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/v/ - Video Games

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ITT we post and discuss only the most LUDO KINO games.

Dont be shy Slash Vee Slash!
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FTL is better
FTL is LUDO KINO but ITB just makes it not worth playing when there is a completely superior alternative.
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addictive and fun tower defense. recommend also superflight from same developer
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on sale 80%
omega based
FLT is better than ITB
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i imagine it falls into the reddit category according to slash vee slash, but factorio is both ludo and kino to me
Factorio is Reddit if you use a bus.
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It's legitimately perfect.
>B-b-b-b-b-but muh trannies
Nothing is more pathetic than allowing trannies to mindbreak you so bad it influences what games you allow yourself to like.

I love reading retarded reviews for games. My favorite is the guy that negatively reviews every game with pixel or low poly graphics, even if he actually enjoyed it. Wish I'd saved those posts when I saw them.

ITB is a weird one, I beat the story mode with the default mechs and as soon as I started using the unlocked ones the game kind of stopped working for me. I think my brain is too small, even on normal difficulty it felt like I was just barely winning most missions, like if there was 1 more enemy I would have failed, so I don't get how you're meant to play on hard or unfair.
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ItB is okay, but I wish it were a normal strategy game instead of a glorified puzzle game.
I don't like the graphical style.
My problem with Celeste isn't even the tranny shit, it's the fact that it's just another generic kaizo spikes of death everywhere insta-reset platformer and I fucking despise that genre. People only went gaga over it for the tranny shit though, that much is true.
>you will be never a woman
not only do you regurgitate the same jokes as everyone else around here, but you still got it wrong despite being too lazy to spell out the whole sentence.
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>he fell for the bait
>not only do you regurgitate the same jokes
Go back
I wish there were more games like ITB, fun tactical games stripped to their essence, also I wish ITB was longer, the campaign was pretty short. They should release a sequel, it sold well as far as I can tell and adding new maps should be easy
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>the campaign was pretty short
Have you tried simply being fucking abysmal at the game? I only beat it like twice on medium kek

It's a pure 'genre' game, if you don't immediately like it after the first level you probably won't. Like the opposite of Gungeon, which I loved despite not liking Roguelikes or bullet hells.
They are completely different genres. FTL is a roguelike and into the breach is a puzzle game.
Comparing them is retarded
>It's a pure 'genre' game, if you don't immediately like it after the first level you probably won't.
Sure, I get that, and I get that kaizo platforming isn't the genre for me. What I don't like is people pretending that the game is somehow vastly superior to others in its genre when the only reason they do that is the muh depression storyline. People only really rate Celeste highly because of the aesthetics and themes, not the actual gameplay.
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This game is outstanding
Very cool tactical stealth action game
High skill ceiling, very replayable, with loads of builtin custom difficulty settings
And a variety of mods that make it even more challenging
Genuinely excellent game
You should try Phantom Doctrine if you haven't. You might enjoy it
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>Phantom Doctrine
>90% off right now
Thank you fren I will
I tried to like that game. No, i liked it but GOD why can't they made random maps?I'm tired to clean the same place 7th time.
There's plenty of perfect games without tranny pollution. I think I'll just play those.
>I think I'll just play those.
No you won't. You'll keep browsing 4chan and reddit all day, playing 2-3 games a year except for your 1000+ hour hamster wheel game.
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<= This game is pure madness
It s perfect edgy xianxia simulator.
If you can do that it in your favourite edgy novel you can do that here.
just for /v/ they even released eunuch update
How is the English translation? There are too many cultivation games which make me feel like I need to learn Mandarin to properly enjoy them because of the incomprehensible English dialogue (which isn't necessarily a bad idea anyway as I live in an Australian city so it's probably the most useful 2nd language for me, but I'm not sure I have the smarts for it).
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Ah screw it I'll give it a go, your shilling has worked without me waiting for a response. Any time I see pic related when I look at a game it entices me. God I wish Kenshi 2 weren't vaporware.
Translation is fine, there are some bugs but nothing to egregious.
>don't get how you're meant to play on hard or unfair.
You just didn't do enough experimentation or didn't play long enough with other squads. The default squad is very simple and is above average in terms of overall power. Becoming accustomed to it makes it very easy to overlook plays that the more complex squads can make, both those stronger and weaker than the Rift Walkers. When you're first learning the game it's more beneficial to take losses and switch between the squads regularly to develop a more flexible mindset rather than focusing on how one squad plays. You'll quickly learn to see the board state and how to solve with any team it if you rotate your choice of squad rather than focusing on learning to play just one.
I feel like this could be interpreted as "huuurrr if you play other squads you'll get better at using those squads due to practice". To clarify, what I mean is that playing any squad improves your skills with all other squads, so sticking to select squads is limiting your awareness of the board state. Playing all squads will get you better at a single specific squad more than playing that single squad repeatedly would.
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You are an operator operating in a cyberpunk hellhole to pay off your debts. You can hack everything starting with enemies and ending with individual bullets or you can go full Homura on mofos or just summon a succubus. You get a dozen classes that give you vastly different options forcing you to find interesting ways to succeed mission.
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>You'll keep browsing 4chan and reddit all day, playing 2-3 games a year except for your 1000+ hour hamster wheel game.
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I wouldn't categorize ITB as puzzle game, picrel is, but not ITB

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