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/v/ - Video Games

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What the hell even is this game?
Another wegger scam?
I can't even see the store page due to region block, too lazy to use a vpn.
yes, just another lazy wegger "game"
sorry I'm not an idiot so I have adblock and cannot see your ad, OP
>coompost, /v/ thread
>coompost, 4chan ad
This but unironically
waht gaem
HELLGALS or some shit. Basically, the guy made a bait game meant to syphon money from retarded cumbrains. The premise is weak, the artwork is weak, but they also know that the brain of a cumbrain is weak, and so, the game will sell.

I wish I had enough to drive to exploit morons.
>start a patreon
>buy(pirate) stock assets
>throw them into renpy
>write a bog standard overly verbose story
>claim its in early access
>spend 10 minutes making a years worth of "content"
>drip feed it throughout the year
>make infinite money
It's so fucking simple but fuck the effort.
what does it feel like to penus a girl?
I'm going to follow these instructions one of these days and see if I can actually manage to fleece some cumbrains.
You can make 10x the money by going the furry route. Furries and autists have endless money for some reason. Gubmn't checks much be astounding.
you don't have adblockers?
You have no idea how easy it is to get coombrain funding
>t. guy making 5 digits a month off a porn game
Do you plan on actually making the game?
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this the sissy AGP thread?
>do we plan on making the game?
of course, planning a steam release among other things since private steam game purchases boosted the NSFW game sales by a lot.
wtf do you even say when people ask you what you do for work?
I tell them I make porn or im just a "software developer"
>private steam game purchases
Wait, what? This is a thing??
Buy an ad, not interested your ad block, faggot
The only good WEG is Star Periphery
yes its very new, steam added the option to hide games from your friends in your library and when purchasing, not sure it works for family sharing though
I kneel; anon. I hope your game is as good as your sense of entrepreneurship and fleecing of drooling horny retards. Eroge with enough quality behind it to be considered a decent game may as well be a fucking unicorn.
>too lazy to doubleclick on vpn icon
>but not too lazy to solve captcha, write several sentences and pick retarded picture to make garbage thread
you're probably just too dumb to use VPN and crave attention like a woman
meta shill thread

also >cropping feet
Come on now
The people who are trying to appeal strictly to cumbrains know that showing feet is a bad business strategy.
nobody cares retard
>I can't even see the store page due to region block, too lazy to use a vpn.
Es ist vorbei...
no, you can go suck cock 3 threads further down you dumb slut
sent you a PM ;)
>told the girl I was obsessed with years that I was afraid she may be a dumb slut
Oh God how I regret saying that to her. Fuck. Fucking fuck. Fuck.
imagine being this retarded
I wouldn't recommend it.
Based thot patroller
i dont see anything :(
>he doesn't have 4chan gold to unlock private messages
lmao dumb slut
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He definitely posts here too. He's probably even in this thread. YO DEV, how profitable has this been so far? Just curious.
no one mentioned NTR tho
How is this an ad if they don't even say what game it is?
dont argue with 95 IQ people that parrot random words
>Post picture of your game without mentioning the name
>Have others discuss it and wait for someone else to mention the name
Just how fucking stupid are you?

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