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If you remove the main quest entirely, which game is better?
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I don't know. I played neither of them.
Skyrim mogs easy. Even though the main quest and story is worse than TW3, it is a better game as a complete package and has actually roleplaying elements whereas witcher is more like Mass Effect where you step into the shoes of an already existing character.
But muh ‘you roleplay as a witcher bro!’. Even Mass Effect lets you customize your character and your choices affect the development.
is the DLC included? if it is then Witcher if it isn't, Skyrim
Is this a joke question? Witcher 3 is the better game in literally every category.
Considering no one gives a shit about Skyrim's main quest and love the game anyway, the answer is obvious
Skyrim is more immersive and covers a much larger scope in pursuit of that goal.
But what Witcher does do, it does better. Witcher is smaller in scope. I don't mean in map size, I mean it what it is trying to do, but what it DOES do it fucking nails far better than Skyrim. Skyrim dips its toes into 108 different systems and they, the environment and characters are as shallow as a puddle. Witcher 3 has less but pursues them with far more depth. Witcher 3 being good owes much to its format. Make it in the form and presentation of a Bethesda game, and it's much more shallow. For an example of what that would look like, look no further than the release version of Cyberpunk 2077.

It also shows the inverse because compare Cyberpunk now to fucking Starfield, or Skyrim to Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
Witcher 3's main story was the weakest part, especially for the audience who never read the books so they didn't know who Ciri even was or how Geralt already did the hunt for ciri once already in the goddamn books.
Meanwhile skyrim writing is just trash like starfield. Emilcannot write.
Skyrim, TW3 is barely playable as is
Witcher came out 4 years after Skyrim, and no one gives a shit about it anymore
A better analogy would be Witcher vs Mass Effect or [insert Bethesda game here] vs Cyberpunk 2077 or for that matter Cyberpunk vs GTA.

CDPR learned the hard way you can't make a hybrid between GTA and a Bethesda game without sacrificing scope. You can't do a ton of shit in Cyberpunk that you can do in GTA, but GTA is a fraction as immersion focused as Cyberpunk is. You don't have as much freedom to fuck shit up in Cyberpunk, but I can't hack fucking terminals, hide bodies, run a leveling system and have certain abilities in certain missions tied to which skills I have like I do in Cyberpunk. Witcher 3 is the opposite, abandoning immersion in favor of a chapter based story following a preexisting character as he adventures around. Skyrim here goes the Cyberpunk route, abandoning just about everything for sake of immersion.
Witcher 3 would probably be better if all the random loot useless map markers were a few more interesting quests instead and if you had more rp options. Novigrad mogs any city in skyrim so hard, but it's very underutilized in terms of side content imo
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The main quest is the worst part of The Witcher 3 and only a small fraction of the player have even finished it.
>cannot choose class or pick more than five spells
>all melee weapons are identical in function
>quests are glorified movie-game slop
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If you remove combat, which is better?
Elden Ring has better lore and visuals anyway. Skyrim is a more comfy place to live thoever.
Considering no one gives a shit about Skyrim's combat and love the game anyway, the answer is obvious
Elden Ring did more with their dragons than Skyrim ever did. It's interesting that you can't turn into one despite being "dragonborn" meanwhile ER gives you a quest to get it.
The Dragonborn is not a Dragon. It's not meant to be.
>Elden Ring has better lore
Hahaha. No. This is a delusional fromdrone opinion. Like you wouldnt know if its good or bad at all. None of the souls games compare with their lore to Elder Scrolls, and it isnt even close. There is far more of the lore, far more you can read and discuss and you can actually find some answers. Its both more vast and more deep, while fromslop just keep rehashing the same ideas
turning into a dragon sounds like a retarded idea for someone older than 12
I legitimately think that trying to interpret ER ‘lore’ can give you schizophrenia. I don’t think there is actually good or even coherent lore meant to hide beneath all the obscurity.
TW3 by lightyears. The worst quest in that game is still better than skyrims best.
The Elder Scrolls lore is cool but it's not as interesting as Elden Ring. It's easier to grasp and less ambiguous, which doesn't make for cool discussion. A lot of it is purely about the aesthetics and overall direction though. For example, at the end of Oblivion you see a Daedra god fighting against Talos and its just a big guy fighting a dragon. While at the end of Elden Ring it's confirmed that Radagon is Marika and then a fucking space slug comes out of nowhere, it's just more mysterious and compelling. Some crazy shit happens in the ES lore but it's usually not shown properly.
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I might be a bit biased but I'll choose skyrim, I love my khajiit wife
Skyrim has no classes
All melee weapons in Skyrim are spam LMB to win
Skyrim quests have horrible writing and just as much dialogue
>at the end of Oblivion you see a Daedra god fighting against Talos
skyrim by miles and miles
i played le and se for hundreds upon hundred of hours each and only did the main story once, exploration is great without dragons spawning on your head every 3 minutes.
Both of them have very dull levels but if I have to chose then Skyrim since they have those Dwemer caves that look pretty alien at most.
I have to disagree, I like elden ring and souls games but they don't have a living world of elder scrolls and witcher, souls games lack any meaningful interactions with the world and NPCs imo, everyone is already dead and the living are dead inside and talk in an extremely vague language, I hate to say it but the zanzibart meme is real.
Bruh you sound like some DBZ fan and probably dont really study the lore yourself and just watch youtubers. "cool discussion: lik wtf? Again Elder scrolls also has more lore content creators and have bigger lore communities than any fromsoftware game.

Yes it's less ambiguous because it has real ideas rather than leaving delibarete holes for you to make up your own headcanon to pretend its good, which is both lazy and uncreative actually.

Also pretty sure it was not talos but avatar of Akatosh. And there are no daedra gods. You actually have to understand what youre talking about if you gonna make statements like this.

Elder Scrolls lore is full hidden identities and revelations about them. There is also weird and quirky if that's what youre into.
The lore is not told by an omniscient narrator who writes item descriptions but by people who exist in universe, fictional writers that can include their biases too so different writers may conflict with each other.
You really underestimate how barebones and piss poor job item descriptions do for storytelling compared to books in TES games.
Skyrim probably. At least you can mod it to have combat that's 5/10, blowing away Witcher's 2/10 combat. Without the main story to give it legs, the Witcher doesn't have much to offer.
Easily Witcher since the side quests and dlc are the good part.
pozrim sucks
tw3 is based
(fact checked)
Witcher needs its fantasy narrative to function, skyrim is basically candy crush with or without its main quest
Skyrim is beloved by all
Shitcher is reddit movie game slop
Honestly both are extremely overrated but at least Skyrim is a bit of braindead mindless fun while Witcher 3 is just a slog.

Also the story is like the only reason you'd ever play Witcher 3 as the combat, quest design, exploration, and RPG elements/customization are all absolutely pisspoor
You could remove quests completely from Skyrim it'd still be a better game than witcher
Skyrim becomes much better without its main quest while the opposite is true, to lesser degree, for tw3.
Tw3 is a much better game than skyrum either way.
Skyrim was more immersive, and a more interesting world. TW3 had better side quests, although it's worse than TW2 in that respect (main quest too).
The quest design is fucking braindead and clearly made for children who had difficulty with a coloring book. Witcher senses is used in every single quest which means the gameplay outside of combat boils down to walking around in circles while spamming X so Geralt can shove some more generic exposition down your throat.

The main quest is basically super mario in poland where Geralt travels from one location to another, each populated by a billion different cunts who need him to go pick flowers and kill nekkers for pennies just so the game has content. This is especially bad in Novigrad, where the entire runtime of the quest is you running from A to B on a constant train of dialogue-athon and nothing fucking else.
It sure is summer here...
Skyrim's main quest is trivial and irrelevant and can be easily ignored while the Witcher 3's main quest is actively making the game worse by how shit it is and how it forces itself on you
>he doesn't know
Witcher easy.
Same applies to skyrim with quest markers and compass anon.
The majority of the ER lore is just repackaged shit from Dark Souls, down to the fucking stone dragons. TES lore is not only better, deeper and more interesting, it's also presented better. The books you read can be tainted by the author's bias, same goes for things learned by people. Meanwhile in ER every items comes with a fucking sticky note that tells you exactly what you need to know, and the only time some bias can be inferred is when the sticky note tells you itself. ER's world is a shallow as a puddle and will probably be discarded come ER2, only to be reference in a few sticky notes.
The Witcher doesn't have a living world it's just random fairy tales and myths thrown together into one place.
Elden Ring mogs anything Bethesda ever did hard.
Skyrim is especially pathetic, it's a game about dragons and not a single dragon in it looks remotely threatening or cool
The bias and points of views are pretty clear in ES and they are part of the world building. That's part of the lore being less ambiguous. In Eden Ring people couldn't figure out of the Greater Wild was a creator god or an active participant in the world events until it was spelled out loud in the DLC, and even then there are people disputing that.
You obviously have never played the games.
Skyrim because mods.
Skyrim because atmosphere. I don't like the grimdark atmosphere of FromSoft games.
>disses Dragon Ball on the first sentence
Stopped reading there.
Meanwhile Elden Ring's dragons are relegated to invisible arenas and sit around doing nothing until the player aggros them.
Soundtrack hard carried Skyrim's "atmosphere". The design looks ugly and bland if you take away that god tier OST. Meanwhile TW3 is less of an eye sore and prettier to look at.
I have 5000 hours in Skyrim and never played the main quest
I played TW3 bruh stop coping. The world is only properly fleshed out in the books anyway.
Uh huh, sure you did. To say that the Witcher 3 isn't a living world is beyond stupid, especially when garbage a world like ER's is in the discussion.
Skyrim is better. Witcher's strength is the quests.
That looks like a bad Monster Hunter clone.
>good quests
The side quests I remember were pretty blatant references to Slavic folklore. Meanwhile the fist book is literally nothing but parodies of fairy tales. Shit like The Wild Hunt and elves are also straight from Germanic mythology. The Witcher"universe" is just a collage of references, basically the Rick and Morty of fantasy fiction.
And Souls games are just a bunch of Berserk and Ghibli rip-offs, what's your point? How does a world being inspired fairy tales and folklores discredit it from being a living world?
Skyrim actually has proper lore for them and they seem like real beings existing in the world with some purpose.

Unironically the AI is also better on Skyrim dragons and they rarely bug out or reset and can dynamically land on buildings and terrain, whereas even unique fights like Agheel and Adula bug out and reset all the time as you fight them normally.

Youre a kiddo who is simply impressed by size and nothing else. Typical fromdrone
>Unironically the AI is also better on Skyrim dragons
Yeah, but bullying From for their AI is like bullying a toddler for eating sand in the pit.
Yeah but its ironic because its Bethesda which gets shit for its bugs, and called Bugthesda. But yeah I think Skyrim dragons have probably most impressive scripting than any other creature theyve made.
TES games are designed to have their main quests be irrelevant. It's not even tracked differently, it blends in journal with fucking sidequests. The exception is Oblivion and it's also the reason as to why it's so shit.
All three Witcher games are moviegames designed around main story. You can't remove it and still have a functional game. Everything ties to main story in them, even sidequests. Witcher 3 unfortunately has an extremely shit story and ruined characters from previous games.
TES games are better than Witcher games in every area except for cinematic qualities, with which they don't bother.
Witcher is a dating sim porno, not a game
>and has actually roleplaying elements
What roleplaying elements does it have besides "you can choose a class"?
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Witcher, easy.
Skyrim has the worst quests and characters in any fantasy rpg ever.
It's also easily the worst TES game of all time. Everyone is either comically good or comically evil. People praise the Dark Brotherhood questline, but they don't realize it only shines, because everything else in the game is SO FUCKING MEDIOCRE. Don't want to become a werewolf during the companion questline? Oh... Well... You can exit the cave and never finish the quest, and the NPCs will stay in the cave, wait for you until you end the game.
Oh, don't want to sell your soul to a daedric prince wearing a dress? Well... Sorry! You MUST, because you started a quest and can't opt out!
And it has the worst mechanics of all TES games. Everything is dumbed down for retards.
Want to make your own magic? Sorry, can't do! Have these pre-made spells made for retards, but they're pretty!
And only one play style is viable. Stealth Archer.

Sorry, Witcher 3 mogs Skyrim in everything, besides necrophilia horsefucker mods.

But fine, I'll say ONE good thing about Skyrim.
It has great soundtrack. Thanks to Jeremy Soule.
Shame he's not coming back for TES6. You can start making "TES6 is Souleless" jokes now.
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>and no one gives a shit about it anymore
Witcher. Skyrim is Call of Duty with swords.
Skyrim is the only correctly designed TES game with the only functional RPG systems
>Don't want to become a werewolf during the companion questline? Oh... Well... You can exit the cave and never finish the quest, and the NPCs will stay in the cave, wait for you until you end the game.
Yes, that's how TES quests were always designed. Skyrim only improved them somewhat.
>And it has the worst mechanics of all TES games. Everything is dumbed down for retards.
It's the only TES game with actual indepth game mechanics
>Want to make your own magic? Sorry, can't do! Have these pre-made spells made for retards, but they're pretty!
You can't make your own spells in any TES game. They are all premade. Morrowind has inbuilt cheat menu for spells. Skyrim ones are more varied.
>And only one play style is viable. Stealth Archer.
This is objectively incorrect. All playstyles are viable. Unlike Morrowind where only Spellsword is viable.
>Yes, that's how TES quests were always designed.
>It's the only TES game with actual indepth game mechanics
>You can't make your own spells in any TES game. They are all premade. Morrowind has inbuilt cheat menu for spells. Skyrim ones are more varied.
Ah, shit, it was a bait all along.
I heckin' LOVE Skyrimerino. I love MAP MARKERS and PERKS. Press A to win!!!!!!
Yes you love looking up shit on wiki instead. Such improvement!
Witcher 3 is literally so boring I could not finish it despite my best efforts
TES lore builds a living world. there's lore for everything, from sexuality, fiscal policies, all the way up to metaphysics.
Souls/ER lore doesn't build a living world because it's explicitly not a living world, all those games are basically post apocalyptic.
also TES lore is largely delivered through narrative accounts like the lore books where the player gets to choose to engage with it. on the other hand souls lore is more like a complete random accidentally stumbling into a massive conspiracy, as lore is delivered through little snippets.
TES lore feels like a living breathing civilisation that has bar conversations about how pinning the provincial currencies to the value of the imperial septim has fucked over the local economy because immigrants from hammerfell are working for cheap and are remitting their wages back home rather than spending them on local services. nobody in Souls is having conversations like that because there isn't a civilisation.
the way both series handle lore isn't similar at all.
You start by calling anon a "fromdrone". Fuck off, man. Argue in good faith.
I never got the dislike for perks, I think they compliment RPGs quite well.
I've got to say skyrim even though it plays really badly. The MSQ is the worst part of the game. People love the witcher 3 because of geralt and the story. Mostly geralt. Witcher 3 sucks to play and i'd argue is worse to play than even skyrim.
Holy fuck, man. Quite impressive stats for Skyrim. I didn't know it still was this popular.
No zoomer, I like to read because it's a single player RPG that is supposed to be immersive. I know that's a difficult concept for adderall brains.
>if you remove the thing that is average in one game and excellent and main focus on another game, the game with shit story but more focus on exploration wins
Yeah no shit faggot. Now take away the open world and which game is better now? different games, different focus
Perks were done well in fallout 3, it was a hack job in skyrim.
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>I didn't know it still was this popular.
The actual game is not that popular.
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Not at all. All TES games have a handful of choices to make, but otherwise are all linear. Skyrim has more and more developed ones. Morrowind works this same.
It isn't false at all. Morrowind in particular has zero depth to it. Any interaction with game mechanics ends at character creation. You choose major and minor skills there and that's it. Stats are irrelevant after this point, are rising on their own, change nothing and you don't interact with them beyond that. Game plays itself on it's own.
Unlike Skyrim, the correctly designed game, where improving stats actually matters and unlocks additional gameplay options and where you actually have to make choices how to distribute your points through the game.
>Ah, shit, it was a bait all along.
It isn't. Morrowind is a terribly designed game where two of the basic RPG archetypes - Thief and Warrior - are completely nonfunctional with absent core game mechanics related to them, while Mage playstyle has to actually rely on a broken and badly designed enchantment and (cheat) spell "making" system
Yes perks, talents, feats or whatever you call them were always included in RPGs to give actual choices in developing your character.
witcher duh
I think it still counts though, but yeah, all mods.
I'm confused, how is it any different?
>Level up a skill
>Unlocks perks
The lack of an attribute system hurt Skyrim sure, but they're effectively the same thing. Or do you dislike the perks themselves?
I grew up with the books and I loved W3 main story. I don't know how someone who didn't read the books sees it but it's exactly how I imagined it when I was reading the books, and it's a love letter and "what if" after a very bleak book 5 ending of the saga.
Just because there is more of something doesn't mean it's better.
Skyrim is immersive. Markers or lack of reading directions doesnt ruin it. What does ruin it when its like Elden Ring and there are no clear directions to follow and trying to figure out yourself is frustrating.
It is better though. There's clearly more thought put into it not a jumbled mess with holes in it for your shitty headcanon. Just cuz you like Vaati's videos doesnt mean its better. If ER is better then it should actually show it in the game.
>level up
>increase points in skill
>pick sepperate perks that does unique things from skills
>level up
>pick a perk that just increases skill in the background (same thing as putting 20 pts in skill in Oblivion or morrowind)
Yeah, totally the same
I don't know who Vaati is and just so you know I haven't played either game. I think both Skyrim and Elden Ring are garbage, or at least look like total dumpster fire. I just disagree with you on the principle. I also don't think a story should explain itself to you to be good, not everything needs to be spelled out. This is often brought up with Metal Gear Solid 2 because "dude MGS4 tied the loose ends" and I hate those dumb niggers like you wouldn't believe.
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Are you really acting as if Fallout 3 doesn't have a ton of perks that aren't just percentage increases?
>People praise the Dark Brotherhood questline
You're thinking of Oblivion, there. No one praises the Skyrim DB questline.
I don't remember a single line of dialogue from skyrim
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Welcome to Belethor's General Goods. Welcome, indeed.
Everything's for sale my friend. Everything. If I had a sister I'd sell her in a second.
I'd even buy one of your relatives, if you're looking to sell. Ha ha ha ha. That's a little joke.
Sadly bethesda fallouts do this, but the good ones dont.
So why are you here, youre just wasting time, you cant interpret the context or what either series are like, so you dont even understand what im saying.
Not really. I know you are wrong when you say
>and you can actually find some answers
And I am here for the Witcher.
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not our problem that you don't pay attention when playing
Massive backpedalling on your part anon
im not wrong and you cant challenge me because you dont know what im talking about, you have no point of reference.
I am right on the principle. Not everything has to be explained.
role play does not mean self inserting,
He didn't mention anything about self inserting tho, and what exactly makes self inserting a bad thing?
If you like faggoty cutscenes about a Chad having sex I guess
Is Skyrim worth playing with no mods? I never played it before and I don't like auto-level, which ruined Oblivion for me.
Yes, though do consider some bugfixing mods
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I started playing TES: Morrowind for the first time yesterday. Is the beginning supposed to start off slow? My class is a custom one, kind of like a smooth-talking Woof Elf robber, I named the class robber. Thing is, is that I'm still only level 1 and just going around talking, reading and exploring the town of Balmora rn. I joined the fighter's guild, and tried exterminating the rats, but I just keep getting my asshole pummeled. Should I start a new save and do a noob-friendly class/build and race?
It's vastly better with mods but they are massive pain in the ass to set up
Yes. It starts slow then loses all challenge at level 2. If you find it difficult/complex, you are retarded
i didnt say everything has to be explained. die.
in skyrim(and every bethesda game since fallout 3) you roleplay as a 90 iq person because every dialogue option is of a retard
But the Witcher 3's main quest fucking sucks ass?
You must find le super special mary sue Ciri, which means doing so much unrelated work in everg area just to unlock Ciri's flashbacks and proceed until the climax at Kaer Morhen then some more busy work until the anticlimatic ass final boss.
It has some decent moments when the plot lets you delve into the world itself like the baron quest and the war, but it sucks that the best parts of the story are actually secondary while there's so much boring filler in it, like Dandelion, Skellige and the faggot mages
Eredin is a garbage villain outright as bad as Alduin, if not worse
>main quest
>side quests
If your game has a kino OST and is fun to explore I will put more hours into your game.
I think Witcher might be even better as a game where you wander around hunting monsters for coin.
Jeremy Soule mogs most vidya composers, including whoever it was that scored The Witcher 3.
>he thinks AAAaaAAAAaaaAAAAHHHH screaming is better than Skyrim's iconic OST
Skyrim soundtrack is great, but TW3 soundtrack is simply outstanding.
I think you could improve Witcher 3 by simply deleting it from existence. Definitely Skyrim.
>why yes i enjoy women producing monkey screeching noises, how could you tell?
Do you enjoy men producing monkey screeching noises from skyrimn :^)
The same for all souls games. It's more of a vibe thing. Trying to actually understand what's going on ruins the illusion.
At least in Skyrim I don't have to play as the most boring vidya protagonist of all time.
Try a better bait next time
Didn't you listen to main Skyrim theme?
>Arguing over which God tier soundtrack is better
Fucking chimps, the lot of you.
It's not screeching
But you never try it, did you? Like almost all clueless dimwits in this itt. Because player can do that. And it is boring as fuck. Witcher only interesting when behind side-hunt there is some story, without a small story its plain and holy moly is that a monster that needed to be brought down with crossbow??? Wow...
You should visit a doctor if that's what you hear from TW3.
But I like the banana tiger :)
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Witcher and it's not even close
Skyrim writing and quests are just trash
>But you can roleplay in skyrim!
You can't
Just because player character is literally devoid of personality and completely irrelevant to the story doesn't mean the game has great roleplay
Skyrim is built like mmo, existence of your character is often just completely ignored
incredibly low iq post
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Witcher is a great game as is
Skyrim is fine after you install like 400 mods
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What is even the point of this question? Skyrim's main quest is like 15% of the game but in Witcher's it's like 60%, it's the main focus.
I can't even picture Witcher without the story but Skyrim loses basically nothing if you remove the main quest since you do the exact same shit in it as in every other questline.
I guess Witcher has gwent, racing and dialogue based quests so it still has way more variety.
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I can imagine this being real, is it?
What do you mean? The OP specifically stated main qusest, so monster contracts would still have all of their narrative parts.
Witcher 3 had its source code leaked and nobody cared meanwhile modders are doing the equivalent of sending a 50 year old broken tractor to space with Skyrim cause the game has such a hold on people
TW3 because the game world is much more interesting than skyrim's. there's nothing to discover in skyrim except dungeons and bandit hideouts.
there's no class in Elder Scrolls since you can master everything
hats off to your effort to keep baiting, i refuse to believe you're this retarded
>you can master everything
umm, level cap?
>TW3 because the game world is much more interesting than skyrim's.
is this really true...
i haven't played witcher 3 since launch but i remember the world being absolute dogshit even worse than skyrim with a ubislop tier map just full of monster nests
what exactly are you referencing, concretely, when you say it's more interesting? what are these locations?
i'll grant you that novigrad is better than any skyrim city, but i'm assuming you're talking about the entire map, not just one location
i don't feel like spending the next 15 minutes scouring the wiki to recall every single game location that i liked in the game, i haven't played it in years. but i have played both games for hundreds of hours and yes, TW3 has a more interesting and detailed game world. no i will not explain any further.
>novigrad is better than any skyrim city
Its cool when you visit it first time, but ultimately it’s a theme park with npcs doing the same stuff and saying the same 1 line if you want to interact.
so you're just lying and you have no idea what you're talking about, great and valuable post as always on /v/
i agree it's mmo tier, but it still objectively looks better than some ant sized shithole like white run
no amount of mods can make those skyrim cities anything but an embarrassment
>so you're just lying and you have no idea what you're talking about
i played both games for several hundred hours you retarded nigger. i can't believe we've actually reached a point where tards on /v/ are shitting their pants unironically defending skyrim
/v/ is a pro Skyrim board, newfag
yeah for the past few years since /lgbt/ and reddit took over maybe
Skyrim is always clear its not even close.
>played for hundreds of hours
>can't even recall basic things about the game
so you're just retarded, then? i'm not sure what point you keep making. are you just going to keep posting and look increasingly dumber each time?
you're the one who said witcher 3 map is better and that it has more interesting locations, but when you're asked to explain why that is with examples you suddenly can't recall
your posts are just embarrassing
i wonder if you would disrespect me like this in real life you little bitch ass nigger. i don't owe you any fucking explanation whatsoever when the only thing you deserve is your nigger teeth on a curb
Witcher 3
Personally, I’ll take wide as an ocean skyrim with shallow systems which can be overhauled infinitely with mods over narrow, ubisoft-like VN with decent combat
>Say opinion
>be questioned about said opinion
>"I don't owe you any fucking explanation"
Well yeah you don't but it's kinda tough to take your words seriously that way
Largely personal preference, but TW3 is a better game tbqhwyf.
my hatred for bitcher far surpasses any grievance i have with skyrim, and i will continue to bully you for having such incredibly shitty taste
Skyrim easily has a far better map and exploration
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>ask you how you can possibly say it's the case that witcher 3's map is better by examples
>you're such a retarded piece of shit you think this is some egregious case of being disrespected
this isn't your blog, fag
if you are going to have a meltie just because you're politely asked to back up something you said, stop posting altogether
Skyrim combat, exploration and dungeons are all terrible. W3 combat isn’t great but quests are interesting, exploration is good and dungeon (rewards) are good as well.
what fucking "dungeons" are there in witcher 3? you mean like some fort with 2 monsters and a drop?
>what exactly are you referencing, concretely, when you say it's more interesting? what are these locations?
Little stories here and there mostly told environmentally or in undelivered letters and goodbyes, well-written sidequests, contracts, better looking world with more organic city and village placements.
Fromniggerdrone detected
Yep, but I think discoverable locations is a better word for it since you might come across good loot or a side quests. Meanwhile all loot in Skyrim is terribad and you fight dragurs 75% of the time with your weapons that have equally zero impact.
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I stopped playing Skyrim when I realized that no amount of mods I install is ever going to fix the dogshit writing, boring copy–pasted inconsequential quests, and robot characters with zero personality. Witcher BTFO's this antiquated piece of shit in almost every way. Even if you remove the main quest because the DLCs are better anyway.
>Little stories here and there mostly told environmentally or in undelivered letters and goodbyes, well-written sidequests, contracts,
i wouldn't really consider that a part of the world except in the loosest way possible
surely we aren't going to consider lore books in skyrim part of the world, yeah? when we say world i imagine you're largely talking about level design, so the overlord, dungeons, cities, houses, whatever
>better looking world with more organic city and village placements
i agree with this, but it comes with the downside of the open nature areas just being full of nothing
but i guess you ultimately can't win, you can either make a game like skyrim where there's a landmark every six feet or something like witcher where you just have a few places of interest interconnected by empty space
however if you do go for the latter i'd much rather have something like RDR2 where the empty space is literally just empty instead of having a million markers for monster nests and other meaningless bullshit, it just makes it feel more artificial
>but i guess you ultimately can't win, you can either make a game like skyrim where there's a landmark every six feet or something like witcher where you just have a few places of interest interconnected by empty space
Yeah, I guess you are right. The thing is, Witcher 3 is the only game where I am not using fast travel and going somewhere on Roach is part of the experience. Of course it's not something everyone wants to play but I can get lost in the world as I am going to the next place.
>Even if you remove the main quest because the DLCs are better anyway.
out of everything I cared the least for the main quest, I just don't care about Ciri and 'le saving za waldo',
in the base game tha actual main quest for me was deciding what happens to countries of the game
>I just don't care about Ciri and 'le saving za waldo'
this is also what made me despise witcher 3 until it was slightly saved by the DLC
i genuinely assume anyone who cares about ciri or feels invested in witcher 3's main story must have some deep kind of extreme retardation
like the same sort of person who claps for marvelslop and posts on twitter about every seasonal anime they're watching
I don't know about Oblivion and Skyrim, but the lore of Morrowind is definitely better. The lore of FromSoftware games is compelling due to its darkness and mystery, that's true. But the story of ALMSIVI alone just mogs whatewer FromSoftware come up whith.
anyone who genuinely takes the lore and story in fromsoft games seriously should be taken out back and put out of his misery
i genuinely feel sorry for you, but it's going to hurt me more than it's gonna hurt you
>anyone who cares about ciri
most who cares about Ciri just furiously fap to her and that's it
The lore of the Dwemer is more creative and cool than anything From have done. It also doesn't help they keep repeating similar story beats in their lore, despite different franchises/universes.
I never actually finished tw3 because I got burned out and bored from doing too many side quests, don't think I was even halfway through the game.
every skyrim thread is filled with in-depth lore discussions, mod lists, character builds and civil war debate
every shitcher thread is porn slop posting and waifufaggotry
i enjoy threads for both games
but admittedly i only like "witcher" threads and not "witcher 3" threads because witcher 3 enjoyers are scum
anyone with a brain knows the first game is the best
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>every skyrim thread is filled with in-depth lore discussions, mod lists, character builds and civil war debate
Probably because modding and discussing the lore is more fun than actually playing the game
can geralt do this?
>hats off to your effort to keep baiting, i refuse to believe you're this retarded
There is no bait here
The Witcher obviously.
>worse gameplay
>worse environment design
>worse sound effects
>worse combat
>worse graphics
>worse music
>worse voice acting
>worse writing
>worse horse riding
>worse swimming
what the FUCK did he mean by this
>I joined the fighter's guild, and tried exterminating the rats, but I just keep getting my asshole pummeled
You need to have a good weapon skill.
Short blade (daggers and shortswords), long blade (swords 1h and 2h), marksman (bows and throwing stuff), etc.
If you rolled a wood elf, you should have no issues with shortswords and bow.
Make some money by looting containers around Balmora for exclusive potions (reload the game if need be - containers reset contents IF nothing has been taken from them). You also might find some nice enchanted weapons in them if you are lucky (or save/reload spam). Sell pots and some weapons you dont need, and get training from fighters guild for what weapon you are most proefficient with (so you hit 50). After that its easy sailing.
honestly, it's kinda crazy when you put it like that, lol
and yet i do genuinely find skyrim a lot more fun and engaging
witcher 3 is fun like watching a good movie is fun, but it's nothing i'd boot up just to play for a few hours and fuck around in because the actual gameplay is extremely dull
I think it's because your IQ is low and you can immerse yourself in the low quality nothingness that is a TES game, while with TW3 you actually played the entire game so you can't just roam around there -- you already got what you came for. That movie as you say.

I even forgot to mention that TW literally even has better lore. And characters. And NPCs. And better clothing/armor models. And better weapon models. And weather. And it's a mature game with sex. And it has better minigames.
who said anything about immersion? also who gives a shit about lore? i'm not reading a book
what an unhinged gay post
Arrow in the knee
>while with TW3 you actually played the entire game so you can't just roam around there -- you already got what you came for
You mean the cutscenes I can watch on YouTube? Yeah. Great game...
The game is more than cutscenes you faggot, Skyrim has cutscenes too they're just 10000x worse.
the irony of calling anyone low iq when your post is outright declaring that the gameplay in your supposedly "superior" game is trash and not worth engaging with the moment you're done with the story
but i'm glad that you admit that witcher 3 is a good game like umineko is a good game
You agreed Skyrim's gameplay is worse so I don't even understand why you made this post. Literal low IQ.
Witcher 3
there's an alternate start mod for Skyrim where you can just play as some random without DB powers. it didn't help the rest of the shitty writing and awful skill trees.
I never defended Skyrim. But Witcher 3 is not something I'd call a "game."
Games promote interactivity and player choice. They're something you should want to play for yourself the moment you see them, not something where you get 99% of the experience by watching another person play it for the story.
I'm embarrassed for Witcherfags.
You've never played a Witcher game.
Witcher, considering the main quest isn't all that good anyway
>You agreed Skyrim's gameplay is worse
where? skyrim's gameplay is infinitely better than bitcher 3 LMAO
i can go into skyrim right now and decide what i want to do at any moment and have countless options for how i want to do it
what do you do in witcher? oh yeah, ride that shitty horse with terribad animations to your next objective where you mash buttons to kill 3 mobs and then have another conversation that lasts 5 hours
it's shit dude
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Any fun I've had with skyrim has been due to mods
Bethesda makes terrible games that only playable thanks to modders
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I played all the mainline games and I was following Witcher 1 when you weren't even born, zoomie. The third is by far the worst and it's consolized trash. At least Witcher 1 had a great atmosphere and felt original and authentic. Witcher 2 already sold out by being made for subhuman consolefags. And Witcher 3 is simply an abomination that takes the worst elements of other games and shoves them into a botched open world. They even managed to ruin Geralt, something that should be impossible.
If you like Witcher 3, you are a stupid, tasteless prole made to play console trash. Which I guess you are. Godspeed.
You sure are acting like a schizo. All of the games are better than any TES.
You can't really appreciate Witcher unless you're a slav
Sorry but these games and books just weren't made for you
It's so telling how the Witcher 3 console shitter talks about "TES" as if anyone in their right mind would somehow collectively evaluate those games. But of course you'd want that, because you want people to collectively evaluate Witcher as well. You don't want to be called out on the fact that you like the worst game out of a franchise that could've had a decent future before those Polack subhumans at CDProjekt sold out completely to Microshit.
Witcher 3 is a bad game and liking it is a sign of low intelligence and very bad choice. Feel free to cope all you want by posting music from the game or armor sets, that doesn't make a good game. Witcher 1 was made on a low budget by only a handful of people, and you know what? It's a better game. A game with soul. A game that a low-IQ, console nigger such as yourself will never understand, which is why you're here simping for the soulless slop it got transmuted into.
Witcher 3 is more insulting to the legacy of Witcher 1 than Gothic 4 is to Gothic 1-2.
>Witcher 3 is more insulting to the legacy of Witcher 1 than Gothic 4 is to Gothic 1-2.
It's bait
I'm sorry for you that you never cared about the Witcher games at all and you're just here to defend your console slop.
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>It's so telling how the Witcher 3 console shitter
You really need to stop acting like a schizo. I'm not even going to waste my time reading your post/
TW3 because of Gwent
If you remove the main quest + Gwent, Skyrim is better.
All three Witcher games are good
While I prefer the first one due to its more detective direction other games are good in their own way
I don't want to play the same shit over and over again
Skyrim by a mile
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Skyrim bros...
How is that possible? Witcher doesn't even have bestiality mods....
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Why does every low IQ brainlet mention Stealth Archer being mandatory to play? I've played Skyrim since it came out and I've only felt compelled to play an archer once, and I gave up and went back to playing a human male warrior with sword and shield because it was boring as fuck. Skyrim is so easy that you can make whatever build you want and still complete the entire game.
>it's good when a game gets completely butchered in every way from gameplay to story
Yes, good goy. The more people play the games, the more accessible they are, the merrier! Who cares about those stupid white guys who played Witcher 3? LMAO. We should just make all our games to pander to consolefags and forget the details from the previous games, they didn't play them so they don't matter!
Go play some more Gwent, you stupid cocksucker. I'd piss in your face if I could. Low-IQ subhuman. Consolefag scum. Eat shit. Go to your containment threads and shill for some upcoming snoy movie game.
Witcher 3 is one of those RPGs where the main story is kinda ehh but the side stories are peak. Skyrim is just bad all around so your whole question is basically retarded, TW3 is the obvious pick.
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>calls others low IQ buzzword
>defends skyrim
mind broken
skyrim is one of the greatest games ever made, and literally nobody focuses on the main quest, so that one I guess
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Look at this turd freak out.
genuinely what are that many people still doing in the witcher 3?
modders dont play on steam
Witcher 3.
I’d rather play as Geralt.
You need to be severely autistic to self-insert into an avatar.
Not surprising you'd also be a Dragon Age enjoying nigger, another good series made shit by extremely low-IQ console turds.
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>can't even comprehend the old meme
some oldfag you are lol
Skyrim is better because I can actually beat it.
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It seems my superiority has caused some consternation.
Removing the Main Quest is beneficial in both instances, but I'd have to go with The Witcher 3, under the presumption that it would simply open all regions up to access without CIRI'S FAGGOT NIGGER STORY restricting it.
Skyrim, the writing is really all that Witcher 3 has going for it and the MQ only got good after you find Ciri.

Skyrim doesn't have the best combat ever but you at least have options, W3 is just swinging swords, meanwhile there 5 different magics schools each with at least 15+ spells, bows, crossbows, 2 handed and 1 handed melee.

Besides that, Skyrim has a open world more fun to explore.
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>Quite impressive stats for Skyrim
Not really for a game that has 20000000 mods to play to the point most people are playing fangames made in the Skyrim engine more than the actual original game itself. And also people always has something new to try. It's like a game with infinite amount of content updates but all of this is made by fans instead of bethesda making any effort
The Witcher at least you know it has 0 worth mods (outside of graphical crap or some combat rebalancing). So people who play it just do it because they like the game.
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I think Skyrim is the better sandbox/rpg, but TW3 is just more fun to play. Even without the main story (which is only good until you finish Novigrad). Skyrim has a lot more things to do like dungeons and freedom, but are these things actually "fun"? IDK, I do 3 dungeons in vanilla Skyrim I'm already bored by them. And the rest of the side-quests are inferior to anything TW3 has to offer in that regard.
I think every single elder scrolls is just a bare-bones game which you can convert into anything you want. But all the vanilla games are shit and less than the sum of its parts. Specially Morrowind
Typical Bethesda cycle, people were shitting on Skyrim for being garbage and total shit a decade ago and now people are praising it. It happens to every bethesda game even Starfield eventually.
Skyrim has one of the biggest modding communities if not the biggest one. That's the majority of what actually keeps Skyrim propped up and even Bethesda knows it.
Meanwhile, no one wants to touch the turd that is Starfield, modders have given up on it. It has no future. People play it, either immediately see the flaws or realize that Todd's wasted their time with the "ending," and then give up on it.
Skyrim has a main quest?
Go start a family you geriatric

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