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My beautiful wife Aerith
Looks like shit
Isn't she dead? Rest in piss airy
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Built for Big Sephiroth Steel
Why can't I be a schizo who can see constantly a cute and funny cetra girlfriend that flirts non stop wtf Cloud is so lucky
Was there a version with Cloud and Aerith about talking to your friends? Clerith sisters?
Yeah, the main TV commercial.
And it was about friends and nakamas right?
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Please don't say that.
This is Aerith thread.
Flop game
Dead girl
It underperforming because of The PS5 exclusive and did you even played it to claim she's dead?
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Best pout!
flopped harder than even the 2nd worst selling final fantasy called final fantasy 16 lmao
You don't know the sale numbers and don't know much they expected to make. The fact that they have a shorter ps exclusive means the knew it will make less than the first part
You are so lucky Cloud
Why the hate? She is a nice and sweet person
Sorry she is my wife.
She was thinking she will get a kiss from Cloud here lmao
this flopslop lost so much money it killed every aa game and wiped out over 30% of SE's stock value.
But they blamed their MMOs and smartphone games. Because they always have to cover for their overbudget FF games. And when they say "we're going to lower the quantity of games and focus more on quality" they mean "reduce more of the medium budget games we should be making and dump more resources into a few AAA FF games." The same exact mistake Wada did on PS1 and PS3. Square is just going to repeat their mistakes.
No, It under performed.
Did they say that 17 will be the last FF game with number and after that the games will have the cheap genshin impact look?
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AI sloppa when it was done right
Are you sure this is Aerith in this picture?
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I didn't hear that. But having the "cheap Genshin Impact look" would be better than the quazi CGI crap they've been doing for the last 25 years. Final Fantasy should be going back to its anime roots (in storytelling and gameplay as well as graphics) rather than trying to be a Hollywood movie. It's one of the major things pushing fans away.
AI? Those just look like Nendoroids.
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idk, the maker @Teddyno8528 says she uses Niji
How are they making them? When I try to make AI the clothes and hair are not the same as what the characters have
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Niji v6 indeed
FF was famous in the past with revolutionionising te genre But if they have the that cheap anime look like genshin or that Sakaguchi game, people will say that SE is regressing to gatcha look level
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Nor do I, never tried paywalled ones myself tho.
picrel is probably also Nijijourney
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official one
Maybe for now only the paid AI can get the clothes and hair right
Why is Tifa not in the birthday party? lol
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Don’t speak too soon Tifafag
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You are so lucky Cloud
How bad were the comments?
>FF was famous in the past with revolutionionising te genre
Not in Japan. It's only thought of that way in the west because we got the FF games before the games FF imitated. FF got popular in Japan for following the trends of other RPG series. And has been steadily losing fans as it has been going away from that.

But Square doesn't care about the Japanese fans and tried to go for the western fans. Problem with this is, the western fans they had liked FF because of the anime/Japanese influences as well. Once FF started to try and imitate Hollywood/WRPGs, the western fans just moved on to playing WRPGs. Why play a bad Japanese imitation when you already have the thing it's imitating? Basically, Square doesn't know their own market.
>But if they have the that cheap anime look like genshin or that Sakaguchi game, people will say that SE is regressing to gatcha look level
Or they can just make games look like Dragon Quest XI, which sold even more than some big FF games. Or games like the single player Granblue game. Or Trials of Mana, but with a bigger budget. In other words, anime designs in 3D. That's all Genshin is as well. And it's what a lot of fans expected FFVII Remake to be. Not this cross between realism and CGI we've been getting with XV, XVI and VII Remake.

But having said that, the bigger issue is not how the game looks. It's how they are just trying to do shit like copy Star Wars or Game of Thrones or Pirates of the Caribbean. As much as games like FFVII, VIII and X have silly plots, they were still original in setting and theme. The games now are just "take the latest Hollywood trend and write a story around it." Old FF games also had shit stories. But they got away with it by having unique settings and tone. Now FF games are just Game of Thrones tone and setting, but with the typical shit FF plot and characters.
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I just want them to get a happy reunion and ending
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Trust the plan
If Aerith doesn’t get any good ending after all the fate/destiny/ the future can be changed/NPTK/loveless foreshadowing these devs have been pushing for 2 games I am going to be fucking pissed. Otherwise there was no point to any of these new story changes
How many streamers would pay for and stream a genshin looking FF7 to promote it? Why pay for it if you can play genshin for free. And if you go fro 15 and 16 look to 8 and 9 look it will be a regression
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Aerith thread!
>How many streamers would pay for and stream a genshin looking FF7 to promote it?
Uh...a fuckton? A ton of streamers would be streaming Genshin right now except the Chinese government and fans keep attacking people who do.
>Why pay for it if you can play genshin for free.
FFVII isn't Genshin.
>And if you go fro 15 and 16 look to 8 and 9 look it will be a regression
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Kiss childhood friend!
's game flopped.
Well no one is playing FF games that look hyper realistic either, otherwise Rebirth would've smashed records instead of selling even less than 16 then being memoryholed
Yes the devs must be aware that not giving Aerith a happy end with Cloud after all the hints would be wasting their and the fans time. The games are not making the espected money so they don't have big hopes to milk FF7 after part 3. The only thing left for the FF7r team is make satisfying story with giving Cloud and Aerith the happy end. People who think the love triangle is making them money are wrong. It gave more negativity with fans fighting and complaining and gave the game a bad dating sim image where the protagonist is not a character but a fanservice tool
But Aerith's game flopped. Doubling down on Aerith in all their promos proved to be disastrous.
>How many streamers would pay for and stream a genshin looking FF7 to promote it?
As many as Square paid to play it. The same as we have right now.
I mean a regression from the graphic look. You have ff games like 15 and 16 who look very realistic and if you go back to the less detailed 8 and 9 graphic look people will say that they are not even trying to make a remake of their mos famous FF game.
It’s going to happen. They intentionally created an entire timeline/alternate world plot so that Aerith would not be 100% definitely dead with no doubt like in OG. Her new ending only goes up from here
I don't even get your logic. Of course a modern game wouldn't look like a PS1 game. But the FFVII remake should have used the original anime style FFVII had. Just updated to modern graphics. Instead of going for this quazi realistic/quazi CGI look. By your own logic, the style they have now looks closer to shit like Spirits Within or FFX FMVs than it does FFVII. Meaning, uncanney CGI look.
Aerith was always promoted. You have her in the commercial for OG with the "love" world in the Cloud and Aerith forgotten capital moment and remake with the loveless street moment.
But her game now flopped. You think the OG audience bought her game?
After those last 3 chapters of the game the Cloud/Aerith happy end is looking pretty likely. Fanservice for the Gold Saucer is one thing, what the main story is telling us is another.
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>love triangle
It's a love square now.
What I mean the look of dragon quest XI has that 9 style and the characters look so cheap if you put them next to Clive from 16. People would criticize SE for not putting effort in a FF7 game that was wanted for years. From 7 to 16 in most of them we saw a trend to make the games with more detailed realistic look. Making FF7r with an anime dragon quest XI look would be seen as a regression
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lol lmao
Holy shit I just realized Aerith's game could also flop because they betrayed the CC fanbase. Did they even do anything right with her game?
>Kills Zerith
>Makes the player watch it in 2 mandatory scenes (3 with Aerith date)
Based Nojima
It's interesting to think where EC is going with this. We have the Zack CC chapters with Aerith coming un EC so they offered lot Aerith stuff to Zack fans. The last 7 months they had a lot Zack and Tifa banners and only 2 Cloud and Aerith banners each (3 of them limited). To me it looks like Global EC is dying and they are Milking the the Zack and Tifa paypigs
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>aerith friendzoned cloud
>cloud nakamazoned aerith
C'mon dude they cannot commit to any one pairing and you know it. You're just setting yourself up for more disappointment.
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>Another dream date coper
Many such cases
Why is she so beautiful? More than any women on real life.
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>his response is just cope
>aerith still friendzoned cloud
>not even beagle aerith in the date
>beagle aerith still died even by hopefag standards
>schizo/timeline aerith still got left behind for no reason in the end
>their parting words is about sephiroth and no romantic words or gestures
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Will they get a next time?
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>tfw you lose what you cherish most
The OG purists where pissed off when they saw the plot ghosts and Zack survive. You lost them with showing Zack. About the CC fans, the most of them who are shippers are still convinced that they didn't end ZA. So This is not an argument.
Dream date cope is just like the previous Aerith dream resolution cope in Remake
>”You can’t fall in love with me, even if you think you have it’s not real”
>”See, this means Aerith friendzoned Cloud, she said it’s not real”
The resolution cope got utterly btfo’d in the Remake Ultimania with the script info and dev Q&A. Expect it to happen again with the next Rebirth Ultimania so that we can finally stop reading these retarded takes from disingenuous fags
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They will at their reunion
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>He realised his feelings for her when it was too late
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No matter what, Cloud must give Aerith the flower brooch symbolizing a reunion between lovers, same as Leslie got from her fiance. There is a reason this exact gift was given to aerith and she calls it 'perfect'
Did you even play the game?
Name one thing I got wrong
It’s not really that surprising. Tifafags have no canon romance scenes or dates, of course they have to seethe and cope by wrongly overanalysing Aerith scenes
i feel like they made her face look even better in rebirth, if they didn't nerf her boobs almost no one would pick tifa
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The dream date really mindbroke them kek
>CCfags bought aerith's game
So why did it still flop?
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Has this retard never played an rpg before lol
leaks lied that she died. Japs didn't buy. Also doesn't help it's stuck on PS5. The critical and player acclaim is highest for a SE game in decades.
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>tfw the person you cherish must wakes up in your arms
>aa mochiron is the HA response
Seriously? That's literally nothing. And isn't the nakama response the same as saying both things? "Because we're friends" imply he's saying yes which is the HA response together in one. What a shitshow
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>grind 90 hours for HA Tifa kiss
>it’s non canon with 0 story impact
>do main story
>get hit with Chapter 13, the dream date and the rest of Chapter 14
Mindbroken is an understatement here kek. It’s truly the illusion of choice.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't tidus and yuna also called nakamas? I never really got the obsession over that line. The game implies cloud only says it if you don't get the aerith date where she confirms she loves him now. Otherwise he will have doubts and think she still likes zack, like he says on tifa date
Surely now that it's confirmed she's alive the game will sell well now right? Just like Zack. So again why is it still flopping, with all the facts that she's alive and CA is confirmed is out there?
she dead
Tifa won
My beautiful wife
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What a fucking cope
Its more of an argument that OG fans left after they saw Zack in the end of Remake. The plot Ghosts and Zack are the 2 big reasons people gave for not buying part 2 after Remake.

If you want to blame something ingame related for the low sales you can blame it on what we saw as rumors and leaks before Rebirth and it was the Tifa kiss, a lot Zack scenes(they put him even in the poster) and people got conviced Aerith's fate changing was a bait and Cloud is crazy.
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wow interesting, I sure wonder where have we seen this term used before. Definitely not romantic btw.
It's not confirmed in what capacity she is alive. Better to wait for part3
They are called nakamas in game
The term nakama is made famous by One Piece, and Oda's one comment about him not thinking of adding any (on-screen) romance between crew members or nakamas. But in rebirth the nakama line is the low affinity choice so it's the negative option and the answer that made Aerith feeling a little bit down. The connotation of the term is the same as being friendzoned.
So the leaks were true. And every theory here still paints beagle Aerith as dead.
Nope leaks said she is dead 100% and cloud is just schizo about it. Nothing about the world creation cloud did. The real question is how that world functions, which will be revealed in part3
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She's 100% alive in all of Zack's worlds. So at least 3 alive Aeriths.
Didn’t a new CG video for that one mobile game of Tidus/Yuna interlocking hands just come out as well recently? Very platonic nakama coded of course
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Yea Yuna got friendzoned
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This one recently came out
Twitter is complaining that tidus is too white
Bold of them to release this after Rebirth and the stupid discourse surrounding interlocked handholding
this was for CC reunion
Let's be real, the only reason the multiverse is a thing in the remake is so they can pull off Supernova in part 3. How else would they do it without it sounding retarded?
I don't think they created a multiverse narrative just so one of sephiroths attacks looks more believable
Barry predicted this and won.
Normies don't buy or drop based on leaks. Nobody cares for leaks except imageboard incels.
It’s like SE devs are intentionally ready making content that btfo Tifafag arguments no matter what. It’s beautiful
You know exactly why it’s a thing and it has nothing to so with some retarded attack animation.
No , most people think she is dead and changing fate was bait. If you go on reddit and comment that she is alive people will downvote you. If you watch or read theories, 80% say she is dead.
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normalfags don't care about FF. It's a dying boomer franchise. And SE is retarded enough to put zack on Rebirths cover - the one character OG fans were worried will completely fuck up the story. Extra funny since he ended up doing fuck all anyway
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Why is she so nervous?
It kind of makes me wonder: what the fuck is SE going to do for part 3? The biggest plot twist post Aerith death is that Cloud was never in SOLDIER. Zack is referenced multiple times before then but it wasn't until the Lifestream segment that we learned he was the SOLDIER 1st Class, not Cloud. The Remake trilogy spoiled that in the first fucking game. So what revelation is there to be had in Mideel?
No. They're doing it so everyone can have a happy ending, including dead people like Zack and Aerith and possibly fucking Sephiroth who all had bad ends in the original game.

And yet somehow Hojo will still get away with everything
The build up and context to this moment is not about friendzoning. But I don't ask you, because of the scenes. I want to know if you really played the game. Tell me without lying if you can.
I assume it will be Cloud realising and coming to terms with the fact that his Aerith (Beagleverse) is dead and that the Aerith he sees is the one he saved in the alt world
The twist will be Cloud is seeing the truth about Aerith living
The fact that Cloud alone can see the rainbow rift in the ending is proof enough that he is not delusional. The schizo was right all along.
I have a huge problem with this idea. And it comes from this >>681384881. I 100% believe that they're pulling a "no one's ever really gone" thing. So is Cloud going to come to the revelation that Beagleverse Aerith is dead just to end the game with another revelation that Aerith is not dead because Terrierverse Aerith is still around and can visit the Beagleverse whenever?
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So in line with what Nomura and Kitase said plus what hopefags also believe? Beagle Aerith died is the most popular belief. Hopefags actually believe further than that that there is an alternate Aerith created but beagle Aerith is still dead.
Terrierverse aerith is asleep. Beagleverse aerith is alive in the world cloud created
>the buildup is not friendzoning
>I like you but like can be many things so I dunno which one
That's friendzoning bro.
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It's obvious
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>Happy ending

The only happy ending for him is to fill Cloud's anal hole with his Jenova cum, but that would be too gay even for FF7 standards
Briana cutie
>The plot Ghosts and Zack are the 2 big reasons people gave for not buying part 2 after Remake.
Was there a survey? I'm interested in this.
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Poor Yuna.
On a serious note, Cloud and Aerith don't even need to look at each other to perfectly do the lovers tie. Both even go for it, always in sync
It means the other timeline is about to collapse.
EC has already told us that the pre-crazy Sephiroth was a good boy who only wanted a normal life and a family. I'll be extremely surprised if Rewhatever doesn't give him Genesis and Angeal back in some form.
I hope we hear what he said. His mouth movement is different in japanese. And it's not OG speech since no flashback effect
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It’s almost as if they canonically held hands like this before and had that practice to be able to do it instinctively
Like I told you people gave up on part2 4 years ago after they saw Zack survive in the end of Rebirth. I wasn't sure if I should give SE my money too especially after I saw him on the poster until I saw people debunking the anti Aerith leaks. And I will not buy part 3 until its confirmed that Cloud and Aerith get their happy end hinted in the first 2 parts and changing fate was not a bait and switch.
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Kitase said it's a bait and switch.
The last part in both languages genuinely looks like Cloud is saying I love you (EN)/Aishiteru (JP)
And Hamaguchi destroyed this article in a live interview
Pretty sure the source is his ass. The one JP survey we do have says nearly 68% wanted Aerith to survive in Rebirth and only 32.6% wanted her fate to be identical to OG.

No he didn't. Nomura and Kitase said the AC link will be in part 3. Hamaguvci was talking about there no AC link in part 2. Either way Kitase already said it's a bait and switch just to spice things up, and we end up with part 1 and part 2 the same as OG.
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Nope hamaguchi was talking about the entire project. He also already said CC isn't canon to the project since Remake is it's own distinct thing.
the "link up" that the devs talk about already happened plenty of times, it's allusions to AC
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What did he mean by this?
Everything in CC, BC and even EC is in Remake trilogy. It really makes Hamaguchi sound like a liar who doesn't even control his project. But yes he doesn't control his own project because there's like 4 other bosses to please.
he just wants his cute twink to join him, can't blame him
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reminder that JEN-AERITH is canon
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Hamaguchi is the main director of the project. But sure keep believing he is a liar for some reason
Why the fuck is this conversation stuck in an optional date. It should have been in the main story.
The OG audience is 35-40+ years old now. They will be even older by the time Part 3 comes out. Do you really think that pandering to aging millennials and borderline pensioners most of whom don't even play vidya anymore is a great idea?
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And he lied because everything in BC, CC and EC are in Remake trilogy.
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Uh huh. Sure anon. The guy who oversees the project is a liar because select moments and characters from other games are used.
Everything isn't canon, since Aerith has the pink ribbon as a child already instead of getting it from zack. Genesis also isn't at the reactor
Because muh obligatory secret scenes.

To play the devil's advocate, the Rebirth reactor scene ends precisely at the moment where Genesis enters the scene in CC. Genesis is also extremely real in the Remake trilogy and he's involved with more things than he was in the Compilation.
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>Aeris.. my first love
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>Original Aerith
''Leave Sephiroth to me'' --> she knows that Sephiroth is destroying Cloud's mind and wants him to stay away

>Red glint eyed Jenova Aerith:
''You PROMISE to get Sephiroth?''

Yeah nah lads she ded and Cloud is basically already a vegetable now
localization error. Doesn't say that in japanese. The red glint is from red bronco reflection.
>the Rebirth reactor scene ends precisely at the moment where Genesis enters the scene in CC.
There’s also precisely a cut in the og at that point. Means fuck all. It’s always been a despised inclusion into that scene, it won’t be there this time.
If they made all the destiny crap and fate fuckery, multiple timelines, and all the metacommentary from the characters only for it all to end the same I will eat my hat
Genesis was in Zack's flashback which was not told yet. The Kalm flashback stopped at Cloud facing Sephiroth, just like in OG. In CC the story is told through Zack's POV, not Cloud's.
zack never carried tifa.
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Japanese one means 'surely' or certainly' and conveys the same dissonance with original Aerith as the English translation
There's nothing of that. It's all about memories and lifestream.
That's in OG's Kalm flashback. It's the distorted truth Cloud is believing at the time.
>the CC fanbase
No she just said "I'm sure you can do it". He will go after sephiroth regardless, because of the jenova cells and black materia pull. He says as much before even talking to aerith, telling the party to go north. Jenova also wouldn't stay behind but would try to keep fucking with cloud in aerithform
So why did Aerith's game flop?
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Why is Aerith's game so beloved?
Nakama means companion. Someone you travel together. It can be a man or a woman and a friend or a lover too
Lower sample size.
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Just like how Wakka and Lulu are childhood friends but they're married, Cloud and Tifa's label as childhood friends can also mean they're in a relationship.
People truly have no idea of how romantic that type of handholding is. In general it is romantic worldwide but in japan it's 10x more.
>Jenova also wouldn't stay behind but would try to keep fucking with cloud in aerithform
who's to say shes actually staying behind? if Jenova is making Cloud hallucinate then it can do it whenever it wants to, and choosing the best times would make more sense
She told cloud she is staying back at the capital. Unless jenova is retarded, I don't think she would say things that go against her own plan
Japanese dont do public acts of affection so holding hands like that is basically the "we are a couple"
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What is he smiling about?
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What will it be used for bros?
The question is if you played the game not how wrong are you about the scenes.
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Aerith said it's to save the world
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Can't wait for modded outfit selfies
The one who wasn't empty and cloud gave to beagleaerith yea. I'm talking about the hollow one
She said that about the filled one.
It will be Holy materia 2.0 since the first one is listo and they dont want to do the "no you see, Holy was casted but somehow, sephiroth is blocking it"
Such a cool shot. Smart way to hint at the two worlds cloud is inbetween
Did you follow what we talked?
If you like so many people think she is dead, do you think the game flopped because the ghosts were bait and they killed Aerith?
it didn't flop
it's a ps5 exclusive
it's part2 of a trilogy
part1 was going to be divisive no matter what
leaks didn't help it
So this is why the game flopped, they gave us plot ghosts for nothing?
It's the same materia. In fact it's the beagle white materia, the one truly native to beagleverse.
It isn't. That orb came from chihuahua.
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I just like my shitty meme came true
The game flopped because of franchise fatigue, same as why 16 flopped. Big numbers scare them. Remake sold well purely due to hype, and you know they say people buy the sequel only if the prequel is good.
Yes I said the empty materia is the beagle white materia. The original means to save beagleverse. The empty one can be used to save a different timeline since in beagleverse holy has already been cast.
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I hop the modded outfits can be selectable in the in-game changing booths. You just preload them
Rebirth proved they still know what the story is about and who are the pillars of it.
Your wife is my Wednesday cum dumpster.
My wife is winning goty
>it didn't flop
Why are they not showing us how much money it made. OG fans said they are done after they saw in the end of remake the KH ending with Zack surviving fanfiction . This is the missing money.
>holy is not casted
So you're saying beagle and chihuahua Aeriths died for nothing?
After part1 the nostalgia wore off. It would happen regardless. Why do you think some people wouldn't drop it after seeing it's just 1:1 retelling
There's a big misconception and that is aerith didn't sacrifice for everyone. She has other plans but to killed. Simple as.
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Her game is getting overshadowed by Elden shit now
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And what is that plan other that praying for holy? And remember, the white materia is also lost in the waters so there's no second prayers.
dlcs cant win goty
its also not remotely as liked as people were expecting
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>its also not remotely as liked as people were expecting
I can't tell if people are finally getting sick of rollslop or just hate that zoomers co-opted their favorite thing.
chubby cheeks
Probably both
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>Aerith threads always hit 500
>Tifa threads don't even exist
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They gave up and only cyclejerk in their bubbles
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Submissive wife or controlling wife?
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>No kiss
>she must still have feelings for emilio :(
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I need to hug Aerith right now.
I LOVE watching Aerith fuck other men!
how long have they been having this concept in mind
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A while
How did Square Enix create the perfect woman?
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The guy who modelled her face deserves a raise
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Why is Remake Cloud such a pussy?
OG Cloud TANKED that with a cool monologue.
Remake Cloud needs force ghost daijoubu.
>cool monologue
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Cure bodyguardo
It's a good game. It has issues (a patch that removes chocobo wrangling would make the game objectively better), but aside from some little niggles here and there, there's not much to complain about. Those metascores are totally appropriate desu.
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You mean Nomura?
In case you're retarded and didn't know simple common knowledge, the character designer for the remake trilogy is Roberto Ferrari.
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Are you sure I am the retard
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Because Remake Cloud is more human.
He cried when his wife died.
This is true love.
>Aerith joins
>7 aerith quests open up for you
Show me one Nomura illustration for remake. I know there's only one promo one for Famitsu of Cloud
Neither of them modeled her 3d model btw
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You don't think Nomura was supervising the main character models?
People, its about the person who made the 3D ingame model. Nomura approves the models. Him andand Ferrari design, but don't make the 3D models.
I remember a Quote from Nomura saying how cute Aerith is when they presented to him her finished game model.
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It's nothing special by SE's standard. Take your pick here

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Not an in game model
Can one of you make a Overwatch thread already please
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They look good, but most of them look the same. Idk if you remember the memes about how so many girls in remake have the Tifa face? But Aerith's ingame model is the most beautiful and unique, especially her lips and that model looks way better than her model for the pre rendered CGI scenes.
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>cgi models don't have to be modelled
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Idk why, but the hair looks so wrong on Jill sometimes. Maybe it can work beter if its darker
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Just as good as Sephiroth, Tifa, Zack or Cloud really. Zack is ridiculously beautiful for some reason.
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Then she will just be Tifa
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not really
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Nice cgi models
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No, look how asymmetric Zack face is. In Crisis Core he looked better.
Cloud has a symmetrical face and looks better i think just like Aerith his ingame model looks better than the pre rendered CGI scenes models. Only Cloud's hair in the CGI model is better.
Barret and Nanaki look good in both.
Tifa on the other hand looks waaay better in her CGI model than her ingame model
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That's a trick picture tho. That's literally Tifa with a hairswap.
CGI Tifa looks better than ingame Tifa
I could tell it was off. I thought it might be a jill CGI
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No all the cgi models look off. They also have like 0 screentime.
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oh no no no
No. And come on, that hair color doesn't work on her it looks very fake. On Sephiroth works, but not on Jill . Balck hair will be weird i think, because the eyebrowns are not black. I want to see a mod with blond or brown hair. This will work with the eyebrown color i think
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That's my wife tho
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Here's your blond Tifa you ordered
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All 88 of them
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The fact he uses the white materia to go meet 'someone' in a yellow flower field is interesting
Not quite, although they share the same boring ass role in their respective games
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I am telling you as someone who loved Tifa until the FF7remake. Her ingame model has moment when she looks good but most times its bad. I don't like the lips and her side profile is awful imo.
Tifa's CGI cutscenes model to me its the best of all CGI models, yes even better than Aerith's CGI model.
No character model CGI or ingame can come closer to how good Aerith's ingame model looks. Other than the story It made it easier for me to switch from Tifa to Aerith fan.
But have a soft spot for CGI Tifa.
lol people found out that even Chadley has the Tifa face. Wtf can an Anon find the Picture with all the Tifa faces?
it was something like 8 girls and Chadley
Will she tell Zack her real name in Part 3?
They talked about it in Gongaga too
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Zissnei is super endgame.
Zack will retire with his former widow, now wife.
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Hard to take ingame Aerith seriously with her antennae bangs, which her cgi model tones down a bit.
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Cissnei is redhead Tifa
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She was looking at me
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Toned down antennae bangs are better here, but her cgi face is super uncanny.
We are talking about the faces. Hair looks better in all CGI models.
1 gil whore
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Spooky green light
he is soo happy
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And I gave like 2 side profiles of Tifa already. Here's another one. She has sharp features.
Zack is dead
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He just saved his wife of course he is happy
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>she doesn't live
I still don't know where that right frame is from or what it means
I was so happy for cloud here
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this is not a side profile. you can see both eyes.
I will give you a side profile. Ingame nuTifa is a crime and i don't understand why Tifa fans are not demanding a change.
Like i said you can call me an ex Tifa fan, and i know they will not change her, because other Tifa fans act like this model is as good as Aerith's.
What looks more pleasing to the eye, left or right?
Are you posting Zack and Aerith fanart after you hated on Aerith in the thread?
Can you understand why Aerith fans dislike so much Zack and Zerith fans?
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Left is a drawing. And to hold the same standard for Aerith, 100% of the time her "side profile" will be obscured by her antennae bangs.
Chapter 14 was a wild ride. I couldnt believe they pulled off that last fight and had the AC reference but now with them holding hands. Insane.
It's just a cloti pretending. Zerith is cooked after rebirth, no need to get mad.
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Actual zeriths jumped ship or abandoned, i think there is only 1 or 2 artists that are actual zeriths left. Rebirth was brutal.
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Like, makes sense because if i like zack why the fuck would i want him with someone who isnt in love with him anymore, or have feelings for somenone else. 90% of people who still post it are clotis who dont even like zack, just use him.
RIP keychain master.
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How much of a hugbox do you think 4chan is? Your post triggers me so much I'll add one Zerith post on top of that guy.
>Actual zeriths jumped ship or abandoned, i think there is only 1 or 2 artists that are actual zeriths left. Rebirth was brutal.
I will give you an example

This guy revealed the type of cloti who post zerith. They dgaf about it
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It's crazy how some people legit expected Zack to fight cloud over aerith. Incredible.
The Courtesan of the slums, her "flowers" sure sold well enough to buy that house for her adopted mother.
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Deep inside all of them know.
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>RIP keychain master.
The guy had 10k followers and deleted his account after rebirth leaked. I have to admit he was a true zackfag and went under with his ship.
Your game failed, take a seat.
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FF7 fandom is all about manipulating your side, but in few posts like that we can see how they do know what happened in scenes like chapter 14.
>her war with sephiroth
What? When did Aerith ever fight Sephiroth? In the OG not even once. In Remake it's always Cloud's fight.
Zack is just a tool used for each side's disinformation campaign
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>chapter 14
>kuraudo suki, but suki can be many things I don't know which suki tho
>aerith ur weird and we're nakamas
She is seething but is right about zerith being cooked. SE chose its path by making aerith fall in love with cloud canonically. It's something that would not have happened if they intended to pair aerith with him in part 3. SE did the inverse of what they should if they intented to do that.

I dont even like zack that much but you're right. They just use him, we know because people said he would legit havea conflict with cloud because of aerith. It's the best example of having no idea of who the character is.
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And he's also dead.
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Play CC. He's the best character in FF7. Beats Cloud's attitude all day.
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No, Aerith's Side profile looks aesthetically beautiful.
This picture you show me is proving my point. Nu Tifa's Side profile looks awful.
And you trying to tell me that this looks good makes me glad i switched from Tifa to Aerith. The other thing is, you people are souless and nasty. You Hate Aerith but will post ZA pictures. Zerith is a dog whistle for hating Aerith.
That second post makes sense. Even a cloti knows SE wouldnt make her jump into zack's arms after what they did in Rebirth.

I'm not even that ship focused but was surprised by what they did in chapter 14, i was expecting something more route focused and not changing the main plot that much.
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Sephiroth-san/// I'm getting wet
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I wish i'd never bought FF7R.
>Combat is even more boring than ATB(which at least let you drink coffee and ball shuffle)
>Music is a overproduced version of a previous overproduced version
>Art direction has gone from soulful 2D artistry to generic 3D assets
>Midgar feels just as small as in the original, all that money for less
>Cloud is somehow even more of a whiny faggot than usual(strong silent type is dead, now we have the crybaby type)
>OC donut steel characters are grating
>Every sidequest is a hallway with a miniboss and 20 lines of irelevant dialogue
Loved the Hellhouse, love Yuffie, love Scarlet. The rest sucked balls.
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I see a HANDFUL important differences.
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Once canon tho
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Yeah okay, I guess I forgot to post fan renders. And how is posting zerith any worse than posting cloti to you?
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>I'm not even that ship focused but was surprised by what they did in chapter 14, i was expecting something more route focused and not changing the main plot that much.
The thing is, they cannot make Aerith's feelings open ended because she refers to Cloud as a lover in a book writen by nojima. There is no breach here to make things dubious. While Cloud can because he's (YOU), and you may romance Tifa or Aerith depending on who you go to dates with, Aerith isnt a character you can change the feelings.
The book is on the way to a smile btw. Section of lifestream white.
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I played and i dont like him, too much flanderized for me.
The book was writen after CC so nojima never planned to retcon og 7 after crisis core.
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...and still canon now
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She is always with me
It's weird because while it's obvious that Tifa likes Cloud. If we consider actual lines spoken in canon material things are more clear about Aerith's feelings than Tifa's. Funny.
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>What I mean the look of dragon quest XI has that 9 style
You're an idiot. Dragon Quest XI doesn't have a chibi style at all.
>people want the realistic style
Not according to sales and fan reaction. It's also telling that Martina from Dragon Quest XI looks more like Tifa than FFVII Remake Tifa does.

Just admit you personally don't like anime style designs. But a huge chunk of the FF fanbase does. And FFVII Remake has not met sales expectations. Even after it was no longer exclusive locked. People are just lukewarm to the "realistic" style.
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The thing is you can have unrequited feelings but to call someone your lover one sidedly is just grammatically wrong. More so when you're dead.
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She visits the Cloud district?
It's probably because Nojima had to clarify why Aerith even refused to leave after OG 7 ended, and why she insists on keeping watch/protecting Cloud. So by writing a book from her POV he had to clarify that she does love Cloud. The choice to use koibito was very direct and unusual for nojima.
its Aeris, Aerith makes you sound like a bucktoothed retard
Nigga never stood a chance. Zack lost to Sephiroth in a fair fight but Cloud has beaten Sephiroth multiple times already. Cloud can also handle the Buster Sword better than Zack and Angeal ever could. Cloud is a fucking genius as a fighter, which is why Aerith fell for him. It's a rule of nature
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captcha SAWV
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Never forgetti
Yes, you do not use "we were lovebirts/couple" if it was one sidedly love. Aerith would not do it if she knows didnt love her or was in a romance with Tifa. Even more in Aerith's case because she becomes a type of omnipotend spirit.
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to be fair, zerith posting doesn't really do anything anymore. It's just a sad shitpost after rebirth.
>Yes, you do not use "we were lovebirts/couple" if it was one sidedly love. Aerith would not do it if she knows didnt love her or was in a romance with Tifa. Even more in Aerith's case because she becomes a type of omnipotend spirit.
I think that regardless if you believe Cloud ended up with Tifa or not, the devs really intend of him to engage in a romance with aerith while she was alive.
For fuck's sake she being the standard option tells you that.
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She's not really omnipotent if she cannot even talk to Cloud. See this is the flaw of the novels. AC came first and in AC the threat of Sephiroth is learnt in the movie. Then the novels came along and tried to paint a picture where Aerith was the one who tried to warn Cloud. But the thing is in the movie she didn't. Try as it might the novel cannot contradict the movie, it can only try to give some cohesion to the story.
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Can we beat Portugal?
>Yes, you do not use "we were lovebirts/couple" if it was one sidedly love. Aerith would not do it if she knows didnt love her or was in a romance with Tifa. Even more in Aerith's case because she becomes a type of omnipotend spirit.
Does she call him lover in a book? what, i'm out of the loop.
FF took direct inspiration from American games like Wizardry. Japs never once invented anything unique about RPGs that wasn't done in the West. The only thing they did was water them down by making stream lined stories of characters with chosen paths until the only RPG thing about them was choosing the main characters name.
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No it was always about choice.
Yeh she calls Cloud 'koibito' and is pretty much obsessing over him in the lifestream
>Square writers
Nojima can't even remain consistent within one game. Let alone the whole FFVII anthology where he's contradicted himself so many times, he's had to do a total reset in the remake. This is the problem when you hire a guy who thinks good writing is JJ Abrams mystery boxes and Tomino style "shocking twists".
You did understand what i mean. My point is that if you die right now and become a spirit you wont call the girl you just crushed on your lover. If you never had any actual relationship with her. Aerith would not. It'sa scenario that explain Nojima's point of view in the story.
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>after rebirth
Always has been.
What are you talking about, you can talk about main story beats but the characters and their feelings in 7 are very consistent.
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Its Aerith's side profile. She looks great
>And how is posting zerith any worse than posting cloti to you?
Wtf you mean?
I don't care what you post. But like proven here, Zack is used as a hate tool agains Aerith. The posts are made from a person who dislikes her. Zerith is now is a dog wistle for people who hate Aerith.
I don't see a future where Tifa is my #1 again because people like you and the CT and ZA spamers ruined her for me
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>Japs never once invented anything unique about RPGs that wasn't done in the West.
Dragon Quest I improved on Ultima's UI and graphical mode. And some later JRPGs did have unique character/story elements. You may think they're too "watered down" or "streamlined." But they are still a change. And one that not only a lot of fans prefer, but later WRPGs took influence from.
>Yeh she calls Cloud 'koibito' and is pretty much obsessing over him in the lifestream
wut. Which book? I only know about one where aerith is in the lifestream watching sephiroth, is it that one?
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Yeh but they could have retconned it in rebirth and maybe not give cloud and aerith as much romance as they did.
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I made an animation of Aerith piledriving Tifa
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>Zack is as important as the whispers
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Yes. On the way to a smile, there is an Aerith chapter.
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The realistic style completely ruins Tifa's hair. And then makes Aeris' hair look silly because it's trying to keep the Cetra bangs.
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Why the niggas who lorehunt still fight over this?
Yea, the translator was a tifag tho. The japanese straight up says koibito
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>Cloud, don't let her fool you. She has no scar.
Cloud: ...how did you know that?
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Because it's not about information, it's about ignoring what you dont like. The best example of this are clotis who use Traces of Two Pasts like their bible but will ignore Lifestream White.
Is Zackfag the new Barry?
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I like cloti and zerith. Yes surprise surprise I played CC guilty as charge. And yes I genuinely like Zack as a MC better than Cloud, but because I like Tifa better than Aerith I have to like Cloud a little bit more than Zack. And you cannot blame me for liking Tifa more because she's around more, in the main games, spinoffs, fanarts, etc.. And it does work like that.
The thing about koibito is that it cant be translated that well, it's like calling the other person your loved one in a totally romantic way. If you say you love your mom in english it's fine because it can be familial love. If you used koibito with her you are in some deep alabama shit.
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>you just know
It's a clotifag who randomly has meltdowns, he doesnt like zack, dont misunderstand. He doesnt even like Aerith, he's just trying to trigger people.
>shinra wanted to get rid of sephiroth for being a pedo
it all makes sense now
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Such unbelievable effort.
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It's a tricky word. The book saying she loved him isnt a bad translation. The issue itself is how in japanese the word clarifies what type of love it is, a romantic and not platonic.
Really scraping the very bottom of the barrel there m8. What's that, deviantart?
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There is a zerith artist who jumped ship after rebirth you can check her art, she's on the zisnei train now
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This is a lot crazy nonsense spaming nfrom one person. The thread is going to the reply limit. is this something for reporting?
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Happy Aerith riding the highwind. Will be a great moment
Koibito is just boyfriend/girlfriend in modern japanese usage, which is totally incorrect here because objectively she never dated Cloud.
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I dont know, in general just let him be. After Rebirth there is nothing to prove.
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Nojima was pretty based for that
She goes on to multiple dates with him, even more in Rebirth's context. You may not romance her in your playthrough but saying the writer of the story is wrong in what he calls their relationship is crazy.
In general it's even better because it explains even more how he wants you to see it.
if rebirth either removed or cut down a huge chunk of the time wasting aspects of the open world and added a jump button, id say its one of the greatest games in decades desu. still a incredible game, but the experience was bogged down a lot by many smaller smaller issues.
Tifa's hair has always been straight flat, not 90s perm.
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Is it? I dated the fuck out of her in rebith, held hands and even agreed to go to more dates in chapter 14. If i had to say i would state the new games explained even more the context of their relationship.
By dated obviously I meant going out or in a relationship. Also Cloud only knew Aerith for 4 weeks tops.
It's great that he wrote it after CC. CC ultimania even works in juxtaposition where zack and aerith are called a platonic love
From the moment you try to use time in a traditional romance context of a fictional story to debunk any type of love i know you're ended. I rest my case.
Platonic love where she wrote him 88 letters for 5 years.
When they go "they barely knew each other for that long" i know they're mad as fuck for the flower girl being engraved in his heart.
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It's always that way. Aerith calls cloud her lover but now nojima is wrong, the ultimania describes zerith as platonic but now is wrong too. It's easy to see how they only accept what they want.
So in this fantasy setting of yours, how does it work?
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Looking forward to ultimania plus
Like clockwork.
But seriously FF7 is one of the biggest vidya examples of the fandom going "who the fuck the writer thinks he is?"
I saw a bunch of clotis seething months ago because shinra arch post a interview where kitase stated there is a love triangle in FF7. Psycho fanbase.
Aerith tells Cloud she likes him and dunno which l type of like, and that's wrong.
Cloud tells Aerith she's weird in turn, and that's wrong too.
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It has always been the player's choice. See >>681413838
Should have edited this to have the "I'm trying to find you" that also happens both on the date and in chapter 14
Time does not matter. Rose and Jack from Titanic is one of the most famous contemporary love stories ever and they met each other for less than 2 weeks. Romeo and Juliet too. If you want to shoot for Tifa there are way better ways to do so.
Bro you arrive here every 2 weeks and spam the same thing every time, the fact you're the same cloti who spams zerith is hilarious. There is no way.
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>Romeo and Juliet too
Did you know that Nomura was a fan of Leonardo Di Caprio in the 1996 movie
Yes you can like a person in a very short time. Hell maybe even the feeling can be mutual. But objectively speaking they were not in a relationship. Hence the use of the word koibito is just grammatically wrong. Just use the sentence she loves him or something.
Yes. He did fanart of Cloud using Dicaprio's outfit.
Why am I wrong? It's literally in the game.
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It's not wrong, it's very deliberate. Also why every cloti doesnt even try to get close to that line ever. Ever.
Nojima never used something so deliberate to describe love or couple between ff7 characters. Even when Tifa and cloud become that family of friends post AC they are never described as something this direct. Nojima is very cautious with how he describes every ff7 relationship and that book was re-released many times, if he wanted to change something he had writen, he would.
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>knew her for 4 weeks
>knows her White Materia
>got invited to her house
>never knows her White Materia
>Elmyra didn't even know what you looked like.
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That's why the realism ruins it. In her anime form, her hair is an unrealistic mass. But the realistic form has little bits of hair coming off the sides and shoulders. Because that's what real hair does. But FFVII characters aren't realistic. As can be seen by Cloud and Aeris, who's hair are so ridiculous they couldn't even make them work in the realistic style.
She still wrote him 88 letters in 5 years
Tifa's hair is dolphin as is her motif
Wait a minute, i'm just shocked how even the guy who spams zerith is you, unbelievable. Clotis arent beating the allegations.
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the koibito line created some of the funniest copes in the fandom. It was like a nuke when it dropped
When people say there are no actual zeriths they arent very wrong. I'm not joking. 99% of them are clotis.
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No her hair has always been flat and straight.
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True, if you put both options in a poll you get hilarious results
When people need to go that hard in gymnastics to prove their point you know they're cooked.
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>going to shitpost
>connection error
>spam the post button 88 times
This is crazy lol
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Not me. I'm the guy who always points out how the chapter 14 date ended with a nothing burger. I don't have the time to also post zerith on the side.
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>Wait a minute, i'm just shocked how even the guy who spams zerith is you, unbelievable. Clotis arent beating the allegations.
At least gives me hope because it proves how 2 of the schizopostings going on came from the same person. Not different ones.
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But even your cloti leaders have better arguments to use than this. You are just weak as fuck. but i guess even you are in a crossroad and cant take a serious stance.
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There is official nomura art with Cloud as a dicaprio character. Nomura also praised romeo and juliet before.
so the copium is that Goddess lifestream aerith is just being delusional . Interesting strategy
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FFX is also one of the most famous contemporary love stories. But it's still stupid. It's basically two characters having a teenage crush. But then basing massive world changing decisions on it. Final Fantasy VIII and Bravely Default also did it.

But yes, time itself isn't the problem. The issue is if the love story itself is built up enough and justified in the story. In FFVII, the love story with Aeris is pretty much pointless. The fanbase has developed this massive head canon around it. But in functional terms, you could ignore all of Aeris' interest in Cloud and pretty much nothing changes. It doesn't influence her decision to go run off to meet Sephiroth or her final act to use Holy in the lifestream. And her running off in the middle of the night because she's "called" is still a really dumb plot convenience for this reason. I haven't played the remake, but I hope they actually developed her more. Because in the original FF7, it's really not that impactful. Aeris is basically Aria from FFIII. But with more pomp and symbolism.

And now in comes the Aeris defense patrol to spew all that headcanon to try and explain how it's the most impacting death scene in history.
Seeing as it's a direct quote from the game I see no better argument than that. I don't have to twist anything, just post the exact words.

Aerith : "Cloud no kimochi kikete yokatta."
(I'm glad to be able to hear how you feel.)

Aerith : "Watashi wa kuraudo ga suki"
(I like you, Cloud.)

Aerith : "Demo sukini mo iroiro aru yo ne"
(But there are seveal type of liking)

Aerith : "Kono suki wa dono sukina ndarou"
(Wonder which kind of liking would mine be.....)

Cloud : "Aerith henda zo."
(Aerith you are being weird.)

Cloud : "KyĹŤ wa zutto henda"
(Today you've been weird all day)
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I would say the fact that it is lifestream aerith in that scene is even worse for them. Because if it was just traditional aerith they could just cope by saying she doesnt know zack died or something similar. But the aerith from the dream date knows and she knows her feelings 100%, she knows the whole plot.
I never said it isn't. I'm saying the way it is drawn in the original anime form isn't realistic. With spear point bangs and the back part of her hair lacking realistic weight. And each subsequent redesign has tried to make it a little more realistic, since FF and Nomura keep leaning in that direction. Now in FFVII Remake, her hair is closer to Rinoa than it is her original design.
B-but it's not third-person omniscient!
>But even your cloti leaders have better arguments to use than this. You are just weak as fuck. but i guess even you are in a crossroad and cant take a serious stance.
Clotis are kinda fucked because they realized they cant pretend they push zerith while also saying cloud isnt being rejected. See, they need to push the idea cloud only likes tifa, so he should also be rejecting her.
That's why these two posts are debunking each other because for them it's like they both reject their own side while trying to debunk clerith >>681418329

The dream date is a nightmare. You cant pretend two people are rejecting each other if they're not in love with each other.
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Since AC you mean, when straight hair was popular.
Hmmm, that's funny. for this anon >>681418458
Aerith still likes zack and will reject Cloud in chapter 14. But for this one >>681418329
Cloud is rejecting Aerith. They truly do not know in what to believe at all. Just throwing shit at the wall and seeing if it works, but by doing this they nuke their own side.
so she is trying to confess but also knows she shouldn't knowing her tragic fate and starcrossed nature of their relationship in OG. Same dilemma she had on the dream resolution as per ultimania. Meanwhile Cloud is confused why she is acting like the two will never see each other again
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That's why it caused so much damage and each day they change their stance, in one Aerith is rejecting Cloud, in other it's Cloud rejecting Aerith, sometimes Cloud is even Zack. It's crazy and painful for them, and that's why this one is broken and keep posting the same scene, he doesnt know what to say, look: >>681419157
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Chapter 14 is incredibly hard to crack if you dont like Cloud and Aerith romance. That's why the theories get more and more insane.
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Why does cloud and aerith cause such a mindbreak
I think Clotis and Zeriths should fight each other to decide who is rejecting who in chapter 14.
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It's not that hard because Aerith never met Cloud in terrierverse.
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>her hair
not just her hair
The fucked up part is how i bet the zerith one isnt even a Zerith, but just a stupid Cloti who doesnt realize what he's saying.
Perhaps Nomura has a type????
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I feel like that's what denounces despair in everything that tries to destroy chapter 14's romantic scenes. There is no coherence and they keep contradicting each other every day, even their own "side"
I think that spamming zerith is a better option than actually talking because you cooked one of your own. Clotis need some script one official stance.
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Gross, get that cumrag away from my husbando.
It's a case of just giving them enough rope.
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You know at this point maybe Zack x Tifa makes more sense than this?
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Sisters you're hurting our agenda. one of you needs to drop your argument because they're conflicting.
According to interviews, Nomura did have a type. It was Tifa. He was teased for constantly drawing the same type of female character in hair and face. He also clearly had a type when it came to men (Gacht clones). When it came time to do FFVIII, Nomura once again drew a girl similar to Tifa. And then took the monumental step of drawing Squall more like a pretty boy (River Phoenix). And Kitase hated both of them, demanding he redraw them. Apparently Rinoa came from this pushback. But then Nomura got the last laugh as he made Cloud more like River Phoenix in Dissidia.
Which one is wrong?
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Err, Squall, not Cloud.
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Didnt even need to deploy our SOLDIER.
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Wow you wrote way too much for just a simple reference to this tweet.
Look, Sephiroth.
I cannot believe that Clotis prefered to believe Marlene is Sephiroth than that she's telling the truth. A line she always had since OG ff7. A fandom that keeps giving.
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hyu~ hyu~
When did terrier Aerith meet terrier Cloud?
It's a matter of preserving headcanon. Life or death scenario.
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They are truly mindbroken
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Marlene must be cetra, she got to know aeriths feelings and visions from aerith's white materia
The retarded part is how normal people who prefer tifa can realize there is a love triangle but at the end of the day they wont go insane because they can just go the tifa route/date and it's fine for them. But those psychos are obsessed for canonicity.
The story in FFVII was honestly not that good. What sold the game was the graphics and tone of the world. So it's not surprising to me that FFVII remake didn't do that well. They thought the story is what people obsessed over the story. And so made the game focused on dialogue filler and cutscenes.

But it also could just be that people (especially Japanese fans) didn't like the change in art style. Or both these things combined. Either way, I don't think Square even understands the appeal of FFVII. They didn't even back when the FFVII spinoffs were made.
Also knowing that AC is canon
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Max dood is that way, he realized that aerith truly loves cloud in chapter 14, even called her
Cloud's girlfriend but he wont lose his mind if he can just go to a date with tifa anyway.
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She is also connected to water in AC and Remake
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tradwife aerith
Sephiroth was cool? He's strong maybe, but he's also a dork.

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