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Now: Bayonetta 2
Next: Silent Hill

Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/gamesdonequick
Schedule: https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule/48
Previous: >>681360358
GDQ is bad and you are homosexual
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she's a woman retards
Bayonetta looks like a tranny
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Please let the estimated time be off by an hour
love trumps hate
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I’m up next guys, wish me luck!
>another hour and a half of FSSSHHHHH
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second for Trans Rights are Human Rights!
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You think she will be selling that wet mask later? Asking for a friend.
>another tranny run
The mask isn't working for him
wtf is this
a vision of hell
If I make Bayonetta cum, does she fire her stiletto guns?
Any geeks and gamers in the crowd?
said no sane person
God, I just want to watch the Silent Hill run before I pass out. Can we skip this?
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i've successfully migrated
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I like this image
congrats to Ben Franklin
That is nice
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gdq bans crack me up
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Bros I just looked through the schedule there's only 4 games I actually want to watch in 7 days
please can anyone explain what the fuck is wrong with this ogre's face? what genetic defect is this
lowkey cute and nice voice
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Why is my instinct screaming that I must fell those to protect the tribe?
Me too
I honestly can't tell whether that is an ugly woman or a tranny. Currently tipping towards an ugly woman.
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Look at the effort these trannies put into hiding the fact that they're scamming twitch subs and bits.

>it's le clearly stated on our website
Lmao yeah right I could barely find it even knowing what I was looking for.

Yeah, direct from Thailand
what games do you think will be a shitshow? stay for those threads
She's the only person who runs this btw
>injected cheeks
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It has a prominent adam's apple
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Aren't cutscenes skippable as a setting? Why are they treating it like a technique?
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Oh shit its mah boi.
how many of these are there
uhh.. you sure?
>Juden Peterson
Gurumin and Nobeta runs when
They've been hiding this detail ever since they made the switch to cover the cost of having to cancel one of their hotel booking because they were afraid of Covid.
>uh oh guys, we need your help to recoup the cancellation fee this time!
>never changed it back
>never mention it on stream
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Shout out to the hat girl for putting up with the runner
big mongolian bottom face only surgery could fix this
Anything right of mao is le ebil nazi.
Yeah I know why they did it originally but they couldn't make it anymore obvious they're trying to hide it lmao. No reason to have the text like that whatsoever lmao fuckin dirty scheming trannies.
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previous thread
I may be a loser but at least I'm not simping for this.
god imagine her tiny little skinny body giving birth
It's just a little skim mate. Little embezzy wezzy for our pockie wockies. You know, for all the unpaid labor.
I wish my tongue were long enough to reach her uterus
Runner can only breathe thru it's mouth
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It's scum behavior, especially since they were so vocal about the subscriptions going to charity in the past
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She has cute face syndrome anon. You wouldn't understand.
Doesn't seem very inclusive for visually impaired disabled people.
That's very clearly a man.
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July cant come soon enough
Hey guys, do you like Zelda?
It's been july for 2 hours
Youre a freak, even for this place
probably would die in child birth anytime before the 20th century.
based zfg
Not really.
lickable tummy
He's probably from... California...
this is me. call me based or fucking rot in hell trannies
i played most games until ss.
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Pretty sure it's botox or some fucked up plastic surgery. Similar to Bizonacci.
Writer for Undertale Yellow btw
I do actually. Zelink cute
why aren't they linking to the schedule anymore?
They'll keep doing it. It doesn't matter what month it is.
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>Runner struggles with tricks
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Jesus Christ, what resolution is this level running at.
>another hour of this shit
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I miss when these events had attractive women
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yeah- I'm gonna watch this instead
cya tomorrow faggots
Nice teeth
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why is the whole american speedrunning community trans?
So never?
Is this game game actually good? It looks suspiciously like "DMC, but it's grills".
>switch game
>from ten years ago
Has the switch even been out that long?
Bayo 1 is great, Bayo 2 is ok, I haven't played Bayo 3.
The person who made bayo also made DMC
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anyone know the cost of attending as a guest? i tried to find it online but I can't find a base price anywhere
>Bayo 3
It's dogshit
my wife
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the female audience used to be attractive...
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shit wrong thread no told me we were miggin'
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because faggot kike shits are enslaving the Americans with high fructose syrup and hormone replacement therapy until they make cannibalism legal in Israel and they will have the biggest cattle farm on earth.
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I can see why they stopped coming back
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i remember seeing this word for the first time while learning japanese

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night night anons. enjoy the run
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I wish you luck hamster.
based daddy
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I don’t know what magical estrogen filled lands you guys come from where there are so few women with masculine features that you peg any girl with a thick jaw as a dude >>681366150
Alright anons, how would you approach?
Are these the same women or do they just have similar clothes?
>genuine trigger warning
>for insects in a video game
You won't even need WW3 to end the west, it's already finished
>"casually" lifts tits knowing she's in the audience cam
The random thoughts that pop into Ito's head when he's out and about and he files it away in his head for the next time he's doing a short story collection. They can't all be winners.
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did the girl in the back say anything at all this run?
Why not just use hydraulic jacks to move it up a bit so they could pull him out? The dad was a fucking retard and didn't deserve sex with his daughter.
The girl in the back is for decorative purposes only.
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AA look at this.
be on jah with me, is the runner an actual female or a troid?
Crouched from behind for a stealth takedown.
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At least ESA has some nice garls.
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yea but chill bro some people just don't like talking a lot like others do
obvious tranny without any doubt whatsoever
Someone should dono for trans rights in palestine and see what happens
it's cute seeing /v/ so confused about this runner
tranny or extremely ugly. Either why doesnt matter, they suck.
they just won't read it. entire MSF board are kikes and so are its founders.
Any good runs?
south east asian genes do that
>no pronouns
How am I supposed to know if they're fe/fae????
>troon wearing a mask to hide the man-jaw
many such cases
i see said the blind man
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I just realized the couch girl is the hat girl I didn't look close enough.
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It's obviously a woman. Kinda funny how there's a non-trivial amount of anons that think otherwise.
>let admire you the cool visuals
>twitch encoding high speed sections as oil painting
i can't admire anything
Fishing for a combo opener with low kicks or light jabs
>Cosplaying Bayonetta made me realise I'm trans

We all know, anon
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>only 100k on day 1
It's over.
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>remember to take your meds
>if you need any
Can we get a count of total FSSHHHHHHs this run?
That would require us to unmute the stream
dont worry, on the last day a bunch of anonymous donations with no comment will miraculously donate 1k+ dollars
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holy fuck
>less viewers each year
>more money raised

is this a man?
Do the one with the fire and the shadow next time, that one was spooky.
smol hat girl is vute
why does she keep breathing like that
Is that the sound of her sucking spit through her teeth or whatever the fuck that is?
Imagine how wet that mask is
Could we rather get a hawk tuah counter?
She's partially blocked her air way and moisture is gathering in it.
remember the name I gotcha tomorrow
There's nothing interesting in this speedrun. It's just an Asian guy playing an action game with perfect timing. The whole "speedrunning" strat was just determining the fastest damage build to play the game with.
I guess he's said you can skip a monster arena or two.
OK what the hell is going on here?
fucking bigot
there was a cool section where he skipped part of the level by moon walking in mid-air.
How do you guys feel about Lufia 2 being the mid marathon JRPG run?
I think everyone wants that
Good morning.
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Hope you enjoyed my runs time to nap for my next run tomorrow.
i'm going to be honest with you blud, i wish we had ff9 again
too many posters mindbroken by troons. I kind of feel bad when women get caught up in the cross-fire like this.
Woke up, went to bed after Mega Man 9. Anything of note happen between then and now?
Male eyes
If you don't you hate trans and minorities
I dont get it, cant even see her goodies
Its probably from these retarded setup maintain minigame events
Good Halo 2 and Tomb Raider runs
should have gotten a scarf to hide his adam's apple
They don't. I rarely see anyone in a mask anymore.
> guy
I’m pretty sure it’s a Ftm
This shit was never funny faggot
Tomb Raider might have been neat, but it started around like 6AM for me. Thought I'd get some proper sleep in this time.
I really don't care about what the runners looks or sounds like, so straight to the point: Are the runs until now watchable / entertaining, or more like a chore?

9:00 AM. God, I need a coffee.
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You need to go back

Yeah, FF runs are comfy.
this one in particular definitely a chore. some of them have been enjoyable
So what are the odds Silent Hill runner is a tranny?
>GDQ has a hard limit of 10 hours for submissions
>ESA lost both night shift and stream 2
it's joever... now only on RRLAT can we enjoy the comf long runs
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mostly chores so far
halo2 was ok i guess
>unpause stream
>massive mask inhale
it's so unfair bros, imagine if there was a hugbox culture around incels, instead the hugbox props up unlovable troons so they can achieve temporary happiness before reality eventually inevitibly sets in
Thanks. Guess I can check the VOD for that one once it's up.
i'm not even a covid denier but this mask breathing is actually driving me nuts
pretty stoked for silent hill
>trans egg cracked

>love is love
>love is for everyone
>love is love
>we stand with X
>pride love
>trans rights are human rights

Jesus christ what is it with all this pandering
What’s an egg? What does that mean?
I was playing Bayonetta for the first time recently, but I didn’t really enjoy it.
>love is love
Unless you want to text a 17year old and 350 days old child!
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mask breathing rights are sith rights
I don't hate LGBT but I really want this trans rights slogan slinging to stop, it's just getting fucking obnoxious, just exist and shut up like all the normal people
It that the Twitch chat? Probably the only thing they are allowed to say, now that saying "Free Poolestine" will result in a ban.
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cracking an egg has become a catch phrase for becoming trans
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It was either during speedrunning Ikea furniture or something between sets. They were fun to watch. Kind of sad mommy milkers was thrown out. Some drama was going on ESA Discord, but didn't care to read it.
>All this tranny pandering
I actually like the slurping
>What’s an egg?
Nah nah, you ain't getting me to talk, ayylmao.
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"someone who's trans, but doesn't know it yet" AKA a grooming target.
"Cracking The Egg" is a ritual all transsexual endure. They put their testicles in a table vise and pop them, much like cracking an egg.
people before they come out as trans are known as eggs, as in waiting to hatch as transgender, its some weird cult bullshit
That's what the donation reader dude spouts when ever he opens his mouth. I get it, it's an autism/trans event, np, I just want to watch games
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Just got home from fucking work, did I miss anything good? Any autism or cringe moments?
girl on the couch has the patience of a saint
Wtf why is an actual woman on screen?
I have it muted at the moment, so it may be improving the experience.
Any disasters yet or just boring runs for the most part?
Nah, only trans rights are human rights every few minutes.
>Lacy choker

You already know.
Yeah don't they realize that they exclude every other group when they do this "Trans rights!" shit all the time?
Like sure that they say it rarely like before, but now it's like every 10min
>one handed speedruns

What’s he do with the other hand?
I love that trannies have become so normalized at gdq that we now have to wait for confirmation if the person on screen has a penis or not before we can jerk off so we aren't gay.
She has top hats, anon
The muppet was allowed to speak. Adorable.
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What's the % that actually goes to Doctors Without Borders these days?
>Masking policy is back

Really? Didn't they get rid of the mask policy for AGDQ 2023? And now they brought it back? Also, the pride flags on the walls in the background, kek.
>colorful commentary
what a bitch
no disasters so far
just boring so far
>wait for confirmation if the person on screen has a penis or not before we can jerk off
look at this coward using the safety strat
Your runs over get off the goddamn stream
groomer term for someone who is being maliciously targeted by trans predators
so I guess it's over
Retarded faggot anons will call you cringe for saying something totally normal.
But know that you are based.
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>4 trans flags in that photo alone
what is that laugh
>cut away early

Ok, that was awesome.
that venue is VERY optimistic
they said $5 lets them vaccinate 12 africans which is a good ROI if that's what you're into
Mask is a cover tool, doesn't work though.
Amazing, tech crew are fucking up again
oh my gawd. I can't handle more of this loud mouth breather. Fuck that psyche out.
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Rate this run
No, how much goes to them and how much goes to Mike Uyama being a piece of shit?
>trans rights
>have the same rights as everyone else
>people unironically acting as if they don't
how did we get here?
I barely recognize you anymore, /v/
not amazing, but it was entertaining enough
D. Being under time is it's best feature.
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C for cutting away.
D not a very interesting speed run
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I'm doin' him a C
What's with the mask

Gdq is fucked anyways, only here to see what kind of retardation thems have to offer
C for Covid
sometime people don't know there trans yet. it's kinda like when someone doesn't realize when they are gay
Unironically psyop'd.
B for Bayonetta
another shameful display, both in terms of gameplay and appearance, a ZZZ.
Z for slurping while breathing
I'll go with C although I've clocked out near the end and rewatched the Crash 2 rerun SGDQ '15 highlights instead
Do we have a graph anon? Can someone post the current graph for those of us just now joining the shitposting?
C got better after I muted.
d not mad but the voice was bad and didn't let the cute girl talk
but i'm not blocking ads, i just know how to not get them
At least her voice was cute
annoying to listen to
the cute girl has an extremely retarded nervous laugh that she does constantly. probably for the best.
Competent run and they maintained tranny voice well all game. Boring speedgame.
If you don't believe in letting trannies groom kids then you're "literally" advocating for trans genocide according to them
F for the stupid mask breathing and boring run
seems the rating is curry according to your image
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This literally looks like some drug addict who came with his therapist/sponsor.
Victimhood. They can only see themselves as oppressed, never as oppressors.
it's just trannies manipulating vulnerable young people and the mentally ill
should be illegal
Time for 30min of setup time!
>forced y'all
Regarding PCF but methinks same thing applies to MSF
will the girl with the small hat be back?
>person finally gets a decent job
>first thing they do with the money is donate it
C I thought the breathing and slurping was cute and on brand for a girl that speedruns games
>Squishmellows are prizes

You can buy those at Target.
undercover monks. they are cumming for our babies
I asked a guy to sponsor me at AA and that nigger dropped me. Like I went to our third session and he said "I don't think you're taking this seriously".
3 years sober out of spite.
>jew ho

what do sponsors even do
based and virtuous, shame they donated to a tranny event
Donate enough and you get tax write offs
there just has to be that one guy
my kino senses are tingling
best silent hill game of the series
>the one I actually wanted to watch
>conveniently is on now when I have to go for a while
Why is the game audio so fucking low?
When poor people start getting money they usually start putting that into all manners of stupid shit
I would know
Let the hate keep you sober.
why are their only guys on stage right now?
Comfy run time
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>Got the house to myself (gf staying over at her step-brothers)
>cracked open a couple beers
>made a large smoked ham sandwich
>watching some comfy speedruns
life is good bros
the one on the right could be either or
This is the most jewish nose I have ever seen in my life
I'm in awe
basically a free therapist and you can call whenever you want them if you're fiending
Finally a game that I have played enough times to notice the tricks and stuff. Gonna get that coffee asap and hope I don't miss more than 10 minutes
>imagine playing games from the previous millennium
Chad dad and his college kid couch?
He's Italian
He looks like your stereotypical redditor but isn't obese.

$10 says he's seen every superhero-based movie.
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Is the runner wearing a fake nose?
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Saying >Any is the equivalent shitpost of BRRT/BRRRT without exposing you are shitposting
Kek I also thought his nose looked fake, it's so weird, like it's not real.
Anon, I don’t know how to tell you this…
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you haven't earned the right to shout out yet
>last surviving couch member from the long long ago
These people look like actual human beings, a nice change from all of the grotesque abominations that the stream has been subjected to
Shout out to Susan.
Wasn't Punchy chicken nuggets?
in the other contexts I've heard of sponsors they're paying for whoever they're sponsoring
I like how he looks so much older than the rest of them but is probably of similar age.
Have we seen any runner without pronouns yet?
Or did they finally achieve total saturation?
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You got it. You've wasted essential brain matter on speedrun drama.
you can't force someone to become trans they are now holding a gun up to someone to make them realize they are the other gender
the last runner didnt have them and it was confusing because he was an effeminate trans asian fat man
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wake me up so I can go to sleep
The last runner had everyone confused on what they really were because nobody could tell.
I love PS1 dithering
There's no way that's the same guy right.
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one of them is fucking Dream and the other is our resident tranny Corvimae
how do you not notice this
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Why the long face?

Fuck, I've been here too long
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it's called social pressure. when it appears all speedrunners and fans are trans, it can make people feel like they need to be trans to fit in. idc if trans people exist, just don't want GDQ to overcorrect and make it seem like you have to be trans to enjoy speedrunning
It would be less of a problem if they hadn't banned all the normal people over the years.
Mediocre player, uncharismatic one man band commentary with a silent couch
he looks like an overworked nursery student
okay but have you ever seen them in the same place at the same time? furthermore, when was the last time you saw Dream's face and when was the first time you saw Mae's face? it lines up pretty well, unless you have a better explanation
It's not social pressure, autistic people are more likely to be trans and speedrunning is full of autists sooo
Trans people are worse than vegans talking about only one aspect of their life to anyone that will listen
you mean normal autists
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>"The game is from 1999..."
>"So its like 23 years old"
You wat nigga

Fuck this shit, I miss Punchy.
I mean, his was a passiv aggressiv fuck, but atleast he was entertaining
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reminder to never stick dick in crazy
you just know she gives the sloppiest toppies
I'm surprised any biological women at the event like dick.
>autistic people are more likely to be trans
How many of them don't actually see themselves as trans, and instead just see it as a real life cheat code to force everyone else to socially accept them and celebrate them, something that is generally beyond their reach otherwise.
>be autist
>need to know if someone is on your side or not
>yell "trans rights"
>wait for their response
this bitch is a demon from hell disguised as a human and you can't convince me otherwise
man, konami are such stupid bitches for remaking 2 instead of 1
her diaper is probably chafing
Can you get free gibs and such if you're trans?
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same energy
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get fuckedbanga
I'm glad they did cuz they're fucking up 2 and I like 1 more.
you know what, you are right
smoothoperative is fucking hot. wish she was on gdq more
The in-jokes...
what diaper brand do you think she likes most?
I'm betting Rearz!
It depends
Outside of your projection it's most likely zero
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tranny derangement syndrome is real
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Depends have horrible absorbancy. I'm thinking Tena!
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Will there be any runs worth watching in the next 12 hours or so?
Yeah, this one
my runs in 4 hours get some snacks ready
*gears whirring*
I really there would be separate web players so that it could be possible to watch just the game without all the extra crap on screen. Like the separate elements on Zoom. Of course, it would piss off advertisers badly.

Using OBS just to watch this with elements blocking every that is not the game may be overkill, but I'm tempted to do it.
I think there's a real market for dick chains that smell like pussy.
For trannies who don't want to cut off their dicks but still want to smell like women down there.
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i feel like this guy could give his ass a wipe at any time of the day and there would be some shit on the paper

stupid tattoo, what a debacle
I don't spend 23 hours a day on internet, so obviously not. I used the hidden streams during the remote editions, but that probably does not work anymore.
>Is that a bonk?
It's $5 nigga just say it is
>random guy in the audience is yelling stuff that is apparently hilarious
>cant hear what is being said
>all I see is just the couch laughing at random
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it's actually a myth that autistics are more likely to be trans, because autistic people are less swayed by peer pressure which is the driving force behind the modern trans epidemic
yeah now that I think about it i dont think there are separate streams for non-remote runs. So I know as much as you do. We'll just have to suffer through the eye cancer together <3
This run is pretty good
man, they are beating these jokes to death
Anything with Josh being a whiny pissant is cringekino though
GDQ tradition
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actual autists of course not, they are too busy being autistic and being banned from speedrunning events like blueglass

all the other dregs of humanity however that are on the "spectrum" are all fair game
cute hat
cute girl
Dr. Nitrus Brio
many such cases
i feel like these people get so nervous about all the viewers that if they can latch on to anything to break the silence, they will run it into the ground rather than feel awkward.. every single time
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Just woke up, went to sleep after the shitty Mega Man run. Was there any kino in the night that I missed?
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I do the firefox PiP thing, but it's not perfect, since I can't cover the left side with the web browser. This is my left screen, so I have to turn my head to see anything.
you missed darth vader with swamp mouth spitting into its mask for 2 hours
Zero energy and enthusiasm from the host now that there's no trannies on the screen. Nigga would not shut up last run.
The background looks like a matte painting placed behind a small group of extras.
I see it
The crowd was green screened in this year
Why do these guys always latch onto a word and pretend its the funniest shit in the world. "orb" "sheryl" etc, its so fucking stupid
Shinobi is a fun speed game
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Mattes are a lost art.
What's Blueglass been up to?
Gotta be IN THE CLUB
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if I've had a nickel every time they went "Bustin' makes me feel good" during the MM9 run of a few hours ago, I'd have had enough to dine with a fine salmon sushi platter
i see. thank you friend
Because it's incredibly funny to say the same word over and over again.
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No masks?
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At least it's something specific to this game and not shit like "Orb."
He tried to save us.
No it isn't
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are you 12? why are you on 4chan?
the constant laughter was far more annoying
They are trying to force out the next meme.
It does
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That wasn't even close to the melody of Running Up That Hill.
You just keep forcing it so someone hits that $500 dono to get a big cheer for "cheryl" or whatever
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It ain't easy being the Bushmaster.
Who chooses Silent hill to speedrun? If you have any appreciation for the game as it is why would you speedrun it?
It was, it just wasn't the part where she actually said "running up that hill"
There WILL be a name incentive for Cheryl later and they WILL all pretend to find it hilarious.
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>Saying random names now
It's not funny anymore.
>its ok you're gonna get bloober'd in 2 months
You see in Heavy Rain, you press X ah who gives a shit
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Use Streamlink with MPC-HC. There are numpad hotkeys to zoom, pan, and even rotate with output settings that support it.
>it's actually a myth that autistics are more likely to be trans
Not true at all. The link is empirical. What's not empirically understood is the mechanism.
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I have never played a Silent Hill game before, are they fun? I had the opportunity to steal one of those games that released on the PS1 but I didn't take that one.
>Who chooses Silent hill to speedrun?
People who are bored of speedrunning Resident Evil games
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streamlink > mpv > crop script ( https://github.com/occivink/mpv-scripts/blob/master/scripts/crop.lua )
make sure you set the hotkeys down below, its the best way I know how to do it
Yes, this game is awesome, 2 is iconic, 3 is good and 4 is alright.
It's more that autistics tend to be more easily influenced and groomed. Less that they actually experience gender dysphoria.
1-4 are good horror games which are very mechanical to play. They have supremely good atmosphere which overcomes that for most players but some just won't like it.
>not even watching the cutscene with the music
soulless run
>you now remember that lisa was a druggie in Origins
1, 2 and 3 are must plays, 4 is an interesting game that's not as good but still worth a look. The rest you can ignore.
Are the games on Steam worth playing or should I emulate the old ones? I can't tell anymore if the games on steam are remakes or sequels anymore.
They're a good time, anon. Play 1 to 3, keep going with 4 if you're really enjoying them.
just play signalis instead
I don't even know what's on Steam but I'm gussing it's the 360 era slop.

Emulate 1
Look up the enhancement patches for 2 and 3 for the PC version.
Thanks, I will Try. The OBS attempt does not work, as the video will stop playing in the background to save resources, plus I don't have enough power for everything on the office workstation.
Stay far away from the "HD Collection" remaster, it is crap.
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this SGDQ beginning so boring, even their bots prefer to talk about next year's edition instead
Didn't they basically remove the atmosphere in the remaster?
Do you guys think the new Porter Robinson album is too pop or is it good he's going in a different direction?
>and 3
SH3 got a fan made enhanced edition like 2?
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Yes. Along with a deluge of bugs.
The one with Comic Sans font? From what I have seen, it makes the 1.0 PC version look good.

(I have never played Silent Hill 2 on PS2, just PC, then Xbox).
Rate this run

Not as big as S2EE, but it'll get it going on PC.
A. I enjoyed it.
C. I'd rate it higher if the jokes weren't so fucking annoying.
Has anyone experienced this kind of "pea soup" fog in real life? My grandfather mentioned it used to be common in London when he was young, where it was so thick you couldn't see your own feet at times. That sounds like it would be interesting to experience.
autistics are LESS easily influenced
cant tell which one is the remake they look the same outside of the fog filter
A. It was getting old, but then the run ended.
(A) Bonk

Good run ruined by autistic couch
competent runner but the couch and constant giggling were fucking annoying
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Why do so many remasters do this? How fucking hard is it to keep the same colours/lighting atmosphere? Fucking cash grab cunts makes the game worse
I was being sarcastic retards
B. I don't really care for SH, but run was fine.
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I'm doin' him a B
S. For Silent Hill.
A, would be S for Silent Hill but the audience participation killed the vibe.
i hate this guy’s face and his facial hair
C - fine, not bad
they fixed it in the PS3 version. 360 version forever fucked

might have been A but for the forced meme attempt
Yeah, it's really shitty to drive in.
>people having fun? Not on my watch! Wahhhh wahhh
Well guess what you WEREN'T supposed to see? The edge of the video game map. Now which might a competent developer make?
>How fucking hard is it to keep the same colours/lighting atmosphere?
I'm not advocating for it because it's fucking atrocious how bad they make them look, but unironically yes. Most of these remasters are done in new engines because no-one wants to work with the old ones, and recreating it 1-1 is just nearly impossible.
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Found him.
Autists being immune to hazing against transmaxing is actually one of the proposed explanations for the link.
Self involvement > group think not always a good thing.
Id say C. Great game but boring run and It started getting really obnoxious with the forced meme
looks like the sea to me
Waldo... easy on the speedruns
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>only runner for this category
Is this the shit block or the shill block?
more time spent explaining why something isn't a bonk than what the speed strat is onscreen at any given moment.
The one where Silent Hill's signature thick fog creates an otherworldly void around them and also hides the extent of the area is the original. The one where there's a hint of haze and visible corners is the remaster.
B for based couch
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>SporadicErratic on mic
C for competent.
What the hell is Afteri Mage?
holy shit america
u have entered the dorito dimension :DDDDDD
How the fuck are runs like this accepted?
This Doritos shilling
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God, fuck the doritos ads. I'm trying to quit snacks and lose some weight here.
Doritos aren't even that good
It's empty... So empty
shit taste
What did I miss last night? Post the ratings
It's sub 1 hr and its a game no one has every seen or played.
One of my favorite tracks from Einhander. I'd actually let the boss live just so I could hear all of it because normally you kill it in like 10 seconds.
Different game engines and shit tier game studios that have no actual good employees
Yeah. Those fucking zoomer tranny shills are absolute cringe when they do that. Not kino at all.

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