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Play fighting games.
Discuss fighting games.
Why is ryu gay?
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been playing mvc2 a lot on fightcade waiting for the collection to release
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who wants to play sf6 with me. post your capcom username and ill add you
>Arthritis in my hands is getting worse
>It doesn't matter because every fighting game out now blows
Everything worked out better than expected
>He's going to pay $50 for 30 year old games
Fighting games are too hard
any fun fgc youtube channels to follow?
I could only watch UNI2's CEO top 8 today, any other vods you fellas recommend watching?
oh noice bbcf and ki were played at ceo. excited to watch the vods. love seeing those games in action
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3 hours until it's over and we have to wait til next month. Thoughts?
I've been playing Ken since sf4, but lately maybe I should play Ryu or Akuma??
Based. Wish it was coming to xbox, but I'll get it for switch (terrible online)
Ryu and Akuma might be a little too advanced for your Ken brain
Brawlpro is good
Play Spectral vs Generation
They're literally the same guy
Mike Ross has been doing videos with Xian.
If they're the same then why is Ken top tier while Ryu is mid?
>Arthritis in my hands is getting worse
fucking boomers infest this godforsaken board...
It's too advanced for my Ken brain, remember? Nevermind, rhetorical question. I'll just stick with the superior character
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It will happen to you
>get on a losing streak
>win 1 game
>other guy leaves without finishing the set
>lose all motivation to keep playing so I can end on a high note
holy fuck why am i like this. why can't i just play for fun
right is also Street Fighter 2
>end on a high note
I have this problem too. If I'm on tilt I keep playing until I get that some wins, but it often makes things worse. I've got to accept ending on losses more, then just thinking about what I did wrong.
>fighting games
tranny genre abandoned by everyone who is somewhat sane
It's one of the reasons that made me drop ranked mode for everything altogether. At least with randos on shitcord you can play all night long and learn a few things about said randos characters
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>spend a couple rounds slightly matched with a guy
>realize he doesn't block low
>proceed to hit him with just crouching normals and grabs
>5 matches and he still didn't block
I now realize what others must've felt when I fight them
it's funny how you can be slightly matched with a dumbass like this just because your character sucks massive ass
Twelve's just kinda fun to mess around with; same with Necro and Sean. My real mains are Alex and Remy
>Twelve's just kinda fun to mess around with
You think? Every time I tried him felt like I was trying to kill an elephant with a toothpick
I like messing around with his flight, invisibility and try dodging projectiles with his walk.
Don't usually play fighting games and I suck dick at them. Been trying to make a friend by going to a fighting game event at a local store. I got invited to play SF6 next week and want to be friends with the guy so who's the retard character to play as and learn?
Bought the game and I hate it so far battle pass and mobile game currency shit activates my autism. Not having fun but will keep at it to stop being sad and lonely.
Just play who you think is cool.
>retarded character
Lily and Honda
>good retarded character
That's the problem I don't like any of the characters. Guile is the closest but I don't like playing as him
>Good retard character
At least he wears shoes in this game. Never liked the massive feet thing characters have in the game which kills over half the roster for me.
BBCF had Tager vs Hakumen GFs which was a nice change of pace (although the Tager was styling on the Hakumen).
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Threadly reminder that UNI2 is 50% off.
Batlte Pass is pretty irrelevant since you can get the music separate from them with in-game currency and avatar items are useless. In-game currency systems are unfortunately here to stay but at least you can buy unlockables with them.
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I have the dumbest habit of trying to jump out of pressure. I also don't know matchups well enough, so don't know when it's my turn. Which also make me want to try jumping away like a moron.
Upbacking is a bad habit I have as well from games with airblocking + fucked up mix
I haven't played fighting games in a long while. Is it best just to jump in online or look up some videos first.
I've been trying to do the late backer thing for beta access but it doesn't work
very cool underrated game
either or. whatever you're comfortable with doing first but definitely watch videos of the characters you're interested in so you get an idea of how said character is played. have fun
If you have basic familiarity with the game you're gonna pick up just hit up training mode to drill your basics for a few minutes and then hop online. If you're looking to try something new though it helps to look up videos and copy from your betters.
Just hop on into online, preferably into ranked mode where you will find shitters on the same skill level as you. SF bronzies can barely block, for example, a thing so simple to get yet no one there knows you can wakeup without mashing buttons
I hate tekken 8 so much. So, so much. I curse harada and murray for ten generations. Don't think I didn't notice you little niggers that ruined soul calibur scurry over to fuck up tekken with bullshit character flattening mechanics too. You are all cursed. Ten generations. Don't bother apologizing.
If you liked Mike Ross content back in the day then you will like this:
Hands down the best when it comes to technical Tekken:
This channel produces compilations which is something I don't see that often anymore:
This one translates Japanese pro players:
The only channel that still produces SF4 content:
Channel that is more educational:
TAS goodness:
Funny compilations, especially the older stuff:
This one is the G.O.A.T:
This channel is dormant but also very educational:
>38 players on steam
It's not that low right?
Why can't I into charge characters?
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Can I discuss Ingrid here?
No anon. You can't discuss that fighting game character in the fighting game thread. How dare you?
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what are fighting games
A means of selling microtransaction currency and cosmetics now
platypus ass feet
Convince me all this energy I put into execution and studying frame data is worth it as a Tekken player.
i just did those things for fun
>Worth it
Bro you already know the answer
Do you have to pay for that frame data this time? kek
how do I stop getting mad?
Find things that make you happy about playing the fighting game that doesn't purely involve win/lose
Play an honest game
Otherwise you have to act like a cuck and complement your opponent out loud
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NONE of you fucking faggots are qualified to even discuss fightan if you don't have hundreds of hours across different titles.

That being said, reminder we need DBFZ2 to save the genre.
We need Project L to save the genre.
We need Laura to save SF6
Breathe deep and slow, make sure you take every opportunity you get between matches to recenter yourself instead of mashing the rematch button while stomping your feet.
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>Play an honest game
what's that supposed to mean? like don't abuse lame strategies? or do you mean like "don't play certain video games I don't personally approve of"?
A fighting game with no gimmicks.
gentlemanly, friendly behavior is "acting like a cuck"? you have brainrot my friend. my god.

I suffer from Street Fighter one-itis, I never seriously clicked with another fighting game series. Not much I can do about it.
"nice dp", "nice shimmy bro" , "nice BBC bud", "fuck my wife sir"
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shouldn't you be asleep?
Starting from the basics.
1. Set small goals to complete during each session (land a new combo route, practice better offense with your character's tools, learn to play better defense with good blocking and use of system mechanics/reversal if you have one)
2. See if you like things outside of playing versus humans in other modes that the game may offer (or play gimmick modes if they offer them in versus setting, most fighters tend to have bonus modes of some sorts to either distract from the usual gameplay ideas or give you something different from what you're used to like Weapon Master Mode in SCII)
3. Try learning a new character, this tends to give joy in playing around with new tools/routes that your main doesn't have and can have benefits in learning the options your opponents who use the character have when playing as your main more directly rather than just relying strictly on match footage.

Just some ideas to process for you.
Go look at Europe bro
more educational/informative than fun but Chris_F makes good guides on some more niche topics/situations, it's mostly for SF6 though is the only caveat
>set quests! do your daily quests!
I already add new tech when I see it. It doesn't impact my mood aside from the occasional "cool it worked" which is obviously not going to help when I'm getting my ass handed to me by someone with 1000 hours.
>play bullshit unfun modes
Seriously? I would rather play a real singleplayer game than play against bots
>learn new characters
Learning a character is the most tedious aspect of fighting games. I hate memorizing combos and not having the muscle memory. I refuse to play games with that 3v3 bullshit for this reason
Kill yourself retard this thread if filled with 20 hour single game playing faggots giving opinions
Well I can't convince you to be interested in learning cool new tech, trying out side content or trying out different character archetypes/practicing their basic gameplans.

Maybe try joining a community if you haven't already. Having training partners makes the climb to get better less lonely and generally less angry when you're playing with people you become familiar with.
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>I can't convince you to be interested in learning cool new tech, trying out side content
I already stated that I "add new tech when I see it". Also, I know the side content is worthless because I've tried it.
>Make friends
Not happening
Then I can only suggest you take your rage and place it outside of the game (such as doing exercises for punishment).
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I already work out for an hour daily and boy if that isn't a meme. That shit barely improves your mood. Thanks for trying Anon but I don't think I can be helped.
Yeah sorry I don't have anything that will work bar abstaining from playing them because being angry over videogames regularly isn't healthy.
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nta but but there's a difference between trying new tech and learning it.
for example try spamming one move/set up a million times in a match and try to figure out what range it works the best at, how the opponent tries to counter it, what it's good for, what its weakness is, etc.
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How come fighting game players never backport newer characters into older games, like what we see in Smash bros mods?
Why is 3rd Strike more popular than Alpha 3? I don't get it.
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This lil fella put on a show with kazuya last night. Pretty kino top8.
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I'm having so much fun with Tekken 8
I wish it wasn't dying
The animation and v-ism
But I haven't even played through the three versions of UNI1 yet
pretty much all of the t8 tournaments so far have been hype. shame keisuke dropped that combo for reset point. kazuya played at that level is fucking cool to watch
I legitimately can't take fighting games seriously anymore after the proliferation of leverless. It just feels like everyone is cheating, everyone knows everyone is cheating, and no one is saying anything.
It's just a keyboard with a marketing gimmick and $100 idiot tax applied lil bro
Project Tuxco was first leaked and promptly officially revealed in 2019. That was five years ago. And now Riot are talking like the game is still 2-3 years away. Ain't nobody going to give a shit or fuck about it when it finally stumbles out on stage. Too little too late.
They provide very little advantage.

This isn't /vg/, son. We reply to people's posts when we're talking to them.
unironically get with the times grampa
we're not going back to horses and carriages again
>xhe thinks riot trannies will play fighting game
lol no. They have no teammate to blame for losing. It won't work.
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>Play fighting games.
>Discuss fighting games.
I'm not going to do either of those things.
The game is specifically built around team play with 2v2 (2 players on each team calling out tags and assists for eachother).
meant for >>681380440
Probably better to just hit the ground running and get your feet wet then look up shit when you have specific things you want to address.
The youtubers and muh evo 37 unironicaly hypnotised everyone into thinking its a good game noone was giving shit about turd strike in early 00's even capcom didn't had any sf3 rep in any of the billion crossover games they were making back then
>xhe thinks riot trannies are going to sit there idle while waiting for their gf (male) partner to tag them in
3rd strike is the steely dan of FG. Nobody really cares for it but boomers pretend to like it because they think it makes them seem hip and knowledgeable
>They provide very little advantage.
and yet they somehow took over as the dominant controller scheme? ok
>alpha 3 le bad because vism or something idk haven't played that
>3rd strike good where yun just get his gay install super and wins
You're vastly overestimating the advantage. There are still people winning tournaments with stick. Hell, Mago even switched back to stick recently. Picking a top-tier is likely much more impactful than switching to leverless yet you're not gonna call that cheating.

The games are also just designed for it at this point. It's basically the default controller for PC.
They didn't. Majority of top players are still on stick or pad despite your chicken little ass dooming about hitbox for 10 years
Do you complain about controllers aswell?
Yeah, they'd have to learn how to accept their losses by blaming their opponent's character like a real fighting game player.
The marketing is successful. A pro gets one because that 00.01% improvement matters to him, and then a million scrubs buy one too because duh proz use it!!
If it's more comfortable, then get one. Otherwise you do bother.
What's the fightan with highest tranny count in rooster?
Tekken and sf6 are dominated by stick with some top pad players as well (moreso in sf6). Kof is a stick game. Idk maybe in your tranime discord fighter leverless has taken over. Not my problem
Wow you sure convinced me! Playing against top level Yuns is annoying, I'd better play the game where every character gets Genei Jin.
soive is by far the premier tranny haven game so probably that one
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*Otherwise do not bother
yes but it's a lot of koreans who have been playing for years
i'd argue more pads than sticks at this point. leverless gets pushed a lot as being the "best" device in that game but with the socd change from five it doesn't really have any distinct advantage anymore and has less results than pad and stick
name the last winner with pad, ill wait
Actualy vism is more like yang install yup you don't play the games
Punk just won CEO on pad. Menard has won a lot on pad. Chikurin won Evo Japan on pad just a couple months ago. Now name some leverless winners.
>Mago even switched back to stick recently
did he cite any reason?
They look the same
It's not a big advantage especially with stuff like SOCD rules from Capcom
Leffen at EVO
Yeah like I said discord tranny fighters may have fell for leverless but that's your problem. Not an issue elsewhere.
>Tournaments across the entire genre are almost always won by stick and pad players
You know, I'm starting to think leverless chads are actually working harder and you guys just want a reason to cope
I play on my laptops keyboard who cares I'm not fucking buying overpriced box with goo goo gaga big red buttons and fucking big clown nose lever you can't be serious playing on this
>yun yang installs are the same
Smartest turd strike poser
Sorry wasn't really keeping track of all the no-number replies, I just saw a question and silly me I assumed you wanted an answer and I gave one in good faith. You people need help

The joke is they're twins you idiot
did this lil fella really just come in here and curse all fighting games because leffen won a soive tourney with a shitbox
Really proves the point.
I'm switching to leverless because I'm tired of pads dying every four months and having to buy another one.
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He plays on stick too
lel watch them backpedal now
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>Leverless is basically a keyboard and therefore a default method of playing the game expected to be used by new players
>Doesn't win many tournaments
>Stick is a 3rd party custom controller unlike the default controller for any main platform primarily sought out by veteran and enthusiast players willing to pay a premium
>Regularly wins tournaments
I'm sorry, who exactly is cheating here again?
i don't know how people get used to those huge ass buttons.
Will the Project L alpha require their vanguard rootkit shit, have they announced it? Or are we still in speculation land?
It's Tekken, it's not going to die.
it's funny how the pros don't complain about shitbox yet /v/ starts sharting in anger at the mere mention of it
>gets ass blasted by other noobs using one button specials and supers
>gets ass blasted by actual good players who are now unstoppable with their one button bullshit
Unless you practice a lot you are into the fucking shithouse for the first week with the rest of us before the game is dead
Just because it's on their other games I assume yes although cheating is a lot less prevalent in fighting games
i like how boomers are literally forcing fighting game noobs to buy stick or pad
meanwhile with hitbox they can just map space to jump and try out on their computers without having to buy anything
not to mention sticks are absurdly loud and bad for your wrists
Punk Ceo last night
>xhe thinks you use your wrist
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Folks, this is a good suggestion.
was it rooflemonger or jmcrofts who had a rivalry with that chapman guy
leverless is actually worse for your hands
>play fightings games
You posted sf3 ryu lol if you want people who play post 6 ryu
Not really since both of them are happily married and successful, chapman is just some transphobe who doesnt even play
>sticks are absurdly loud and bad for your wrists
True i have known about a half dozen guys who needed arthropasty from playing on stick. This couldve been avoided by yknow playing on a real controller but boomies gonna boom
I don't think that's an issue if you actively workout or just do any activity really besides sitting on your ass all day.
>ummm akshually [shit that's shit for your health] isn't bad for your health if you have a healthy lifestyle
this is the same mental gymnastics alcoholfags make
It highly depends on your grip and how much you use your wrist to move the lever around. Using your whole arm to move the lever is way better than playing on hitbox, which in itself is better than just using your wrist to move the hitbox
>have to play with your hands in keyboard position (already not good)
>lots of strain on middle and ring finger especially if playing movement heavy games
>90% of leverless fags i see play with their hands "resting" on the case or their wrists which is the worst thing you could do
move the lever*
fightsticks have arcade buttons too though
your hand on the action buttons is putting in far less work than your left hand for movement
It sucks that mvc2 on fightcade us massive ass and sometimes it refuses to work. Nta, but I'll get the collection when it's 20 bucks or something like that, just to play with friends.
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i love this asshole like you wouldn't believe. I get a huge dopamine boost every time i completely shut down someone
I think so. The fat guy stole some content from the chad guy and he is mad about it since forever.
Quite a funny situation since both of them are severely autistic, but chapman makes interesting fightan videos despite not liking modern fightan, so he is cool.
I'm too afraid of trying Fightcade because I'm newby and my flag.
If you are from America (as in the continent) or Europe you will be fine.
his KOF guides were so good, shame he hasn't made any more of them.
I hate Darkstalkers as a fighting game because it's too fast and fighting Q-Bee makes me mald
dumb streetfag
What's about Russia?
should get nuked
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My nigga.
Bryan seems incredibly out of place here.
>have a fightcade account since 2020
>still haven't played an online game
i'm genuinely confused why that chapman nigga is an autistic 4channer despite looking like an instagram celebrity
Bceм пoхyй, глaвнoe игpaй пo пpoвoдy, a тo нe бyдyт yвaжaть.
I specifically play on stick because my hands hurt and cramp on controller
I play with it on my lap and it's incredibly comfy. I tried keyboard/hitbox and doing motions involving the ring finger suck, especially Tekken movement
I did have to use a battop lever to be more comfortable than balltop, I could see some balltop grips straining your hand but bat is pretty chill
unironic trannies? probably rivals of aether
Anon has a fetish for gray hair
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Well yeah there's nothing like the other 3 in Tekken but 3+4 alone as a move let's me play keep out. and just like the other 3 I can switch from playing the range game to up close and personal depending on how much I hate the opponent at will. Bryan just does a shitton of damage which is also very fun.
Webm I saved related

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