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Why does capcom mistreat Megaman so badly?
Yeah why?
>posts a game out of 129 that couldn't break 350k despite having a legend of a name behind it and being the first 3d game of its series
Because his games don't sell like Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, or Devil May Cry.
Because the only person who gave a shit about MegaMan was Inafune. And now he's gone.
>too anime to get away with making the girls ugly and gay and lame for ESG points
>franchise has been asleep for so long the name isn't a draw for zoomers and redditors and the 30+ year old boomer fanbase would just ignore it if they made it in to slop with the usual shitty capcom microtransactions ($15 for a million nuts! pay to not play the game!)
>the creator and director is gone
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I sold almost all of my video game collection this weekend. But I kept the some of the rarest stuff. MML 1, 2, and MoTB among them.
The real crazy shit was the guides, though. MML sells for $75, and then there's MoTB.
>the only people who care about MML in 2024 are gaijins
No wonder Inafune started to try to appeal to Westerners. Somehow he realized that his constituency wasn't in Japan.
do we really need more mega man games?
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Capcom's attempts to turn Megaman into a modern 3D action series turned out to be niche at best and the 2D games don't sell like hotcakes anymore so Capcom just gave up and demoted the series to "nostalgia cashcow".
You will get your occasional series collection packs and 2D retro games but that's about it.
>too anime to get away with making the girls ugly and gay and lame for ESG points
This, the best they could do with the mobile game was dress swimsuit Roll in tranny colors
Shouldn't have had those tank controls.
>Capcom's attempts to turn Megaman into a modern 3D action series turned out to be niche at best and the 2D games don't sell like hotcakes anymore so Capcom just gave up and demoted the series to "nostalgia cashcow".
MML is one of the best playstation games in spite of some absolutely desperate 3D controls. It's like concentrates soul so potent that it could kill a zoomer who's exposed to it without building up tolerance first
>Megatards thought they had this in the bag
>Capcom's attempts to turn Megaman into a modern 3D action series turned out to be niche at best
Blame Capcom for doing it completely wrong.
Why do you think people wanted a new Legends? It was the only subseries that hadn't run itself ragged by rehashing the exact same gameplay and given the improvements that were made in the field of 3D games since 2's, 3 would have felt pretty different too.
Why do they refuse to remake Dino Crisis in the RE Engine?
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MML fans are not real MM fans
There's a reason MML has the least games of any subseries
I wish ZX Cross had been a thing, hell I wish Inti still worked with Capcom.
CEO too busy acquiring more wine for his collection.
They could've salvaged the IP with a FPS or Over the Shoulder type game, but nah.
>There's a reason MML has the least games of any subseries
Yeah.. they took too much effort to create
MML is the Turn A Gundam of Megaman, I like it because of how different it was from the usual megaman series.
They made a new game about shooting dinosaurs and nobody gave a shit about it (because the network demo sucked), so now Capcom believes nobody likes dinosaurs anymore.
Dino Crisis was a vastly different game with each entry, 1 was a blatant RE clone with raptors instead of zombies, 2 was an arcady dino genocide tps game with tank controls, 3...we don't talk about 3.
>dino CHADsis #1
holy keeno
It was pretty blatantly botted, Dino Crisis 1 somehow managed to beat RE4 in the "favorite game" question.
But it's the best game in the entire series despite not actually being as good as Ocarina, though that's hardly a mark against it
When Capcom gets burned, they almost never revisit the franchise.
Just look how hard Capcom tried to push Viewtiful Joe back in the 00s. Now he'd be lucky to get in a future (Marvel) vs. Capcom game.
Dino Crisis 3 was not only trash, but sold horribly too. And I feel that no one at Capcom really knows what to do with the franchise.
If you try to make it another genre which would probably be for the best, you'd piss off the fans that wanted a revival for decades. Resident Evil already took the 1st person approach with their recent entries and started going back to their survival horror roots.
You can't make it pure Action. A tactics game could work, but is so divorced from the genre that you may as well make a new IP.
After the era of mega man oversaturation, where games like BN4 and SF2 are rushed and worse then they should've been, they announced shit like legends 3 then cancelled it possibly because inafune left
In retrospect he should've gotten way more shit for pushing for legends 3 and then just leaving capcom when mighty no 9's kickstarter happened
In modern day capcom is now 'if it's not a AAA game that makes billions of dollars we won't make it' even if they now make good ports for stuff like the BN collection
>best game in the entire series
Here's your (you) nigger
Suits won't greenlit new games that won't sell as much as RE and MH.
>implying MML1 isn't a fucking treasure
If you seriously believe that it wasn't the biggest factor, I have a bridge to sell you. Same goes for Mega Man Universe and that X-themed MMO from Korea.
Why does SF keep getting games then?
Oh yeah it probably was, he was the reason why a bunch of the series got made as far as I know
Really does make me wonder why he left and why he was so obsessed with the west being the future of games or whatever
Because Street Fighter is literally synonymous with fighting games, and that in itself is worth keeping around.
easier ways to con money out of suckers with in-game purchases, harder to do that with a short lower budget single player game
Because even tunnel-visioned Capcom knows that being nothing but a Monster Hunter factory would be corporate suicide. Anything else not named Resident Evil can get fucked six ways from Sunday, though.
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Why did 8 get such a perfect Roll redesign?
IMO people like "THE IDEA" of Megaman more than they actually enjoy playing a Megaman game.
Really? I'd think it's the opposite, I know the reason I want a new mega man platformer is 'cause I've replayed all of them multiple times
If it doesn't sell at least 5 million copies capcom doesn't care about it.
Zero had the right idea with the grade system. Actually encouraged replaying each game multiple times.

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