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Vidya women have too much ass, too little waist and just look very unrealistic overall compared to actual women. Pic related.
You live in Burgerland, cope, seethe. Nothing personal virgin.
how do you find the willpower to keep making the same thread for years? dont get me wrong im autistic too but im nowhere near your level, what's your secret?
who makes these threads?
a bumpfag?
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Because videogame women used to be based on actual beauty rather than mocapped ambiguous obese shitskins
The game characters both men and women are elites, and beyond normal. The only comparison would be high level athletes, and yes, women in sports have huge glutes and thin bodies.
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So true, women in video game should look like fridges.
I live in Europe and I despise burgerland because of its fat population.
What is "actual beauty"?
stellarbladefags i would guess
>cherrypicking and distorted image
Wouldn't those actually be into vidya women?
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>that polish booty
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ok but first post a real fit woman
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wait, spanovic is a serbian last name
still would
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Please just fucking sell me soap for the love of God.
its SYBB
he keeps shitting up the board about asses
i think his favorite girl is the one from that one obscure ps2 game in the op
hes more like a pest. hes annoying and keeps coming back no matter how many times you insult him.
pretty sad now that i think about it.
Those athletes have big butts, but noticably bigger waist than the vidya girl in OP.
>Yeah, that goalpost should move back about a couple hundred meters
Coomers are into both
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>i think his favorite girl is the one from that one obscure ps2 game in the op
it's a gamecube game THOUGH
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I've seen this thread enough times to know not to engage with it so I'll just skip to the part where people post real ass
what is the argument against every woman in vidya looking like anna jay?
Probably a balding loser with an uggo wife

or worse

a roastie with dried eggs
why the fuck would i compare real women to women in video games
its a fucking video game ffs
you know it's bad when you've seen burn victims that are more attractive
That girl is built like a fridge. There's nothing virtuous about realism. You can make idealistic characters in a game because they're fictional, so why would you waste time trying to make them realistic instead? The only reason to make a character ugly is to send a certain message to the player. The message I get when I see ugly women in video games is, "Fuck you."
Reminder that self-insert is cringe. Don't do it.
You know that most girls in real life are built like "fridges", right? They don't have a waifer thin waist and a big fat ass.
2 out of 3 female gamers play phone games.

That looks disgusting.
its really all female narcissism. Doesn't matter how she looks, all women are narcissists.
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>OP rightly asks that you compare to real women
>/v/ post photos of actresses or instagrammmm chicks that have been retouched (either the photo or the woman herself via surgery)
>muh realism
Fuck off back you cancerous normalfag. You are the reason why games are so shit. Kill yourself.
Fridges aren’t women and should have gone extinct but dumb men have no standards and need to go extinct first
I expected this to happen. Zoomers are so fucking retarded because they never look at real women, only at women online.
>The only reason to make a character ugly is to send a certain message to the player. The message I get when I see ugly women in video games is, "Fuck you."
There can be a point to a character being ugly within a world. Whether it's to signpost their personality, establish a tone, or just make the characters intended to be pretty actually look exceptional for the world they're in. I don't need 100% of the characters in something to be perfect, though when it encroaches on 0% that's where the issues lie (a game where literally everything is ugly to establish a bleakness in the setting is better than that kind of mismatch).
>post the most carboard ass in the world
kill yourself
A female character isn't ugly just because she isn't built like the vidya girl in OP.
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I don't care for the wellbeing of women. Make what I want or go under, simple as.
i'm not posting pics i've taken or from gf's or sexfriends retarded redditfrog
And? Vidya women are not real, they can look like anything. Why make them look like real women if you can make them look even better?
1. I don't care what most people look like - and since when do you? You have no problem with black knights and samurai, but you have a problem with every girl being an 8+?

2. Most girls I've met have waists thinner than their hips. I don't know where you come from, but I'm sorry for you.
>2. Most girls I've met have waists thinner than their hips. I don't know where you come from, but I'm sorry for you.
Yes they do, but not like the vidya girl in OP. That's a lot of booty for such a slim waist.
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Yeah and that's what men like, so what?
If you find this attractive you're literally gay
How can men like something that most girls don't have? Vidya girl in OP is just an exaggerated stereotype.

What men like: wide hips and slim waist
What vidya girl in OP gives them: super thin waist and a big, fat ass.
>don't like dick
literally the opposite of gay, you projecting fag
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I'm not posting ilegal shit here, anon.
>How can men like something that most girls don't have?
they do, it's just under layers of fat anymore. Islam IS RIGHT about women. end women's suffrage NOW.
sounds like real women want big butts so why not have them in vidya?
/v/ - Video Games
>How can men like something that most girls don't have?
Anon, you know exactly what the counterargument is to this.
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No, because what pic related does is to take what men like and then amplify it to an absurd degree.

I mean, what the fuck is this? Look at the waist, and compare it to the size of her ass.
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Wanted to try something a second and I think I'm right (I mean obviously I would but shut up)
Vidya chick here doesn't actually have that big an ass in comparison, she's just in a pose that sticks it out more
That edit made her butt look even bigger compared to the real woman, you nitwit.
1. There are real women who look like that.
2. We jerk off to cartoon anthropomorphic plastic rabbits here and you're calling this unrealistic?
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i have no semen and i must coom
Video games are not supposed to be real, they are fantasy. You hilarious faggot.
I work in a shop yes I know, wagie wagie etc. and I can tell you as someone who isn't shut in all day that humans tend to have a wide variety of ass sizes and there are many with enviable ratios, and evidently are aware of this so like to wear tight clothing to show off.
Sure, but they're in a tiny minority. Also, maybe you should look at real women in the real world more, instead of social media where almost everything is fake and shopped.

Looking at "real" women in social media and vidya girls is pretty much the same thing.
kill yourself sybb
not the op, im pretty sure he's the one posting that pornhub map in every stellar blade thread
This fat ugly pandering phase will pass, as much as they think they can change how men think they can't.
>tiny minority
games are about tiny minorities, you play the special hero not a random villager
>Apple shaped abomination
Yeah women only look like that in shitholes
Nobody cares what women look like in consumer products, most men are fat too. Nobody wants superman to have bitch tits.
So the characteristics of the hero is to have a wasp waist and a fat, jiggly ass?

Or maybe she was created that way to please the tiny minority that are the coomers?
The characteristics of a hero is to be attractive
>So the characteristics of the hero is to have a wasp waist and a fat, jiggly ass?
yes, just like the guy hero is a buff gigachad or a hot twink, because thats what people want to look at, attractivev people, now kys sybb
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I wasn't sold on this but I just went back to the catalog, and...
Chat is this real?
can someone fucking explain why a soap commercial is telling me I need to fill my games such fugly women?
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He's referencing the original tweet this image is sourced from.
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here bros
Sybb, a mentally ill tendie. Only reason he is so obsessed with this character is because it was gamecube exclusive
He is also the map spammer
>Sure, but they're in a tiny minority
Just like handsome rich 6'3" men with massive dicks and a PhD. Women only like a small handful of men. Men like most women. This problem you're talking about with female video game characters exists in real life for the opposite sex but you have no qualms with that. Video game characters aren't real, so they can look however the artist wants them to do. Why would the artist want them to look mundane? Realism is not an argument.
>Also, maybe you should look at real women in the real world more
I've worked a full-time job for 12 years with women of all ages, I know what real women look like. I also went to school. I assume everyone's been to school. School is full of girls, last I checked.
>instead of social media
4chan is the only social media I use.

>So the characteristics of the hero is to have a wasp waist and a fat, jiggly ass?
Yes. Heroes are supposed to represent ideals, not norms. You're supposed to look up to heroes, not sideways.
>Or maybe she was created that way to please the tiny minority that are the coomers?
Is that what the sales data suggests?
Stop being antisemetic.
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Jewish women*
Pretty much sad state
Help Japan birth rate.
same reason the entire entertainment industry think it would be a real benefic progress for the entire society if we took away hot dreamy dudes from women-centric franchises to replace them with beer-belly Nigels
Oh wait
Lmao same shit you barely fat male characters, if its action/adventure why would the character look fat?
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Looks like a Starfield npc
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Come up with a LOGICAL reason why she shakes her ass.
I'd put my Spar in that Slovenija
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Oops you did it again
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>the ending

I fucking lost my shit
Stop comparing them to average women.
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Am I the only one who finds a fat woman comparing herself to a woman without legs/disabled legs really disgusting? All the fat needs to do is lose weight. My aunt got fucking fat after she had twins and she put herself through strict diet and excercise and lost a lot of weight in a few months
Your obsession should be studied by professionals
Oh hang on, my apologies, it looks like you only saved it after that post on the 18th and used it twice.

Sorry, it's rather easy to click the mouse twice
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Speaking as a fatty who is actively working to lose weight and gain muscle, "fat activists" don't want to lose weight. They want the special treatment they can't get normally because they aren't at all attractive.
Ok so do the cameramen during these kind of competitions ACTUALLY receive clear orders to make sure to specifically zoom in on these athletes' asses instead of filming the stadium or whatever?
Because that shit is way too common to be a coincidence
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It literally gross.
Yeah they are lazy who wants the same privilege as a hot person without putting any effort
Also good luck anon, the good intentions also makes you look better. My sister was also fat and she lost weight too
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weird thing to say with that avatar
>Hot women are not real
Nigga just go to the beach or the gym
jesus christ, the urge to standing creampie her right then and there would be overwhelming
Lmao the fatty has easy remedy, just lose weight you fucking whale, you dont even have a bad face
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Thanks man, I'm making slow but consistent progress and feeling better for it.
Give me more ass and more waist in my vidya women. Thicker the better.
I would bang that fat birds arsecheeks, why is she putting herself on the level of that other downie?
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You are welcome anon. My sister was told to take metphormine and did keto plus cardio and she lost 45 kilos in 6 months, I'm still fucking impressed and she didnt even gain weigh anymore, she fucking despises fat activists since her health got really bad when she was fat to the point I had to take her to the Hospital once
Pretty sure you can do it too anon!
Fat fags will eventually die out
You're right, no woman can get her ass to be so pointy.
Jesus Christ, I feel bad for the Downs girl being shoved in there with the nigger and spic hambeasts
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>They ate sexualized
Uh.... no? Thats how most people would look with a healthy life and no shitty propaganda. Even a 6/10 woman can be 8/10 just by having a nice personality

Not good looking people fault they are beautiful, obviously an ugly, bald and manlet man wont cause the same reaction as someone like fucking Cavill either
We will continue fucking fat bitches and women will continue to be unashamed about being obese. We are not going anywhere.
I hope these people die
Yes, your obesity will kill you off.
>vidya women look unrealistic
and that's bad because...?
>We are not going anywhere
Considering you need a forklift to move anywhere that's not surprising.
I've lost 115 lbs. and everyone asks me if I feel better, if I sleep better, if I have more energy, if girls give me more attention.
And the answer is no.
The only thing that's changed is that I like the way I look more. If you look in the mirror and don't like yourself, that's a sign that something needs to change. When I was a teenager, I was resigned to the fact I was just ugly (by my own standards) and that was wrong.
Her waist isn't even that thin. It's just her ass that is fat, but that can be said about tons of women. The biggest differences in OP pic are

>real girl has flabby arms
>vidya girl has flabby butt cheeks
I wish
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bunda is life
It's virtue signaling Anon, games are extremely expensive to make and Dove doesn't give a shit
All these fucking threads and I still don't know the game this bitch is in.

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Nice ebonics faggot
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I don't get why women complain so much about "unrealistic beauty standards"

Literally all you have to do to be an attractive woman is not eat like a pig every day and just maintain a healthy weight, you don't have to destroy yourself in the gym 6 days a week and take steroids like men do
end yourself you fucking faggot
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how new?
ok that was too much... ugh
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These companies really wouldn't face backlash by putting fat bitches in their games if they at least made them hot.
Is there a reason why athletes show so much cheek? Is it optimal?
Yes, women enjoy showing off.
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This is a man. He he can get this butt, why modern women can't? That's why as a MEDBVLL with a big uncut cock full of precum I mostly only date and fuck bois and trans, even tho I have a wife.
That's not even a fit ass.
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Butt is a muscle that you can train.
Kill ypurself 3dpdnigger
why does every game need to feature their self-designed Sim? they argue that White Men have been "represented" forever but that's disingenuous since video game characters are traditionally just an avatar for gameplay. even within RPGs this unhealthy self-insertive behavior is totally new and unique to them and them alone. if a game is good but you don't feel "represented" by the dude holding the gun you dgaf about playing the game you just want another vector for your malignant narcissism to express itself. games that focus on "representation" are so bereft of quality content i'd rather play a late-90s movie game.
>This is a man
no it's not
Videogame women are not real, you dumbass.
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>too much ass
>too little waist
Yeah, maybe.
Or maybe go fuck yourself.
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This is now a thread for fit butts, for as long as it takes my folder to run out of specifically butt-themed webms.
>Seething femcel

just hit the gym and stop being such a lazy landwhale
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Deddit is a few servers down.
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What is this thread even about?
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That'll be enough for now.

OP: Suck less cock and make better threads, not necessarily in that order.

Because she’s a woman

The most realistic thing about her is that she shakes her ass at a camera while she shoots guns. Have you even seen TikTok or YouTube clips of women at shooting ranges you idiot
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pretty damn flexible for an obese woman
videogames arent real. where do you think the music comes from? its not supposed to be real.
Looked great until she turned around. Cellulite is gross, bitch needs to do some squats; tone that shit up.
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The confidence of that slut to put her turd cutter, shitter, fart box hole on someone's face.
they're fictional characters you fucking faggot if i wanted mediocre ugly ass women in my media i'd look at pictures of your mom
stick to your mediocre 3dpd women you piece of shit
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Anons I dunno if it's my autistic ass but, there's always something... off, about 99% of the chicks in these nigger couple pictures. They always looks damn near the fucking same, and with this fake fucking artificial, hypnotized generic smile or serious look on their faces that just keeps making me go "what the fuck, these are not humans"
Same fucking slightly creepy feeling I get every time I see mark fuckerberg
She has fat injected into her ass or she's obese and it all goes to her ass and thighs
Why is this normalized? Ass isn't about sheer size they're not meant to look huge standing upright
Look at these photoshopped girls sexualizing themselves due to the patriarchy's propaganda.
Cool, now that real women are much more commonplace in gaming the "distortion effect" is nothing more than a bad dream
>Why is this normalized?
You know why.
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You need to do some exercise.

Where are the galleries of Olympic sports girl asses?
Post 1210(6).mp4
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Female ass doesn’t exist. Females aren’t natural whores.
>inspired by real women
>goes out of their way to find a fucking albino, which is rare af
the fuck are leftists smoking
No. Women in real life are shaped like rectangular boxes. Or are men. Actually. Women don’t exist.
that thing ain't hot my guy
Why do they expose their ass cheeks now? Isn't it uncomfortable and embarrassing?
And that's a good thing
> LOGICAL reason why she shakes her ass.

She’s a woman. Are some of you actual retards or just shut-ins that have never stepped outside? It’s summer, go outside and peep the women in booty shorts.
JEEEZ! Those cheeks would absolutely plap while prone boning her.
>she's obese
I don't think you know what obese is.
She's fucking fat
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Bitch didn't even say sorry and suck his dick wtf?
It's about feeling hot.
They can't feel good without exposing everything?
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93% of white women want to date only white men, even in muttland. The interesting thing is that the absolute white trash will go for niggers while the top black women (educated, well-read, athletic) go for white men.
It's like how men like to take their shirts off in order to impress the ladies.
That's like saying wet fire.
She cute as well
My dude, have you not been using the internet for the past 6 years? "Thicc" girls are the new beauty standard.
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Can we go back to the time when everyone liked skinny girls?
Dove has been on the pozwagon for a while.
That’s just being a woman. Their power lies in their sexuality. More they can sexualize themselves, the more power they have, which is why making women cover up is oppression and the more “rights” they have the more degenerate the society.

The veiled attempt at “desexualization” of women in gaming while society simultaneously hits new depraved lows is just to psyop men into fucking trannies.
It's such a shame when a chick with a huge ass and nice waistline, doesn't have massive tits to match the rest of her body.
Because it's unnatural and weird and a product of neurotic thinking a.k.a. modern society
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Should we go back to emphasising realism in vidya?
fucking pervert
What’s going on here anon?
That's not thicc, that's fat. And fat girls are the new beauty standard only in burgerland.
Yes. Because men watch these, not women. And nobody actually cares about the sports.
Thicc is fat
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Real women look like this, sweetie!
>oh no! why does an artistic medium with the ability to exaggerate the human form exaggerate the human form!?
Fuck off retard
It's not meant to mean that but it does now
I would bend her over the counter
>why do these people that go out on adventures everyday and fight and kill dragons have absolutely fit and peak bodies!? why do people in wheelchairs not do these things in video games?
Are these people retarded? Are their disabilities proof that they shouldn't be taken seriously.
>Why yes, I am in a wheelchair because I wasn't looking left or right when I crossed the road and got hit by a bus, how can you tell?
A disgusting slob but still sexier than the nulara image.
It literally always did
Why do you think the whole "thick thighs save lives" mantra a few years ago was a thing? It was a counter-cultural movement just like "flat is justice." The song "I Like Big Butts and I Cannot Lie" literally makes no sense if liking big butta wasn't counter-cultural.
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No, this is what a thick girl looks like.
>The song "I Like Big Butts and I Cannot Lie" literally makes no sense if liking big butta wasn't counter-cultural.
this was an excuse mix-a-lot dropped afterwards to defend his shit lyrics. go look them up. at no point does it suggest the woman is fat or unattractive.
he specifically says she has "an itty-bitty waist". the other women in the song discuss how sexy she is and how rappers always have girlfriends with huge asses.
been pointing this out for years, the proportions of video game and anime characters are so impossible they give uncanny valley. most people are desensitized to it all, and they're robot people. npcs
Thank God for that
why can't things be hot or stylish anymore
if you don't find this attractive you're gay
Fat thighs are still fat.
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That thigh to ass ratio is wild
Jealous kikess
>Fat thighs are still fat.
Unless you have 0% body fat, you are fat
>time for a second Deluge
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Hnnnnhg ~
Its obviously not about the presence of visceral fat, its about proportions.
Proportionally, fat thighs are still fat.
Anyone have the webm of the gym security guard going for sniffs of some chicks ass?
Big bunda, cis women can't even compete anymore
Realistically there's about as much chance of the fatty losing weight as there is the disabled woman growing new legs.
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I feel bad for all the busty hourglass figure babes of the world. Constantly being tos you aren't real or beautiful. Please... won't someone think of the babes?
This is why trannies pivoted the beauty standards towards thick thighs and ass. Men can get the same thickness as women, but men cannot look like a skinny woman. Adding to your skeletal structure obscures it, while having less on it emphasizes it.
carrying on the traditions of your ancestors
Thats an implant you retard
I'm sure no one here gives a shit because their brain is rotten but c'mon lady. There are most likely families in the vicinity.
He reminds me of modern Paul Atreides were he to lift.
Must be the hair.
You mean the people who are still seething about stellar blade because they hate hot vidya women.

alright let me ask something i always wanted before this thread dies
is there any poosibility that women with this bodytype can actually do scissoring then orgasm?
this a very important question for the sake of science so please threat it with respect
bro was absolutely flabergasted
fake and gay
I don't feel like converting to a webm
they can, yes
What sort of silly question is that?
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warn people before you post disgusting shit, anon
Literally nobody looks like everyone.
Everyone looks different, nobody else looks like you, not even your "identical" twin.
Also, literally nobody WANTS to look like the people who complain about muh reprusentaishun.
Isn't this kind of thing self-defeating? Like they're constantly going "LOOK I'M UNATTRACTIVE AND NO-ONE WANTS TO SEE MY BODYTYPE BECAUSE IT'S UGLY".
GOD i wish my ass were that BIG......
and have you even seen it, the proof
Thick calves. That is all.
This is what peak booty looks like. Before everyone else tried to lower the standard.
>"no, no, booty doesn't have to be fat."
>posts roided out muscle ass
>"no, no, booty doesn't have to be big, it's the shape that matters"
>posts a completely average sized butt
Lower and lower standards go. But this... THIS, is true booty. https://files.catbox.moe/pn0hh0.mp4
Warning: may be too much for Irishmen to handle.
Of what? Scissoring is just a mechanical action, why wouldn't they be capable of it?
It's literally just ramming clams at one another.
Use litterbox please don't waste space for this
o you're just baiting nvm then
Catbox scrubs its files, it's a temporary storage, no?
kill yourself
like other anon said do you like getting btfo every time you make this thread?
if you go outside your house you will see hot girls especially at the mall
hate they use this to get rid of hot women in media when they wont even play games besides phone games
women love to make hot characters and look good and if you deny this you are being sexist
people calling her obese need help along with OP for being fags
would and seeing people seethe at them makes it better
It's a nice ass all the same.
>on his quest since Feb 5, 2002 at the earliest
WTF? How old is this guy? One of the usernames have "97" at the end but there's no way he was born in '97 if he has posts from 2002
A peculiarly hostile answer.
>these literal, real women don't count because... THEY JUST DON'T OKAY??
>How long does Catbox keep files
>Forever. If you don't want your file to stick around until the heat death of the universe, use Litterbox.
Ah. Yet some files were very much unavailable.
Well, it's likely that it has much worse files on it, so that's nothing.
The Irish were right about women's butts.
>What's the answer to 2+2, and no, don't tell me 4, I want a real answer
Asses is one thing Irish were wrong about.
I'm not gonna lie I don't see hot chicks outside, no matter where I go. But maybe I'm just a picky neckbeard.
women wear glorified diapers 1/4 of the month, who cares
They asked you for 4, and you gave them 5 as an answer
>You can't just post real women, I asked for real women
Reminder they are owned by the same people who own Ben & Jerry's.
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Ah, a fellow connoisseur.

Let me explain my position a little more. A true booty is not only about size. A lot of girls can have a ton of flesh in the back. But it's a combination of size and shape. A regularly shaped butt slopes more on top than it does on the bottom. Creating something of a teardrop shape. And a lot of girls can have a large tear drop. it's the shape for most PAWGs. But only a special class of women have a shape that is just as curved on the top, as is on the bottom. creating a crescent shape. Or the shape of a bubble. Hence the term "bubble butt".

The crescent shape is more prevalent among black women. Sort of like how blonde hair is more prevalent among white people. It's just a genetic trait that he's carried down. When you know to look for it, then you'll understand why black people might call an ass you appreciate "flat" or "not big". Because while the ass may have some moderate amount of size to it, it lacks the crescent shape that makes it pop out.

Of course, white men deemed this trait a "condition" one has. Just like all the other traits black people have that white people can't cope with.
no, are you fucking blind?
based girls
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Weird test. How do they determine which weights to put on the bar? Obviously taller weights give more room. So what are they using to determine who gets tested by what weights?
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you picked the tranniest looking fridge for that hog on the left lol
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>the ratio
>the definition
>the fat
How the fuck did she get that, women like this are a blessing
You clowns think this looks disgusting?
>90% of the ass is covered by a black skirt
>Only 10% of the ass is visible, and it's just a little peak of the lower crack.
>Anons are acting as if they just saw a world class ass.
You have got to be kidding me.
>white men deemed this trait a "condition" one has
What white men? Some people with opinions don't constitute all white men.
A man's a man, a woman's a woman, thick or thin.
Fucking hate Americans.
You are either blind or retarded, you get about half a moon from that video easily. Just because you have the inability to taste the apple, doesn't mean others lack it.
You are retarded if you cannot see how well her body looks like. She clearly works on her thighs too.
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The white men who coined the term "Steatopygia", and paraded around black women like freak shows. They were basically like "how can an ass be so big and round!? It must be some kind of affliction!"

Similar to the whole "mongoloid" thing. Where white people looked at delicate asian faces and said "how can a face be so flat and round?! It must be some kind of affliction!"
Sybb, literally the saddest mental illness case you will ever encounter. Spends all his existence posting about "is this butt flabby" on 4chan.

>I-its not realistic
Shut the fuck up fucking faggot
I see the potential there. The thighs look nice. But I also see the potential for a disappointing ass. I can't really tell, because the skirt is veiling the majority of her ass. But I can see the creases where her ass meets her thighs, and those creases are not very wide. Which probably means there isn't a lot of flesh sitting atop those thighs.

>Half a moon
Yeesh, if we're seeing half of everything she's got, then her ass is worse than even I imagined.
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God, I love brazilian man bunda.
Eh, that's just Western spiritual corruption. It's not as if British and US et al didn't cause harm to their own "fellows", like that one time when they made an Intervention into late Russian Empire with concentration camps, or that one time Brits literally bred Irish with Africans. Much hypocrisy was there.
An argument was made that whole colonization was just a psy-op, but that's not a subject for here or one some will acknowledge.
Yeah, real women are very fucked up. Simply unsalvageable at this point.
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didn't he gestate on gamefaqs in the before times? god we're so fucking old
Kill yourself.
What the actual fuck are you talking about?
>this is not realistic
>see here? I picked a photo of a flabby woman with zero ass
>that means no woman in the history of mankind ever had an ass like the one on the right
Back when I was in high school girls weren't fat on average yet, and I have seen a few asses like the one on the right.
>I don't look like that
That's the point.
/v/ really wants you to think you're not supposed to be attracted to this
It takes a certain mental state to do those freak show examples you mention. While in some ways it wasn't particularly outstanding example of inhuman treatment of others compared to others (you may have seen that one thing to female feet Chinese did), it's not exactly natural, though not all consider that.

Within this context, making an argument about such behavior and generalize it to white men contradicts basic male masculinity at its core, which can be a bit too lustful if anything.
That's just a woman's mind.
If you tell them
>on average, group x does y
they'll almost always go "uhh, but I know Jenny and she belongs to that group and she doesn't do this".
yes tranny we get it, you feel threatened by video game characters
its just fags and reddit that hate actual women
its always women trying to put down other women
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what are some video games with good butt physics?
I think this stems from the neurotic tendency to need to comment on the world without first and foremost experiencing it. Indians created the solution but the Chinese perfected it in Cha'an. It leads to this sort of self-referential bureaucracy and that is my biggest complaint about modern western society.
but these aren't real woman?
>OP posts disingenuous thread
>gets btfo with genuine answers
>"no not those ones"
Experience isn't a guarantee of comprehension or good standards, it seems. so it's not like it alone is enough.
Potato faces aside, the average woman isn't built like a fridge unless you live in america.
>those are actually not real women!
Let me guess... a man using a dress is the real deal, right?
I'm gay and I find this attractive.
based homo
Left is built like a fucking fridge
Forget hourglass she doesnt have any curvature
I hope she gets hit by a bus and lives the rest of her life stuck in a chair
I wish yours was too
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>an ACTUAL vidya butts thread
holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiT
No problem friend, now go do more squats!
i was actually about to lol
The best butts ITT are from latina trannies. That says a lot about the absolute state of modern women in USA.
This isn't that bad, ugly fat nigger yes, but it's promoting exercise that will reduce the blubber, rather than acceptance of being iredeemably fat and lazy.
stream it
Based I'm doing some curls and shoulder workouts. Enjoy the burn!
>retards still seething about the dove commercial
love to see it
You just shattered my worldview.
Well, given that grease fires are some of the most dangerous and only get stronger when you put water on them, that checks out in a way you probably didn't intend.
I call the phenomenon on the right "butt back" because the butt was placed too high on the characters back, it's not how butts work.
you're mentally ill and have selection bias because pol told you most ads are black (they're not)
notice how much lower the butts are on actual women
Fat is generally what we are attracted too in women visually speaking. When it starts getting bad and morphing those visually womanly shapes, yes it looks bad. A tiny fucking portion of actual fat girls look good because their faces and bodies haven't morphed enough to look featureless.

There you go
can we get more than just one game with cute fat girls first or at least give us a new fat princess game then sure I would rather have conventionally attractive girls over modern shit
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kekkest of keks
why would you wanna see an asslet loser squat?
gl fren
this entire discussion would be pointless if women would just get their shit together and start looking good again, instead of being disgusting, unwashed, lazy dicksucking slops.
>he doesn't want to observe the rock being chiseled into a piece of art
Only women don't want to see the process anon
Source please holy shit
And men tend to have too many muscles, unless you're playing an Asian game then the men look like women. What's your point? It's escapism.
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>they actuall made the fat cow bitch a bit thinner
Polevault is the most based female sport in the world, they have the hottest women. I guess the mechanics of it require them to develop muscle in just the right places and size to make them incredibly hot.
sauce? I like chubbies like you wouldn't believe
ohhhhh.... so you're upset that I generalized about white men. I could hardly tell what you were on about under all that pseudo-intellectual babble.
Well, it sounds like you need me to say "not all white men", so I'll say it... Not all white men. Also... Not only white men.
There? Are you satisfied? You don't need to couch how you feel underneath a layer of pretentious /lit/ drivel. You can just say "not all white men are like that".

>making an argument about such behavior and generalize it to white men contradicts basic male masculinity at its core
Does anyone else not like fat asses like this?
I love fat fucking milkers but I don't care about ass at all, and its offputing when its this big.
Because what women want is irrelevant to these people if men want it too, and everyone likes a nice sized and shapely ass
>these types are either completely insufferable or the absolute kindest women

I can't stand them anon, but I hope you get a good one
How do you guys even know names of these shitters? I've been on 4chan since 2006 and the only tripfag I remember is utv because of the whole philmarilion nuclear cringe.
i like how they barely even show the wheelchair chick because shes actually still good looking
I like the way the look and feel but would not want to be in a relationship with one
That was perfect. I bet there was one dude with a sense of humor who presented it as this neat finish to the video laughing inside when they actually said yes.
soap ?
Not just the cashier, even the Rock looks disappointed.
Its a convenient way to dismiss dissenting viewpoints.
I don't know about life, but her exercising is making me hard
so the athletes are wearing skin colored shorts?
No, it gets hot in the summer so they wear less clothes.
How dumb do you have to be to use a stock photo as an example of a "real person"?
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>unless you're playing an Asian game then the men look like women
Shut up nigga.
Video game women are better
"they" are still seething about Stellar Blade
does suck they did the bait and switch with outfits at release
>I don't look like that
and you never will, freak
Did you stretch the video wide? Why does everything look wider in your version?
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Holy SHIT.
You made me double check, but no. That was just how I downloaded it.
The aspect ratio is jacked up (probably to get rid of TV info-bars for the competition), and it's filmed at a perfect angle to feel jank, but it doesn't appear to be stretched.
hmm... I'm trusting my eyes on this one. It's definitely wider. I just don't know how it came to be that way. Not only does the woman with the fat thighs look wider, but everyone else too.
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>unrealistic stand...

Leftists are evil and dishonest, never trust them never feel empathy for them. They are not humans, they are demons.
For nearly 50 years, leftists seethed that skinny girls (size zero models) were the most popular ones. So, now that they got size zero models banned, whats their endgame?
This nigga belies in demons. What's next? Ghouls and spectres?
Come on anon, everyone knows spectres are extinct
>that ass
Aaaaaàaah mane !!! AAAAAAAAÀAAAAGHHH!
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>Come on anon, everyone knows spectres are extinct
then why is there one watching me in my doorway before I go to sleep every night?
This, and a little reminder there's no athletic advantage in dressing like that or men would be doing the same
It's about making (Me) coom so somebody at all watches that thing on tv and they can earn through advertising space, so cooming actually helps female athletes more than every sjw alive
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>"video games are unrealistic and they SHOULD be realistic for some reason that isn't just me not taking charge of my own self-esteem!"
>game devs start scanning irl women
>and men too, but no one was complaining about that
>"n-no, not like that..."
This was in the UK
That's not an official cam. It's true that if you turn on the TV there's the occasional ass cam, but most of the videos you can find online are uploaded by men who literally invest tens of thousands of dollars in camera equipment just to film athletes in tiny clothes. They're usually big fat dudes COVERED in gear like multiple bodies, telephotos and shit, they also wear those little "photographer vests"
t. worked in sports media
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Is this the thread?
Those are edited photos.
Go outside and meet real women, women don't look like that
>but most of the videos you can find online are uploaded by men who literally invest tens of thousands of dollars in camera equipment just to film athletes in tiny clothes.
is this based or not?
thats a real estate developer trying to scare you away
Eh, the extremely tiny jean shorts is sort of a modern thing. 15 years ago it wasn't normal wearing shorts as tiony as bikini bottoms, except for some very slutty women. Nowadays you go outside and you see 16yo girls showing half their asses in jean shorts everywhere.
Also there are more "micro bikinis" out in the wild now, I've seen some girls walking around in what basically were a bunch of tiny strings that barely covered anything, which would've been impossible even 10 years ago.
>15 years ago it wasn't normal wearing shorts
Was a thing since 2000s, very tomboyish.
Burger website, tea ship. Fuck off cunt.
>trying to hold claims on public sites
About as dumb as posting nudes.
Kill this roach and we will be free by those edgy "animations", is THAT fucking EZ
Real women have big asses too.
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Jean shorts were normal for the past like 50 years, but I'm talking about stuff like pic related which I see regularly during summer now and I don't even live in a beach town. I remember when Christina Aguilera used to wear short shorts and not even her on her sluttiest phase was showing as much ass as random teenagers walking down the street show today.
Not that I complain, I'm just surprised at how much walking around with your ass out was normalized in the past decade and a half.
imagine the jiggle
>I don't leave my house
There's plenty of girls who look like the right pic in my gym
That ass is sad though m
I will hear no ill from you newniggers when sybb has been here posting about asses more than you have even been in this world
I can only subscribe to onlyfans with low subscription count. I count on being able to talk to them and not be drowned out by droves of other desperate people.
Wouldn’t you get ban?
What are you talking about? There's a Serb, Slovak, Romanian, and Swede in that image, and they're all in the Czech Republic.
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Weird how the realism brigade never bitch about females in video games doing unrealistic things, just that they look unrealistic.
Oh wait, that's not weird, they're just pathological liars who don't give a shit about realism and they just want fictional bitches to be ugly to placate their own inadequacy and insecurity.
Isn't that because they don't play the games they cry about.
The watch videos on youtube and commence the shitstorm.
Every time I walk outside and don't see fat nigras and dykes with short blue hair but instead women like your vid rel I feel blessed that I was born and raised in the Netherlands. God truly does love the Dutch.
what kind of super mutant abomination is this
>Carriejune Anne Bowlby
Yeah shes definitely juicing
I have a much fatter rounder ass than left and I'm a man. Some women are just trash don't blame them all.
Literally my first thought. "We dont look like that" Hahahahahaha and who the fuck are you you dumb cunt
Sybb's schizophrenia has reached critical mass
Yes, I am still seething about leftist pieces of shit hellbent on ruining every fucking facet of existence
left is a typical white woman, fat and unshapely
This is the peak female body, needs to tone her glutes more
But, whoah mama
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for me its this one
I make my own soap
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>mutt thread
Why do they fetishize obesity?
>go to imaginary places to see imaginary people
Thanks, champ. Real helpful.
imagine being both gay and european lmao
I want to have gay sex with this gay woman, get gay married to her, have gay sex for the purpose of gay procreation, get her gay pregnant
Fat and sloppy
That just looks tiny.
ugly gook butter face

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