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I immediately dip out of every video wanting to discuss the series calling it that. It's only tolerable if they clear out that they are a newbie.
How is it actually pronounced? "Eese"?
It's pronounced Why S
It would be unwise to take the path of ease
Where do I start with this series?
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Y's Origins. It's the start of the timeline after all.
The beginning? The older games are like 10 hours long. I'd at least start there to get the most basic backbone of the lore out of the way then jump around whichever entry you want. Every game is a new adventure with the same silent protag. The games also have 3 distinct "eras" characterized by their engine and gameplay. The engines developed as: bump combat>napishtim engine>party based.

My recommendation:
>Ys I+II Chronicles (bump combat)
Maybe you'll find it outdated but it's short and the backbone of the lore
>Ys IV Dawn of Ys (bump combat)
Optional if you liked the first one, they remade it in a later engine but it holds up
>Ys III Oath in Felghana (napishtim engine)
Second game in the new engine, a remake of Ys III
>Ys VI Ark of Napishtim (napishtim engine)
First game after a while and the start of the new engine
>Ys Origin (napishtim engine)
Last game in the new engine, prequel story
>Ys IV Memories of Celceta (party based engine)
Remake of IV in the latest engine style
>Ys VII (party based engine)
>Ys VIII (party based engine)
>Ys IX (party based engine)

To be honest after Chronicles you can jump around wherever. And that's especially true after Origin (considering you also played Oath and Ark too), the party based games are very loose with the chronology and lore.

No-one cares for V, many liked VIII so you could start with that as your first party based game.
Start with A's
Ys 1 and then 2. PCE-CD version is most people's favorite retro port, but Chronices+ on Steam is good too (just don't forget to lock your frames to 60). If you can't be bothered to do that play the PSP version, but it runs at 30 FPS.
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far ys of ysen
The first one
Geese, without the G.
You start with the originals, play all the way up to Ys Origins, then forget the series ever existed because what they did to the gameplay/engine past that point is a war crime.
I played Oath, Origin, I & II, then VI. I couldn't get into 7 though, so that's where I stopped.
The spic letter...
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>Adol had thrown the sword and saved Ceslica, by nothing short of a miracle, to be sure. But it came at a cost: the bird had fled with Caliocerion still lodged deep under its wing.
>"And so the curse strikes again..." Adol mutters to himself. He's disappointed that he lost his beloved sword, but he's not sad in the least. "All that really matters is that you're safe."
>That's not all that really matters!" she sobs. "You loved that sword, and it was perfect for you! You said it was more than just a sword to you!"
>"The purpose of a weapon is to protect what's important to you," explains Adol. "If I failed to save you, there wouldn't be a point to having a sword at all."
Easy to be a chad when you know you'll stumble upon another legendary weapon artifact soonish.
Play everything from oath in felghana and onwards.
Oath is were the series started to become good.

Kefin is good aswell, but you might want to refer to a guide since it has one of these "talk to every single character possibly known multiple times in order to get further" old ass vidya design, but in a bad way
Guys. I got filtered. By diagonal attacks. Were they just trying to be unique? What is this.
I hope X is good.
I do too. It doesn't seem it does anything too wild but i guess it's still gonna be fun. Feels like Ys is kinda playing second fiddle to Kiseki but you can only stretch the employees so much i guess.
just play 8 and ignore the rest
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Oath, Origin, and VIII.
American boxart Adol is so cool
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sega does what nintendon't
start with 1 and 2 (turbografx version), skip 3, play 4 (dawn, not mask), skip 5, then either stop here or keep playing in release order
More like Z's, haha
get it
cause it will make you sleep
cause it's boring
PC engine CD
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What's it supposed to be? Yih's?
Y in french is Eegrek
i like bee
su like bull

Since we aren't japanese and can pronounce katakana with it ending in a consonant you can say it as "is" "ease" or whatever.
Best videogame series imo
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Could be better but very few action jrpgs do the action part well imo so it is what it is.
This. Before anyone asks why, it literally means "Greek I", with the I pronounced Ee. So "Ee Grec".
Greek has like 5 different Is pronounced Ee so that makes sense i guess
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