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Five hours in, 60% scan log, save before dark temple boss in Torvus Bog. The level design is falling off, Agon Wastes was really good but Torvus Bog leaves a lot to be desired. There was a cool moment when I arrived back to the surface after spending a good hour in the depths below, I realized I hadn't explored the surface of dark Torvus Bog yet so that was exciting. However the exploration was a let down, when I thought I hadn't gotten an ammo expansion in a long time, there was just one sitting in a seeker missile door which required no effort to obtain. It feels like going through the motions, which is a bad sign, Prime 2 is starting to seem like Prime 1 design wise. Torvus Bog being like a cross between Magmoor Caverns and Phendrana Drift. At least after you get the boost ball, you need only head directly outside the area, and there's two consecutive shortcuts that open up and direct you toward the seeker missiles, and then you have a way to quickly get back to Torvus Bog from then on. The gravity boost is actually genius, rather than the boring gravity suit from other games, it does something interesting, essentially the jetpack lets Samus swim. I took for granted that she sinks like a rock to the bottom of water in every game, Prime 2 is the only one that lets her rise up through water natively (discounting space jump & spin attack from other games). Still I'm placing all my hopes into Sky Sanctuary now. Torvus Bog didn't measure up to Agon Wastes.
Sanctuary Fortress is honestly the best level they've made, it picks up a ton there.
Glad you're enjoying. Torvus is generally considered the weakest of the main sectors, and while I personally like it, I can see why. Fucking Grapple Guardian can suck my taint.

And yes, I agree that the Gravity Boost is really cool. I hope it comes back in Prime 4, as I as disappointed in the lack of underwater areas in 3.

Sanctuary Fortress is considered the strongest portion of the game, and for good reason in my opinion.
it's good to hear Sky Sanctuary is going to be good. It was awesome they put a good foot forward with Agon Wastes, it made me hopeful of the rest of the game. I suppose if there was going to be a bit of a mediocre level it should have taken place both after and before a really good one to instill the motivation to proceed.

I've been disappointed in the lack of morphball segments so far. I've been teased by spiderball tracks as far back as in the middle of Agon Wastes. It's interesting that Prime 2 gives you the double jump as soon as the second ability, and yet prolongs the spiderball for a while. Prime 1 held off on the double jump for a while, and shortly later gives you spiderball. Different takes for similar games.

Grapple Guardian was interesting, it was kind of jank though. Just bait it to grapple the pillar and then strafe to its back. Eventually that stops and you can just shoot it the rest of the way with light beam. It felt like they gave up making him halfway in the design process.
Where the fuck are the remasters of 2/3
do we really need them, I own this game on Gamecube, and Wii U.
>I've been disappointed in the lack of morphball segments so far.
Have you? Well then... without giving too much away, get fuckin' ready to eat.

>It felt like they gave up making him halfway in the design process.
Or possibly didn't playtest it enough. People give the Boost Guardian shit, but at least it feels like it functions correctly. GG feels like it got de-prioritized at some point.

Fucking soon, hopefully. They were already supposed to be out by now, so I'm hoping that means they've been upgraded to the full Remastered treatment.
Prime has always been goyslop made by retarded Texans
Boost Guardian is nuts, I hadn't died yet until I got to him and died twice. It felt like they put in a lot of effort to make that a rounded out brawl. I beat him on the third try with 40 energy left. I loved how they effectively made the fight on a timer, with your life ticking away one point every two or three seconds. Other lesser enemies spawned in, at first I thought it was a pain in the ass, but then I realize they were there as a mercy, giving 20 energy for killing one. Blessing Curse
we need them so that normies have the games readily available so the brand can grow and get new blood, most normies are too lazy to emulate
Sky Sanctuary is the best area of the entire Prime Trilogy. That said, I prefer Torvus to Agon Wastes.
well they're a product of their time, if anything they should just make new games and worry about those
Boost Guardian is tough, but fair. I came to really appreciate it as a point where the game goes "Okay, let's do this for real now.". The fact it's the first dark world boss that doesn't give you a safe zone is, as you say, a great switch up.

I will say though, and this is a bit of butthurt nitpicking, I as always a bit annoyed that its version of the Boost Ball was way better.
Wow, we are playing almost at the same time, my last save was after that boss, game is great so far, but the soundtrack isn't as good as Mp1
I'm playing Corruption right now, and I think I'm currently at a 75% completion rate, which is the best I've ever done for a Metroid game.
I'm 85% sure that, if they do get made, they won't be on the Switch.
How come? I really don't like in Prime 1 where so many hallways lead to dead ends. I didn't notice that happen in Agon Wastes. What Prime 2 does in a pinch, when it doesn't encircle or loop an area, is that a dead end will lead to a portal, and in the other overworld there will be a path forward. Torvus Bog didn't do that too much like Agon Wastes was doing immaculately. There was also the jank of the Grapple Guardian, and the difficulty jump of the Boost Guardian, and it was the first instance of needing to leave an area and come back in. I firmly believe Agon Wastes to be superior. It was a very surprising experience, it felt like I was battling through a treacherous labyrinth, and funnily enough by the end I knew the place like the back of my hand. Here is a hot take: you could slap Agon Wastes into a multiplayer shooter as a map, remove the morphball rooms of course, but Agon Wastes is that good.
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Torvus Bog is actually my favorite area.
Compared to Prime 1, which starts you with a rainy jungle (because Super Metroid did), 2 has you trekking through the arid desert Temple Grounds and Agon Wastes for a good first third of the game. When I arrive at Torvus Bog it's such a welcome and refreshing contrast. You can practically feel the water after imagining Samus in such a dry desert for so long.
I don't think the Prime series has created a better, more pleasurable contrast. They attempt it again with the Bryyo fire and ice areas in 3, which is an underrated sequence.
Sanctuary Fortress is also a strong contrast to Torvus in its own way, water vs. complex electrical machinery, but something about Torvus being a strange garden makes it the most interesting to me. An alien paradise.
Some of the criticisms you level at Torvus are fair, item placement does leave some things desired.
However, I'll still argue for it: it contains some of my favorite endgame puzzles and exploration.
And then I'll agree: i love the Gravity Boost and the way water is implemented.
Lower Torvus, the water sections, an interesting vertical movement upgrade, the remix of the Maridia theme: it actually is the closest the Prime series gets to feeling like Super Metroid to me. Not that this is something the Prime series should be aiming for, it should be a good 3D game in its own right, but it's my favorite bit of Super fanservice in the series.

To each his own after all, but man
Torvus rain is better than Bladerunner's
It's pretty much doing Sonic spindash, why couldn't they give us that.
I thought they were pretty catchy, I actually have been hearing them inside my head the past few days when I take a cigarette break.
Oh I'll add to this >>681328698
Torvus is still way more puzzle dense, and with a lower room count, than any of the main areas in Prime 1.
Phendrana arguably beats it out for vibes, being the vibin'ist place in any Prime game, but I'll still take Torvus for level design over any area in Prime 1.
Right? Just hold the lock on trigger to hold the ball in place, then charge. It's right there! Come on Retro, you have an opportunity with Prime 4.
i agree, it's so good that despite not having played prime 2 since it came out and having forgotten 99%, i'd still have random flashbacks to that specific level years later, sometimes even forgetting what game it was from (until i finally replayed prime 2 a few years ago). 10/10 design; when prime 2 is good, it's GOOD, too bad it sucks for a lot of it.
nta. I argue for Prime 2's subtlety. I think half the reason Sanctuary Fortress hits so hard is the contrast with Torvus (rainy marsh, hostile to technology vs. a technological fortress with digital "rain" falling upwards). And before that, Torvus contrasts with Agon and Temple grounds: you spend the first third of the game trekking through hostile arid deserts, when you're greeted with marshlands and torrential rains.
When played in sequence it creates an interesting intereplay.
You could almost piece together a picture of the Luminoth's history: Agon mined for resources, Torvus settled as a base and center for terraforming the planet, and Sanctuary Fortress, created after the Luminoth mastered their planet.
There's some subtlety like this in Prime 3 too, but with the multiple planets the effect isn't quite as strong.
If Sanctuary Fortress is memorable, I'll argue it's half because the rest of the game is building to it.
I didn't notice it until you anons pointed it out, Prime 2 encapsulates a theme of contrast the entire time.
>but Torvus Bog leaves a lot to be desired
but the name is completely bad ass
the surface music track is great too
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I think part of why I'm more willing to forgive Torvus its faults is because it's fucking gorgeous.

Also, Grenchlers are chumps once you remember that the Dark Beam exists.
more like Torvus BOGGED, I hate Grenchlers. the grenchlers who stole Christmas
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Lol, lmao, as it were.
thread theme
there's a lot of subtext in Prime 2
game makes me smile
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Fucking love Torvus Bog.
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You think boost guardian is fun, wait until the spiderball guardian.
Boost Guardian isn't bad at all once you learn the trick. Same with Spider Ball.
I'm probably in the minority, but I appreciate Prime 2's difficulty
Too many word op
Make sure you're getting all the keys before you go to Sky Sanctuary or the game stops there and makes you go back.
bros, it just started raining
Don't do this >>681334378
Are you even able to?
idk I think Prime 2 is taken best slow and savored
Idk why but I always get lost in Torvus. I beat the game once, replayed it probably 4 times and I have 3 saves all where I get stuck in Torvus for 15 minutes having a brain fart trying to figure out where to go, only to quit and not return. Then I boot the game up 2 years later and do the same thing.
Pure sex
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There's just something about about that initial entry into a new sector that hits special every time.
I have to admit that i have to use a guide because i didn't knew what to do after defeat the alpha blogg, for some reason i didn't saw the fucking dark portal there
why are the moth bros so cool
prime 2 still level design mogs prime 1 by not featuring backtracking through magmoor caves for half your playtime
I suspect I know where one sky key is at. There's a room labeled cache, and it's empty. I suspect there's an invisible guy either in aether or dark aether there.
torvus bog has some fucking annoying progression paths. Like after beating the alpha blogg youre supposed to see a hidden dark portal above the boss room that is pretty much always out of sight for the player and blends into the minimap
Are u Op and/or is this ur first playthrough?
You know what's strange, I just now noticed the game doesn't give you pointers on where to go in your HUD. I wonder where you got lost, it was pretty straight forward. The only thing that tripped me up was >>681335969 having to go into that portal, and a dark temple key was just RIGHT THERE. I kinda don't appreciate how several keys up to this point in the game were just sitting around with no challenge.
yeah I'm OP, I last played the game over a decade ago and hardly remember the in's and out's of the game. I was using the opportunity of replaying it to take a more unbiased stance on whether I think the games hold up and critique, what not.
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Anon, that's meant to teach you how to use the Gravity Boost.
They leave you in the room until you figure out how to use it properly (you're also given a text tutorial on how to do this immediately after getting it).
This is good level design ... don't get annoyed that you didn't figure it out despite both the level being designed to make you use your new ability and the tutorial text explaining your new ability.
Ok, I'm glad it's not ur first playthrough.
Personally I'd take my time with Prime 2 and soak it in, but you do you.
It sounds like ur using a guide if you're getting all the scans
I'm really happy the moth bros are still around and recovering
Sort of comfy to know that no matter what happens with the federation or space pirates or whatever the hell else, Samus will always have at least 1 planet of people that will never turn on her

can only imagines she comes over occasionally to check on the rebuilding process
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you misread my post
my complaint is the dark portal hidden outside the boss room which leads to the grapple guardian. It's positioned to pretty much always be out of line of sight for where the player looks and this isnt even me being retarded because >>681335969 >>681334672 also got tripped up by the portal too
I just remember the odds and ends of scans is all.
-scan enemy before it gets possessed
-scan enemy after it gets possessed
-scan enemy again if it changes attack patterns
-scan pirate skiff
-scan creatures the moment you see them first
-throw on scan visor when you enter a visually busy room
-scan the ing webbing before you shoot it
-scan the ing webbing that locks a door and enters you into an arena
-scan spider guardian before you go inside the arena

Scanning is probably this series biggest issue, and that issue has left such an impact on me it's hard not to blatantly remember this shit.
also, scanning the pirate turret. that one is a big one, it's probably THE gotcha scan in Prime 2
I dunno. Getting lost is part and parcel with a first Metroid playthrough, so teh idea of getting lost doesn't bother me.
For me I always forget I have to backtrack to the seeker missiles.
that part is a bitch because you assume you need to go to the top of the bog and do something related to the grate up there but the portal is actually hidden right above the boss room where you never look and also it blends into the minimap hard
Scanning might be my personal favorite thing about the series, but yes, 100% scans is an annoying task.
It's fantastic for getting you into the adventure/roleplay headspace of being a spaceman adventurer tho
Corruption is ranked the lowest of the prime games, but it's my fav of the three (even the worst of the three is still a fantastic game).
I expect the general sentiment on Corruption to rise over time, and I've seen it happening already over the past couple of years.

>Best music: Elysia Skytown is easily top 3 songs in the series
>Best world theming: Again, Elysia is top tier here
Bryyo ranks high, but loses simply because Elysia exists. Despite liking Elysia's music more, I find myself humming Bryyo's more frequently.
>Fully corrupted Hazard Suit is Kino as fuck.

Sure, they went a little too hard on the Halo stylings. But it's a kino game that I think will age well relative to the other primes. Backtracking isn't tedious and there isn't a brutal quest to find artifacts (you likely collected enough energy cells simply through regular exploration).
as far as backtracking goes it's set up well. You get the super missiles, then the boost ball, so now you leave to get seeker because the next door is purple. there's a shortcut right outside, it leads you directly to a super missile door, then to the previous area avoiding the immediate area, then to a huge halfpipe, up on top is another morphball hole, you boost across the timed blocks, then fall into an area with a seeker door behind you to leave. So you get the seeker missiles and leave, and then you go through the underside of that morphball hole and it's a super missile door.

so it's kind of telegraphed quite brilliantly I reckon.
based as fuck prime 3 enjoyer. It's also my favorite and most replayed of the trilogy.
The music and planet designs are just too fucking good and sucks me in every time. But I will admit on replay that the linearity and constant hallways (super bad in elysia) is pretty bad. I hope that the remaster tweaks the area design atleast a little bit so its more akin to prime 2's level design
The only problems with Corruption is it's way too easy once you figure out how to abuse hypermode (you really shouldn't be able to cancel it), and it is a bit linear and cutscene heavy for a Metroid game.
Genuinely great though.

Prime 2 > 3 > 1
hoping Prime 3 is the model for Prime 4, honestly
Oh yea, I'll own it as a personal quirk/mess up, like I'll own misunderstanding Anon about the Alpha Blogg portal.
For whatever reason it gets me almost every time
I think I just don't want to leave Torvus
I still dont get why they did ammo for prime 2 when ammo is so plentiful everywhere except boss fights. And even then boss fights have obvious bits where you shoot a bunch of shitty little enemies for ammo
but it's not that good.. for me it was seeing the elavader back to Agon Wastes and it took a lot of strength not to go back yet. I need spiderball yet, and I do not care about the dark beam combo.
Dunno Retro's thinking, but it comes off to me as a survival horror thing.
Prime 2 is a horror game after all
I dont understand why we never had beam ammo until Prime 2. Everyone is so used to missiles, but you throw in beam ammunition too and everyone shits their pants for no reason.
missiles kinda suck ass in the prime games
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The luminoth really did manage to be cool and interesting on their own, distinct from the chozo despite the very similar vibe.

It was so nice to find those scan logs in 3 that updated us on Tallon IV and Aether. It is fuckin' satisfying to know that everything over there is doing well.

And yes, I also like to think that Samus occasionally visits her good buddy U-Mos. They probably have tea, U-Mos seems like a tea guy.
under the Torvus Bog aether temple, there's a seeker missile door with a shortcut back to Agon Wastes. I prefer Agon Wastes to Torvus Bog, but going back right now would basically just lead to the dark beam missile combo, but I would rather go back with spiderball at least to get a beam ammo expansion.
I've been using them more this playthrough and finding they're quite clutch. Screw always charging up beam shots when I can spam missiles.
one thing I want prime 4 to have is a reason to actually use the various upgrades for combat. Like outside each boss meant to use seeker missiles I never fucking use them
The big three easy to miss scans are Vigilance Class Turrets(for some reason, it's easy to forget to scan this new thing attacking you), Ing Webtrap(it's all the way over there, and looks near identical to a previous creature), and the Spider Guardian(easy to miss that it's rolling around behind the glass).

I missed all three on my first go. Fuck.
My first playthough as a kid, I thought corruption-mode was something I should avoid and the game was WAY hard because of it. Fucking Mogenar without hypermode was a bitch for my kid-self.
They’re fucking awesome if you learn to rapid fire.
>Fucking Mogenar without hypermode was a bitch for my kid-self.
Mogenar is legit impossible on hypermode difficulty in the trilogy version
>I missed all three on my first go. Fuck.
I did too, lol. The panacea is to always toss the scan visor on in new busy rooms.
I expect some of that linearity and easiness was introduced because this was an important title for the Wii as a way to highlight motion controls. And with the casualization of the fanbase with the Wii I figure they wanted to capture some of that audience.
I agree that some of these problems are unfortunate and hold the game back. But on the whole, the world building and scale is magnificent.
Nintendo apparently wanted prime 3 to be their own version of COD at the time for some reason which explains the forced motion controls, linearity and action set pieces
Oh I see what you're saying.
Yea I mean I'd just say: take your time with it. Take the game really slow.
In fact, stay out of Agon as much as you can until the endgame: then you can explore Agon at the end as long as you like to, with full upgrades.
Agon is very cool in the endgame.
fuck man this thread is making me want to replay prime 2 again but I just replayed it earlies this year
Prime 3 also had great LORE.

>Elysians died out WEEKS before you got there. You just fucking missed out on this advanced race of people that built this amazing floating sky city.
>Bryyonians were a super advanced race with warring factions and died out long ago

They gave just enough lore to make my imagination run wild and desperately want them to flesh it out more. But because they didn't flesh it out more it made me hungry to learn more and make shit up myself. It's such a fine line to navigate for story developers but I think they did a great job.
sooooo they should have added Multiplayer, I would have heralded that as the best Prime game all these years had they done so. I used to take Prime 2 to church and goad everyone to stop playing Smash Melee for an hour to deathmatch some Samus.
Interesting since they didn't even include fucking multiplayer, lmao.
Man, this whole series would have been EXTREMELY different if they included some FPS multiplayer-elements. Especially since they introduced a bunch of other hunters in that game.
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>(even the worst of the three is still a fantastic game)
Exactly! Calling the "worst" is a misnomer because it's still a great fucking game. And yeah, Skytown is simply fantastic.

My theory is that the ammo mechanic was supposed to be much stricter initially, but it was a major issue in playtesting, so they scaled it back HARD, to the point of it becoming a non-issue. If I had to guess, they didn't just remove it entirely because they had already made all the locations and puzzles for the Beam Expansions.
lol then don't, I hadn't played this in like 15 years until now. There's a lot a lot a lot of other games to play.
also originally hypermode wasnt meant to be a thing. It got implemented last minute to make the game more accessable and then the devs nerfed missiles into the ground to make it more attractive in combat
it would have improved the shooting elements I imagine. Hunters was probably the first hero shooter genre game, it was essentially me and my friend's Quake, and we had that bad boy on a handheld console. that shit was cash money. the controls on that were as good as a mouse & keyboard, and it was portable.
the prime 3 lore was definitely good
bryyo being a planet destroyed by civil war was cool as fuck. I think it started because of phazon or something too
I didnt know about elysia having actual aliens I always thought it was just robots
but the pirate logs as they succombed to dark samus were spooky
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Indeed they should've added multiplayer. Prime 2's was alright. It was basic, but I'll be damned if I didn't have fun with it. Plus, Hunters was already a thing by then. Presumably they had hit the deadline. After all, they couldn't even include the ship stuff that's obviously missing.
just alright? bruh. lock on targeting made so much sense when you could morphball to break lock on targeting. there was also the upgrade death ball which locked you into morphball with a one hit kill, causing franticness in everyone. using morphball to get away and dart through a tunnel into another room. those pirate turrets from singleplayer. grapple hooking to get around. it was really good, reminded me so much of Goldeneye. a multiplayer mode tacked on last minute, ends up being phenomenal.
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>tfw using the Scan Visor hacks the opponent's visor

>a multiplayer mode tacked on last minute, ends up being phenomenal.
Shit was surprisingly a lot of fun. Metroid multiplayer is one of those things that sounds like a fucking stupid idea on paper, but works in practice.
So the likelihood of Beyond having multiplayer is surprisingly high, all things considered?
prime 1 is my favorite game ever but prime 2 sucked so fucking much I never finished it
prime 3 is whatever but I did at least finish it
Probably, yeah. It is directly following up from Hunters, and some ex-Bungie devs are on it.
for me it's the exact opposite. Prime 1 felt clunky and boring. Backtracking from the boost ball to the jump boots and then the devs giving you the middle finger with the underwater frigate to backtrack for the gravity suit is the dumbest shit ever. Combined with every area being linked by magmoor caverns which was linear as hell I just couldnt be fucked to finish it
>the devs giving you the middle finger with the underwater frigate
that's fucking based
not only is it funny, and filters retards who go into a water area without the gravity suit, it also makes the world feel more organic because the whole game isn't tailor made to suit your super special ass and you're forced to go back and use your brain to explore and find what you need
it also gives context, if you actually go down there without it you realize how much being in water sucks without the gravity suit and then when you come back you can move fluidly and it feels awesome and also the enemies there change to something more dangerous so you can take advantage of your freedom underwater to kill them
also also also I actually did it deliberately my most recently playthrough and the time I """""wasted""""""" going down there first was literally less than 10 minutes

aka you are a fucking bitch, shut the fuck up faggot

prime 2 sucks because the ENTIRE GAME is like that with constant dead ends forcing you to backtrack to a portal for no fucking reason other than to pad game time and force the shittiest gimmick ever, the fact you somehow like prime 2 more proves you are actually fucking retarded and don't think about anything at all
what is it with fans of overrated Nintendo fans calling other people retarded?
Happens with an interesting consistency.
this better be a pasta
I just wrote it myself on my smartphone
I accept your concession
I wasn't even aware Nintendo fans could be overrated, let alone have fans in the first place.
>posting retarded bait to get anons to bump the thread
I respect the dedication
sky sanctuary is the best area
Sanctuary Fortress is cool but it has a weird feel about it. Mainly because of the differing level of technology compared to everything else we've seen, and the fact that the skybox has a massive city extending below it. The concept art originally has it listed as "Digital World", so I wonder if the original concept was for Samus to "jack-in" to some sort of computer system for the region/level.
Why do you think I'm baiting
it's literally my honest and objectively correct thoughts because I actually think about video games
shut the fuck up
Only first Prime is a actually worth playing. 2/3 Are so derivative it's pointless.
I've not often seen Nintendo fans rated, but there is a subsection of Nintendo fandom that is awful.
because youre overdosing on contrarianism
or just letting nostalgia blind you idk either or
unless you like prime and want more of it
prime 2 fucking sucks
deal with it
there is nothing fun about anything about it
Prime 2 is a massive improvement over Prime 1 and the masterpiece of the Prime series.
prime 2 does everything prime 1 does but better thoever
>backtracking is infinitely less obnoxious
>enemies arent just color matching
>better level design overall
>better bosses
didn't read your post
address my points or fuck off and kill yourself
lil bro you need to be 18 years or older to use this site sry
Play primehack These games are A Brand new experience playing with mouse and Keyboard. I just started prime one today
I got tripped up by that same portal myself when I played through the game last week. Doesn't help that being near the bottom of the map, the P symbol is hard to notice.
I'm 26
Do you have anons play these games on console or Primehack ? I can't imagine playing these games with a Controller
I think prime 2 has better music then 1
>it also makes the world feel more organic because the whole game isn't tailor made to suit your super special ass
ah yes, the completely organic world design of a slightly high ledge behind your ship with a single room with jump boots inside.

gtfo here. The backtracking was some of the most blatent padding Ive seen in the series and makes the world feel less organic because every power up is so arbitrarily placed in the world to maximize time the player spends walking at a snails pace.

That kind of design descisions made sense in super (which prime 1 is blatently copying in pretty much every way to its own detriment) because you have way faster movement speed. And even in super you had more shortcuts ala prime 2 of an ability unlocking some kind of shortcut to the next area you need to go
Please learn how to behave.
I usually play the Wii trilogy version, but I like the Gamecube version of Prime 2. If only because the Ing are a lot scarier when your motion is limited by the original control scheme.
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lmao faggot retarded niggers
My problems with Prime 3 are exactly the same problems I have with Metroid Fusion. It's still a good game, but it makes all the design choices and decisions I didn't like in Fusion.
I'm playing it on Wii U with the Gamepad. I have to claw grip to shoot super missile. Other than that I like it. I could plug in my adapter and use my Gamecube controller but I do not feel like it.
>Playing Prime 3
>Turn off hint system
>Aurora Unit still contacts me and forces me to look at where the objective is on my map

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