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>promotes an idealized human form, which is theoretically attainable
>women also look like they work out, but have a hormonally healthy, fertile body
>the Aryan Barbaric Warrior is the typical Hero
>magic is the domain of cowards, liars and women
>magic isn’t powerful, it’s primary use is illusion or mind control, which is the fantasized version of real history
>no safe horny or edgy horny bullshit, the only sexuality worth mentioning in this genre is hyper-heterosexuality, lots of rape, women rewarding their saviors with sex after almost getting raped
>all monsters are either more monstrous versions of real animals or fantasy creatures, no cringy OCs allowed, which only exist to make the product copyright protected
>no cosmopolitan DnD Fantasy Mono-Culturalism and Multi-Racialism, the default species is Human and they have very distinct racial subgroups and their own cultures, which are always inspired by real historical cultures
Embrace Tradition. Return to 80s Sword and Sorcery and Dark Fantasy. Embrace the loincloth.
If your product can be categorized as falling into a genre at all in the first place, then it's shit
Faggots and trannies would lose their minds and call it a literal genocide if a game like this was made. The concept of masculine heterosexuality is such an absolute moral affront to them, even speaking about it is tantamount to a serious existential threat.
Don’t worry fag there’s a place you can go be safe from the straights
Based white feminine cuckold
all media ever conceived is shit then
Fuck, OP just reminded me that Goreans also exist
The world of Elden Ring was heavily based on the Hyborian Age, but virtually anything resembling a true sword and sorcery Conan world was pruned away when the nips got ahold of it. Nothing like Robert E Howard would’ve done it.
That dialogue was written by a chubby incel who killed himself like a pussy.
D*mn didn't know you were an author anon
Follow suit fag, or was the last queer with any balls Yukio Mishima
>magic is the domain of cowards, liars
you were close but then had to trip right at the end...
Pretty sure he fucked novalyne and probably Texas whores
He’s right you know, magic is for cowards and the dishonest. There’s nothing noble or dignified about trickery, it’s meant for people who can’t face the world but still want power.
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Yes please thank you.
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>>magic is the domain of cowards, liars and women
Don't be salty because you got put on your ass by a fireball.
youre a le wrong generation zoomer faggot with estrogen in your veins and noodle arms. fuck off.
>magic is the domain of cowards, liars and women
Why did you list women three times?
Conan is great, if you guys haven't read the stories written by Howard you're missing out.
>Return to 80s Sword and Sorcery and Dark Fantasy
wasn't conan written in like the 30s
so angry
Yes but the necessity of masculinity and a vigor for life are salient topics for men in any era
When was the last time we even got a proper sword and sorcery game? Besides like Conan Exiles. Seems like that genre doesn't get a whole lot of love
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>no Mono-Culturalism and Multi-Racialism
you'd be squealing about James Earl Jones in Conan the Barbarian being woke DEI if it came out today.
Yeah but the Sword and Sorcery thing had a huge explosion in popularity in the 80s after the Conan the Barbarian movie came out. Stuff like Deathstalker and Fire and Ice and a whole bunch of fun crappy exploitation flicks with tons of tits.
You will never be a woman
Sorry, but you're kind of a moron.
>Sword & Sorcery
>This extends to Conan the Barbarian and the works by Robert E Howard
He should have wrote more sex with Stygians
is this shit performative? what do you fags get out of this gay dance
Why is her head so small?
The black warpaint probably has something to do with it
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thread theme
If you ever need an explanation for why modern fantasy is so shit, so dependent on ironic "yeah this is stupid but we know it is so that makes it ok lmao irony lol", so filled with gayshit and cuckoldry, so targeted towards women and womanly men, you need only bookmark this thread and read the majority of the replies within it and you have your answer.

nu-/v/ is the audience for modern fantasy. They are whose those bookstoppers by Rothfuss and his ilk are being written for.

This is why fantasy is an increasingly insular freakish ghetto following the exact same route towards the present irrelevancy enjoyed by SFWA western sci fi, by the very same perpetrators (freaks). Moorcock can sneer about his works written by rabbits, for rabbits, about rabbits. But what we have now is an increasingly irrelevant, increasingly shrill genre written by effeminates, for effeminates, about effeminates, while the vast majority shrug and either go back to Tolkien/Howard or read isekai. Both of which are absolutely beating the pants off of the kind of "fantasy" the queers in this thread "read".
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Great choice in music
In kino sword and sorcery media, fireballs are unusable by wizards, unless they are the evil god big bad that may manifest in physical form at the climax. Human wizards can merely use illusions, parlor tricks or unlock doors. Stronger ones may have clairvyorance or familiars that can't really fight against anything that can defend itself. Anything stronger would reguire them to use some rare, ancient McGuffin.
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Sweet pyramid. The building in Conan Exiles satisfies my autism unlike any other crafting game
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how can a man will himself out of bed every morning, knowing that he will never come home to a Stygian princess
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Hey wait a minute, that's not Conan that's Barsoom.
Which is also great
Thread Soundtrack
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Not enough games let me indulge my degenerate slaver fantasies the way this one does.
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If I had the power to make any game I wanted on a whim, I'd make a totally accurate Barsoom RPG.
And by totally accurate I of course mean with book accurate nudity.
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The western world died a long time ago, get on with the times, gramps.

The superior fantasy is to become a Japanese RPG character and marry your Japanese sister.
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>sees a half-naked man in OP
>first thought is of faggotry
Please kill yourself you smarmy faggot
>>magic is the domain of cowards, liars and women
skeletor is buff af tho
Conan the Barbarian is too blatant to produce without heavily pozzing it. The Arnold Schwarzenegger movie was almost too on the nose, even for hollywood.
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No U.

You're out of touch with what's hot and what's not.
i am not reading that, but kill yourself because i think what you wrote might anger me
if it did not anger me, then i am sorry but next time write less than 3 lines if possible
thanks but i prefer women
>no edgy horny bullshit
>there is rape
anon i think you have a brain tumor
Anime protagonist > Naked bodybuilder
he was literally a warrior chad himself before the accident
Damn I love being a man.
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>They don't know about muscle wizards
Weaklings who seethe at talent and magic.
Anons read the Conan Howard stories. They’re so beautiful and funny and sad, they have everything. Howard should be up there woth tolkien and is a better writer by far imo.
Perfect. It must be done then.
Howard abuses the same adjectives to much but otherwise is great.
Otherwise really its just that the Hyborian Age lacks a unified vision that draws people to it.
If I remember right Tolkien himself was a fan of Howard.
For me, it is the Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser books. They are about a barbarian and a thief being sellsword bros and often ending up in adventures over their heads.
and then he magic maxxed and became even better
main goal (besides reading books) for a wizard is to get swole and be like goku shooting spells and shit
everyone in this thread needs to buy Conan Exiles for $10.
Ah fuck off with this revisionist shit.
Look in a fucking mirror.
You don't actually want representation, you want literal self-insert shit. Why? Because you're narcissistic twats.
If you look at ANY classic "male power fantasy" media from back then, they were full to the brim with all the "representation" you faggots cry about media lacking.
The type of inclusion you push for now is so cringey and shoehorned that people rightfully push back against it.
People wouldn't include JEJ in a modern conan. They'd rewrite conan to be the Nigger with a zoomer afro noodle haircut, include a bunch of fags, and have thusla doom be a white trump stand in.

You think this is a gotcha? Nigger, you gotcha'd yourself.
Written by someone who never truly grew up. Just kill yourself nigga, you're clearly a lost cause.
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But I already have Conan Exiles.
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Tolkien never wrote or publicly said anything about Howard himself, but we know for a fact that Tolkien owned and read at least pic related that contains Howard's Shadows in the Moonlight because his personal copy of it was sold in auction in 2011. His (negative) critique on some of it's stories was included, and he didn't have anything bad to say about Smith, Howard or Lovecraft - that being said he said nothing about them at all. According to Lin Carter (who knew it through a second-hand source himself) Tolkien did like Howard's stories.
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I was just about to make this post, incredibly based.
There's couple of comic adaptations with art by Mignola too.
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But Japan told me it's better to be cute and talented than being naked and muscular.
You get much better girlfriends this wai.
>According to Lin Carter (who knew it through a second-hand source himself) Tolkien did like Howard's stories.
Makes sense to me, I don't see why he wouldn't have been a fan. As far as Pulp authors go Howard was very well known and well liked, and pretty prolific too. In addition to Conan he also did Kull and Soloman Kane, along with a whole bunch of others.
For being written in the 40s these stories have a surprisingly modern grasp on language (in a its easy to read way not zoomer speak) that makes they very pleasant and a good intro for new readers into S&S. Just have them save Swords and Deviltry+ whatever stories are directly connected to it for later, its good but its prequel stories that function differently from the regular content.
Men only want one thing.
The secret is that due to hormones girls on the pill are drawn towards more feminine features while those who aren't are more attracted to more masculine features.
Its a common issue in women's circles when a women goes on the pill or off the pill she stats losing attraction to her current boyfriend.
holy freaking crap he is COOKED xD
>magic isn’t powerful, it’s primary use is illusion or mind control
I'm sorry, but while you're right that magic in Conan is largely the domain of unscrupulous cowards, sorcerers in Conan are capable of flying, causing earthquakes and avalanches, summoning demons, controlling the weather and so on. It's typically *priests* that are portrayed as tricksters using mostly mundane means to achieve seemingly magical effects, especially whipping out the BLACK LOTUS OF KHITAI. Legit sorcerers are the real deal in Conan and often have seemingly godlike powers, though they seem to lack any powers that are particularly useful when directly confronted with a muscular barbarian waving a sword in their faces.
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For me? It's Sword and Planet.
>Aryan Barbaric Warrior
Fucking stupid internet Westerners.
You glorify an honorable thug, fool, just because he has respectable character doesn't mean he's a paragon of all virtue!
Aryans were sorts of people Conan himself would oppose, they weren't all that just.
Actual magic is domain of geniuses and gods, even in his books Conan takes them seriously, not whatever idiocy you believe it to be.
Outer deities aren't and cannot be held back by chumps drooling over a transient gene configuration, only by actual equivalents!
And you're not supposed to take Howard's words as gospel! Both Howards were men, they were smart, Lovecraft was practically a prodigy if not a genius, but they weren't always correct! Think, man, think!
I think there was discourse in the letters between the two on the matter of civilization, at least 53 from REH side. You should read them at some point.
Body building is unnatural and gay.
Isn't that because of Set? I know Thulsa Doom had that magic, silent rizz or something. The op post is devoid of nuance, but I'm pretty sure the wizards and sorcerers all had a relation to Set or some shaman like connection to the gods or spirits.
Good post. Howard was a one of a kind talent. If nobody gets anything else from this thread they should try some of his stories and be delighted by one of the founding fathers of fantasy.
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I want an Acts of Caine game bros
I read The Tower of the Elephant and it was boring and slightly homosexual with all the description of Conan's musculature and movement.
chudGPT strikes again.
There are all sorts of games, books and so on, practically any manly hero story.
Masculine heterosexuality is not inherently predisposed to evil or crudeness, or even particular style of barbarism.

And if you are one of those who do equate male normalcy to barbarism, then I'm afraid that's just your deluded, subservient attraction to what you deem proper, what charms you, speaking in your place, instead of actual understanding.
In which case you're not all that different from trannies, other than them being twisted shadows of themselves, of-course.
You just pursue what you "like", the "why" of it is never asked.
Has there been no wizard that conan liked?
Barbarism is good and pure
Civilization is evil and perverted
Conan the Chadbarian mogs whatever pozzed young adult fantasyslop protagonist you can pick out a hat.
Those girls are so repressed their pussies would be pounding at the mere sight of a man like Conan
Based Roman
If Conan's muscularity being compared to a panther makes your cock twitch I think it's you that is gay, and possibly a furry. Stop projecting, degenerate.
A predictable, childish answer.
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What a load of nonsense, they like
<- this type of Anons
Not all people are so shallow they turn to mere lust.
Integrity does exist.
He respected the chinese wizard because he was the real deal.
Body building is physical self -actualization of the Thumos you fucking ingrate. The body and the mind are reflections of one another, a slovenly, wretched body is a signifier of an equally ghastly mind, you are nothing without both.
Tall voluptious women is peak safe horny.
Stop taking out shit just because no one wants your tiny asian bitches stellar grifters.

At least build on it and co-opt yuri fags before giving up.
Clearly you’ve never met a woman.
Applies only to some.
Yeah, I'm a space alien.
Hello there.
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>no one wants your tiny asian bitches
Why are you so rude?

Tiny girls are massively popular these days.
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Japan can't make up its mind about women. It seems like the ideal woman in anime (and what porn-addicted weebs seem to insist on) is a weird reverse case of the Madonna-Whore complex. In the classic case, you have men that can generally only see women as pure, virginal "Madonnas" (referencing the Virgin Mary, not the pop star) or sexual-but-tainted whores (and there's weird psychological shit that goes along with that like said men not being able to be sexually attracted to their wives because they view their wives as "Madonnas" and therefore not sexual). Here, they have a weird case where they want a woman who is both a Madonna and a whore at the same time. The typical anime waifu is a chick that dresses like a stripper or street walker and frequently acts sexually provocative, but apparently does this all on accident and actually doesn't even know what sex is and has never seen a penis before. Bonus points if they're actually hundreds to thousands of years old, but act like squeamish Middle Schoolers when sex or naked bodies are brought up.
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>no safe horny or edgy horny bullshit, the only sexuality worth mentioning in this genre is hyper-heterosexuality, lots of rape, women rewarding their saviors with sex after almost getting raped
That kind of reputation for Conan is kinda overblown. Sure, Conan stories often feature women who are damsels in distress, but Conan himself is rather respectful towards women. In the books he treated Belit and Valeria with respect and as his equals, and with Valeria he ultimately ends up just being friends after a brief romance. Also Red Sonja wasn't related to Conan originally, Howard's Red Sonya was a Slavic gunslinger woman who fights against Muslim invaders and their treacherous Christian allies in the 16th century Balkans and Eastern Europe. The 70s Conan comics retconned her as a embodiment of revenge who emerges as a fierce warrior woman in different ages, and Sonja is her Hyborian incarnation.
legitimately? I really don't like yuri fags and want them out of the safe horny space. That is all.
>makes your cock twitch
>possibly a furry
I'm not the one projecting.
People can be mad about the Madonna-Whore complex but it’s merely an observation of a fact, women have value as a sexual object or an object of worship and adoration and there is no room for nuance. It’s simply the way of things, it feminists desperately try, as with everything they get ahold of, to destroy it and create something new while totally ignoring that the complex exists almost solely as an extension of our biology.
which exploitation movies?
I wanna see retro titties
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my favorite part is that Conan, at all times, hates the idea of 'noble savagery' and never once pretends that barbaric living sucks. he left Cimerria because he got tired of it being so brutal and hellish. his entire arc is finding civilization and becoming civilized, by choice, his own way
>the Aryan Barbaric Warrior
>post picture of a dark-skinned male(probably middle easter)
does anything but suck*
Yes you are. You're calling it homosexual. The only way you could possibly make this connection is if describing how powerful muscles are and comparing them to a superpredator like a great cat makes you think of sex. YOU are projecting. YOU are gay. And probably a furry.
Yeah. Howard was actually a good friend of Lovecraft.
>guy who wrote this never married and killed himself at age 30
Why is this so common among his type?
is everyone in this thread a retarded teenager
This is /v/.
God the irony of Conan being a literature for gay men being entirely lost on /pol/ is endlessly hilarious. Its like Starship Troopers but /hm/ is making out with /pol/ and they don't even realize it.
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>I can either love my wife or have sex with my wife, but not both because if I fuck my wife that will make her a filthy whore that I can't love
>This is a healthy attitude to have an not a form of mental illness because I like old purity-based sexual standards which are kind of like the Madonna-Whore complex if you completely misunderstand what the Madonna-Whore complex is.
The wives of the men in these studies had typically been virgins (this was studies back in the old days when most people tried to save themselves for marriage). If their wives had sex, it was typically only with *them.* These were men who could only view women as virgins or whores even if they only man said woman had ever had sex with was *themselves.* A man who seemingly adores his wife, but never touches her and has sex with prostitutes instead, or a man who can't bring himself to find his wife sexual, but the moment he finally consummates his marriage with her, he loses all respect for her. That's the Madonna-Whore complex.
You can argue about this but amazon cancelled a conan series over toxic masculinity. This culture war shit ain't just some boogeyman.
He was a one of a kind man, no? All people in that circle were.
>Conan being a literature for gay men
No, just no.
Sorry bro, you're into gay /lit/ enjoy lmao.
He was a bodybuilder who made Novalyne Ellis fall madly in love with him, he only killed himself because they gave him news that his mom was in a coma she wouldn’t wake up from.

Because he was a closeted gay in a ultra conservative state
look here boys, the uber hipster is real and i have proof now
Most people wanting the Arnie Musclehead/Marvel Barbarian typically hate the original Howard stories because he's not just always blindly swinging his sword and fucking random women.
>t. 30+yo virgin who can't talk to women
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lord, give me strength...
I've read some of the comics and liked the pirate run the best. How different is book conan from how comics depict him?
Conan was a chad and wizardry is Reptilian in nature. Fucking shapeshifting stygian snake-cultists.
Also have never seen the movies if that matters.
Fuck Styggers.
>t. faggot proving my point
You still got an hour left of your month you dirty cock smoker, enjoy it while it lasts.
>Wrote Conan with the entire concept being "civilization bad! anarchy forever!" while literally suffering day in and day out because of civilization was collapsing
>Didn't like Conan, wanted to stop
>Thought Westerns were cooler and ditched the entire Hyborian Age
>Mum got sick and he shot himself
What a fucking pleb, no wonder no one cares about his works.
Conan exists in a middle stage of Howard's hyboreian age.
Humanly exists on a sliding scale going from Ape-Men (the most primal and savage without thought or culture) to Decadence (civilized and refined but also soft and lazy).
As a people grow and learn they become more human developing new tech and more culture, this ends either when they hit a decadent dead end leading to extinction (that one story there a civilization has been reduced to two tribes battling to extinction in the ruins of their capital). Or another group that has advanced enough to be a technological threat (gear, tactics) but still retains enough primal instinct and physicality to overwhelm the softer men (what the Picts are on the verge of becoming), thus either enslaving them and eventual integration, or driving them away where they will devolve back down the scale and eventually rise again.

Conan as a Barbarian, is a stage closer to the Decadence side of the spectrum but still in touch with his natural instincts. His journeys through civilized lands to the killing of the Aquilonian King and usurpation of the throne is met with joy initially because he brings back a vital force to the nation reshaping it for the better. However the Conan of Hour of the Dragon (I know but canonical status matters little for Howard's Conan) has let civilization creep in both becoming a lesser warrior himself but a stronger leader who makes allies and once again betters his claimed nation.

Basically Civilization Good, but its luxuries should be kept at a distance or it will lead to ruin.
Apparently they made a movie about them. From a quick read, it seems like Robert's mom fucked him up mentally and ruined his life.
Wizardry represents human advancement. I don't understand what's wrong with that.
Luxuries are fine. What's is necessary is moderation (to conserve resources) and discipline.
OG Conan is more stoic and calculating than he's typically depicted in the comics. If anything, Marvel's Conan is definitely more like how he's depicted as a much younger man in the original stories than he is once he's a seasoned warrior.
Some real cursed knowledge is that when marvle owned the comics license they heavily implied that Mary Jane (Spider-Man's Main love interest) was another reincarnation of Red Sonja and then promptly dropped the concept.
I'll give the og conan a try. thx anon
Based. Sorcery is the vile tool of the eternal Shemite
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Main characters don't have to walking bundles of muscles in loin clothe.
They are better off being charismatic and handsome.

Muscle work is the job of pets and sidekicks.
His mother was sick for years, from what I recall. It had a terrible effect on his mental health.
>I le liverino
sounds like peak atheistcuck cope
I don't care about crafting or building anything. I enjoy exploring, killing stuff and enjoying the game. Would I enjoy this game?
Girls want Cloud type of boys, not Barret type of boys.
>they want a woman who is both a Madonna and a whore at the same time
>anime waifu is a chick that dresses like a stripper or street walker and frequently acts sexually provocative, but apparently does this all on accident and actually doesn't even know what sex is and has never seen a penis before.
From what I've seen, it seems to be they a woman to by hyper sexual whore in personality, body, and outfit, but is also incredibly loyal and only wants them.
Sounds like an acceptable standard if you think about it. Basically a male sexuality ideal. An ideal womanly woman. Wild in bed and nice in family.
that's what you think. but the BBC is strong.
go back to TikTok, fuckhead nigger
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No one wants to be with someone who is disloyal, anon.

The problem is that its inconsistency borne of insecurity. They want a horny, sexually active woman, but don't believe that woman would be loyal to them if they had been with any other man. So you wind up with this paradox of the "virgin whore," a sexually provocative and horny woman who, paradoxically, has never had any sexual experience.

Since we're discussing Conan, that's an interesting contrast. None of the women Conan gets with are stated to be virgins and, in fact, the opposite is implied. This doesn't bother Conan in the slightest because he knows that he's the only man they'll ever want while he's around because he's a fucking gigachad.
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I just like all kinds of fantasy, before they got ruined by modern sensibilities. Low fantasy didn't really though, it mostly just got tossed to the wayside and forgotten. High fantasy however has been utterly subjugated and defiled by weird gay faggots and women who removed all of the sense of adventure and joy and discovery from it, to turn it into safe, bland grey slop out of fear of offending anybody.
Shit's sad.
Here's some Elves.
Can't disagree with that. Nips as a whole are a bit messy, nowadays, aren't they?
I recall a Russian woman going there and she said that issue with modern Nips is that they really suck at relationships, they don't take initiative like they're supposed to, rather domesticated sort.
Only fag's play games with half baked men in it
you prefer fully baked men then
See you at Saigon!
Before all this ESG shit happened women were ruining fantasy by flooding local bookstores' fantasy sections with shitty novels about clockworks. I don't know what the FUCK it is but women love to write fantasy stories that revolve around clockwork machines. Such a banal fucking dogshit genre, just as gay as steampunk (same audience, really)
>not appreciating steampunk
It's top tier.
Also eldritch spooks.
Its the Victorian association
Also Clockwork has been replaced by The Fey (as in big handsome fairly princes politicking in royal courts with some fucked up old fay myth aspects about time dilation and cold iron tied in)
You know, as an interesting note, Robert E. Howard's self-insert appears in Beyond the Black River.
He dies.
It must be done today.
>Also Clockwork has been replaced by The Fey (as in big handsome fairly princes politicking in royal courts with some fucked up old fay myth aspects about time dilation and cold iron tied in)
Roger Zelazny did it better.
why do they look so fucked up eye wise?
Swords and Sorcery or pulp fantasy in general is something I want get more familiar with, but I just don't have the time. I tried reading some of the old Conan works, but I have a hard time reading literature on a computer.
I won't lie, I kind of liked the John Carter movie as a kid.
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Try audibooks
The Audible readings of Fafard and the Grey Mouser have a really good VA reading them.
>I won't lie, I kind of liked the John Carter movie as a kid.
>As a kid
Motherfucker that movie just came out a few years ago
3 paragraphs & nothing constructive was written. What is effeminate? What is gay?etc.
It came out 12 years ago anon
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i'd play a Conan game with Elden Ring mechanics and gameplay
Barsoom cycle books are early 20th century, no?
No way he touched whores. Robert was a huge "woman respecter"
Children want Cloud boys, I mean unironic toddler kindergarteners, the second a girl hits puberty she becomes attracted to men.
Wizards getting their shit kicked in is peak sword and sorcery. I love it everytime.
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Since I've been on a Conan Exiles kick lately, can I ask you anons something? Is it weird that I have built an entire city, filled it with NPCs and factions that I've imagined unique motivations for like it's an RPG and I can do quests for them, made a main character who I've imagined a backstory for which included also making a young version of said character, all for absolutely no reason but that I was really bored all week?
What do you call that level of autism? Should I be concerned? Am I gonna make it?
what's the logic for dejah thoris being naked all the time? is it really hot on mars? i can't complain i guess
Were talking about the 2012 John Carter Movie and Anon feeling Old.
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I think the first story was before WWI, I want to say like 1911? So it's old as fuck. It predates and directly inspired a lot of sci-fi in the 20th century.
The logic is that it's meant to highlight your physique
No we wouldn't. You're not fooling anyone, dumb bitch.
Considering that Conan is set in Sothothery, it means that ultimately as a setting at large it has Demonbane tier wizards.
A properly fit human nude form is pretty in its own right.
Deviant Art OC tier
I'd play a Conan game that's pic related but more polished since it actually has dismemberment and limb hit reg
I wish Conan Exiles was better.

Nah, it's about all you can do in that game. Last time I played it was during the Sorcery update and I basically fell into the depths of magic. I set up my base near a place I'd have a steady supply of tribals for my rituals, had hyenas that I treated better than the slaves. At some point along the way I realized, "Hold up. Did I just become a Conan villain?"
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Anon, everybody is naked, not just Dejah. But it being hot is a small part of the justification, Burroughs imagined Barsoom as being a desert world full of scorching red dunes and all that fun imagery.
And also if you read a lot of his other stories, like Tarzan and Amtor, it becomes apparent that there was some author appeal going on. He didn't like characters wearing a lot of clothes.
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Congratulations, you turned into Thulsa Doom. You are officially based
>Howard's Red Sonya was a Slavic gunslinger woman who fights against Muslim invaders and their treacherous Christian allies in the 16th century Balkans and Eastern Europe. The 70s Conan comics retconned her as a embodiment of revenge who emerges as a fierce warrior woman in different ages, and Sonja is her Hyborian incarnation.
i love every word of that
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Dang, I'm not gonna make it then. At least I had a good time along the way.

It's fun with mods and so long as you know what you're getting into. I just wanted to build, so for that I was happy, especially since I bought it on sale for really cheap ages ago. I build buildings and villages and cities and characters, and I am content.
I like his other stories where he imagined Venus as a swampy jungle planet too. C.L. Moore and Leigh Brackett really took that idea and ran with it.
to be fair if i had an amazing physique i'd show it off too
t. neckbeard
>since it actually has dismemberment and limb hit reg
didn't Rune also have that? i remember hacking off limbs and shit in that game, really fun hack n slash combat with vikings
Yeah, the Amtor series, which ostensibly takes place in the same universe as Barsoom, just, you know, on Venus and not Mars. There's something really charming though about old early 20th century sci fi like that, that imagines Mars and Venus as these amazing worlds full of adventure and new possibilities and amazing bizarre wildlife, before we knew for certain that both of them suck and are dead.
When I think of sword and sorcery I definitely think of sev and arx. Its weird.
I remember some of the trailers for the movie would highlight how John Carter predated Star Wars and Star Trek.
>imagines Mars and Venus as these amazing worlds full of adventure and new possibilities and amazing bizarre wildlife, before we knew for certain that both of them suck and are dead.
Real life sucks. More news at 11.
Rune is great, really good hack n slash single player adventure similar to Conan but with Norse myth skin.
Many such cases.
Try Conan Exiles or Golden Axe, that's probably the closest you're going to get in terms of video games - although OSR gamers have a hard on for SnS, it feels like every OSR game is just a different flavor or a different take on SnS, so it's probably worth checking out, you should be able to find a group on /tg/.
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But diversity is our strength right? It shouldn't be a problem.
is there a new Golden Axe game? The last one I remember was Beast Rider, which wasn't very good but young me remembers it being pretty sexy at least.
but they are usually not aryan
SEGA released a teaser last year, it's a blink and you'll miss it kind of thing, but that's the last I've heard of it.
Comedy Central seems to have plans for a Golden Axe series starting with 10 episodes to but that's something completely different. I think.
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Something about being on an alien planet with many moons/suns, fantastical creatures, weird architechure and swords and shit just...I don't know what how to explain it but it makes me feel things. It's like scratching an itch in your brain you didn't realize you had. Reminds me of my childhood, reading comic books and looking at cover art of RPGs (that didn't match up because lol graphics back then). Endless imagination and adventure. The kind of thing that made you stay up late or stay inside just to read because real life sucks ass and magic is cool.
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She is great. It is a shame that Hiward only wrote one story (The Shadow of the Vulture) featuring her. Her characterization is somewhat different from the comic book Sonja. Red Sonya of Rogatino is a foul-mouthed and aggressive woman with an aggressive personality. She is rude even to the Austrian male lead of the story. She is sister of Roxelana, Suleiman's favorite concubine who was kidnapped in a muslim raid to her town, and she thinks her sister is a slut for accepting her enslavement and willingly serving the Ottoman interests.
That's one of my favourite Conan quotes, Howard's Conan stories are peak comfy, I read them all a few years ago. I don't think we'll ever get a good vidya version, far too problematic for the modern audience
*with a hostile personality
>She is sister of Roxelana, Suleiman's favorite concubine who was kidnapped in a muslim raid to her town, and she thinks her sister is a slut for accepting her enslavement and willingly serving the Ottoman interests.
sounds like my kind of woman
>Real life sucks. More news at 11.
It does not.
I play videogames for fun, not to qualify as a christcuck.
Likewise, I play videogames for fun, not to appears White than thou.
Lone Sloan is basically Conan in Scifi. Any other scifi works with this style?
>promotes an idealized human form, which is theoretically attainable
So it's communism
You're iranian? Because that's what aryan means. In any case fuck off
>but I have a hard time reading literature on a computer.
i read a lot of books and always read them on my PC
reading actual paper books is awful
Greetings from Kazakhstan my fellow barbarians
>and she thinks her sister is a slut for accepting her enslavement and willingly serving the Ottoman interests.
And she is completely correct. She should behead the worthless slave whore and her slavers both.
The surprising secret is that women have varied tastes and some women like different things than others.
She (the original Red Sonya of Rogatino) is a public domain character by the way. Nobody just wants to touch her because a warrior woman going around killing Turks and talking shit about her whore of a sister would not be politically correct in the current year. It is a shame, she would be a great fit for more historical adventures in Austro-Ottoman borderlands and the Mediterranean.
This has been debunked by the way, all appearances to the contrary are women playing the "I'm not like the other girls" card and should be beaten with a shoe.
All women like decently developed forearms that much is sure.
for a second i got Bloodrayne vibes from that
>red hair
>killing evil dudes
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I inherited that practice from liking his writing so much, but I am biased in that I do not think it is too bad of a thing if done right. Epithets make it have that epic poetic quality where there's a rhythmic repetition.

He detested Dune but was a gentleman and said more or less
>I won't speak ill of another author's work but I do not enjoy it, so you can have your copy back
to a friend. I like Dune and Tolkien a lot so it's just needless pepsi vs coke console wars nonsense to get hopped up on Tolkien hating Dune.

>Barbarism is good and pure
You have not read Conan. There is nothing good with barbarism, it's not a matter of ethics it's Howard's view that barbarism always triumphs and civilization is an aberration. Not because of noble savagery but just because that is the nature of the world. The Picts are not good men, even the Cimmerians are not good men. Conan as King is a good man ruling a fickle and flawed people.

Exactly. It's not quite REH's thesis but I buy the idea that Conan is the ideal - the civilized barbarian, best of both worlds and yet guaranteed to decay into decadence in future generations
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Finally a good thread on /v/ that isn't ironic shitposting.
Kull was a good man. I wish Howard wrote more of him.
Dune was Herbert, not Howard
dare I say it, he was... Kull.
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You are a funny man. I am going to kill you last.
christ Arnold was huge
games when?
He still is big, no?
Right I just meant it's neat that Tolkien liked (presumably) conan but did not like Dune. Understandable why though.

Kull is interesting. He's not simply an alpha-beta version of Conan but is more mature. For one he's thoroughly de-sexed compared to Conan. Some hot girl comes in and asks for his help with her star-crossed lover. Conan would probably cheekily tease and flirt with her that he'd be better before helping her (A'la the man eaters of zambouja or whatever it's called. The Iranistan story where a hot brown chick who is actually the governor's wife needs Conan's help because her husband got bewitched by a shaman). Kull in this case is fatherly and friendly and promises to help the girl and her love elope. Kull also has a kinship with Brule the Pict, which is something I liked that Conan lacked - Conan never had any 'supporting cast' who stuck around. There's a vague case of Palamedes I think existing in another story, but anyone else is a one time arrival.

I'd rank Conan ahead of Kull but Kull with more stories could have shone well. El-Borak behind them, and Solomon kane quite a bit behind although this one is complicated. My problem with Solomon Kane is how hollow he felt. I'd run out of text to explain it, but he just felt a lot more unrealistic author fiat for his powers compared to El Borak (Half-Injun and thus half-barbarian, a man who lives like an Arab-AFghan), Conan (Barbarian), Kull (Barbarian). Kane's a puritanical avenger of evil that just seems more like a superhero than a proper REH character.

There's also Bran Mak Morn but I only remember the story where Conan shows up and helps him trounce the Romans. Or Anglo-saxons, I forget.
I'd be first in line to
I never quite got around to Solomon Kane, but I agree that he made Kull feel a bit "too good", but at the same time the works he was featured in always had him pay a cost for his moral virtue and the spirit of the writing clearly communicated that being so upright is a detriment and at some juncture there comes a point at which where it just becomes self indulgence for the powerful and that's what Brule was for, he was the shadow to his light. Howard's work endeared itself to me greatly because he could communicate and imply a lot with just a few sentences and he had some absolutely sick lines such as "Your fortitude consists mainly in inflicting torment, not in enduring it."
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Holyshit rent free
>>magic isn’t powerful
Never read a Conan story in your life have you lmao.
He's not wrong. It's just that their opinions should not be considered, a worthwhile artist should not be afraid of the wrath of the masses.
It's such a great rebuttal of nihilism and navel-gazing about free will and illusion and all that. It's a 'fuck it we ball' people wish they could actually adhere to.

I'll try and translate some of his gibberish given broken clock is right twice a day - modern fantasy (and games) often cloak themselves in smarmy insincerity. You will have irreverence cheek by jowl with head-spinning sobriety and seriousness (Wheedon's make it grim tell a joke remark, or just think of Fallout compared to Metro. The latter is sincere, the former is haha nuclear armageddon is fun!). I could ramble on but I would really just reduce it to this. It's the common factor I always see in modern fantasy writing, a whiplash of going between haha funny and mauldin super seriousness.

Also, if you are familiar with D&D then an apt metaphor is modern fantasy is the Bard, while older fantasy was the barbarian (hee hee), or the paladin (direct and righteous) or the ranger (brooding and aloof). What is a bard? The bard is smarmy, hypersexed, smug, more brains than brawn, bratty, play off as being too cool for school, trickster, affable milquetoast bad boy with a heart of gold. You never know if they are telling the truth or full of shit. It's han solo if he was written by a millennial, it's any Wheedonesque character. What is worst is the influence is insidious because of how normalized this behavior is. You have to actively be on your guard when writing because you've been immersed in it so long it expresses itself instinctively. I am sure even if I loath this that the abyss stares back and I am corrupted by it on some level because it's so normalized.
Yes anon
Not only Conan, but he-man too!
Why do fags need to go on some political tirade instead of just saying you want to see big guy hit things with big sword
He is my favorite author bar none. Harold Lamb lacks the red meat and bloody energy of Howard, but if you want a period author who is 'slightly' similar in that great classical vibe I liked his work a lot too. I do not recommend his fiction though, I recommend his non fiction - the books on Alexander, Genghis Khan, tamerlane, Hannibal, ect. He writes with this Herodotus/Thucydidies vibe of narrating history, so instead of a dry tome book you get apocryphal but reasonable quotes. It's been too long since I've read them so I only recommend one of those nonfictions if you can find it on the cheap. But he and Robert E howard were my formative teenage books to read.

Robert E Howard is just the greatest of all time though. Like yeah not every story of his hits the marks for me, but in narrative style he's almost perfect. Not too much purple prose description, not too little. Right balance of action and scene setting.

What you're doing is basically solo roleplay and daydreaming. As long as you don't let it fuck up your regular life (or regular life is already fucked up so yolo) you're - I mean we're posting on /v/ we're all fucked, but if it brings you satisfaction then go with it anon. We're creatures that spend a third of our life in dreaming sleep and another third of our life in waking dreams. You're just doing what others do in their heads.
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Modded Skyrim can achieve this. Hell, even without the coomer stuff, the game's exaggerated weapon swings are reminiscent of Arnold's swordplay in Conan 1982. Aela's ancient nord armor is also similar to Valeria's outfit in the movie.
That's a very cute story between them. I hope Novalyne enjoyed her time hanging out with REH, what a fucking legend.
Begone, weed.
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Skyrim sucks.
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Next you'll be trying to tell me my gladiator movies are gay. Vgh
Is Exiles worth getting into? Is there more to it than just crafting/base building?
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What's everyone's favorite Conan stories?

I like the Tower of the Elephant and Rogues in the House.
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>What you're doing is basically solo roleplay and daydreaming.
I mean that's basically all it is, if I spent all these hours building a big ass city populating it with NPCs so it could feel alive, then just leaving it as is and never giving it another thought it would feel like a waste. The least I could do is think of a fun reason why it's there and the way it is. It's just fun.
Maybe autistic, but still fun and that's all that matters I guess.
Yeah it does. I just find it funny that you can hit most of the criteria in the OP
there is, but the combat and dungeons arent amazing
god you sound fat
This kind of cringe is exactly why Skyrim modding was a mistake.
You use "cringe" unironically, anything you say should be immediately disregarded.
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Based beyond belief. I kneel, Barbarian Chad. May Crom watch over your eternal basedness.
>aryan barbaric warrior
>posts a picture of Conan, known to be very swarthy
what did faggot OP mean by this?
Here is your mistake, Shlomo.
He's swarthy because he went down south and spent most of his time being burnt by sun. Cimmerians were known to be pale.
>Sword and Sorcery and Dark Fantasy thread
>It's actually howard-only story thread
Why 4chan always like this?
That's exactly the trope of the sword & sorcery genre. All the magic users were bad guys and served as the antagonist to the hero.
Damn I haven't thought of that place in a while. Is Gahoole still alive/in charge?
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Elric of Melniboné
Is it good sword and sorcery novel?
That's yencuck reasoning. Curious
Your brain has rotted away. There's nothing left.
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>by totally accurate I of course mean with book accurate nudity.
It's possible but people are not ready for nudity since aphrodite hades game drama
Just noticing coincidences is all. You can go back to enjoying BBC news
That video and that mod was unironically cringe. Nothing you say will ever change that. Some third world peasant doing his best impression of the Terminator while the character is supposed to be Conan is peak thirdy nonsense and should be immediately disregarded.
>He-Man, a fictional superhero from the sword and sorcery franchise Masters of the Universe created by Mattel, has often attracted queer interpretations and discussions over his status as a gay icon. His first appearance was in the 1982 comics included with his toy figures. The animated television series He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, which aired from 1983 to 1986, focused on the character and established traits that would remain consistent in future installments of the franchise.
>Homosexual readings of He-Man have been discussed by cultural critics and academics, having also been referenced in other forms of media. He-Man has been noted for the homoeroticism and gay subtext surrounding his character. >While the original series aired during a period of public suppression of homosexuality, elements of queer coding have been noted since He-Man's inception.
See? Gay icon lol
Conan isn't a pureblooded Cimmerian. His grandfather was a foreigner who hooked up and settled down with a Cimmerian girl in his travels to North. Howard never specified where Conan's grandpa was from.
Fuck yes it is.
The Elric stories are fantastic, and the last book was released in 2022 by a old ass Moorcock.
I recommend checking out the Titan comic adaptation to get into it.
>gays and troons editing wikipedia articles to fit their agenda

wow, imagine my shock
He belonged to a different Cimmerian tribe, he wasn't a literal foreigner from across the seas, anon.
>>no safe horny
what does this mean
Its a twitter term, ignore it.
>people are not ready
Fuck people, if I make games it's for my own satisfaction.
>He-Man as a gay icon
Out of all the 80s properties, I'm actually kind of shocked that She-Ra beat He-Man to the "tongue-in-cheek, millennial friendly, LGBT-friendly reboot" genre. He-Man is fucking ripe for that shit, it was already a funny show to begin with, and it seems to factor into 80s-property parodies more than almost any other property. Vive la LGBTQ+!
It's decent, but reading it now made me roll my eyes too many times because the writing is kind of shitty and Elric is a caricature
Safe horny is anything approved by feminism and the progressive left. Half of /v/ rejects the term, because it was coined by a twitter profile. But it makes perfect sense when you think about it. Safe horny is any straight sexual material that the left is willing to allow in their media. As opposed to the straight sexual material they reject.
An example of this, is how the left criticized big boobs harshly, but they give a pass to big butts. So if you as a creator wanted to make a character, you could play it safe by including a big butt. Big tits is too risque.
>you could play it safe by including a big butt
the funnier thing is that you can't because you are a male and you did a "male gaze" when designing your safe-horny character
I didn't expect this thread to blow up. It's funny how many people here are mad and hate to be reminded how based fantasy used to be.

Conan represents the Atlantian. An Aryan High Civilization, which ended and whose descendants became savages agai and who mixed with locals. He represents the Atlantian in this post-apocalyptic stages with lots of "savage noble" qualities, which will ultimately lead to his descendants achieving a more Pure Aryan form again, through natural selection, which favor more attributes.

It's the socially safe expression of nu-heterosexuality. Which means you have to be heterosexual in a gay way, be in a submissive position or express your sexual attraction to a female character in a really awkward and weird way.
Safe horny is if u-males express their desires to be bullied by a "muscle mommy", who is taller and stronger than them, wrestles them and makes them lick their armpits or something.
It's when you say "God, I want her to literally kill my by crushing my head between her thighs."

This might also get a laugh from people, despite looking like a weirdo. Like a gaming journalist could say this in a show, get a chuckle from his co-worker and not lose his job.
>"God, I want her to literally kill my by crushing my head between her thighs."
that's one of the straightest things a man can say and liberals hate it
I get what you're saying, but that's not quite true. As much as Anita and a few others tried to demonize butts, it just didn't fly with the less extreme left. You will see prominent butts in all of their media. It was attempted to get butts censored. It really was. But it just didn't work. They couldn't get enough people on board for that one.
Those are dried up career women in their 30s. Safe horny
Mega The Stallion is 29, and that episode came out a couple years ago. So she was probably like 27 or 26 when when they filmed that scene.
But really, all I have to do is point to Overwatch. They have a literal diversity meter for their characters, and they still give them plump asses. Hell, D.va's ass got bigger in the second game.
dried up career women. Safe horny
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>what does this mean
It's 100% just pedophilia and panty shot. CNC (consensual-nonconsent) is incredibly popular, especially with anime and porn. It's just a way for these people to not feel like pedophiles, rather some edgy anti-society intellectual
Adult women = socially acceptable to be attracted to = safe horny
Children and Teenagers = attraction is not socially acceptable = not safe horny
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>It really was.
Is this where we post the picture of the chud surrounding himself with cardboard monsters menacing him?
It's so funny (and deranged) that people are acting like they're fighting a brave and noble battle against the wokes by loudly proclaiming their love of jerking off to the vilest stuff they can find
Safe horny is sexuality that people can pretend is just an ironic meme. It's never conventionally attractive, serious, and heterosexual at the same time.
"That has agency of their own" is a statement that's WIDE open for interpretation.
Character doesn't make a self aware comment on how little she's wearing? Well she's obviously 1 dimensional. No agency! Get her out!
Character doesn't have dialogue about her recreational hobbies? Well she's obviously 1 dimensional. No agency! Cut her out!
Character's role is only as romantic interest for the main character? She has no agency! Remove her!
Character was written by a straight white man... And he has no obvious allying tags on social media?! His female characters are all puppets to fulfill his twisted male desires! Pack them up!
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They are drawings. Age is entirely ambiguous for the most part. Where the line exists for someone to percieve a character as a minor is different for every person. You can hate on anime high schoolers all you want but they don't look meaningfully different to anime adults. Their staus as drawings means the context of the story doesn't matter.
>she was 17 years 364 23 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds old you sick fuck
Absolutely applies here more than it does irl.
I for one wouldn't complain about this topic if retards weren't trying to implement a height of consent, weight of consent, breast size of consent on real life women.
Gays are old news, lesbians are the new thing because they fuse homosexuality with 'strong, empowered woman'.
Add a black man or women and all of a sudden, /v/ becomes the same as the faggots and trannies they bitch about.
You guys are no different
Started listening to his short stories right now, thanks for the reminder.
>Muh consent
When did this board get taken over by feminists?
Roasties are slowly corrupting all aspects of 4chan anon. They think their anonymity can hide them but trust your nose
Kek I've argued with hundreds of "lolicons" before, its like talking to a brick wall. They use multiple copes to try and convince themselves they aren't pedophiles; "They are just drawings" "Fictional characters don't have ages" "Its not illegal!"
No, this is where I post the sources to my claim, and you eat crow.
Yeah and Tatsumaki is 27, fucking retards. This is literally breast size of consent lmao.
maybe. the game has great exploration and lots of things to kill. but. you will need to fight the strong human enemies and take their weapons if you dont want to craft.

you can do it but the first area is mostly animals. so you'll need to at least craft some primitive weapons at the start.
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Well that part is not wrong
No we're fucking not. Nobody cares about lesbians and in fact the only reason we're allowed to be in the """community""" is because trannies want to fuck us. I'm not one to fall into all the identarian shit but if misogyny exists, its true form is fat Chrischans pretending to be women and demanding that lesbians blow them.
Fuck this gay earth and fuck the entire faggot movement for ruining everything
Trying to make the term "safe horny" to be about pedophilia, is a disingenuous tactic to discredit the term. You want to kill the term, because it's too good at exposing the ridiculousness of leftist media standards. And the best way to kill an idea quickly, is to associate it with pedos.
The lolis ironically kept them away
>A fucking Anita video, an article talking about the same video, and two games removing lingering ass shots
You have shown that the west has fallen
Safe horny is just the socially correcr and forced acceptance of female dominance over male submission, nothing but a gender roleswap. The majority of examples are Western style and faced women that people pretend to be gaga over in contrast to East/Asian design, where xenophobia, that has never went away, mind you, to push the message yet again.
Westerners being assmad, that the twice nuked asians on an island are whooping their asses at their own game AGAIN
Also got any more pics
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I'd homestly rather accept the label if loli is what you people complain about but you better come up with a new word for child abuser
What games even fulfill this? Closest I can think of is Conan Exiles, and even then not totally.
A Gor WEG might be pretty good unironically.

Rollslop isn't a good fit for sword and sorcery. Conan wrestles with bad guys, he doesn't roll away and sip from Freya's tit.
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Blade of Darkness is more Sword & Sorcery
Blade of Darknessmind
Mostly italian stuff for bare tits. Just look up 80's sword and sorcery movies and you'll find many.

Also watch Fire and Ice, it's kino.
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Unreal (the amiga game)
>bull ring
fuck off with this retarded shit nigger
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Just read the Gor novels. The author is still writing them.

My man is 93 years old. People struggle to get horny when when they get into their 90s, but my man's slave girl fetish is so strong he's been writing about it for well over half a century now across 38 novels and still going strong. The latest Gor novel was published this year!
scratch a lesbian under 35 and you'll find a fat man in a wig
Praise Yog
Now if only you could open your stupid femcel eyes and realize why you represent the same problem that they do. If we lived in a perfect world you would be married and taking care of your kids right now, but instead you're a "lesbian" and you're here on 4chan trying to fit in with the guys, probably drinking and smoking like a guy.
I mean S&S is already male fantasy, why not have this archetype as well?

I certainly don't see the harm in it.
But what if it's just a misery porn like Wheel of Time?
Because it's extremely goofy, contradictory, and basically only exists to satisfy a specific insecurity.
How is a sheltered but curious buxom princess goofy and contradictory?

Not everyone is down with "every woman is a slut and I'm next in line".
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Most steampunk is cringe as shit because they don't lean into the victorian attitudes.
I don't drink or smoke
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>hormonally healthy, fertile body
I've been meaning to read Gor to get my smutty fantasy fix. Is there any impregnation?
let me guess it's just an excuse to wear poofy dresses and speak in a posh accent?
Great now get off of 4chan and go find a husband before you become a dried up wine hag.
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I downloaded Lankhmar audiobooks and listen to them when I'm about to go to sleep, but they're too interesting so I end up staying late.
I think we live in an age where we don't need to stop being teens anymore. All adults play video games, a lot of them still like the same music they did as teens and also watch anime and shit. We just add more stuff to what we like, cringing about your own past leads to a shitty life.
fair but weren't most scifi and fantasy authors adults or old men when they wrote their masterpieces we today consider cringe?
One of the biggest catalysts for the feminist movement in video games + three major publications, and 2 AAA titles.
Safe horny is horny that's emasculating, like "step on me queen" muscle mommy shit.
Yes, exactly that.

It's not strictly sword and sorcery but anyone wanting something like it with an arthurian edge should check out Prince Valiant.

Valiant himself is an unfathomable chad.
>I think we live in an age where we don't need to stop being teens anymore.
Don't count on it staying that way forever
>Trying to present the universe of Conan the Barbarian as some /pol/ fantasy when Robert E. Howard was basically, by the standards of his time, the least racist author and the only one who would actually add heroic characters of non-white races
>When Howard quite literally tried to encourage Lovecraft to stop being a racist and actually socialize with people of other races and when Conan always finds himself a few black or asian bros/very occasional lays (he did still blatantly prefer white women, but the fact Conan was even shown fucking anything but was wierd for that time)
>le based black man
>jungle fever
so he's exactly like /pol/?
Howard's view on race was rather interesting and progressive for his time, hell it may still be. Viewing humanity on a sliding scale, a beast that can rise just as easy as it can fall.
Can confirm. Am racist but my dick isn't.
Tits or GTFO.
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What's goofy and contradictory is having a woman who dresses and often acts like a whore, but is actually a virgin who doesn't know what sex is and has never seen a penis. "She's a sheltered princess!" doesn't make any sense either because why is the sheltered princess being dressed up like a tart? You'd think that an innocent virgin would look and act like an innocent virgin.

There's actually a somewhat decent portrayal of a "sheltered princess" in the Rogue Trader game. She does the whole thing of being flustered at the idea of hand holding, but you may also notice that she always appears dressed in her full noble Navigator robes which are very conservative and doesn't have her fucking tits hanging out.

And that's the thing about Conan. He doesn't have this insecurity where he thinks he's the lowest man on the ladder and any woman with even a little romantic or sexual experience will reject him or only get with him to take advantage of him and dump or cheat on him the moment another man takes interest. He's a gigachad and he knows he's going to be the best she's ever had, and even if she does ditch him, he can get chicks like its nothing. In fact, this is partially the fantasy of Conan, you get to imagine being the gigachad and don't have to be saddled with your fat nerd loser insecurities.
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I hope my fetishes carry me through old age
imagine beating dementia everyday by cooming, what a champ
>"She's a sheltered princess!" doesn't make any sense either because why is the sheltered princess being dressed up like a tart? You'd think that an innocent virgin would look and act like an innocent virgin.
Anon that's been a staple since before you were born.

Chastity has been important across basically every human culture, I don't see why this in particular chafes your ass so hard. It's okay if you have a thing for women who get around, but realize that's not the usual thing.

Pictured: Princess Teegra lounging in her royal garb.
Bro that's cool and all but have you seriously never met a woman or older girl who is effortlessly sexy/alluring while being really innocent and sheltered usually due to religious upbringing?
>>magic is the domain of cowards, liars and women
>>magic isn’t powerful, it’s primary use is illusion or mind control, which is the fantasized version of real history

Retard who never read the books, magic is the most powerful thing in the Conan universe, in fact is so powerful that usually consumes the idiot trying to use it.
That's why magic users are so rare, and the powerful magic users are even rarer.
I mean, not like she can be a whore when rape demons can pop up at any time and being "magically"-gifted attracts them even harder
Chastity doesn't chafe me at all. The problem isn't that virgins or whores exist, but the absurdity of the "virgin whore."

Are there attractive women who had a sheltered, conservative upbringing? Sure. Do they typically walk around half-naked or looking like a street walker? No. The most you might see is somewhat form-fitting clothing or something like a sundress.
>Do they typically walk around half-naked or looking like a street walker?
At the first available moment, as it is a forbidden fruit for them.
>The most you might see is somewhat form-fitting clothing or something like a sundress.
That is normal women, who have sex. They have less need to oversexualise themselves THAT much, they already have a fucker.
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>roidtranny with shrunk balls is the hero
Cringe. Tryhard Amerimutt shit.
>Are there attractive women who had a sheltered, conservative upbringing? Sure. Do they typically walk around half-naked or looking like a street walker?

t. has never interacted with a rich girl the very moment she can act like a whore without catching flak for it
>t. has never interacted with a rich girl the very moment she can act like a whore without catching flak for it
Such women were whores way, WAY before they started looking and acting the part.
Surprise - almost all of women are except for some mentally challenged in a very specific way.
Yeah, yeah. And in fiction 10/10 girls will throw themselves at basement dwelling losers if the author deems it fit. It is, however, both impossible and devoid of mythological use. Conan is closer to the truth while also being aspirational.
You seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of women. Being an attractive sheltered girl from a conservative upbringing doesn't make them less likely to dress or act like a whore, in fact it's far more often that it's the opposite. They do it because they don't have enough experience to know where the boundaries lay and as a result go too far. Most absolute guttersluts don't go around dressing up, they just fuck everything with a pulse. They've had enough experience to know that they don't actually have to go to all that effort, so they let themselves go.
>he isn't a black, angry immigrant fucking all white women in sight while killing white men and police like in my european media
>At the first available moment, as it is a forbidden fruit for them.
You're not talking about a "sheltered princess" type. You're talking about a woman who started slutting herself out at the first available opportunity. This isn't a "virgin whore," it's a late-bloomer whore. This is a trope where the woman or girl in question is a virgin and a whore *simultaneously.* They walk around looking like some kind of street walker or stripper and then get flustered at the idea of hand-holding.

Doesn't exist and is an absurd anime trope.
I miss the aesthetics but you're literally a CIA plant faggot
I just prefer a non-roided physique. Simple as.
I'm not arguing against "formerly chaste virgin becomes a turbo-slut who walks around half-naked overnight" isn't a thing. I'm arguing that those two things don't exist at the same time. There is no such thing as the girl who SIMULTANEOUSLY dresses like a street walker AND doesn't know what sex is and gets embarrassed at hand-holding *at the same time.*
Applies to everyone, but the calculation of a "peak physical condition" is not straightforward. A weak, untrained body gets sick more often; if unused, the natural circulation of the system hampers brain power; obesity severly impacts the brain volume and quality. While a man could put in Olympian effort for his physical development, most of the benefits come from daily movement and a scattering of harder physical challenges throughout the week. Conan wouldn't look like Schwarzenegger if he weightlifted, did yoga and cardio each twice a week, but that could be all you need together with a propper diet. More time invested means greater beauty, but also less time for other things.
>There is no such thing as the girl who SIMULTANEOUSLY dresses like a street walker AND doesn't know what sex is
That's literally just something you made up in your own head and are sperging out about. Nobody gives a shit about your autism, stop sperging all over the thread.
the thing is, nu-males have to take roids in order to attain the same amount of testosterone that ancient men had. there are estrogenic compounds in literally everything today
>the girl who SIMULTANEOUSLY dresses like a street walker AND doesn't know what sex is and gets embarrassed at hand-holding *at the same time.*
Most common situation. Such girl WANTS sex on the hormones level, but can only dress herself occasionally this way to sate her fantasies, shunning of actual process.
have you not seen what the average zoomer looks like?
Show us your picture then
That's like half of you standard issue anime waifu, were you not paying attention to the replies? This is about anime shit.

I could see a chaste virgin girl going out once in sexually provocative clothing, but never again. And even in that situation, she very much knows what she's doing. Typically in anime, the chick doesn't even acknowledge that she's wearing slut gear.
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eat eggs
Conan was natty though
That being said, the modern lifestyle is also heavily impacting testosterone production. Less sunlight, less physical activity, more processed food. It's a stacked deck and some zoomers choose to go for steroids because they don't understand how big even the less invasive changes could be.
>the thing is, nu-males have to take roids in order to attain the same amount of testosterone that ancient men had.
An interesting theory, but we actually know what ancient men looked like because they made tons of statue of themselves, and they weren't all roided out.
Statues were idealized so they're probably not a good representation of what people actually looked like.
>Typically in anime, the chick doesn't even acknowledge that she's wearing slut gear.
Now that is your own fantasy. Even in anime chick fully understands, that it is a "full slut gear", angle is played is embarassment about it.
>the absurdity of the "virgin whore."
A woman is chaste because it's how she was raised, but she's also horny af because she's human, the character concept is interesting, because it explores this contradiction.
Damn, I didn't know something this cool existed.
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While true, surely if they were muscle-bound behemoths they would have portrayed themselves as such in an idealized way.

Here's a statue of Hercules, the strongest man who ever lived in Greek legend. This is the the ancients' idea of being "roided out."
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>uses aryan unirinically
When will you guys stop being such faggots
You can't use a demi-gods as your example. Post some real, 100% humans.
How do I get into this genre?
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>Alexander the Great was a demi-god.
Have you ever read fairy tales about a knight saving a princess from a dragon/an ogre/a giant/a bad knight? This is the same, but advanced, with more variations and including more unisual cultural stuff. And in many cases with sex.
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Google Zeus-Ammon.
Alexander The Great might as well have been a demi-god.
>and they weren't all roided out.
this is still significantly more muscular than the average zoomer btw
Sometimes, but very often this isn't the case. It's actually a bit uncommon for your typical anime girl who goes around in slut gear to acknowledge that fact, but having the self-awareness to acknowledge and address your girls being in slutty outfits is usually the mark of higher quality work, which means you may not be aware of this if you've never delved into the dregs of anime garbage.
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Sexual attraction is completely colorblind.
quit being an irony-poisoned faggot, faggot
you are not traditional
Nice cope for taking the roidpill. How would they know what an ideal body looks like? From taking roids which dont exit yet? From looking at movies which dont exit yet? From looking at acient statues? How did the makers of those statues know how to idealize the human body without examples? By looking at naked apes? You arefull of shit.
nah, im not a /pol/tard but im not attracted to black girls
Ah, i understand now, what you mean. You are still wrong, because within such setting itself it is considered to be normal clothes - irl rules don't apply to such anime.
I was referring to "normal world" setting with this types of outfits being classified as cosplay ones IN the setying itself.
Nah, niggers are just too ugly. Granted, most of the effect goes from faces, but skin color is associated with face type heavily.
>t. haven't seen cute african women in national geographic documentaries about tribes still living in the stone age
tribal women look fucking hideous
Nobody had seen anything, that could be named "cute african women", not even you.
you are kinda dumb arent you
different cultures have different "dress codes"
even on earth there are places where women walk around topless
but in your pea brain you cant imagine women in a fantasy world dressing differently from your californian office full of feminists
Correct because there are no cute africans. They're fucking hideous.
Are you literally incapable of visualizing things you have never seen before, or altering the proportions of things you have seen?
It's either equidistant, or the most evil of all evil gods, depending on interpretation.
Not the best idea.
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Carl Barks - the inventor of Scrooge McDuck and most of other established Donald Duck related characters and lore - drew pin-up and straigh up softcore (look them up for bare duck tiddies) paintings of anthro duck girls for fun after he retired. He was 77 when he painted this one.
He also worked as a cartoonist and editor for saucy men's magazines before his Disney career, which he didn't begin until his late 30s. The career paths of early 20th century were wild, imagine modern Disney giving creative any creative control to a dude whose relevant work experience is mostly drawing scantily-clad women in funny scenarios.
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>it's uhhh muh different cultures
There's a noticeable difference between the way people from cultures that don't have taboos against nudity dress and the very obvious slut gear you see anime girls dressing in. This typically isn't the sort of shit you'd see in a "what if" scenario of what sort of clothing a society that doesn't have a taboo against nudity might wear, like the Minoan civilization. Its the sort of clothing that would be made for a society that very much *does* have a taboo against nudity that is designed to skirt the line between outright nudity as much as possible without breaking it, or what we would think of as your typical slut gear.
>The career paths of early 20th century were wild, imagine modern Disney giving creative any creative control to a dude whose relevant work experience is mostly drawing scantily-clad women in funny scenarios.
I imagine it's more important that you're a genuinely talented artist who understand things like proportions, framing, lighting and all that stuff, because if you do you can apply it to whatever art style you're currently using.
As someone who has worked with professionals from the current animation industry, and Disney artists in particular, this shit still happens. It's not the wierd anomaly or exception, it's the rule. Every fucking professional artist. EVERY. FUCKING. PROFESSIONAL. ARTIST. Has drawn softcore. Most of them have drawn hardcore.

The difference between them is not whether they've done it or not, it's whether they published it.
Accepted nudity has a drawback, desensitization.
It is simply boring to be nude.
Different setting - different rules. If you can only view the setting as an "outsider" viewer - you are a retard.
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Deathstalker game when
This post falls into the cynical genre and is therefore shit
You guys are being obtuse on purpose. These people aren't making this slut gear as an exploration of other cultures and you fucking know it.
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And that wasn't even his peak form. Motherfucker was just massive.
Eh, sure. Just saying. Nudity wouldn't be so appealing if it wasn't taboo.
Highlander would have been a really nice low-fantasy setting for a video game
I never understood why people theorize all sorts of crazy shit off a single royal palace. If I was a king back then of course I'd have the walls of my palace painted with beautiful naked and semi-naked women, yet that wouldn't mean that the world outside the palace was a world of casual nudity, just like being buried in a suit doesn't mean that people casually wear suits all the time.
Dude, you are retarded.
Author creates a thing for an outsider viewer - but within setting itself it is considered to be normal.
So as an outsider viewer you enjoy the slutmog, as a viewer with immersion you understand, that within the setting it is not a slutmog.
Hence there is no reason for characters to consider it to be a slutmog. When you view or read such thing - you view or read it on both levels simultaneously.
You, on the other hand, are only capable to view or read it as an outsider viewer only - which makes you retarded and your opinion - invalid.
Perhaps, but did kings really just hang what was the then equivalent of Playboy on their walls? No seriously, did they?
You're either a fucking retard who doesn't get that none of this shit was made to explore foreign or exotic culture and is pure fanservice smut or you're a fucking retard who thinks you're fooling someone by playing dumb like this.
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It's not just one painting, there's tons of stuff like this.
Anon, what would you do if you were king?
I don't mean to sound like a coomer but how risque is it?
Yeah and when archaeologists discover the relics of our era thousands of years later they will theorize that our society worshipped a deity represented as a ten inch long hot pink dildo because it was found in so many households.
>The career paths of early 20th century were wild
They really were. How many rich CEOs didn't go to college and started out as some shmuck out of high school? How many legendary rock or metal musicians started out as classical pianists or in some choir? How many outright freaks and perverts ended up making beloved children's animation and comics? Also holy shit comics used to be so lewd especially European ones.
Had similar experience reading Elric. Corum's stories seemed way better written even if they also relied too much on Deus Ex Machinina.
I'm sure a non-zero amount of kings did
If we are talking about the classical Greco-Roman societies (which were better off than every society before, and quite a lot of them afterward in this regard), then no, it was exactly the opposite. Men were a lot skinnier, a bit shorter, and if anything, had a lower testosterone levels because of their (lacking) diet and many other factors. Only few top percent of the population, the upper class, metics/free men/etc. could afford building physique and living a healthy lifestyle with enough abundance to get swole. The statues you see are all heavily idealized. A lot of people seem to completely disregard how different was a diet and general views on nutrition back then.

Both Greece and Rome were so much more horny than you can even imagine. It is VERY different from the Christian world that came after. And that was during the heights of their civilization, not just during the late eras. We have Pompeii to literally show us, and a fuckload of other examples.
Rape a peasant
>twice the shoulder-width
Mirin' that skeletal structure.
Actually Conan wore armor and the local clothes depending on the situation, his intelligence was as relevant as his athletism, and he did get some help from magicians from time to time.
All from the OG creator.
>left wing meme
You're free to contribute other examples, anon.
Threads typically go deep into whatever's thrown out first.
>Both Greece and Rome were so much more horny than you can even imagine. It is VERY different from the Christian world that came after.
i wonder what a modern world with greek or roman culture/civilization would look like
I know this is hidden /co/ thread so here goes.
Is there anything like Praedor out there, made with at least the effort and quality of what Hiltunen made? I need some S&S shit with a twist or something, but I've already read through all of Praedor multiple times.
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Irony is the biggest fucking plague on modern writing and especially modern fantasy. It's a cope for insecure writers who don't actually like the tropes they're writing about but are too uncreative to break free from the tropes so instead they just "subvert"/"twist"/"parody" said tropes to either look clever, or signal to the readers "This is fucking stupid, but we know it's stupid", which creates a feedback loop of ironic redditor readers who embrace irony and start writing ironic stories inspired by these garbage ironic self-gratifying writers and getting into the gaming industry or television/movie industry writing ironic garbage that just screams "I don't actually like this shit, but it's fun to make fun of it"

I don't even like Japanese fantasy, especially modern Japanese fantasy, but I'll take shit like Xenoblade 2 over the sardonic writing of something like Baldur's Gate 3. At least Xenoblade 2 is written entirely with a straight face and sincerity and has its moments of clarity despite how absolutely retarded it is.
They really weren't aside from places literally used for prostitution or the roman equivalent of crazy rich people having and doing degenerate shit in their luxury villas. The romans were famous for being puritanical, and the greeks made women wear their equivalent of burqas when they went outside, the whole "sexually liberated antiquity" is an imaginary invention of the late 19th century and 20th century feminists with a chip on their shoulder against christianity.
Better yet, what a Sumerian one would be like.
Or at least some Arabic without Islam.
The first paragraph of this post should become a new banner for /v/.
the ancient world is so cool, that shit was old when the roman empire was around
Something might be lost in translation so I might be wrong but no matter how absolutely stupid Japanese fantasy gets, it's almost nearly always played out sincerely. I can understand the appeal in that regard especially when the MAINSTREAM Western alternatives are sardonic, cynical, ironic, self-deprecating, "subversive" messes.
>Has blue eye contacts
>Straight hair
>Is clearly meant to be the Stygian Set worshiping sorcerer Thoth Anon but changed the name
>Has a fantastic presence
The only people complaining would be retarded faggots
>i wonder what a modern world with greek or roman culture/civilization would look like
wait til you find out that we already live in what you just described, freemasons practice paganism
Yes, japs mostly play it straight. Yes, translations are often "adapted" in a bad way. Yes, in some cases you are required to know and understand certain nuances about jap society, culture, their version of honor and other such things, though this part is not that hard, usually. For non-Americans it is sometimes easier - the closer you are to the east, the easier it goes.
Is that Ethan Hawke and Gal Gadot?
Can you name some examples of characters like this? So I can avoid them of course...
>the entirety of Greco-Roman societies was a monolithical entity
Romans were absolutely "degenerate" in our modern standards. They were not famous for being puritanical; some emperors attempted fixing it (Octavian is a good example, with his moral reforms) but it usually didn't really worked. They had very strict marriage law (especially against infidelity), but at the same time, fucking a prostitute, slave girl or non-roman woman was not considered cheating. Naturally, women had different rules applied to them. Again, look at Pompeii, it's basically a city full of whorehouses, with lewd pictures in nearly every household. Romans were strict, very fucking strict on their women, but otherwise, it was very horny. It is not most definitely not just crazy rich people in their villas.

As for Greeks, it depends on what city state we are talking about. But generally speaking, they had it similar to Romans (naturally), with a lot more gay shit going on. Pederasty was a norm, they didn't even recognized heterosexuality/homosexuality as we do today (the same applies to Romans, btw). They had less of a brothel culture than Romans (again, naturally; the Roman state was the biggest brothel owner), but they had nearly identical approach to fucking non-citizen women and slave girls.
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>over the sardonic writing of something like Baldur's Gate 3.

>people complain about the snarky millennial writing of BG3
>go back and play BG1 for the first time
>the in-game journal is written in character by the MC
>it's full of cynical millennial humor
>a fucking "we need to have a communist revolution" joke in the tutorial
>character dialogue choices involve calling guards virgins
>shit like pic related
It never was "millennial" humor. Redfall got blasted for it too, and most of it's writers are gen X and boomers who have previously written for games like Freespace, Ultimas and Deus Ex.
>>it's full of cynical millennial humor
>>a fucking "we need to have a communist revolution" joke in the tutorial
What the fuck are you blathering about you retarded ape.
>character dialogue choices involve calling guards virgins
No issue with that.
>>shit like pic related
>comparing a meme easter egg with the entirety of the game
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Based, I'd like to add the mass diffusion of TTRPGs among the normies proliferated the idea of quirky charcters and lulrandumb scenes.
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i want to be a FabioComanche
Pirate looks the most kino
bg3 is not very ironic
champion fabio is elric lol
>promotes an idealized human form, which is theoretically attainable
If you use steroids that give you mantits and shrink your balls lmao
What's sardonic or ironic or whatever ic about bg3?

Agreed but that´s easier said than done.
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>russian "literature"
>too much of a retarded illiterate NPC to understand Pelevin
Dunno what else i expected from underage /v/ermin...
Your example is a good modern russian literature. Of course, it is not about pokemons in the slightest. This >>681386391 on the other hand is a cheap propaganda at the bad (very bad) fanfiction lever of writing, made, suddenly, at the author's free will.
>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head.
>comparing fucking PELEVIN to rick and morty
go back you retarded nigger tourist
Pelevin is as post modern as one can be
We literally have Conan Exiles and nobody cared.
>being this new
>and calling others tourists
Pidorovich, I...
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My favorite is this one, that is literally just Ocarina of Time with some OC flavor. How it was published is pretty bonkers on it's own. It was written by a 12 year old girl who was pushed to publish it by adults who didn't know a thing about vidya and though that she has an amazing imagination. Nintendo initially lawyer'd up against the publisher, but upon finding out that the writer is just a literal child they didn't push it further. Even Nintendo ninjas have empathy in some cases.
>you don't understand, Mom! My pokemon hentai doujin is deep!
It's a shitpost by a boomer. It has little value besides novelty. Postmodernism is irony poisoning by any other name.
>Even Nintendo ninjas have empathy in some cases.
They don't. It's just that they know that Russian (copyright) law is absolutely not enforceable.
kill yourself reddifag
>Verification not required.
Go back to your containment thread with other nonwhites.
dnd is inherently irony poisoned because it's an inherently absurd world governed by dice rolls
>likes rick&morty "jokes"
u r brown shitskin niggertourist
kys immediately
call me retarded but why even have explicit dicerolls and dnd mechanics? Why not abstract them or obscure them?
>inb4 "but then I don't have perfect information"
Fuck those guys, the games aren't explicitly built around perfect information so just go with the flow dude.
Yeah that's cool and all, but can you actually put some examples in there?
Many people love dices. Of course, rollong them irl is much, much more satisfying.
from balders gate specifically? no I don't play it, maybe someone else can help you.

Did you even read the image in the op? How do you think that nihilistic hedonist drivel will be applied by modern people? Fucking their asses with funko pops and onions bukkake parties, etc. Associating manliness with philosophical retardation and godlessness can't result in anything else. But people like you will still angrily bark in to the wind about how we need to become men again, but there is no logical force behind your claim. It's all a battle of what is preferential to you vs. them. You desiring the fantasy genre to return to an earlier representation is no more justified than their desiring everything to be effeminate. Pathetic garbage for bitter, midwit hedonists.
How come they never made a crossover
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For me, it's Red Nails.

Absolute kino of the highest order, it has literally everything you could want in a S+S story.

Beyond the Black River is another favorite but it's more of a Western with a Conan coat of paint. I really love Westerns though so it works for me.
An game done entirely in Frank Frazetta's style would be incredible.
Conan has at least one small thing about something with tentacles in some dungeon.
Exactly, being straight is socially acceptable and therefore safe.
Different anon but I haven't either. How powerful is it and how can Conan manage against it?
Howard wrote or co-wrote a bunch of lovecraftian stories, some independent stories and some part of his established series's. One of them was a multi-writer collaboration including Lovecraft. They are collected in pic related.

Howard's lovecraftian storiers listed:
The Black Stone
Worms of the Earth
The Little People
People of the Dark
The Children of the Night
The Thing on the Roof
The Abbey" with C. J. Henderson
The Fire of Asshurbanipal
The Door to the World with Joseph S. Pulver
The Hoofed Thing
Dig Me No Grave
The House in the Oaks with August Derleth
The Black Bear Bites
The Shadow Kingdom
The Gods of Bal-Sagoth
Black Eons with Robert M. Price
The Challenge from Beyond with C. L. Moore, A. Merritt, H. P. Lovecraft, and Frank Belknap Long (1935)
That's not who'd be complaining. Here's what Roger Ebert said about the movie back in the day.
>when Conan and Doom meet at the top of the Mountain of Power, it was, for me, a rather unsettling image to see this Nordic superman confronting a black, and when Doom's head was sliced off and contemptuously thrown down the flight of stairs by the muscular blond Conan, I found myself thinking that Leni Reifenstahl could have directed the scene, and that Goebbels might have applauded it.
Arnold wasn't even blond, what the hell?
Arnold's Conan could be interpreted as a very dark blond, or at least someone who has light brown hair with some blond in it.
>no edgy horny bullshit
>lots of rape, women reward their saviors with sex after almost getting raped
People can shit on AI all they want, but I find it interesting that using Frazetta as a data point fixes the anatomy of just about any model. Most AI models do a decent Frazetta "original", too.
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They still can't do feet. Because Frazetta couldn't do feet either
Right, I need to finish off Gotrek and Felix now to get into this, you've sold me on it.
Good-ass thread
Honestly, the Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser stories are quite dated. Between the two series I like William King's Gotrek and Felix stories much more.
>magic isn’t powerful
>reanimating corpses
>summoning bigass bats from ???
>making horrible mutants and chimaeras
>making 80-foot long snakes
>tame a plant literally growing out of hell so it'll keep your rival ensnared in perpetual suffering
>not powerful

Modern Japanese fantasy is better, but not immune. Isekai is particularly egregious. Not just in Japan but Asia in general. Proper Isekai hasn't really existed in almost 20 years. Everything feels like a parody of the genre.
Quick, post dem oldschool isekai recs
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