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/v/ - Video Games

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I'm going to fuck Scara so hard that he becomes pregnant with my children. I will fuck him so hard that he inexplicably conceives my babies and swells with my offspring. Then I will marry him and we will raise our children together. I will then of course continue to fuck him and impregnate him until we have a large family. Scara needs my cum. I will spend hours and hours and hours fucking him
>men want him
>women want him
Can he be stopped?
i want to see him get absolutely annihilated by black cocks
I pity those who shall never know the joys of being a cute boy
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i'm not gay but Scaramouche makes my cock so fucking hard bros
post wrist or tummy
Everyone's seen tons of it already
femboys are the only thing worth a damn from genshin impact
You cannot impregnate a man. It is your duty to try and it is your duty to adopt if you really do want children because you cannot impregnate a man.
He can be topped
Most straight anti-woke anon
jacking off to scara isn't really gay
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>jerking off to a boy isn't gay
not if you're a girl
When I jerk off to cute anime boys, I identify as female for the duration so it's not gay. I will never be a woman, but in that moment I am, and so is my penis.
sorry he actually already belongs to me were making out rn as i type this my cock is huge btw
>I identify as female
That's gay and that's why futa is gay
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He can be stopped by superior boy.
would you let your pregnant boiwife cum? or would you cage his thing and never let it pew pew
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>using tranny logic to cope with your homosexual behavior
You can't impregnate a boy, you silly sausage
It isn't gay if they are very cute
are you sure? you sound awfully confident for someone in boypregnation range
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i think lyney SUCKS
Quiet or I'll mpreg you too.
but i havent so i feel compelled to call you a liar and actually fat and ugly
What, no, why would I know any of that, haha, it's just a guess>>681269206
anon that is most likely rain
if you've been on /v/ for more than a week you have seen his tummy
Nope, it's still gay.
Nope, I haven't seen any, ever, we might need proof this person actually exists
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yeah i bet you would faggot
my husband lets me cum, and our relationship is better for it
have you tried not cumming though?
how can you say its better without trying
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Clean it up janny
He's not called Scaramouche anymore though. You gave him a name personally.

I called him Freyr. Like the Norse god of fair wind and also a homophone of frère.
I uh, hmm, I play Sonic Dash too.
He fucks men over twice his age
this little french boy needs some BBC
abandon thread
its a shame because its such a good name for him
>he doesnt have them filtered by default
Traps are for gentlemen.
Lloyd wants to suck mana out of adult men
Freminet feels like the secret patrician choice instead of the overly in your face Lyney
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what a nice image
thank you for reminding me i'm going to die alone
imagine jerking him off... imagine his slender body tensing as he cums... fuck...
I've tried it, it's better for us this way. It might be better for others to do something different.
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I love how most of you niggas constantly lurk in those threads yet never read some of what is written there. Everyone here is like SOB SOB I WON'T GET A PREPUBESCENT BOY TO BE MY BF AND AM GONNA DIE ALONE BECAUSE MY STANDARDS COME FROM GASHAS AND HEAVILY FILTERED DUDES (where half if not more are under HRT).

You're not gay you're just lonely as fuck. I can garantee you if you just go outside and leave this shithole of a board it will brighten your day
I went out yesterday and saw a very cute twink, terrible advice
I can tell you're ugly just by the way you clench your tiny manwrists.
You're going to believe whatever you want and convince yourself its true, so replying to you is pointless.
But, fuck all that. You have to be superior to all the strangers on the internet and you'll put any number of words into my mouth to see it happen!
Shut up, go away, leave him alone, you are wrong, stop projecting
>still wrong
He sits on two dicks at the same time
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im convined mihoyo hired some kind of psychic to read my mind and put together a character that i would fall in love with. im obsessed with him man i cant go 5 minutes without him popping into my head
>simping for some ugly faggot on /v/
You need to take a good long look at your life and ponder where it all went wrong
venti owes me sex
This is not for (You), but for the photo.
You sound jelly
Of what?
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Both of them are sex.
trannycore characters
looks like men and women have to work together to fuck him senseless
Put dick in his butt and then put his dick in woman, sandwich him.
I want a bf /v/ros...
Go away normalfag
Fucking brat #
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They're just boys.
>femboys like that post themselves all over the internet
>rarely see one like that irl
because we hide our powerlevel
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Scara is a trans icon
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Appreciation to our great friend Tencent in their effort to help us overthrow the CCP
I have never ever seen a femboy in real life.
I met one in HS, I was kinda jealous of him, he was the cutest thing ever and my girlfriend liked him, "he's so cute, he ACTUALLY looks like a girl", that hurt
Most femboys dress like men when they go outside, wear baggy clothes that cover their small muscle-less frames, and have male faces. The average femboy is indistinguishable from a regular man if he isn't shirtless.
>hate irl boys
>LOVE vidya boys
Is this gay or not yet?
femboy is cringe. tranny and femboy propaganda ruined bottoms
Is this the pedo thread from yesterday?

Why do you groomers spam this board so much?
I honestly don't mind it, it's the only term for an effeminate male that doesn't require them to be homosexual by definition. Just wish there was a term for one that also isn't a crossdresser.
>He has an in-game simp who is a complete social reject who can't feed or bathe herself
>In order to make him playable, reality itself had to be rewritten so that he did nothing wrong

Some writer at Mihoyo is really really angry that this faggot continues to exist because a decision to appeal to fujos was handed down from above.
Don't know if it's just my country, the places I usually go (I prefere rural areas, forests and farms) or if they are just that fucking rare.
ancient greek BVLLS did it so therefore it aint gay
Why are there so many fucking blue haired twinks
The Greeks were gay too. Cope.
It's not gay if you don't want to fuck them.
Do we know what time the new game mode comes out tomorrow?
Only the degenerate nobles that collapsed the whole the cities
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i remember the retard who made this video claiming ancient greeks werent gay because it was common for nobles to hire bodyguards in school so ojii-sans wont diddle their children
>they see your dick
scaramouche is doing the "little" thing with his hand
need sph from a big dicked femboy.....
Especially if he still bottoms anyway
>is it in yet
>starts twerking on my crotch smashing my balls with his fat ass

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