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What are your hopes and expectations for the next update?
There hasn't been a thread in days, faggot.
it's everything one can dream of
So is this just some incest fantasy game?
LeyLey will become addicted to her brother's embrace if they keep making that a daily ritual.
idk why this game kicked off so much, i played it last year but the plot was weird, and it didnt even delve that deeply into the incest stuff. did they ever explain why they were quarantined and the parents didnt give a shit?
Just for the record, are you a skibidi toilet fanatic?
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What can be inferred right now is that their parents sold them off to organ harvesters for financial security. If you only played Episode 1 I'd recommend catching up, Episode 2 is amazing. How the quarantine was being operated and how their parents truly felt about them is still currently up in the air though.
No. There is literally no incest in the game. Incest fetishists just hijacked the fanbase and ruined the game's reputation. You can tell so many of them didn't actually play the game, not only from the fact that they keep shipping the siblings despite there being no romantic feeling between them, but from the fact so many of them keep thinking they're twins when the siblings have a 2 year age gap between them.
that the dev does the next step and lops her head off so the game stops being made and niggers stop talking about rpgmaker vn slop.
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post artist so I can find the pics without dumb sounds
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So in reality you guys just want to fuck your family members, not not just your sister???
Sounds good to me
>lops her head off
It's not plausible to commit suicide via decapitation dumbass. You'd have to build a ridiculous homemade guillotine or do some cartoony bullshit like attach razorwire to a pully system to your car's axle and put a brick on the accelerator. Nobody suicidal is going to put in that much overexertion.
But I thought we agreed sisters are best...
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>What's it like having a daughter?
I have no strong opinions one way or the other.
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What exactly was the original context for this meme? It's a /tv/ meme, right?
Better than posting tranime though.
>You'd have to build a ridiculous homemade guillotine
Imagine the cops having to figure that shit out
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No I want to fuck the platonic ideal of my family.
you can tell it's the same nigger faggot who has been making these advertisement threads for months on end by the fact that he has the game title, capitalized and all, as the thread subject

The new devlog just dropped.
>Dead End will be bonus content and not added to the existing Episode 2
>Fisherman finds the skull of Mr. or Mrs. Graves
>Pic related, we now have teen Ashley's design
Talk about kino
Agreed. I wonder if the skull will be linked back to them, or if they're safe as the end of Episode 2 implies.
>>Fisherman finds the skull of Mr. or Mrs. Graves
Where is this mentioned?
It's the image on the update see >>681369220
Ah my bad, at first glance I thought it was the cult leader or something.
I'm curious when we'll get some more on him considering he saw Andrew. If he really is the Toxisoda CEO that means he'll know Andrew is still alive and roaming.
Also, WTF is going on here?
I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother. I want to fuck the Mother.
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What did he mean by this?
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>What did he mean by this?
Mom fuckers look like this is clearly what he meant.
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>Clothes with stripes
>Necklace with animal
Ashley is Chris Chan
Google *hits pipe*
Why exactly is "motherfucker" an insult in the West at all?
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What makes incest so appealing?
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It's honestly amazing to me that this is the game unironic siscons use to justify their desire to fuck their sisters. Andrew and Ashley's relationship is as toxic as a fucking septic tank and only functions thanks to child neglect, stockholm syndrome, blackmail, and general female mental illness. There are porn games out there with a more wholesome story about sibling incest than this.
Similar art skills, too.
Brothers and sisters need to make babies together. People recognis this. Simple as.
Relationship with an opposite sex person that you already know, plus the usual taste of forbidden.
Me too.... Anon. Me too....
Go fuck yourself, Loud House autist.
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Anon it's never gonna happen. The dev hates moms with every fiber of her being.
I imagine it's the taboo. I find the idea of fucking my family gross, but also find incest hentai pretty hot.
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This is the only route momfags will get, except instead of Ashley it'll be the old fisherman.
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For me it's wholesome cuddlesex with your doting big sister
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Lucy is best sister wife.
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Really though I love every Loud and fap to them all about equally.
I will summon a portal from hell and bring back Mrs Graves (she has sexy demon horns now)
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even Lincoln?
/qa/ lost, sharteen
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Only Lori causes the caveman in my head to act up and go "OOGA BOOGA BREEDING TIME"
She is literally perfect wife material and has Aryan genes
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Ashley/Mom incest route
I have a gigantic fetish on girls in santa suits and that joke is perfect.
The only way they are gonna convince me to buy this game. Only if you can fuck mom in front of ashley.
I think you misread my post
ASHLEY/Mom incest. The mom and her daughter.
I did misread, my bad. Difficult to write with a dick in your hand.
No worries, perfectly understandable.
I just want a scene where the two of them kiss and grope each other and rub pussies together as they both pump up with whipped cream, growing colossal until the pressure of the cream is so high it undergoes spontaneous fusion and they both blow with so much force it splits the planet in half
>tfw no sister
>tfw have sister but she had a whole 8 year jump start and moved out before I learned to actually appreciate her
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If I got a boner every time I see a coffin / helltaker crossover...
Normally I'd hope for no more shitty-on-the-nose meta content like the last time, but I've learned that having hope just leads to disappointment.
I'm expecting the shitty meta content to continue.
/vg/ tranny jannies are unironically worse than even ours. Didn't know it was even possible.
It'll be bonus content, you won't see it in-game, we can cope it's not canon.
Wiuldn't you be able to wrap some wire around your neck, tie the other end to something, and jump out the window? I was told that with enough length the sudden drop would be enough to decapitate you.
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If his sister doesn't at least jerks him off or blows him in the next episode, I'm out
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My dad works at Kit9 and he said it's coming.
I'm cautiously giving it the benefit if the doubt, but I'm this close to relinquishing it. The fact that Nemlei doesn't even know if shit should be included or not and offers polls for public votes on content suggests that his grasp on what the game and story should be like is slipping and he's losing track of his own story. "Not changing the story" was repeated and hammered home several times, and now suddenly the mouthbreathing audience gets to literally change the story. Sure, they did also listen to people with a triple digit IQ telling them it's narratively retarded, but the fact that this was even up for discussion is bad.
Crazy how momfags got mad at this when it's the funniest shit of all time.
t. momfag
Did haggots even get mad at this? Half of them probably doesn't have the IQ necessary to comprehend this thing while the other half didn't play the game.
You're literally too stupid to insult.
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Literally did not give a fuck. I understood the olive branch was fake and that Andrew would never actually accept it in either route (Decaydrew understood returning to normalcy was impossible at that point, but deep down wished the offer was real/possible).

I was only against the joke bad end route because I found the quarantine and selling the kids plot points to be the weakest part of the story and it should've been left more ambiguous on how well connected she was with the whole operation (It's retarded that the water/soda company would buy organs they basically already owned, from someone living in the apartment they were about to lockdown and doubling down on it just highlights the retardation).
>game about brother/sister incest
>make mom the hottest character
what did he mean by this
Does he know?
There is enough ambiguity in there right now to assume she or the father could have networked their way in, which is the only way to explain it. I don't think that ending ruins that.
Not him but no females on the internet. Everyone is a man until proven otherwise by posting tits.
I'm just here for the the occasional snuff/death art.
If the sharty "doxx" was good for one thing, it was showing that Nemlei is a woman from Finland
even fnaf was a better zoomer trend than this faggot shit.
I wasn't curious enough to look into that, I thought it was creepy faggotry, but hearsay from Nemlei's personality cultists on /vg/ suggests that wasn't even the right person that was doxxed. And even if it is, if the "Nemlei is a woman" spergs are so desperate for it to be recognized - they are welcome to source the proof. As far as I'm concerned Nemlei remains an anonymous entity, given that Kike9 also refers to him as "them" in an attempt to protect his identity. And anonymous always = man.
>perfect bodytype
This game is better because it redpills zoomers about sister sex
The only info they pretend they revealed was revealed by nemlei herself when they handed development to some other company, because some stalker fan found out and panicked thinking the game was being sold or something.
Yes the transfer the soiteens claim they made happen was already happening before any of this even started.
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My sisters are gross. But the game did enlighten me to hag sexo.
Your mom doesn't owe you sex
but andrew's mom does
She owes sex to everyone in the neighborhood.
>posts Leni
I hate secondaries so much it’s unreal
I didn't even notice that, sirs please understand
Literally unforgivable
Don't forget that starvation will ruin the organs
What if I post this
What was deleted??
It’s a start
>still no release
Please god don't let this turn into deltarune where it takes 5 years for the dev to autistically make every chapter "perfect".
Lincoln belongs to Lola
Lincoln belongs to all of his sisters
Older sisters are whores and have boyfriends, they lost their Lincoln pass.
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>Sonichu is also now confirmed to be an actual demon
You know, this isn't that far fetched.
my sister used to sleep whit me like in the first picture until she was 17-18,our father leave us when she was 12 so i think it was kinda her way to cope with it?
I wish I was your sister.
for people that dont have siblings or even cousins.
I have both and I am into incest, in fact it makes me more into it because I can relate to sibling dynamics
Rework your theory
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Lots of families walking around in my tourist city. The little sisters are usually well dressed, pretty and well behaved. The brother behaves like a toddler and looks like one too. Fat and ugly.

I feel bad for little sister. How are they supposed to fall in love with pigs like that? Imagine their behaviour at home...
Most people have a mom though.
is there really no incest in this game? like is it all fanfiction like ben x gwen? why play it then?
How shitty must one be as a brother for his little sis to grow up like that?
There is canon incest but the only sex scene so far was in a dream/vision.
It has the two characters share a dream/vision of the future of them fucking. It doesn't actually happen and they have to avoid or accept that outcome. We don't know if the final chapter actually has a full incest end.
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>posting the edit
that must make their mornings very awkward

Someone post the webm, I don't have it.
That's a gif.
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That I'm pretty sure takes place in the evening.
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gay and lame
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Source for the EN version? Is it a LO rip or something else that got deleted? I can only find the chinese/spanish scans.
Incest porn is corrupting an entire generation and you degenerates think it’s funny.
I think it’s hot
I think it's nice to imagine having a sister who loves you.
no I think it's arousing
Absolute garbage, she's a bully and only cares about her group of sporty friends
Source? Exhentai familiarity scan doesn't work
someone post the feet
Incest fetishists completely ruined this game's reputation.
fuck this stupid shitty incest game. this isnt hot
Incest porn is redpilling an entire degeneration and you outcest degenerates can't stop it
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She just needs Lincoln to calm her down(with sex).
I agree
Lincoln is for Leni and Luna
What other games have villain MCs like this?
Ashley is not a villain, she's just misunderstood.
>Literally killed a girl cause she didn't like her as a kid
is she naked under there?
sounds reasonable to me
normalize killing people for fun
She killed a hussy who tried to take her brother away from her.

Also, technically it was the asthma.
Heh, more like the COFFEE of Andy and leyley!
is it good for you?
everytime this game gets a thread it derails to anons discussing about how much they want to fuck their sisters and/or moms
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...And That's A Good Thing!
Need an edit where she’s happier
When I was 15 I lusted over my 12 year old sister and almost tried to rape her. I got caught and put on antidepressants and now I look back on it in shame and this game brings back these awful memories of when I hated the person I was
>trying to rape your imuoto
shamefur dispray
>average andy and leyley fan
Little sisters aren't for rape. You're supposed to eat her out and cum hands free to her moans and her pink little anus twitching.
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>man denied imouto pussy has to be put on antidepressants
I hate you faggots
having fun?
Raping your own sister is cringe
I can't believe your father or mother didn't stab and kill you. I would if I was your father.
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I love you.
What if she’s a mesugaki though?
So, did you hit it?
A lot of fun depressing jokes. That's what I like the most about this game.
The incest "bait" comes after.
As for expectations... killing everyone Andrew cares about I guess.
mesugakis void the right to refuse correction as per the job contract
meds (your punitive antidepressants)
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>killing everyone Andrew cares about I guess
That's literally just Ashley.
The only person Andrew cares about is Ashley. He never cared about Julia, his parents, friends, etc. Man essentially developed stockholm syndrome do to his sister somewhat successfully conditioning him to believe that she was the only person capable of fulfilling his needs for human affection, utilizing blackmail and his own empathy for her. Also helps that everyone around them is either a cartoonishly evil asshole or a retard.
Post hands
... in Minecraft
Oh shit, the rape update is out?
The GTA hackers decided to hack it into Minecraft
me or my sister's?
why would i play this shit if its gonna release 10% of the game a year
Both. Fingers intertwined.
legit doesn't exist
no idea
Mothers aren't happy about having sex with their own sons?

I doubt the Toxisoda owner is involved with the cult at all since he was all about organ harvesting. The cultist next door neighbor was just a coincidence.

This update was several paragraphs but didn't tell us anything of value or importance. I bet episode 3 comes out in late Fall.
not gonna happen buddy, we live in separate states now and barely talk

The women characters are well written and feel real even if they are all psycho cunts. If I had to bet money on it, I'd say the creator is a woman.
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The dead end stuff was pretty important in my opinion, I can live without a release date and the image dripfeed for that alone. It also said they might do more polls/discussions, so this month might be more active than last.
the fake chapter 2 ending is peak bitchy female writing, it's 100% true


I'd rather wait for the episode to be written and polished to perfection.

The polls have me concerned because it's like design by committee only the committee are all coomer plebs.
not really an issue since the question was about deleting cut content or add it as unlockable bonus. As she said in the update, this stuff won't change anything about the final release, it's just bonus stuff
"It's bonus stuff" isn't really an excuse if it's canon and makes the actual game worse.
but that's the point, those are bad endings that cannot be unlocked unless something is done for that purpose. If you've seen what I'm talking about, you should agree that there's no reason to completely discard them as they're kinda fun, they will make for some good easter eggs in the final release. They certainly cannot make the game worse and they are obviously not canon.
The issue is they actually tell you a lot about the quarantine situation and Mom's character and the changes aren't for the better. And I don't think I have enough copium at home to say that something that's written by the author and in the actual game (and at one point was actually part of the story, if only in the dev version) is not canon.
Episode 1 was the strongest narratively since it was just Nemlei's single vision. Even in 2 there are signs of the vision being corrupted by the influence of the degenerate incest fetishists. The corruption was still fairly limited though, so no reason to completely give up hope until 3 actually releases and we see whether or not Nemlei maintained artistic integrity or sold out to the coomer plebs.
It was always incestbait.
Nonsense, they're reasonable woman.
Have you played any of her games?
drop the bomb already
3 chapters of blueballing and pointless threads when i could be jerking off
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You never understood her vision.
The game was always incestous from episode 1.
bad ending
People are so fucking dumb sometimes man, I swear. How could you play the first episode or even the "demo" and not realize the direction it was always going?
I do have to say, it's fine for someone like me to be into weird degenerate shit like this, but seeing how many of your average young people have been influenced by this and the tiktok shit involving it to find incest hot is kind of unsettling. Find a video on youtube or even porn sites involving coffin then look at the comments and you'll quickly realize how much of the audience are those young impressionable types who desperately try to fit in.
You're 30+ and posting on 4chan. No one should listen to you.
No, don't play games anymore, but I did read the threads.
Cannibalism is a serviceable tactic, you know.
>who desperately try to fit in
It may be unthinkable to you, but not all people do this "ironic" thing.
What has happened to honest appreciation?
channers don't understand actually having genuine thoughts and feelings
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Omori walked, so Coffin could run.
Stupid smug Mari and her hot legs...
>People are so fucking dumb sometimes man, I swear. How could you play the first episode or even the "demo" and not realize the direction it was always going?
That's a question you should ask yourself, Megatron. >>681428712
More like Mogeko Castle walked so Coffin could run.
This artist solely tricked people into thinking Omori was about incests
I'm not 30+ lol
Not sure how that would change what I said either. Nothing's wrong with being young. The sort of people I'm talking have always been around.
I don't know how you interpreted that from my comment but I don't think you get what I mean. I'm talking about the dozens of people posting shit like "don't tell gang I'm into this shit :skull:" or just similar parroting bullshit. That's not "honest appreciation", that's quite literally people who are exploring shit out of their comfort zone and are conflicted by the immoral nature of the content they're engaging with.
>I'm not 30+ lol
Then you're not a millennial. Wonder what that makes you?
Anon... that's my point.
Your moralizing condemnation of people enjoying a well written story is no better than his.
a faggot acting like incest isnt the most searched topic on kikehub ?
Nemlei owes me sibling sex.
the girl's design is hot, otherwise the game seems to be hot garbage
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What do you owe her?
I bought her game twice.
Incest may be taboo in social perception, but simultaneously it isn't. As far as perversions go, it's not actually immoral at all, and as such that particular conflict happens only in some people. More innocent or ponderous ones know that.
The difference is that in episode 1 the incestbait was for serving a story-telling purpose, not for catering to the disgusting fetishes of the degenerate coomers that invaded the fanbase. Episode 2 mostly maintained that original integrity, but does slip up in a few places while the coomer invaders keep getting louder and louder, so it's natural to worry that they may end up derailing the original vision.
Are those degenerate coomers in the room with us?
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>not for catering to the disgusting fetishes of the degenerate coomers that invaded the fanbase.
You're the disgusting one trying to corrupt the fanbase, you worthless faggot
>Unironically calling people "coomers"
I'm not condemning anyone. What I'm talking about goes beyond concerns of morality. It's just weird to me how fluid people are in where they stand on topics when things are pitched to them in the right way. Like if Andrew and Ashley were presented as two ugly old fatties wanting to bang each other, that would likely cause people to double down on their stance that incest is "gross", but when they're made out to be conventionally hot, that opens people up to find incest hot by proxy.
Before you say something like
>Anon just learned how propaganda works
(Not that I believe coffin is propaganda)
It's more so seeing how effective and easily people's stances can be changed that I was referring to as "unsettling". Like with incest, who gives a shit, but the last 15+ years have been a demonstration of how impactful media really is on our psyches and this game's popularity is a pretty clear cut demonstration of that imo.
>beyond concerns of morality
No such thing exist except those that are, this one isn't one of those.
yes ugly = bad
thats why you rarely see ugly people in western porn yet..
anyway incest is as normalfag as it gets floor tiles on the other hand...
More like he redpilled us about how mari is really hot and Sunny is very lucky
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>Like with incest, who gives a shit, but the last 15+ years have been a demonstration of how impactful media really is on our psyches and this game's popularity is a pretty clear cut demonstration of that imo.
I disagree. The powers that be have been trying to strike down Coffin as soon as it came on their Radar, and the fact that it's persisted uncompromised shows that people are waking up to the actual propaganda, and embracing sincerity over the irony poisoned culture of the 2010s.
>Aryan genes
I wish tourists would fucking leave.
>The powers that be have been trying to strike down Coffin as soon as it came on their Radar
Before going dark and nuking her itch, Nemlei put up an announcement post asking people to stop sending emails about "collaboration" and "publishing" offers. Probably people with power and influence asked her to sell out, and she ended up pissing them off by saying no.
This game makes me want to tell my sister I love her
Yep. And don't forget this is when the twitter drama "coincidentally" started too.
You should.
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I would be totally fine fucking one of my hot cousins
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Majestic! A Momfag is a Momfag even in a dream!
Just did
Can you impregnate your mother?
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No, Nem's is a fujo that hates moms.
It's true THOUGH
blonde hair + blue eyes == aryan
What'd she say?
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Sent me a photo of the meal she just made
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Hopefully the Poetry gang softened her view of Renee a bit.
Hmm, yes, it seems she's trying to make you eat her up.
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Congrats, you're eating well tonight! (Assuming she can cook...)
My only hope is the author double-triples down on the incest shenanigans. I'd like to look fondly on this series and go "Yeah that was based."
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i needs me an oreo mcflurry and some nuggs rn
I don't think I'm saying anything controversial here anon. Yes there's a conflict of stances regarding incest, but that should be expected since people have been told for several decades that it's unhealthy and disgusting. Things like Coffin, even if the impact is relatively small in the grand scheme of things, still influenced people who were likely brought up with a lifetime of being told that incest is disgusting to see the appeal once they noticed more popular cosplayers/ let's players adopting it. We saw the same shit with gaming/nerd culture even. Propaganda isn't inherently something that needs to lead people towards a "lie", rather something that influences people toward a particular agenda whether that agenda is something based in truth or not.
Considering you're referring to a post regarding bankers, maybe a better example for you would be circumcision. Would you not consider that a successful media campaign that influenced people that getting their children circumcised was positive for their health? Maybe something can be said that those tides seem to be turning as fewer people are getting it done because of the factual reality that it causes more issues than it appeared, but in the "short term", popular media, be it fictional, journalism, social, whatever, still significantly influences where we stand toward the most popular dichotomy that revolves it. Things like gender, race, sexuality, crime, nationality, religion, science, technology, war, etc. are all things that change in response to how media portrays it. It's a bit of a chicken and the egg situation, but there are hundreds of notorious examples where media shaped people's beliefs and morals.
You just think of a man and then take away reason and accountability. Stop coping about this "men writing women" literal reddit shit. Most women are objectively worse than men at everything except birthing children.
romance+forbidden love+taboo
it's literally modern romeo & juliet
It is NOW bonus stuff after people smarter than you (me, specifically) told Nemlei this shit is retarded and has no place in the narrative. The smart people (me) might not be around next time Nemlei does this dumb shit to bail your game out with quality feedback.
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sister legs
more like crybabies (you) got mad that the author had to spell it out for you why your waifu can't be saved
It's unfathomable how utterly retarded you have to be to assume that I'm a haggot because I'm against giving her more content. It's like you're not even the same species as I am. It could very well be considered bestiality for me if I had sex with something of your intelligence.
What are you laughing out loud about, lad? Share with the class.
content that pokes holes in your delusion doesn't sound very welcome, yes. Your hostility only makes that more clear.
It's all those, definitely, but I think these days especially, a lot of people want a meaningful lasting relationship with someone and incest takes advantage of the fact that it's a person you already intimately know and there's an unconditional love that already exist which blossoms into something deeper.
To find that sort of love we've grown up desiring in the real world, it often takes getting your heart smashed over and over for it to ever possibly happen, if it ever happens, and usually by that point, you've been beaten down by the hope of love so many times, that you can't even give yourself to it the way you'd like to for the sake of avoiding the possibility of loss once again.
As fucked as it is to say, if you can love someone so much that you neglect the social consequences of your relationship (like Romeo and Juliet, as you said) then you couldn't really be guaranteed a more true form of love than that.
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>content that pokes holes in your delusion doesn't sound very welcome, yes. Your hostility only makes that more clear.
the momfag cries out in pain as he strikes you
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>Falseflaging tranny is too scared of direct-replying, prays his post flies under the radar so he doesn't have to concede
>Doesn't even understand the memes his discord raid group stole from the other side
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I doubt it, but it's nice to see people with hope in their eyes.
sounds like your happy pills are wearing off lol.
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The Mom cries in ecstasy as you strike her.
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More like the mom cries in ecstasy as she strikes you (And her husband watches tied to his chair)
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Make love with old women.
Can't wait to play the Renee sequence the updates have been teasing. And yes, I do have hope in my eyes, but everything around her has been based as fuck other than the dead end, so I think her characterization is safe for this part.
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KYM (Kiss your mother)

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