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the first descendant releases on steam tomorrow lets talk about it !
Tell us about it, Anonymous. Why should we care about your game?
I'm downloading it right now
Ok cool, another viral marketing thread. No one cares about your live service trash.
It's that one game where you can paint your character's uniforms skin tone so they look naked.
just post the cute girls this game has.
the game looks pretty good desu. I don't know if I'll play it long term but I'll be trying it out on launch. It has the Destiny art style without the obvious DEI wokeshit and the progression seems like a more in depth version of Warframe's. Warframe has a really good platform to build off of but wondering if first descendant can fix some of the issues Warframe has (vet player retention, lack of endgame goals, etc...)
alright this will do until stellar blade get ported to pc
What kind of game is it? Will it be on PS5?
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Bunny best girl
this bitch is going to sell so many skins
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>Cute girls
Every time
Some of the girls look cute from what I'm seeing but what is it about? looks like some kind of warframe/destiny clone...
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Slop was a fun, useful term that's lost all meaning because of posters like this
What makes it slop?
>It's from korea and I don't like it
Once again a term has been whittled down to "Good thing" or "bad thing"
that's exactly what it is
You can download it right now on PS5
>looks like some kind of warframe/destiny clone...
Pretty much it's that
It's a fucking nexon game dude, the gigajews of korea
Koreaslop refers to the endless number of graphically impressive skinnerbox MMOs they produce.
Its a lot closer to warframe than destiny, but apparently it features more boss fight gameplay than warframe does. Its lower than warframe movement wise but faster than destiny. A lot of the systems are ported from Warframe. But there's definitely room in the market since Warframe unfortunately does a pretty bad job of keeping veteran players playing. The usual cycle for Warframe is people will come back on occasion and then quit after a couple weeks.
Ah, shame, thats not really something I have much interest in.
I don't even know how Warframe and Destiny work. Are they online only? Or can you play by yourself?
it's a pve coop diablo like game but with guns and third person shooter perspective instead
not as cancerous as diablo or poe with constant season resets tho
the fuck are you talking about? Have you been playing games for longer than 10 minutes? No, genuinely, do you actually just not play a lot? Korea is infamous for how much samey mush they pump out, their mmos in particular are the worst offenders. Numerous, near identical looking and playing grind fests with enough p2w to trivialize any of them even being a game. If there was any one -slop term that fits, it'd be Koreaslop. They make so many interchangeable assets i thought stellar blade was just another black desert expansion when i saw screenshots
Is this any worse than what Americans do? At least the Koreans make characters that look good.
That’s what it’s always meant, even when slop just meant food it meant egregiously disgusting food.
black desert quite literally has less p2w than most western mmos. The p2w line in BDO is about $30 or 1 hour of grinding. In WoW its what $15 or 1 hour? In OSRS its $10 or 1 hour?
looks pretty but not that interesting

will monitor
i only care about ripping the models sorry
How do you get the Bunny Ultimate skin?

Is it just cash only? Battle pass level?
i'm gonna play it, after finishing a couple of games I have in the backlog
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>Looter Shooter
Hazardous levels of sloppa
Knowing nexon its probably an outfit gacha with abysmal drop rates
Seeing her face actually ruins it. Wow.
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OSRS is pay to grind, not pay to win.
>That’s what it’s always meant
No it didn't, you just never got what it actually meant, or never bothered to learn
I'm honestly not expecting TOO much. I like third person action/shooters in general and I hope I can play it mostly casually after a while like I currently do with Warframe, sometimes not even logging in weeks at a time.
this nigga gay
its just warframe but with bitches
it's just a long grind
the way you acquired descendants in the betas was to do missions and activities in a zone until a material part dropped
during the beta the mats dropped very easily
but I suspect the full release will make it a long grind
only marginal ways to boost it via paypigging tho, nothing as egregious as direct purchase

made a general if y ou guys want to discuss it on vg
>Is this any worse than what Americans do?
>t. still playing Lost Ark after 2 years
why couldn't warframe or destiny have some of this? it seems like everyone is just a tinhead npc in those games
ok let's not compare apples to bananas here. Lost Ark is a disaster in the west and has egregious p2w and a company that encourages it big time. From all accounts TFD will be soft pay to win kinda like warframe is. Lost Ark is a totally different ballgame.
warframe does have a decent amount of butts and theyre adding more butts
however theyre all robot butts (infested flesh, whtaever) and sometimes i just want some normal human butts
there's a reason they added Drifter, they're definitely going to be adding more booba skins for drifter moving forward I can almost guarantee it, especially if TFD does well
You have this completely wrong.
Operator/Drifter look like dogshit and will never get real coomer shit.

The new wave of coomer shit, aside from normal warframes, will most certainly be for Proto Warframes
isnt that what warframe is???
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no lol
What's the gameplay like? Don't say Warframe/Destiny cause I've never played either and so have no point of reference for what that means.
3rd person shooter, pve horde mode loot grind
>What's the gameplay like?
It's Warframe but with coombait
Fuck off Nexon interns.
i like the graphics and it's really nice aesthetically speaking. but the gameplay looks kinda bad. literally just holding down left mouse for 10 minutes. the abilities are barely used and also seem like they're doing fuck all. zero impact or power behind them.
>but the gameplay looks kinda bad. literally just holding down left mouse for 10 minutes. the abilities are barely used and also seem like they're doing fuck all. zero impact or power behind them.
About what you expect from a gook "game" then?
based korea
can't see myself doing endgame
but staring at a womans ass in a video game sounds pretty nice
I'll check it out, if the grind/gameplay cycle outside of bosses is shit I'll probably give it up quickly
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>all the characters are model tier whites and asians
>korean-developed looter shooter grindfest with mtx out the ass
I'll just wait for the porn, thanks anyway
valby is cute enough that she makes me want to play for her but
definitely not worth it yeah.
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yep, i'll probably check it out and see if i like it. unlike others, i don't really care about the mtx or paid shit or whatever. if the graphics and gameplay are legit, i don't mind supporting the company. but it's looks lackluster af. compare it to something like helldivers 2, where it felt like you had real power in your hands, at least before shit got stupidly nerfed. 1 shotting a bile titan with a perfectly placed 500kg felt so damn good. dunno why other devs skimp on that power.
because real power is hard to balance. Warframe has this problem constantly, especially in recent years where they keep pumping out ridiculously OP frames.
i don't really play looter shooters so i can't comment on destiny or warframe or whatever, if they solved that problem or do it better. but in my mind, just keep the player count low. 3 players in a instance or boss fight, 4 max to prevent too much spam. also, keep damage taken very high. make it so that people can't just brainlessly tank shit and need to dodge and avoid enemy attacks in order to survive. or burn ability cds. that's a very fun combo for me, where both enemies and players do a shit load of damage to each other.
gay. When does it actually come out? I'll just download it then
the download is the full game, it just won't let you connect to the servers yet
you won't have to decode once it releases
like i said. gay
July 2nd, 07:00 GMT
Unlikely they'll add any, but if they do I'll open my wallet
Destiny but Korean?
I played the early access and it's aesthetically pleasing but not quite.
Needs armor destruction, unique defeat animations where they scream, and a greater focus on movement and positioning. I'm either standing in the middle of an area shooting, or finding a good "kill angle" and camping it.
It’s a new game so I wouldn’t expect it to be perfect on launch, and since it’s free I don’t really mind if there’s tuning to be done
Just don't get too attached, Nexon is notorious for not only abandoning their games that don't have a high return on investment, but also straight up deleting them forever so no one can play
so all of their games ? kek
Looking at Ajax gameplay, he is 100% based off bubble Titan from Destiny.
I will therefore pick him as my first character and larp as Shaxx.
Whatever happened to that not vindictus spinoff of vindictus?
So is this a hyper sweat game or is it pretty casual?
How does it make money? If it's just lewd skins then I'm in.
Warframe + Destiny (in terms of gun system and running around on the map for your missions) grindathon. But it's also Korean so there will inevitably be some form of 0.01% chance to upgrade and 99.99% to destroy enhancement system to keep monkeys on the treadmill.
skins, paint and materials
if you play nexon trash you have no soul
So these kinda games are basically left 4 dead but a lot less repetitive?
It's slop because it's yet another garbage hero based looter shooter
it's warframe/destiny with tits. you're grinding materials to craft and upgrade "costumes" and weapons
So can I not play this game yet? Started downloading it on PS5 but people seem to be implying it's not out yet.
you can pre load it on steam but it actually comes out on tuesday
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When are devs going to realize that designing games around either treating them like a full time job or paying money is never going to work at actually retaining players? You're straight up just going to make people want to play it less because it's too much hassle for little gains? Why are devs this stupid? You only have so much time so even if you were willing to put up with that shit you would literally only be capable of doing it with one single game.
No thanks, I'll just experience the game through webms and screenshots posted here.
They're not calling it slop for that though, they're calling it slop because it's from Korea
>So can I not play this game yet?
comes out on tuesday theyre just letting people download it now so when it does release you can hit play immediately
have you ever thought there are players that like to play one game for several hours a day
i want my wife buny back
Have you ever thought that we have literal proof of this system not working when 99% of live service games fail? Who cares if some people like to play one game several hours a day. Fuck I like to play one game several hours again but do I want to be compelled to play one game several hours a day? No. I've put 1000+ hours into every single Monster Hunter entry I've played and it's because I wanted to play it not because the devs cockblocked me from shit that should be more readily available by making me play 50 hours to get one thing. Also daily quests and shit like that need to fuck off. Like come on don't be a retard anon. We know for a fact this shit doesn't work.
> nexon

lol. nope.
I will never forget how they scammed everyone in Maple Story with their rates. The real rates were 0% while they advertised higher.
They made billions and nobody got a refund. South Korean government only slapped them on the wrist with a 8 million dollar fine.
but monster hunter is the perfect example of a grinding game, some monster parts have less than 3% drop chance
A grinding game with a pretty reasonable grind and absolutely zero FOMO shit. It's mainly the FOMO shit that doesn't work. People get burnt out when they're forced to play a game when they don't want to because games put lazy incentives in. Grinding it's a problem in of itself. It's when it's designed to lazily inflate play time by making everything take longer than reasonable. Like in MH the grind is simply something you can enjoy in the background to have secondary goals while just enjoying the game for it's own sake. You lose out on basically nothing by not engaging with end game min maxing. Also parts with a 3% drop rate makes for like a couple hours play time at most. It's not difficult. I can tell you've never actually played MH.
>it's not grinding because I enjoy it
also a couple of hours when it's lagiacrus feels like an eternity
>it's not grinding because I enjoy it
Wow good thing your reading comprehension reps haven't been missed to summarise my points into a single sentence and still manage to add something I literally never said. In fact I quite literally specifically said grinding isn't a problem in of itself implying I'm admitting it IS grinding. Go back to school retard bro and maybe you'll learn to read.
While they are both grinding games the difference is that one is F2P so the grind is made longer in order to trick people into spending money. The other is just trying to artificially stretch out the length of their game to make the price of the game worth it.
Firstly no, grinding in these live service games isn't to get you to spend money as in this case specifically money does absolutely nothing to alleviate the grind. The actual goal is to keep player retention high and keep people playing the game. Secondly Monster Hunter does not artificially stretch out the length of the game to make the price worth it as even without any grind any MH game is still like 50-100 hours long which is more than enough content.
The girls are smoking hot (loved the poison bitch with shiny pants) and the guys very cool but gameplay in the last beta was a bit lacking. Grappling was verry fun.
how the fuck do you people wind up on /v/?
Surely there's more to look at than just ult bunny right? 1 skin character whatever can't carry it alone, are there other sexy characters? It has my attention now flood me with more reasons why I should care
Koreans love this shit. They would be happy to only have the game run in korea and they would still make a profit fromthe no lifers
the pay to win line. Basically what's the cost in real world dollars that you can equal to 1 hour of trying to earn that money in game.

there's a bunch of other coomer characters too.
Korea has put out some absolute kino over the years. Mabinogi and DFO come to mind.
are you factoring in when your amulet upgrade fails?
ive also heard theyve only recently made it less painful/p2w
>8 males
>6 females
>2 of the ult female costumes actually cover them up more ie Viessa cleavage cutout
This game is already doa
I played the beta too, and if I remember correctly, it cost something like 400k to craft/unlock and by that time I had maybe 30k. The only way anyone was unlocking bunny was with the free reward packages. It's going to suck no matter what.
we should get a /v/ guild going early
/v/ is a containment zone for retarded kids. i will pass
I tried both beta/tests/whatever and the game is just boring as fuck. It's like all the worst parts of Destiny mixed with the worst parts of Warframe, and none of their good parts.
The shooting is weak. The skills are lame. The environments are bland. The enemies are dull. The upfront presentation of the gear systems in the tech test alludes to the retail game being a monstrous grind for you to unlock and upgrade anything.
Probably not going to play this game. Don't really like how much money you'd have to dump into the game just to get the dyes you want, since they're random and iirc you need multiple of the same dye for an entire armor set. Also I don't like how shit a lot of the characters are compared to bunny.
I think Sheron or whatever the robot assassin girl is called looks good too. I don't mind the dye system because its just cosmetics and they gotta make money somehow. But yeah Bunny definitely seems like the poster child for the game big time, she's by far the most popular.
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>I don't mind the dye system because its just cosmetics and they gotta make money somehow.
I get that, but fucks sake RNG dyes is insanely fuckin' retarded and just puts me off from the entire game. Knowing nexon, it wouldn't surprise me if they start adding in more rng cosmetic shit since they can't help themselves. Also not a fan of making players for double the mod slots at all, but if it's reasonably grindable then I could let that pass.
Plus they want to also sell weapon slots in a game that spams you with shit, descendant slots plus havin to fuckin grind descendants for an incredibly long time to begin with. It's unironically a fun game but fucking nexon dude, I can't see myself giving them more of my time or money.
>Slop was a fun, useful term that's lost all meaning
Fuck off retard it was always a dumb buzz word used by stupid faggots like you
warframe literally does the exact same thing and nobody complains. Not everything is just 'nexon bad'. I can't believe I'm fucking defending nexon here.
I don't play warframe, also I'm pretty sure you can pick whatever dyes you want in that game or so I've heard. Yeah, nexon pretty fucking bad. They're garbage and anyone who's played their other games already knows what to expect. Gooks aren't suddenly going to have a change of heart and make a good game without bogging it down with p2w and rng cosmetic shit.
>Fuck off retard it was always a dumb buzz word used by stupid faggots like you
This is how people talk when they realize they've been using a word incorrectly
>are you factoring in when your amulet upgrade fails?
they've been adding guaranteed ways to upgrade your gear for a while now. back then, you HAD to upgrade your own gear because it was hard to buy from the marketplace. now you can gear up completely through the marketplace. only deep endgame players still tap their own gear and they use cron stones from vendors. the returns for trying to p2w are so shit that a large majority of endgame players didn't even do it, they just grinded since there's no skipping it or speeding it up by any significant amount. basically it's the only korean mmo I'm aware of where you don't hit insurmountable walls without p2w.
>ive also heard theyve only recently made it less painful/p2w
They started doing that like 6 years ago anon. They still do some scummy shit but it's not nearly as bad as it used to be. Old black desert would pressure you into buying shit no matter what you did, now it's not so oppressive with inconveniencing you at every step.
>and nobody complains
Because you can obtain the premium currency for free by trading. In Descendants its paid only.
I wanna smell her asshole
why would you ever play as a male in this?
Do we know that for a fact? game isn't out
Anon, that's a teenage boy in heels
What's wrong with you
bros i cant pick between freyna and viessa
I'm going to play probably either Gley or Sheron. I heard Sheron is kinda bad tho. Gley seems like a gun berserker girl so that's cool.
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half of warframe is sexy bitches in suits what the fuck are you talking about
they've even been doubling down on ass lately because the lead dev is a fujo pervert
prove it
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this is a new skin that was recently announced, and this is official concept art
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during the stream they were showing her off, they turned her around to display the ass
For real?
If it isnt censored in the west I might consider playing it.
I will never play a Korean video game
End of service in under 6 months...
I complain, Warframe sucks ass
I will now download and try your game
how many hours will it take to not be mindlessly grinding away at shitty nothing enemies?
Grinding is the whole point of the game.
What are you talking about? That's going to be the whole game.
>thatll be 30 dollars pls!
fuck that
Is the dye gacha?
I played the beta and while it has some cute sluts, the gameplay suck. Guns look like shit and sound like shit, awkward and shitty character animation, enemies look straight out of shitty mmo from 20 years ago
>looter shooter
>with limited inventory space
What the fuck??? I need to pay to increase my inventory space, right?
So this is like a hero shooter (preset characters with a little bit of customization and preset abilities and guns) but a looter shooter?
It's been a while but I think I got it from completing a mission.
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Here it is. Surprised it wasn't posted yet.
Yes, there is gacah dye. They just give out plenty of shit because it's the alpha testing. When the server open, no no free things for you, little goy
the boobs should've been bigger and touching each other
Honestly the only thing it seems to have over Warframe for me is that it doesn't carry the weight of years of chaotic updates going in all directions, I tried picking up Warframe not too long ago and it's an unfocused mess of a game, I guess I can see how it could appeal to some people but I felt overwhelmed, I still put like 80 hours in it before deciding I didn't want to sacrifice my life to it.
basically you're getting into a life long grind game at the bottom floor
yeah this is basically my interest. warframe is too unwieldy. when they make their souls-esque ill def check out but until then this seems good.

Sounds good to me, where do I sign up? I like games I can play for months and not run out of shit to do if i enjoy the gameplay.

>t. I play Runescape, BDO, and Warframe
>nexon gookshit

Just rip the character models so I can jerk off to them in VAM
I feel like Warframe intentionally does this to prey on new players

And then after its too late and they already bought the $200 platinum package they realize all the content is as wide as an ocean and as deep as a puddle.
that's every skinner box game
just download the game on steam
It's available two days from now on playstation and Steam and probably xbox but I don't have one of those so I don't give a shit.
Another fucking deluxe Ember skin? She's not even that popular.
Fuck off.
Give us a better Wisp or Khora skin that you ruined you pricks.
i know warframe had similar but whats the difference betwen the normal characters and the ultimates?
The girls are hot, obviously. But I tried the beta gameplay and this shit stinks.
It wishes it was as fun as Warframe or Destiny.
Quality of animations, the fights
... It's barebones.
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What's the likelihood the game's worse than Warframe?
extremely high
it's impossible to be worse than modern day warframe
itll probably be the same as warframe
The gameplay sucks.
Have you even tried playing this?
It's not good. Fap material is not enough.
fuck off normie
censored safe horny gookslop
It's Warframe except you don't have to wait though a loading screen after every mission.
The majority of the playerbase does not care for good gameplay in this day and age. They only care for the artificial feeling of progression by having fluff to unlock so they can pretend they are working towards something, since usually they have nothing better going on.
That, and cosmetics.

Nobody plays games for the game part anymore, that's why shit like this gets shilled and played by thousands of braindead NPCs and devs never try to make actual good games.
Today I'll be stronger than the call of the grind/void and sexy butts, I won't pick up this game and instead will find another way to while away this absurd existence.
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Yeah. This is going to be interesting.
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>that'll be $200 or five years of grinding 8 hours a day
Oh no it's happening again, not even one comment apart!
you fags really will play anything just because of coombait, huh ? sad
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Beautiful women? Skimpy outfits? High heels? Jank and shit tier gameplay? Endless grindan?

Yep, its Gookslop alright.
>White men pretend to be mad at yet another white-washed asian game
Your ancestors would spit on you right now
The beta looked as blurry as those unreal engine porn games, and it ran as bad too.
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this game looks SUPER INTERESTING
Its already a normalfag term now, so its absolutely worthless "insult". It's on twitter and on youtube.
Wasn't this game cancelled?
yes alongside vindictus 2
It just makes me wish Anthem got a sequel. Grappling hook was cool but jet pack would be cooler. Still looks like a good grind for quick doapamine after a long day game.
looks easy on the eyes, if you know what I mean. Guess that means the devs can't possibly be western.
Gonna goon and gun to this game so much bwos
Why did blatant advertisement threads become the normal thing here?
it's called a coom n goon game
>video game discussion board
>gets angry when moderately hyped game coming out in literally 2 days is being discussed
because it's not a leftyslop game
hello shill
Eh its depends. Trying to be unbiased, its really hard to beat Warframe's early to mid game. The 'exploring the startchart and learning secrets and doing big cinematic story quests' part of the game is actually really fun. I'd say the fun ends about the time you complete the cinematic quests and have to make your own goals. It very quickly becomes a repeated cycle of 'hmm I now have minmaxed my favorite frame, gun, and loadout, now what I do?'. This is made worse by the fact that DE hates Riven mods. I think TFD can maybe improve on endgame content and maybe that's where it can shine. Big, long term progression type of things.
I guess we should remake this board into just talking about heckin retro games or post your waifu thread #535958
>say positive thing about game.
>say negative thing about game.
"Way to try and rage bait. Shill"
it's one of the more active video game forums/boards/whatevers on the internet, and being anonymous makes astroturfing really easy
>moderately hyped
that's generous
$200 for 8 years of returns? Fantastic deal.
>bright pastel pink
>"skin color"
i think you all have actually gooned your brain into not recognizing color theory
I like gooks girl and this game is still so fucking mind blown boring. Game is also look blurry as fuck for some reason
I'll try it, I'll get bored of it in an hour, I'll never go back.
They have brown so you people can enjoy it too.
Cast looks good, they even got a Dark souls nigga but in space. Where is the the chick from OPs pic?
Doesn't mention the obvious Lies of Kino and Stellar coom
The pic is missing a row of characters.
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Kek have a (you)
i mean the launch trailer has 6 mil views
Practically every Korean MMO is designed to sell coomer skins from the cash shop. Any gameplay is incidental.
Probably 90% asians, 5% bots, and the rest people.
I got hopes but the last time i was excited about korean slop it turned out to be Lost Ark
What about it?
>What's the likelihood the game's worse than Warframe?
100%. I played the last beta. It has none of the movement or abilities or depth of Warframe. Every mission is just stand in a circle while shooting generic enemies then move to next circle and maybe sometimes press a button. 99% of the dev time clearly went into the cash shop where all of the good characters are locked away.
>Pick Ajax
>Never pick anything else
Simple as
I like it more now that Warframe added a pregnancy char. That's just too much for any sane person.
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I tried this a while ago and
>guns sound and feel like shit, just equip whatever has the highest DPS
>AI is really bad and the overall gunplay/gameplay feels pretty shit
>pretty generic artstyle, warframes biological skinsuits are still unbeaten
>everyone is slow as shit
>i mean fucking molasses
>that's fine, i'll just use the grappling hook to pretend to be gook spiderman
>grappling hook a wall
>release the grappling hook
>just stop mid-air instead of keeping the momentum
apparently they "fixed" it but how do you fuck something like this up in the first place?
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If it was balanced for solo I'd download right now. Why can't f2p games just copy fortnite? Have the main attraction mode for everyone, a pass that pays for itself, super expensive shop stuff for the whales, and a single player mode where you can earn limited resources for the pass per day?
pretty sure it is balanced for solo outside the mandatory 4 man boss fights
Does the difficulty change when you go solo?
no idea but the fun of these games is building your character and stats to the point you can steamroll through content solo for maximum grindage
Is it all overpriced cash shop or is there cheaper stuff to grind for? Cheap bundles are cool too.
I'm convinced anyone that is hyped for this shit is underage, no fucking way in hell you've been playing games for more than 2 hours and still think that anything Nexon touches has a slim chance in hell to turn out good.
There hasnt been a single game that Nexon didnt run into the ground in their decades long history and youd be delusional if you think that this will magically change now.
But bunny girl...
I suspect in terms of player power they will not sell it directly at the store but rather sell you ways to make the grind more convenient or faster
in terms of cosmetics they will go all out with fomo and lootboxes
Think it'll be fair like fortnite's?
no lol
your progress will be heavily gated unless you pay
Darn, what a shame. Thanks for the info.
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You aren't going to find good gameplay in anything made after 2015. Everything has been backsliding. The best you can hope for is the next borderline mobile game not being aesthetically repulsive to look at and stuffed full of racist caricatures of minorities used to deflect criticism from how it is; As I said, a regressive backslide from previous generations of games because of the lovecraftian way they're financed, planned and constructed nowadays due to how they've been lowkey nationalized with convoluted investment schemes.

I'm kind of looking forward to playing it.
>Korean Warframe

Honestly sounds like a match made in heaven. Korean devs are experts when it comes to game grind.
What is this? Looks like more korean slop.
As a coomer, I love it and want more. As an autist, these outfits can't be safe or smart for combat. Looks like I'll have to compromise and swap between outfits. One for my goon sesh, another more appropriate outfit for gaming. Thoughts?
23 hours
>korean mmo
Yeah I don't think so.
I'm buyng this skin
It's Korean Warframe with all the usual fun Korean MMO staples like soul destroying grind and P2W cash shop items. Only reason it's going to stay alive is from retarded coomers that waste money on the skimpy outfits rather than play on a private server with free outfits like Vindictus has
it's closer to destiny than warframe
They have a little story giving an excuse as to why ultimate Bunny's outfit is skimpy, maybe that'll help with your autism
which is the best mmo until tomorrow
22 hours
Did the devs say anything about trading?
21 hours
So wtf is this game, warframe but even more coombait?
Built for getting gangraped with the helmet on
It's a 3rd person looter shooter, more like the division 2 or destiny than Warframe.
he is right. game is a mix of warfrme/division/destiny
Why can't I just play it now
How much?
does it work on linux?
No games work on Linux
why does every gook game looks the same plastic soulless shiet? why dont they change up their style? are they incapable of creating something unique as individuals?
>trannies mad because the game features beautiful women
>brownoids mad because they're poor third-worlders who can't afford a PC to run the game, much less any skins

I love Nexon for releasing a game like this in 2024. Will spend some money on it to show support.
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I miss my wife Gley.
I'm mad that characters cost $60 or require 6 1% drops.
Is the download encrypted like other Steam pre-loads? My system doesn’t seem to like those.
no it's the full unencrypted client
it just won't let you connect to the servers yet
Nice. How did the betas run? The system requirements seem oddly low.
20 hours
>being proud to be a coom whale that buys skins to dress up his virtual doll
So, how much is that in actual money? (Euro)
Game sauce?
Oh jesus you almost sold me on this game for a moment.
>The system requirements seem oddly low.
Higher rates of literacy in asian countries. They understood the unreal devkit instructions.
Stop pretending to be retarded
This game has fancy YouTube ads but I know nothing about it. Is there some kind of hook/bait n switch?
2 mins in google revealed to me that 2$=100 premium curency (caliber) so that skin is 15$. but cheapest pack is 5$ for 250 caliber
it's korean warframe
what a rip off
>Is there some kind of hook/bait n switch?
The same as usual with gookslop.
Get lonely nerds to fall in love with their pixel whore of a character and release skins for them so said lonely nerds continue to fork over their wagies to (you).
0.91 EUR = 50 Caliber
Battlepass: €9.10
Boosted Battlepass: €27.30
Skins: €13.65
Ultimate Pack: €54.60
Premium Ultimate Pack: €91.00
what the fuck is a boosted battlepass
So you need to grind less, but still grind obviously :^)
free game tho
Premium pass and tier skips I would guess.
So the servers don't open up till tomorrow?
Nigger it's yet another gook game with hot bitches. If you've been playing vidya for a while you should be used to that shit, shitty Korean MMOs have been a thing for at least like 20 years
Since it's free, I might give it a try
Alright but do you really have to use the N-word?
BP + 25 season levels, didn't screenshot that but saw it on a Youtube vid
seriously though where is vindictus 2
Might as well ask if the ocean will be wet today
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Of course
P2W status?
Can skins be earned or are they paid only?
same as warframe and destiny 2
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They're definitely going to be paid only, no one gives skins away. They're the money maker for a lot of this kind of shit
Does it even give you half of what you paid for the pass back?
You can scroll through it on Youtube
Hopefully things will be on sale at launch.
You get 300 caliber back.
Less than in warframe (reactors gives flat amount instead of doubling capoacity, warframe weapon slots aren't a thing, there is inventory limit but it is tied to mastery rank, there is no baro jew and primed mod autism, no feature gating so far either like necromechs and helminth), store is mostly about milking vanity similar to destiny eververse.
All this monetisation shit just makes me instantly not care. Every moment feels like a seedy snake oil salesman trying to upsell at me. It completely ruins any enjoyment the game might otherwise have in it. It inevitably becomes entirely the domain of the obsessives who are drawn into things like slot machines, because that's the atmosphere it creates.
Why do all Korean games have such uninspired designs?
How many layers of p2w does it have? I still have plenty of things to do in Warframe.
Can you even buy anything with 300? Wouldn't have killed them to just let it pay for the next pass, but that's half+50 at least.
How can you see this in a game and not shut it down and delete it immediatly
>walk outside
>it's all the same black hair the same faces the same heights the same looks
Could you truly be inspired in such a world?
>f2p made by Nexon
End of the discussion, bye.
Do we have any idea how onerous it is to grind it?
ie is it
>Fortnite where you can log in and get 10 tiers with minimum effort
>Tekken8 where you have to play 30-40min almost every day the BP is out
Most likely worse than tekken, they want hours of your time a day.
>they want hours of your time a day
It is warframe nightwave one for one, you get daily/weekly challenges that progress your shit.
Track record, so no actual proof.
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>destinyframe but slower and made by nexon
you couldn't pay me to play this
it'll still make a quadrillion dollars off of gacha though so it doesn't matter
How do whales have so much money?
>How can you see this in a game and not shut it down and delete it immediatly
Don't worry Nexon will get right on that, they never fail to shut a game down
wake me up when the gooks surpass scarlet blade levels of coom
Usually it's not so much that they have lots of money, they just have nothing else they spend it on
what gacha?
I'm in the same boat since most games & food suck now but even I ain't that loose with my cash.
>mabinogi still alive and kicking
>maplestory and vindictus too
>all are decade+ old
nexon hate is purely osmosis and d&d wankery
dyes are gacha I think
when i last tried out their open release it had that dye ampoule gacha shit from mabinogi
apparently it's gone but it's
so they're just going to add something else
>They understood the unreal devkit instructions.
Some of them just have tons of money. I used to play some gacha for some grandpa fucking pharma board member, he paid me like €200/month for 10-20 hours of "work" which was nice since I had nothing to do at work anyway. He never bothered to play the game himself outside of auto mode but still wanted to have all the units so he spent fuck knows how much per month on the game. He wasn't even really a fan of the franchise the game was based on. Weird shit.
cancerous menu navigation
no aim assist lock on
another dead game
I know you're larping, but I will entertain you and myself anyway... Pray, do tell, how did you meet such a person and how such agreement came into fruition?
So you can just not play for months and then come back and clear it in a day or two?
Inspiration for cyberpunk right there.
Almost certainly. Warframe has had like 12 years of development.
Fuck knows, maybe, we had 2 days of open beta that had battlepass in the first place, not really enough to judge how it goes.
19 hours
>play game
>game has a clan system
>game has also coop mission system
>do well in coop missions, other people notice since I just end up getting a gorillion points each mission
>game also has regular gacha events
>it actually requires a bit of mechanical skill and thinking
>eventually some dude from the clan asks me if I can run the event on the highest difficulty for him since he can't do it
>indulge him a few times, he seems nice
>he continues asking me for help
>eventually get tired of it, tell him that I have no time anymore to do that shit for free
>didn't even intend to tell him to pay me, I just didn't want to basically play two accounts
>he actually offers me money if I continue to clear events for him
That's basically it, it was more a coincidence than anything. But that particular game had a problem with "merc"-ing in general, devs kept banning people when it became evident. I'd assume most people who "merc" in this manner are SEA monkeys and the like.
I haven't seen anyone talk about the story in this game. Maybe it's just me, but it feels like maybe looter shooter fans don't actually give a shit about the story?
Anon, what the fuck do you expect, it's a gook F2P game, no one gives a shit about the story, not even the devs
story goes like
>humanity is doomed
>the only chance is a macguffin called the ironheart
>there's a faction of really ugly bad people who also want the iron hearts for power
>the main good guys are humans who work with "descendants" who are superhumans and also the player characters
>the moment you touch your first iron heart a mysterious figure called the guide appears in your mind and guides you
>everything you do fail and the iron hearts keep falling in the hands of the ugly bad guys
>not only that but most of the NPCs in the good guys faction you meet are pieces of shit and are power hungry themselves, and the leader is useless
>story in earlier beta ends with the guide getting data corrupted and disappearing, as well as all iron hearts falling into the bad guys except for one which falls into the hands of one of the good guys but who is clearly going to betray everyone for his own ends
So it's not nigwave 1:1
Unless the game is telling me the story as I'm walking and shooting I don't have the patience anymore, it's not even adhd I just want to play the game instead of sitting through walls of text or 2 hours of cutscenes, had enough of that in XIV
>but it feels like maybe looter shooter fans don't actually give a shit about the story?
Correct, it's just nice window dressing. If I can get a tolerable story with a cool moment or two I'm happy, but if I get Borderlands-tier quip-filled tripe, it'll detract from the gameplay focused experience for me. The last Korean games I played managed to be the former, so I'm optimistic despite expecting a lot of scifi pseudobabble
The problem, I think, is that looter shooter gameplay is boring. It's basically just hold the LMB down for two minutes, rinse, repeat. So unless you're being rewarded with story content, what's the point?
I don't think there's any other game that does FOMO-less, or more specifically non-timegated battlepasses the way nogwave is done.
Rebb "my operator eats shit" Fordd, our Queen, remains undisputed.
>is that looter shooter gameplay is boring.
It is. Its just a loot system turned into a game when the system is supposed to be supplementary to a game. Like how dota turned 'hero unit management' from the RTS genre into its own thing.

I don't care for this extremely reductive and minimalist approach to game design, but the way things are, it isn't changing. No ones trying to make the 'everything' game anymore since MMOs in general died.
WF story is some of the cringiest stuff I've ever seen. Whoever's writing it needed to be replaced like a decade ago. Destiny was pretty bad too but dear god WF is just embarrassing and it only gets worse everytime something new releases. There was some ad recently with this guy doing a joker type edgy moment that popped up on Twitch. Dude. How can anybody want to be associated with that?

More importantly the content being locked behind the embarrassing story missions that take ages to get through. Then in the end the content is either not really WF or just more of the worst aspects of the game like bosses being invincible all the time, retarded looking enemies, and encounter design that really just isn't fun or interesting or most importantly replayable. There've been good changes I see from a tuber I follow but they're still moving in a bad direction. Baffling how the game even has a playerbase anymore this or Destiny which is basically the same thing but even less mechanically interesting.
picked up, good job marketer
>There was some ad recently with this guy doing a joker type edgy moment that popped up on Twitch.
I wouldn't know.
I use adblock and I don't use twitch.
Show us this joker type edgy moment.
No he is not. This game is way more Warframe than the other 2. From powers, mod system, weapons, speed, progression, missions type. The only thing in common with The Division is damage numbers. It doesn't even have a cover mechanics.
18 hours
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I'm gonna get it, OP. I have 0 hopes for it though.
>sitting emote
Are we eventually going to be hitting the griddy or is it more of a basic set of emotes you see in every mmo?
I hope they improved Sheron from the beta, she was really bad. I just don’t think pure assassin characters work well in grinder shooters.
There were quite a few emotes in battlepass including public ones, as in you can join the guy who started emote and do shit in sync.
Same as in Destiny, a lot of copy paste, even saw a sleeper simulant skin on one of the guns
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My only complaint of the game from what I played was that there really wasn’t any melee weapons to play with. Warframe does a good job with melee gameplay, I hope this game can do that kind of stuff eventually.
Don't know when was the last time you played but these days warframe melee is just pressing E once and occasionally middle mouse if you can be bothered to tennokai or activating the incarnon mode of the melee you're using (if it has one).
I haven’t played Warframe in a bit. I remember back in like 2020 I had a good time playing Valkyr running around with a big axe smashing things.
made for a Korean audience, localized for the west because there's enough losers that'll get hooked for it to be worth
Well since then they added an auto mode for melee (optional) where you just press E once and you will spam melee automatically. They also added "tennokai" which is basically a free heavy attack with no counter cost that can proc after melee hits but it goes into a new slot and of course you either have to farm for that slot or pay up with plat.
Last patch they nerfed enemies armor so they die when you merely glance at them, warframe is the most braindead/boring it has been in years.
Doubt this nexonslop will be any better though but I hope they'll surprise me.
I really like Warframe. It's dumb but fun.
If this shit is anything like it, but with cute waifus instead if biomechanical horrors, I'll play the shit out of it. But then it's Nexon, so I'm 90% sure it'll be absolute shit and be featured in a Death of a Game in two years max.
17 hours
It's slowed down destiny, only reason people compare it to warframe is the third person view
fucking shills fuck off
>tripcoded nigger bumping the thread and has not used the tripcode for anything but talking about this game, aside from like a few random times once
same shit happened with wuthering waves
this is actual unironic shilling right
fuck off pajeetnigger
your DE and bungo bosses are going homeless after this GOOKINO releases tomorrow
Which descendant are you guys gonna pick as your starter?
is there any loli character?
Viessa for the boobies
They guy that has all the bombs
The bunny
Or the girl who has rage powers
So, uh, how's performance?
ask again when it launches
How's the performance of the multiple betas? (Not you, the game)
I played the september one with a 3070 and 5600x, it was acceptable
runs pretty shitty, not completely end of the world bad but still
now act surprised when i say it's a korean unreal engine game
You could remove korean.
It's an unreal engine game.
Just started downloading it.
that's the preload, it launches in like 20hours
Are koreans the only ones that make sexy bitches anymore?
asia in general, wokenes is endemic to the west
Viessa into Bunny/Velby is the current coomer plan
It will flop like stellar blade
Gley because her korean voice on character select screen is pure sex and i love vampires.
16 hours
>ebonic female voice as commentary
Yeah fuck you. Not fooling me.
I took the tech bomb guy in one of the betas and wasn't impressed, but I got Viessa a little later and liked her a lot better, so I'll probably pick her. I don't think I ever tried the bull defense tank guy.
You can already buy Caliber here

Warhaven flopped and shutdown, what makes you think this will live that long? seems like a cash grab in the long run
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how hard/ long was it to unlock the other characters like bunny in the beta?
Hey Nexon shill motherfuckers you still owe me those 100€ I spent on Maplestory 2 you shut down.

I'll play your new game and jerk off to kore doll ass but you won't see a single cent from me again Faggots.
No refunds lmao
this game was fucking trash, don't fall for the titties
bunny you can get in the first 2-3 hours of farming in the closed alpha. but they gave everyone free currency to play who you wanted last open beta
go play warframe after watching a newbie guide if you're soo interested, warframe is legit decent if you can get over the jank and schizophrenic storytelling
>Warhaven flopped and shutdown
should have cloned naraka instead and make it non-br. i would've at least tried it out.
I datamined it and it's got nude textures in the files. Probably going to be Vindictus level of fanservice. Finally a game I can spend game on, lmao.
pics or it didn't happen
Those are some pretty eyes but I would never pay for or even play a korean video game.
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Look in there.
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I'm you but stronger.
No one cares about your chinese censored gacha.
Can't wait for the porn
do I look like a hackerman
just upload a pic to catbox
dead on arrival
gameplay looks like ass
I give it a year or two till end of service for global.
They'll keep it up in Korea.
>gay furry game
15 hours
That's rather generous I think, they've killed stuff quicker.
Actually kind of curious what the deal with Nexon is, seem to be having trouble not bombing games so quickly. Or do they do a lot better in Korea and it's just a different game culture?
Gooks really love their grind, it's basically what they live for. Other audiences usually want rewards without having to deal with soul crushing grind first. This kinda goes against Nexon's company policy of being the most soulless bugman company ever.
They monetized simple colour palette choices with gross RNG how can anyone shill this shit honestly
Have you even played these games? I grinded Mountaintop for 2 months in Destiny.
Destiny 2 grind is babby shit compared to the average gookslop. These subhumans grind 24/7 or pay up.
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Not worse than modern warframe because impossible lol, but like it's at the same tier as launch date warframe. Much Much worse than early destiny 2 when it comes to levels and area's though, expect generic area design. Plus like everything has this generic kinda engine placeholder assets vibe. Best I can describe it, is that places kinda feel like halo 3 forge levels. Game is till fun though, I enjoyed the beta's.
The essence of these looter games is grinding. As if people in Diablo, Poe or Destiny aren't doing the same thing. Although Destiny also has good pvp.
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I used to be a gm for maple story 2. lol, they still owe me a paycheck since they never carried me over to other projects.
>She's not even that popular.
she got a rework recently and is alot better now
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same I spent 20 bucks on warhaven
they didn't even let that game get out of early access
absolute shame, casualized for honor crossed with battlefield was pretty fun and the tacticool knight aesthetic was kino

first and last time I ever support a nexon game
I haven't played Destiny 2 too much so I can't say anything about it.
The grind you have in PoE and D2 and the like is babby tier compared to the average gook game. If Diablo 2 was made by a bunch of Koreans you it would take you 500+ hours at least to increase your level past 90 and every level up would come with considerable increases in strength. And don't forget shit like upgrading items to +20 or whatever with an increasing chance of your upgrade failing and either dropping your weapon back to +0 or outright destroying the fucking thing unless you buy some P2W resource to prevent that.
Really, daily grind in modern western vidya is absolutely NOTHING compared to what gooks are used to.
Was this really necessary?
I agree with you but you should never give Nexon the benefit of the doubt
Can you color these paid(?) outfits too

I hate white panties

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