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Now: Halo 2
Next: Tomb Raider I-III Remastered
Later: Enter the Gungeon

Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/gamesdonequick
Schedule: https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule/48
Previous: >>681343731
gaylo poo
i.. i migged....
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First non-shit run.
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Migged instantly.
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run is actually fun to watch
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Last one I watched was AGDQ 22
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I have successfully migrated
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all smiles
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le mig
I was thinking about why so many in the radical left participate in "speedrunning" The reason is the left's lack of work ethic ('go fast' rather than 'do it right') and, in a Petersonian sense, to elevate alternative sexual archetypes in the marketplace ('fastest mario')
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work in the morning
migged but there's absolutely no crowd on the first day of the event
this doesn't bode well for the rest of the week but they'll still make their millions in donations
Friendly reminder frozenflygone cucked her husband by making out with a tranny live on FF
>put dudebros on stream
>real speedrun happens
Need a whole event with this and only this
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I hope this works
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>dude, so, are you ready for HALO REACH
He looks like he enjoys riding bicycles
Alright how many of them are there
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>Race: Goblin
>Class: Wizard
>Age: 33
>Sex: Never
yup it's GDQ time
Sitting on the GDQ couch with shorts seems risky. All the nerd-goo from previous commentators comes in contact with your skin
Jajjajaj, the in person donator got ignored, fuck him
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Fuck. At least its only a three day work week.
Last chance to get on you filthy miggers !!
5 bucks a pop
>Zoo prefers Dr. Pepper to Mtn Dew
Based and I never understood why that green pisswater was ever associated with gamers instead of the superior drink
that's kind of hot
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i always hated flood levels
every event I always check the viewer count. That shit averages lower every event and yet the donations still break records.
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Not his fault. SCENT RIGHTS!!
Nobody even told this bitch that she can read out donos.
advertising that's why
When's Gurumin?
The day Sent officially retires (read:dies), it'll be the saddest day in speedrunning history.
i work tonight, but it's the end of the work week for me
looking forward to blasting through dawntrail over the next couple days
I still can't tell if that's a girl or a tranny
I for one really like Quarantine Zone and Cortana.
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AI fags get the rope first
dude thats a chinese tranny
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dude just enjoy the runs
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I bought Gurumin today in the Steam summer sale and I'm afraid to play it because then I'll probably end up playing the other loli games anons keep shilling
Why Cortana?
Evently reminder that the rating makers are literally trannies.
Two or 3 years ago there was a super hot, funny BIOLOGICAL women who did a Bayonetta speed run, and it was overwhelming rated S by the anons present.
What did the tranny chart makers do? Put it down as a fucking B because they were so ass mad that she was a women and they weren't and never will be.
Don't trust those disgusting trannies.
Holy fucking kek I just saw it in the archives. Disgusting.
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I'm getting some food. Do you guys want anything?
GDQ having a very slow death
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>Finnruns July 3rd-7th
>ASM July 15th-21th
>ESA July 20th-27th
>RTA August 8th-15th
>Flame Fatales August 18th-25th
I'll take the D.K soup
had a friend who was obsessed with mtn dew
always had a case of voltage on hand at his place and would drive to taco bell to only get baha blast
then he got himself a massive and painful kidney stone at the ripe age of 17-18 and never drank the stuff again
>literal who events
We won't be watching
trans rights are NOT negotiable
i wonder how much he makes here. theres no way he doesnt neet the rest of the year.
Cardinal burger no tomato for me, thanks. Nice of them to include gratuity.
mmmmh sopa de macaco
uma delicia
this is a great bit. I rate it a B
Could you go someplace that doesn't have a menu made in windows XP paint?
parma an a mug of breakfast sludge, no tip
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why haven't (you) taken the currypill yet, bros?
that pit looked fun
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Seems to be a rather quick death, actually. By tomorrow morning, if the trend continues, it'll be the lowest viewed GDQ of the decade.
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>plays jarpigs all day
>twice a year go to shill some prizes without even bothering to clean up
>then go back home and romance yuki-chan
It's gonna be 2035 and anons will still reply to the menu poster
Don't mess around with AI slop scent. U will regret it
I'd prefer somsone who knows what a toilet is and how to use one
lesbian love is so beautiful
Who wants to bet they wrote "includes tax & gratuity" but they still add it on top because they don't know what it means.
what the fuck spoiler that shit
esa and flame fatales always get threads faggot
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holy kek
speak for yourself
>that ass itch
they're just like me
I said we won't be watching.
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Thats fucked
Are you Team Halo or Team Gaylo?
She's ruined now
what happened with sgdq 2017
Why was this shown to a live audience...?
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absolutely disgusting
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I never played halo, looks comfy desu
Have we not had the spreading GIF yet?
>be beautiful gigachad
>lose hair
>be gollum-like coomcreature
its over for us baldingcels
What the fuck is going on here? Were they not meant to be live?
no, it was on the other gdq streams that they use for remote runs
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Joe Biden the sniffing chairman
this and the one with proto (you know the one) are some of the most disgusting things I have ever seen
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>Destroys ESA in your path
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Anyone else not that excited about SGDQ this year?
it was on one of their MANY hidden gdq channels where they test cameras, and this one was left live
>excuse me ma'am, what runs are you hyooooooooooooip for?
Ranches are terrible homes. Total eyesores too.
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Speedrunning is unironically over
how do we save it?
damn now that's a guy that gets pussy, unlike narcissa
>We have a 10 dollar donation from 4chan's /v/ saying...
Kung Fu Footpussy
i think i stopped being excited several events ago
really doesn't help that thread quality has went down as well
can't believe i wanted to actually attend one of these or ESA events not too long ago
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I feel bad for that one guy who used to idolize her in the threads, he's got to be hypercucked now
You can't resurrect the dead.
oh right, those are a thing
they're great for remote runs since you can just tune into those and not have to hear the announcer
did anyone ever tell her husband
Halo has cool movement when you're able to go fast.
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have violently coomer thoughts with KFFC
The fact he's not even posting his stupid edit is cracking me up because I'm positive he's here
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>Titmogs all women in your path
He always knew she was bisexual, she always wears a bisexual hairpin
>fucking fucking
I never saw this sign. Scam

Side note, why does halo have so many fucking elevator sections
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i'm enjoying the run, but it's crazy how shit the halo 2 campaign is compared to halo 1 and 3. having each level/area split into two separate "levels" just makes everything feel very padded out. only memorable moments are some of the stuff in the city at the beginning and high charity.

i think halo 2 mainly gets propped up by people who had it as their introduction to online multiplayer and for some reason feel the need to defend the campaign because of that. i played a ton of halo 1 at lan parties with system link, maybe that's why i'm not as impressed
Fuck you Janny. Bans don't work, and I'll be posting here weather you like it or not. :). Hypocritical freak. Kys
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I really only participate in these events for the threads. If we weren't talking about them there is no way I would watch.
Looking at the webm it looks more like rape.
why is she so flat, yet so fat
how is that possible
judging by the viewer numbers and donation totals, no, it's not just you
Be sure to check the Mediafire for the typo patch and whatnot like the JP dub if you want it.
how did they get away with this
i missed pokemon, did TRANS RIGHTS win the incentive or did /our girl/ shantae pull through
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oh yeah, shes so bi.
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I’m up next guys, wish me luck!
>playing an fps on controller
uhhh bros????
Trans rights won
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>used to
still does
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ive been waiting to post that webm since the last ff because of that faggot
Anon, I...
Any hot mormon wives around?
he's switching between MKB and controller for ez aim they mentioned earlier
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It's how I first played FPS
I've still got that whole stream saved on my computer. I need to upload it somewhere
FFG also made a 1488 joke which was very funny
I'm impressed. They managed to make Halo boring.
for women, being bisexual is pretty much just a virtue signaling thing. statistically, bisexual women are much less likely to be dating or marry a woman

meanwhile, bisexual men are assumed to be gay but shy about committing to it
Yeah, this sucks
life is simply unfair
CE combat with Halo 2's levels would make for a fun Halo game.
I don't like 3's levels or enemies.
any running right now?
The fuck? Regret hops out of the chair and uses a plasma pistol?
>PC Halo

when I messed around with sword tricks it was way easier on controller, sliding your thumb and then squeezing the trigger+button felt way more natural than trying "1->r+mouseclick" or whatever it was on kb
probably also involves different polling rates/input delay/etc when using keyboard+mouse and trying frameperfect tricks
i'm going to donate and expose you as a 4chan chud during your run.
it has the best story of the three so that why people prop it up a lot too.
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from the thumbnail i thought she had really fucked up long arms
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Please dont, I've been practicing for months
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Still no Tickets posted! Y'all are disgusting illegal miggers
OFF the hype train unworthy poorfags
wait so she cucked that guy for the ugly poo?
Do people ever stick with default controls? Especially if you're speedrunning.
Halo 2 had an infamous development where they had to make the game in 9 months basically, so everything is unfinished and lacking polish. But yeah I mostly agree with you.
Threads and event have gone to shit
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Yes anon, bisexual women like men too
That's the whole thing
CE did the best job of making the levels feel unique, even the ones that were just reskins like keyes and two betrayals. 3 lacked sufficient visual "personality", but still did a good job with levels having encounters/arenas that made them memorable. 2 fails on both fronts IMO
yeah i guess so
tard alert. ffg is a frosty cunt type thatll use pronounce and bullshit no one can call her out on just to fit in with a brand
what's your game? does it automatically come up on stream or do i have to move to a seperate channel?
have no idea how any of this GDQ shit works. just popped in because i saw halo 2 kino
I've never played Halo, and I never want to. Fight me.
I’ll wrestle you naked :3c
>3 lacked sufficient visual "personality"
Halo 3's issue is it jumped to a Halo ring too quickly.
Earth in Halo is super underutilized, I love cyber-Africa.

how do you respond when you're in the midst of a flood outbreak with your platoon
It's fine they didn't age well. Went through the first three again earlier this year, and they're not nearly as fun as they were when I was a teenager.
>I've still got that whole stream saved on my computer. I need to upload it somewhere
how many GBs?
>FFG also made a 1488 joke which was very funny
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why was this recorded? surely it wasn't streamed?
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n... no homo
I cannot look at frozenflygone the same way anymore bros
I don't have a problem with CE's backtrack levels, because the Flood and couple new weapons make the encounters fresh. My problem is how big and sparsely-populated the maps are. There's tons of gigantic sections where you don't do anything but take the shortest path to your next destination. Or samey featureless hallways like inside T&R. Halo 2's levels are much more tightly designed and oftentimes have multiple (unintended) ways to complete them.
Halo 3 also loves to repeat levels, but it never changes the fights because it's not a new map and it's just you doing a 180 at the haflway point.
FF was using a bunch of alt twitch accounts for different cameras.
they left all that shit hot during breaks and runs so we'd tune in to see what they were doing in the studio.
usually itd be nothing happening, but then it was this.
*grabs you by the throat* back the fuck off?!?!
shit my pants and blow my brains out so the flood can't use my memories
That's just it. I skipped them back in the day, and never felt like playing them. A few of friends thought it was the best game ever, but at the time, I was already playing on PC.
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How do I achieve this mode
I take it she is now listed as divorced or is the dude a cuck?
what's wrong with her skin?
start riding a bike for 5 hours a day every day for a year
did anybody tell this man you didnt actually have to run to speedrun?
>longest level in the game
>you dont play as chief
>nothing but flood
>story doesnt matter

what were they thinking
Cursed Day.
Is this what happens at girl sleepovers?
since this occurred on a secret channel, her husband probably doesn't even know
Who's that Corvimae girl? She's kinda hot
Watch 10 pornos a day
Fap 10 times a day
Make 10 /gif/ threads a day
This run just can't live up to YSG laughing on the couch and the choking poster
i could pwn this n00b in multiplayer
Hide in a cave 15 years and poof. Done
Is there a GDQ run worse than Bomberman: Second Attack at AGDQ2023? Trying to think of one and I can't
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why hasnt Microsoft made Halo 3 Remaster yet?
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hello janny
And no one bothered sending the video to the husband purely for the lulz?
unredeemable retard here, how do i get sound to play on these files?
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Just look for the signal I do.
stop spamming this shit
eupho finale was great
It's fine as is
yea I see it all the time in japanese comics
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I'm just a guy who masturbates for fun
nobody really cared that hard. i replied a screenshot of them kissing to her tweet about her segment coming up on FF or something and she just blocked me.
you're more than welcome to a-log
these events are just big nerd troon orgies aren't they
What happened to Pokemon?
This listed seems biased
there's a louder one where you can hear the other 2 but i didn't dl it
4chan X sounds player
are you a mole, by any chance? like, do you have no eyesight?
Same reason they haven’t remade any of the old cod’s and their multiplayer. No one would play the new shit.
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Is Beckskii (sp?) running within the next 30 minutes? Hoping to catch her run, but if I miss some of it no big deal. I watch TR speedruns all the fucking time anyway.
good luck, anon.
hope you get some fat gamer girl pussy tonight too, bro.
If it's good enough for him it's good enough for you.
Most boards strip out the audio.
Kinda hot. Given the people who frequent GDQ events, the husband is probably a cuck.
nothing at all that's the problem
So GDQ tech crew is a mess. When they have remote runs, they use about a dozen different twitch accounts and splice them together. For the last Frame Fatales event they decided to have their studio feeds on the remote streams, presumably because all but a few of the runners were streaming remote and there was no audience.
So for pretty much the entire event, they had live camera footage of the set and the 4 mics just streaming on twitch for anyone to access.

The 1488 thing was from before FFG's Kingdom Hearts run, they were talking about donation incentives or something. The makeout sesh was immediately after the run, once the main stream cut away to intermission
this your first
>look im straight but i fit in too!
to be completely honest if you are willing to marry her you prolly don't have too many expectations
Is 4chan X still updated?
How are they getting away with incentivising sexy outfits for Lara?
It still works.
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Thoughts on Sangheili?
>lovare defected to GDQ and is cosplaying lara during the tomb raider run
holy based
Haven't watched one of these since that year the guy got banned for Owen Wilson jokes. Is fun allowed this year?
>When they have remote runs, they use about a dozen different twitch accounts and splice them together.
Oh yeah that's reminds me. Does anyone know what the secret channels are?
Guys, I gotta ask; How ya holding up?
i could kill him with one punch
should we? it'd be funny to see that shit unfold. maybe after FF this summer
Principles and morals go out the window when money can be made.
Stop sending money in you dipshits.
It works, but it's not getting updated.
I'm using XT now.
I'm about to get fucked up by a hurricane
The human/Sanghelli alliance was the best decision the UNSC ever made.
it has lots of fun if your idea of fun is screaming trans rights like a trained seal
It's just so weird that a lot of people still use abandoned plugins like that. I get it works and has worked so far but I wonder what else is out there in case X ever does shit the bed.

I'll look into this, thanks.
Fun is never allowed for GDQ
>Is fun allowed this year?
i haven't seen any yet
>Hi, my whole family has cancer, my house burned down and my dog died. Good luck on the run! Save the frames!
<Heavy's Voice> NO!
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playing sims 3 while watching and shitposting here, so pretty good i guess.
i still havent figured out what i want to play tonight
i've been doing an apotheosis run of noita in the meanwhile, but im barely paying much attention to the game
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Like doing it ironically?
>living in a shithole that gets destroyed by weather on a frequent basis.
Coasters ngmi. God doesn't want people living there but you do it anyway
Why not use it if it works? Do you need constant updates to use software?
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mind your own business faggot
everything is sterile and safe that is what gdq has become for a while now
Have you played the game recently? I just played it a few days ago for the first time in years and it holds up very well visually. Human faces can look a bit weird at times, but you aren't going to be looking at them outside cutscenes anyway.
Fuck Gravemind, it's the best level in the game.
i stopped doing my daily rooning and i don't like it
also have a bad case of jock itch
How’s the Halo run been?
>the year 2000 + 24
> anons still can prove gdq is doing fraud
Makes things why anons can’t be happy they’re doing this for a good cause
routing on the side during runs i'm not interested in. not doing bad
I mean he's right, but I can see why he'd be timed out.
Oh I do use it. It's just nice to have a back up plan.
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i am suffering from a terrible case of allergies and i want to kill myself
AI's here to stay, art fag.
is the sound out of synch for anyone else? refreshing didn't fix it.
sorry for bad england btw saars
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> for a good cause
Lol. Look up all the shady shit MSF has done and are doing to this day
>hips hurting me while running
>take a couple of weeks off
>now arch hurts on one side.
Life is suffering
Sounds like it
the udders berserking
Pretty damn good.
Fuck ups can be attributed to hard tricks or enemies being overtuned.
This image is probably 10 years old
I'm doing pretty well
Mostly curious about the Bayo 2 run but not sure if I'll be able to stay up for it, we'll see
Will this SGDQ make less money than last time?
okay but what is the lore and why are the prophets so powerful?
the drama would be fun to see, unless her husband is cuck
Why is he getting medals in single player?
uh oh chokey
GDQ is doing the needfull bloody bastard bitch!
>he doesnt play with score/time enabled

lmaoooo no wonder the campaigns sucked for u
how did the England match go?
>random Mario coin noises on the stream
Nobody cares about thirdworldball
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Mmm slop
come from behind win for the bongs
No, I played online with my friends like a normal human. Thanks, though.
the prophets were BETRAYED and TRAPPED in the flood for 300k years, which they spent training and meditating
2 - 1 Ingurland
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Gotcha XD
Chef mind telling me why are you stuffing your face in Brute crotch?
Are there a lot of CoD WaW Veteran speedruns?
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i havent seen a single cod speedrun at gdq in the last 5 years unless i slept through it
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>Sir. Finishing his orgasm
cowards. Terrified of grenades
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Would you an Elite?
It's been a money laundering operation for most of its existence.
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What if you had a snarky Cortana AI to assist in your day to day life?
>have to go to sleep and miss the comfy late night AM runs because of work all during the week
This isn't fair, my only cope is that GDQ will be shit so I'll miss nothing
>Giving the Covenant back their bomb
the constant donation reading is always so fucking annoying compared to ESA
Cortana personalized joi.......
just wait, if he does high charity skip there will be quite a lot of crotch slamming
koogler (i think that's his name) runs all the cod games at a high level so he's likely done it
Corty help me cum
shut up
going to try get my modded skyrim installation up and running before day 4 of the event, inshallah
>this is your fifth ejaculation this day, you still have things to do
>clear up my schedule, prepare for the next shot
Microsoft using your JOI likes and dislikes to market astroglide lube and tenga eggs to you
I am mildly inconvenienced all the retro shit done to death already that I would want to watch seems to be in the A.M.
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maybe i'm getting too old for videogames
bringing islam to tamriel? mashallah habibi
Don’t worry ^~^
Don’t make me fuck you up :3
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>irrelevant comment
>lust provoking legs
saar redeeming this fight
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>get off a 12 hour shift with a monster sun burn >pick up a pizza on the way home
>see sgdq cringekino is on
you have no idea how unfathomably comfy I am right now
nice crotch
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right in the nuts
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Oh look. SGDQ is here. Any runs worth watching yet anon or another L start?
Guy to the right has way better calves.
Flood goochblasting is kino
final mission lads

time to smoke some weed after this
Must be genes because he doesn't look like he works out.
they finally let dokidoki dev do his yoshi run he has been applying for, for the last 10 years.
he messed up one level and went a minute over time
You’re better than that. Still shit
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>that posture
I bet hes an autistic toe walker.
Pedestrian first day
he's just like me!!
i think this is the first halo run they've done a GDQ that i've enjoyed
also might be the first one that hasn't gone disastrously wrong.
Why ask questions you know the answer to
chad manspread tard-unit vs virgin hapa passive selfsqueeze
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Major energy gulf between these two
You should have seen the double Xbox Halo 2 run from one of the online events.
hilarious that this guy is trying to take up less space, while baldi has extra space on his other side
fuckin who wears a hoddie and jeans in the middle of summer in the midwest??? It's gotta be like 90F outside
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why do they have some many rules? you think they have a dedicated person watching us?
They want to be that way
>1 second delay
Halo runners always seem really chill. I’m curious how they get along with all of the spergs there.
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There was a rad Halo 3 run a few GDQs ago
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Is Yato at GDQ this year?
wasn't that the one where the guy tried doing a trick but ended up turning off the wrong xbox after fucking up the trick and lost his back up?

because i remember feeling really bad for the runner on that one.
>Virgin sex haver vs Chad coomer
It's been overcast most of the month. High is 75 tomorrow. Still wouldn't wear a hoodie though
>Stream struggling to reach 50k viewers despite being on the front page of twitch
It's so over
>no political campaigning or proselytizing
What about the trans rights chats?
ratchet and halo have been only good runs today.
He accidently reloaded the save on the backup Xbox and needed to do the trick he just softlocked on.
gee zoo. your ma lets you have THREE Johnsons?
twitch has a front page?
and people use it?
hope you enjoy the cool weather anon
Why didn't Johnson just clone himself repeatedly and take on the Covenant with an army of himself?
Someone trying to conceal a weak and feeble body.
If you run a normal game and are not totally a sperg fest you're doing other things in the town. SGDQ we would go to MoA and when it was in orlando a majority of the time we were hitting the parks.
no i dont think so
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I would really prefer if you'd be quiet
>50k is nothing
You’re retarded bro
i just remember it kind of turned into a lets play for a bit after that fumble. Weird run but the runner had good energy
Don't worry I'm sure there will be several $1000 anonymous donations at the last minute to break donation records once again.
any cute tgirls yet?
Mark me down for an A on this one
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Rate Halo 2 Legendary
No big tiddy girls in hot tubs.
wonder what ever happened to that guy. i dont keep up with anyone from the old threads at all.
A tier
Would you a Sangheili?
Solid run, nothing mindblowing
luv me some Halo runs
Solid A
very skillful runner
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>my sister and my uncle on the couch back there
The guy who was concinved Halo was anti-tranny btfo
least worst of today
B retty good. Halo runs are great
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A a mih 'niod m'I
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Solid A. Halo runs are always enjoyble.
pretty good halo run
A..... first run i enjoyed, fuck trannies
No one cares about the front page. People go directly to their streamer's page.
i 'ove me halo, simple as
A+, really good run and first good one
very cool run
See above
They were real quick to get rid of those people.
How is trannies done quick so far gents?
B. also elf sex
>mr. gayman shout
Am I retarded? Is the stream delayed for audio?
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wow its venture from overwatch 2
A for actual run
What the fuck is that thing
erm that's not "politics" it's basic human decency you shit head piece of racist shit. my views are good and reality and obvious and your views are like evil and completely bullshit, but my "views" aren't "views" they're just like um objectively right? so yeah, not politics.
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I'm doin' him an A
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What the fuck is that face?
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Jesus Christ, those cheeks.
That voice.
shoutouts to the tech crew
kek. absolutely cheek mogging everyone
this guy is getting fired isn't he lmfao
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get this fucking beestung troon out of here. holy shit
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what the fuck is that thing
makes the bog twins actually look human
okay, those cheeks are just way too aggressive
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i fucking love halo 4 cortana so much
solid run, nothing exceptional, people are just tired of a shit first day
Good shit.
Are those cheeks fake?
what? no its fine. tech support is good
thick ass benos
Same for me.
>silent evil
he's injecting synthol in his face isn't he
It's unhinged!!
these people are literally unhinged, what the fuck is that thing.
you wake up in the morning and look in the mirror as this creature, what do?
>i'd call you unhinged but...
>what does that mean?
>nevermind, day 1, everybody!
Who wants to clap dem ceeks
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where'd my image go
Is this a Bog relative?
It's so bad. It's at least 1 second off.
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never let your friends troon out bros
Those cheeks are smuggling something
you could see that it got fucking mad when he said that lmfao
those are a man's knuckles
is that a dark souls player character
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What is this even supposed to be?
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I have a question ¯\_(ツ)
How do they decide when the end point is for the timer?
>literally sticking fingerprints RIGHT onto the fucking glossy prints

his nuts
kek hes actually bogged
what the fuck
These cheeks aren't natural, right? I swear he had normal cheeks like a year ago.
is that abomination gone? I don't even have the stream in an active tab, but corvimae made me mute it
>yeah gimme that thomas the tank engine look
that was fun.
bayo 2 vs lara croft?
someone shoop a noose in place of that
ohhhh no no no
nuts for the winter
this is unhinged autism alright
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wtf is that
Depends on the game and communities decision, generally the timer ends when the game no longer accepts your inputs
Shoutouts to the tech crew who worked on its cheeks
Where was he even going with the "unhinged" comment to begin with kek
1% of the money is going to charity. the rest is injected into LIES
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that painting lololololol
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>yeah doc just give me the ed edd n eddy
msf is a terrorist organization
>lost dicks
Sounds about right for gdq
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this "corvimae" person is extremely unsettling, barely human. there's something uncanny about its features.
at times i can be busy and just listen to the stream, without video shown as well
it's times like these that no matter what is being said i have to opt to mute, and what is being heard can bother those who don't even understand the language also
They should team up with Jirard to bring that 1% down to a 0%.
jesus christ, 10 years later and the gdq tech staff is still fucking up
back then they had widespread audio level issues instead, where you could barely hear the runners or game and then some random shit would play at 1000% volume
I legit spit out laughing when that thing came on screen.
I really do not like mr. game and shout
Trannies commandeer the entire event staff and within a few years the money is going to a literal terrorists lmfao you cant make this up
>answering the call
could be the effects of cortisone
Where do I mig?
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this thing or proto
which would you rather deal with on stream
you have to pick one
Watch them try to make this thing the next protomagicalboy
Every fucking year, Gdq manages to outdo itself in bringing out the most hideous creatures imaginable.
why are these two so massive? are they from the land of giants?
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Where the alien women at?
Corvimae hands down.
So that's what happened to him after the reveal went south
>red pyramid thing
the face issue aside, insufferable commentary
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este trabuco no me simpatiza
>all these toys and funko pops and "art'
kek. gamer culture is so gay
My fuckin brother
Be real with me, is this person a tranny?
He’s literally me
post op looking good
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whose bright idea was it to have such a horrifying looking thing host this event? people are clicking off whenever they see it
this guy, proto was unhinged.
this is just an ugly troon
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why is there such a large overlap between pokemon autism and speedrun autism?
Maybe? He always had a weirdly massive face with gigantic jaw and cheeks, and beady little eyes and mouth. But even for him those are protruding. May be some sort of side effect to something.
Diversity is important anon!~
you can't be serious with this question. do you even remember proto? I'd rather shoot myself in the kidney before watching proto again.
>agdq giving ugly people a chance to act/be on stream

god sakes i want to see people i actually want to look at
Yes, just look at his knuckles and how he sits
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is he storing nuts for the winter
this is the same person?
>beads of what
fuck it i mma go to shower.

please screencap any lewd angles/wardrobe malfunctions from the cosplayer
all this crap not even thrift store would accept
I just tuned in, completely forgot SGDQ was going on.
Is it just because it's late or were those seats empty as fuck all day?
Bog cheeks seems less annoying.
dude is that him, is that what he looked like
proto, at least he talks about more than one thing
corvitroon's one gimmick is pokemon and its annoying
>the cheeks dont move when he talks
Did this nigga get tit implants in his face?
prettier than a lot of girls tbqhf
Where’s the prize goblin?
fucking KEK

its been like this all day
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the most /v/ thing i've ever seen
there is no fucking way

yep. what a shame
Empty since I started watching at 7pm cst.
in the grease dungeon
what the fuck man
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Staying safe.
it's ok to be ugly. choosing to do this to yourself is different
>implying I'm watching this shit
pokemon "gameplay" is doing the same shit over and over for hours, and then playing a "different" game where you do the same shit over and over for hours
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What do you do in this situation?
the venue was a little over half full when the event started and died off quickly after the first run
the reason it's so huge is because GDQ still supports and encourages social distancing
"is this a realdoll"
hoily sjhit
Only saw Yoshi and Halo but Yoshi looked like it had a nice crowd.
>El chavo
Good shit
I think being a genuine 1/10 or having an unbearable voice are prerequisites to become gdq staff
crochet dolls are a lot cooler than those fucking plastic things
Realistically, what do you do at this point. Shave it off, always wear a hat, or both?
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It’s up to you to volunteer and save the segment anon
close but the tranny's jaw is actually wider than Quico's
invisible dicks
Only monsters here
you just shave it and accept defeat
The chad embrace
So pumped for Beckski
it legitimately hurts my soul
>cheeks so big they stick out past the nose on profile
i can't stop laughing.
based corvamae
shave and wax
make it shine so people can't ignore it and maybe get blinded
for sure both
in the ganges probably
she's getting sexually assaulted by a pajeet tranny on another stream
sorry anon
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How do you accept looking like this?
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motorboat just before i get knocked out.
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I knew a dude who looked just like this, he would have made a top tier tranny.nkx2
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just keep it neat. take care of yourself
it isnt
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you have 3 options
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It's fucking over for you if you can't tell by the voice at least
fucking lmao
curried >>681349749
she belongs to the streetshitters now
thank fuck thanks a lot anon
you forgot tranny + wig
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ignore reality
Shave it. People like bald. People like hair. No one likes balding.
That is Dreamwastaken
>floppy hat girl is back
>she's wearing a mask
I like that hat with funny ears
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which game will fill all these seats?
who is this supposed to be? i don't follow
uh oh
that's the opposite of what you'd be trying to achieve (looking like a normal person)
>switch back to tab and unmute to see if anything is happening yet
>"let's hear it for that awesome prize segment. woo!"
i don't know what i expected
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Never go full bald. Go for the statham instead.
has all this trash you've been posting supposed to be arousing?
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I wonder why relatively few people do this, it's the one I'm trying to emulate at least
finding what this guy actually looked like before the troon out would be funny.
usually these t's will have something remaining of what they looked like but he scrubbed it all well and keeps his real name secret
>unironically at 1% capacity
grim. why did they book such a massive venue?
You need the right headshape for that
because its 4th of july week and they probably got it for nothing, no one holds a conference this week - guess why.
Hogwarts legacy.
I had a lot of fun watching that run.
Wow, look at those empty chairs
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>50k viewers
is there a before and after picture of the woMAN?
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Honestly I'm playing Dawntrail rn, hardly paying attention.
this guy was trooning out before 2022, he was on gdq as a she/her like 2021 at least. if not sooner.
I am a fag so I like male sangheili

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