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Man I love this canon Hex maniac very much.
She doesn't look very canonical.
why do all trannies latch onto some literal who anime character
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The truth is, all Hexes are canon. She's an archetype, a subculture if you will - so any type of Hex could exist. Petite Hex, stacked Hex, tall Hex, short Hex, fat Hex; even oddballs like male Hex, gyaru Hex, or even futa Hex.
Personally, I'll have 7 foot tall awkward smelly kinda gross needy overweight but not obese Hex with really hairy armpits and pubes plus a uncut unwashed veiny dick, hirsute balls and a puffy donut butthole.
imagine spending hundreds of hours learning how to draw just to make this
all hexes are lovely and canonical
yeah it must be great
why are faggots so obsessed with dumping softcore porn on a blue board?
Hm not sure if I like her. Maybe show off the milk she is selling.
Sounds based
troon mode: ON.
4chad mode: ON.
Is he weak to water type?
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Whoops wrong pic, here's the actual canon hex
nah breasts aren't big enough
See the hex in Masters
>7 foot tall awkward smelly kinda gross needy overweight but not obese Hex with really hairy armpits and pubes plus a uncut unwashed veiny dick, hirsute balls and a puffy donut butthole
Based Flatchad
built for __________me__________
>ywn go on a pokemon adventure
>ywn meet a friendly hex maniac
>ywn prematurely end your pokemon adventure in order to FUCK your friendly hex maniac gf EVERY SINGLE DAY
why even live bros?
Why not take her on the adventure with you? Fuck her in every city, town and route?
The implication from his post being that he lost his enthusiasm/ambition for a pokemon adventure in favor of hexussy.
Well personally I'd love to slam her fucking cunt everyday, but I'd still like some variety and purpose in my life!
I only love her when she's taking a big fat shit
or pooping
i mean farting
Only canon thing about this garbage is her being a dead meme and you being a faggot OP.
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Why your gay?
I want to manhandle her
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imagine how spooky her farts are
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>man who cross dresses and mutually masturbates with men on the internet calls you gay
For me, it's 5
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the ideal Hex
the true canon Hex
i already jerked off once today and then had to take a shower cause its so fucking hot out here... please don't make me jerk off again by posting hex :(
only if she looks like this under the dress
another cringe western artist that ruins paizuri scenes by not having cumshots and that's obsessed with creampies
what a waste
imagine the smell
good job sister, rugger is going to be so happy! also, remember to take your HRT!
MY canon hex maniac sells breastmilk to children without telling them and gets off when they drink it in front of her.
is it *that* kind of milk, the hexing milk?
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spending hundreds of hours learning how to draw just to make fat hex
God I wish that was me, I don't have the patience.
American mode: ON
>veiny tits
I wish I was Hex. I'd fuck ugly losers and shotas 24/7.
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being groomed by hex maniac...
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Is this the thread?
Thread for what.
Hex's massive futa cock
Who does she use it on?
Hex's stinky toes
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you are a massive loser
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Based mode: ON.
unironic tranny thread
Anyone whose cock is smaller than hers
*turns you into hex maniac*
based, jannie is a whiteboi troon
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You can sense the shotafag crying behind this post
why did he think that we're gonna read all of that?
>think he obsessing fetish
Based: full ON.
Trannies are truly the personification of the "jokes on you I was only pretending to be retarded", imagine grooming yourself into this kind of shit
You can sense the trannies crying behind these posts
>Hex uses Psychic and Ghost Pokémon only, both being weak against Dark types
This isn't very smart.
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I always think of Sylvie when I see this image
That's kinda the joke
And why did he screencap it? How pathetic is that?
Based, trannies and niggers seething at this post
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>armchair psychologist paragraph with generic "tired of this shit" reaction image
Blacked posting pisses off the 30iq pajeets who are unable to conceptualize a site beyond the top three boards to post their shitty imagedump threads.
The more people react to it, the funnier to gets.

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i'm going to post this in every hex thread if it makes the blackedfags this mad
Based. Every single fucking thread this dumb bullshit happens, I'm just glad you can actually report it and get it deleted now unlike a year or two ago.
You get a budget equal to Sword and Shield, then same team and full creative control. How do you fix Pokemon?
I would make it 2D again.
>wannabe janny
I'm gonna make a loli thread just for you
Link it, I wanna join in
>everyone i dont like is a pajeet
cope the post.
and you seem to be a /vp/ native
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>getting so mad he has to search this up
it's more like pity
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Giving Hex plenty of these without the label and telling her they're just a really low calorie kind, so she keeps eating plenty!
Just do a little bit every day. Start by tracing things you like to build muscle memory and learn how the shapes fit together, then work on that foundation. The important thing is to make it a habit and draw something, anything, no matter how insignificant, every day.
I taught myself how to draw so I could make my own fatties. Sure, they're not very good, but it's an incredibly liberating and enjoyable feeling. I encourage you to take that first step.
Anon, that's mean
She already has trouble containing her milkiness, she won't even be allowed in public anymore
prefer hex with a fat dick
She can have mine
This but futa shotas fucking hex
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>gets chubby/chubbier
>makes milk
Two birds with one stone. Brilliant.
built for white shota cock
on my face
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Both wrong.
This is canon hex.
Cowgirl sex with hex
where do i get a hex gf
Hang out at a graveyard or similar spooky places
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Excellent ritualpost.
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When is Nintendo just going to say fuck it and make one of the fan design canon?
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when a shit slow garbage thread is up for 10 hours you know it's trannies
where is the dick
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Hex Anal
Doesn't work on my machine.
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There's a reason why interracial comments get posted in every single thread like this.
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humina humina humina AWOOGA

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