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Almost time for go second chads to rise up.
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The robotic revolution will be glorious.
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Post cards that look racist.

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Car D
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play duel links
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no way fag
they may or may not have said the n word on one of their streams
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reminder if you aren't 8K+ rating points your opinion doesn't matter
I think I just hate every deck that came out of visas' story. What fucking cancer.
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Stereotypical SEA beast
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im ready for yubel
Why is she called white woman compared to the millions of other white women in this game?
mbt popularized calling her white woman jumpscare

i do not like the guy much but the name is very fitting
Why do we have a Galatea mate but no Ib mate?
Seems kinda unfair
How do you make cards?
it's not really a jumpscare though.
>your boss monster disappears
>closeup of this bitch

close enough don't be pedantic
Guess not then..
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Purrely and Purrelyly to 3!
The mate is World Legacy Token, which is Galatea from the new world. This is because playing with that mate is for LARPing as Girsu.
Ib will get an icon, trust the plan.
>hmm... my opponent has 4 monsters but they still haven't outed my monster. I sure wonder what they'll do next
it's nowhere near close and the gaylord calling it a jumpscare is stupid
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thumbnail looks like a swarm of perm swimming towards the egg
i have brainrot
What did HE leak this time?
you're a retard trying to argue over the semantics of a surname given to a yugioh card, i do not care about your opinion, people call it white woman jumpscare regardless of your seething, go bother someone else, nigger.
>spright elf
good to see someone who doesn't copy pasta from paper list
>no IP to revive using elf
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Bamboo sword Exodia, or igknick+blue dragon summoner loop Exodia??
HIS precum
>go second chads
Your super poly is going back to the deck retard
ty-phon, majespecter, and Arcana Force XV - The Fiend
>beat a fire deck with cologne's deck
i would just consider suicide at that point
Man I haven't seen Gustkraken in almost a decade, it's always just Neremanas now, with the occasional Zielgigas
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forgot to include pic
Yes, all the Gishki Spright lists use only Nere, but I find that tremendously boring so don't worry, I'm making sure everyone in Diamond and soon in Master knows that having Gustkraken at more than 1 is a mistake.
I'd also like to be able to play Zielgigas but I don't like that he's a brick on turn 1 and not so amazing on turn 2. Maybe once the meta drops like 30 layers of powercreep he will be viable again.
based and daughterpilled
If I have gems expiring on July 11th will the next secret pack release in time? Or should I spend them now?
the decks i have been playing elf in its usually for a turn 3 play but yea you can easily fit in masq.
I need a guide for retards to learn how to play purrely
bonus points if it does not incorporate ghostrick faggotry
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>Super Fertilization
i just know this man has a confederate flag hanging somewhere.
why does this game refuse to use fucking keywords or separate effects with bullets
You will read this, and then you will get on your knees and proclaim Kevin Tewart the most advanced card designer in the industry.
imagine how much better this would be than it already is if it used keywords and separated effects with bullets
Splitting simultaneous parts of one effect into bullets is pants on head retarded, bullets imply separation and a string of text on one line implies unity. YGO is loaded with cards that have a list of effects each of which can only be used once per turn and the game would be infinitely clearer if those types of effects were all clearly marked and separated instead of just living in one giant paragraph
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Maybe you should read the card instead.
when did you last login into the game?
>Nightmare Magician
keep or dust?
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Tried to fit a basic going first combo into the webm.
Basic gameplan is get Epurrely Noir then attach another quick play so you can set Yeap and go into Expurrely Noir via Yeap. However depending on your hand and how well you hit off Purrelys, you can go a bit farther.
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Thanks for the heads up i still manage to fuck up the whole specific memory with specific xyz monsters so will just emulate what you are doing
But don't be afraid to add and use secondary engines cause they can let you do some pretty crazy stuff.
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Day 31 asking drawfag to put Cyberse Sage on the banlist
To be fair, the sperm is technically fusing with the egg. And Super Poly was used by Yubel and Judai so that they can fuck.
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Romin is too erotic for her age
Calling stuff jumpscare is just a zoomer meme. It doesn't actually mean an actual jumpscare. I've seen people call making Zeus a jumpscare.
Tell me about Ty-Phon
Why is it good
The latter. It's far more consistent since all you need is 2 warriors on field.
That's literally the intent, it's supposed to represent an egg in which several sperms have breached at once
>opponent literally negated all your stuff
>only have some 1000/1800 useless monster out
might as well go into typhoon and bounce+kill something even if you probably wont survive the next turn
With how masterduel works, I'm starting to think running 1 ash blossom will stop the horrible double ash hands I keep getting while still letting me draw it every game.
it's a good all-purpose go second card.
Oh yeah I need to finally craft a third of this for yubel, huh?
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>diamond promo
>win coin flip
>2 super poly's and 3 bricks
>set one poly and pass
>opponent HFD's
>draw into my THIRD super poly
this game is funny sometimes
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>built a new meta/strong rogue deck
>used it for a week
>ended up didn't like how the deck played
>return to my shit petdeck
This happen every season
>tfw still haven't learned how to play my unchained deck
thanks babe
Are shaddolls safe to disenchant?
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How relevant will Snake Eyes/Fire Kings be a year from now in MD? I want to get a meta deck that will stay meta for a while so I can use my gems for more stupid decks. Or should I wait for something else to release? Haven't been keeping up with cardboard either.
They don't have any support lined up for the direct future fi that's what you mean
Hopefully dead
Still strong. Remember to add Fiendsmiths at some point.
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I had this problem with Snake Eyes, I went back to my Melffy deck until I looped into Sprights AGAIN for the third time in a row. R-Ace is very fun but Spright is better at dailies
winda, apkalone, construct are all 1 of in fusion slop
still relevant based on >>681371047
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Same with SE.
Eventually ended up playing my favorite deck, BEWD, but Kashtira grew on me after it became rogue so I swap to it whenever I feel like the game is rigging my hand against BEWD.
I kinda wish sky strikers were better, but then i remember what playing AGAINST them is like and I'm glad they're not even rouge anymore
>purrely randomly hit for no reason
glad I uninstalled a while back, nothing of value to come back to. As usual, they're slowly killing tier 2 and tier 3 in preparation for their newest slop (yubel/fiends) once they kill their current slop (fire).
They just need a quick pop spell
Will Fiendsmith be an actual deck or is it going to stay a small engine? Hopefully they give him a boyfriend
>play snake eyes
>too dumb to know the wombo combo crap
>just use it to make dpe instead
>they're not even rouge anymore
They are though? Anyways they need more direct SPELL support, not shitty monsters for some reason.
>unchained twins
>there’s 3 of them
>thinks twins mean 2
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Thoughts on Ultra Rare?

Does the gold name look good? Any thoughts?
Just learn the bread and butter combo, the anti nibiru combo and the knightmare gryphon combo and you're all set.
Unchained is a pretty cool deck bro.
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Which is it?
isn't it obvious
it's ro_g
rogue nigga.

rouge is a fancy way of saying red, only anglos who never went to school and esls mix this shit up
>people tell me to stop playing stun because it's bad and you only learn stun, whatever that means
>if i switch decks then my opponent special summons 4 massive gigachads with ominnegates and banish and destruction
>any other deck that seems fun and interesting is not competitive
Thank god, I am not alone
Stun is for brainlets. Play a deck that takes some real brain power like Snake-Eyes.
>4 omninegates
No relevant deck does this
I am shocked they have not tried to bring back DDM in the form of disgusting mobile gacha slop yet.
And until then they're not rouge.
Invader always blasting people.
Oh baby a triple.
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Would you put this anime card into your deck?
Why do so many cards explicitly say "you can't tribute summon"? Like, most decks don't give a fucking shit. Are they worried they'll make Monarchs too strong or something?
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Thank you, guess I'm building it then. Yubel and Rescue seem also fun but going into a secret pack with 7 URs after I finished building Earth Machine ages ago would be such a fucking waste.
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I fucking hate this retard and his tranny community so much it's unreal
trannies make up the majority of your playerbase sweetie
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kill yourself
you already lost chud, it's a trans-world now
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>those rare times he has that one fat tranny on his vids
I have to instantly close out of the video. It's like a fucking jumpscare.
summon up to 2 machines from the graveyard? with 0 downside? yes, absolutely
>that one fat tranny
Normally anyone would say this card is crazy for being a double reborn with no downside.
But the game has powercrept so much that I don't think a type specific, unsearchable, double reborn would even see much play.
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Love Lab
Nobody calls it that retard. Not everyone lives in Twitch land.
Basically every old card that put two or more monsters/tokens on the board for free always had that text slapped onto it. Konami always assumed tribute summons where stronger than they actually where for a long time.
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Lab Love
she is asian
If you find any of MBTs vids where he invites a bunch of his IRL friends onto the show to play some dumb format then you'll probably spot him. HE is not hard to miss.
Shit wording.
Could either mean
>2 Machine-Type and/or Warrior-Type monsters
>2 Machine-Type or 2 Warrior-Type monsters

Former allow 1 Machine + 1 Warrior, latter doesn't. Original wording is unclear on this.
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What are rating duels? Are they something new?
>(((Rothschild))) pushes the alphabet agenda
Not surprising in the slightest
Isn't this exactly like King of Games rank on Duel Links? No rewards but gives the turbo faggots a place to fight over a number placement?
Unchained Abomination is working out pretty well in my Live Twin deck. I wonder if I can just go full Unchained Live Twins.
New "mode" for players who reach master 1.
Basically an ELO system which doesn't give out any rewards and is only used in dick measuring contests.
Fuck yes I would.
hey anon. what's your ELO? mine is pretty big...
? post elo
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>titles and ELO
Oh great, that's what the game needs. More ways for autists to be more insufferable.
I initially only watched season 1 of GX. If you told me what happened after I'd think you're full of shit.
your bitch likes my ELO more than yours
Our daddies thought us to not be ashamed of our ELOs...
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isn't it weird they added a useless ELO system before they even let us choose the duel music?
let's compare ELOs
whip it out, anon. let me feel it
Which monster would you sup poly with And what would be their reaction
>target up to machine type or warrior type monsters
>2 warrior type
>warrior type
this card would be omnipresent, literally in 99% of decks including mine
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I'm fusing so damn hard with felidgette.
What's the full decklist for the blue dragon summoner Exodia? I currently use the bamboo sword one, looking for a change.
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>chink playing swordsoul
>i have nibiru in hand toggled off the whole time
>suddenly decides to end his main phase with just chixiao on the field despite having longjuan and a wyrm in hand
death to the chinese
When was the last time you looked at somebody's titles anyway
The only time I see someone's profile is when I go to block their ass after a shitty duel.
Bros, I've been playing for a little over a month now and I've never tribute summoned in a ranked match.

Am I ever going to tribute summon a monster, like ever?
it should theoretically be the easiest shit ever to add titles and stuff to the pre-duel (coinflip) phase but Konami hasnt yet for some reason.

>avatar and pet
>deck and deckname (okay maybe not this one)
I mainly just notice the things they have during the duel (field, pet, and shit)
Play floowandereeze. And blame Konami for banning tribute summon when it becames good.
When was the last time you looked at somebody's tits anyway
last weekend. saw my gf tits
I am content to remain in Gold.
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POV: Your opponent went second in Yugioh
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The cheating they do is so fucking blatant at this point i just close the game anytime im matched against a kanji user. Because even i go first they will just magically have the perfect god hand board breakers, and 1 card that lets them go +20 full cooombo
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isn't that the joke? the reason he always mentions his full name? someone must've made that joke about him already and is probably a gag in his channel or something at this point
fucking jews man
abomination is a staple in live twin, you are probably better off making live twin spright to swing for game turn 3
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My deck is already Live Twin Spright. I was just wondering if I should stick with what I have now or go full Unchained Live Twin. Or maybe just remove the Knightmare Gryphon from my extra deck for Yama or something.
Post your decklist, I still have my decklist saved, but I deleted the deck a while ago because I hadn't used it in over a year.
share list babe
For years he used to deny that he was Jewish at all
double monster reborn is nice but if its unsearchable it just wouldn't be used
for now its just worse gouki rematch
If they're cheating and its apparently so easy, why don't you cheat too? I gotta be honest, with the amount of fucking bullshit in this game I absolutely WOULD cheat if i knew I would suffer no consequences. Its like, you know, fuck this game sometimes.
Play Egyptian gods or monarchs I guess
If there was a cheat this place would have a full guide and people would talk about it all the time.
They are just mind broken.
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I did a quick google search and it seems cheats did exist but they get patched out pretty quickly, which was surprising. No gameplay cheats like "make your monsters invincible" or anything like that. Mostly shit like "make the opponent disconnect so you get a free win" or "invalidate the match results so you never get a proper loss on your record and can never rank down" which is why some people have insane win/loss ratios. There was one where if you lose the coin flip, you just trigger a perpetual loading state so your opponent has no choice but to alt F4 and you get the win, and so on. But they've all been patched out.

What's most likely out there is a way to see what's in your hand as well as face down cards. In other words, cards that should be hidden to the other player just isn't. There's also websites claiming to have cheats that give you unlimited CP to make all the cards you want, which i didn't bother clicking on because its probably bait and I don't want to click on anything promising all the CP I want.
Chinks have no soul
I need some chink cheats. Please grant me free wins, my communist masters. Bless me with your bugman ways so that I may always have the roach in my opening hand
>invalidate the match results so you never get a proper loss on your record and can never rank down
I abused this one a lot yeah, it got patched like 6 months ago.
Most of the exploits aren't possible on Steam, because of Valve Anti-Cheat. Android is basically swiss cheese for this kind of thing.
Oh that makes sense, Asians love mobile gaming.
if i turn off crossplay do i get real games again?
i used to trigger sleep mode on my switch when i lost a coinflip, that way i could always go first with traptrix
I can't believe PC is the only honest platform to play this fucking game
During the first year it was so easy for anyone to just invalid any coinflip loss, no third party software needed.
I miss it...
And then people wonder why we cant take seriously an elo system in this game.
The Elo system is used in a game where you can just mimic the moves of a bot and win against pros.
I don't see why YGO would be any worse.
Does having a bot play the game for you count as cheating? I mean its just following a flowchart like a braindead player woudl do so what's the difference?
>There was one where if you lose the coin flip, you just trigger a perpetual loading state so your opponent has no choice but to alt F4 and you get the win, and so on.

This one happened to me on a previous DC, it stuck me on the loading screen and I didn't leave for like 20 minutes, I had no choice but to close the game and eat the loss, and of course it was a chink, fucking bat munchers I swear.
Instead of turning off crossplay, we need a built in region lock so we can just remove Asia from the equation completely.
It's only cheating if you feel it's cheating. Unironically.
I >>681390173 all the fucking time because nobody was harmed by me not deranking. All t did was let me get the rank-up gems faster. It didn't actually help me win games.
Arguably, using Evenly Matched against the solo mode bots is cheating, or at least cheese, because the bots can't handle evenly. They're programmed to prioritize defense so they'll even leave Malefic monsters wth no field spell up (losing the whole field).
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the last line is funny tho kek
The invalidate lose cheat seems to perfect. You can play this Luckfest in pure peace. I think you can still do it if you use cheat engine
Japan, China and Korea together are responsible for roughly 90% of all MD revenue.
If Konami ever implement region lock it will be because of their demand, not yours.
Ghostrick player spotted.
I'd rather use the cheat engine for infinite dust. I would make all the shitty pet decks I want if they were basically free, after all
Then they can play each other
You can't because like 50% of this game functionality is server side especially CP and gems.
Yes anon this a thread about card games
sex with raye
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(You) are not ready for Tenpai
Pre-hit semi field spell and it's plummets on release.
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yeah i see that ELO...your daddy gave you good advice.
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Map to 3 in Master Duel please
I've been thinking this for a while but some decks have the weirdest choice for who gets the special summon animation.
i'm surprised the thread is still up, but sure i guess
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Yeah, mine is super outdated, I'm even realizing I added Downerd for no reason at all. I just thought about adding the Armored XYZ pack, but that would be adding even more garnets to an already super bricky deck.
What will happen when everyone plays tenpai? what is the mirror like?
seals pass
>lose coin flip
>forced to go first
>make opponent disconnect
This is the one that pisses me off the most. They wait like 20 turns into their stun shit and do it as soon as you have the out. Just do it right away and don’t waste my time. If you wanna see the face down one play waking the dragon. The crafting points is probably the stupid time wasting bots.
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I’m so fucking tired of Utopia bots kys. If I have to wait 299 seconds for a level 4 normal monster to hit the field with 2 equips…
the free swordsoul deck thing is over? fuck I missed on a free chengying
Both players reveal their 1 card start and 4 handtraps in their hand. The player who kept a starter after both used their handtraps gets to play the game.

This deck can play Shifter and OTKs through Prosperity btw.
it's not the worst decklist for her i've seen (ED is probably better than mine, can't say too much since i haven't played the utopia package and i can't make out the rank 1), but i'd say you should but down on each normal monster by 1 to reduce the chance of drawing them while still leaving room to bury them with doll happiness. you could also run some one-off normal monsters just to add to box's targets, but you should definitely make room for daigusto so you can have some recursion without the risk of avarice bricking your hand if you dont have the means to dump that many monsters in the gy, or eating prosperity's cost. i can't really comment beyond that since the deck bricks enough to start a small business, but i will add that the utopia package is a nice thematic touch
did you read the manga or was it just coincidence?
Are you sure? Checking in the friend tab, I can still see the campaign option.
You need to know whether you should enter or give a code for it to work though (I did it through alt accounts however).
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Of course I read the manga, Cologne is a qt.
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How needed is double edged sword and the shitty pillars are for mikanko?
It was made for either XYZ or Synchro. That's why.
>Tryout Duel: Skull Invitation
Oh boy, time for nothing but backrow removal instead of treating the tryout as an actual tryout. They really should have done it like the Double Summon one.
Decks that abuse circular other than matchmech?
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so when do I get to duel a monkey?
That's a good thing, dipshit.
Double Edge is mandatory as a one off as it what actually let you win the game if they play around your effects. Pillar is just a consistency card.
It ruins the art
Damn I didn't want to waste 30 UR for that
>and I don't want to click on anything promising all the CP I want.
Cheeky fuck
Post deck and elo
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IT dropped.
It's modern Yugioh what do you think
You open Heat Wave and compare handtraps to decide the winner
Underworld goddess is telegraphed as hell (and mbt and reddit are midwitcore). Pankratops is the actual jumpscare card (since it is an inherent summon, you literally get no warning at all when its animation pops out with a rumbling sound)
>Someone takes out Empen with her
>Flip Dreaming Town
Guess who's back.
Iblee and the new Vaalmonica girl also just abruptly appear with no warning as normal summons
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TCG meme card
idk about abusing but mannadium can use it to make samsara a 1-card combo
Just use hidden armory
>it's another forgetting Circular only lets me attack with 1 monster episode
Bros... Why do I keep doing this
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>people call it white woman jumpscare
No one call it that. Retards spam it in twitch chat when it's summoned but everyone just calls it Goddess.

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When is the new pack?
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What is the weakest deck period, I'm not talking like Soitsu Aitsu guys i am talking about an actual full functioning deck that at full power is so pathetically weak that it cant beat anything
dead game
"functioning" means less and less the worse a deck gets
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Maybe Usartics?
it doesn't have an end date, dumdum. it's literally free forever.
Self FTK decks
PSY Frame get fucked if their opponent knows about it and just normal summon their monster with activating any effect. It is the only deck that can lose to a vanilla monster beatdown.
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I don't want to fuse with her, I simply want to instant loss mating press aheago creampie her
meant to reply to this>>681404918
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Heat wave pass.
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>Reading comprehension
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Ally of justice, how is this even a question?
Whoever prints a combination like unaffected in MP1 and cannot activate in BP should really be fired.
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The snake-eyes era is coming to a close. I'll build transbel and use the acquired gems to finally build my pet decks like Raidraptors to actually have fun again in this shitty fucking game.
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Going second decks need THAT much help. and apparently it STILL crossed the line because go first faggots cried and got the field spell hit in the OCG.
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we already have a cannon reaction for that for her
Ally of Justice beats the shit out of Flamvells any day of the week.
Really I was gonna say Archfiends, but can someone make a case for Kuribohs? Because I think they're below the Fruit Magician Girls.
You can activate effects in the BP before Transcendent Dragion is summoned ;)
Arcana Force. You still require a coin toss to do what the rest of pet decks do from the start and they have an obniscearch card…for the opponent.
It would have been Genex if it wasn't because of that little guy
>coming to a close
When Fiendsmith is a 1-card Beatrice + Link-2 into Princess full Snake Eyes combo
Yusei, my husband, needs that many redbulls to have the energy for all night gay sex
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Unironically, Tistina. It's got so many anti-synergies, dies to a single Ash since it both stops the search but also summon of their starter, and its payoff is just Destructive Daruma Karma Cannon.
Actual trash deck. Cards are also boring crystal ????'s that are just hard on the eyes.
It will get gutted after the world championship ends
BES. Their only saving grace is their field spell and they fold to anything even with it.
More like
>Play SE
>Don't know the combo, just summon
>Opponent spams handtraps
>They concede after they discard their entire hand and you keep playing with infinite extenders
They have a saving grace. Do Gardians or Arcana Force have one of those?
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Just out of curiosity since I went and updated some of my decks: How's your Lab deck looking at the moment? I just went and removed almost all of the non-Lab traps except for Daruma Cannon and Imperm, and I even removed Ash Blossom to add Gamma instead, considering that we're not leaving Snake-Eyes meta anytime soon.
>people claim to like Live Twins
>haven't come across a single deck that isn't mine
Arcana Force has all of the coin tossing support they can muster, and even some new cards printed for them.
Guardians are probably worse than BES, that's for sure.
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Reminder: the ocg and tcg don't have access to the same cards MD does. Entirely new strategies can work in MD that are just strictly better than both of those shit formats.
Don't forget Dark Scorpions.
3 rollbacks is excessive
Genex could pull some nice stuff with machine duplication and the genex that changes names, it wasn't completely dead
>and even some new cards printed for them
Anon, they have the worst search card in the entire game as their new support. How bad it is? I haven’t seen anybody Ash that thing ever.
Not an argument
The complaint isn't that it's impossible to read, it's that it could be SO much clearer and it'd be so fucking easy
Genex before the new support can't even be called functioning. It's like the cards were designed with the intention of not having any synergy not only with themselves, but even generic support.
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>going second cards need THAT much help
Nah. This is total overkill. This game needs board breakers that actually work. (Fucking Snake-Eyes casually ignoring Dark Ruler No More because their entire board is in their graveyard).
Making such a tightly designed OTK strategy with effects that explicitly prevent your opponent from interacting with you is not good game design. This is just another solitaire strategy except its BASED because it goes second.
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Just don't go first. It's THAT easy.
They're boring to play, I still like them enough not to dust them but I'm just bored playing them
Gold name looks fine, the shine looks weird.
Real URs don't shine like that unless you tilt them at a high angle or shine a light source from the side. I am holding a TCG Blazing Cartesia from BLTR and the art looks fine without that color warping unless I put it under my desk lamp tilted to the side. I also tried it with my OCG Lady Labrynth UR, and she doesn't warp either.
>but can someone make a case for Kuribohs?
Kuribohs as an archetype actually have some surprisingly strong effects. They have a soul charge, an e-tele, a quick effect (With a steep cost) to activate better burning mirror force, and even a way to search Superpoly. Multiply is also great for accessing generic link payoffs. Does that make Kuriboh good? No, they're far from a cohesive archetype, but they're heads and shoulders above pre-Repair Genex, Flamvell, AoJ, Archfiends etc.
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>implying jinzo isn't worse off
Why is Archfiend on that category?
It still better than “I well I failed a coint toss, time to give you the exact card that you need right now to shut me down”
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Because the deck is very outdated and hasn't gotten any new support in years, so it has no place in the current meta. Playing it pure is asking to die as soon as your Live Twin gets negated, so the only option is mixing them with Sprights to help them catch up with the current game's speed. Still one of my favorite decks. Alt art when?
That's just how glossies work in the game.
All I'm doing is adjusting brightness/contrast and swapping out the "filter" image (the rainbow). I can't do anything more complicated than that.
The old version of glossy would have worked better if that's still in the game files, the new version only really works if there's some sort of palette on the picture, like the rainbow in The Weather cards.
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NTA, but here's what I played for abit after pulling a royal granyade
AG still won't be playable with the new cards
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Don’t you (just know) that you have to mix them with dogs like their idol lore always intended to?
Someone mentioned Line Twins?
>Jaden used this on Yubel

I just started playing, created a shitty Labrynth deck because I don't have the points to make more URs, do the new Yubel cards look good?
I'm asking because a Yubel deck is like 90% of why I picked up the game.
>old version of glossy would have worked better if that's still in the game files
Glossy foils used to be different?
I simply hate how Spright plays and that's really the only way to make them more than Sunny/Abomination pass.
>do the new Yubel cards look good
from what I can gather, yes.
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Why's that? You're not using shitty best out of 3 formats to make that determination are you?
When the game launched, yes. They were considerably less noticeable and had much less of a glow when the shine effect went across the card.
Yubel should be fine now and get better later on.
>I'm asking because a Yubel deck is like 90% of why I picked up the game.
Should have stayed in MTG…
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It's literally the 2nd best deck in the OCG presently. So unless Konami decides to randomly ban a bunch of shit in the archetype, it's actually probably the safest deck going forward.
I have never played a card game before outside of YGO during the GX days and only tag force against AI, my shitty scuffed Labrynth is winning me a lot of games I by all rights should not be but i'm also only in Silver and thus not running into peak performance meta decks.
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Of all the things this game has to offer you just had to identify with the tranny tulpa
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There's only 1 deck more trans than Yubel.
What are you using Ariane for?
You shouldn’t use terms you don’t understand as insults
I started with GX and Yubel was my favorite character in the show so yeah I'll pick up a game for them.
Also hermaphrodite=/=tranny.
You tried.
Generic board breakers don't solve going 2nd at all though. No one picks to go 2nd while hoping to draw evenly or the equivalent (or lose if they don't), when every deck is better going 1st anyway.

The game NEEDS in-engine options to go 2nd, even if it's turn 0 stuff like tears or Arias. "You are unnafected" is a bit much, but a degree of insulation is necessary to make going 2nd a valid option at all. Mikanko is just a meme going 2nd exactly because you can just negate the arabesque effect, just like every deck ever made to go 2nd not named Tenpai.
I'd take a deck with a searchable Artemis Slayer or something on that level.
literally rent free
>Labtrannies are uppity again
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>Lab trannies downplaying yet again.
Don’t you have another Tencent piece of malware pretending to be a game to play?
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Nemleria. Best case scenario you open eater of millions, reveil and sweet dreams or the eeper herself, you then scale her, send her to the extra to sleep, set tower from deck, search couette and either another reveil or oreiller, use reveil's effect to dump another nemleria monster (even another copy of itself) to set a trap from deck (either a slow book of moon or a slow DRNM) then pass. Couette is a negate, but only if the card targets a nemleria card, so something like duster gets around it. You have battle protection by dumping cards from the extra, but again all the opponent needs to do to bypass this is destroy tower first. Assuming you survive the turn you immediately dump the rest of your extra with eater, summon the sleeping child, banish up to 5 cards from the field and either GY then add back up to 5 cards you banished, all so you can fail to OTK if you were left with no monsters after the opponent's turn because tower locks the extra if you use the search effect and your two strongest monsters only add up to 5k. And even if your monsters survived there are better decks to play max and liebe in.

You can add the condemned or adventurer engines to it, but are you seriously gonna waste UR dust on such a shitty deck? It already needs a minimum of 10 URs (3 nemleria, 3 sweet dreams, linkuriboh or anima, max, liebe, zeus), so unless you're a cunnysseur like i am i wouldn't bother.
>2 apollousa negates or 2 stag sovereign pops, 1 monster negate and either scary moth to lock special summons or naturia beast
It's nothing special, but it works.
The thing I hate most about this is how lazy the edit is, like if you're going to keep posting it can you at least put some effort in?
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>transACKtion troonbACK
Why though?
Lab is not even a good deck anymore dude, let it go.
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>anti-Lab schizo

At least AG schizo would bring some new webms here and there.
I miss AG schizo and how he would pick up fights with anyone who mentioned dragonmaids. Contemporary schizos aren't nearly as funny.
Why can't Labtrannies ever shut up?
Why are Labtrannies easily baited?
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They also like to pretend only 1 person hates lab. It's kind of hilarious but speaks to their delusional vanity.
It would be more biting if it could more clearly convey his intentions. I've seen the original so I know it's a skinny dude fucking a fat woman but because how lazy the edit is it doesn't really look like that anymore.
Archfiends were one of Yugioh's first named archetypes and were built around paying lifepoints in order to gain or maintain powerful effects. This was back when the game was still very young so the designers hadn't quite figured out what a powerful effect was, exactly. They were based around chess and some of the effects make sense, like Falling Down being snatch steal if you controlled an Archfiend, or Desrook Archfiend being able to sacrifice itself to revive a Terrorking Archfiend. But so many of their effects just didn't do enough and cost way too much life. Having a few archfiend cards on the field would cost you like 2k LP a turn, and the cards just weren't good enough to win before they killed you. Their field spell Pandemonium helped this by negating the cost and replacing destroyed archfiends, but it just wasn't enough and I don't think the original archfiends ever saw much play.

Overall their cards and effects were really undertuned. Their big payoff was that they could summon a 2k attack point monster with luck-based targeting protection that could counter flip monsters. It cost 800lp per turn to maintain it on the field, and this was one of their better cards.
It's meant to convey that lab trannies are also heavily into scat.
lavals is down there
I fucking love talking about Lab, it's a shame more people don't play it
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>lonely girl creates friends out of stone because people only approach her to rob her
>takes a long while, but eventually someone challenges her castle only for the fun of it
>falls in love with this knight (female)
>starts putting on cosplay and elaborate routines just to impress her (the demon tail, horns and wings are fake, the slit irises are probably also contact lenses)
>the knight doesn't like her back, because she's heterosexual or just too dense and autistic to pick up on labrynth's advances
Nigga the deck was literally designed by a yuricuck, it's as straight as it gets.
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you need more banishing power to deal with fire kings so do I but I have beating that deck with this one
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Can't wait till they're borderline unplayable due to extremely aggressive power creep.
big welcome is semi limit in ocg you dumb nigger
Even gimmick puppet and momento are above labrynth
Also what the fuck is a white woods
Lesbian Lolis
hopefully it get's limited/banned in MD
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Let's hope MD fully bans it faggot.
Big welcome being gutted is what killed it more than anything else.
Gimmick Puppets have a FTK.
Chances are it would be a bit higher in the list, if only it wasn't so boring to pilot.
fun fact the scat redditor that sparked this whole meme is actually a snake eyes fag. he just posted pic related and everyone assumed he only played lab for some reason
Snake-Eyes prequel
new synchro deck
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How does this picture make you feel?
A Snake-Eyes player wouldn't be malding about a tier 3 deck that relies on destruction for removal.
mother fuckers would look at this picture and call labrynth the problem
>1 D/D/D
>biger trannies means I'm not a tranny
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Sorry, wrong pic
Please try speaking english
Why are you playing a deck that pops your opponent’s cards in Fire King format?
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nah. you are full of shit or are unironic zoom zoom thats never played any other archtype OR maybe you saw that shitty peeps ygo video and let him decide for you if you think Tistinia is actually worst of the worst unplayable.

Its actually OKAY. its just that okay by nu-yugioh standards is bad. you can pick up a pure Tistinia list and actually roll people if they dont have interactions. there are still eldritch archtypes that never got fully realized modern support still like Cloudians, Venom, Watts and Dark Scorpion(Don Zaloog n gang) which are so fucking putridly unplayable that the mediocrity of Tistinia doesnt come close.

Helios...Ice Barrier...Worms..the entire D.D. Esper Star Sparrow bullshit from that one Zexal episode....

you cannot unironically say Tistinia is bad when THAT shit exist just because "it lozes to ash!!" like nigga. thats ALL rogue decks.
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>one (1) guy posts a Lab decklist
>proceeds to scream trannies and dump his folder filled with trannies

What causes this kind of mental illness?
I already am.
Is that your attempt at an "le r/clevercomeback", tranny?
what's the point? they can pop themselves anyway
fatherless behavior
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You did.
the only reason people get madder at lab than other decks is because of the images of smug lab attached to the posts, that's all
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Jokes on you, I'm playing a bunch of non-destruction removal
>Linear Equation Cannon
>Storming Mirror Force
>Terrors of the Overroot
>Dogmatika Punish send the synchro that bounces
Chaos Angel is easy to make and banishes, plus I'm running the Machinex package to SUCC the monsters up. And of course Big Welcome GY effect to bounce
>making a stable diffusion prompt only to then do the whole thing in photoshop anyway
huh? whats the point?

also eww. thats not a body type I would ever want to see naked. thats shits cursed. like nude Dee Dee
Or it could be they grab the one trap in their deck that ends your turn and re sets it every turn.
that's retarded
I normal summon Robina.
people like you cry about shit like this but then will play shit like dfissure kash, puppet-lock branded, dshifter, or horus stun.
The guy who does the AI and the guy who does the shop are different.
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I actually wish I looked like that on the right. I want to freak people out and make them anxious while doing the most mundane shit like waiting patiently in a elevator and breathing heavily.

also give me the Dr. Girlfriend 12pack a day voice.
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>Literally +80% of all the replies in a MD thread
I play none of those things but ok. I try to squeeze engaging games from this game's awful banlist and management.
Such as? C'mon anon, don't be afraid, tell the class what card you're thinking of.
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WTF is this deck?
That's a """Charmers""" deck.
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Mischief of the Gnomes
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not him but D-barrier? probably? D barrier is a instakill against a lot of decks and because its a generic normal trap lab can reset it IIRC.

besides that Lab also gets to pop a card in your hand effectively handlooping you before your turn even begins AND thanks to clock they get to play on YOUR turn. both of those aspects make me scoop on sight vs lab. its up there in my list of archtypes I literally just dont bother playing against because even winning is a fucking herculean labor.

they play dirty and its just not worth my time.
Steal with Change of Heart or Mind Control then Link off into attribute Link-2 Charmers
Simul Archfiends.
But it's so good in the 1-axis Snake Eye matchup!
Thank god for bo1 so everyone has to go all in on snake-eyes/link counters
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>Lab can't side in silver bullet normal traps then search them with Lady in your draw phase
You're supposed to pretend Lab is HELPED by Bo1, not hurt...
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Implying it wouldn't immediately shoot up to a massive usage rate if a deck other than snake eyes becomes relevant (tenpai, yubel). Ban this nigger shit to hell. It's the ultimate floodgate in a deck that can recur it over and over.
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I like his/her/xer fashion actually Its just too bad his hair looks awful. I like that he's actually bold enough to go for such standout attention grabbing colors. he looks like the only non-NPC there if that makes any sense. look at how generic and down-to-earth everyone elses fashion choices are there like your average campus nobodies from little boxes made of Ticky Tacky then BOOM! a motherfucking avatar from Street Fighters World tour mode right in your face. look at that shit. a fucking Yiik champion right there.

I fucking love it. I wish more people would let their freak flags fly like that.
dbarrier is trash in this linkspam meta, a lot of lab decks would rather load up on daruma cannons because it's the best trap to answer snake eyes lab has access to right now, but lab is not very good in this meta, it's not even in the wcq top 100
Make no mistake, these creatures do.
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I dont care what the stats say. I've had it used against me first hand and thats all it takes.my opinion is empirical not theoretical and its mine alone. Im not saying you cant enjoy lab or anything. Im just giving reasons as to why one might not like Lab. some archtypes just arent worth the trouble. most trap decks are usually up there because if they go first you just dont ever win.


yucky. go away. you won at coinflip.
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Mannnnnn, I just wanna NUKE!
What's the last deck that was leaked?
No one doubts that people are running bad lists in low ranks.
Bystials really fell off hard, what does Druiswurm do these days other get banished by Little Knight?
lab isnt that good? cool. still dont like em. You can tell me Drytron Herald isnt that good right now either and I still wouldnt sit through their 70minute set up turn. Oh.. same thing with those ANNOYING Marincess sissies.
I dont mind playing against Blue Eyes though. them fellers are fine by me. definitely get firm handshakes all-round champions club.
I only ever see blue eyes in casual. like a lot
Please ban FTK dragon
>monster that counters any light/dark sees less use in a fire predominant meta
who could have thought
No good GY targets other than IP or maybe a tear name
How is this being abused with turtle already banned?
why the fuck isn't mokomoko in master duel
Just ban draglubion
The utopia route.
Manipulator of Souls with a way to pop it and gain life, then dealing the same damage to the other player.
Reminder that everyone who is below Master 1 has ZERO ELO. Posters will now be required to post their rating when making a claim.
i am gay (my elo is 0 so therefore my claim is invalid)
My elo is 0 but my opinion matters a lot cause i am cool
I am a proud goldie and you will not get me to rank up mr.konamtranny
And the no-rating cope begins
i need mokomoko OR IM FLIPPING OUT
my subterror deck NEEDS MOKOMOKO
>DM format
>5D's format
>skips GX format
What did Komoney mean buy this?
No one liked the GX era
because all cards printed during the GX were dogshit
GX era gave us the biggest single meta changing card and then proceeded to give nothing but boring/dead sets until 5Ds
y...yes sir!
>Fruit Magician Girls
I'm so fucking mad that the most success this archetype ever got was Quintet Magician "turbo" in Duel Links. They deserve better.
everytime I give the deathblow to a nip or chingchong playing sky striker and boring me with the same simplistic gameplan, I imagine them going "I RABU YU RAYE CHA-"
you'll never touch a bitch who looks like her chinkcel, now learn to play something that is fun to go against fucking coomer
Did anyone mention the appliance monsters already?
They have a bunch of link 1s and they're still completely worthless.
Nothing in this game is good and fun to go against.
they're so bad that it's a struggle to play them even in the solo mission against a fucking blue eyes deck lol
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>tfw you originally got back into the game after a decade plus hiatus by making a Magician Girl deck IRL

Life is full of ups and downs, Ed boy. Many twists and turns.
That's what I did too
Rate my birdslut support
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my raye deck is very fun to play against
I will always play around mekk knight columns
I really dont mind RDA. depending on what they make they get ONE negate and the rest are just beatsticks. the godzilla one that banishes everything on reaction is something you can play around. despite being a archtype all about POWAH! the monsters are pretty easy to get over and dont have that many ways to boost their own strength oddly enough.

a pretty tame archtype all things considered. Vendreads too lol. I mean there are some decks people never play anymore but I like Vendread and Shiranui. Shiranui has a pop-3 maneuver they can go for. Vendreads can slurp banish one SS monster and one S/T if they use the right materials.
hey you know whats really aids to play against though? have you ever played against "The Weather"? holy fuck that archtype is turbo aids.
>tranny username
>tranny icon
>tranny deck
this post is ironic, it has to be
Ursartic, you special summon one card by discarding other monster from hand, so in the end you are either bricked or 1 negate stops everything AND there is no recovering in a next turn
>plays into the geonator and anima columns instead
but what if actual women
You cannot make me craft Hapi. Qebsenuef is good enough for me.
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I rabu yu raye-chan....
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Legitimate question for all labtroons
What is preventing you from running a 1of instantwin??
Like shouldn't every lab player be running gozen match and summon limit to just instantly win? How is 1 dbarrier a big enough brick in sneko meta to exclude?
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I just realized PK Adventure is good enough to be played without any other gimmick like Horus or DPE+Artifacts.
I haven't tried with the whole Horus package yet (since I only pulled one Imsety), but right now it feels pretty consistent without it. Only a couple of TTT, a bunch of handtraps and praying they're not playing Shifter and you're set to go ham.
I could've crafted just a Zeus and be fine instead of experimenting with so many different gimmicks.
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wrong bird
OK tranny. Bet you'll screech about live twin next cause some shitter scythe locked you.
If you're in a position to search D-barrier after already seeing what deck your opponent is playing then you're already in a position to win through searching any other normal trap instead. There's just no reason to run it other than being a bad player in low ranks who needs to get lucky wins.
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A lil bit late but here it is
Playing yugioh makes me want to become a woman
Is that a normal experience?
Stop playing Branded.
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literally 2 nobody archetypes and Typhon. The 2 he leaked felt like the worst leaks to date. It was the rest of AGOV apparently.
Reminder that you have to post rating now.
No, it should make you want to inflict agony on other people, not yourself.
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check the winstreak
>gaye player
>complaining about simplistic gameplans

But i play snake eyes and literally am Diabellestar who gets dp'ed by snake eyes
Lab xister...
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Do I waste 10k gems building a Yubel deck or do I wait for Tenpai?
tenpai will not be released in MD
Yubel is fine and will remain good for a while, more hinges on when fiendsmith comes.
Remember, super poly whole boards.
*in 2024
>2 nobody archetypes
what are those nobody archetypes? no one says anything!
imo build yubel, it will take some time until tenpai appear
You will be able to save like 30-40k more before Tenpai shows up.
Majespecter, Watt, Ogdo, Shinobird, Arcana Force
Like what, macro cosmos?
I don't think they would release Tenpai before October
Are you under the impression that Lab players use Macro Cosmos? And that it's a normal trap? At least bring up DDG if you're trying to call Lab players floodgate abusers. But that card falls under the same "why bother if you're already winning" category that D Barrier does.
WIND Machine support when
EARTH Warrior support when
LIGHT Dragon support when
FIRE Fish support when
fire aqua support soon
DARK Winged Beast support when
WATER Thunder support when?
HERO support when?
The horns aren't fake, she also has them after she puts on her pajamas. She also has a small set of plainer looking wings when in casual wear, but not the big lower wings or tail.
FIRE Aqua support when
LIGHT Fairy support when
THUNDER dragon support when?
cease, heretic
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hey get this shit out of here
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but support that's not annoying, have it like negate your own Macro Cosmos or something.
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Basically 4chan
Alright, Pride month's over.
(You) can stop pretending now.
>buying cardboard
Is there an archetype that would rather have all of its monsters banished instead of sent to GY?
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Ghoti wants their tuners banished but wants to get a couple monster in the GY if they can.
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>playing in silver 4 because I didn't even rank up last season, too tired of playing against snake eyes
>I can finally take a break and play petdecks like ninjas to have some fun again
>get paired against fire king snake eyes twice
Can't even catch a break down here, huh...
Reminds me of Yubel in that they both are evolution based monsters so it should get support that works in the same way as the yubel support
Really makes you wonder how they're in silver or gold while playing the strongest current deck
Played a guy in Plat 1 last season that had 1x Macro Cosmos and 1x this card in his deck. Had a 50 card deck IIRC. Some really insane deckbuilding in Master Duel. It's a shame that there's no real support for these cards, they have a cool design.
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Only fag archetypes. Ban shifter.
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not even my gay coworker likes pride month, anyway here have this pic
Thundra sort of, they run gold sarc for it
Shifter is the lesser of two evils compared to SEFK
Blue Eyes
I almost killed one of them if I didn't misplay twice so catastrophically, so I know why one of them was there, at least.
The other one just pulled every single handtrap at the start and I wasn't able to even play, so there's that.
I built labyrinth months ago from scratch had shit luck with pulls, only use it casually and i don't know how to pilot it, i just click on buttons and win once every 5 duels. Do i dust it, seeing as it's going to have a shit matchup this whole year, or do i keep it in hopes it eventually gets better?
chasing for alt arts is a fucking scam
First you should learn how to play it to figure out if you like it or not. Fire King Snake Eye will probably be nerfed out of the meta after the World Championships. Lab will be a fine deck for the forseeable future. And we're basically guaranteed to get new Lab cards. Still need the gardner, the knight, and the lantern bat.
Why does every Duel Live have at least one Tears player?
Wtf. Where is the runick secret pack? They came in the same selection pack.
shiranui, most shiranui have effects when they get banished and they have a continuous trap that lets you recycle them and any other zombie with 0 defense
I have a shiranui petdeck running dimensional fissure and necrovalley since I don't do anything with the graveyard
Lab is good as long as its best of 1.
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Exosister is the only honest shifter deck
Speaking from experience, Sky Striker player?
its fine when its only a 1x, when you have to pull for a entire playset is when it becomes fucked.
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Name a sadder sight
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Non-royal Ra is much sadder desu
>60 card pile opens Imperm(plays 1), Nibiru(plays 1), Imsety
First report of the new season

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