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Discuss Resident Evil
>favorite game?
>favorite character?
>what do you want to see next in the franchise?
RE4 VR remake
Free update for RE4 VR tossing in another VR port for free
man, why can't we have porn games with this degree of quality?
not even the japs try this hard making a porn game.
everytime I post the link to ella freya patreon nudes I get banned so I'm never doing it again. I hate jannies so much.
eve was funny
Why do people emphasize her proportions? She's beautiful the way she is.
my top 5
>REV 2
for how much i shit on nu resident evil . i liked her
she looks like she crushes shotas daily
Why is nu-Ashely so beautiful and sexy?
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Don't think she does nudes yet.
don't OPEN that DOOR
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Is it true that she has large ears and sounds like Cindy Vortex?
I want Capcom to included nudity!
Sorry I though that was one of my Barry pics
I really hope RE4 Remake VR gets a PC port. It being stuck on console is annoying.
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This Resident Evil movie we all deserved, and it was made from fans.


How does Constantine Films keep getting wrong after all these years, even with the Alice saga finished and over they still don't understand what the source material is.
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i see the president has equipped his daughter with… BALLISTICS
Sadly porn games will be good when we are all old and decrepid
>modern smartphone

Immersion ruined, RE4 takes place in 2004.
My favorite game is re1 remake. I'm currently playing re0.
the RE1 Remake isn't out yet
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>favorite game?
5 simply because it's one of the greatest coop games
>favorite character?
the boulder
>what do you want to see next in the franchise?
chris to go back on the path of unstoppable bicep growth
why does every adult female in RE is designed to be straightshota bait? how are they still getting away with it?
Resident Evil (Original)
Another game like RE4 since I still enjoy the slow paced precision aiming of that game and I’m not naive enough to believe they’d make another fixed camera game which they’d probably fuck up since they’re harder to get right.
will 4r+dlc ever go on a decent sale or will i just have to wait for them to separately go on sale
i look like this
any re hag
more hags
yeah, man.
this and sex robots are gonna be the rage when we can't even get an erection.
i wonder if that's how old people feels right now with all the free porn sites you can access from your phone.
I love Jill desu
Cute creepy lolis overcome any sort of crap
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>re4 (2005)
>Jill Valentine
>A new game in the vein of 2make but with all new characters and story. Make it a new setting too not just a spooky house.
Answering this question:
>4 original
>For it to die already
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i like modding claire to be naked
I want to see Capcom die and go bankrupt
You might stop caring about porn entirely around 45.
Im like 38 and Ive seen my interest in it fade away for years now.
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It's Leons com-link. She snuck into his room to sniff everything he owns and look for pictures of Ada (which would be covered in his delicious seed).
Once she hears him come in she's going to hide under the bed and wait for him to sleep. Then the draining begins.

Also, /r/ WebMs from the movies, especially the one with Wesker and Chris fighting using Gun-fu
that's lady dimitrescu
gonna need more proofs for … research
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Pic Related
End RE altogether
Can you believe Ashley is only 20 years old?
She does. Check her patreon. It says no nudes but every 100 dollar you spend, she'll send a nude Pic that "oops totally an accident didn't meant to send it"
>REmake for comfy, RE4 for action

>Jill for marriage and grenade-launcher, Sheva for chocolate milkies and cucking Jill, Krauser for best mercenary, bow headshots and cucking Jill

>Scrap remaking RE1 AGAIN and instead remake 5, 0, CV, or Outbreak; which are the games that could actually benefit from a remake as a direct upgrade from the original (give me the fucking cargo ship in the desert you fucks). Or make a new game. And generally, less character mobility, fewer but more powerful/meaningful enemies in tight areas, aiming is move difficult (RE4 wavering laser sight is ideal) but there's an emphasis on accuracy and ammo management. Also: environments that strike a balance between cozy and creepy.
fuck you
Sherry is just a hotter version of Rebecca that's been forgotten because of how bad 6 was.
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I'm currently pirating the RE4: remake. Please recommend a mod or how to replace the face of ashley. I hate that actress because she is a race baiter irl who larps as a delicate and trad woman.
I refuse to play until I get my mod.
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This is shirogane all over again... yeah the model with an actual job outside the internet and a money printing patreon is totally selling nudes for 100 dollars and none of those nudes leaked
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Why did they decide to make Resistance/Re:Verse, they were so awful. They should of just made an outbreak style game using RE2re as the basis.
9/10 body
Hair makes her 30 year old face look 45.

I want the alternate universe RE franchise where jews didn't buy out the video game industry.
Sex with her.
Sex with young Sherry.
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>This is canonically the ugliest girl in the REverse

I suppose it's technically true though. She gets mogged by everyone. Why would Leon bother?
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>That webm of her masturbating as Nemesis sneaks up on her and orgasms right as he smashes her head to goop, but like a chicken her body spasms out from the intensity and squirts pussy juice everywhere

Oh wait, that was Jill, duh. Sorry.
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I like Claire. I don't know if she's my favorite, but I still like her.
>what do you want to see next in the franchise?

I want Sheva to come back, even if it's just as a Hunnigan style mission control.
how do I get a GF who would cry during copulation
Your honest opinions on the GOG release of the classic games?
>Discuss Resident Evil
>favorite game?
for me it's probably re 1 or re2 . i suck terribad at the games, but what makes those the "best" for me is the writing/setting, everything is still "fresh" in those games. it starts deteriorating quite much from there imo.

>favorite character?
Chris and Jill

>what do you want to see next in the franchise?
Maybe they should try redo the "camera angle" gameplay with modern graphics or something. The whole over the shoulder arcade shooter style that the modern remakes took from RE4 is kinda boring. Put more emphasis on survival aspect, slower yet precise gameplay. Maybe they need to make "spiritual" spinoff series/new IP at this point, but they need to do it imo. There isn't modern games that capture the feel that old RE games had.
she's equipped with ballistics and sounds like sandy cheeks
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Thanks for the mid porn
i think you're just too autistic for video games
(i do not know nor care who the face model for ashley is)
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First time playing through this and it's fucking great, I literally had to go masturbate to r34 Deborah, the ass and titties are unreal.
They're not trying to understand the underlying material. They're just doing their own thing.
>all the replies only mentioning remakes and modern resident evil shit
Kill normalfags and secondaries without mercy
>resident evil = very underground with it's 6+ movies
REfags are so embarrassing
Reminder Eveline won
>immortal in Mold Purgatory where she can control and create her own reality
>that stinky old hag Miranda obliterated from existence making Evie de facto ruler
>Rosemary, the only potential usurper, cast out so she can no longer place her dirty, unworthy hands on Daddy
>Daddy, weakened and submissive, most certainly willing to finally embrace Eveline as his savior and truly love her
I fucking love Daz3D!
it has it's uses...
i'm 42 and i'm as horny as ever.
i'm afraid to tell you that you're gay.
I want Big Chris to become a real thing and have him and the Hound Wolf Squad to wage a war against BSAA. I want some Terminal List shit where it's just him assassinating and torturing people. I don't give a shit if there's barely any zombies and just want to see Chris's decent.
>Fav game
REmake1. RE2R is also very good
>Fav character
Barry, easy. As for fav RE girl, Jessica in the FBC outfit. Moira is also a foul mouthed cutie
>what do you want to see next in the franchise?
Fixed camera angles, actual schlock/b-movie tier sci-fi instead of whatever military BSAA wank they've been feeding us since RE5. Oh and a return of actual "Lab" areas in the games. Sorely lacking in the more recent games.
Yeah, that is unfortunate and shouldn't be the case. We should get a port, however from everything I read about REMake4's VR mode is unfortunately shittier than RE7 and RE8's in that pretty much outside of shooting, you just hit a prompt and then jump into 3rd person for everything from melee attacks to getting knocked down, or even opening a door latch.

I'd want it on the PC version no matter what, but I'd really want REMake4 to get an overhauled version of the game with a first person mode and use that to give a new more interactive version of the REMake4 VR on PC. However just porting it over as is is still better than nothing.

Come to think of it, I still want to see the fucking Meta exclusive version of RE4 classic VR on Steam's VR. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unvxDKOOrXo&t=172
good body still doesn't help that retard face
If developers focused on the porn, then people would look up the porn scenes without buying the game.
RE4 VR on Quest is great, but it also has the third person camera stuff for melee attacks, jumping out of windows etc. I don't think there is an elegant way to do it when you port a flatscreen game to VR. They aren't going to add unique melee mechanics or dodging via IRL movement. From videos I've seen of Remake VR, if you load a single shotgun shell it fills it up. Meanwhile on RE4 Quest, its per shell. Honestly one of the most fun VR experiences, dual wielding shit and like using the actual holsters on shoulders/waist.
Some weeaboo thot on instagram is not videogames.
>Hide ashleyfag posts
>Do no respond to ashleyfag posts

Get some better taste.
Ashley is NOT retarded
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Leon, Jill close 2nd
More underdog protagonists like Ethan but please ditch the first person perspective
straight jorkin it
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I have coomed so much to nujill so much that I should have died from dehydration. once her model was ripped for VR I jacked my dick raw
Straight overtimin it
real women dont look like that retard
I love Jill so much it hurts
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I can't stop watching nujill get knotted and suck on dog cock
>the ridiculousness of the movies increases my liking of characters in this franchise so probably Leon or Chris and their gun fu
>third person urban night time zombie game
Any Albert Chudsker edits?
Any VR recommendations?
>Re2 1998
>Fixed camera angles
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virt a mate is the premier choice if you want to coom the video game waifus. there is no other vr game that comes close. the models are generally ripped straight from the games so they'll be as accurate as you'll ever get.
Just finished re4 again, first replay I've done in a couple years.
It felt so good going back to it, I had a big grin on my face pretty much the whole time.
Also I used the hd project for the first time, its insane how good it looks.
sauce, artist name pls i get you
>I had a big grin on my face pretty much the whole time.
Fucking reddit faggot.
that's the best part, at the rate technology is advancing and the quality increasing will mean we can enjoy our youth living great sex lives and when they inevitably wither and we become old and ugly and can't perform, VR and other devices will help us get some action.

A whole technology industry wanting to milk your cock for money is going to go boom soon
disgusting tranny demake face and mophair
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An unironic homosexual faggot or jealous tranny? Call it.
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>WEG tier womit render of nuAshley
>nuAshelytroon that will attract that one chinkcel subhuman
I love that one too.
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Handcrafted specifically for Asian men. She hates white boys btw, she swore off them.
BWC bros... our response?
Mommy milkers
Big asses and big tits
Too busy being in love with my wife Jill
But she doesn't even get a shotgun...
I wish you fags would stop putting the dirt on her jawline like it's a birthmark or something.
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>plays resident evil for a few hour
>gets horny and search for the porn
>play games for gooner like nier and stellar blade
>doesnt get horny

what mean?
There's a weird science behind seeing pretty girls in a horror setting. Something about life and death mixing I'm sure
Just finished Village last night and that must have been the most retarded, convoluted and insane plot I ever saw... But Godamn did I have fun playing it.
i like watching these pretty hot girl fucks disgusting creature. its like sweet chocolate and bitter coffee, tiramisu. sound like an old man typed this, but im only 19...
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Thanks Overwatch, for making all this possible
>they already got rid of the Mercy skin with midriff
Blizzard hates money
Why does her bust size change? Is it tied to the outfit?

my wife has a leather set that looks just like this one, and she looks very similar to her. I might have to get her to cosplay her sometime. she already has a similar jacket from her Aerith cosplay she does.

this is the leather set btw:

God I want to put my Red9 between those ballistics too...
Came here to see Ada.
Gotta say I'm disappointed
>my wife
fuck you doing here nigga? go fuck your wife
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working right now, I run a demanding business from home and she watches the kid. we usually fuck during his nap time in about three hours.
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>>favorite game?
Resident Evil 2 (Sourcenext) or Code Veronica Kanzenban (Dreamcast).
>>favorite character?
Claire Redfield (not the remake one) or Leon S Kennedy (literally only in RE2, but his original RE2 characterization is so good that he gets to be among my favourites).
>>what do you want to see next in the franchise?
As someone who has played literally every game in the franchise, I just want it to end. These remakes all suck ass.
>have kid
you shouldve stop browsing chan when she was pregnant. bes time is now. i want a wife
Surprised there hasn't been any Ethan & Eveline found family fanfics.
They got nothing better to do in mold hell.
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Somehow, Wesker returned.
>Fight with Chris and Sheva multiple times
>In multiple fights he's shown to be capable of dodging shit faster than an Agent in the Matrix
>we're supposed to assume he didn't dodge a rocket and just dies off-camera basically

what where?
Completely ruined the character and does not look a thing like Ashley.
Someone once said this model looks like reviewbrah and I see what he meant.
Remake 1
Fixed camera, but I know that will probably never happen again.
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>favorite game?
re4, re1 remake peak re. perfect action game, perfect horror survival
>favorite character?
>what do you want to see next in the franchise?
they should stop "finding balance" for survival horror and action game. re8 was shit bcs of that.
if they want to release a fun action game, based it around re4 and 5, for survival horror, based it around re 123 and 7. i hate 8 so much.
this is the correct opinion.
Which one? The Woman, the Guy, or his Son?
I have been on 4chan every single day I've had access to the internet. I don't see the issue. I just make sure to work out and be a well rounded person with hobbies and interests. by doing this you can get a wife.
>Which one?
The three of them.
Albert is still alive (thanks to Umbrella Corps); Alex is still present in Barry's daughter; and Jake is still roaming around somewhere.
Ashley but it's a robot body double filled with TNT and designed to explode
Revelations 3, or anything with a good Raid Mode really
Damn, William and Anette bred a fine fucking daughter!
Do you think we can. See. Tyrant. Now?
Ashley but she's my wife and the mother of my children
I've long argued that for REMake5 they should have it revealed that the only time you fight the "real" Wesker is the
>I only have 5 minutes to play with you
Matrix-fu Wesker before you rescue enhanced Jill. The one you fight as the end boss, who has nearly a Game of Thrones Final Season level stupidity meltdown
>Complete global saturation!
even before you stick him with the disabling compound etc...should be revealed post game to be a degenerated clone/mitotic twin while the real Wesker escaped to bide his time.
nice heels, good taste anon
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is it worth paying for it or is there a way to just pirate it? also what is VAMX? should I get that as well?
I want to protect her
>Rose game is the closest we will ever get to another Parasite Eve game
>will probably never happen and Rose will be yet another one-game character
I want to breed Nu-Ashley
You have the real Ashley to wife and mother, I'll have the body double to stuff my head between her twin warheads and ride my cock until she detonates
I want to suck on her cloaca
Very based anon.
RE7 was the first game that made me feel bad for everyone involved. Well except Lucas, although he was funny. The dick-ass scientists got away with it.
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You shouldn't content yourself with such small resolutions, sherrybro.
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You shouldn't content yourself with such small resolutions
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>is it worth paying for it or is there a way to just pirate it?
just go to f95
>also what is VAMX?
vamx is outdated now so no. just pick the models and scenes that you want. just a note that there's a slight learning curve at first. don't let the UI scare you. it's easier than it looks.
Thank you for the advice.
where to find resident evil porn? im talking hardcore shit. like before pixiv were invaded by westener and pixiv got stricter. the good shit is no longer there. i remember the best resident evil 3d artist name was something like yellowbee, hes banned. captcha HH88
Ahh shit
So is this a game or just VR koikatsu?
vr koikatsu but with significantly more models that were ripped straight from the games. it's amazing if you love lapdances/ erotic dances
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This mansion is on sale but it only has one bathroom and the previous owner was technically someone who worked for a pharmaceutical company.
If you watch the cutscene of his "death", he actually head-dodges both rockets which explode in the lava directly behind him. The best argument for Wesker dying is that Uroboros was consistently shown to be weak to high temperatures (incinerator, flamethower, incendiary grenades, space lazor), and he was immersed in Lava, but Wesker has a whole other kind of super human virus in him also. It's not certain to me that he did die.
I do love those. Now just need to see about getting a VR headset.
it has a desktop mode if u want to try it out. do note that it's a very hardware taxing game especially for the cpu since it uses a lot of physics
If you mainly want to enjoy bodies like in OP and even fully naked in a game have a look at "She Will Punish Them".
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I'd want Dimitrescu and Hesienberg to both show up again...
>favorite game?
REmake, OG Resident Evil 2, and Zero
>favorite character?
Unironically, Billy Coen. And Wesker.
>what do you want to see next in the franchise?
The end. It was fun while the whole point of RE games was to escape from infected area, but everything after RE4 is basically the same shit.
>the new virus appears
>bio terrorists want to get their hands on it
>go fetch it, doggy
It's not even about RE anymore. It's just the same characters who end up in completely different situation.
the true RE experience is modding the game
Just go ahead and uninstall. The fewer people like you who are into these games, the better.
Leon we need to cook
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he should go back to the aviators desu
Just go to the Nexus there's more than one classic ashley mod. While you're there you can get mods to replace Ada's voice as well. Oh and the one to get rid of the fucking yellow paint.
My big 9 ft wife. I wish she was in a better game
I'm still mad they replaced the girl who voiced Ada in RE2R, she was perfectly fine
is there a recent development that suggests that wesker is still alive? i dont think weve heard anything about him since re5
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Which outfit mod?
>samefagging to lust after a tranny
That motherfucker took two rockets to the face while in a active volcano while in lava. WTF CAPCOM!
built different
that doesnt look anything like wesker
Since re7 was based on texas chainsaw massacre it was obvious Lucas was based on the crazy disgusting brother
She doesnt. Some losers from trash (the other fuck fetish not the nigger one) started that because she dares have a non white preference, which is offensive to men who also have a non white preference somehow
Okay so where it is?
Nice. I'll try it out to see if it blows my PC up.
I'm not allowed to share it.
I understand when someone lie on X or another social media, because you can earn some money, become famous etc. But why lie on 4chan? It's just pure autism?
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>favorite game?
RE2. The real one.
>favorite character?
pic related
>what do you want to see next in the franchise?
something with the cinematic horror feeling of the pre-re4 games
He dodged the rockets.
We shall see
Yes that's me.
I swear to God the funniest thing is how Capcom decided this character should just be fucking miserable even after she fucking dies
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So where do they go for Resident Evil 9?

I say, Nevada
She has to suffer to balance out sherry.
>Literally a lab rat
>Literally only wants a fucking family
>Fucking gets murdered
>Can't even get to fucking die she has to spend eternity alone in the goop
>Oh wait the guy that killed you is here, too
>He sure as fuck does not like you
Like goddamn, Capcom. What the fuck?
Goddamn, no wonder she got kidnapped by Spics.
Where do you find actually good models? I tried to find sites where you can download models, but all I could find were ugly goblino looking shit models.
I only found a decent 2B model.
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the "leaks" about re9 being in southeast asia is quite believable desu, to be exact singapore. can switch between first and third person, play as leon and jill
im with ya. honestly they dont even need to keep going forward in time either. just pick any small rural town similar to raccoon set in 1999 or 2001 or something. thats the sweet spot. then just have the story be like 'what happened elsewhere during the t-virus outbreak' or it can even be able different survivors in raccoon city like i think re outbreak 1 and 2 was about

i feel like they pretty much lost the plot around re7 and re8 anyway
>BSAA are bad now
>Blue Umbrella is still a thing I think
>the fucking Connections
I don't care about any of this shit. I'd prefer it being something small scale again too, and hopefully it involves only one evil organization as set dressing.
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>RE1-3: Fixed Camera Horror
>RE4-6: Third Person Action-Horror
>RE7-9 First Person Horror
What's RE10-12 gonna be?
Second-Person Horror
as expected from a 19 year old gooner
a little advice, you have autism, good luck with your life
you wonder what was implied by this
nope. they added third-person to 8 and its the only way ive played it and will ever play it. i dont consider it a first-person game. i think 9 will probably have both options as well
I honestly don't know how to play Resident Evil. Is the idea just to kill the zombies that pose an imminent danger, leaving the least dangerous alive to save ammunition? Playing RE2 remake.
You have enough ammo to kill everything if you're not a sub 90IQ creature that doesn't explore shit.
Only early game feels limited.
Turn based rpg horror
Why does a highschool president's daughter have this body?
Depends on how good you are at juking zombos. Hallways you'll be going through a lot are worth it to clear out. Rooms like the press release room with just one zombie for example isn't an issue, that guy will just be staying there and you'll visit it maybe 2 times. You can also just shoot their legs off to make them almost harmless, only drawback is they'll still make noise.
You will eventually drown in ammo though. I found that careful zombie management like that only comes up in the hardest diff at the police station.
>You have enough ammo to kill everything
Depends how lucky you are considering whether a zombie dies to 2 bullets or 20 bullets in REmake2 is completely random.
i kill all of them. stop listening to people who say to run away from them. that has never been a valid strategy since re1. that was re1s thing. it only works for re1 because thats what re1 was meant to be

play on standard for now until you get used to things. keep your distance when you can and aim for their heads. when you hit the head enough theyll fall down. when they go down switch to your knife and finish them off while theyre on the ground. sometimes youll get a critical shot and blow their heads off. when their head blow up its an instant kill. dont rely on it though. ammo is not as rare as it might seem at first. you might run out of ammo early but dont let that discourage you from thinking youre playing badly. its important to check every single room. play it slowly. dont run through hallways. walk and be cautious. clear everything out of enemies. if you dont youre going to have a frustrating playthrough because you will be going back and forth a lot
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I'll add one more thing: don't be stingy with your grenades. The number of times I've been grabbed with a nade equipped, and then I end up jamming it in the zombie's mouth so it barely has any area effect annoys me.
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>man i wonder what else the creator of OP image made
WEG looking trash like in the OP always goes hand in hand with futa. Often Blacked too.
for me? it's vanilla sheva's ass
unmoggable to this day
i might be getting tired, but when leon says "hey, trust me", i read there was "pig" in the end
You got the shills to respond. Well done.
Spooky/cute. It was difficult playing through the ship portion with my friend in the same room, because I wanted to stop and gander at her.
>nobody likes me
Kind of broke my heart, honestly.
Futafags must be rich.
Yes, except for the music
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I'm just here to remind you that...
1. picrel is the real Jill.
2. the real Jill is indeed the best waifu and belongs exclusively to Chris Redfield
3. >>681375246 and >>681375610 is the lesser of the fake Jills.
Thank you for your time.
yeah different mods allow to change bust size
i used a few different ones, mostly sugoui deki
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I'm just here to remind you that

I love my wife Jill
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RE4 remake isn't fun on Professional
t. beat it
Made for impregnation now
Is the T Virus good for you?
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Well apparently yes.
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it made Jill permanently 23 and perfect
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Nu Jill is hotter now that she has pits and booba
>unzips dick
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Made for BJC
Made for me
Ok troon
Nudes when?
What is a good modest outfit for Ashley, the full brain coomer shit is too much. I like the casual espionage one for Ada
Knight Armor
not soon enough
i was too poor to play BO 2 faggot, i played mta san andreas until 2016
mta was peak video gaming
>found family
nah nigga its more surprising there arent any eternal moldcunny fanfics
How in the world is that koikatsu? koikatsu is anime
Jill Valentine (REmake and RE5 versions)
I want to see ghosts like they were gonna do in RE4. Lots of fun shit they can do with that
but people look up the cutscenes to Sony games and those movies still sell
Its Koiktasu in functionality. You set the models into scenes or animations you download and watch in flatscreen or VR
Oh my
no monsters or virus shit, just visceral ohio horror
on god
skibidi be bussin fr
What's that?
>favorite game?
devil may cry
f95 is the main one. vam hub next and vam discord last. there's a few creators who specialize in game characters so download their packs.
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I literally said it's called virt a mate or VAM. it's koikatsu but not anime
>leon would rather fuck bugs than this
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Ada is perfect so yes
I am now hebephile
That's solid snake.
she looks too young
Realistically, this could be any character.
It's interesting that it's a completely new render of an unnamed character, but it likely isn't Wesker.
It could be Brandon Bailey for all we know, since he is mentioned in the Baker Incident Report and made into a key player for the modern storyline.
You also have to look at what he's connected to which is
>random monster derivative of Village's virus thing
>another random monster
It's far more likely he is Bailey or some other unnamed person. Or it could be both, and Capcom is once more testing the Wesker waters like with Umbrella Corps.
Wesker is THE Resident Evil villain, wasting him in a game everyone calls "too racist to be remade" would be dumb
TDI used to be so good. What happened?
Use the shotgun to decap zombies you need to get past and use your handgun bullets only for shooting out a leg. Absolutely DO NOT engage the zombie that wakes up as you're leaving the morgue, that fucker has like 5 times the amount of HP as normal zombies do.

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