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How come no talks about it?
Force soul, also I fucking hate Mario.
Kirby is way better and has organic soul.
we're all invisible and falling off the stage because we can't see where we're landing when we jump
it's a 2D mario game
Im not paying full price for another Mario game
I finally got around to playing it earlier today. It's alright. The gimmicks are fun enough, and the stages are fine, but Mario Maker gave me more 2D Mario than I'd ever be able to get through. There's not much to discuss beyond "X wonder was neat."
>baby game
>mario #2684
it should be ignored and forgotten
its a really short game
i enjoyed it but i forgot about it days after
It was good and made me happy, all it had to be.
fpbp (forced post bullshit post)
People played it and moved on, any and all discussion is likely exhausted by this point.
How come no talks about it?
The time to shill it ended ages ago, so the shills stopped pretending it's not trash.
This. I can’t belive I’m saying this but I miss the no soul era of Mario. Boring no soul is so much more avoidable then cheap anti Soul that Wonder and Odyssey have
because modern nintendo is trash and entirely held up by manchildren who only want to move onto the next toy.
>botw/totk threads get threads from original zelda fans who are pissy about the IP being ruined
>pokemon only gets porn-posting and bug posting threads.
>the only mario threads are ones spurred by a secondary topic or are focused on the side games that nintendo is only pretending to care about.
>we are only on the third splatoon game so they havent yet had a chance to take a hammer to the core gameplay there.
Mario Maker has zero soul, Mario is more than just the obstacle courses
Wonder is just fucking obnoxious to look at the entire time you play it.
But I'm a sonic fag so my taste is in question.
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it's mid frfr
Worst final boss ever, even worse than EP1 strider or even Alyx strider
Mario World was boring and badly designed as fuck, you're just nostalgic
It’s New Super Mario Bros with “dude weed” segments and a charming art style. There’s not a lot to talk about.
I'll keep coming back to this thread until someone says lol I understood this reference and proves that someone else actually completed the game in its entirety.
>How come no talks about it?
...because it sucks, like most Nintendo games?
Excellent game, but I’m not inclined to talk about it because this board is full of retards as evidenced by the earlier posts in this thread
I'm a wageslave with no free time, the levels I played of it weren't that good
Retro's Donkey Kong games on the other hand are among the 5 best games I played the last 20 years.
Now that I'm finally close to beating Zelda TOTK (didn't like it very much, begun playing this occasionally 6 months ago) I will dive into this Mario Game again.

I think the physics of this Mario Game aren't particularly great, Speedrunners don't seem to be able to do anything very spectacular with them, although I only watched the first levels to not get spoiled.
The 2D Metroid and the Fire Emblem game were the only Switch games I enjoyed
The Fire Emblem games are shit, get some taste
I didn't even think to press X to cheese that bit until later
nu-nintendo slop
Kino vibes based platforming
I 100%ed the game in about 3 days of play, maybe 4 hours a day, and never used the internet to look up anything about the game (like hidden stuff, etc). The game was too easy, and it was comical that they added online support for people who couldn't beat the game.
Helping shitters through the Final Final level was fun after my initial completion
Theres not much to talk about. It was a good game, we played, we enjoyed it, and then we never thought about it again.
Odyssey has some forced soul in there but also lots of just real soul. Wonder though I agree was way more forced soul and it’s off putting. It makes me want to just get a NSMB game. I took the boring soul for granted. Boring soul is much better than forced soul
pizza tower is better
>and then we never thought about it again.
says a lot.
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NSMB doesn't have a single level or track as soulful as this
Posts like this are why no one talks about it
These anons should be exterminated, but until then, it’s discussing this game is willfully subjecting yourself to high doses of retardation
>Cause Sonic is Shit
I beat it last week. Fun but short. Needed more boss variety (some worlds don't even have one) and they should have added more levels instead of all the free wonder seed houses.
Nobody talks about it because it's a good game that came and went. People on here prefer to talk about culture wars, trannies, and how much they hate nintendo. If you want an actual game discussion though it's hard to go anywhere else. On reddit they're moderated by insane troons and you can't point out that they uglified the characters. On private forums they're usually clique little cunts. Where can we go to actually discuss games?
I'm playing the game now. I like it quite a bit but there is not a lot to talk about. It's just a good 2D Mario game.
Level design in platformers is too abstract to discuss, and it's exponentially easier to shit on bad level design than it is to praise good level design. Who's gonna talk about how a level escalates in difficulty when it throws more thwomps or what's there to discuss in the find the 5 key levels or jump to the rhythm levels. But it's easy to shit on about dissolving lily pads or pachinko machines
It's overpriced Mario. I bing bing wahoo'd through a handful of neat setpieces and then it ended.
>Too mindlessly easy to the point it's insulting, even the last world and special world are easy
>Overreliance on the Wonder gimmick that gets old very quickly as the level design becomes too predictable and very formulaic which is made worse by the easy difficulty
>Badges are a cool idea but felt boring to me with how they're implemented. Some of them felt like they should have just been basic moves everyone has (e.g. wall jump) and I think it would have been far more interesting if you kept all the characters having their unique gimmicks which they can then use with badges as that would make badges have different uses for each character
>Forced easy mode for Yoshi and Nabbit is a garbage idea and should never have been done. It's perfectly fine for these characters to have some more unique abilities in exchange for not using powerups but making sure they can never die is awful. The easy mode should be a toggle that can be used for every character or turned into a powerup like in 3D World
>Worst bosses in the 2D series
>Fucked up Knuckles as he no longer continually gains speed on gliding, has a forced animation lock on landing, and cannot do the monitor bounce
>Awful camera for multiplayer
>Emerald powers are implemented awfully with how poorly balanced and designed they are as some are completely useless, some are fine and inoffensive, but others are completely OP
>Awful level design with the excessive amount of autoscrollers and forced setpieces that slow you down or take player control away
>Not a fan of bringing back the Sonic 1 special stages for the medals. The ring special stages (if they can even be called special stages) are unnecessary for the game and don't add anything interesting
>good game that came and went
a bad game that came and went
a toddler game that came and went.
That's just your opinion. To me it was 8.5/10
Its a really really fun game but it's short by modern standards. I just forgot about it but I recommend everyone to play it because it is good. Reminds me of Mario world...super fun but when you're done playing it you just move on
The only thing I can't forgive about this game is how it diluted every character to playing the same. Even fucking super mario bros 2 had unique attributes for each character.
Mario Wonder was very kino and full of soul. Played it all the way through with my GF and had a great time with it. Wonder seed is a cool gimmick and if you disagree, you're just an average /v/cel who shits on everything and never actually plays games with a steam backlog of over 100 unplayed shit indies.
You're talking about it right now.
it alright. not much to talk about with stuff that's just alright
I wish the elephant powerup wasn't as prominent. "Hey everyone, have this game with a brand new visual style for Mario and his friends! Btw you spend most of it as a generic anthro elephant."
It's shallow, you don't have secrets galore like World and 3 did nor do you have high skill execution trickery like 64 and Odyssey. It's NSMB5 with prettier graphics.
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Because it was boring. They should have just done a full game of the 2D sections from Odyssey except with better physics and full levels, but instead all we got was New Super Mario Bros 2.0.
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take that back
Not divisive/enough fuel for shitposting/triggering the resident terminally online autists.
it is what it is
I fucking love the elephant powerup simply for the fact that pressing the button right next to an enemy to send it flying is fun as fuck and never gets old. I could only hope that they implement it or something like it for the next 3D game.
>I fucking love the elephant powerup simply for the fact that pressing the button right next to an enemy to send it flying
The leaf/tanooki from 3 and cape from SMW do the same shit and let you fly. The elephant powerup is dogshit.
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Because it's a half assed mario wario hybrid no one wanted except graphics and ADHD fags to pretend it's better than NSMB when it is barely as good as the worst one.
Tanooki and cape fling enemies a short distance upward before they fall off the screen while elephant launches them into the sky with a meatier sound effect that indicates a much more heavy impact than the other two powerups. It's a world of difference. I also wasn't too into the flying but I'll give you that because it was designed for discovering secret exits which is something that Wonder should have had.
>botw/totk threads get threads from original zelda fans who are pissy about the IP being ruined
You mean NuZelda (II through TP)

People who liked TLoZ and played it without a fucking guide love BotW and TotK.
>It's a world of difference.
It's functionally the same exact thing. It would have been a way better powerup if you could shoot water if you had water in your trunk. And maybe if your trunk was full of water it made you heavier so when you jumped it did a little stomp on the ground like yellow yoshi from SMW. They legitimately didn't even try to make it interesting.
>the Elephant does movie thing
Yeah, one of the reasons the game is shit compared to NSMB is it's pandering to ADHD retards who don't like games.
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>It's functionally the same exact thing.
Sound and visual effects are nothing to dismiss as it's the same reason why people still talk about the sounds and visuals from 64 and Melee. Two different attacks between games can function essentially the same in gameplay application but one of them having more of an ooomph factor will always be appreciated.
Haven't seen the movie yet.
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If its not 3D Mario im not interested.
Wonder is what convinced me forced soul is a real thing.
It's not that far off from New Super Mario Bros. Which isn't to say that it's but but New Super Mario Bros deserves an apology.
>Overreliance on the Wonder gimmick that gets old very quickly
And when you try to play the levels without the wonder seeds the game falls apart, because it wasn't designed like a normal platformer. The levels are very bland when you take the gimmick away.
no haru
Nintendo should never be profitable against holyh shit
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>the WEIRDEST mario game of all time where every staff member was asked for GOOFY ideas, releasing after 10 years of Nu Super Mario Bros aesthetic
>and it's still not as weird as the average Wario Land game
The same three answers to every time this question's asked, regardless of which game it is:
1. They do and you don't browse the places where they are talking about it
2. A decent proportion of its playerbase aren't the type of people who are "into" games enough to go online and discuss them with strangers
3. >>681359506
It's boring
That games boring
Erictranny you lost and got raped.
rent free
at this point i'm convinced it's just the boomer devs who don't feel comfortable breaking out of their mold instead of nintendo mandating the NSMB games to always be the same.
You see how they have a ton of ideas in Wonder but are deathly afraid of committing to them, shoving each wonder gimmick into the last 30 seconds of a stage and adding all kinds of new movement options only to make them optional badges and not actually designing levels around them.
Each previous SMB game managed to feel distinct since each game embraced its own physics and movement system.
If they don't dare to break away from the standard moveset, levels won't feel different either. Imagine how levels could've been if the wall climb or the grapple were standard parts of the kit.
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>Unskippable cutscenes
Oh no! The horror!
Yes, that was bad too. And it was a bad game too as literally implied there.

Good job, you can read.
because it's a Mario game, but that doesn't means it's bad, those games are about being fun and that's it.

If you can't enjoy a game because of a 1 minute scene that say you won, you might be a retard that suffers from ADHD
Noone has ever cared about the timer and score in Mario
It's the only reason to bother hitting blocks or picking up power ups.

It's a game mechanic that only moviegoers don't want movietard.
force soul may just be the most "i'm too cool for school" pseud term /v/ has ever come up with
fuck off ACfag
that or this entire thread is just bait and people keep falling for obvious ones.
What is there to talk about, it's more NSMB shovelware. People need to stop pretending things are worth talking about just because of the brand.
kill yourself, tendie. your lies wont work here.
I tried like 2 or 3 Kirby games (I think those were Superstar, 64, some GBA one), dropped them in less than 10 minutes each because they were so extremely easy. Is there any Kirby game that isn't made for blind and deaf 2 year olds?
it's a bad game because 100k people are playing it daily.
Nice Page 10 bump, Eric. Totally organic
This guy's still upset about the Forgotten Land thread lmao. How many hours ago was that?
We all had our fun with it and then played other stuff
it's a mario game. they're simplistic games for babies. nothing to discuss.
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I 100%'d Wonder apart from the Final-Final challenge. I got all the way to the end and I just couldn't bounce off the green blobby fish thing. And every time you die you have to do the other three sections again.
I must have tried and failed forty times in a row. Invisible bounce platforming over a bottomless pit is crazy. That final badge challenge is mental. Wonder is an awesome game but fuck that final part. I've played like every Mario game and that invisible badge thing is the hardest shit I've ever played (in a Mario game).
I'll go back and try again one day.
There's a story mode
It's 2d Mario, it's straight forward, you know what you're getting into, there are no twists and turns outside of the wonder seeds which are neat, but a gimmick and they know it.
Was the GBA one amazing mirror or nightmare in dreamland?
Star Allies was peak soulless and the fanservice was forced soul
I don't know, it's been over 10 years
>we are only on the third splatoon game and they have already run the franchise into the ground
Was it the one with the cellphone and kirby clones or not?
Should they have made NSMB3 instead?
wonder kicks the shit out of nsmb
/v/ grew out of pretending babyslop is best shit ever.
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makes you wonder
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>millionth kumazaki rehash in 3D scope
>not forced soul
Not to mention the forced lore all the Switch game have
>Uhh, this gacha monster hunter clone is a canon AU because......it can be okay???
Link? I wanna see the shit show
When they said they were departing from NSMB, this is NOT what i mean.
Mcnignog sisters.......
Funny how everyone in this thread is just trying to circumvent saying that it was a bland experience. The Wonder Effects are the definition of a one trick pony. Gimmicks just meant to wow you the first time and offer no depth or replayability for the game. Nothing else about the levels stands out as memorable. It was basically just a NSMB game except with nice graphics. No one wants to admit it because during the hype before release everyone thought it would btfo the NSMB games hard. Also the last level being an autoscroller is fucking gay.
It's a bit wacky but not really interesting or engaging to play.
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The game's not really that great
Too easy, level design is bad as a gimmick showcase.
Controversy over Mario and Luigi’s new voice actor.
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if there's one thing i can say about this game is that they absolutely nailed the online.
i stayed with a duo for the entire final run, we deliberately died so many times to catch each other
i must've done that invisible area a good 20 times (getting it right on like the 4th try) only for one of them to fall
it was a bittersweet ending too cause eventually he gave up and only two of us got to the end.
While the game is better designed than the NSMB games I feel like it honestly had a lower budget. Those games felt more complete and more polished. I would guess this is because Nintendo has a more core focused audience now so they view 3D Mario as more important than 2D. All the good devs have been shoved onto 3D.
Piss easy, gimmicky garbage. That‘s why.
Only zoomers like 3d mario.
Case in point.
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Bull fucking shit, Mario Maker 2 was a blast for me when I played it, and a potential Mario Maker 3 is like the only reason I would consider buying Nintendo's next console, more than Mario Kart or Smash. Yeah, a lot of courses are awful, but when you actually go online and talk to people and establish connections, you know who's just uploaded a course, an author you trust and know who makes good stuff, that's when the game really shines.

Things have slowed down since the game's been out for five years at this point, true, but even making your own course was a really rewarding thing. I made roughly twenty that I'm still happy with, no kaizo shit.
Wait you can‘t even throw other players in mario wonder, right? How does that make the online fun at all then
You are an NPC
Just because they gave out goofy ideas doesn't mean the usual executive devs would allow them into the final game
I played super mario bros and it had secrets that mattered, ramping difficulty, the difficulty means that lives matter, skill matters, memorization matters, timing matters, everything matters because it's an experience balanced around skill.

That experience of
>Should I do warp pipes?
>nah I'll see how far I can get this time
>Okay, maybe I'll warp to 4-1
>Oh yeah I gotta do the bonus stages
>and get the 1 up mushrooms I missed last time
>these coins help too
>I could get this mushroom but I don't need it, I'll just keep going
Every single little thing matters as you play the game.

Wonder is balanced around getting people to play and beat the game which doesn't make it a bad game but a worse game than even the original on the NES because nothing matters. Lives? don't matter, power ups? for progression so you can't get hit out of them and just keep going, they need to be recurring and the obstacles need to be low skille.

The core of Mario is deceptive simplicity, most people can't even beat super mario bros with warp skips but Wonder is the opposite, everyone is supposed to beat it, it's what makes it so forgettable and a good game shouldn't ever be easily forgotten.
The presentation was the only thing that was overhauled. Otherwise, it's NSMB in all but name. The real question is why it took so long for them to spruce things up. Never mind the game is easy even by Mario standards. Next game needs to keep the same cast of characters but with a unique gimmick. Nothing that breaks the game or gameplay, but something that stands out for them individually.
You are either a woman, a child or gay and you're bad at video games.
Kirby and the forgotten land is unironically harder than mario wonder
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removing player collisions was a mistake
>How come no talks about it?

We did, last year when it was a mystery.
The mystery is gone, so there's nothing further to discuss
Unironically this. Kirby's platforming is literal babbymode where the difficulty curve truly lies in completion and bosses
In my entire history of playing mario the timer only mattered once in choco island in super mario world
Garbage tutorial tier level design. Desperately needs a sequel that is an actual game and not a gimmick showcase

This one was just plain shit and no sequel can fix it
It's weird people are complaining about it being removed when I remember people complaining that it was there. A lot.

Even then that was only there because it was in the original Mario Bros. arcade game.
>far less popular slop
>posting said slop in thread about ip that is the only reason aforementioned garbage exists
Stop being a faggot you faggot.
It's best that player collision doesn't exist with online players, but removing it for local multiplayer felt really weird. I wish they kept it, even if they removed picking up and throwing other players.
Multiplayer is horrible compared to the previous "stale" games
They gave priority to gimmicks rather than level variety. It's also too short and easy. On top of that, the stupid flowers that only exist to go UHHHHH THAT JUST HAPPENED are awful.
Still a solid b- for me.
No one ever knows who the fuck you're talking about discordtroon
I'll take tripfags and avatarfags over this massive schizo
It's a 2D Mario that's on the short side, not much to discuss at this point. You know what you're going to get. I wish they'd given us unique bosses for each world, but I suppose they blew their load on the wonder flower acid trips. The real last level is pretty fun, and you can try no badge runs for extra challenge.xp0v
Schizophrenia needs to be a bannable offense, there's been too many nutcases around lately
The jump sound effect became really fucking annoying in this one.
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I remember the days people complained about that in Wii and U. Even Mega64 aired frustrations with it. Now I'm just wondering if people are nostalgic for it because it's familiar or they're just being contrarian
While the character models are very much an improvement over the NSMB series, everything else still feels like NSMB. The backgrounds, movement, level design, all of it has that same safe feeling that makes the New series feel stale.
It even starts with a NSMB style cutscene with the introduction of bowser, etc.
One thing I don't see people noting is how genuinely bad the OST is. It's genuinely some of the most milquetoast boring music I've ever heard from a Mario game. There is not a single track in the soundtrack that is memorable. Really bad stuff.
Compare all of this to a game like Rayman Legends, which is 11 years old now, and you can see just how much of a difference putting effort into your presentation can make.
True, it was much like Wonder in that regard. Forgotten Land really was peak soul, though.
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>mass replies to people that posted within seconds of each other
>>what the fuck are you talking about
So fucking annoying.
That looks crazy.

Only shitters that can't into teamwork don't like it.
The fact that it's just ghost players during online just shows how sterile and safe it is.
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literally just joined the thread, retard fag
Kirby games have always been overly reliant on fan service ever since adventure when you'd revisit the dreamland levels at the end of the game.
Hey, remember these stages from a gane that came out a few months ago, nostalgic, right?
shit, maybe I'm the retard lol
In a new browser, newfag.
I really want to ask you a question.
Do you actually believe I am the same person, or are you just shitposting. Like would it surprise you if it turned out to be someone else? I saw a thread about Mario, and I like mario so I came here. I don't know what kind of tranny shit you're talking about, but I'm just trying to talk about a game I played.
I noticed you didn't post an example of collision in Wii or U being good or used in a meta fashion.

Plus I'm pretty sure the reason for taking it out is because it's an easy way of maintaining the single player experience without compromising level design's balance for it. It's not that deep, you just want something to bitch about.
They had to ensure the levels were multiplayer friendly so it wasn't able to go as crazy as games like Yoshi's Island
Another page 10 bump, Vitranny?
Super Mario Bros 3 will never be beaten, by any 2D platformer, in your lifetime

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