed basically says "these guys are all just evil pieces of shit, who cares if we waste 'em" after Slider dies so lol
I wasn't arguing that, some other anon was. And there is no 'capitalist' age. The age you are referring to is the corporate age. That's when the first corporations started springing up, was during the industrial revolution.
JD Rockefeller lobbied for the first permanent corporate charter in 1912. The Fed started in 1913. The age you are referring to is based on the furthest thing from capitalism. It's as centrally managed as China's economy, just more subversive
Yes, there's a few represented as just fucked over by their former employers.
Bro, the lore spells it out for you. Bio warfare destroying crops, the destruction of natural agricultural methods, synthetic meat, synthetic nutrients. Hunger has been almost completely annihilated. The scripts don't reflect this, the enviroment they interpreted from Pondsmith game don't reflect this. It's infuriating. There isn't enough emphasis on drug culture to make sense of any of it. I love the game but so many aspects of it are nonsensical.
Doesn't the setting itself address how corporations use social issues as smokescreens to divide and distract the public so they don't unite against the obvious source of their problems, aka the vampiric, nigh-legally-invulnerable nightmare entity that is the corporations themselves?
High-tech, low-life is like the main feature of the genre
Feudalism is only an intellectual theory for how society worked in the Middle Ages. There's no one specific definition of what feudalism is because it was coined after the fact by scholars as an adhoc explanation of how the past era worked. Manoralism was your best bet of how an economy worked during that era but even then it wasn't really all that pivotal to a society as some historians would have people believe.
>economic system
capitalism isn't an "economic system" it's the trade of a good or service for capital and the belief in private ownership.
You are defining it using Marx's definition, which is actually corporatism.
You faggots know that Cyberpunk was created by a black man, right?
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>brainlet exposed
There's a difference between being homeless and going hungry though. And I think Streetkid V even has a line about how "nobody goes Hungry in Night City, the dumpsters are overflowing with scop" or something like that.
Guess I was born at the last right time for these, because my developmental years saw staticky tube TVs and software graphics replaced with plasma screens and the mighty 480 housefire. Makes me wonder how kids born around now will look back at our legendary sci fi. Will a kid who got taught by GPT-9000 blink at Picard's computer?
>capitalism is the death of the country
Corporatism. The creation of a corporate oligarchy that works instead as a political body is a corporatist endgame.
What's woke now is literally anything to the left of theocracy.
Damn, finally
This. Brainlet commies can't into nuance
Maybe in America, but his majesty's Honorable East India Trading Company had basically unlimitrf power before that.
Following history and sociology, what's woke now is simply cultural Marxism showing its ugly face to the common people.
do you really expect anyone who sits on a video game board talking about trannies 24/7 to have any form of media literacy?
It's not woke if it has black people on it.
>headline in pic
please don't.
the real world is shit enough to drive people to play fantasy games as an escape.
don't bring the real world into the fantasy games.
Did the East India Trading Company have a corporate charter and public capital fueling endless growth through shareholders?
Then it wasn't a corporation
i would actively hunt them out.
>wasn't arguing that,
>proceeds to argue it.
Again, my point was the industrial revolution occured under a capitalist system and back to the original point had issues with housing availability for workers.
It's more Hegalian authoritarianism than Marxism in my opinion. Which is equally as bad.
Yeah, thats why it was such a big deal. Nearly demolished the empire's economy multiple times and destroyed multiple public banks. It made 08 look like a fucking joke.
if you wanna get all technical about it, one of the minibosses from the Animals was an exotic. Dude had alligator skin or something grafted onto him
That's not how cyberpunk is about
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>Current Game took something like 10 years
Nigga, Just add DLC to the current game and add mechanic and graphical improvements then charge like $15-20 bucks per substantial release and I doubt most will care

The old dev cycle doesn't make sense in todays modality with widespread high speed internet access and cumbersome dev times - studios need to adapt

Please someone explain why we can't evolve from the old dev system yet
It had/has a royal charter and yes, you could invest in it. Still can technically.
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I wish I understood this particular time in history better. I know it was the beginning of the modern corporations but the specific details are lost on me.
>centrally planned economies fuck over the poor
What a grand revelation
Still not capitalism though.
Not that anon but IIRC, the East India Trading Company was a joint-stock company BUT it was under the British monarch which meant it was mercantilist by its very nature. You have to ask permission of the monarch to conduct business and create monopolies of goods and such.
The biggest innovation has probably been crowdfunding unironically and even that is quite underwhelming. It's a shame
It's based off the frank rise of CRT and intersectionalism which has traceable roots to the Frankfurt school of sociologists, who in turn were Marxists.
privatizing wealth and publicizing loss is the corporatists endgame. They make off with all the things of real value while you are left holding a worthless stock certificate.
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biden did make homelessness and the wealth gap a lot worse thats for sure
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The craziest part about that whole encounter is that the cop is so reasonable
He's still kind of shady and manipulative (who isn't in this game) but he's actually in the top 10% of good guys you meet and he's a fucking cop
It's every bureaucracy's endgame
Spot on, same as the South Sea company.
NetWatch are de facto heroes in the setting because they're fighting real demons that would really exterminate humanity
If I recall, they effectively ruled India until their mismanagement of the country resulted in a revolution, after which they were stripped of authority and replaced by the British Raj, then subsequently bankrupted and dissolved.
You guys do know that there are nations with virtually no homelessness? You have concocted up an ideology where the homeless are glad to be on the street rather than housed like would be decent.
India wasn't exactly a united country until the British made it so to make trade and taxation much more simpler to manage.
Read "The Anarchy" by Dalrimple, its a good summation of that period. Other than a few hotheads who wanted to shoot Indians, they kind of just became a power when the jeets needed an army of impeccably trained foreign mercenaries to destroy their enemies and would give up grotesque trade concessions to buy them. Eventually they became the most "too big to fail" entity in history.
I mean, truth be told, it's kind of hard to hate the guy when he's extremely logical when he explains what the malware they stuck in you is and the fucking ghetto dipshits actually do follow through and fry you.
I think you've misunderstood this, he's a vistigial representation of the gang of four, which was a key component in the destruction of the USA. You are supposed to interpret blue eyes as the reasonable option, or the lesser of two evils. But ultimately he is still evil.
Say what you will about Cyberpunk, but it's not afraid to point out that psychotic gangbangers are generally not nice people.
Who's saying psychotic gangbaners ARE nice people?
It was already woke with the amount race mixed people there
there is no pronoun pandering in the game so its not woke
They’re still balls deep in ESG like it’s 2021
It's supposed to be a dystopia so that's not necessarily a bad thing
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Gamers should really stop buying this shitslop
But gamers will never stop
Because gamers are the biggest dick eaters on Earth; so on and on the cycle of shitslop will continue
No one to blame but yourselves
The government had barely any control over them, they operated as they pleased because their tea imports alone were a fifth of the entire Crown revenue. They got away with their opium fuckery by just selling to smugglers and therefore not technically breaking any Chinese laws. Could you imagine the USMC taking on officers from Apple's private army at the same rank? Even making fat losses they were in charge until the sepoy rebellion made the crown step in and nationalize the whole thing.
Also, it's California, the worst place to ever exist. It makes perfect sense.
Companies are starting to detangle from ESG nowadays but I believe its bullshit is all just normalized at this point where you have branches of companies dedicated to that sort of thing under their own volition, like an HR department of sorts.
>Could you imagine the USMC taking on officers from Apple's private army at the same rank?
I can only get so erect, stop teasing me. Uwu
That's how it went but officially, they are a chartered company. You'd still have to go through the crown. Trading companies virtually were all under the crowns of their nations. East India Company was a gigantic monster of British making that eventually relied on it heavily to maintain its empire. Keep in mind, the East India Trading company initially started rather small with a bunch of London merchants until they got chartered by the Queen (to compete with the Dutch).
I don’t really see this as woke, Night City looked like paradise compared to modern day Californian cities. If they want to make a true dystopia they need homeless junkies everywhere
I want to see a mod where all the homeless dudes are hunched over and there are needles everywhere. That would be some good cyberpunk.
Lunatic fringe lefties who think Los Angeles is a magical place, rather than a vastly shittier Las Vegas.
They are glad to be on the street because doing drugs is their only reason for existing. How would socialism solve this?
>It wasn't real capitalism!
No nation on Earth is mercantilist anymore. There is however neo-mercantilism, where instead of trade monopolies, moves more to create and hold a large enough FX reserves to influence the fiscal policy of the nation.Building on pre-Smithian mercantilist ideas, it calls for trade protectionism and other forms of government economic activism to promote the wealth and power of their state.
this isn't wrong, but at the same time we need to make sure this can actually apply to Cyberpunk's setting properly. Like can a place like NC, which has entire streets breaking out into full on war for random reasons, really sustain a massive homeless population like what you see in LA or Venice Beach?
Because it technically isn't. Capitalism as we all know it and follow it is a Smithian idea hence the emphasis on A FREE MARKET to stimulate a nation's economy. Mercantilists don't like that because they see state intervention and protectionism as the the paramount measure to ensure a nation's wealth.
Excuse me for chiming in and struggling to articulate my own thoughts, but something that's been bouncing around in my head is that a lot of people treat the corruption as a one-way street, that there's something virtuous about politics until the businessmen muscle in

But the whole chicken/egg thing you guys are describing with the East India Company reminds me of the "professional" class today; how there's a specific small cohort of people that graduate from Ivy League and spend the rest of their lives drifting seamlessly from corporate positions to NGOs to think tanks to lobbying firms to government cabinets, and sometimes it seems like they poison governments with shitty corporate opinions but other times it genuinely seems like they poison corporations with shitty political opinions

Like I genuinely have a hard time determining if I hated all the faggots in Obama's cabinet because they were Google executives or if I hated all the faggots in Google's boardroom because they were Obama's cabinet members
They started out like that, but by the golden years they were pretty much a rogue state doing whatever they liked. That charter basically said "Do whatever the fuck you want with no consequences". Even though their standing army was larger than England's, they did some seriously risky shit with the knowledge that the crown would send top of the line British troops to back them up because it meant preserving the revenue, which was seriously necessary in the post Napoleon defect era, when John Company's trade was keeping the empire afloat. When they wanted the Punjab after based midget Ranjit Singh died, they sent absolute mad lad Gough and some divisions to ensure that became corporate controlled.
Probably not. Some gang with some half-decent cyberware would round them up and drive them like a herd into a slaughterhouse to be harvested for their organs.
It is, but spergs on /v/ cant handle degeneracy in a cyberpunk setting so it's "woke".
Yeah but bottomline was that they raked in the fucking dough. It was a good thing the British had despite it kind of turning into a monster that spun out of control. Eventually, nationalism is what killed it entirely.
isn't that literally what the Scavs do already
Oh yeah, that was endemic back in those days. Do you know what Nabob means, other than a coffee brand? It came from nawab, a rich Indian merchant, but it would come to mean "EITC man who went to India, did a whole ton of dirty deals, and came home rich as Crassus." These goons would pay out a 14-30% dividend on their stock while basically accepting that the functionaries were raiding the coffers. What a time to be alive.
>Like I genuinely have a hard time determining if I hated all the faggots in Obama's cabinet because they were Google executives or if I hated all the faggots in Google's boardroom because they were Obama's cabinet members
America is sort of a corporatocracy so they are one of the same. I say sort of because the corporation aren't exactly in complete control but they exercise a hell lot of influence.
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holy shit not even hard to identify them anymore
Yes. In Cyberpunk, you're a victim until you can prove otherwise, and living on the street means you'll need to prove it much, much quicker than usual.
>rewarding women for taking time off work
The west was a mistake
Since when is combating homelessness a "woke" thing?
It's funny human civilization granted us the very concept of "comfort" and "goodness" yet we still define it as "broken" because every person isn't simply granted all of their exceptional amenities for simply existing.
You offer them no other option. There is no fast track from injecting needles on the street to gainful employment when the rent alone is 2000 dollars a month.
They did a rip roarin' profit, but it was just weak hands made from good times that let it finally explode. Fault lying on the corporate leaders for not taking any interest whatsoever aside from the profits or knowing anything at all about the local situation. If Vicky had stepped in sooner, I bet India would be like the British Puerto Rico right now.
They can work 2 jobs at McDonald's
>There's no solution to homelessness that doesn't involve trampling on homeless people's desires.
China just rounds them up from their nicer cities and throws them out in the middle of nowhere. Guess we could try that.
They can't and you know it.
We should bring back slavery but with homeless people this time. it would solve a lot of problems and make a lot of people very happy
>working 16 hours a day just to live in poverty
>when your parents could buy a decent house while working basically any regular job for a few years
I have seen many unironic calls for Victorian workhouses to be brought back.
The OP is just as guilty but the very attempt to try and turn this into a headline for some basic "cyberpunk" shit that they could've just put into the game without having to try and make a big deal out of it.
>British Puerto Rico
Unlikely, Indians got a taste of nationalism. They were going to kick them out regardless after that.
I'm a rapist and I can't believe the state isn't providing me with people I can rape. I'm not even picky, they can be thin or fat, short or tall, male or female, just as long as they're non-consenting. I'm feeling completely left out in this supposedly pluralistic society.
Rape is a no go but maybe you can get a government-supplied onahole.
Such a clusterfuck when the sirkar left. Lord Mountbattan realized that they'd accidentally built a nation of three ethnic groups that all hated each other and deleted the power structures that kept them in line, so he devised a plan to give them all their own territories where they could be with their own kind. This resulted in a top 5, maybe top 3 genocide if you ask some sources.
Sorry, brain shat itself.
Making basic cyberpunk shit into a headline is just silly.*
That's all I was gonna say lol
So they are going the preacher route? That's unfortunate, I really enjoyed that the game was at least self aware at times, but this sounds like it's going to be as bad as that barbie speech.
>But you see, real capitalism hasn't been tried yet!
Kill yourself
This is why I keep coming to 4chan. A thread about Cyberpunk will devolve into Victorian geopolitics.
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Leftists want you to believe that things in the past were always woke like the shit today but also things are so much better now than in the mean ol' racist sexist past.
you are a worthless retard
Isn't the whole plot of the DLC is that you're forced to work for the glowies?
We have a homelessness problem because we shut down all our asylums. Someone living in a tent isn't there because minimum wage is too low or there aren't enough jobs, they're living in a tent because they're so mentally ill they cannot even apply for welfare.
>Oh wow, some Poles "called out" the wealth gap boys in Cyberpunk 2078. We better stop ruining the world.
>Meeting ajourned.
Would you hire a junkie from the street to serve fast food?
Why do these devs waste so much time and resources on secondary shit like social commentary and activism instead of spending that time on making the gameplay better? They waste all this time on periphery bullshit and then have to cut out feature after feature because they didn't focus on the important shit to the gameplay itself.
Nope. Asylum / rehab.
Because they don't actually want to fix the game. They want the APPEARANCE of game being fixed. It's still a shitty fucking shooter with shitty RPG elements, and as an open world game it is still inferior to even the worst GTA games. And they have no intention to improve or fix it, because people already paid them money, so now they just want to make people feel good about wasting money on a shit game.
wait, is calling out these legitimate issues woke? damn, I'm woke then. just doesn't feel right sitting through fake inflation and bums shooting fentanyl right next to you on the street.
Still not buying your woke trash. CDPR is dead. Witcher 3 was the last game they ever made.
>big problems
>in-built features of every single civilization that has ever existed
Sorry poorfags, but you're going to get stomped on until humanity dies out.
it's really weird when all of society spontaneously decides that a random dictionary word is SUPER important and will parrot that word ENDLESSLY and CONSTANTLY for no real reason but to bitch, bitch, bitch about fucking nonsense. But it has happened too frequently to count in my life. Five years and no one will remember that this word had any special meaning, they will find another mindless accusation to lob like a bottle of piss onto the other camp, wondering why those meanies lob their own piss back.
Alright. Lets cut to the chase.

Anna Megill.


Also on Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora
Claims writing on Fable, but I don't see her on Mobygames..

Was a contract writer for
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider

I thought control was a pretty weak story, but it wasn't complete trash, and didn't go off the rails. I think it had high girl power but wouldn't call it woke.

The phrasing "CALLING OUT" homelessness is fucking bizzare, and doesn't strike me as understanding the genre. Low life sbumbags? Having homeless people hideosly exploited by corportations? Yes. Building affordable housing in night city that doesn't instantly get exploited out the wazzoo by mega corps?

>Does sex reassignment even carry a cyberpsychosis cost in this franchise?
I don't think so. I would argue that gene therapy and bio replacement parts made using your own genetics should be low or no cyberpsychosis.

I also would guarantee there are neosexual states that are both caused by and the result of cyberpsychosis. I mean expect full Legend of The overfiend options available, including combat based sex reasignment.
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>going to go woke?
this is the game with the story about how late stage capitalism, police brutality and fearmongering shifted the US to mayhem
But sure woke is when black people and marginalized minorities exist
This excerpt comes from NeoTribes: The Nomads of North America. It is specifically in a passage describing the way that the nomad tribes view society and the history leading to their formation. It serves as the justification for a disparate group of people to come together.
Basically it's a handwave for why you would only have seven major tribes of nomads across the US and why it's not extremely fractioned into hundreds of groups. Compare this to the real world, where there are 574 federally recognized Indian tribes.
Also, the author of NeoTribes was Ross Winn. This is a guy who wrote articles on RPG.net about how racial biases were present at the conception of D&D and urged people to rethink this
I have a tough time thinking that this dude was also writing his conservative manifesto in NeoTribes
Tldr: Leave it to gamers to pull the one contextless nugget of shit ideology out of a games lore and identify with it and parade it around calling it based.
it must be addressed by the people who can fucking do shit about it not fuckin rando ass game devs. Politics or commentary doesnt do shit otherwise we wouldnt be on cellphones like gta6 made clear.
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What the fuck does this even mean? How do you think video game development works?
then they released and expansion and introduced new bugs that they haven't fixed
What's wrong with any of that? Everyone deserves a chance to own a home and make enough money to live comfortably and enjoy life.
Multinational megacorporations that abuse their host countries are a big reason why we have these problems. They come in, buy out politicians, don't pay taxes, manipulate the host country in every way possible to suit their agendas and when shit hits the fan for them, they declare bankruptcy while the CEOs fly back to their gated mansions in their golden parachutes.
Of course though, let's be realistic. Knowing modern game developers, it's probably going to be about how the US must bring in endless streams of immigrants through the Mexican border and provide all of them housing while giving everyone free money, because being nuanced and realistic about solving problems isn't something modern leftists are capable of doing.
both of these are inherent in the original setting. doubling down on it just seems like you don't even understand.
Gibson is on record saying Neuromancer wasn't supposed to be dystopian IIRC. It just happens to deal with the darker side of that world.

Also hollywood is notorious for trying to make "war is hell" movies and ending up with "war is cool."
>Deus Ex is one of the wokest games ever made, tackling issues like wealth gap, media control, government surveillance
And it could have done so in a much clumsier, more pretentious and self-important way. Everything woke turns to shit.
should call it Californiapunk 2020
Cyberpunk getting a sequel now? What happened that allowed the devs to get away with the dubious at times false advertisement and downright atrocious launch?
some anime setting up the redemption arc
racism is when white people exist
> Is the 2077 sequel going to go woke?
Ah yes, because the current game which forces you to side with troons and other subhumans isnt woke lols.
you say "woke" in front of a leftist they start malfunctioning
after witnessing leftism, hed be a conservative now
>2077 sequel
Just how much of a dumpster fire it's going to be lmao?
Being "wOkE" would be the least of its problems lol.
just admit you hate white people and straight people and men and go, incel
Pondsmith's cyberpunk literally has decades of tents cities and housing insecurity built into it, lorelet
Fuck Judy!
>We took over the fuckdoll club and it will be great! Oh, all the dolls died or had to flee town? Lol, who cares? I'm leaving town!
Anon taking over a Tiger Claw club in the middle of their own territory was her first plan. Do you really want her to come up with a second? Calling it quits was the smartest decision she could've made. I get her entire questline is "naïve good natured person finds out how fucked the world around them is" but they didn't have to make her this retarded.
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It is human nature for people to go "Man that sucks... Not like it'll ever happen to me, though". And David was an unhinged little shit before the events happened. If anything, Maine played a crucial role into essentially killing him by turning him into a chrome junkie
when cp2 will release ppl will say cp1 was better (after the 2.0 update)
But it already was kinda doing that indirectly.
It should do it more INDIRECTLY.
Doing it directly cheapens the story.

It's better if it's more eclectic and focused on specific characters and their conflicts rather than broad personifications.
Women in the workplace is a joke anyway, this is only the punchline.
nigga if you watch House of The Dragon that came out this week it opens up with the static sizzling HBO logo
Woke is literal bdsm mind breaking that is increasingly being state enforced thanks to the subversion of admin positions by those scenes through the corruption of things like cops in the past who got "caught" investigating in those things.

Or in other words...
Now that's all fun and games, until bugchasers literally infect the globe with diseases for the sexual thrill.
There definitely are those in admin positions btw. Wikileaks proved these admins love using sex and blackmail to leverage their evil desires. It's 100% real.

Welcome to hell.
You see, I was born in this hell from the start so this is obvious to me.
Nigger, corporate monopolies are inherently anti competition, which capitalism thrives on.
Pretty sure women that game can turn into a futa with cyberware so whatever
>resorts to name calling when challenged
Thanks for conceding
>junkies on the street are chromed up
this is an incredibly retarded idea in the game.
Cybernetics you'd actually want should be an 1%er thing
Perfect summary of the game
>visually and stylistically its very good though, at least money was well spent there.
Absolutely, I cannot recall any other game that had me stop to admire the furniture, though this was mostly limited to important, extra-detailed locations used for key playable cutscenes.
it's good but it's definitely one of the shows that had one season planned, got renewed and immediately tanked afterward. Just pretend that nothing past the end of S1 exists
why is the wealth gap a problem? There's an IQ gap in humans too, is that a problem?
Have sex
i dont know anon, with saburo dead permanently, alt destroying mikoshi and having access to arasaka, hanako being dead and yorinobu actively trying to run the corp into the ground with nobody to oppose him, V goring arasaka tower, nightcorp making gains, AI apocalypse and the power vaccum left behind and the NUSA/Militech possibly having access to blackwall shenanigans its starting to look like arasaka is finished, maybe not in japan but in night city they're gonna be gone
Have gay sex in dystopia world
It’s easy to be woke when you’re in Poland with no niggers, muslims or homeless junkies on the street corner.
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>calling them out
Games were based back then
Bruh I don't care about "real" problems, I want fun vidya where I play as a ruthless businessman or something
>characters making bad decisions is bad writing
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aaaaand the investors pull out.
unless they find a way to blame it on unions
>how do we make our game more cyberpunk?
>just make it more like the real world
So basically they are admitting we live in a dystopia run by pedophiles on paychecks from corporations huh.
gavin newsom won't appreciate this and daddy fink might be angry if they don't focus on trans rights
Most homeless people in the West WANT to be homeless. They fundamentally don’t want to conform to the rules of society. Most have been offered free accommodation but reject it because the conditions are getting sober and going through drug rehab. Many reject free accomodation purely because those who run it are Christian charities and they despise Christianity more than sleeping on the streets.
There's honestly nothing wrong with that headline, that fits in a cyberpunk game but that's besides the point that yes they are.

I can't handle another bioware tier company get a bioware tier pozzing
Why is it a problem some people are more productive than others and are rewarded for it?
no. they refuse because it means getting out of sight. moving out of cities and being a wage slave for below minimum wage for the rest of your life and they rather be homeless than slaves.
I have read about it on twitter recently, some right winger made a similar statement. can american bros explain to what extent is this true? I mean you have so many homeless ppl, are they all just junkies who refuse to be helped? and more importantly why can the wealthiest country in the world do something to fix this issue?
>working is slavery
KYS commie
>message becomes more important than making a good game
Please do it and go bankrupt you shit dog company. I hate these parasite backstabbing poles. Never again will I trust these people. Nope nope nope.
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You mean the consequence of welfare that makes it easier for Calicucks to neet all day out on the street?
>wealth gap
And how exactly is this an issue?
Not being evil means being woke of course.
>doesn't want to be a "slave" and conform to society
>but still gets welfare from working people's taxes
A bit hypocritical, isn't it?
>Future dystopian setting.
>To call out modern day shit.

>the west
>call out wealth gap
>support mass immigration which lowers wages

Leftists create these issues
Being forced to conform to a woke society is pretty cringe
There are RW arguments you can make against capitalism/conumerism and for the state, most people are just emotionally invested in the cold war paradigm and refuse to recognise liberal capitalism for what it is.
>by the way, Denton, stay out of the ladies restroom
>2000's liberals ≠ 2020's woke leftists
Homelessness isn't caused by drugs. There weren't tent cities in every major city when the country was being flooded with crack and meth. America is slowly collapsing before everyone's eyes due to inflation and blaming drugs is just the drug of choice of denialists looking to cope. Natives get denied any kind of social safety nets to keep them off the street while migrants get free housing and money indefinitely. If you point that out all you see is autistic bot screeching on these boards and social media because you're not supposed to talk about it.
>le wealth gap
Wealth gap is caused by:
1. Millions getting out of poverty each year and buying more stuff from rich corporations.
2. Mass immigration lowering wages.
Now I wonder which one of these is problematic and, coincidentally, a leftist policy.
The vibe I got from the article is just that they want more intense visualls that really ramp the dystopian shit up. Who knows though
>go woke?
>implying it didn't didn't already,
but last time I checked cdpr had 11% of it's stock bought by blackrock, dunno if it went up even more
>be a Slav
>get none of the benefits whites have
>get every single detriment whites have
The cybernetics most people have are considerably worse than normal human limbs, they just don't do a good job of explaining it in game, only the rich and mercs/soldiers like V can afford cybernetics that enhance their abilities.
>blond haired white people aren't white because the jews say so
Why would everyone chop off their limbs then, to get Aliexpress robot arms?
>>blond haired white people aren't white because the jews say so
>Germans are jews
the matrix
The Fuhrer said Slavs aren’t white so I’ll take his word for it
fuck the homeless
Cheaper than going to a real doctor after you catch a stray bullet in a shootout or have your arm munched by some machine in the chinese steel mill you work at.
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You leftists have a tendency to strike gold in your attempt send a message or make a parody. No one suffers from death of the author like you do, probably because you suck so much any attempt to accurately portray what you are against ends up as something cool. In the case of cyberpunk, most people just think it would be cool to live there. Nobody wants the moralism hammered home.
>no argument
Its funny how leftists seem to seethe more about race now than the right
Leftists can't be punk
>corporate capitalism
No such thing, bootlicker
Cyberpunk's ALWAYS been 'woke' you fucking tard.
look at the fucking nose
There has always been two genders and there always will be
I'm literally Polish you stupid fuck,
no one in Germanic sphere has ever declared Slavs white and papa hitler, epitome of whiteness, had literally more respect to Turks than all of Slavs which even in best cases were treated as cannon fodder if there wasn't any way to mental gymnastic it
>leftists can’t be punk
Holy underage newfaggotry. How deluded do you have to be to type this
>tfw you realize punk just means rabidly authoritarian retard
Leftists can't be punk, the whole point of leftists is they support big government, retard
No one cares about Hans opinion that’s why we killed him and destroyed his faggot little reich
Poverty and Homelessness are not woke issues. Cyberpunk is about societies fears manifest, it's not strictly about Cyborgs and Neon Lights and shit. The reason those things were prevalent was because body modification, out of control technology and corporations were common societal fears.
>but someone said Hitler said we aren't white
Stupid kike, white refers to Europeans, if you have fair skin and blond hair then you're obviously white.
I don't care about this. What I'm mad about is that CDPR said they're glad their American subsidiary is making the game because that means it will be "definitively American."

American video game developers are fucking hamfisted hacks who couldn't write an enthralling piece of media if they were held at gunpoint. Cyberpunk 2077 was entertaining precisely because it was from the perspective of someone outside looking in.
If anything woke promotes those issues
>just open your borders and take millions of people in don't worry about housing or services n shit
Lmao ok buddy enjoy your foreign films
ok then just say european, kikes love whiteness and the vagueness it allows them to operate in
The left exists to rebel against their own mistakes from yesteryear.
>Your head
I don't expect an American to make an honest or nuanced media piece about the state of America in 2077+, precisely because they'll frame a fifty year time gap as if it were the exact same as now.

It's the same problem American writers are having when writing troons in either super far flung futures or magic worlds where people can shape shift. Despite the fact the topic would be a complete non-issue in these worlds due to tech or magic, it's written with the exact same lens as if it were now.
Fuck off idiot
Youngest retard pink is against fascism and authoritarianism policies, whether those policies are enacted by big government or small government. Leftists beliefs are not in favor of big or small government they are in favor or maximizing social liberties while ensuring the wealth of society is accessible by society’s participants in a way they deem fair, making them also against authoritarian and fascist styles. Get your head out of your ass and stop being brainwashed by your lil YouTube grifters and think critically
>try to commit genocide on white people
>but we love whiteness goyim
You made up the genocide part. Sad
>You see, I'm against government entirely, that's why I vote for and advocate for stronger government control, while my supposed actual belief "firebombing Walmarts to give a middle finger to those fat cats" goes very explicitly unfirebombed.
>hi im 10 XD
>if you have fair skin and blond hair then you're obviously white.
entirety of actual academic documentation of the term coined by Anglos does not fucking say so,
>white refers to Europeans,
Bongs banteringly and Germans literally do not classify my country as European
Yeah, you don't know what Fascism is -- as usual. Second, "deem fair" is such a nebulous phrasing that I could even apply to Authoritarians, since they deem it "fair" to exclude or include X/Y.

Social liberties tend to boil down to consumerist kowtowing. Sublimating everything into a package to be sold. Exclusion is a horror to the consumerist since it makes a market small and potentially unreachable; inclusion maximizes profit potential.

tl;dr typical boring lamentations
Kek so according you leftists love corporations now god your a retarded cuck
I'm sick of pretending what "woke" even means. Why can't leftards choose a more intelligent name for their faggotry?
>fascism and authoritarianism policies
Yes, including socialism and communism and modern leftism. You realise fascism itself was built on socialism don't you?
All leftists support some form of authoritarian government, that's why they'll never be punk
*sick of pretending to know
>Kek so according you leftists love corporations now god your a retarded cuck
Have you literally not browsed any form of social media during Pride Month? Do you not remember when Saint Floyd was killed?
Go make a thread talking about ESG scores and see how quickly the left supports corporations, samefag
>instead of donating our 2 billion dollar video game budget to homeless charities we made a 2 billion dollar video game instead and "called out" homelessness
>take THAT fastists!!!
It is nebulous, I’m not leftist so I think this part of their philosophy is stupidity and just an excuse to justify confiscating resources for themselves but it’s what they think. How do you derive that I don’t know what fascism is? I’m suspecting you are too uneducated to know the different between fascism and totalitarianism as you’ve thrice established yourself as a tard
>ethnic replacement isn't genocide
Nice try rabbi
>he thinks that weakth gap is "woke"
Keep sucking your master's dick lmao
You talk like a jew, it's not an issue of what someone classes
Again made up. Sad and pathetic. If your cause is so just why must you lie?
Slavs are asians
sḿh tbḣ fám
>mass immigration is made up
You really are getting desperate
>wealth gap
wow calling out the thing that exists in every society and will till the end of time, so brave and deep
>Europeans are asians
>despite having European features
>and hair and eye colors only seen in Europeans
>and their countries being in Europe
>so just attack your own people goyim
>back pedaling from ethnic replacement to immigration. No lie about Jews being responsible.
lol how quickly your dishonest shilling collapses when confronted. You are an evil person. Never lie again child.
>big problems

These cunts have never heard of gamer oppression then?
it's hard to believe it's not intentional when it's so obvious that when your wages are suppressed from an increased workforce and are surrounded by smelly, obnoxious and often times violent minorities that you dont want to have children.
>gamer oppression
Holy shit get over yourself lol
>mass immigration to only white countries started by jews isn't ethnic replacement
>because it just isnt goyim
Youre fooling no one rabbi
Don't care about neofascist like propaganda just want high tech adventures
>99,9% or the world is hetero
>still ony one option for hetero sex

kjys gay niggers
Infinite migration while the native population has a minimal/low birthrate is literally defined as genocide through replacement.
>Eastern europeans are asians
>having round faces, soft skin and swarthy skin
>their countries are east of western europe
Nice try rabbi ivanocuck
How does any of that equate to intentionality? lol you are so fucking stupid you don’t even know how to formulate an argument
Gamers are more oppressed than most groups claiming to be atleast
GO woke? It already was. You could play as a tranny. There was a tranny side character that gave you their car with the trans flag on it. Gay romances. And the entire premise of the game is le capitalism BAD! You should be supporting the terrorist character that detonated a fucking nuke because lol it’s Keanu Reeves!!!
Gamer oppression exists as long as women choose chads over nice,shy, lonely and polite khv virgin gamer guys.

We live in a society..
Made up the part about started by Jews. Guess it’s back to lying
>blond people with fair skin have swarthy skin
>their countries are east of the thing we call West
Again you're fooling no one rabbi
Chads are gamers too. You personally being a smelly ugly stupid and poor piece of shit with no personality is not political persecution. Try again
Did you not play 2077
>it's not an issue of what someone classes
Germans acted on that thought however,
and taking into the account holocaust's not real it looks like even jews were considered better than Slavs
>O-OK there is ethnic replacement but we weren't the ones who started it
>N-no don't talk about George Soros funding their boats
>don't talk about rabbi leaders openly admitting they're pushing for mass immigration and genocide
Socialists fighting communists for land doesn't mean they hated Polish people, and even they treated you and Ukranians better than your fellow "slavs" did
guys it just became woke to wipe your ass after taking a shit we gotta stop doing this
Immigration is happening, that’s not ethnic replacement. There We literally more whites today than at any point in history. Again you lie again you dissemble again you shill. Post a single of example of soros calling for the death of the white race. You can’t you are a liar kek and all laugh at your transparent falsehoods
Hello, pro woke anon. Whatcha doing? Why make a dishonest post like that?
>that's not ethnic replacement because it just isn't OK even though that's how it's defined
Nice try rabbi
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You picked the wrong genre, my man
>it is because I said so
More whites now than ever before. Cope and seethe you lost liar
Whites are being outbred in Europe because (((they))) brainwashed white women into either thinking having children is straight up bad, or that they can just freeze their eggs and wait until they’re in the 40s to be “ready” for children. Spoiler: Birthing children using IVF from frozen eggs has a low success rate and costs a lot per time tried
More whites than ever before. No one brainwashed anyone. Birth rate is a function of economic circumstance. Nebulous “they” is your pathetic attempt to invoke fear of some shadowy highly organized group controlling every aspect of life without providing names or a single shred of proof because you have none. You are a liar and you are flailing
it's already woke, it has gays and trannies
Requesting shantae teaching riju how to belly dance
Wrong thread Shantae bro.
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>uhhh don't give me that hecking neofascist crap in my genre that is literally characterized by high tech and low life
lmao you're such a fucking npc it's unreal
if you want bing bing wahoo laser guns and gadgets, space fantasy and sci-fi is right there for you, you soulless bugman faggot
>Socialists fighting communists for land
they literally internationally wide cooperated to grab my country, which is also the fucking reason for world war, wehraboos generally don't register Axis powers (thanks to Germany) and Soviet Union were literally allies world wide till 1941
>doesn't mean they hated Polish people,
first thing they do in occupation is station a penal region free to rape and kill the civilian population in "moderation", meanwhile housing jews in isolated ghettos with cinemas and pools
>and even they treated you
if a Pole knew German fluently he could become a (despised) 2nd class citizen in terms of buerocratic disposition,
if not then Poles were treated as white negroes doing jobs a slave would,
>and Ukranians
those are in different case because those were willing cannon fodder for the frontlines and did like to murder us violently
>better than your fellow "slavs"
jews in no way are a "fellow" in any way ever and for ukrops case they are half-turkic mongrels violent to anybody
Calm your tits woman, there is nothing wrong with space operas.
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>Mfw seeing this thread after reading Snow Crash and Neuromancer during this week
>Mfw knowing cuckchan is infested by discord trannies and straight up bots who either re-write story, astroturf or shill.
>Mfw CD PROJEKT RED will be everything we hated in the next few years
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Everything bad that happened to all the characters was because they were c*lifornians (and they deserved it because of it).
You can't change my mind.
You could actually do this without being woke
Probably gonna be a cringefest anyway

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