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What in the FUCK happened to world of warcrafts artstyle?

It used to be almost cel shaded and pixaresque but now it looks like muddy, badly textured PS2 budget releases.

Is it JUST inexperienced students they can poach out of american colleges left working on the games art?
Blizard could be making Wow 4 at least rn.
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That is the main flagship character of the franchise.
This is a create a character rando player model in zivvy.
They just dont care anymore.
But they gave all the money to Bobby. And retards still pay for roblox tier game. That's why.
Wow is a scam.
I know XIV just had a major graphics update but thats still really embarassing. Why does everything in modern wow look like the mountain rock textures in XIV? thats a level of crusty meant for the shit in the distance not the immediacy of right in front of you.
does xiv have real antialiasing yet or only fxaa because the gooks wrote the engine wrong
Well the shadows dont look like 1fps lines drawn in mspaint anymore i can say that for sure.
blizzard bled a lot of talent.
everybody from the old guard is gone. even samwise, the art man who said he would stay until the ship went under left.
Didn't he lose all his money trying to become a nft griftlord?
Dead sea effect + ship of theseus. You can't replace 10 talented people with 100s of trannies that know how to code, it doesn't work like that. The game used to be good because it was hand crafted by a talented team that cared, now it's 9-5 Californians that are quiet quitting, ideologically brain rotten and the company itself has no standards.
>just want to draw thicc pandas
>they make you draw ugly niggers
>Thats Anduin now
Fuck thats sad. He looks like a beta cuck sitting and watching his wife get plowed by her bull.
the fate of all males in woke jewish warcraft, sapped of all their will and masculinity so the strong women can do everything
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I honestly think it looks the same, just a few more polygons and higher detailed characters, but still looks the same. And i prefer it vs the old ones. The world still looks great and that's what matters the most.
>gooner with shit taste has no satandards.
The modern wowbuck.
Who even wants the company calling themselves Blizzard to make Warcraft 4?
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I didn't ask "what you think about my opinion", i merely stated it. Feel free to fuck off
>ship of theseus
this pretty much
It's sad to see what happened to his character in the later expansions. He's now a broken man who will probably be paired off with some ugly brown girl as a final fuck you to the character.
Games not dead but its a shade of its former self. So naturally it doesnt get the budget allocation since the shit taste plebs like >>681287695 will pay for their adult day care where they coom and chase cosmetics nobody but them will ever be impressed by or give a fuck about and they accept the dogshit and even defend it online.

Why do you think the newer races and classes are limited? its because they dont have the time and budget to make anything more than that. Same reason the factions are slowly being merged. Its Storm Legion for Rift but slightly slower from numbers and inertia but its still over the hill and beyond the point of no return from a slow stagnating end.
join us fellow queers for the pride event
d-don't listen wowsissies, its xivtroon yoshipisss cultists! chad daddy phil and metzGOD will save the king of videogames!
Why are so many horde players gay?
this expansion has one feature, delves, which is apparently solo scenario garbage like troves of the thunder king, which was celestalon's baby, the homosexual furry that played with a tablet, but made into a primary feature of the expansion, sort of like that gay island shit in bfa
i love how when i state my opinion it usually doesn't cause any seethe, but attach an Assumi image and retards like this lose their minds lmao. As if it invalidates what i said somehow.
Same reason all the male Hrothgar players in XIV are gay: barafags. If you see a grown man playing a orc or tauren they are gay 100% of the time.
Really? you love it? seems like some kind of strange german embarrassment fetish bro.
it's more like alliance is so irrelevant it might as well not exist
I mean we are talking modern wow so yeah the straight faction would be massively absent at this point wouldn't it? dont expect to find a lot of hetero couples at the local gaybar.
All the straight men who like looking at hot women go Alliance, leaving only faggots and tryhards for Horde
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I just queue bg's and arena i don't care what the game or characters look like.
you can barely raid on alliance because it's the soccer mom faction
What for? hotbar mmo tab target pvp is dogshit.
everything is cross realm/faction sped
WoW has always been ugly
Last I heard arena is so fucking dead that Gladiators que for up to an hour and when they finally get into a game its against first time quers.
i want to fuck a tauren woman.
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Never forget what they took from you.
Nope, it's the best. Better than any gookslop "action" combat shittery with screen full of retarded effects.
I just really like it and wow pvp is the best mmo pvp out there.
This is not true at all. In 3v3 arena, the only arena you can get gladiator in, it takes a few mins to get a match. The only pvp mode that has long queue times is solo shuffle and its only long if you are playing dps, healers get instant queues no matter what rating.
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Hogger doesn't look like that
He looks like this
>Human: low test, right wing and white
>Orc: short, millenial, and gay
>Forsaken: former edgelords afraid to go full goth in high school
>Dwarves: fat bearded men
>Gnomes: shitty memelords who live with their parents still and have no friends
>Night elves: Turbo normies
>Blood Elves: attention whores that were too ugly to be jocks and stacies so live out the fantasy online
>Trolls: dude weed lmao
>Tauren: 45 year old lonely women that call everybody "hun"
>Dreanei: Porn addicts
>Worgen: Forsaken players who couldnt afford a server transfer when their population died
>Pandaren: furries
>Vulpera: autistic furries
>Kul Tiran: fat admirers/feeders
>Zandalari: self hating whites with a fetish for black people
>Dark Irons: people who are still mentally 14 in their 30's
>Mechagnome: [REDACTED]
>The rest: all of the above rolling alts because theres nothing left to do in game.
treasure scenario was good desu.
thunder isle patch was the last time wow was good.
And I would still rather play supertranny new wow than supertranny xiv
where did you get this picture of the Fable beta
You can't help it if you own a toaster bro. Ask mumma and new daddy for christmas maybe.
I think I'll just play neither xivtranny
nigga this looks like fucking fable 1 on the original xbox.
that's what I said

>What in the FUCK happened to world of warcrafts artstyle?
Leftists, wageslaves, jews, normalfags the usual reasons.
>do you mean fable on the xbox?
>or fable remastered on the xbox one?
>or fable on the xbox series x?

I fucking hate microsofts naming conventions so much.
what kind of mentally ill degenerate retard is still playing mmos in 2024?
gay millenials pushing 40 with no wife or kids in their future.
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File is compressed because 4chan is still limited to fucking 4mb but here is a rando NPC from the new Expansion, guards who patrol the first city you come to.
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And another, the new zones and graphics update looks great. To answer that anon asking, yes they added in a real anti-aliasing now.
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z-ziv sama....
i hate weebs so god damn much
don't worry, their tranny expansion is a giga flop lmao
obviously you can kludge around broken AA by running at a high enough resolution
looks like any other soulless eastoid mmo
where did you find this picture of runescape 3
>Cel shaded
Lol.Lmao even

WoW always looked like shit. And fans are so codependent on Blizzard that they're nostalgic for the days when it looked even more like trash
nice try zivtrannies this looks like a ps1 game, come back when you can compare with the GOD of gaming that is warlo warcar!
It's a 20 year old game. Let it go, anon.
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still mogs most modern slop lmao
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>I hate weebs so much
>Is on an imageboard
>Imageboards which are copied from Otaku culture, created by Moot because he was a fucking codemonkey weeb
>Is on an imageboard owned by a Japanese man who is friends with Naoki Yoshida the producer and director of FF14
But you're here using weeb culture, what do you think imageboards like 4chan "CHAN" are?
Beastwomen owe me sex
who gives a shit, go cope somewhere else that you expansion flopped and everyone is shitting on it LMAO
It's even better in game, when they're in motion the metal has a glean that shines in the sun.
You can like anime, and japanese culture and still hate weebs

Most anime is dog shit because most anime is weebshit
Wow... that is certainly the same amount of characters on screen as Spyro on ps1. So this is the power of Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard-King...
You're the lads crying about Weebs on an imageboard, did you really not know what the chans are?
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yea and this is the power of a multi year "graphical" update and sweetbaby inc-square enix
4chan has always hated weebs you bitch nigger
>anime website
changes nothing
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Uh oh someone's having a melty over finding out he's on a weeb website
humiliation ritual
leave, tourist. god I hate americans.
no, they couldn't.
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Nah, XIV looks like this
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get mogged on stupid cats!
Are you a foot fetishist? XIV puts the effort where it matters
>Brown skin
>Red hair
>Max bust slider
Aw yeah, its gamin time.
>gives shit opinion
>gets shit opinion back
Discord mod energy.
its an old game, and the wod graphics update looked like shit when it came out. at least the gameplay is fun and good
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>cel shaded and pixaresque
>Oh boy can't wait to reroll my 50th alt to get to max level in a day so i have a different 1-2-3 combo to push doing M+ logging all fucking day because theres nothing left in the game and the world is a begrudged obligation the devs wish they could scrap to make a lobby arpg.
It's also brain drain/talent drain. Companies/groups usually have a set amount of high-talent/high-effort go getters who do the majority of the work/heavy lifting, and when they leave, you don't really replace them with comparably skilled people, just the next best are now the top, but they're often not as good as the ones who rose to the top. So the company starts to spiral as it loses more and more of its most talented. Blizzard likely had this happening for years, which was then compounded with the dei recruitment for years, and ideological bullshit and it's just getting worse and worse. Been happening all over the games industry. Turns out everyone isn't really replaceable and destroying your core group has long-lasting effects.
>1-2-3 combo
this is true for like 2 specs, ret and fury which are played by retards. i guess thats why you must think every class is like that
Christ those fucking eyes look like shit, did they hire Sher as their face model?
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looks fine to me
I wiw defeat Xal'atath UwU!
It's always been horrendously ugly. Western Fantasy is aesthetically grotesque in all but few rare cases.
When did you know you were on the spectrum?

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