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can Phoenix Wright beat this guy?
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No but this fucker could
Yes but extreme diff
discount joker
Didn't this guy write King of the Hill?
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A 5'9' Art student Lawyer? While normally I would grant anyone a non zero chance against any "Capable dude" tier foe, he seems like he'd lose with a gun, and the upperhand.
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Yes. Until he walks into the bathroom to wash his face, only for the stall behind him to slowly creak open...
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>We have Dutch at home
He could have the entire justice department across all human history working with him and the Judge would still be dancing
grimm face
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how was the video essay, anon?
i don't want your kind here.
NAS coal
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>mfw I realize all the people talking about judge just watched a video essay and didn't actually read the book
Maybe? Phoenix has a broken luck stat.
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I rest my case your honour.
Dood is that the epic guy from all those video essays?
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no one that has ever used this picture of the judge online has ever read the book
we do
your mom is coal cause she fucks niggers tho
Is this worth reading?
Not in a way that matters. It’s possible he could win the case, only for the Judge to appear in his office the next day

Yes, but fair warning it’s a difficult read
>archaic writing
>make super le edgy character
Wow just wow truly the pennical of literature
>he is the bad guy because he is white and knows about stuff
nothing wrong with beating white subhumans to death like that based muslim did to that german this week
>inb4 shitskin
so what? won't stop your "aryan" race being genocided lol
>missing the entire point that humans are war obsessed and have always been killing each other
You do know Anon that most muslim death in history and oppression come from fellow muslims right ? What do you think would happen if islam just conquered europe ? Singing and dancing in prayer ? Or the most likely splitting into sub divisions and just killing each other again like the split of the sunni and shia ? Or what about national and ethnic differences ? Like the arabs vs persians. Or what about when turks and the mamluks and arabs duked it out so hard they just broke their own empires.
20 bucks that they're going to make both jacksons black in the movie
calling it right now
I wondered why everyone suddenly started talking about this book. Yet another case of "some breadtuber makes a multiple-hour high school video essay about how disturbing some piece of media is".
Blood Meridian is unadaptable, period. If you tone down the violence or racism, you missed the fucking point.
And there is no way a modern Hollywood movie would have main characters call every 2nd person they see a nigger and scalp/rape women and children.

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