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I don't get it.

What would they even use it for?
It has a mouth.
Factory jobs where small niggas are required
A.I. Artificial Intelligence is a good example of this: a mother lose her child and/or couldn't reproduce. So they have a "replacement" or a robot kid to compensate.
The reveal that the kid is an android ruined the entire point of the domestic abuse story because the "abuse" is the equivalent of a guy hitting his Xbox when he gets mad.
Training Catholic priests
Only a sub human would strike a gaming platform.
I still haven't decided if the girl in the beginning was supposed to be an Alice or not.
If we're talking the original Xbox which has literally stopped a bullet, he'd break his hand.
You just don't ze get eet. The robots are just aza worth a human life!
That movie was really depressing
/v/ is Catholic?!?!
>middle school teacher shows us this
>robot male prostitute
>long as fuck, takes several periods to watch
>depressing end
What the fuck was she thinking?
>Significant decline in birthrates.
You know anon. You know.
looks like they painted an african child chrome
Probably the same model but I honestly doubt she is because that would be cool and David cage is an actual hack.
What would you use a real child for?
If an android can feel the same emotions as a human being, have independent thoughts yo the degree of a human being (so actually not much), have a personality, wants and desires of a human being, looks like a human being, and could even be made to reproduce like a human being, what sets it apart from an actual human being? Hard mode: no religious nonsense.
origin, biology, history, society
They are not human.
Really did just make a naked child model with a robot texture.
Jesus Christ, David cage.
not relevant at all unless you go down the religious route
That raises the question of whether the more prosthetics someone has, does that make him less human? We can do artificial legs, arms, teeth, hearts, neuroprosthetics, eyes.
>history, society
Americans aren't human, I agree.
david cage is such a hack that this is somehow his least stupid twist
Emphasis on the word

Their "emotions, thoughts, wants and needs" do not arise by themselves from biological impulses, they're only performing an act that a human programmed them to do.
What women do with realistic baby dolls now but even more deranged
>emphasis on the word if
Yes, I brought up a hypothetical which is becoming more relevant the more tech advances. Good job.

What is a bilogical impulse if not programming? The only difference is one programming is done by a human, the other by nature, but if the end result is functionally identical, then the distinction is pointless.
Cringe. Kys machine lover
Based. Keep living machine lover.
I win. shouldn't have went up against me, you could have seen my intellectual superiority from the start.
it's obviously the same model. What was so hard to understand about this?
>no cunny hole
Does she at least have an asshole? Cuz if not then whats the point.
Yeah but then they have their kid rebuilt and he's an asshole
she has good tastes lmao
>OP see's the androids
>Only thought that goes through his head is "they're for sex and only sex"
No anon, none of the androids are specifically made for sex. They can be raped but they're made to be slaves.
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>robot has soft blushing feet that produce heat
Why was giving the child robot breasts important unless your team is a bunch of flight list being-oners
The cops and connor wouldn't have cared if an android had an android hostage.
>body type 2
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Blade Runner did it better 20 years before hand and didn't skirt around what their purpose was.
You might be comfortable cuddling a tictac, but people wanted to be able to forget they had a robodaughter
How depressing?

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